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Baltimore, MD

Pine Grove Middle School

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Pine Grove Middle School reviews

9 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 7.4 years 239 played 200 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Almost Fine Pine Grove 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 10, 2021 Played the course:once


+ Practice basket and lost disc box right before hole1.
+ Tee signs are laminated paper on a post or tree, but they do the job with all the info and diagrams you need... mostly.
+ A few notewothy elevation challenges and some appreciated natural features like a stream and some dense tree cover give the course signs of life.


- The tee areas are just worn and wrinkled segments of carpet or patches of dirt. Only 10 and 11 have concrete by simple virtue of the fact that they are on the walking path of school grounds.
- The baskets are more than a little old. Some are a bit rusty. Some are noticeably damaged but not unplayably so. Plus, many holes utilize the same basket for their targets.
- As a result of that fact, many holes utilize the same exact fairways: 2&18, 3&17 and 11 intersects 8&9 just for a few examples.
- And as a result of that, navigation here is a nightmare. I ended up skipping two and a half holes because I just couldn't be asked to figure out their labyrinth.
- As it is at a middle school, it has a small window of playability.
- If it is meant to be for middle schoolers, then aren't these distances a bit too long and the obstacles a bit too demanding??

Other Thoughts:

I do have a favorite hole here, though. To my mind, hole6 was the nicest to look at and most fun to play because of that creek you throw over and the nice tree pepper further down the fairway. My least favorite hole is a more difficult question to answer.

At first glance, everything that I like about a course is here. There are not one but two nice downhill tee-offs. There are one or two water features to deal with. There is a decent balance between wide open and wooded fairways, and it's a quiet place to play. So, why the 1.5?

Well, maybe I was particularly stupid or impatient during that day in the 95-degree heat, but I had the most difficult time finding my way around. I try to use the maps on Udisc as little as possible because that's not a feature of the course. I'm there to review the course-- not the reliability of an app. That's not something that a disc golf course ought to rely on. Yes, this is the Information Age, but I'm not happy if I have to take out my phone every three minutes just to find out where to go next or to verify if I'm walking in the right direction. Put simply: navigation is a headache here. If it weren't for a pair of locals, I would have had no idea where to find holes7, 10 or 11. Then, once I got ahead of them, Where was the basket for hole14? Where was the tee pad for hole16? Where was all of hole15? I saw the little numbered arrows suspended from many of the baskets, but there were some instances when they didn't help.

Not just that, but the shared fairways are a hazard, too. I almost hit somebody with one of my throws because there was a hill blocking my view ahead, and I didn't know that the hole I was playing had a shared fairway. Luckily, my throw missed, and they were a good sport about it after I apologized. But something tells me that kind of thing happens a lot here on busy days. Shared fairways are seldom a good idea.

I get the feeling that this course used to be a 9-hole course judging by how holes1 through 9 play. And if it were still one today, I don't think that I would have at all minded. If I try to imagine the removal of the back9, I can see a well put together collection of fairways that's easy to follow. We don't have that here. We have a confusing plate of spaghetti that requires you to double back, criss-cross where you've been and scout ahead not just to spot the basket but to make sure there aren't people.

In closing, the good parts of Pine Grove don't make up for its bad parts, but don't let it escape your attention that there are still good parts. Holes7 through 9, for example, give some nice challenges. And if I hadn't almost hit a fellow disc golfer, I might have been abit more charitable to its layout. I won't say it's worth traveling to, but if you're a local then it's fine.
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3 7
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Great Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 2, 2021 Played the course:5+ times


Challenging but fun course that will test your skills with a variety of types of shots needed. This course was neglected for many years but has been resurrected by the local club and the many hours of effort put in!


Needs upgraded teepads
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1 4
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Favorite course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 23, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


Lots of variety. Decent neighborhood


Course in disarray. Easy to lose disc's. Areas can be muddy/wet.
Difficult to navigate.

Other Thoughts:

Do yourself a favor and find someone who knows the layout. First time I played, another player showed me the layout by walking me through the course. Thank you very much for that!
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1 3
Experience: 6 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Decent course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 18, 2020 Played the course:once


Very technical course. Par is on the edge of my skill level but a really well laid out course.


Tee pads are dirt and trees aren't marked or have signage. Multiple holes share baskets.
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2 2
Experience: 23 played 12 reviews
2.00 star(s)

This course makes me dizzy 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 11, 2020 Played the course:5+ times


It's the closest course to me that's not in the hood, so I reluctantly go here now and again. Surprisingly, it's quite popular, which is good because you'll constantly be asking other people where the next tee and/or basket is located.


Absolutely the most confusing course I've ever seen. Even with maps, it's darn near impossible to follow. Throw into the rough on some holes and you can kiss that disc goodbye. This course is obviously old and neglected. If there's ever a task force to bring this course back to life, I'll join. But it's BCPS property, so good luck with that.

Other Thoughts:

Don't play your first round here, you'll never want to play again.
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7 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16 years 305 played 42 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Pine Grove Middle School 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 25, 2016 Played the course:once


My three pros:

-This course had a wide variety of shots needed and some pretty challenging holes. Manby holes have some decent distance and most have some pretty good tree usage making almost every shot require some forethought.
-the navigation brings you out and back, ending where you start with an easy walk back to the car
-This is a course at a school, so surely at least a few middle school kids pick up the sport and have a really nice school course to play. Also the only unsketchy park in this part of baltimore.


My three cons:

-NAVIGATION- I had to refer to the map on almost every hole. No signs. very few identifable features. The baskets arent visible from almost every tee. The path from basket to next tee was not obvious for any hole. Basically, you WILL need the map to play here. I brought a family member out for their first time and found myself saying over and over "most courses arent like this" as we searched for the next tee.
-Many holes use the same basket and some lines are just ridiculous, This seems like a course that was installed by someone who never played DG before- Just baskets randomly placed in a loop.
-no concrete teepads making navigation even tougher. some holes have a wood post with a number, but some dont and then there are the old wood posts with numbers that dont correspond to anything anymore. I play alot of courses while traveling so im used to the first timer navigation woes, but this place takes the cake. Bring your route finding skills as you often line up the satelite map with what trees are around and try to find where to throw from.

Other Thoughts:

A fun course with some serious navigation issues. Some really goofy holes. Bad maintenince leads to overgrown rough and lots o' leaves. This course is probably nice for locals but a beatdown for the weary traveler. With that said, the holes are fun and worth a try at leats once, just dont forget the map!
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1 4
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

It is alive 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 8, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


The course looks great there was a lot of maintenance done and beside 17 tee everything else look awesome.
Love the layout and the elevation changes.


Still no signs or mini maps near teepads need to have someone who played again there to help for the first time.

Other Thoughts:

An older player told me that this course if played as it supposed to its one of the toughest dg courses around baltimore....
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6 0
Experience: 10.4 years 14 played 8 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Frustrating 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 20, 2014 Played the course:once


Good use of elevation. Holes 10 and 11 play from the school and it's always fun to throw down big hills. The return trip back around the ball fields feature some significant uphill shots which will challenge you.

Pretty good use of limited space to get in 18 holes using only 9 (or 11, depending) baskets. The return 9 feels like 9 totally new holes.

Most baskets have helpful next-tee arrows in the bottom of the basket. They are kinda small and hard to see, look for the little white tabs stuck to the underside of the basket.

The deep, ravine-like creek is a significant obstacle that will make you think. This is a good thing, it's a real hazard that will challenge your accuracy.


Course is in pretty bad shape. Trees felled by storms years ago are still there, getting in your way. The tee area for 17 is almost totally blocked.

There are no tee pads or signs really, just worn areas on the ground from where others have teed off.

It looks like virtually no tree maintenance has been done in quite some time, many of the wooded holes simply have no line to the basket really, just throw and hope. If you do manage to get through, a stray branch or sapling will be sure to knock down your disc.

Some baskets missing the inner chains.

Can be hard to navigate for a first-timer; print the map and use that.

Other Thoughts:

Before choosing to play here, I had wondered why a course that's been around since 1981 had not had a new review in years. Now I know why. This course feels abandoned. It is in dire need of someone to come in and do some tree trimming or move the baskets somewhere that make sense and at least spread some gravel on the nominal tee boxes.

Speaking of trees... someone (the school?) has planted a large amount of new trees in the fairway on 9 (the whole open area at the base of the hill). When these come in, it will completely destroy holes 9, 10, and 11.

This park appears to be where the local teenagers come to get drunk, as evidenced by the massive amount of trash and cheap beer bottles/cans littering the wooded parts of the course.
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1 1
Premium Member
Experience: 13.4 years 108 played 5 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Good Use of Space 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 2, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


- Great use of space reusing 9 baskets.
- Challenging course.
- Not crowded.
- Baskets in good shape.
- School has plenty of open area if you want to get in some field practice


- Course is overgrown in a lot of areas, very easy to lose discs simply because you would get sliced by sticker bushes/trees.
- Doesn't get a lot of attention when trees are fallen or a lot of debris as a result of storms.
- With baskets used for multiple holes, has the potential to be overlap. Have had some close calls.
- Natural tee pads are pretty worn in, and water makes them even worse.
- No signage and most of the hole tee markers are missing.

Other Thoughts:

Whenever there is a bad storm this course seems to get hit HARD. So I would avoid for a few weeks after bad storms.

I went to school here, and it seemed like the course was in a little better shape back then. Wish it got some more lovin because it would be a good, tough course in the area. But because of the overgrowth and lack of TLC, it seems more of a chore to play than fun and I'd rather make the drive to Druid or one of the other courses a little further away.
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1 0
Experience: 12.7 years 13 played 4 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Needs some work...but nice 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 21, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


Not too crowded
Park setting
Plenty of Parking


Signage almost non-existent
Some Vandalism

Other Thoughts:

I went to school where this course is located, but never played the game back then when I was in 6-8th grade. As a beginner, I found this course to be very challenging. Fairways are very narrow and there is not much margin for error. It is also a tough course to walk.
While playing, we met a man and his son who were surveying the course. We spoke to them for a bit and found out that as part of the son's community service project for school they plan to redo all the signage on the course and clean it up a bit. They said by mid summer 2012 they will be completed. I'm really looking forward to playing it again.
Use the map #2 for this course.
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2 0
The otto
Experience: 8 played 8 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Tough 9-basket course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 17, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


This course is one of the oldest in the state, if not country. There is a great variety of shots and elevation change. Shooting a par 54 is a challenge to the most experienced golfer, as there are holes that are definite par 4s (hole 9b and 16 come to mind). The course itself is usually pretty empty too, as there are several superior courses within a 20-30 min drive. Holes 1/18 and 9/10 have 2 baskets each, so I usually play to one of the baskets for one of the holes and the other basket for it's counterpart.


1 - layout of the course. If you do not play with someone who knows the course, chances are you will get discouraged and leave. The best way to explain the layout is that each basket is played twice, and the sum of the holes that play to that basket is always 19. Therefore, holes 1 and 18 play to the same basket, holes 2 and 17 play to the same basket, and so forth. Signage for the next hole is minimal at best, so knowing which basket to shoot for and from what tee can be tricky. Also, the course plays around some athletic fields, so if you can't keep your disc in the fairway, you may have the unluckiness to interrupt a 9-10 yr old baseball game to retrieve your wayward drive.
2 - Tees. Most of the time, the tees are dry. However, with natural tees come the potential for mud and general slipperiness. This is a course to avoid a day or 2 after heavy rains.
3- Surrounding Area. I live next door to the course, and I feel quite safe even playing a glo round. However, the riff raff in the area love to destroy baskets, so some of the are bent/dented/broken to some extent.

Other Thoughts:

I think my rating of 3.5 may be a bit high, but as I said, this is a challenging course for players of all skill levels. In fact, I think this course is more challenging than Druid, Lake Montebello, and Scarboro.
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1 1
Experience: 13.4 years 35 played 2 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Good for a quick round 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 21, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Nice baskets, good open and wooded shots, 2 very elevated tees, varied shots required, plenty of parking. Fairly close to major highways. Easy if you have the map on DGCR (use the II version)


Inconsistent course maintenance, close to ball fields, area is a little tight, brush is fairly gnarly.

Other Thoughts:

This is an easy course to stop in and throw some holes but it's banged up and not maintained very well. A few holes are memorable (big downhill shots on 10 & 11) and the Mach 3 baskets are nice. The rough is pretty scary on #2-3, 18, keep an eye or bring a friend with a weed whacker. I hope this course can get some attention, it's in a good spot.
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1 0
Experience: 2 played 1 reviews
2.00 star(s)

"Uhhh....Where are we going?" 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 30, 2011 Played the course:once


-Challenging without being ridiculous (for inexperienced players)
-Good use of limited space
-Hole layout is decent


-Most signage is gone/missing. No indication as to where you're going for the next tee/hole
-Playing to the same pin for 2 holes can cause traffic issues
-A couple of baskets could use some repairs

Other Thoughts:

This could be a decent course if the signs would just be replaced. The fact that you couldn't intuitively figure out where you were supposed to go next took away some of the fun. While a few holes had some kind of indication, most didn't. The arrows that are mentioned to be in the baskets to point the way to the next hole are gone. If there was some kind of markings, this would have gotten a much better rating.
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2 1
Experience: 14.6 years 16 played 7 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Closest Course for me, Needs Repairs (willing to help) 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 3, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Really the only course within 15 minutes from White Marsh, Rosedale, Parkville Area. Nice Field Area by first tee pad by first tee providing a good space to throw and work on drives and various shots before a round. Some nice shortcuts for skipping some holes if pressed on time (i.e. from 8 to 12, 14 to 17 etc. )


Each basket is used for 2 tee pads, you often run into a group shooting for same basket and this stalls play. The fields around the school are used for rec leagues and can put alot of people in play around the course, often i skip some holes because i dont want to hit a person with a disc. This course is getting run down. Some baskets are crooked, missing the inner ring of chains or are 12-16" lower to the ground than standard basket heights. This course is tough to navigate at first. when retrieving your disc from the basket there is white arrow tabs pointing to next basket. 17's tee pad is jacked up.

Other Thoughts:

This is the closest course to me so i have played it alot. I really go here just to practice or play a fast round. Overall the course is falling apart. I would be willing to help fix some of the areas if i had approval. I suggest to Wear long Sport Socks or pants because: Poision Ivy,Oak and Sumac run heavily along the woods and stream. There is alot of trees in play here and can really mess up your score!.
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3 0
Experience: 29.4 years 53 played 6 reviews
4.00 star(s)

hidden gem 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 19, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


- Layout is on the perimeter of a middle school's recreation fields.
- Course is 9 holes that is turned into 18 holes by playing the holes in reverse.
-Reverse layout is very good. You don't get the feeling that you have already played the holes.
- Good mix of open fairways and trees. Trees are enough to be challenging but not impenetrable.
- There is a good amount of elevation change too. Holes go up hill as well as down hill.
- Course nevers seems to be crowded.


- Recommend visiting the course's map on this site to see hole/tee locations if you are unfamiliar with the couse.
- Holes 4 and 15 share the basket. Hole 4 players at tee off do not see players on 15. Players on 15 need to be careful. Same is true for holes 3 and 16.
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0 2
Experience: 14.3 years 5 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nice and Close 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 15, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Open with some woods. Good use of middle school field, you can play during school hours


Tees could have the pictures updated. Hole 8 is to the left not right. Some of the baskets are not as clear as possible.

Other Thoughts:

Could paint blue/red square on the walls of 10 an 11
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3 0
Experience: 14.6 years 82 played 12 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Plays more like 18 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 12, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Creative layout to get 18 holes out of 11 baskets. Example for other 9 hole courses that could expand to 18 with 9 baskets. As a beginner this course is very challenging. The elevation changes and a really good mix of wooded to open terrain make this a excellent learning course for me. Well worth the visit if your in the area. I was fortunate to play with an experience Pine Grove player who knew where all the tees & baskets were so there was no confusion but once you play it one time its easy enough to follow. There is a course map on here and that is very helpfull. Not overly crowded during the week, have not played on a weekend. To me it plays more like a 18 hole course than a 9 hole. Lots of parking in school lot plus a port-a-pot by the first hole. Nice field to practice driving if there are no sports games going on.


Fields, people watching baseball games could come into play on holes 1, 2, 4, 16. Can become a problem playing around each other on a few holes if course becomes crowded. Missing 2 tee signs 7th or 9th is one of them, can't remember the other one. Dirt tees. Watch Poisen Ivy holes 1, 2, 17, 18. Holes 6 & 14 plays thru mud most of the time.Tee signs don't always list distance. Watch for lots of sticker bush.

Other Thoughts:

I counted 11 baskets, Again 18 completly different holes. Back 9 seem more difficult than front nine with hole 16 (par 4 525 ft) the most difficult on the course in my opinion. Hole 9 & 11 has a white arrow marker on a tree showing where the fairway must be played, look for it as I missed it the first time. My favorite hole on the course is #3. Elevated tee looking down to rolling fairway to a downhill tree hidden Basket. A little bit of work on this course (tee signs, t-pads) would go a long way to making this a must play course in this area.

Nearby resturants, fast food.

Playability of the course I rate as 4 stars, just lacks quality tees and signage
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2 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.2 years 331 played 198 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Decent 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 7, 2009 Played the course:once


Nice 9 baskets, 18 tees, variety and challenging layout, glow-golf, some singage on tees, porta-potties.


Only nine baskets for 18 holes. Course navigation was frustrating and couldn't find one of the tees. Playing around the ball field on holes 1 and 2 were rough on the knees and ankles with the steep sideways elevation slope. Natural tees. School property.

Other Thoughts:

I might rate the course higher if I knew the layout better. Its probably the best course around northern Baltimore behind Druid Hill. Its not far off I-95 and 695 so if you are traveling through its a decent fix, but just don't expect to be wowed.
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2 1
Experience: 7.4 years 13 played 13 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Very pretty, parklike setting 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 30, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


The hole layouts are interesting, and every one is different. I found the course challenging. The picnic-like setting makes for a pretty course to bring the family to.


A lot of the holes are very tight -- get into the rough on holes 2 or 3 and you may never see your disc again.
Poison ivy was sprining up in the bottomlands for holes 5 and 6 last time I was there. It was always a risk for 1, 2, and 3 in the rough.

Other Thoughts:

The overlaps of the front and back nine have never been a problem for me, with the low usage rate for the course
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2 1
Experience: 17.4 years 24 played 21 reviews
2.00 star(s)

First I ever played 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 1, 2008 Played the course:2-4 times


Not very crowded
Holes are fairly open


-Is really difficult to follow
-Holes are not clearly marked so you find yourself guessing as to where to go
-If I didn't just read another review, I never would have known to play the course backwards because nothing is marked

Other Thoughts:

If there are sporting events going on, on the fields, do your best not to take it to the left.
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