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Shelby, NC

Palmer Park DGC

1.315(based on 8 reviews)
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Palmer Park DGC reviews

13 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 17.2 years 154 played 150 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Palmer Park

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 26, 2023 Played the course:once


Palmer Park is a 9 hole course with DISCatcher Baskets, natural tees, and numbered tee signs.Due to the more open nature of the course, it would be a great course for beginners who are learning how to play the game. For a more experienced player a midrange and a putter is all that will likely be needed. When I played the grass was nicely maintained.

Given how small the park is, the amount of variety here is pretty surprising. The holes range between 110 feet and 427 feet in length. There are uphill, downhill, and flat shots. The Par 4s actually feel like adequate Par 4s for the skill level the course is designed for. While they might be eagle-able, they felt like placement shots.

Hole 4 was a fun, blind, uphill shot from the tee. Holes 6, 7, & 8 were all longer holes that required more thought to scoring. Hole 8 in particular required a technical shot through some trees, over an offshoot of the creek, to access the green.

There are navigational signs pointing you to the next tee multiple times throughout the course.


At first the flow of the course felt a bit unintuitive. This is likely due to the tee signs being bare bones, and multiple baskets being in view from the tee. Around Hole 4, this issue subsides for the most part, as players will have gotten their bearings on the layout.

The course interacts with other parts of the tiny park. Hole 2 basically throws over the basketball courts and Hole 6 throws over a walking path. If this park was ever even slightly busy, this could be a pretty big issue. Especially with Holes 2, 6, & 7 having blind tee shots. Luckily when I played, on a sunny, summer, Saturday- I only saw one other person in the park, shooting hoops at the Basketball courts. He arrived when I did, and left before I finished Hole 3. He seemed surprised I was playing disc golf. I am not sure how much the course gets played.

The rough seems pretty thick. While it likely won't be an issue for most players, I imagine it would be fairly frustrating for a beginner.

Very limited parking. I couldn't tell if any of the spots were actually designated for the park, or if they were all meant to be for the apartment complex. Luckily the sign said cars would be towed for cars left overnight, so I took my chances. There was also another tiny lot of maybe 4-5 spaces near Hole 1's basket, on the other side of the park. Again near another apartment complex.

Other Thoughts:

I'm giving Palmer Park DGC a 1.5 rating. I still find it surprising that 9 holes fit into such a small park. Although the course likely sees very limited use, it was still nice to see a course here that attempted to be a bit more than a stale pitch-and-putt of holes maxing out around 200 feet. It was also nice to see it well maintained. If I lived in the neighboring apartments, it would be a fun place to unwind at the end of the day.

Favorite Hole: 8
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.6 years 321 played 303 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Scruggs Center Scares 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 22, 2022 Played the course:once


-There was a real attempt to make an interesting nine holer with very limited space. With the land being as small as it is, this really isn't half bad. I think it's slightly better than what it is credited for. There are a few interesting doglegs that all go to the left side. One of them (#7) actually gives an option to throw a safe hyzer around a house beside the church and then throw a reasonably short second approach shot to the basket. Or, you could go big and play it on the side of the tee box as an anhyzer between the church building and the house in the fairway. Holes #1 and #4 were nice par threes that play straight and slightly uphill.

-Few par fours. Two holes are over 400' and a couple are under 200'. #3 is a good one to try and ace.

-Elevation is actually solid on a few holes. #1 and #4 are a good bit uphill. #2 is a good bit downhill. #6 is slightly uphill hyzer with a big tree in the middle of the fairway. This hole begs the pros to throw a massive spike hyzer. Another hole I liked!

-Not far from the Scruggs Center. Earl Scruggs was a legendary banjo player so this place gives an exquisite bluegrass exhibition. You aren't far from downtown Shelby, so the food options around here are very diverse. Wolfman Woods is the new 18 hole course nearby, and it's a very fun raw gem!


-This isn't the scariest part of Shelby. Not even the scariest part of the Scruggs Center area but it's not a nice part of town. It's in one of bigger crime areas. Of the violent crimes in Shelby, about 93% are either assault or robbery. Meaning that has probably taken place at Palmer Park. When I came, there were only four people. Three of them were playing basketball. A couple of them were teenagers and one of them was an African American middle aged man that was probably a neighbor or family friend. The fourth guy was only around for a few minutes. He was a large Caucasian with dirty blonde hair. He seemed to be somewhere around my age or maybe even late twenties, but had the facial appearance of a high schooler. Gave a shady vibe; he gave me a weird look. Don't know where he was heading, or what he was up to, or if he lived in the neighborhood but the impression he gave was pretty strange. There are suspicious people that hang around here since it is right around the corner from Bobby Bell Blvd, which is maybe the most dangerous part of Shelby. Full of housing projects and alleys.

-The woods are messy. The rough on #2 is thorny and filled with poison ivy. #8 has you throwing around a row of trees in a ditch near the basket and it's a jungle in there. I didn't like this hole. The basket is straight ahead from the tee but the row of trees is right before you reach the basket. Hole is about 430'. The sidewalk is to the right side, but you have to go a good way to the right side to avoid the row of trees. If you want to birdie this par four, you have to really rip one to the right side over the sidewalk. A possible safety hazard for pedestrians.

-Parking is limited. Not many available spaces here. Many of the parking spaces in the parking lot by the park are designated for residents on the property beside the park. You'll see a bunch of no trespassing signs.

-#1 and #2 are entirely too close to the basketball court. #2 just about has you throwing over it. There always the chance of hitting the house on #7 too.

Other Thoughts:

-Palmer is okay. The part of town isn't pleasant but the course isn't bad. You'll find yourself throwing drivers here and there and you'll have room to work on some long drives. The pads are natural, but the tee signs are marked by green markers that aren't difficult to spot.

-You'll see the bail bonds service nearby on #7 so the fact that it's beside the law center may deter people from committing a crime around here during the day at least. There's a chance that you'll have it to yourself though. It tends to be less crowded. It's a nice warmup for Wolfman and South Mountain, which are both excellent courses nearby.

-I've been playing Wolfman Woods pretty often lately on weekends and usually stop at the Starbucks on 74 afterwards to catch up on work, so I'll be back at Palmer at some point in time soon. It's not the best nine holer, but it isn't a disappointing one.
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2 0
Experience: 20.3 years 22 played 7 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Palmer's Park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 4, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


Its the only disc golf course in town.
Good length on a few holes.
Park stays maintained.


Several bland holes
There are tee signs but no designated pad or line.
Potential for park users to be in the way on several holes.
The course is on the egde of a bad neighborhood.

Other Thoughts:

Palmer's park is not a large park and the course takes up the whole area. Luckily the park is almost never busy, but if it was the course would be difficult to play.

There are several interesting holes here, and the only real throw away hole is number 3.
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1 0
Experience: 15.7 years 6 played 5 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Good idea, Poor execution 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 8, 2013 Played the course:once


A short walk from downtown Shelby, NC

Hole 6 is a pretty good hole.


Many of the tee signs have been ripped down, leaving a bit of guesswork.

Most of the holes are blind throws, with safety being an issue due to location of the park. Without another person to serve as a spotter, one could accidentally hit someone.

Watch out for the parking lot on hole 1, the basketball court on hole 2, walkers on hole four, another parking lot and more walkers on hole 6, the church and parsonage on hole seven, etc.

Other Thoughts:

The creek adds a nice atmosphere to the park, but was rather dirty. When a bad throw dropped my midrange in it, I was a little worried about cutting myself on something. The water was too muddy to see and I had to feel around to find the disc.

Would not play again.
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 17.3 years 275 played 236 reviews
1.50 star(s)

There is a reason this course is behind the Law center. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 23, 2012 Played the course:once


Play hole 3 a few times a day and your ace count can look like Cubby's.
Risk vs. Reward on hole 5, with the basket being on the downward slope.
Holes 6, 7, and 8 had more distance, but holes 6 and 8 would be the only two holes that felt like the usual holes you would see at another course.
I was under the impression that the navigation was difficult and finding tee pads would take time, but despite the odd flow, navigation is pretty easy and the course can be played quickly.


No clear tee areas, just find a spot next to the tee sign and throw.
Minimal tee signs with just hole number and distance. Very odd flow, jumping back and forth between holes you end up walking in the shape of a knot.
High grass.
Slight safety issues in an already suspect area: Parking lot came into play on hole 1, hole 2 throws over basketball court and directly over number 3's fairway. Hole 7 was a 90 degree turn near property lines and along a sidewalk.
Parking was not ideal, people from the housing project were parked facing uphill taking up 3 spaces each. There were only 8 spots total. We parked up by the Law Enforcement Center, then did not like not being able to see the car and parked on the hill.
OB can come into play (if you count the creek and all pavement), but the only purpose is serves is to punish an already horrible throw.
Several of the baskets seemed low. #5 is very low, slightly tilted, and their was a bald spot in the chains.

Other Thoughts:

There is a sign that specifically says that sex offenders are banned from course, so pedoplayers can take their discs elsewhere.

I think course was simply planned poorly. Recap: Hole 1 had the parking lot on left, 2 threw over basketball court and hole 3, 3 was a dinky little putt of a hole, then you walk back over 1 to 4. 4 and 5 are blind shots when they do not need to be. 7 was just poor all around. Throwing 80 feet then turning 90 degrees near a house to throw 250 feet along a sidewalk and property lines.
(photos added)
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8 5
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 30.3 years 394 played 276 reviews
0.50 star(s)

D+ = Doesn't have much happenin' for a 9 holer 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 21, 2009 Played the course:once


What I personally like and how this course stacks up in my list of 9 hole courses:

1) Holes with good risk/reward. Fair, but harsh punishment for bad decisions or execution. == C-
(No punishment anywhere that would add an extra stroke to ones score for a bad shot. Some terrain and trees might just get you a bad roll-away.)

2) Holes that have rewarding birdie opportunities for me. I throw 300' accurately, 360' max. == C-
(Most of the short holes are too short to be rewarding and the 2 long holes are too long to be rewarding.)

3) More wooded than open - lots of variety of shots required caused by hole shape and topography == C
(Given what the designer had to work with, there is a decent variety of shot shapes. My favorite hole is 196' #5 which throws ~160' over a flat lawn and then things drop off. The basket is on the downslope with the hill still continuing behind it. I love how that messes with your depth perception! I threw 3 ace-run discs at it and they we all short.)

4) Natural beauty (Appalachian beauty preferred) and seclusion. == C-
(While the park is maintained pretty well and in decent shape, it is located in a low end neighborhood. Since it is so open, there is no seclusion from that.)

5) Bonus points for multi-throw holes with defined landing zones, good risk/reward and multiple options to play them. == N/A
(There are 2 longer holes where I can not get in putting range. These are not par 4's for me, but would be decent par 4's for folks who throw around 225-250')

Other Thoughts:

It's all about feeding the addiction, so I ranked this course subjectively based on my own "personal addiction factor". The grades above tell how well the course will draw me back to itself again and again and again. Since I have played a decent number of courses (149 18-hole, 91 9-hole as of late 2009), my hope is that players/explorers who have similar addiction tastes will find my ratings list helpful as they choose courses to play and explore.

I fully expect others with different tastes/philosophies to disagree with me....that's the fun of things here. See my profile for my rating philosophy.
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9 1
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
1.50 star(s)

I Don't Think This Course Gets Much Use! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 19, 2009 Played the course:once


Palmer Lake is a little recreational nine hole course set in this nice little park. The park slopes down to a creek in the middle giving some elevation opportunities on many holes. It's another one of these NC courses where I'm not sure who the designer was building the course for, Beginners or recreational type players. # 3 is a simple little 110 ft. wide open hole and then there is # 7, a 427 downhill hyser. # 2 features a sharp hyser shot around some trees. There are no teepads and no signs of anywhere where people have been teeing it off from. This leads me to believe that this course doesn't get many disc golfers. There are small tee signs giving the distance, par and hole #. The baskets were basically, both with no signs of any vandalism.


I wouldn't want to be playing this course when the park was busy with some kind of party or celebration. It's more than a pitch and putt but not quite a full sized recreational course. I'm going to agree with Craig that the course doesn't flow real well.

Other Thoughts:

Unfortuantly, someone built this course in the wrong neighborhood. There are project type apartments on both sides of the course. If this nice little park was in a better neighborhood of Shelby, I could see it getting a fair amount of play, because it kind of an enjoyable little throw.
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12 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.3 years 616 played 565 reviews
1.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 30, 2008 Played the course:2-4 times


It's a short, quick 9 hole course. Allows for quick rounds and plenty of birdie chances.
- Holes 6 - 8 are legitimate holes. Nice stretch of longer, more challenge layouts. You have to throw well on these to get your pars.
- Good mix of easy, shorter holes & more challenging ones.
- Good baskets.
- They didn't have much to work with, so I'll give them credit for making it as difficult as possible.


Course is cramped. They used every inch of space to squeeze in 9 holes. I haven't come across many other courses (thankfully) that are as squeezed as this one.
- If the course is ever crowded, you'll have to keep an eye on people playing other holes. Risk of throws from other holes overlapping is high.
- Sign by parking area says "Parking lot is under 24-hour surveillance." That pretty much describes the surroundings.
- There isn't much flow to the course. After playing hole 1, holes 2 & 3 are to the right. Then you cross back over the first hole to play 4 & 5. Then you walk back past the first teepad to play 6. With a little better planning, they could have had the holes flow in order, like most courses, instead of crossing back and forth.

Other Thoughts:

This course would get a lot more play, and positive attention, if it were located in a more disc golf friendly location. Swap this nine-hole course out with many others in the region (Crest, Kings Mountain HS, Dorton, North Cabarrus, etc.) and this course would be thought of in a much more positive light. Instead, it seems like it's going to waste.
- There are definitely some fun and/or challenging holes on this course. For only nine holes, you get a some nice variety.
- You're not going to be overwhelmed playing here. But (in disc golf experience only) you shouldn't be disappointed. #8 is really a fun hole. There's the challenge of a creek along the left side of the fairway, and a semi-low ceiling on a tee shot. The creek also guards the front and left of the basket. It takes two solid shots to get to the basket.
- As stated, put this course in a different location, and most of these reviews (mine included) would be higher scores. Keep that in mind when checking this course out.
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