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Portland, OR

Pier Park

4.275(based on 110 reviews)

Hole tips

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Tip #1
Tip by:radsnowsurfer Added on: Hole:#17
Unless you have 400+ power, the key to this hole is focusing on keeping the disc low and very straight, tapering to the left at the end if the hole is in the long position. If you hit trouble early, trying some fancy line, this hole becomes almost impossible to par.
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Tip #2
Tip by:radsnowsurfer Added on: Hole:#16
There are two main paths on this hole, most players go straight up the middle, flipping over a RHBH shot and attempting to have the disc skip left at the end around the green. The green slopes *hard* past the basket, so big arms can easily end up 50-100 feet long on a bad roll. I recommend trying the right-side hyzer line throwing a hard hyzer with slight flip, skipping the disc in toward the pin at the end of the flight.
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Tip #3
Tip by:radsnowsurfer Added on: Hole:#14
This is another fantastic 3-option hole off the tee. For newer players, I recommend taking the Right-hand hyzer line up the right side. Birdie is generally unavailable, but a good drive leaves a manageable second shot from the middle of the fairway. For experienced players, going up the middle is very risky, only try this line if you have a very precise hyzer-flip. For most experienced players, the left line is the optimal path, just *make sure* that you don't hit one of the early trees. Tee off from the back left of the tee, throw a strong right-hand anhyzer that will hold as long as possible for best results.
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Tip #4
Tip by:radsnowsurfer Added on: Hole:#13
This is a really dynamic hole. There are three main paths. For shorter arms, and newer players, I recommend going up the widest gap up the right side. Shoot to throw a 300 foot hyzer to the top of the hill, leaving an easy up shot 150 feet down the hill to the bowl shaped green. For longer arms, the up-the-middle line has opened up since 2017, look to throw a high flipping RHBH throw that can reach the green if you have ~375 feet of power. For real big arms, you can try the far left line, that many wouldn't even notice off the tee, you go straight left with a hard right-turning anhyzer that stays flipped all the way to the pin.
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Tip #5
Tip by:radsnowsurfer Added on: Hole:#12
This is one of the few straight-forward holes at Pier, main things to note: If you're a big arm, the green on this hole can be very fast, focus on floating the disc into the green. Also, a hyzer flip is likely the best throw as the hanging branches on the right will often each out and grab discs that go up the right side.
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Tip #6
Tip by:radsnowsurfer Added on: Hole:#11
This may sound a little obvious, but many newer players, in focusing on pulling a huge RHBH turnover, end up hitting one of the initial trees, turning this hole into a potential double bogey. Focus on making it through the first gap and at least getting it out halfway to the pin. For more advanced players, it's worth trying a RHBH roller unless you have a 400 foot+ drive that allows you to access the green.
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Tip #7
Tip by:radsnowsurfer Added on: Hole:#10
For the straight-ahead position, people generally go straight up the middle, which is an effective strategy, but another good root, that can make the hole more reach-able for shorter arms, is to go left right off the tee, playing a long turnover shot, as long as you make the initial gap ~50 feet off the tee, the left side of the hole is wide open.
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Tip #8
Tip by:radsnowsurfer Added on: Hole:#2
While sidearm is the preferred play, and with the right disc and throw it's *possible* to reach on a right hand back hand. The cool throw to try is the right hand back hand roller shot. Shoot to have the disc near vertical, with the disc landing right near the bottom of the hill, done right the disc will filter right down near the pin.
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Tip #9
Tip by:JMONEY Added on: Updated on: Hole:#8
I choose to throw a wraith on this in either pin placement, releasing level and taking a line down the middle.
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Tip #10
Tip by:JMONEY Added on: Hole:#7
I choose to throw a roc in either position here, if on the left release with a slight hyzer and if pin placement is straight I like to take a direct line .
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