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West Lafayette, IN

Purdue University DGC

Seasonal course
2.975(based on 16 reviews)
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Purdue University DGC reviews

11 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.1 years 316 played 268 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Ivory Tower Discin' 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 10, 2020 Played the course:once


-West Lafayette's Purdue University is home to two complimentary 9-hole courses (Pickett Park is the other), approximately a couple of blocks down W Stadium Ave from each other. The PU DGC 9er is located on Slayter Hill in the heart of the student residential hall area of campus. The hill is mostly grassy, with a multitude of large mature trees (especially deciduous varieties) creating a nice shady area to play under. The elevation provides the main "spills and thrills" aspect of play. Uphills, downhills, and laterally along the side of the hills, are all covered here to good effect. With no undergrowth to punish errant shots here, playing around the scattered mature tree trunks provide the remainder of the challenge. If you can conjure up a vision of a "hilly, park-style grassy area dotted with mature oaks and other trees" then you basically know what PU DGC is all about.
-Hole # 1 is located alongside the large decorative amphitheater, on the corner of Martin Jischke and W Stadium. Hole #'s 1 and 2 play uphill towards the cluster of trees at the crown of the hill. Hole #'s 3-5 work along the backside of the hill. Hole # 4 is a hyzer shot off the tee around a small line of pine trees, the only real conifers that come into play. Hole # 5 plays downhill, # 6 is uphill with a mando to avoid, and the rest of the holes alternate up and downhill, finishing on # 9's tee shot back down to the corner of the amphitheater, where the pin is tucked behind a bush along the wall.
- Signage is sufficient, as are the brick pavers used for tee pads.
- Just based on geographical location, the height of the hill, and the relative openness of the hill, wind is going to be a big factor here. That adds a nice bump to the challenge level, especially on the downhill holes (#'s 5, 7, and 9).


- The nine holes here are all reasonably designed, with reasonable amenities, flow/routing, and spacing between the holes. Where things go off the rails is hinted at in the second sentence of this review: PU DGC is located in the heart of the student residential hall area of campus. Apparently, the designer(s) spent too much time in the ivory tower to figure out this park is going to be teeming with non-disc golf pedestrians, choral groups, joggers, photographers, hammockers, and young lovers furiously dry humping in the grass in the middle of the fairways. I literally encountered all of these in one short round here, even during a non-peak time. So if you play here, be aware you're almost certainly going to have to compromise...this is far from a disc golf dedicated area. We had to throw around a person sitting by # 1's basket; on # 2 we had to avoid a sleeping hammocker set up directly in line with the basket AND a jogger who kept running up the hill to the basket. The walk from # 3 to # 4 wasn't immediately obvious because we were blocked by an acapella group singing Lady Gaga. Hole #6 had the humping couple in the middle of the fairway, oblivious to everything everywhere except heavy necking. Thus, "Mando: Humping Couple" entered our lexicon. Finally, we had to wait for people in the middle of # 9's fairway as well.

Other Thoughts:

- PU DGC's overall course design nicely compliments its longer, more open sister course (Pickett Park) just down W Stadium Ave. The two courses being located more or less on the same property slightly raises the overall vibe and thus my rating.
- In a vacuum: this course is a solid enough 9er. In reality, however, the sheer impossibility of anything resembling a normal uninterrupted round of disc golf significantly lowers the overall vibe and thus my rating.
- Be aware this course is seasonal based on football, etc. Not being available year-round also lowers my rating. There are just too many hassles (parking, seasonal, people everywhere) to rate this course any higher.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 31.6 years 764 played 387 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Elevation + 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 26, 2020 Played the course:once


Purdue University DGC sits across the street from the college track . If you drive to the top of Slayer Hill , there is a small parking lot where you can park and start on #9 . There were no bathroom facilities in this park . This is a 9 hole course .
The Equipment - The tee pads are Pavers that look nice . The Signs at each hole have a Purdue gold and black color scheme with hole# , length , par and flight path . I am going to guess that the baskets are Chainstars . They pulled up the baskets for some reason , although I looked at the links section and found nothing going on ( Thanks Purdue ! ) .Using the map , I played to all the plugs where the baskets were supposed to be . There were a couple of signs along the way to help guide you to the next tee . 3-4 at the top of the hill helps a bunch .
The Landscape - The park grounds were mowed and immaculate when I was here . No trash , whatsoever . I don't remember seeing this much elevation on a 9 hole course since West Virginia . Mostly uphill and downhill , Throwing to #9's basket , you are throwing downhill to the right and around the side of a big band shell at the bottom . There is a nice memorial garden back and to the right of the parking lot , where you will enter and cut through to get to hole 4 . The park is very small . If not for the elevation , it would be too cramped for 9 holes . There are trees that come into play on the hills , and a few bushes , but these don't overcrowd the course . There is a nice view from the lot overlooking the athletic complex .
The Highlights - The course won't Wow you with interesting holes , but it will force you to play your uphill/downhill shot game . #6 was an interesting hole .It has a mando that forces a left to right around a tree early on and shoot uphill around a treeline . it's 410' but plays more like 500' + .
Signature Hole - I think you will like the #9 400' downhill drive . The basket sits wedged between a band shell and the street sidewalk .
Disc Risk - This park is free from any overgrowth and so well taken care of , that the only way to lose your disc might be to have it roll into the street on a long downhill drive and have it run over by a bus .
Time - it took me 30 minutes to play the course . Students can play this quicker . A foursome will get through it in under an hour .
This course is a quick fun play . Enjoy the view from atop the hill .


#1 Course access - I don't know if the baskets were pulled for an impromptu concert , or one that wasn't posted on the websites , or Purdue just doesn't want you to play this course for now . There was no rhyme nor reason for this ( Pickett Park just down the street , with their baskets missing , is going to be addressed in my next review . Purdue University DGC is a perfect chance to highlight your great campus , and give the students taking summer classes or just taking in the campus , to play a round or 2 here . You are blowing it !
#2 Safety - I hear that students like to sit in the park and relax at times . and a good long downhill drive gone " Broken Arrow " could clip someone on the sidewalk on #9 . Watch before throwing . A couple of bad days of students being hit could cause the campus to pull the course . Given the possibility of multiple groups playing this course , the 6-9 fairways , especially on a windy day , could cause some unlucky player to get a big surprise to their walk . The fairways sit very close together . Your downhill drive might fly into a group ( or single before they get a chance to even look up . Don't forget to yell Fore .
No Amenities - I didn't expect too much for a campus course ,but it would be nice to at least have a kiosk , and a picnic table at the top of the hill would be nice .
#3 Navigation - Print the map . Even though there are signs at the tees in the park , you will wander around looking for both them and the baskets . I had trouble finding the plug for #3 , which is behind bushes close to the street .
#4 Lack Of Enticement - Unless you want to get some good cardio climbing up and down these hills for a couple of rounds , there is nothing besides #9 that is going to keep you coming back . Not a slam , just an opinion .
#5 The Elements - This course will be impossible to play after a hard rain or after a snow . Wet grass + hills = Fall .

Other Thoughts:

I couldn't find anyone to contact in Purdue's directory that I could ask about course availability , so I guess you are on your own as to whether baskets will be up or not . Campus Rec need to update this in Course Conditions on Disc Golf Review , if the course is not to be played , spell it out ! The course itself is a worthwhile play and as long as there aren't more than 2-3 groups playing simultaneously , you should have room for a fun play . Pickett Park , another Purdue 9 hole course is a little more than 400 meters away . You can combine those 2 for 18 holes of disc golf on campus .
My Recommendation - This course is above average for a campus course and should be enjoyed by most of the Purdue students as a stress reliever or just goofing around with dorm mates . An okay intro course , and very good for the locals . Intermediates and up would avoid it here just because there are 18 hole options just up the road . Same with travelers .The area is now rich with courses . Course Collectors ? Bonanza ! 2 quick 9 hole courses within several hundred yards of each other . You could finish both in an hour .
I wouldn't go out of my way , otherwise , to play here .
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3 1
Experience: 3 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun 9-hole course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 19, 2020 Played the course:5+ times


This course is a blast for what it is. A simple 9-hole course on a college campus. The hole variety is great, there are numerous obstacles, and a decent amount of elevation change. It is not super technical, but its also not just long bombs. There is a little bit of both on every hole. Overall its a nice course for students to play between classes, which is what it was designed for.


The signage is great from every hole except 3-4. You have to crawl through trees and brush like you are a wilderness explorer to find the hole 4 tee box. But other than that one hole everything else is very well marked and mapped. The other con is college students. Rarely do I get to play all 9 holes without someone or something being on a fairway.

Other Thoughts:

Overall its a great course for what it is.
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15 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 10.7 years 694 played 677 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Boilerplate Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 27, 2019 Played the course:once


(2.465 Rating) AKA Slayter Hill, This is a nice 9 hole course on rare hilly Indiana terrain.
- ELEVATION - Expecting nice elevation change on an Indiana course is like expecting Purdue to be conference champions in Big Ten football... outside of Lafayette. By looking at the topographic data, Slayter Hill rises up 50 feet in elevation within the course boundaries. Hole (9) was a wonderful finishing hole. A big downhill right to left hyzer that probably drops 45 to 50 feet. It is the biggest and more fun downshot that I've played in Indiana among the five courses that I've thrown.
- UNIQUENESS - Due to the amount of elevation I scored the hole variety average. I played holes backhand and forehand. There are a few chip shots, yet also times to let it rip. Some holes are lightly wooded, but others like (4) and (6) are more moderately wooded. The two biggest missing elements are water features and heavy woods.
- SKILL LEVEL FRIENDLY - The perfect blend of not too easy and not too hard for the vast majority of the player population. Rec players will have a chance to score a few birdies each round, but will likely also score some bogeys. Mostly park style shots, but it just seems like the lines through the light canopy require smart well executed plays. Overall I'd say the difficulty level is average where an even par round would draw an 880 rated round.
- FORGIVENESS - The odds of losing a disc here will likely be limited to forgetting to pick up. No water and not really any overgrowth areas. Errant shots would rarely result in dreadful punishment.
- NATURAL BEAUTY - Pleasant, nice and delightful seem appropriate. Again mostly park style shots, but the course grounds are very well groomed. It's also landscaped with flower gardens, has sweeping elevation changes and has some monster oaks. I gave the course a 2.75 out of 5.
- BASICS - Adequate paver tees and Chainstar baskets.
- NAVIGATION - New appealing tee signs showing next tee direction. Directional arrows were below most of the baskets. I had no issues. There was even an extra navigational sign between (3) and (4) which was the one long transition.
- QUICK PLAY - figure on 35 to 40 minutes for a quick solo player.


Hard to complain about Slater Hill, it's a nice course. My cons are more of just notes of items on why I feel it's just an average course.
- CHARACTER - I define this category as the basics and extras, other than the golf itself, that make up a disc golf course. The basics of tees and baskets, as noted above are adequate. Tee signage is also great, but no course map or community board. There is only one set of tees and no alternate basket placements. No practice basket. 5 of 9 tees offer no shading. Only one sort-of bench that lies between (7) and (9). No end of round pavilion with picnic tables.
- WOW FACTOR - (9) is a very cool shot. The other eight are a steady diet of "Average Joe" nice park style shots.
- SPACING - Roads come into play a few times. Thankfully road OB is not marked on the signs, as I thought the scuff on my disc was punishment enough. Fairways are loosely defined and I could see discs ending up in other fairways. Seems like an active park where non disc golfers like to accumulate for un-important things.

Other Thoughts:

Slayter Hill isn't going to win any major awards, but it's the type of course that many wish existed in their neighborhood. It has that easygoing unassuming feel at times, but yet also requires an Intermediate skill level set to go well under. A bit off of the beaten path of I65 (15 minutes), but definitely worthy of a spin if spending some time in Lafayette.
- BONUS HOLE? - There's the unmistakable sign of tape residue on the amphitheater concrete floor. There's a short 1 foot segment, followed by a 4 foot segment at a right angle, followed by a 1 foot segment at another right angle. And wouldn't you know-it, it points right at basket (2), 265 feet away.
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4 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.4 years 46 played 36 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Strong 9-Hole Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 18, 2018 Played the course:once


Teepads are permanent and large enough for the course.

Elevation is well-used, providing both uphill and downhill looks.

Mature trees throughout provide large obstacles and force the thrower to hit some tight lines.

Navigational signs on tees and pins help direct course flow.

Good mix of distances, from 200' to 425'.

Variety allows for playing multiple rounds on the same day without being bored.

Hole 9, a huge downhill bomber, was the standout hole for me.


Navigation from 3 to 4 is rough; the tree for 4 is across the path and behind a cluster of trees.

College students don't always stay out of the way.

Other Thoughts:

I was in town visiting a friend, and we took a quick break out of our day to play this course. For a 9-hole course, I was really impressed! It's accessible, easy to navigate, and provides enough challenge to be worth a visit.
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2 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 10.2 years 37 played 26 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Good course, great location 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 20, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


All the holes are well designed to provide above average challenge. Unlike some other very good courses, there are no eyes-closed birdie holes. The tree placement makes this course especially tough. This course is really well signed, with great maps at the tees, and next hole signs under the baskets. The course's extreme elevation changes, for the area, make you really think about how the disc is going to roll.


I seem to lack the feeling of a fairway on this course that I get from other baskets. The dirt is really dusty during the summer, which makes disc grip harder.

Other Thoughts:

This is the first disc golf course I have ever played on, and have since played it innumerable times. This course, much like Murdock and Milligan, has fantastic replay value.
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3 0
Experience: 26.4 years 67 played 15 reviews
3.50 star(s)

It's 18 Now 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 29, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


I added a half point to my rating, based purely on the quality of the course's art. The statues that are in play on the holes 10/11 are better than any other disc golf course art I've seen!

I love the layout of the front 9, involving the hill climbs and descents and the hardwood trees that discipline you into keeping your throws low and precise. The back 9 is a lot less demanding, except with respect to power. If you can/want to let it rip the back 9 here is the place for you to take out some aggression.


Despite pretty ample signage, this course is still hard to navigate. I had a heck of a time finding #4 (you have to go through this hedge and throw from the backyard of the neighboring frat house). There's also a part on the back 9 where you have to walk on the shoulder of McCormick road (far west side of campus) to get to hole 14 (as I recall). And there are 3 holes that have baskets clustered together and it takes some hard knocks to learn which is which (I think it's 12, 15, 18, right by the land bridge over the creek.

These aren't major setbacks, of course, but they're the kind of thing that annoys you until you learn the course by memory.

Other Thoughts:

Park right by hole #1 at the bottom or the hill near the intersection of Stadium and Jischke (there's a band shell right there to use as a landmark). Don't go up to the top of Slater hill and start trying to find the beginning; you'll end up starting with #s 7, 9 or wandering around. Learned this the hard way my first time.

This may sound lazy but I recommend driving and re-parking for the back 9. You can walk down Stadium Ave. to get there after #9, but if you parked right by hole #1 (see above) your car will be right there. So unless you're feeling mildly ambitious, just drive over to the back 9.
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6 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.6 years 112 played 95 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fantastic 9 Hole Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 27, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


Beginner/Intermediate 9 hole course on the north part of campus. More challenging and hilly than typical 9 hole courses in Indy.

Tees - One large brick tees that are mostly even per hole.

Signs - Great signs that show map of hole, hole number, distance, and par (and they are in school colors which is a nice touch. Sign with info on disc golf at start of course near hole 1. Signs hanging below baskets pointing towards next hole. Sign after 3 pointing you towards 4.

Baskets - 9 extremely grippy Chainstar baskets.

Variety - Extreme elevation! Several uphill shots. A few downhill bombs. A few blind shots. No hole is flat. Many mature trees on every hole that force you to navigate wisely. One bad throw and you can roll waaaaay away from the fairway. Great mix of distance ranging from 200-425.

Course has great views of campus and looks great in the fall.

Lots of much needed shade in the summer.

Easy to get to and easy to navigate.

Benches and trash cans on site. Course is well maintained.

Downhill drives are feel good drives. Long bombs where you throw further than you normally do. Be careful not to overthrow. Hole 2 is also a very solid hole.

Discs available in nearby building.


Only one tee per hole. Adding a second tee per hole either of a varying difficulty or if it was an alternate tee would drastically improve this course and add much more variety. There is room to do so and change the line for each hole.

No alternate basket locations.

A few fairways border each other (6 and 7) and can cause safety issues. A mandolin on hole 6 helps to eliminate this issue.

Course is frequently closed during home football games and concerts on the hill (beware). Baskets will get pulled.

Course could use a few signs pointing you to the next tee (after hole 3 comes to mind).

A few tees and baskets near the street. Could add danger.

Course is on a popular hill and can become very busy.

Thorn tree next to basket on hole 3. Could damage you or your disc.

Other Thoughts:

I love this course. Even though it is only 9 holes, it's a must play if in the area. It's great to introduce students to the game. I want to give this course a 3.5 but with only 9 baskets and 9 holes I just can't. This is one hell of a course. Alternate basket locations and dual tees could boost this course to a 3.5.

There is another 9 hole course, Pickett Park, that is shorter than a half mile away (short walk). If this course is too hard, play Pickett park. If it is too easy, I would suggest Murdock Park. This course plus Pickett make a full 18.

The views and elevation make this course great. Additional tees would greatly improve this course. I would recommend it if traveling through Northern Indiana off Interstate 65. Check the home football schedule before playing.
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.5 years 221 played 209 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 16, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


A very fun course! Of all the 9-hole or less courses I've ever played, this is absolutely in my top 3.

There's a great variety of shots including open and tight shots, short and long, hyzer and anhyzer. The signature hole in my mind is #9, a massive 400 feet downhill bomb, which is a hole I definitely didn't see coming but it pleasantly surprised me.

The location of it is awesome as well, on one side it overlooks Purdue's campus and on the other side is the delta delta delta house which has a really great looking exterior and the things living inside are pretty attractive too. :)

There's fantastic signage, good tees, good quality baskets, and very good flow.


The biggest con in my eyes is that it's only 9 holes. The design and everything is great and the land is greatly utilized. I wish there would have been more available.

On a few of the holes, #2 and #9 especially stand out, if you shank a drive (or massively overshoot), you have the potential to hit a car which is one of the worst possible things outside of hitting a person...but it's tough to avoid on this course without giving up significant fun points.

Other Thoughts:

At the end of the day, I feel bad only giving Purdue's campus course a 3.0, but at the end of the day, it's only 9 holes, but it's absolutely worth checking out if you're in the area. I'd love to go back!
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2 0
Experience: 26.4 years 5 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Good for a college course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 17, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


The signs are awesome, especially for hole 4. The course is well maintained and the use of the space is well done. Quick course for a lunch time throw.


The majority of holes are 200 ft and the placement of holes almost always will force you into tree line. Especially on 6 where the mando forces you to either throw into the tree line above or risk going out of bounce on the left by throwing a straight shot. Hole 3 is frustrating due to absolutely no fairway, I mean I understand obstacles but come on.

Other Thoughts:

At times the course plays like a challenging disc control course, but then the wind on the hill makes its extremely frustrating for all the short shots. Hole 9 will make up for hole 7 for beginners as you get major flight.
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2 0
Experience: 23.4 years 81 played 10 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Cool 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 16, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Nice tee pads and baskets
Good signage
Elevation, elevation, elevation


9 holes
Hole 9 finishes too close to rock wall that will tear up a disc if it crashes into it
Can be a very busy part of campus
Course pulled during home football games and concerts on the hill

Other Thoughts:

I enjoy this course for what it was designed for. The concept was from a freshman just starting to play to a senior that started 4 years previous this course would be fun, challenging, but not frustrating. For the more serious golfer, this course is fun to play here and there, but the other local courses overshadow it. I think having the course right on campus is a great way to introduce new players to the sport, but keep that in mind if/when you get out there to throw.
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1 3
Experience: 40 played 8 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Slater Hill 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 6, 2011 Played the course:once


Holes are designed pretty well. Good signage to let you know where the basket's are.


Only 9 holes, that you can play twice to make 18. A crosswind coming over the hill can really act on your discs.

Other Thoughts:

You'll get a workout on your legs climbing up and down the hill.
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5 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.4 years 72 played 45 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 23, 2011 Played the course:once


Purdue's course is one of the better 9-holers I've played, and blends a unique mix of amenities that make for a very good course.

The strongest aspect of this course is the land used. Most college courses I've played use throw away land in some desolate area of the campus, but Purdue's course is on and along a huge hill in the middle of campus, so you get awesome views of the surrounding area.

Every basket has a next tee arrow on the bottom of the pole that makes naviation easy. All the signs include recommended flight paths and designated OB.

The course is designed to use the hill as the main challenge on most shots, requiring players to adjust to big uphill shots on one hole then big downhill looks on the next. Large trees add obstacles on most holes.


My biggest qualm about this course was the lack of distance. After the brutal uphill bomb on #2, 5 out of the next 6 holes play at 255 or less. Other than that, my other cons are just nit picking...

The brick tees look cool, and they're functional, but they're on the small side and allow for no more than a two step run up.

When I played this course, construction on the band shell was blocking the tee on #1, The pin for #9 was only about 250ft from the tee, so I'm assuming that had been moved due to construction as well. This didn't effect my rating. but it sucked none the less.

Other Thoughts:

This is probably the best college course I've played, and one of the best 9ers I've played. It's definitely worth a stop if you're anywhere near Purdue.
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6 0
Experience: 17.2 years 80 played 7 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Awesome Little Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 18, 2011 Played the course:once



This course probably has the best signage I have ever seen. I love the next tee pad signs that are hanging on the bottom of the baskets, they seem very high quality and durable. Tee signs give enough information for you to know where the basket is, and are also in tip top shape and very easy to read


I love the large square brick teepads! At first I didn't know whether or not I would like them, but they provided excellent footing for all shots, and where plenty long/wide enough for my run up.


Hole by hole this course provides excellent shot variety, and elevation change.

Land usage:

I don't think they could have done any better with the land they were given. I mean really is almost perfect.


Close to streets:

A couple holes play along some roads, but will only come into play with bad shots, or an unlucky kick.


Two fairways kind of blend together going in the opposite direction. A mando takes care of this but I can see people not playing the mando and causing a safety concern.

Other Thoughts:

I really enjoyed this couse with a friend that I drug out and forced to play with me (not interested in the sport). We got done quick and I think he ended up not hating DG so much in the end.

#9 is a really fun down hill shot.

#2 is a great long uphill hole.
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4 3
Matthew boals
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 30.5 years 289 played 65 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Roller heaven or hell 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 8, 2010 Played the course:once


•Chainstar targets •Paver brick tees •High Quality tee signs with directional signs hanging from the baskets •Highest point in the County?...nice views of the campus. #1 215' Par 3 uphill drive,guarded by trees with parking on the right. Approach/putt has a low canopy shot on the left,a good chance of a roller. #2 425' Par 4 more open fairway,up slope drive with the fairway sloping on both sides. Roll-a-way on the right will go in the street. #3 255' Par 3 The flatest fairway with it having a treeline in the middle you thrown thru or around with the target between two short,wide trees waiting to knock your disc down. Look for a directional Sign for #4 tee. #4 200' Par 3 Open hyzer blind shot...Ace run! #5 200' Par 3 Open Straight shot with the target over the ridge in front of the large tree. #6 410' Par 4 With a mando uphill drive with scattered mature trees and roller possibilities. Mando drive left due to #7 basket placement. #7 250' Par 3 Downhill shot with a more open shot on the left....roller possibility. #8 205' Par 3 Uphill with mature trees about half way with long out reaching branches forcing low canopy throws all the way up. #9 400' Par 3 Bomber hole! Open Downhill drive with the target to the right of the stage....don't over throw or your in the street!....another roller?


•As stated on the #1 tee sign "course closed during home football games and activities at the performing arts stage".... O.K. MAYBE you could play #3?4,5,6. •no water holes •It's not 18 •no beer cart, but you are on a college campus so someone may offer you one!?

Other Thoughts:

If you use the parking lot on the hill use #9 as #1. Port-a-let in the parking lot with trash cans. Course is new so watch for runners using the hill.
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2 2
Experience: 16.1 years 77 played 7 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Great Start Up Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 23, 2010 Played the course:once


-On a college campus.
-Mature Trees
-Great Signs
-Great Baskets
-Course Navigates Very Well


-Its new, so people are still adjusting to it. (Should be fine in the future)
-Some of the holes play downhill close to a busy road.

Other Thoughts:

This course was brilliant for a beginner course. There will most likely never be a PDGA tournament on this course but it is an awesome way to spread the game of disc golf. College kids love frisbees. There is a 400ft down hill shot, it is a great hole.
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