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Venice, FL

Pinebrook DGC - Old Layout

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Pinebrook DGC - Old Layout reviews

6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.3 years 278 played 276 reviews
2.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 11, 2015 Played the course:once


Quirky course that borders on what some would consider a novelty course. A few holes are short and open, similar to what might be found at any park rec course anywhere. The others play under a canopy of trees and though narrow wooded paths. These are very short, 150 feet at the longest and require specific flight paths. While fun, they are extremely-based. For a couple, you basically throw directly into a tree and hope to hit a gap between branches. It feels a bit like mini disc golf with branches essentially acting as a windmill.
It's nicely appointed and the signs are accurate proving an interesting introduction to the game for a new players and a unique diversion for a veteran. I can't imagine a round taking more than twenty minutes and it is fun throughout if not ever much of a challenge. A bunch of quick flicks and near-impossible gaps that allow for ace runs if they are hit.


The pros are the cons here. It's a novelty course at times and uninteresting at remaining times. Interesting to play once while driving down 75 but not worth a second visit unless you are local. To an experienced player this is going to be 3-4 long puts plus an handful of nags.

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7 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12 years 25 played 24 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Not Really for Beginners 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 11, 2014 Played the course:once


* Good shot variety
* Easy to navigate.
* Quality tee pads and accurate signage.
* Calls for extreme accuracy.
* Very pretty between 4-8
* Easy to find.


* All holes are very short.
* I like the tightness, but there seems to be just as much luck as accuracy involved.
* Not much distance variety.

Other Thoughts:

Pinebrook is located in a multi use park in Venice, FL. Croquet, volleyball, hiking and basketball were all visible while being separate from the disc golf area. The course itself contains 3 relatively open holes from 140 to 210 ft. Then five very tight holes. The five tight holes are not long, but contain fairways no larger than standard halls and low ceilings as well. Typically the baskets stand behind an even more narrow area that requires a pin point and I do mean pinpoint shot. The course is not actually hard, but it is tough to park your drives. There really are that many spidery limbs sticking up everywhere. Hole nine is a basically open hyzer hole to end things up. Even though this course is early beginner length, I think beginners could learn their line shaping somewhere else. Watertower is a half hour away, also tight, and much more forgiving. I enjoyed my time here, but it is more a course to play if you live in the area, or are just passing through.
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3 1
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
2.50 star(s)

interesting 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 8, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


Good for practicing short technical game,makes you really look at all options.


Watch where your walking or you can get a branch in the face or trip over something sticking out of the ground.

Other Thoughts:

Good design for the space and terrain.nice job Hos.
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 15.7 years 1512 played 480 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Under the Venician Moon 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 8, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


1) Nice grippy concrete tees for this short recreational course.

2) Nice signs with Hole #, Par, Distance and a general hole map. All the information a guy can ask for.

3) Some extremely tight holes make for really interesting and unique shots. Apparently these trees are Brazilian Pepper trees . . .perhaps I have another new favorite plant for disc golf. Sure you wouldn't want to run 18 holes through this stuff, but I think it creates such a unique area for some short technical holes with low ceilings. Very unique holes that I have never played before.

4) Nice discatcher baskets are very visible on all the holes.

5) Variation of shots from hyzers, anhyzers, and a straight shot or two. Basically you can pick your favorite gap on the middle holes and just execute but the other hole allow you to pick and choose how to get close.

6) Plenty of birdie opportunities and aceruns . . .but if you miss your line you will be punished.

7) Alternate pin placements on each hole make for a course that can be changed up and not remain static all the time.

8) Seems to be well maintained although there isn't much to this except some lawn mowing and possibly an occasional pruning run (but it isn't old enough to have needed any pruning since the original carving probably.


1) The biggest drawback to these holes is they are all simple touch shots. Break out your few different mid-ranges and test your technical skills. While these are all fun throws, the fact that they are all basically so technical doesn't really allow for much variety in terms of disc selection or throws.

2) Distance variation is not big enough to force you to throw different discs and shots.

3) Generally this is a hyzer friendly course with only a couple of anhyzers.

Other Thoughts:

I had to laugh about the croquet fields next door . . .all I could think about is in Saving Silverman Jack Black says that he takes dumps on the lawn and the other guy says he plays croquet out there. When we were there the croquet club was in full force . . .about 40 70-80 year old people dressed in all white. I love croquet but not enough to join a club . . . but to each his own.

This was a fun quick course to play along the west coast of Florida. Although it is lacking in size it is not lacking in fun. Run for the aces if you want or just try and park all the holes . . . either way they are all pretty fun throws. The only thing this lacks is variety in shot shape and distance. This is strictly a technical short course. I had fun and so did my wife . . . especially when I got off the fairway and it took a 45' putt for a 5 on a hole less than 200' . . . while she took a 3!

This would be a fun glow round too!!!
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 19.9 years 131 played 110 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Fun place to play! 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 24, 2012 Played the course:once


-Entry level course:Good for beginners, learning how to throw lines, and shot shaping.
-Par 3 pitch and putt.
-Though the first few holes play across a field, the course is primarily segregated from the rest of the park.
-Concrete Tee's, Signs w/map & distance, Map at the start.
-Alt pin placements (Discatcher Baskets)
-Great use of terrain.
-Maximized the use of a small area
-Great fun factor
-Short course with good challenges
-Clean Park in a Safe Neighborhood. Very well taken care of!
-Bathrooms at the start, and garbage cans throughout the course.
-Great Beginner/Starter course
-You'll have to strategically work your lines.
-If you are looking for a quick round, or perhaps a rest stop on a trip. It's very close to the interstate.
-Could be played with a putter and a mid-range. ...perhaps even just one disc.
For what it's worth...
-Multi-use park
-Croquet Court, and a really nice one at that, for those of you that would like to get your Croquet on. (Inducted into my list of sentences I never though I'd say!)


This course is really to small to have many cons. It is what it is. You should know by this point if you want to play here or not. It's not Flip City, it's just a really small course that is a fun to play!

-It is really small. (Which isn't necessarily a con, but it is what it is)
-Some of the brush that you play through is very thick and covers most of the fairway. Although, the fairways are short enough that salvaging par is easy. I still had fun playing around it.
-I've also been told that the Brazilian Pepper trees here can be equal to Poison Ivy. Just a heads up, there is a lot of Brazilian Pepper trees. Bring some Benedryl or an Eppie pen. ...just in case!
-It appeared that the Croquet Players have set up a line of Demarcation. Disc Golfers stay on their side, The Croquet players will stay on theirs. Yes, there were signs!

Other Thoughts:

Here is the deal with this Neighborhood Park Rec course. It's small, it's short, and delightful. It can be played in roughly 15-20 minutes. I really enjoyed myself here, and could probably have played it two or three more times.

There are 3 bigger and more challenging courses in the area. Pinebrook is a course that is excellent to introduce people to the sport. It's also a great course to take your friends that may not play regularly, but aren't wanting to take on a more challenging course. It could also be a great place to take a date or a spouse that is not necessarily into the sport, but could still have a good time. It's perfect for the neighborhood that surrounds it.

If you are in the area, it's worth checking out. It plays quick, and you might find yourself having fun. Perhaps you would just like to add another notch to the proverbial "Played Belt" on your profile. If you are doing a road trip, this course fits nicely between the Sarasota Courses and the North Port Charlotte course.
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4 0
Experience: 24.4 years 27 played 7 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Better than being bitten by a gator 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 1, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


The park was clean, and in a nice neighborhood.
Signage and tees were in good shape.
Thick trees used well as obstacles, helped define the holes.
Tricky layouts help polish hyzer shots, fun ace runs.


-Short. Leave your drivers at home. I wound up using the nearby soccer field afterwards to stretch out a Wraith and get it out of my system.
-Holes far too narrow, but ok for the little space investment.

Other Thoughts:

Played it while on vacation, wished a better course was available nearby. I will likely play it again this year, unless I want to explore.
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5 0
Experience: 19.3 years 325 played 7 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Great Putter Practice 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 6, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


- Course Sign w/ course layout
- Short walk to first tee from parking lot
- Signs at all tees w/ distances an hole layout
- Cement tees
- Nice Innova baskets
- Multiple pin placements
- Well maintained park


- Very short holes
- Holes through the Brazillian Pepper are very luck based even for the short length of holes
- Packed into a very tight area
- Park is a heavily trafficked multi-use park

Other Thoughts:

I decided to play this course to add another one to the list. I found it to lack any challenge for a player of my skill level. This course caters well to the beginner, shorter thowing players and players looking to get in some good putter practice. I imagine this course could be very fun for some safari golf. Not worth taking a trip for this one. However, it could be good warm-up if passing on the way to another course.
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5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 402 played 50 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Good Break From Beach 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 10, 2011 Played the course:once


I enjoyed my break from the beach here. Tee pads were sufficient. Signage helped. The park was clean and safe. This is a great beginner park. Even advanced players can practice here with putters and mid ranges trying to hit tight lines. There was a varying array of holes and many looked quite different. This is the perfect place to bring someone for their first round of disc golf. It breeds confidence and the desire to keep playing. I appreciated being able to leave the beach, get some lunch, and get in a quick round that everyone could enjoy, before continuing on to vacation stuff.


This course is the only one in the area and it is not to the level that would inspire great golf. Holes were all really short. Many offered less than 6' of a putting green. The trees protecting the baskets were neat to look at but too crowding to be on a disc golf course. Even the most overgrown holes were not hard 2's and I could see someone getting bored here quickly. The course doesnt separate players and might frustrate better players who see beginners playing at the same level. The course basically plays around a spot of "woods" counter clockwise...so basically a majority of the holes are hyzers if not totally straight.

Other Thoughts:

I'd play here again if I was collecting teeth in Venice..however, I wouldn't detour a trip to stop here. All in all a decent course for the area. I would play here if I lived nearby. It just doesnt hold up in layout, design, and looks to 3 rated courses in more developed disc golf towns.
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3 0
Experience: 15.3 years 63 played 12 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Great short course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 12, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Very nice & clean park. No drivers needed played the entire time with a JK Pro Aviar X and a Buzzz. Nice flow good benches for rest but not needed. I played 6 rounds in less then a hour.


None to mention. Some fairways didn't have defined lines but all holes where dueces if not easy threes

Other Thoughts:

Very safe neighborhood I felt I never had a bogey even playing kaplinko off the shull. Great place to practice low putts and control shots. My first shot on one with a Buzzz missed the basket by a foot so big arms need to forget driving.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 17.3 years 275 played 236 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Putter Park, Exceeded expectations 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 31, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


Great beginner course, with multiple tees. course has so much character, it has a novelty putt putt feel. True beginners may still throw 6-7 shots on a 100 ft hole because it is so tight and technical. Every hole is easily duecable, but a bad throw can lead to a bogey or even double bogey on a dinky hole.
Bathrooms available.

Course layout has been changed in 2016. Course is still a fun novelty course with some new challenges added to the old holes.

New signs are beautiful, Course map is very nice.


7 of the 9 holes are 160 feet or shorter, no need for drivers here.
Lots of pinball play, tossing a putter into a pile of trees and see where it goes.
One of the new players I was with griplocked a disc on

Idiots write all over the tee signs when they get an ace, ITS A 90ft HOLE!

Lots of novelty, but little variety. The experience is over in a few minutes.

Hole 2's east ace run has been removed for a new location, but it is a new ace run .

Other Thoughts:

I had a blast here!
Great course for such a tiny space, but it doesn't feel like a real course, more of a novelty. Saying that hole 7 has a low ceiling is an understatement, you have to duck when you walk to the basket.
This course can be done in no time at all and you can be on your way to Watertower or Norht Chralotte. It is a good warm up for your putter.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 49.4 years 245 played 198 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Short But Sweet 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 15, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


This is probably the shortest course that I have ever played! But it is not the easiest. There are a few open holes, but most of the holes are carved out of a dense forest creating some very narrow fairways, and low ceilings. More advanced players may leave your drivers at home and practice here with your mids and putters.

There are clean and modern restrooms close to the course.

Nice signage, concrete tee-pads, plenty of garbage cans and benches/picnic tables.


Some might consider the short length a con, but I sometimes like to play a course like this for a change of pace.

WARNING there are alot of Brazilian Pepper trees on this course. If you are allergic to Brazillian Pepper tree (related to Poison Ivy) stay far away from this course!

Other Thoughts:

A nice clean little course, in a nice clean park, in a nice clean neighborhood!

Basketball, baseball, tennis and croquet facilities on site.
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3 1
Experience: 14.2 years 10 played 10 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A great small course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 31, 2010 Played the course:once


Very tight shots on some holes. Every hole has some type of obstacle. Putters and Midrange discs only. No drivers needed. I loved the tightness of the course, it will make me a better player in tight spots. You could use an ultimate disc and play this course just fine. I like this course in such a small area. This the type of course I would like on my own property.


Only 9 holes, not that difficult. Take newbies here to learn how to play tough and tight courses. I really don't have any cons for this course. I believe every course has something good about it.

Other Thoughts:

Played this on a Sunday and there was no one around. Good fun.
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3 0
Experience: 35.8 years 26 played 6 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Pitch and Putt 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 13, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Nice beginners course. Good practice for seasoned players for putt and approach. Easy to follow layout and nice baskets


it's TINY walked it twice in about 30 min... 18 holes in thirty... when was the last time you did that! I dont know maybe thats a Pro not a con

Other Thoughts:

Putt and approach practice only. Bust out a putter and a mid you want to break in you may throw it once a round. Didnt do any run up drives at all basicly played the pad as point where a "Drive" landed and practiced my up shot and long putts
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3 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.3 years 104 played 61 reviews
1.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 11, 2010 Played the course:once


9 holes of disc golf with very easy access to I-75. The baskets and tees are in excellent condition with the course being still very new. Excellent use of the tiny piece of land available for disc golf. This is a very beginner friendly course and the people I ran into were very friendly. Easy access to parking. This is a great place to practice putting and also an excellent course to practice putting around obstacles and tight tunnel upshots.


There are some drainage on the south side of the course. The holes are all very short with obstacles not really being all that difficult. The flow on the first two holes is confusing for a moment as are the couple holes on the back side of the course.

Other Thoughts:

You don't need anyone to walk the course with as it is very straight forward. Just check the map on this site because you have to walk past some holes on the back of the course to get to the next hole and then work your way back toward the front. Could be confusing for a couple of minutes but the park is so small you couldn't get too messed up. Most players should have a really nice ace run on hole 9. You could rack up plenty of aces on the 90 foot straight hole 6.
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3 2
denny ritner
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 26.4 years 170 played 115 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Putt putt for the fun of it! 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 14, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


This 9 hole course is fun and addictive! I'd call it the world's most difficult all par 2 course. It provides a very good fun challenge for beginners and will keep the short game in shape for even the world's best.

The course builders did a very good job getting the maximum out of roughly 2.5 acres.

The concrete tees, baskets and signs are all excellent. There are alternate pin locations that provide variety for the locals.

The holes that have been cut through the infamous bra-peps have very unique looks to them. The canopies have been well-preserved to provide good shade on much of the course.


Very, very short. No opportunities to use power.

Holes 4 and 9 have OB fences that are very much in play. Many players will throw over the fences.

Other Thoughts:

The designers did a very good job with the given property. The course is fun and appeals to a wide range of skill levels.

The rating of 1.5 reflects:
Average course = (5+0)/2 = 2.5
Deduct .5 for only 9 holes
Deduct .5 for very, very short

Don't be a dirty discer! Leave the course cleaner than you found it.
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6 0
The Miniac
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 48.4 years 383 played 35 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Pinebrook park dgc 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 14, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Very convenient to I-75. Very quick play-time. Only really need a putter and maybe a mid-range. Plenty of shade on the wooded holes. Birdie & Ace % is likely to climb for regular players. Multiple pins. Excellent grip on tee pads.


Not going to give you much practice for driving. Some very punitive rough in wooded areas. Fence behind #9 pin is OB and has prongs. Be careful to stay in bounds.

Other Thoughts:

Installed in early July 2010, this compact entry-level 9-holer is an efficient use of space between soccer fields and baseball fields. Prior to installation, it was, obviously, a landfill area for all of the other larger projects in the developmental stages of the park. Hence, you will find large chunks of concrete and dirt mounds.

The area was nowhere near ideal for a disc golf course, but with some clean up, has become a fun, beginner-friendly track that should help the newer players concentrate on the most important part of the game; basic short throws and putting. There is literally no need for a driver on this course.

Holes 1-3 are fairly open with minimal trees and bushes to navigate. Some young oak trees were planted on the fairway of #2. At hole 4 you get your first taste of Bra-peps (Brazilian pepper trees), an invasive and very aggressive specie to Florida.

There are several usages of the natural arches that occur with Bra-peps. Fairways 5 & 7 provide multiple "minimalist" windows for a line to the green. Even unsuccessful drives (up-shots, really) should leave the player within putting distance.

The 4'x8' concrete pads have an excellent grippy surface and there are 2 pin positions per fairway.
Due to the compact nature of the course, most longer pins are on roughly the same line as the short.

The course is easy to navigate. "Next tee" signs direct you on the transition from 1 to 2 and from 4 to 5.

The long position of hole #5 sits behind a mound to create a challenging putting situation. A flag is on order for the basket.

#6 is the shortest hole on the course and a flat-out ace-run. The longer pin position was installed in the fall of 2010 after the area grew in a bit. Call it "poor baby-sitting" with some unskilled labor cutting too much on another hole, which encroached on fairway #6.

Hole #8, provides a direct sight-line and a sweeping right turn. This fairway, like a few others requires an accurate throw and the rough is very punitive. Stay on the fairways!! Time will open the areas up a bit.

The only glaring safety issue is the green of #9, which is bordered by a chain-link fence. Rather than remove the fence bordering the fairway, the parks department installed a 30' high net above the fence making nearly impossible to go OB. Fairway #4 also borders a baseball diamond's outfield. Another tall net was installed here. The county also planted other bushes as barrier replacements for those bushes knocked down by tractors loaded with concrete when pouring the tees.

I expect that many players will find this course to be "beneath them", while others will love the course because it will increase their birdie and ace percentage.

If you show up expecting a crusher course, you will be disappointed. But if you find yourself there with an open mind, a putter, and maybe a mid-range, you should find it a fun change of pace.

The Miniac
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