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Colonial Heights, VA

Pharaoh's Tomb at White Bank Park

3.255(based on 32 reviews)
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Pharaoh's Tomb at White Bank Park reviews

1 4
Experience: 19 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Good mix of wooded and open 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 18, 2019 Played the course:once


This course is very scenic and plays well. There is a multitude of shots to make to include ravines, up and down hill. Many creaks to play over but none are deep.


Hole 1 is in a wierd spot it took me awhile to find it since I missed it coming in. A few holes cross each other and cross common areas.

Other Thoughts:

This is a good scenic course and I truly enjoyed playing. I will play again before i leave the area.
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7 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.4 years 145 played 32 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Sweet confusion 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 17, 2018 Played the course:once


Some really nice holes
Well maintained park
Restrooms and water
Scenic river view
Teepads and baskets in good shape
Good signage


Mixed use area and holes can become blocked with other park goers
Navigation for a first or second time player can be questionable at best
Some baskets and tees are a little jumbled together
Kind of in a out of they way location

Other Thoughts:

Game has been in a funk lately so I decided to try a change of scenery and being that this course 40min away and I've never played here seemed like a good enough reason to check it out.

Unfortunately the park is in a goofy location, I'm not knocking it but it's in the hairpin bend of a river and there's one way in and one way out, so it's stop in on the way through kind of spot. That being said, I think it's a worthwhile destination.

The course plays in and out of the woods and open areas of the park. You'll pass hole #1 and the kiosk on the way in to the parking area. Holes are pretty straightforward, not bad but no real risk/reward type lines short of going for the ace on 15. The holes aren't bad by any means, they do require a lot of shot shaping, seems to be a few more left to right than right to left holes. Nothing here requires or really benefits from a cannon arm though outside the obvious of being able to throw a putter where others go driver.

Navigation can be confusing and frustrating for first time players. There are inevitably some holes that you will miss the first time you play, 3 and 13 seem to be the obvious ones, you'll look down at your scoring app or card or just feel like you didn't play 18 at the end, chances are it'll be one of those 2, they are easy to miss. There's a map at the kiosk by #1, take a picture of it or use the one from this site here, it'll come in handy. The course uses what seems like every square foot that it was allowed to use, the trade off for this jumble is that the holes are, well, good so it's worth it.

Otherwise, it's a pretty nice course, I wish it was a little more convenient for me to get to because I would play it more than some of the closer ones to me, would actually prefer to have it over some of the local ones as it really is a good mix of shots, shapes and technicality. If you're wanting to check it out and have a chance to do so during the week then it may work out better for you as it looks like it could get a little contentious with non discgolfers on the weekends.
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1 2
Experience: 20.3 years 91 played 39 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great course, but can eat you alive 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 10, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


This is a really well balanced course with a great mix of open throws and a very pleasant walk through the woods. The course requires every shot in your arsenal with a few mandos thrown in to mess your plan up.


It's not particularly beginner friendly, but it's not impossible. It's a good place for newer players to see what a real course will bring to the table. It's not forgiving, don't end up in the woods or you'll find yourself begging for daylight.

Other Thoughts:

Bring bug spray and don't play if it's recently rained hard.
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1 3
Experience: 10 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 14, 2016 Played the course:once


I have been playing for 2 years. For me this coarse provided a good challenge with a variety of wooded and open holes. At first it looked like it would be a short coarse, but found it to have a good mix of long and short holes. Very glad I took the time to find and play it on my visit from the Charlotte area. I would definitely recommend it to people visiting the area.


First hole is a little rough.

Other Thoughts:

Fun coarse. If you haven't play Pharoah's Tomb, put it on your play list.
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5 0
Experience: 22 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 4, 2015 Played the course:once


I'm assuming a lot of improvements have happened in the last year or so.

Every hole had at least one concrete tee. Multiple other tees for beginners. We went on the first warm day in may, so sometimes we needed to use the other tees to avoid pedestrians.

Great signage on every hole. Never got lost, always knew where to throw.

Excellent use of elevation on several holes.

Clean park with plenty of benches, bathrooms, and things for the family to do.

I love that this course never felt repetitive, every hole made you think. I ended up using just about every disc in my bag.

Holes 1-3 made me nervous that It was going to be a bad course: short holes, long grass, and mud, however those were really the only holes like that.

Looking back at the course I can see that maybe it lacked more long distance holes, but as I was playing it, I didn't feel likes it was missing anything, and I'm the first person that loves a good grip it and rip it hole.

I like cats so seeing a few were fine by me.


As much as I loved this course, the only major con I have is one that would keep me from coming back again. You constantly were playing through highly populated locations. We there on probably an unusually busy day, there was some sort of big BBQ happening as we were getting to the back 9, so people were just everywhere. Even if the course just had your average weekend park goers, you were throwing 50-100 feet of parking lots, walkways, playground, volleyball, bathrooms, picnic areas, bridges, streets, and other tee pads. Since there are some blind spots, you wouldn't see someone walking around some bends that come right through your fairway.
I few "watch for flying disc" signs or something similar would at least help.

Other Thoughts:

I would love to have this course close to where I live, seems like the perfect neighborhood park. This course would be awesome in the colder weather, less foliage and people would make this a an even more fun course.
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Designer response by gottafixit
While there may be some times of the day or even seasons that you might have to share the park with others there are other times and seasons where the disc golfers are the only ones there. If you can bare the cold late fall and winter are great times to play the course.
4 0
Experience: 11.6 years 52 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun park course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 17, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


- Nice newer baskets that had painted indicators as to which direction the next hole was.
- Great signage on every hole
- Scorecards and 81/2 x 11 maps were available at the kiosk near hole #1
- plenty of benches and trashcans
- 3 tees for each hole
- over half of the long tees had concrete tee pads, the ones that didn't were formed for what must be imminent concrete pourings.
- well groomed and maintained course.
- nice variety of shots, anhyzer/flick, tunnel, etc. including a nice shot over a deep gorge on 15.
- Great use of terrain for a small city park.
- Alternate "Safari Golf" maps were available that added some much needed length to the course.


The majority of the holes were on the short side (just near or under 300'). I am a newer player and had no problem shooting sub par rounds, so the difficulty was not there for me.

I really don't have a lot of bad things to say that stuck out, While this was not a great course, it was not a bad course, it just lacked distance and variety

Some of the concrete tee pads were on the short side for me, maybe I am spoiled, but I am used to much longer tee pads.

Other Thoughts:

As another poster commented, there were about a dozen cats greeting me near the parking lot, kinda weird. If you are anywhere near the Fort Lee area definitely check this course out.

As city park courses go this is in my top 10. It was evident that a lot of care goes into maintaining this course.

I was torn on where to rate this course, I felt that a 3 wouldn't be enough, but a 4 seemed too high as it does not compare to some other city park funded courses I have played in Des Moines and Kansas City. I would have gave it a 3.75 if it were an option, but 3.5 seems a good fit.
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4 3
Experience: 13.4 years 16 played 13 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Worth a play 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 16, 2011 Played the course:once


There are multiple tees and some well laid out holes. The park is free and open to the public, and there were maps/scorecards kept at the beginning along with tournament information and a locals posting board. Although there weren't tee signs, having the map was a plus. The baskets have large, bright signs on top, making them a lot easier to see than normal. Also, someone painted the basket spokes to point to the next tee, which is awesome. As far as course play, there are some great holes requiring various different shots...to really play this course, you will need a variety of shots in your quiver. There is a relatively low chance of losing discs, as the only water hazard is down a giant hill, and you'd have to be terrible or catch a nasty roll to actually get a disc down there. Course is a mix of wooded and open, short and long. All in all, a nice course. Also, there is a wind indicator on the 18th basket (the basket closest to the parking lot) so you can see what you're dealing with. Although the tees are merely buried 4x4's, luckily they are color coordinated and clearly labeled with hole number and distance.


The first two holes were muddy, and look like they have a tendency to flood during bad storms. Because of this, there are briars and mud that make finding errant discs all the more entertaining. Three of the holes (4, 7 & 18?) are situated in such a way that they require shots over and across parking lots. Given the traffic, this could result in vehicle damage if you're not careful. 4 and 18 it was obvious...when shooting 7, I had no idea that I ran the risk of overthrowing and smashing the windshield on a Chevy, as you shoot over the crest of a hill. Be careful. The t's for 4 and 7 are slightly ambiguous also, so a little bit of time was spent wandering back and forth trying to determine what was what.

Other Thoughts:

The course wasn't busy...we were the only ones playing. There were kids on the playground and cars in the parking lot though...so be aware of others. We almost managed to wreck a chevy windshield on 7 and take out a photographer who decided to pause in the middle of a fairway to snap a family photo on a bridge. It was cold and very windy when we shot, but I can imagine the first two holes would be bad for mosquitoes in the peak of summer. We never saw a single one of the cats rumored to roam the course, although trash and litter were clearly an issue. Also, depending on the direction you are coming from, the drive takes you through some seedy areas. All things considered, this is a very enjoyable course, and I look forward to shooting it again sans wind, and knowing the layout. Also, it's free to play, which is always a plus.
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1 4
Experience: 14 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

white bank 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 9, 2009 Played the course:once


Excellent course, Nice use of the 9 baskets that they do have for the best fitting holes. Especially on the gorge :) It is a very fun and challenging course from the shorts. And what makes it even better is when you play the longs, its harder, more technical and you must be more precise.


The only cons are the 9 remaining baskets it needs. And also where some people cut off some of the brush on some of the holes to make them "easier"

Other Thoughts:

Great course, great location, great layout. I will definately be playing there a lot more, and bringing all the richmond boys.
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12 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.6 years 38 played 36 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A Full 18 baskets with a Variety of Shots! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 31, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


Well laid out and makes great use of the park grounds. Makes use of all shots and even uses pavement as water hazards to make the course even more challenging. The map works great if followed closely. Combines open throws and tough hyzer/anhyzer throws throughout the course. Both wooded and open shots are represented. Red and white tees, red being easier and white a bit more difficult. The course takes you a complete circle around White Bank Park so you get a nice hike as well as a fun game. Great park for families and disc golfers alike! Bathrooms available just beyond the volleyball court. A great addition not always found on DG courses!


Without a map finding all the tees, Red and White could be difficult. Each is marked with a red or white two by four and are a nice touch, but for a First Time Player it is difficult to follow. E-Mail a guide, like me or follow the course map closely. Falling leaves can make the tees hard to find. After a hard rain, holes 1, 2 and 14 are swampy and marshy, be warned before heading out.

Other Thoughts:

Note: 7-15-2009:
Daniel worked hard the last weekend to put down red and white planks to clearly mark the red and white tees. It makes navigating the course a whole lot easier! Great job!

Favorite Holes:

#9: Has you throw across a paved street from a tough angle. Remember, the paved street equals water on this course, and makes this very difficult and fun!

#15: Has you throw across a gorge and is a signature hole for The Tomb!! Very unique high risk/high reward hole. One of the most memorable shots in the Tri City area!

Also as a bonus, if you read the map, WB has a Hole 19. It starts on an island of grass in front of the stop sign and throws across the pavement to a target on another small island of grass! The target is marked by white tape on a post. Remember the pavement = water rule and you have a fun time for a tough bonus shot! It is the last remaining Object and a fun tie breaker hole!

Also note: The name Pharaoh's Tomb comes from the amount of cats running wild in the area! Like the cats left in a Pharaoh's Tomb, White Bank Park has people that leave food out for the wild cats so you may have eyes on you as you play! Welcome to Pharaoh's Tomb!

Update 7/28/2014: All Long Tees now have full concrete Tee Pads!!! Many people complain in reviews that there is too much going on in the park to play thru, BUT when played early or during the week, it is one of the best courses in the area. Gilles Creek gets just as crowded with park goers during peak hours as White Bank, but hardly gets any of the hate, LOL. No difference when it comes to traffic, just need to know when to play. Now with all 18 baskets and alternates on many holes, this course has improved a lot and become one of the most fun courses in the Tri City area! Check the newest map edition, for all Tees and even the Safari Tees, that start at certain Tee boxes and have you shooting further at different number baskets. Just a fun addition to the park's games.
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13 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.5 years 905 played 71 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Finally 18 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 11, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


4x4 toe boards more visible than the lodge stones. Navigation arrows at key spots and drop zones at mandos. Improved map and scorecard/hole profiles eliminate the need for tee signs. Score card complete with all future alt tee distances.

Forces you to control your disc with some very tight holes. A fun variety of wood/open long/short. Lots of connections that make for a mix of loops. Alt tees are half in and when finished will add a different look to most holes. Course sign has maps and scorecards so pick one up. Baskets are marked with red and white paint to point to the next tee.

The park itself is really nice with a lot for the tots, volleyball, horse shoes, big gazebos, a boat launch and dock, and river trails for some good fishing. Bathrooms and water are seasonal, and a protajohn in the winters.


Hole 1 can get a little hairy if the up keep is not there during the summer. With heavy heavy rain a few holes get squishy. No Tee signs, Tees are painted dug in 4x4 toe boards, really nice but can be hard to see at times like winter with the leaves but the maps are great and should get you really close.

Other Thoughts:

Finally 18 baskets, and it feels good. However things are never done. I've finished putting in the alt toe boards and now have all numbered as well. Still need to get the distances though. I think the directional signage is pretty good but want to work on a number plate alternative to help with that as well. I have added a few protective additions on a couple holes so that over thrown discs don't enter two shelters. Down the line if I can get some extra muscle together I want to put a log bench on every hole. There are more minor projects but there not worth mentioning. I hope that next year Parks and Rec can help with some of the funding to improve the tee pads(I want hard plastic like at hot shots in MD). I left the hole by hole below. If you play and have and feedback please get in touch.

Hole 1 - start it in the woods, has a creek that when it rains fills and is OB.
Hole 2 - more woods and slightly up hill.
Hole 3 - Narrow shot through some trees and slightly up hill but short, however watch you don't go long and hit the parking lot which is OB.
Hole 4 - Either shoots over the corner or down the right side of the parking lot( OB ) but is completely open, again watch that distance as if you catch an edge on your approach you could roll down into the parking lot.
Hole 5 - Dogleg left around the back of the bathrooms.
Hole 6 - tight into the woods shot.
Hole 7 - Long almost double dog leg right, almost better to go wide to the left to set up for a straighter approach.
Hole 8 - Narrow woods hole with a little down and up to the hole.
Hole 9 - slight downhill dog leg left over a road and small creek.
Hole 10 - Great downhill through some big old growth trees.
Hole 11 - Shoots back up the hill through a mando tree path that has fairly low clearing.
Hole 12 - Fairly open with a tree guarded basket and a parking lot down the right side( OB ).
Hole 13 - The first hole I really set in stone, narrow shot through the woods with a hard right.
Hole 14 - Starts in the open and shots into a low clearing path into the woods and then up a hill.
Hole 15 - The Gorge, short enough but if you don't make it or roll down thats a hard putt up hill.
Hole 16 - Shoots back across the beginning of the gorge and fairly open, watch your step in the center through the leaves as there is loose cinder block under them.
Hole 17 - Mostly open through some tree paths.
Hole 18 - Shoots across a street and then up an open hill to behind a giant tree. The road is OB and runs kinda in the middle of two exceptable fairway(left grass, right mulch).
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