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Marriottsville, MD

Patapsco Valley State Park

3.995(based on 59 reviews)
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Patapsco Valley State Park reviews

2 9
Experience: 26.4 years 123 played 6 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Patapsco picnic rounds 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 18, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


great terrain, rolling hills and woods with some open holes. mostly par 4 holes from long tees- green baskets. 2 baskets every hole. Awesome variety of shots off the tee and upshots.


too many par 3.5 holes forcing short drives to set up 2nd shot, with no risk/reward option.

Other Thoughts:

wish they opened up some of the wooded holes slightly so the tweener holes would be closer to tough par 3s than easy par 4s
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3 12
The otto
Experience: 8 played 8 reviews
5.00 star(s)

World Class 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 26, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Everything you're looking for in a par-72 course. Elevation change, open looks, tight lines - this course requires a mastery of almost every type of shot. Each hole now has 2 permanent tee pads, which are framed in and feature crushed aggregate stone. Each hole also has a short position, which are moved throughout the year, and a permanent long set up, known as the "Green Monster" as the long baskets are powder coated a flourescent green.


I've been playing this course for years, but I would imagine that finding one's way around for the first time could be rather difficult. Ticks/gnats can be annoying, so plan for them accordingly. $2 per person entry fee, but that's common for all MD state parks.

Other Thoughts:

This course has something for everyone. Amateurs can play short to short, pros can play the green monster. The course is about a 40 min drive from downtown Baltimore.
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0 9
Experience: 25.3 years 14 played 5 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Favorite Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 26, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


This is my favorite course in maryland. It is extremely well kept, and the baskets stay in place so that I can compare my scores and actually see my improvement.


dogs must be leashed. Costs money to get in to the park.
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18 3
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 25.3 years 1329 played 136 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Top Notch Disc Golf! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 21, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


While perhaps not a top 10 course, Patapsco in the Green Monster configuration can match up with any of the traditional powerhouse courses out there. The shorter pins and tees can make for great variety but to experience the best of Patapsco you need to see the longs; that said, my review here is specifically for the long-to-long Green Monster course.

Patapsco requires an excellent balance of course management, accuracy, mental toughness, and power to succeed (and roughly in that order). Players who possess only one or two of these three will struggle at some points during the course especially those without a flexible arsenal of save shots. As a previous reviewer mentioned, even on many of the more open holes, you'll need to accurately hit specified landing zones to get clean approaches to many of the tucked in pins. On the wooded holes, accuracy is often paramount and gaining 200' of distance down the fairway with good position can often be better than lies closer to the basket but in 'no-no' areas with brutal tree coverage. With the relentless stream of par 4's, you will (probably several times) find yourself with tough lies and even tougher lines to the pin. Those with good course management skills will recognize long-shot hail Mary's that are too long and will know when to pitch out for position. Losing one's cool and patience can quickly rack up extra strokes on these desparation shots.


The lack of permanent tee pads is the main 'con' to this course. With soooo many awesome holes, you really want to play your best golf and missing a shot due to a slip or trip can be a huge letdown! The only other drawback to the course is the lack of upkeep during the summer when the field holes are full of high grass (and lots of ticks!).

While I love the course design, there are a couple of tee/pin combinations which just aren't conducive to score/skill separation. An example of this is hole 18 in the high left pin which is a big long downhill hyzer shot into a small grassy valley inbetween two well-defined stands of trees on the right and left. Upon reaching the landing zone, the second shot is a very tight, but short uphill pitch to a pin in the stand of trees on the left. On the drive, there is very little a player can to do ensure that he/she will have a good putt for '2'. You do have the option of throwing high into the trees and hope to find a lucky lane to the basket - but this choice is simply to rely on luck and nothing else. The vast majority of players will elect to shoot down to the layup zone and will have a (too) long birdie chance/short up and down yielding an overall scoring range for advanced/pro players from the extremely rare (and lucky) two, ~75% threes, and ~25% fours either because a short putt was missed or a terrible drive/upshot.

Other Thoughts:

Out of the nearly 500 courses I've played, Patapsco remains one of my all-time favorite courses. It has all of the basics (woods, fields, elevation, multiple line fairways, challenging pin positions, multiple tee/baskets, etc.) that I look for in a great course and that special character that keeps you coming back again and again.
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0 16
Experience: 24.3 years 31 played 22 reviews
3.50 star(s)

great course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 25, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


potapsco is a very long technical course that i love to go to. it challenges me everytime i go, well it wants me to type more so im just gonna say LOVE POTAPSCO!!!


all the trees i hit at potapsco. but i always seem to hit trees. all kinds of trees that is :)
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3 1
Experience: 14.7 years 15 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Go visit Baltimore disc golfers! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 22, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


There are a lot of Pros. Great changes in elevation and a good mix between wooded and open holes. Tees are set for beginners and seasoned players. Holes are generally easy to find but a map can be obtained from the entrance in the parking lot.


The first time I played, it was hard finding the holes so I would suggest getting a map or printing one out from Google. The baskets are hard to find as well for first timers without a map. The closest baskets are generally in plain sight but the champion baskets (which are the ones you want to play) are almost never in sight from the tee. Hole 12 can be a little tricky for beginners and i would suggest throwing the the right of the basket otherwise you might spend some time hiking down a steep hill looking for your disc!

Other Thoughts:

Over all, one of my favorite courses from Maryland or Michigan. I highly suggest playing at this course. The holes are made to be challenging for any level and also fun at any level. So go check it out! Also.....check out my group Baltimore disc golfers on this website and join if you're interested in playing with new people!
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2 2
B Trizzle
Experience: 14 years 7 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

1st Time 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 6, 2010 Played the course:once


Great tee boxes, multiple baskets. Green baskets are nicely placed in more challenging areas. The park is pretty wide open, not a lot of places to loose your disc. There were only 3 other players on the course and they didnt arrive untile I was on hole 17.


Not clear on parking, park in the middle otherwise its a long walk back to your car. Some holes are too direct, not much of a challenge on some of the A pins.

Other Thoughts:

I played from the red tees to the A pins, it was my first time at this course and only my 3rd time playing. I'll try the blues next time and a diff pin.
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0 8
Experience: 26.3 years 111 played 4 reviews
5.00 star(s)

awesome in every way 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 18, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


2 sets of tees and baskets gives throwers 4 different courses from which to choose. Punisher layout is as good as it gets.
20 foot long tees
Many elevated greens
An incredible variety of shots.


Hole 7 is a head scratcher for some players. It has grown on me however.

Other Thoughts:

Probably the best course I have ever played.
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5 0
Experience: 14.6 years 82 played 12 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Top of the Line 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 5, 2010 Played the course:once


I will keep this short, Fantastic setting and course, variety of holes. Perfectly mix of open & wooded. Other than concrete, best tee boxes I have seen on a course. Its simply a disc golfer's paradise and a must play if you are in the area. Well groomed course. Fairly disk and beginner friendly. There is a lot of clearing around the baskets on most holes. Multiple tees and baskets make this so much more than a 18 hole course. They do give you a map at the entrance. pleanty of parking, picnic tables. restrooms.


Small wood sign at the bottom of the basket pointiing to the next hole would have been nice. Maybe its the time of year I played but the Nats drove me crazy on the back 9 after the 10th hole. Couple of holes you have to wait for traffic. I did not notice any tee signs or other indicating which postion the basket was in (A B C) I like the way Rockburn does it with the locks.

Other Thoughts:

For a $2 course what more could you ask for. Just needs a hot dog stand! pro shop with disc for sale! Its a 1st class course in my opinion and can't wait to play again.
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1 0
Experience: 23.5 years 18 played 17 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Amazing 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 4, 2010 Played the course:once


Great course in a nice clean park. The gravel teepads are so good/level that they rival any concrete ones I've played on. Multiple pins makes this very interesting. Nice variety of open/wooded, with some water and a ravine. The scenery was great, the locals were very helpful. Lots of elevation changes, and equal amounts of precision shots and opportunities to just "air them out"


Can be a bit confusing, no map/scorecards available in the kiosk. Finding the park is a bit hard (street addresses reset so you think you're going the wrong way). Finding hole 1 is also a bit tricky, I started at 4 (without realizing) and then finished with 1-3. Shooting some of the alternate pins puts you out of the way for the next hole.

Other Thoughts:

Would love to get back here someday to play the other set of pins.
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0 9
Experience: 17.3 years 24 played 21 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nice Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 20, 2010 Played the course:once


This course is set in a nice park that is very large and has a lot of things to do. The course itself was very difficult to follow. As it was my first time playing the course, it would have been helpful to have some sort of map or scorecard telling us where to go. In their defense, I imagine that they might have those two things more readily available in the summer months. The course has numerous tee/basket positions which can make the course easier or more difficult. I really enjoyed the back 9 holes. I thought 12-18 were totally different from the rest and offered a more fun challenge. Number 17 I believe which is all in the woods was a neat hole where you threw alongside a hill through the woods, and you could make a good shot on the basket with a good throw. The course does force you to use a number of different shots which is nice. Overall, I liked the course but next time I will take a map with me. The tee boxes were elevated and had a good amount of space to run up on.


Poor markings telling you where to go next.

Tees were missing signs so you didn't really know how far you were going or which basket you were to throw too.

I am personally a fan of Innova Discatchers over the Mach cages.

Other Thoughts:

This was a nice course settled in a cool park. I will definitely play this course again. On this day, my friend and I played this course and Rockburn Branch. I would choose Rockburn over this course any day.
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11 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 41.4 years 86 played 31 reviews
4.50 star(s)

The Green Monster 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 15, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Situated in a large, beautiful park along side the scenic Patapsco River, you can quickly forget you're actually in the suburbs of a large industrial city. Two landing strip-sized crush-and-run tees per hole. At least three pin positions and two installed baskets per hole, with one green anodized pin permanently installed in the C location allow you to tailor the level of punishment to your mood that round (the other pin floats between the A & B setting). Most fairways feel open (and long), but there are normally a few trees or obstacles that force you to shape your drive. Drive placement is important since most pin settings (particularly B & C) are tucked into pockets of trees that have a favored approach lane that you won't want to miss. All holes have some sort of elevation change or contour to negotiate, uphill, downhill, sidehill or across a ravine. No filler holes, though 14-16 do have an element of deja vu. A couple of the C pins overlook the Patapsco River. There are two nine hole loops that each return to the parking lot.


The tees, like any gravel tees are subject to pitting from wear (concrete wasn't permitted by the park). No epic downhill drive though there are some serious hills around (pretty sure they are protected areas). MD State Parks charge a $2 entry fee ($3 for out-of-state), well worth it in my opinion.

Other Thoughts:

I've held back on this review as the major improvements that were carried out this year have been rumored for some time. Most of the knockoffs for this course have now been addressed. The tees, while not concrete, are enormous and allow a serious run up (you'll need it). The Park management is now very supportive of the course, even helping with the new tees. It's also reflected with improved mowing of the fairways, particularly on the back nine where it was needed. Some of the newer C pin settings are exquisitely painful. The full punishment mode from the blue tees to the green C pins is known as the Green Monster layout at over 9200'. This layout is used for the A tier Patapsco Picnic which draws some of the top pros in the country.

Favorite holes for me are #5 ( tight uphill drive through some large pines), #7, (probably the signature hole), a long rip through the woods with more turns than an episode of 24, and #8, a tight straight drive along a sidehill sloping down to your left, and #17 (very similar to #8 but with more trouble if you go left.). #18 is also a great finishing hole. Any golf trip the the DC/Baltimore corridor should absolutely include this gem.
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12 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.3 years 156 played 149 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Balanced and Better! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 17, 2009 Played the course:once


SMOOTH FLAT CRUSHED GRAVEL TEES! Sorry for the screamer but please disregard all prior ratings that dissed this course for poor tees. Course has large perfect tees now! I was mostly impressed with the variety here. A few tight holes, A few open holes, and best of all there are 6 absolutely wonderful holes here:
#3 Starts as a field hole but after a precise drive dips into a wooded nook with trees and elevation all around
#8 A fun downhill and then uphill hyzer through the woods...a great Eastern hardwood hole
#9 A slightly downhill drive to a protected wooded bouldered green
#15 A downhill drive to a very fast green sloping fast in the woods below
#17 A wonderful woods hole that if played properly yields par but can be problematic due to the slope hard to the left.....I'd imagine a make or break your round hole.
#18 Another open field blast to a wooded area with protected hillside pin placememnts
The other holes are no slouches either...7 is a long wooded adventure,11 is a completely wide open hole that allows you to rip and play the wind, 12 and 13 have a cliff lurking to the left of fairway, all of the other holes are solid...no poor holes here. I really enjoyed the open holes after the tighter holes and vice/versa. Nice locals, Nice Park, Nice Time out there! This course provides beginners and experts with a fun time. Due to the challenge and variety I never felt bored here.


Its true 14 and 16 seem like twins. Navigation was an issue for me..there is no map on site and it's not clearly marked..I hooked up with locals thankfully. Get a map beforehand. Beware the course plays near/over access roads at some points. Pay to play, but it seems worth it for this course.

Other Thoughts:

Really enjoyed this course....The variety of terrain and the improved tees put it into the elite territory for me. Certainly worth the trip from PA for me. Tee #1 is to the left of the access road and plays towards the baseball diamond...from there scout ahead and pay attention....Course really needs to be better marked.
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3 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 32.3 years 226 played 128 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Marvellous! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 11, 2009 Played the course:once


Absolutely gorgeous layout in a diverse terrain of hardwoods and open fields, this layout will challenge your game to a high level. Features dual amateur and pro teepads and three rotating pin placements per hole. The pins were mostly in C (long) when I played on beautiful spring day (all alone!) Fairways vary in width, but most were long enough to make for several honest par 4's to push this into the future of disc golf. Control is the key on most holes or the strokes start piling up. The park is well-maintained and very clean. And the 9th hole nicely circles back to the parking lot. Restroom facilities off hole #4.


The only things holding this course back from being absolute top notch are a few important matters.
1.) Teepads are not permanent - I played after it had been raining all day and the cinder boxes were marginally slick.
The pro tee pads were less rutty than the shorts (which frequently had puddles in them.

2.) Signage lacking/ poor navigation. No maps were available at the kiosk, and no map on the kiosk. I was lucky I had printed a map or I would have had trouble finding tee # 1 and a few other holes on the course. Some "next tee" signs would have been helpful too.

3.) Teepads had posts with the hole # but no yardage posted, and no indication of which pin placement was in. Signs would be really nice.

4.) Dangerous placement of several tee pads

Tee #2 vulnerable to a blind approach on hole #1
Tee #3 VERY vulnerable to drives from #1
Holes 14-16 all are dangerously close to the shanks from their neighbors.

I think that courses with multiple pins should follow PA course Tyler St. Park's example- put a little rotating dial which indicates which position the pin is in. It can save some walking and guessing, especially when it comes to doglegs and really long holes

Other Thoughts:

Despite the cons, I rated this course high, because it is very FUN, challenging and scenic. The cons are minor in comparison to these factors!
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0 2
Experience: 24 years 6 played 6 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Challenging 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 21, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


Lovely setting.
Black walnuts available for the gathering in season.
Parking convenient to midpoint & end of course.


Used to be, one could get in free on weekdays.
Disc loss potential.
Certainly a compromise could be reached for widening the mowing of high grass; perhaps a a few more meters on either side of the pertinent fairways at an in-between growth height.
Watch your step for stumplets in some spots. .

Other Thoughts:

Pin location of Hole 18 can be scouted when driving Hole 10.
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3 2
Experience: 7.3 years 13 played 13 reviews
4.00 star(s)

My favorite local course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 1, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Challenging holes, lots of variety, pretty setting, multiple pin locations and both amature and pro tees lead to lots of replayability


Very few issues -- a few holes on the back 9 are less interesting (11 is just long and featureless, 14 and 16 are very similar, and 17 is a lucky woods hack)

Other Thoughts:

Excellent course, i ahve enjoyed playing it for a decade.
A key issue in mid atlantic states is that poison ivy is ubiquitous, and a couse that does not eradicate it is a disaster to play. I have never seen any PI in Patapsaco, its maintanence is spectacular.
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3 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.8 years 201 played 147 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Will be great 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 22, 2009 Played the course:once


Great holes with lots of variety. Good use of elevation, tress, rocks, creeks, and everything else they could squeeze in. Woods and open fairways. Some holes that are real challenging. Bad shots can cost you.


New pads under construction. Needs signs to navigate course. Layout is a little tricky. Some holes cross each other and some backtracking required to find next hole. Back nine has a couple straight boring holes. They could use a hazard or tree to make the shot tougher. Some baskets are hard to see. Maybe something bright on basket would make it easier to see.

Other Thoughts:

When new pads are done this course is easily a 4. Put some signs up and tweak a few holes and it's as good as it gets. A must play if you are in MD. Play Seneca and Rockburn also and you couldn't ask for a better day.
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3 1
Experience: 29.3 years 9 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great place! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 14, 2009 Played the course:once


scenery, hilly terrain with great trees, well designed fairways with tall grass rough areas, 18 holes with multiple tee/pin placements, somewhat remote location to give you good privacy


not many come to mind...it's always difficult to navigate any first-time course, especially when you're solo. but rangers give you a great map so easy to follow the holes. some tee box posts down

Other Thoughts:

as always, the earlier you play the better experience you'll have, less crowds, more privacy, etc. also seems to be RH thrower in mind / lots of dog leg lefts
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1 4
Experience: 19.3 years 59 played 14 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great course: Tough but Fair 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 22, 2009 Played the course:once


Great layout. Good mixture of shots needed to play this course.


Signs or arrows to next tee box are needed as well as a more accurate course map.

Other Thoughts:

Loved playing the course but found it frustrating when getting to the next tee box wasn't obvious and worse was trying to find the basket to throw to.
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2 0
Experience: 18.1 years 69 played 8 reviews
4.50 star(s)

amazing course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 24, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


this course has it all. tight fairways along with open fairways. lots of elevation along with flat areas. great baskets, two baskets to putt on before the round. two tee pads along with several pin postions per hole. you will need every shot in the bag to shoot hot on this course. great local people to show you around. picnic tables throughout course. mowed paths on each hole. well maintained.


tee sings would be nice. more trash cans too. besides that amazing course.

Other Thoughts:

best course in the balitmore area. must play course. patapsco will test your game.
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