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Pueblo, CO

Pueblo City Park

Permanent course
3.695(based on 26 reviews)
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Pueblo City Park reviews

3 2
Experience: 15.3 years 5 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 27, 2018 Played the course:2-4 times


The overall setting of the course is pleasant and peaceful. Everything for the most part is in good shape and well kept. The course has a variety of holes, some long and some medium length or short. Mainly long holes which I liked The trees are very nice, well trimmed and are in good shape. The teepads are concrete and in great shape. There is a pro and am tee pad on each hole. The baskets are marked and are also in good shape. For being a course near the downtown of the city there is lots of room and is great. There is abundant parking.


The course is too open and flat for me. Not enouh trees to require accuracy and precision. The teesigns are terrible. It doesnt show the layout of the course and doesn't give a distance. It just shows a map of the course. Many holes were missing the teesigns. The holes were also kinda straight and you don't need a variety of shots to play this course. On almost every hole you can throw whatever shot you want and you will be okay. Had trouble finding the next teepad on many holes.

Other Thoughts:

Many geese. Zoo next to the park
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7 0
little oz
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.3 years 103 played 31 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Beautiful, quality course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 4, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


This is a beautiful, well-maintained course; ranking up there amongst the best Park courses in Colorado. Good Pro and Am concrete tee pads Set amongst mature, well trimmed trees that offer a sometimes difficult but never unfair challenge. Practice basket at tee one, and holes nine and 18 place you close to the parking lot. Holes 1-9 are solid, with good pin placement, but holes 10-18 are where the unique and memorable holes are. Hole 13 is the signature hole, throwing across a gully from an elevated tee and over a 3-tiered conservation corps era wall. A small creek and marshy area may come into play on 13, 17 and 18, which is nice. The course demands a full variety of shots and discs and is definitely fair for left-handers as well .


inadequate signage is the sole large detraction of this course. The old, graffiti marred signs have been replaced, which is a plus, but they have only been replaced with course maps. No hole numbers or distances on the tee signs. Usually, the appropriate basket is self evident, but hole three and eight can be a bit confusing. Hole 12 basket is currently in front of The hole 13 tee pad, but there is another basket position that isn't as intrusive. Hole 13 and 17 fairways intersect at different elevations. The course is a bit muddy due to overwatering of the course, but I guess that is why the park is so lush.

Other Thoughts:

This is a must play course if you are in southern Colorado. This is a complete day for the family, as the zoo and waterpark are fun for all.
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3 0
Experience: 11.9 years 31 played 15 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Best Flatland Course in CO? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 27, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


Well shaded park
Variety of tee and pin positions
Requires many different throws and a wide selection of discs
Great landscape- a variety of trees from the flatlands and the mountains reflect the park's position on the border of two vastly different ecosystems
The mix of distance and technicality was a good fit for me


Some muddy drainages
Vandalism throughout the park
Anger boils just beneath the surface of the locals I met. I appreciate passion for the sport and all, but some guys were a little keyed up for a fight. I just wanna throw plastic.

Other Thoughts:

The Pueblo Zoo shares the park space, and you hear some animals whistle, hoot and squawk as you walk through the course.

This course feels much different from metro Denver courses: old and stately. The locals are less hipster.

I ran down here from Metro Denver on Thanksgiving. The course was pleasantly busy, but not crowded.

This course is my new favorite course. I'm going to make a point of playing here at least 3 times a year! (from Metro Denver, it is quite a haul). Playing a tourney here would be tons o' fun!

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3 0
Experience: 11.4 years 14 played 14 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Solid park course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 16, 2014 Played the course:once


Trees....Denver area park courses just dont have trees like this. Lots of shade and shot shaping due to massive trees. Some lines are very dictated by the trees and puts a premium on shot placement off the tee.


Like too many other courses , the signage is crap and difficult to navigate or be sure your throwing at gone correct basket. Print the map if your a first timer. Some danger zones around 10,11,12. Local that guided me around the course had a huge cut and black eye from getting hit in that area of the course. I have also heard rumors that some unsavory O.G. Gangstas like to hang out at the park? The locals I ran into were helpful and friendly. Even invited me to play some leagues.

Other Thoughts:

One of the best courses I have played . Back nine is really fun with some elevation, thicker woods, ledges and valleys to navigate. One of the out of the way courses I would say is worth the trip.
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1 2
Experience: 23.4 years 13 played 9 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Bring an umbrella and deet! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 9, 2014 Played the course:once


Quite the challenge. This was a fun and difficult park, some nice long throws and some challenging hook shots.


We got there early and the sprinklers were running! This let do panic, but still fun, and lots of bug bites. You should bring a map as it can get quite confusing.

Other Thoughts:

Fun park, it could probably be maintained better just in speaking of the tee pads and maps.
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2 1
Experience: 20.5 years 24 played 11 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A review from out of town 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 14, 2014 Played the course:once


First let me say, I thoroughly enjoyed playing this course in Pueblo. I played today, a nice day in February, and the course is what I would consider packed. I followed a group and had one following me the entire time.

The course makes great use of the available land. Not a ton of elevation change, but more than enough for the Indiana native to be rather impressed. The designers did a great job of avoiding a wide open feel while still maintaining the park feel. What they have done when there wasn't many trees, is they used the trees they had very effectively. I had to throw a number of shots, using both RHBH and RHFH along with some OH shots to really get through the course. There is a lot to like about this course.


However, there are some things that were a struggle. If it hadn't been for the packed course, I would have been utterly lost. The signs in the park itself were a touch confusing for me to navigate to even find which parking lot I should use. Once I finally figured that out, I felt like I was stumbling blind, because the tee signs have been vandalized pretty heavily. The ones that haven't been painted over, the plexiglass has darkened to the point that you can't read them anyways. I found myself on the third hole playing to the sixth basket for the first two shots. Only slightly irritating. I gained a bit of ground on a local group and stayed close to them to see where they went so that helped. There were a number of felt like blind shots that without tee signs, an out of towner will struggle with.

Other Thoughts:

As the last few reviews have stated, the biggest con is the navigation of this park. Though it is a hassle, the park is nice, and the course has some really awesome features, and I would absolutely come back when in the area, and hopefully next time, I will come with a full bag too!
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2 0
Experience: 41.1 years 96 played 9 reviews
3.50 star(s)

solid city course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 4, 2013 Played the course:once


- good mix of shots through park terrain
- pro and amateur tees
- The number of trees is "reasonable"--i.e. not so dense that you're smacking a tree with every shot. The pro tees on some holes give you a narrow, challenging alley that you have to thread with your disc.
- Hole 12 was an entertaining toss through a gully of trees (a roller seemed useful here)
- Overall I thought the layout takes good advantage of the park
- Good uses of changes in elevation on the holes where it is available (maybe 5-6 of the holes)
- The amount of green is somewhat surprising based on my few trips to Pueblo.
- There didn't appear a lot of non-disc-golfers too-close proximity. (There was one happy old guy mulling around on his walker.)

- Well worth the visit if you're in the area


- at least one hole is too close to the highway (separated by a tall fence)
- most of the tee signs are unreadable or missing entirely
- it's a city park, so most of the holes are flat, not a big deal.

Other Thoughts:

There didn't appear to be any holes where crossover was a *big* problem (13 is a toss across a later fairway).
The basket for 12 was a bit too close to the pad for 13.
I played on a Sunday morning. The park is clean and appears family-friendly, and in general the folks on the course seem cool. There was one ugly shouting incident between a couple of groups on the course.

Overall I enjoyed the park, and found nothing to hate about it. The first two-thirds of the park suggested it was much like any other city disc golf park. Most of the final 6-7 holes were more entertaining.
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5 0
Wise Fool
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.6 years 125 played 118 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun in the Park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 14, 2013 Played the course:once


-Very pleasant park setting
-Nice concrete tee-pads
-The course has both AM and PRO tee-pads
-The course features a good variety of distances with some longer holes, some medium length holes and some shorter holes.
-Lots of mature trees in the park that are used well to create some tight but fair fariways and add some challenge to the course. The trees will punish you for a bad shot by knocking your disc down.
-The course has a good mix of wider open holes and some tighter wooded holes, it is a nice variety and the course feels balanced.
-Holes 12 and 13 have nice elevation change on them. (Hole 13 is an awesome holes that shoots through some trees, across a bit of a ravine to the basket in the open on the other side.
-Multiple pin positions
-There is a restroom between hole 7 and 8
-It would be very hard to lose a disc on this course (except for the swampy area that hole 13 and 17 play near).
-The course has a fair amount of challenge
-Lots of other activities in the park for any non disc golfers that may be traveling with you.
-The baskets are getting old but they still catch well.


-There is graffiti everywhere in this park, I even saw some on several trees, it takes away a little bit from the pleasantness of the park.
-The tee-signs are almost unreadable due to graffiti and 3 or four of the holes are missing tee-signs. Since not all baskets are visible from the tee-pad it can be hard to get an idea where the basket is without walking up the fairway a little bit.
-The first time you play this course it can be a little hard to navigate, especially with some tee-signs missing. (Hole 8 was the hardest to find, The tee-pads for Hole 8 are the two unmarked tee-pads between the basket for Hole 2 and the tee-pad for Hole 3.
-Several holes and pin positions (especially holes 1, 5, and 14 (though on 14 there is a fence that blocks the hole from the road but it can still be thrown over) play close to a road.
-Quite a few fairways and holes play close to each other and holes 13 and 17 fairways cross over each other (so on those two holes watch for incoming discs).
-No practice basket or course map at the start.

Other Thoughts:

This is an awesome course, with a lot of fun holes. If the tee-signs and navigation were a little bit better this course would definitely be a 4 or 4.5 disc course. If you are in Pueblo definitely give this course a try.
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.4 years 299 played 209 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 26, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


For a city park course this course was quite challenging and a very fun play.

There are two tees (concrete tees, mind you) on each hole and the baskets are old but still hold their structural identity fairly well.

The course has a good mixture of trees and length that has to make every shot well thought out and fairly well executed. Depending on the pin placement birdies will be tough but well received when they do come.

The elevation was a huge plus coming from a guy who plays in flat-land Houston. The last six holes play off of this multi-level structure that is unique to the course and adds challenge especially playing parallel to it on hole #17 and playing across the ditch and up the ledge on hole #13 which in my opinion is the best hole on the course.
The locals call the little bit of water "Sh** Creek" if a disc goes into this creek it can be easily retrieved as Pueblo, Colorado is not known to be the most wet place.


Pueblo, Colorado is known for being a dry town and also a town that just does not have great people around. The course is vandalized pretty heavily which is a bummer because it is such a pretty park. The tee signs either do not exist or are completely covered up.

My cousin, who is a local, mentioned that the tee placements have four different locations and are moved fairly often. I am not a huge fan of this because it just adds confusion to an already confusing to navigate course.

Being the only decent course is Pueblo this course seems to be crowded no matter the time of day. Be prepared to wait.

Other Thoughts:

This course really surprised me. Driving up to the park the scenery just seems like a barren wasteland. Then all of the sudden the green and trees pop up and good golf is ready to be had.
If I lived in Pueblo I would not be disappointed with playing this course as my only option. It is a fun course that has a lot to offer.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.5 years 156 played 142 reviews
4.00 star(s)

A Classic Park Course With Some Pizazz 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 23, 2012 Played the course:once


Park courses tend to be hit or miss (more often miss) - but this one is definitely a hit. The course is well manicured with a lot of open play, thick grass, and great tree cover - but it's the back nine where this place really shines. Starting with a signature pin placement on #11 with awesome pucker putt potential, you run the gully back and forth through an interesting mix of difficult lines, good varied length, and a bit of elevation. Plus, you have an amazing wall - I know it's just a wall - however, the sheer size and length of this retaining wall as it plays into the landscape as well as the course design is fantastic. Plus, it makes playing #17 from the long tee even more brutal.

The park itself has the basic amenities, and being next door to the zoo - it gives me the perfect excuse for getting the family to make a pit stop here. The one way drive can be weird for newbies to the area, but there is plenty of parking and the course is easy to follow even without a map. The main tees are concrete, plenty big, and the DisCatcher baskets are easy to spot for first timers. Finally, the overall length is just long enough to keep the top players interested, but friendly enough that new players won't kill themselves over it.

BEST HOLE/S: #11; #13; & #17


Just like one of my favorite old DFW park courses B.B. Owen Park - there are some general wear issues, especially with the conditions of the baskets, and minor graffiti, but that can be expected with a course this age. Also, many of the alternate tee placements are difficult to locate even with a map, so it would be nice to see some additional signage. There is also some overlap on #13 going over #17 so be wary and alert for wayward drives.

Finally, and this is just a point of preference - you play the best course in a town with few courses and you're bound to have a long round. I was alone, but played through multiple groups of 5+ people, which can get old if you prefer boonie golf like I do. However - all the groups I played through were friendly and outgoing so props to Pueblo players.

WORST HOLE/S: #7; #8; #15

Other Thoughts:

This was one of the best better courses I hit on my road trip, and although the Denver area far outweighs Pueblo in the sheer number of great courses, this still makes for an awesome stop on the I-25 corridor. Combine this with all of the cool regulars I spoke with, and you got yourself a winner.
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5 1
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Quality Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 28, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


-Solid course for advanced players
-Lots of trees make a lot of technical shots
-Good variety in hole distance.
-Cement pads at every hole
-Pro and Am pads
-Close and easy parking
-Lots of locals who play consistently
-Move holes a lot


-Signs are beat up
-Lots of people if you go at the wrong time.
-Lots of noobs who don't know what they're doing

Other Thoughts:

-Some of the holes are not par threes even though they are marked so. Hole nine has a location thats at the back tip of the park and it's probably 600 feet with trees towards the second half making a good approach difficult. Most of the holes are true par threes. Some are pretty difficult par threes. Then some are just flat out not par threes. Holes 5,7,8,9,16,17,18 all have hole locations that are just flat out near impossible to three. Especially 9 and 17. Hole 17 is a long dog leg right with a creek and thick trees running down the left side. Some times the hole is all the way down the dog leg and situated to the left right at the end of the creek behind the brush. It's probably about 600 ft maybe more making it very hard to hit a three.

Overall I love the course I have played there for 4 years and I can't even guess how many hundreds of rounds I've played there. I have never had a disc stolen or really any problems there (minus one or two fist fights). Typically there are lots of locals there who are pretty chill and relaxed. It's a great place to play but gets congested at times. Wish they would have actually set up a league there or more tournaments because it would be a cash cow.
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12 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 33.3 years 52 played 42 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 21, 2012 Played the course:once


-Good challenge for all levels of players, thanks to the ever present trees
-Lots of shade, which is rare in Pueblo
-Well-maintaned tee pads that are set up at exactly the right angle
-Good variance in hole lengths
-Reminds me of a Montana course (my home state) in many ways


-Park is FILTHY! The lone bathrooms are a disaster and every sign is royalty graffiti'ed over. Beer cans and bottles litter the course. If it was cleaner, I might have rated this 4 or even 4.5 stars
-The local ADULTS will steal your discs, marked or not! I landed a DX Wraith (well marked and beat up bad) near the road and a truck pulled up...the driver hopped out and grabbed the disc! I got it back without a fight, but I saw a similar incident on the other side of the course where a young boy lost a brand new champion Eagle. Truly disgusting.
-Super crowded with no one calling fore. Lots of chuck and pray types. Watch your. Head.
-Clustered in some spots leads to confusion. Even with a map my brother and I drove off the 4 hole aiming for the 6 basket.

Other Thoughts:

The course layout is great. But the behavior of the Pueblo locals, both golfers and not, made this a very unpleasant experience. I may come back, but I will NOT bring my daughter. I don't know the crime rate in Pueblo, but I had a bad feeling the whole round after that jerk tried to make off with my disc...he probably couldn't have evn got 3 bucks out of the thing it was so old. Sickening.

Fold is competition, yes, but its mostly about enjoying the experience and the attitude environment, not neccessarily the course itself, took all the fun out it for me.

Last note: all the local teenagers only play with one disc, so expect to wait around on some holes. Great course, horrible location.
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4 2
Experience: 19.5 years 28 played 6 reviews
3.00 star(s)

a little congested 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 13, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


A fun course. Good obstacles and good distances on most holes. A good mix of easy and difficult holes. A fun course to definetly play if you are in the area.


The holes are a little too congested. Many holes are a little too close together with some partily overlapping. All tee signs are either missing or have graffiti on them so you can't read them. It also makes it hard to find the next hole if you didn't have a map.

Other Thoughts:

Find a map. There are some online. Definetely needs new tee signs.
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8 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.6 years 40 played 40 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great City Park Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 4, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


A very well-manicured, quality city park with pro and amateur tees on every hole. The grass here is immaculate, and the large amount of trees gives you a much needed break from the hot Pueblo sun. The course is basically two loops around separate parts of the park, both of which lead back to the parking area. This is nice because you can leave some stuff in your car, and pick it up after hole 9. Note: To get to hole 10, do a 180 degree turn from the #9 basket, walk about 100 feet and cross the road on your left, tee 10 is there.

Surprisingly, you will find yourself throwing most of the discs in your bag on this course. While there are a fair amount of straight shots, the course does a good job of mixing in some technical lines. The pro and amateur tees certainly make the course much better. As I usually tee exclusively from pro tees, this is not the case at this course. I highly advise scouting both tees on most holes, as 5 or so amateur tees have shots that I consider better, harder, and more technical than the pro tees. They are never longer, but some are certainly harder and more fun. This is certainly one of the best standard-park courses I have played in Colorado.

The abundance of trees in this park, as well as the long and short distances of holes make for the technicality and toughness on most holes. There are a few very tight mandatory gaps, and a few drops that will find your disc lost in some thick brush/trees. There are an abundance of trees in 80% of the fairways, always creating some sort of obstacle. The course also does a good job of mixing up the technical and non-technical shots. Many courses have a technical front 9, and an open back 9, while PCP seems to mix it up fairly well for a park course. The roads are considered out of bounds here, which adds a little extra difficulty as many holes border the roads.


Bring a map!! (or a local, or course). This course is very confusing for a first-timer. No holes actually cross, but there are certain points you must walk across other holes to reach another tee box. Without a map, or locals, it would be very hard to understand where to go. To further the lack of help, EVERY SIGN in this park is completely covered in graffiti. They look as if they used to be very nice and helpful signs, but now it is impossible to read where the pin is, what distance it is at, and what par is supposed to be. To add, I have on played here twice, but both times there has been trash all over the park. It was often a problem when looking for a disc, because there would be so many other bright colors in the trash.

This course is right in the middle of a city park, and next to many picnic benches. You will find yourself playing through groups of oblivious people. Many people come to this park to sit and hang out, so be aware, and be prepared to wait for a bit. This is also the best course in the area, so it can get semi-crowded on a nice day. That being said, the course layout is done well enough to the point that it flows and reduces congestion.

Other Thoughts:

A very fun and entertaining park course that will take up a good amount of time. Pro and amateur tees are different enough that a round of 36 is plausible and not boring (although some holes are repeatable, and 5 or so holes use the same tee for am/pro). Definitely worth checking out if you are nearby... a real pleasure for a park course, and real escape from the desert environment of Pueblo. Also next to the zoo and a small water park!
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4 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 47 played 34 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great city park course. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 22, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


This course was introduced to me from my room mate who is from Pueblo. It's a great overall course that requires a lot of skill and accuracy. The tee pads are perfect sized concrete slabs and Am pads for inexperienced players as well. The course has nicely manicured grass through the layout with a few holes playing around a large gulley. Several holes require a good placement shot around trees to allow for a good second look at the target. There is an adequate amount of trees protecting the target on several holes to make par shots more rewarding. Multiple pin placements allow for many variations on each hole. Mandos on a few holes make things more interesting. The course played long when I was there, allowing for a lot of good blasts. Hole #5 stands out for me because of it's technicality and how many trees you have to miss to have a great shot. Some of the back nine holes take advantage of a large retaining wall that creates risks when going for the target. I see why this is a great course for tournaments!


Signage was there on many holes, but it was pointless when they are damaged with writing all over most of them. Many of the signs read, "if you read this, you suck." Watch out for the road on the first few holes or you might deal with some traffic. This isn't a con, it's just something to be aware of since young drivers like to run over discs. Playing the course for the first time, it's tricky to locate some targets from the tee pad. A few tee pads are close to the fairway of the previous hole so make sure to watch for other players. Since this is the only course in the area, it does see a fair amount of players daily, so be ready to wait to throw on a nice day.

Other Thoughts:

I was expecting a typical park course with a few trees and a lot of flat open space. What I got was the best city park course I have played yet. I haven't played much outside of Colorado so it's not saying much, but it is an above average park course with a lot of fun and challenging shots.
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1 0
Experience: 18.4 years 51 played 6 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 23, 2010 Played the course:once


Beautiful well maintained park with good mix of trees, distance, technical. Much of the course is a classic "by the book" city park disc course type feel. Other than differences in tree species it felt like many of the good Texas courses in major cities. But the final 6 or 7 holes are beautiful and really unique. Picturesque tee shots. Challenging yet a little room for error. Nice layout with not much walking from one hole to the next.


The tee signs are heavily vandalized and hard to make out where the basket is because most signs are unreadable now.
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6 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.1 years 112 played 104 reviews
3.00 star(s)

So Close To Being So Much Better 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 19, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


This course sits in a nice city park that is well maintained. The course plays mostly through parts of the park that do not get much use otherwise. There are many other activities in the park for the non disc playing people including a nice playground and even a zoo amongst other sports fields and activity areas. Cement teepads were nice and consistent with both a pro and am tee pad on just about every hole. The design of the course is well thught out from the standpoint of interesting and challenging holes. There is a very good mix of length from super short to at least one hole (#9) that gets to be a par 4 in its long position. Each hole has a good selection of pin locations that creates a good mix of challenges that are unique. The course is set up as two sets of nine holes making it easy to get a quick nine in if you want. Each nine starts and finishes near the parking lot. The course takes advantages of some really nice features in the park including a couple of retaining walls. There are plenty of trees to create super tight shots for a traditional park course. The baskets all have hole numbers on the top of them. There seems to be a good local community that enjoys this course but at the same time they do not seem super organized at the present time to make some needed improvements.


The front nine has a couple of holes that may be difficult to find as the loop crosses over itself. Generally this would not be a problem but the tee signs are in such a bad condition that they may not always be helpful. Some of the baskets are starting to show their age. There are streets that run all along the course creating nice natural OBs but they also produce a lot of traffic with drivers that like to run over discs and honk their horns in the middle of throws (this is more a result of the specifics of the population that uses this park, namely youth that like to be annoying. There is an old footpath that also runs through a few holes on the back nine and will have the occasional walker to slow down your round. Holes 13 and 17 cross paths with very limited visibility so there is a strong potential of throwing into other groups in these holes, remember that the higher hole always has the right of way. Crowds could be a problem, especially when newer players come out to play this course which seems to be a majority of the crowd at this course.

Other Thoughts:

There is still a part of me that would like to give this course a much higher rating than what I have given it simply because this course, although it proved super challenging, was just crazy amounts of fun for me. Because of its length and technical elements, it really isn't the greatest course to learn on. The course was super easy to find with the directions here on DGCR. It does get super hot in Pueblo so remember to bring water and lots of it. This course used to be home to the Colroado State Championships until they started to move that tournament around the state. They just recently as in this past weekend began an annual tournament at this course, whcih had a huge turnout and should grow bigger every year. This course is really worth playing, but it gets a lower rating because of poor tee signs, a few places where the layout crosses over itself, and some of the other park traffic in this particular park and the disturbance that it can be.
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5 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.3 years 51 played 28 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Gem in Pueblo 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 29, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


This course plays through mature trees and green grass that is well maintained. The course features some long tight holes, short technical shots and a few long bomb shots. There is something for everyone at the course.

Some cool features: Multiple tees, mature trees, mix of shot types (left, right, straight), open holes, tight holes.

Basically this course makes you think about every shot and where you want to put it. Some holes you must fight for your 3 and others are an easier shot. Do not let the short holes fool you though, you can get hurt easy if you don't play smart. With a few holes over 400 feet if you are not an accurate distance player you need to think about where to land to safely take a 4 in some cases. I enjoyed to shady grass and the wind buffer that many trees created. Driving in to Pueblo seems kinda of dry, arid and treeless so you maybe be thinking, "How the heck is there a super mature treed course here?" Well the Arkansas River takes care of that.

Hole 13 over the ravine and the stone wall is a favorite hole as well as 6 (I think) the tight one with OB on the left.

The older Discatcher baskets are still in good shape.


The tee signs are useless. They either are full of graffiti, water/sun damage, or missing information altogether.

Some tee pads are a little small on the longer holes.

There is no easy way to get from hole 16 to 17 except for jumping down the wall which seems unsafe and is damaging to the wall. The creek thing on Holes 13, 17 & 18 is a olfactory nightmare and is a kin to the lake at Expo in Aurora. (If you play Expo you know what I am taking about.)

As much as this course beat me up I really have few negative things to say about this course.

Other Thoughts:

Now in my top 10 of Colorado courses. This course feature technicality plus length to give every type of player a real test. I had a lot of fun playing here and wish it were a lot closer than 2 and half hours away from Denver. I guess if you came down here with some non-disc golfers they might enjoy the zoo that is at the same park complex, although I did not go to the zoo, but I could smell/hear the animals. This course does not have any sidewalks coursing though the park so if that is something that normally trips you up as OB well then don't worry here, although there are roads running alongside a few holes that can take off some strokes on poorly placed drives.

I enjoyed myself here and I think it is a gem of a course. I had heard good things about it and now I am glad I was able to experience it for myself.

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9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.4 years 188 played 106 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Worth the Stop 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 27, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


This is a solid park course which is normally not my cup of tea. My personal philosophy is that I can play on park grass almost anywhere in the country. This course however is worth the trip. There are shots, layouts and looks here that are unique to Pueblo City Park and make it stand out in my mind from the cookie cutter park courses that are from this late 70's era of courses.

So I'll start with what makes this course better than many of those other park courses. The back nine is fabulous. Elevation changes, tight looks, garden walls, ace runs, drop offs and a basket on the face of a steep drop off make the back nine and adventure. All without being crazy hard make for a round of disc golf that has a pretty high fun factor. The design makes two loops around out and back from the parking lot so you can play just nine if you wanted.

The normal positives that go along with parks courses are here plus and then some, for example, my wife and daughter were able to check out a zoo while I played. There's enough parking, there are restrooms at the park, and the other park uses are given their own portions of the park far away from the course. I do not think I would have needed the map that I printed out other than to get from nine to ten. There are multiple paved teepdas on almost all of the holes.

For me the positives all boil down to the three tiered wall totaling more than fifteen feet in the back nine. Its fun and offers something you don't get at most courses. Holes ten eleven and twelve are also highlight for me because you need some finesse in that you cannot just relay on distance and the pin and tee pad placement are interesting. This is a very well manicured park course and a player here could almost go barefoot.


It's a park course and as a tourist I feel that you will not get a good feel for the land or the community playing the park courses. But there really isn't much bad to say about this particular park course that I wouldn't just say about all park courses. There is a main street in the middle of the course that runs near eight or nine of the fairways.

There are a number of mostly open holes that only have a few trees and bushes to contend with. Number 15 has a large fence and Pueblo Boulevard to deal with if you are not the most accurate player. The transitions of nine to ten and the parking area make you cross a street, so look out for your doggies and little ones. Pueblo is for whatever reason pretty hot in the summertime. Many of the holes are flat and boring.

I once ran a half marathon that ran through this park and then along the Arkansas River which is only about a quarter mile from the northern parts of the course. I always imagined that the course dipped its toe into that slice of Colorado oasis for a portion. Sadly for the course stays in the park. In spite of not venturing into the river areas, this course is still pretty fun.

Other Thoughts:

Long story short, this old park stands the test of time with a very high fun factor.

I played this course on a gorgeous late summer day with threatening afternoon thunderstorms that cooled me off perfectly. I was also near the end of a trip and my game usually jobs up a couple of notches when I am on the back end of my trips so I'm sure I played this course under optimal conditions. It was just a perfect day.

I would recommend this course for any skill level and any type of play. I had a perfect day and I was playing right alongside a few guys who had just bought a couple DX discs to huck around, who also seemed to be enjoying themselves quite a bit. I've been daydreaming about playing this course again lately. I know I won't pass through the area without playing this course.
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2 3
Experience: 19.3 years 24 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Fun to play 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 7, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


Every hole is different. Multiple pin location options and concrete pads. There are plenty of trees to hinder your throws requiring more skills to master. Often long drives required and puts are often made harder by surrounding trees.


Surrounded by roads. Constant sounds of cars passing. If play with landing on road as penalty multiple holes are problematic on approach. Had nice signs before graffiti into obliteration.

Other Thoughts:

Typically takes 2 hours to play with 3 people.
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