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Bowling Green, KY

Preston Miller Park

2.845(based on 32 reviews)
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Preston Miller Park reviews

12 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 5.2 years 184 played 131 reviews
2.50 star(s)


Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 15, 2023 Played the course:5+ times


WHAT TO EXPECT: Heavily wooded throughout most of the course, park style golf for the rest. This HB Clark design is crammed in a small strip of woods next to the baseball and soccer complex at Preston Miller Water Park. Expect short holes, tiny gaps, dense rough, slippery slopes, and lots of frustrating tree kicks.

AMENITIES: Several Pavilions, Modern Bathrooms, Massive Parking Lot, Soccer Fields to warm up on.

TEES/SIGNAGE/BASKETS: In typical HB Clark fashion Preston Miller gets most of this section right. Tees are large textured concrete, minimalistic tee signs showing their age but contain all relevant information, par, distance, and hole map depicting shape. Baskets are aging and in need of replacing old DGA's. Course Map Kiosk has all relevant info but like most of the rest of this course, is definitely showing its age.

DESIGN: (This course has had to be redesigned several times over the years from its initial design due to park expansion, new parking lots, and larger sports fields, so I will only focus on the current design) If you are into beautiful technical wooded lines that punish errant throws, this is exactly what Preston will provide. The course opens up with a wide open Hole #1, follows up with a semi open downhill toss into the woods, and then goes full on precision gap hitting in some seriously dense woods for the remainder of the front 9. You pop out of the woods on Hole #10 through #13 then dive back into the woods for some of the most difficult short wooded holes I've seen in Bowling Green before finishing with a wide open short #18. Holes shape extremely well for the RHFH and RHBH (in the woods) as there are a lot of stock right to left shots through clearly defined (but tight) gaps, as well as multiple two angle left to right shots that require a RHFH flex angle. Lefties (like me) will struggle to score the birdie on these holes as it's very hard to execute the shape required. Extremely punishing rough when trees kicks happen.

GAMEPLAY: This course is massive assortment of "how to throw your disc 250 feet" without hitting a tree, with a random open bomber Par 3 mixed in. Elevation is used smartly and effectively on most every hole, slippery sloped greens, angle control off the tee, uphill/downhill tee shots, etc. Definitely a course that favors "luck" slightly more than "skill" on any given day. You can shoot -7 one round and turn and around and play through again and shoot +10. The trees giveth, and the trees taketh away. Not a gimmicky course by any means, but very luck involved when it comes to where your disc lands after tree kicks. Have your scramble game ready.

SIGNATURES: Holes #3 (A very short left to right forgiving Ace Run over a nice bridge to a mildly protected sloped green), #4 (A very short tight downhill tunnel shot with a wide creek just behind the basket, a not so forgiving Ace Run), and Hole #5 (a medium length HEAVILY wooded downhill Ace Run, with no clear defined gap that you feel comfortable attempting, whose basket is perched on the bank of the creek) will certainly get love from a lot of people for very different reasons, all valid. To me the signature hole is Hole #15. This hole is a round wrecker and in tournament play can shake up the entire leaderboard. There is a needle thin gap slightly larger than shoulder width to hit roughly 30 feet off the tee, canted slightly off center to the left of the pad. The entire fairway is only as wide as a small walking trail, with both sides walled in by extremely thick vines, trees, and underbrush. The hole
then snakes down the hill to the right in a similarly wide gap before straightening back out and finishing just barely left, with the basket placed roughly 10 feet from the bank of the creek. This hole is extremely difficult to birdie, and can be absolutely maddening if you make a mistake and hit something
early. I love score separators like this.


UPKEEP: While the "park" portion and open holes are well mowed and maintained, the wooded section of the course is left to grow however it chooses. There is a deep trenched out walking path down the main fairways of each hole that stay muddy and wet, but immediately on either side is thick, dense, thorny underbrush. It can be extremely frustrating and downright painful to take a bad tree kick (which happens often).

BASKETS: This course has VERY old DGA's, the basket on Hole #3 has maybe 12 chains on it. Some of the baskets are no longer close to being level, some have obvious signs of trees falling on them and bending/damaging them and not being repaired.

DIFFICULTY: The gaps are razor thin, the tree kicks unpredictable, and scrambling is often not as easy as one would like. While the distances are appealing for newer players, the skill needed to navigate this course is quite high.

LACK OF DISTANCE: There is one hole where you can open up and let it rip (and it's a weird angle Par 3 that is insanely hard to reach for a chance at birdie) If you rely on, or really enjoy letting a disc fly, this course won't be high on your list.

NAVIGATION: You criss-cross back and forth several times as you exit the woods and re-enter, then re-exit. Take a picture of the course map or use U-DISC as you will easily get confused. You have to walk past other baskets on your way out of the woods so be extremely careful that people aren't throwing at you.

Other Thoughts:

While not at all a bad design (given the tiny property to work with), and the immense amount of skill it manages to require over such a short course, Preston Miller rides a fine line between being too punishing and mostly unfun which is not a great combination for a park course with tons of local course competition. Most will come through expecting a short wooded pitch and putt and get wrecked by the technicality required. I play the Bowling Green Open every year and always dread having this course on my list. While I would certainly bag it if I were on a trip to Bowling Green, it would not be a highlight stop amongst the other courses in the area. Not a bad course, just not a course I personally enjoy. Probably a 3 star course, but the poor upkeep and dense underbrush bring it down to a 2.5 for me.
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10 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 6 years 339 played 321 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Choose the Tree or the Tree Chooses You 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 8, 2021 Played the course:once


An apparently-forgotten course with little to offer.

-Amenities: Concrete tees, DGA baskets, minimal tee signs (like Lover's Lane).

-Solitaire: The park as a whole doesn't seem to get a lot of use, at least during the off season. This keeps it quiet, so it might be a good getaway destination.

-Woods: If you're into woods beauty and highly technical lines, Preston Miller might hit the spot. The majority of the course plays in very thick woods, where needle precision is necessary to carve up the course. Someone with a great putter game might enjoy it.

-Shot Shaping/Gameplay: A fair assortment of extremely tight shapes under 250'. This includes right-finishing shots, straight ones, doglegs left, and gradations of all of these. Mixed in are open holes on (1) and (11)-(14). This is a welcome reprieve with more distance (still mostly under 300') that allows more free throwing and a little bit of variety. On the whole, it will be a constant battle with the trees, which will inevitably win sometimes. However, being so short, scrambling will virtually always be a possibility.


A little *too* technical.

-Lines: Frequently, somewhat unbelievable. The gaps sometimes resemble a walking trail, while at other times the twists can't be made with a single shot. Add to this that the margin of error is tiny throughout, and Preston Miller doesn't present an appealing mix for most players. The number of trees you'll hit will change any baseline plastic into a roller in one round.

-Length: I think there's one hole on the entire course that gives you the chance for a full send. Other than that, shots will be smooth and soft only.

Other Thoughts:

Preston Miller is here in the woods, and it's not the worst example of this I've ever seen. However, it has a long way to go to create a challenge with good lines. It's Reasonable, but nothing more than a woodsy pitch and putt.
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9 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.2 years 129 played 71 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Birdie or Bogey fest - the choice is yours! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 18, 2019 Played the course:2-4 times


Another title for the review could be 'Big Arms need not apply'. This is your quintessential 'ht your line or die' course (I hit mine! Weee!) If you play this one in the wind it can be REALLY tough.

Hole 1 is deceiving...it's wide open, just toss a midrange to it and take your bird.

Hole 2 tightens things up a bit. Easy left shot but a pin-point accuracy RHBH anny toss.

After this, things get fun...and super tight.

Hole 3 is another anny shot, but up hill

Hole 4 is an extreme touch shot with a basket on a steep downhill slope. Too much and it's bye bye birdie!

Hole 5 doesn't appear to have a fairway! The RH flick-shot is the safest way to approach...but ANY tree kick and bye bye par

Hole 6 is the first shot that you can put any power on. I actually threw a driver on it (up hill) and came up short.

Hole 7-10 are precision shots. Absolute must hit the line for a bird

Hole 11 gives you a break from the walk-path like fairways and lets you air one out. Nice mental break here

Hole 12 & 13 do the same for you. Shorter than 11, but you can sail one to the basket.

Hole 14-17 and it's back to throwing very narrow darts down very narrow paths. Hole 15 is majorly, butt-puckering tiiiiight.

Hole 18 brings you back out of the woods and fairly near #1. Just a simple straight up hill shot basket.


Biggest issue on these wooded holes is the grown cover ivy. Spent a lot of time looking for a green disc (very bad color to throw). And if this course gets a bit overgrown, it will be unplayable.

Other Thoughts:

I totally digged the course, but could see how it could seriously frustrate new players. If you can't throw 150-175 on a rope, you're going to have a long day. But it's a good course to take your big-armed buddies out to. Completely negates their power!
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6 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.1 years 222 played 100 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun Short Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 14, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


- Easy to get to
- Strating and ending holes will bring you right back to the parking lot.
- Full bathrooms for men and women that are very clean, and a nice large covered area make it a nice place to spend a few hours at and just enjoy the course.
- Close to multiple places for food, beverage and fuel.
- There is a giant field next to the course so if you are looking to get in some practice before or after your round, you are in the right place.
- For the course being one of the shortest courses in all of Bowling Green, it can still kick your butt. If you are not hitting your lines that day you can easily have a very bad round.
- The course has its fair share of elevation change and it is used perfectly. THe risk reward factor on a lot of the holes makes easy holes a fun challenge to play.
- Concrete Teepads


- No real distace shots out there, but you have the rest of Bowling Green for that.
- When you get out of the woods for a few shots it can be a bit difficult to find the next tee.
- Some of the holes have fairways, tees and baskets that are fairly close to each other. The risk of getting hit on an errant drive is present but its not the biggest issue.
- Teesigns are definitely outdated. An upgrade to them is 100% needed.

Other Thoughts:

Fun challenging little course. On any given day you can shoot +10 or -10 and to me that makes it a lot of fun. You normally can just coast thru a short little course and not put much thought into it but here you need to still be on your game to shoot well.
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7 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.2 years 50 played 22 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Short and Sweet 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 20, 2014 Played the course:once


1. It was my first time to Preston Miller Park and the facility itself is VERY impressive. It also got quite a bit of use while we played, and it didn't effect the disc golf at all!

2. The tee pads and baskets were in excellent shape on this course. Really enjoyed the tee pads on this course.

3. There is a pretty decent mix of open and wooded holes. The wooded holes have some sweeping turns or fades while other wooded holes require precise lines to be hit.

4. I did like the change in elevation that was used throughout the course. There are some big downhill holes that are pretty short. I also recall Hole 13 played much longer at 248 ft than Hole 14 that is 279 ft.

5. I actually liked that fact that the course switched from open to wooded a couple of times during the round.

6. As a guy who likes to let it rip a least once, hole 12 covered this criteria for me. That 370 ft played a long way.

7. The layout does a good job of using the natural barriers to add trouble to the holes. The creek did come into play a few times during the round.

8. Signs were decent and gave a rough estimate of the hole.

9. This would be an excellent course for the novice or junior player to get their start.


1. The only real problem I had with this course was navigation on a hole or two. I remember having trouble finding 18 tee and one other hole. As I admitted earlier though, it was my first time to the park.

Other Thoughts:

I had seen what the course was rated, and was a little worried about what the course would be like. I was VERY pleasantly surprised at the quality of the course. Sure that are some holes that don't have a lot of drama, but I enjoyed the break from some of the tight lines on the other holes. My playing partner and I both remarked about just how much fun and enjoyment we had during our round. We will play here again!!
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2 1
Experience: 11.5 years 309 played 26 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Night Frolf!! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 14, 2013 Played the course:once


1. Good mix of open and wooded holes, Wooded holes outweigh open ones

2. Short wooded holes

3. chances to air it out on 3 or 4 holes

4. A few downhill tee shots

5. Great park that stays open late with many people still in the park either walking/jogging or playing basketball. It was like we were playing during the daytime. This is the spot to be to play at nighttime if you don't mind the woods after dark. Use a flashlight and you will be fine. The park is so well lit you can actually see some of the baskets from pretty far away.


1. Hard to tell in the dark but I think the lines in the woods were not all that great we must have just got lucky a lot because we were getting a lot of pars and a few birdies

Other Thoughts:

I would have probably only rated it a 3.0 if we would have played during the day but It's really easy to find your LED taped discs In the woods at night and is really fun to walk down the fairway to the basket and place a light or blinking LED on the basket and then you see it when you tee off. We did not lose one single disc and played the entire 18 in the dark. Surprisingly it wasn't that hard to navigate although we did get messed up a couple of times. You wouldn't think it would be so much fun to play in the middle of the woods at night but it was a blast! This was our 6th and final stop on our 111 hole day. it took two people 2:32 to play but during day I'd say 2 hours tops.
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1 3
Experience: 20.6 years 152 played 68 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun little tight course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 12, 2013 Played the course:once


Nice signs and cement teepads. Good use of tight woods, elevation and water risk.


Short, only 1 hole over 300'. a few holes are very open with no real challenge to them other than wind.

Other Thoughts:

Very enjoyable course. Tight lines and short holes means that you won't need more than a teebird and mids and putters, but was a very fun round.
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11 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.1 years 401 played 385 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Technical, short but sweet 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 9, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


Preston Miller Park has a wonderful, short, fun, 18 hole disc golf course to go along with an amazing looking water park, soccer fields, jogging paths, sand volleyball, basketball, and shelters (with bathrooms), all in a nice looking neighborhood on the southwest side of Bowling Green, Kentucky. The city hosts one of (if not THE) biggest amateur disc golf tournaments every year, hosting 600-700 Am players, and Miller is one of the eight courses in town used for the tourney (out of about a dozen worthwhile courses within a half an hour's drive - making this one of the disc golf destination spots in the region).

All the courses in BG seem to have quality concrete tee pads appropriately sized for the holes they serve, and I can't recall ever having to worry about my footing here. Decent signs (see pictures) usually have trash buckets (though you'll notice that occasionally folk forget how to use them). Fairways, paths, and the rest of the infrastructure have always seemed to be decently maintained.

The course starts at the back shelter house by the gravel parking lot, and has two or three fairly open shots under 280' that are defined mostly by the OB walkway. Then you start into the woods with a teasingly short anny (rhbh) across the ravine and over a cute little bridge. The flow is fairly intuitive in most places, and the shots in the woods range from 168 to 267 feet, encompassing left turns, right turns, and some fair but tight lines. A couple have the potential to get kicked down to the stream below, but the rough is seldom so thick as to irretrievably swallow up many discs. The nice thing about using the woods the way the designer did is that no other park activities really interfere with the disc golf.

You emerge for three more 'open' shots (which could bring the notorious BG winds into play) on the 370' hole 12, play up in the open on 13, and back down to a tree guarded 14th basket. Then you face three really tight challenges before coming out again to an open #18 that takes you back to the start.

In all, Miller is one of the technical courses in town, and has to be considered 'short but sweet': an enjoyable round is to be had here for the recreational level (or in my case, the middle-aged) player who doesn't always want to pull out the big D. Skilled Open level players should routinely shoot in the mid 40's here, while Recs can accomplish a par 54 if they keep their focus and avoid making mistakes.


There are no benches on the course, but it's not an overly long walk. The tee signs are becoming a little dated, and hole lengths don't always correspond with the distances online. There are a couple of places where the path from one basket to the next tee is a little awkward (after holes 9, 11, 12, and 17), and could use 'next tee' signs.

Other Thoughts:

Looking forward to making an annual trip here and lowering my score each time!
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1 2
Experience: 19.1 years 136 played 59 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Short and SWEET 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 31, 2012 Played the course:once


I thought this course had great amenities. Bridges, tee signs, nicely mowed park. Easy to get to.


Not too many cons on this course, it is short and does allow for good scoring so not too many GOLF shots here. Although in the woods you have to hit your lines and get on the green to keep up with the competition

Other Thoughts:

This course was fun, great for scoring. Very scenic paths through the woods let you feel like a walk in the park
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4 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 14.6 years 797 played 59 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Solid course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 1, 2012 Played the course:once


The course has a good mix of open and wooded holes and many of the open holes use OB or terrain to make them more difficult which I appreciate.

The wooded holes, for the most part, had clear fairways with attainable lines.

It is a shorter course that would be good for beginner players to learn how to play woods golf.

Nice tee-signs which goes for all the BG courses I played


No benches which seemed to be a Theme in BG

The rough was extremely rough to the point that the lost disc potential is very high.(maybe not as much in the winter)

Other Thoughts:

This course really didn't stand out to me as having many flaws but it didn't really seem special either. It is a solid course with many ace runs and birdies to be had and would be good for a short or mid/putter round.

I would play it again if I was in the area but it is not a destination course that I would go out of my way to play.
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1 0
Experience: 15.3 years 63 played 8 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Good wooded course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 22, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Good course and uses the space well. Many tight lines to hit in the woods as well as some open holes that you can put some ace runs on. Fairly short so beginner friendly. You get to work on your techincal shots.


Not long or too challenging. Most drives come from your mids and putters on this course. One hole is 400+ feet which does not flow well with the rest of the course.

Other Thoughts:

A fun course to play and provides to a change of pace from the new bomber courses. A good course and if you live in BG one you need to check out. If you are coming from out of town and can only play a select few, I would leave this one out.
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21 years 269 played 148 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 13, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Preston Miller is a short but fun little course that's about 2/3 wooded and 1/3 open. The course has concrete tees and tee signs. There's a practice basket and bulletin board with a course map by hole 1 and the parking lot. There are some nice elevation changes on some of the holes which add to the fun and challenge of the course. There's a great shot variety here and the course might favor LHBH players slightly over RHBH players which is great to see. The wooded holes are all pretty technical, hit your line and you should have a birdie putt, miss it and struggle for your three. The course starts and ends with open holes and has a few in the back nine also. The open holes provide a nice change of pace from the wooded holes.


The course has little variety when it comes to hole length. There's only one hole over 300 and the rest of the course is between 170ft and 260ft. This makes the wooded holes start to feel a bit repetitive but the shot variety mentioned above helps to combat this.

Navigation is an issue in a couple places, mostly when trying to find hole 13's tee which is hidden in the edge of the rough.

With the exception of hole 12, the open holes are basically wide open and bland.

The diagram on the tee signs isn't incredibly accurate or helpful on some of the holes.

A couple of the holes have too many trees in the fairway and thus rely too heavily on luck.

Other Thoughts:

Overall this course isn't much of a challenge to more advanced players but that doesn't stop it from being a fun course. The abundance of short, technical shots will really help teach newer players to hit their lines and punish them until they do.
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0 2
Experience: 15.2 years 41 played 41 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Tight and technical 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 2, 2011 Played the course:once


Great course for putter/mid practice
Well worn in with beautiful wooded shots.
great course for birdie practice.
close to town
a few holes have the high risk/high reward feel


only about 2 holes that requires a driver.
really short
if the water is up in creek and your disc goes in, kiss it goodbye.
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8 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 200 played 61 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Short and Narrow 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 10, 2010 Played the course:once


Preston Miller is a nice disc golf course located in a very good sized park that has a lot of other activities in it. The course plays mostly through heavy woods with occasional holes located in the open. The open holes are nicely spread amongst all of the wooded holes and provide a nice variety.

This course has nice sized concrete tee pads and tee signs that give all of the important information. Near tee #1 there is a pavilion, a nice message board with course map and practice basket. These seem pretty standard for the BG area but are still appreciated as some of those little extra touches that make a course better. Even the buckets on the tee posts for garbage are better than having nothing at all.

The design of this course offers quite a bit of variety on shot type. There is a great mix of BH, FH and straight holes with a few blind shots thrown in. The course really does not favor any specific type. The elevation changes on this course are by no means dramatic but they are used to good effect. Without the elevation this course would be numbingly boring. The wooded holes, while pretty short, have very narrow, defined fairways that really force you to hit your lines or get buried in the shule.

With the length (short) and narrow fairways this course makes an excellent intermediate level course. For anyone else it is a good place to work on midrange/putter shots.


Very short. The wooded holes are all right around 200 feet so you could really play them all with just a putter.

Lack of obstacles on the open holes. Even though it is nice to get a break from the wooded holes it would be nice to see a couple more obstacles on the open holes to force at least a minimum of shot shaping. Holes 1 and 2 have nothing at all between the tee and basket.

Walking trail. The walking path comes very close to the course on a couple of holes. The day that I played Preston Miller there was a 10K or something on the path so it was a little distracting and worrying.

Lack of Challenge. This course is really easy to go pretty far below par on. If you are an Advanced or Open player you will probably get bored on this course. On the flip side beginners may find the narrow wooded holes frustrating.

Other Thoughts:

I liked playing Preston Miller but it is not one of the better BG courses. I can definitely see myself playing it again though. I have always been partial to wooded courses and it was a nice fast play that helps me focus on my short game. I appreciate all of the variety available in Bowling Green,
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4 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.5 years 688 played 61 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Fun pitch and putt course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 4, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


The course has high quality tee pads, good signs similar to others in the Bowling Green area, and a nice course map you can view before starting. Also there's a nice pavilion area where you can relax before or after a round with restrooms and a water fountain available. The course has good baskets in good condition and good walking paths from one basket to the next tee pad for the holes in the woods. The wooded holes require being very accurate with your drives or look at just laying up. None of the wooded holes are long enough that if you go off the fairway, you're going to be fighting for a three. That can also be a con, depending on your point of view. The open holes add a nice mix to the open holes and can allow for some different shots to reach the basket.


The wooded holes do not provide much of a fairway and will probably deter less skilled players from playing here. Errant shots will be punished though the rough isn't thick enough to leave you searching endlessly. Wooded fairways do not allow for multiple routes to the basket. Most of the wooded holes are approximately the same length. The creek along the course can add plenty of bugs so be prepared. Also, poison ivy can be an issue so be warned.

Other Thoughts:

Not much to this course in my opinion. I use this course to practice my mid range shots and really focus on putting. During nice weather this course gets moderate use but not really with any big backups. Also other areas of the park get used quite regularly which may affect some holes.
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Fun putter course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 11, 2009 Played the course:once


The course plays through a heavily wooded park with some open field areas. Most of the course plays in the woods, with tight lines and heavy punishment if you miss the fairways. A few holes play into and out of the edge of the woods, and a few more are pretty open. Though short, the wooded holes challenge you to hit your line, and play pretty balanced for right or left handed players. The open holes are scattered throughout the course and are nice breaks to help keep the course from getting too repetitive.

There are nice concrete tees that are plenty large enough for the length of the holes. The signs are basic, but informative with distance and layout of the hole. There is the typical Bowling Green course map by the parking lot, which helps with a couple navigation issues on the course.


The wooded holes are all around the same length, and don't do a great job of taking advantage of the available elevation so they all end up feeling pretty similar. The first couple holes really just feel like filler, the rest of the open holes are pretty interesting but these two have no obstacles at all. There are a couple spots where navigation is a little rough if you didn't pay attention to the course map. The walking path comes into play on a couple holes, making for some potential safety issues and some waiting for a clear shot.

Other Thoughts:

This is a course you can play with just a putter, and have a pretty good time doing it. There isn't enough variety or challenge to make it a must play course, but it's fun nonetheless. Beginners will find the length approachable, but the woods might be a little tight and punishing for newer players. More experienced players won't find the course all that challenging, and it can be a little repetitive, but it's a good course to work on your short game in the woods.
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10 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 28.1 years 350 played 321 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 22, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Preston Miller has 18 holes, all with concrete tees, good baskets, and the very nice signs typical of all the Bowling Green courses. Along with providing the basics of signs, tees, and baskets are all the standard amenities that make a course complete: a large course map at kiosk, nice restrooms and a picnic pavilion that are close to hole 1/18, ample parking, and a practice basket.

The course design offers a good mix of 2/3 technical, wooded style and about 1/3 open field. I do appreciate how the open holes are mixed in with the wooded holes providing for some variety as you play the course. (Holes #1 and #2 are open, then into the woods for several, back out for a couple more open, back to woods again for several more, and then #18 is open.)

The woods holes are relatively short by today's standards (all around 200'), but they do present well-defined but narrow fairways with a mix of straight, left, and right with a little elevation and many blind tee shots thrown in. The narrow fairways are lined with moderately thick rough to add some challenge. (In the summer keep an eye on where your disc lands, and a couple of holes may require spotters.) The open holes provide a nice contrast to the wooded holes (though most of them have very little in the way of obstacles or major length.)


The course does begin to become monotonous- even though there are both wooded and open holes, all the wooded holes seem to be the same length and all the open holes are have no obstacles. Navigation is pretty simple, but there are 2 places that could use a sign pointing to the next tee as you move in and out of the woods because the first couple of obvious paths you see take you to other holes. (Tip- After hole #12, cross the little bridge and follow the path right to find tee #13 which is hidden. Do not cross the big bridge on the walking trail.) And speaking of the walking trail, be aware of walkers/runners as the trail does come close to a few of the holes, which seems to be the case for many of the BG courses.

Other Thoughts:

This is one of the weaker of the all the Bowling Green 18 hole courses, but it still has relevance and is a fun play. I would rate the course about 2.75 if I could, but I feel it is not quite worthy of a 3.0.

Because most of the holes are pretty short and the open holes are not super long either and have few obstacles this course may appeal more to the beginner-intermediate level player, however, there are still some fun and challenging holes to be enjoyed by all.
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7 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.1 years 36 played 31 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Short but dont be fooled 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 11, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


very technical course. mostly placed in woods there are plenty of narrow shots that require a keen eye to see alternate routes. the tee pads are great and unlike most courses they actually point directly down the target line. there are a few open holes to help you get back on track if the woods are eating you up.


the underbrush is really thick, great for difficulty but horrible for trying to find a disc...even one that seems like it is in the fairway. the baskets are Mach 3s which I dont care for because I dont feel they catch very well and this is a must for this course because you will find yourself banging in some long putts to save a stroke or two.

Other Thoughts:

This is a fun little course, which makes for a great time. I would strongly suggest making this one of your must play courses when you are in BG, especially if you are a fan of technical courses.
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1 2
Experience: 15.2 years 18 played 9 reviews
1.50 star(s)

It Was Ok 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 6, 2010 Played the course:once


A good mix of open and tight holes with accurate shots need to get through the tough dense woods. Tee pads at all holes and buckets to put trash in at most of the tee's.
If you have kids there is a huge park right across the walking path.


I guess a few of the local players or non players really like to beat this course up...tee signs were missing all over the place (was told they were stolen) and there is graffiti on almost all of the tee signs and on the posts...the trash bins on the course were five gallon buckets hanging from the tee sign posts and most were filled to the top and overflowing. It just dosen't seem to me that the local players really care to much about the upkeep of the course..

Other Thoughts:

I wasn't really impressed with this course compared to the others in the area...it's a nice course to hit and get in but if not for the AM's coming up I would probally avoid this course...
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12 3
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 15.7 years 1512 played 480 reviews
3.00 star(s)

I don't know Preston, but I like him! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 4, 2010 Played the course:once


1) Nice turf in the open holes and the wooded holes have a fair amount of leaves to cover the bare soil. Also there are areas that are covered in a creeping euonymous which is an evergreen. It actually makes the course look better because in the winter it gets a nice dark purple color to it. It wont stand up to too much traffic, but all in all the ground on this course is in pretty good shape, both in wooded areas and in the open turfed areas.

2) Brand New DGA baskets with the # plates. The plates are always facing the tee too which is often overlooked when baskets get installed.

3) Nice sized concrete teepads. This course could get away without concrete if it needed to because most of the holes are short and fairly level areas, but it is still nice to play on concrete in my opinion.

4) There is a shelter and a sign with a nice diagram of the course at the beginning of the course. There also is a practice basket right by the main sign. Plenty of parking available in the gravel lot across from Tee #1.

5) Tee signs are the same setup as Lovers Lane and what would appear to be the same as other courses in the Bowlng Green area. The signs have Hole #, par, and distance and a general layout. The diagram coul be better but it does give enough information for a first timer.

6) As I mentioned before the Creeping Euonymous is a cool feature of this course because it creates a nice effect and looks like a carpet. It also it beginning to creep up some of the trees in the woods. This is just a cool thing, it doesnt make the course better, but I can appreciate something like this as a horticulturist and this is my review so it gets entered here!!

7) Nice variety in shot shaping. There is generally only 1 line per hole (in the wooded areas) and these lines go both ways and sometimes allow for a straight line shot too. The more open holes allow for you to execute the shot however you want to because they are so open.

8) There is a real nice mix of foliage density here. The first two holes are wide open, then the third hole is open fairway all the way to the 30' circle. Then you enter the tight woods and you do not come out until hole #12. #13 is open but does have some trees in the fairway that you need to navigate. #14 shoots back through the open area with the basket tucked back into the woods again and is a tough little green area. Play #15, 16 and 17 in the woods again, and head back to the open for the closing hole! Very nice variety.

9) Elevation is gradual and rolling and is an asset to this course. There arent dramatic rises or falls but the rolling terrain is enough to make you think about the shot. It is simply the typical Kentucky landscape!

10) Somewhat beginner friendly because it is so short. This would be one of the better wooded courses to take a beginner to let them see just what wooded courses play like. A true beginner might not want to play here, but once they get the hang of their throwing technique, this course would be a good first step from a wide open course.

11) The river was dry when I played it in winter, but it would be nice to hear that water trickling down in summer. I do not know how often water is in this creek, but it is hardly in play unless you catch a really bad ricochet off a tree.


1) Finding some of the baskets in summer might be tough and the tee sign diagram would not be enough to help you find them.

2) A little too much luck required to do well on this course because there are a couple holes with no defined fairway. Most of the wooded holes and clear and defined, but there are at least 2 or 3 holes that have no clear line.

3) Signs in the open are faded, if you look very closely you can still see where the distance stickers were, but they coul use some touchup work to make them more visible.

4) First two holes are very open and plain but at the same time this is a negative it does offer you the chance to get your arm lose before heading into the woods.

5) Grafitti on the new basket on #3. Number plate has been painted.

6) No benches on this course and the garbage is available with a 5 gallon pail, sure to lose som of the garbage that gets put into them because they are just hanging from the tee posts.

7) A little bit of a lack of variety of distance. SInce the course is so short already. The distance isnt a huge factor because many of the shots require midrange distance tee shots. Pick the most appropriate disc for the shot and worry about distance later.

8) Wooded holes have some area that have a little too much underbrush. There are also section of vines which can always be frustrating when thrown off the fairway. You are VERY likely to end up there from time to time because of how tight things are, so be prepared to throw around or over some underbrush.

Other Thoughts:

I had a good time here and I am not so sure why it is rated as low as 2.5 discs. There is enough here to justify a 3 disc rating (and almost enough for a 3.5 (more like 3.25 IMO)at least. The only thing they could do to make this course better would be to expand some of the holes but the property would not allow for that. Regardless this is still a decent course and I would come here often if I lived in the area. For my Milwaukee Listeners this is a lot like a Valley View when you are used to playing Dretzka or Brown Deer. They both are fun but for different reasons. I like short courses as it gives you the chance to execute shots and make a lot of birdies if done correctly. I shot -8 on my first round ever. That isnt a real representation of this course however, because I think I really executed some great shots here to score that well. It wasn't luck I just really pulled off some great shots. I almost aced hole #15 which is one of the hardest holes on the course. It held an anny all the way to the basket and clinked off the front of the basket. I still made birdie but my score could have been 1 better if it was 6 inches higher.
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