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Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, United Kingdom

Quarry Park

Permanent course
4.125(based on 17 reviews)
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Quarry Park reviews

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Diamond level trusted reviewer
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Experience: 10.7 years 694 played 671 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Castle Destination Level Worthy For Disc Golfers In England 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 16, 2018 Played the course:once


(3.613 Rating) A super fun park style course with multiple layout options under one footprint.
- MULTIPLE LAYOUTS - The best thing going for Quarry Park is being able to choose from a variety of layout difficulty levels. The shortest layout to skilled players, is hole after hole of chip shot ace runs. I personally started on this layout and racked up the birdie tally quickly. After the 7th hole and 6th birdie, I switched to the Long (Red/Blue) layout which was more up my alley as an experienced player. I also mixed in a couple Black layout only holes. These holes seemed similar in caliber to the Long layout, but from viewing the full Black layout map, I can tell that the challenge is amped up a little more. The layout options really make this course skill level friendly. I could see 700s through 950s enjoying themselves out here.
- CHALLENGING - The Black layout looks to be a lower end Advanced level. Most of the holes are between the 80 and 110 meter range, which translates to 260 to 360 feet. Hole (5) is the one play over 500 feet and it will likely require some hole management planning for a majority of players. Most holes have well placed obstacles dictating basket approach angles and a few lines require some major shop shaping.
- UNIQUENESS - All the basics are covered and there are some treats. For one thing, lots of clever basket guarding, pockets, mini gaps, mounds and ridge use. I loved (12) on the Long layout which has the basket positioned on a 30 degree incline, 20 feet up the ridge. Tree coverage hole to hole is comprised of the whole spectrum, from open to heavily wooded. There are 4 or 5 water holes out here as well. The only thing that I found lacking was the multi-play hole. Only one hole, the before mentioned hole (5) on the Black layout, could be argued a par 4. Also no doglegs, pond clears or elevation changes exceeding 25 feet.
- NATURAL BEAUTY - Quarry Park has a mostly park style feel to it. Most of the holes are lightly or moderately wooded, but there are a few heavily wooded holes. I enjoyed the views along the River Avon, which is about a 50 foot wide disc collector. I scored the course a 3.375 out of 5, no bombshell looking holes, but thankfully no eyesores either. This score is roughly 72 percentile among all courses I've played to date.
- CLUB HOUSE - Amen. A covered seating area with course maps. A nice selection of discs to choose from here and a knowledgeable pro at the counter. It's good to know that you can show up at Quarry Park without any discs and you can still get a round in.
- VIBE - My ratings are influenced very little by the course atmosphere as this is a very subjective item. Players typically only fully experience the course vibe on their local course. That said, I could feel the positive vibes here. The owner Derek, was a joy to talk too and you can tell that he's poured his heart and soul into his course.
- CHARACTER - In addition to the club house and overall vibe, there are some other nice amenities and basics of note. To start, mostly DISCatcher baskets. There is tee seating on about half of the holes. There's a porta-potty and some trash cans. Several holes have multiple tees and there are some alternate basket placements. There is also apparently a practice basket, but I didn't see it until my review posted and I got a PM, Thanks Lathama. My only major complaint was the Tees, see cons.
- QUICK PLAY - My group of two blew through the round in just over an hour, which really surprised me. Hole to hole transitions are almost all short.
- MAINTENANCE - The course looks like its maintained daily. Fairways were cut and downed branches were few and far between.


Quarry Park is a well put together course with only minor issues.
- SPACING - A lot of stuff is crammed into this 15 to 20 acre plot. As noted in the pros, there are 3 layouts to chose from, For the most part, the layouts trace the same general path, but in other areas some holes are squeezed in between. Players need to constantly be aware of other disc golfers on the course.
- LAYOUT FLOW - Due to the multiple layouts, I could see some flow issues when those on different layouts re-converge to a share a hole or fairway. Thankfully during my round this did not happen, but there were only 15 or so players on the course on my appearance.
- TEES - Mostly turf tees. Probably not an issue for many players in the region, but for someone like myself who was spoiled early in his disc golf career and played on nothing but concrete for the first couple of years, there was a lot left to be desired. I thought many of the tees were uneven and it affected my mindset.
- LOOSE DISC OPPS - Throwing one in the River Avon is an unforgivable error unless it floats. My playing partner has a bad ricochet on (11) and so now he has one less disc.
- PAY TO PLAY - This is not a cheap course to play, although considering that many courses in England are pay to play its probably reasonable for the region it's in. I paid £7 for Long layout and its £5 for the Short layout. It's a few extra pounds for an all day pass and there are also seasonal passes that can be purchased. If I lived in the area, I'm sure I'd be getting a year long pass.
- PARKING - A gravel parking lot without defined parking spots. For those in the States reading this. Don't rent a full size car in England. Everything road-wise is smaller.

Other Thoughts:

The first course I ever played on foreign soil and it was awesome. For the first several minutes I had to keep pinching myself due to this surreal notion. After speaking with Hall of Framer Derek Robbins (Course Pro) for about five minutes I headed to the course and ran into a local guy who graciously accepted my request to throw with him. Adam was a blast to throw with and talk disc golf. With his help I got to experience a piece of each of the Quarry layouts, seamlessly. Through our discussion, It turns out that he is good friends with DGCR member and course reviewer rhatton, whom also is the PDGA's UK representative. rhatton messaged me the next day and sent me a ton of course recommendation for my travels through-out the country. Thank you sir. In addition, I also want to thank DGCR member Lathama whom I originally contacted in hopes to get a round in. I got a lot of insight about Quarry from him and he notified Derek that I had been planning a round here. Unfortunately work got in the way and we weren't able to throw. Oh well, next time.
- NAVIGATION - All the information you need is here. Course maps, tee signage, scorecard with map on it. I personally had a guide but from prior experience I can tell there will be a lot of second guessing on this course. As noted under the Spacing Con, there's a lot jammed in here. Players will find themselves accidently walking to a few wrong tees and shooting at wrong baskets if they are not giving the course their full undivided attention on the first play.
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