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Payson, UT

Payson DGC

3.255(based on 12 reviews)
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Payson DGC reviews

13 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 22.7 years 495 played 493 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun wooded course with nice scenery

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 28, 2023 Played the course:once


- Solid old style DGA baskets holding up well
- Concrete pads on every hole, decent size
- Tee markers on wooden posts help find the correct hole
- Excellent use of elevation changes
- Very wooded course uses trees and hills effectively
- Trouble off the fairway punishes bad throws
- Serene area with a nice drive in and out of
- Some holes play across a nice river/creek
- Good balance of left to right and right to left holes
- Disc golf only area from what I can tell
- Wildlife including deer roam the course


- Although wooded, every hole is short except hole 7
- No par 4 holes
- Holes 9 through 16 are very close to each other
- The back 9 all play through the same area
- Navigation gets tricky due to seeing so many baskets and tee pads in the back 9 so use Udisc

Other Thoughts:

Really liked this course, the fun factor here is very high. Played this early in the morning in the fall (bad idea is was COLD) and saw a mother deer and a few babies up near hole 8 who watched me tee off then walked away. A very nice course worth checking out if you're bagging in the area.
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3 1
Experience: 10.7 years 15 played 14 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Canyon Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 5, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


This course is located up the Payson canyon and is set in a very nice area. There are a good amount of difficult throws along with nice easy shots. It is a full 18 holes that offer a good challenge through trees and over some bling shots.


The signage could really go for an update. There are more than 4 holes that have no signage telling you where the hole is at. It would also be nice to have signs telling you where the next hole is located.

Other Thoughts:

Great course with good difficulty. Not to much in terms of a park for the kids to play at though.
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6 0
Experience: 17.4 years 27 played 16 reviews
3.00 star(s)

The Forest is Tight 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 26, 2016 Played the course:once


Numerous obstacles require a variety of throws. There are trees, tunnels, a couple elevation changes (holes 6, 7), a dry creek bed, holes to the left and right.
The gorgeous wooded terrain makes an excellent location.
The course is sufficiently clear of underbrush that errant throws are usually easy to find.


Most holes are short.
The tees are rugged and sometimes make for difficult footing.
A course map at the beginning or directions to the next hole would make the course easier to navigate.
About half of the course is played in the same wooded area (holes 9-16). Many of the baskets are close together, which can be a little confusing or crowded.

Other Thoughts:

There was some vandalism to the signs and the sign for hole 7 was completely missing.
We had some trouble finding hole 5, but a couple disc golfers there gave us directions (it's north of the basket for hole 4, over a couple of logs).
The course is adjacent to a campsite and there were kids running through some of the holes. This may have been because it was a Saturday though.
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4 0
Experience: 4 played 4 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Into the Woods 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 31, 2013 Played the course:once


I loved all of the elevation changes. Hole #3 is quite possibly the most beautifully scenic hole I've ever seen. A window in the trees, a creekbed with the basket on the far side.

I found myself laughing a lot on this course with the distinct thwock sound as my disc hit a tree. (I only took beaters in case of loss.)

Most holes are fairly short and thank goodness.

This would be a fun one to go to with a group of friends or family. Even Whammo discs would be suitable for play here.


Many areas are overgrown with plant life which required some hunting to find my disc, and of course, many shots had invisible baskets.

I had a course map but the tees just blend into the trees. I guess that was done on purpose to make it less intrusive.

Other Thoughts:

The driving directions leave a little to be desired. Canyon Rd ends in a T before you get to the course. You have to turn right on Red Deer Loop and follow it back to the course. The course itself would have been easy to miss - it's called Mt. Nebo Something Trail, with restrooms, a dumpster and multiple grills. I couldn't see any baskets from the road.
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5 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14 years 75 played 45 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun Short Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 5, 2013 Played the course:once


This is a unique course up in Payson Canyon just a little ways. The scenery is beautiful. You get fresh mountain air and the feeling of getting away to play.

Every hole has a clearly marked posts and the layout is such that you don't have to look hard at all to find them. Most have signs with hole lengths and graphics to show you where the basket is, and the ones that don't are pretty easy to determine because the baskets are all marked with the hole numbers too. We didn't have a course map and only mistook one basket on hole 8 for the wrong one. The course was really easy to navigate without a map.

You get a good mix of elevation changes as this course is anything but flat. It's no Solitude with really long holes though. You also throw over the creek 3-4 times which adds a bit of challenge to the course.

All the baskets are in good repair. Holes 15 and 17 are different styles and appear to be of lesser quality but are still just fine.


As mentioned before the tee pads are dirt and some are quite uneven. 6B, 14 and 18 are particularly uneven, but it's not a big deal at all.

My biggest con is that there are really only 2 holes that I didn't have to really restrain myself on, and I don't have that big of an arm. They are just extremely short holes.

Holes 11-15 throw back and forth through the trees at each other. It isn't a huge con because I don't imagine this course gets much traffic, but it is pretty tight in that area.

Other Thoughts:

Although the vast majority of the holes are short, you are usually throwing through a bunch of trees, so that kind of offsets the ease of the short holes with some technicality.

All of the cons mentioned are really small. It is a fun course offering a lot of fun shots. It can especially be enjoyed by beginners who don't have a lot of range as well as pros to practice odd technical shots.
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