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Brooklyn, NY

Prospect Park - Nethermead

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Prospect Park - Nethermead reviews

3 0
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

If you're in NY go play! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 19, 2014 Played the course:once


Nice open course. I liked the way that there were natural targets. We played during the morning so there was nobody playing and no one at the park. This was great.


Hard to find pin and hole locations the first time. Although the natural targets were great, baskets would be better.

Other Thoughts:

The contact for the course was cool. I called him because I couldn't find where to start and he called me back and even wanted to play. If you are traveling to NYC, go play!!
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5 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.3 years 278 played 276 reviews
0.00 star(s)

More a course plan than a course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 6, 2013 Played the course:once


I guess location for a lot of people in a disc-starved area.


Calling this a disc golf course is quite generous. If this course is listed on this site, then every city park in the country should be added. After all, anyone could go, find a place to throw and decide what to throw at.

Yes, there are pictures on this site, and they indicate the tees with a set of cones. Cones that are no longer there for one, but even if you can identify where to throw from, there is is absolutely no way you can puzzle out what the target is.

I don't mean to denigrate what work has been done, and maybe there will be a playable course in the future. (the course website boasts that information is coming soon) but I do mean to steer out of towners from thinking that this is a course that you can show up and play. If you are in town for a brief period of time, you are better off trying to get to the course on Long Island or one of the New Jersey courses.

Other Thoughts:

It's also pretty filthy and covered in trash. On the early holes, I was considering just throwing a drive and playing it as it goes but I really didn't want my disc to end up in the disgusting trash that was all over quite a few of the holes.
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5 0
Brad Maestas
Experience: 34.6 years 5 played 1 reviews
2.50 star(s)

The Only Course In NYC 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 29, 2012 Played the course:once


My roommate and I played this course for the first time today. There is good variety across the holes that will test all your skills. There are lots of open areas, approaches requiring great precision, doglegs, very narrow fairways with thick woods and OB areas, a few legitimate water hazards, uphills, downhills and of course, plenty of trees and park users! A major component of this course is interaction with other park users. During peak hours & days, it can be virtually impossible to play several of the holes due to the high traffic. Two of us were able to play on just such a day because there were scattered thunderstorms and rain and there weren't as many people in the park as there usually would be. It still required quite a bit of skill to negotiate the holes without endangering any people or pets.


The tees and holes could be marked better. According to the course "am" and the website, several tees are supposed to be marked with submerged orange bricks however we didn't see a single one. There was also some confusion about the holes even after consulting the pictures on the website. As other reviewers mentioned, some of the holes have disappeared or have moved due to recent destructive weather and park maintenance. After a run through the course, we had a much better idea of where the intended holes were and we played through.

Other Thoughts:

As disc-o maniac mentioned, most park users are ignorant to disc golf so quite a few discs were thrown back to us after drives or during the approach to a hole. It seems that more park staff and police are aware of the course since we were not approached or bothered, even when we were putting Hole 4 in front of an NYPD officer. Since there are no other courses anywhere in NYC, I'll happily play this unorthodox course, quirks and all!
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5 1
disc-o maniac
Experience: 16.3 years 18 played 7 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Take It From a Local. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 3, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


I have played Prospect Park DGC numerous times considering i live across the street from it. While it is a big object style course (trees, poles..etc as baskets) allowing maximum drives, there are very few times that the meadow isnt over populated with people, creating an unsafe enviroment to play Disc Golf. A list of Pro's providing that the course isn't crowded with park goers are:

1) Huge Distances- Holes vary from 300+ to 500+ it allows monster "let em' rip" Drives without the consequence of losing a disc due to the open space provided.

2) a great layout that showcases the great attractions and paths the park has to offer (some holes play near but not over the main lake allowing for a comfortable and nice realxing experience)

3) While this is a object course, there are still many technical and precise holes that allow you to practice those tough shots. (theres one 300+ hole where tomahawking is the only way to throw because of a 6 foot tree wall in front of you)


The are more cons than pros, simply because of the location of the course.

1) Location! - located in the heart of Brooklyn, New York, This park gets extremely crowded on Weekends and Off-work hours, Unless you aren't afraid to hit 10+ people per hole, it is strongly recommended that you visit this course during work hours. i went at 10 am on a tuesday and it was great.

2) The Object are tough to Locate - The Parks department isn't fully aware of the disc golf course so Light poles, Water fountains, Benches may be removed by the time you get to this course, i went yesterday on of the "basket" trees was cut down due to the hurricane, and the "basket" pole on hole 17 was removed for added room to play soccer.

3) The first hole is no where near the entrance of the park so it is awefully difficult to access the first hole. The course plays around back to the first hole and if the course wasn't an adventure for you, going back to the entrance from the hole will be. ( the quickest exit from the course is over a big 1/4 mile path over a groomed mini mountain)

4) Lack of Disc Golf knowledge from the locals - Brooklyn is very ignorant when if comes to Disc golf, very few people know what it is, so many times you'll be given your disc back or asked to play catch. Yesterday 6 people returned my disc after drives. It felt great informing more people about disc golf but after a while, i kinda just wanted to play. I also got warned by a parks department rep that i might get a fine if i keep hitting the light pole (which is marked as a hole)

Other Thoughts:

Prospect park provides a unique Object Course that, if attended at the right time, can be a great experience and allow you to leave as a better disc golfer. However, if you go to the park during peak hours (weekends, after 5pm weekdays) it will be a grueling and disapointing experience. So all in all, take a day off, go try out this course, and Let em Rip!
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3 5
Experience: 16.6 years 2 played 2 reviews
0.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 14, 2011 Played the course:once


I have none, Prospect Park itself is very beautiful and its a great walking park.


No Baskets and the Markers are no where to be found for the tees. I only found about the website with the images after leaving the course.

Kinda a waste of time if your traveling.
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40 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.6 years 38 played 36 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Brooklyn has Disc Golf! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 9, 2008 Played the course:once


Great setting! The park is beautiful and a perfect setting for inner city disc golf. Surprisingly challenging for a public setting. A mix of trees and woods create the need for some tight throws. I also found that putting at an object can be harder than into a basket. Taking on more object courses can only improve one's overall putting. 20 holes with alternates in case the public traffic prevents you from playing through on certain holes. This ensures you can get a solid 18 in even if the park is crowded. It breaks down to two nine hole courses Long Meadow and Nethermead.


No baskets. This is an object course, baskets would make this a real great course, but from what I hear the city won't budge. A bit hard to follow. Absolutely recommend printing the map, course description and the pictures found on the course site. Each tee and goal is marked, but you will need to really look for them and if alone I believe the photos will help.

Big Con here: People! On a weekend they were everywhere. I even accidentally hit a pedestrian! My bad! But this can be overcome by starting early or playing at off times or off season.

Other Thoughts:

It should probably be rated a 2.5, but the targets, layout and fact that the nearest DG course to this one is 27+ miles outside of the city earns it a solid 3. A really nice course, despite my Cons. You can work around the people and if you follow the course homepage's pictures, map and description it all comes together. Since I played the old setup, the course website has been updated and the descriptions in the walkthrough section helps immensely. My brother (A Brooklyn native and lover of Prospect Park) walked the course with me as I played and was surprised to find the tee markings (with spray painted numbers!) He walked past these sites several times and never noticed the tee and target markings before now! Reading the website via phone and discovering the marked tees and targets was like searching a Disc Golf DaVici Code mystery! Playing at off times (early and weekdays) would improve the course experience greatly. I played on a Wednesday morning and had little trouble.

One other note: If you contact the guys on the homepage, they are very approachable and helpful. I contacted Mel and he met me and took me through the course. Great guy and he is open to meeting any first time visitors to his home course. If possible email him from the home site and make a date. He made the whole experience that much better! The local guys have told me they are setting up alternate holes, to deal with the busy fairways, possibly in the woods. Check the website for updates!

Note #2: There is much construction on the course and you are forced to skip a few holes.

Fav: Hole 3 / A mando throw under a bridge through a tunnel! Great fun and not found anywhere else I've played yet.
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