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Ina, IL

Rend Lake College

1.55(based on 5 reviews)
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Rend Lake College reviews

16 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
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Experience: 5.2 years 184 played 131 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Like A 2nd Grade Science Fair Project

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 30, 2024 Played the course:once


WHAT TO EXPECT: Disc Golf Baskets set amongst the backside of a college courtyard. Zero elevation change, minimal trees, and you'll probably have the course all to yourself.

AMENITIES: Ample Parking. No water or bathrooms available.

TEES/SIGNAGE/BASKETS: Tees are natural grass with no indication of where the actual tee pad is supposed to be, most are situated in a ditch or on uneven ground and make no sense. No course sign, tee signs exist but do not face the direction of the basket which leaves you guessing as to which basket you can see you are throwing to. Practice basket, but doesn't indicate that it is a practice basket, so it stays in the back of your mind if it's one you should be throwing to at some point. Baskets are old 18 chain Mach baskets with no placard or numbers indicating which hole number basket it is for.

DESIGN: I'm struggling very hard to find a positive to place in the design section. I'll say this, the designer gave you plenty of opportunity to air it out.

EXTRAS: The grass is immaculately kept by the college.


WALK BACKS: The first three holes play diagonally to each other, in the same direction with fairways overlapping. So you play a 500 ft par 4, then walk back down the fairway 400 ft to the next tee, play a 350 ft par 3 back down the same fairway, walk back 300 ft and play a 400 ft par 3 back down the same fairway. Add in Hole 7 which is a 997 ft par 5 that plays out away from the school that you have to walk all the way back to the tee after holing out to play hole #8 which is directly perpendicular at a 90 degree angle from hole #7 tee pad...

DAY CARE: The course is broken up into 3's. The first three play behind the school on a large mildly wooded lot between the school and the road. The second set of 3 holes (4-6) all play directly at/around a day care facility. I can't imagine these holes being the least bit playable during operating hours. The last three holes play down the exit road from the school in wide open strips of land between two roads roughly 45 wide the entire way. The same hole 3 times in a row with only the distance providing variation.

TEE SIGNS: Faded and useless tee signs. While they provide hole number and distance, they do not help you locate the basket at which you should be throwing to, and they are turned in weird directions that doesn't help matters. You literally have to guess which basket you should throw at, find a suitable spot on the grass to tee from, and send it. I've seen more informative signs on truck stop bathroom stalls.

DESIGN: One of the absolute worst course designs I have ever come across. There are multiple par 3's over 400 ft, a 1000 ft par 5, and a couple 550 ft par 4's. While I won't complain about distance, these are all wide open holes with no variety, and the people who would be playing this monstrosity are not throwing those kind of distances. Navigation is an absolute nightmare even with U-Disc helping.

Other Thoughts:

When I pulled onto the campus, one of the campus security vehicles pulled up to me and asked me what I was doing. I told him I was going to check out the disc golf course. He laughed and said "enjoy" in an obvious sarcastic and warning tone. Then he drove off. It didn't take me long to understand he knew how bad things were. I felt a lot like Pizza God, playing the bad ones so you all don't have to. There are baskets and it resembles disc golf I guess.
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6 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 11 years 385 played 105 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Like Bad Pizza 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 3, 2017 Played the course:once


There were 9 baskets out there and 8 sign poles, some even had the signs readable.

Long holes for guys who love to bomb it!!

Was able to check another course off my list on my climb to 200....


Worst layout ever... first three holes throw on a diagonal and you walk back to next tee....
then 4-7 are on the other side of the street with 7's Tee sign on the cusp between the cut grass and the marsh.
Couldn't find #8 while #9 is back past #3 on the other side of that street...
Natural tee pads that were no longer clearly marked
Couple of signs were sun faded and blank.

Other Thoughts:

I love almost any pizza I eat, but every once in a while you come across a bad one. That's my take on disc golf courses, there are few really bad ones.... This is one of those really bad ones.
I played in Mt Vernon to start this trip and the guys there warned me not to play this one.... wish I had listened....
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2 0
Experience: 5 played 5 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Crazy Layout 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 18, 2015 Played the course:once


Great place for opening up for long throws.


Quite possibly the worst example of course layout and signage on the face of the earth, including courses with no signage!

Other Thoughts:

As I played the course, I found the first tee and played the first hole. Then I started to look for the second tee. And I looked and I looked. I found the third tee, the ninth tee,and eventually I found the second tee, by walking backward. Note that the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd holes are on top of each other. Fast forward to the 4th tee. 900+ feet. I throw the wrong direction. Hmmm, this hole isn't 900 feet. Back to the 4th tee and shoot the other direction. After holing it, I walk back toward the 4th tee and stumble across the 5th tee. Which has no usuable information, other than it is 500 feet to the hole. Must have been that hole I was aiming for for the 4th. Seems longer than 500 feet, but what do I know? I hole it, then start looking for hole 6, and look. and look. and look. Eventually I find the tee for hole 7. Play that, and on the way, I see the tee for hole 8. I play hole 8 (I think) then I start walking toward 9. I notice a sign which turns out to be hole 6 behind the one room school. I turns out that I shot the 6 hole when shooting from the 8th tee, and the 8th hole when shooting from the 5th tee. Note that none of the holes have numbers on them at all. I never put a disc into the 5th hole. This course REALLY needs a map available and meaningful signage.
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3 0
Experience: 14.6 years 25 played 2 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Average 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 14, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


Only course in immediate area, There are enough trees to make sure you have to hit your lines.


Absolutely no elevation change.

Ground was very wet in area. Hole 7 basket was surrounded by water so I couldn't finish the hole. Many other very soft and wet areas that I assume will dry up in the summer months.

Many of the holes play along the road, walking paths, right by a Day Care so one has to be careful of when to throw. However, this is a minor con as the road wasn't extremely busy, nobody was on the walking path, and one would have to have a bad throw to have the Day Care be an issue.

Many of the holes play over each other so if there are more than a couple of groups playing I can see waiting for others to play be an issue.

Need an overall map to help someone new figure out where to start and go next, especially the first three tees.

Most holes are the same general layout and don't make you use every aspect of your game.

Other Thoughts:

Overall there was a good use of space for what they had to work with. Would like to see more tree holes. Eliminate one of the first three holes and make another one in the woods which would help the confusion and congestion on holes 1-3.
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3 1
Experience: 10 played 8 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Not too shabby 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 23, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Solid distance and a nice--albeit challenging--mix of trees and other obstacles. Some really fun spots to grip and rip. Holes 1-3 are a little tough to get the hang of where the tees are, which hole to throw to, but once you figure out the layout of the holes it makes it much easier. The fourth hole is unreal long. Thankfully there are red tees now, because 987 is just a monster of a hole. Hole 7 is awesome, going straight into the woods with a line for both types of throws rhbh and rhfh, but if it's not almost perfect it's going into the woods.


It's hard to navigate the first time you play the course. The some of the holes have mini-maps on the tee signs, while others don't have anything. Finding hole 9 was hard because you have to walk down the road parallell with the 5th fairway and look for the tee marker on the right hand side. It goes parallel tees for #1-3 but across the median. The pars are a bit challenging, but with some practice it might get easier.

Other Thoughts:

Some course maps would be great.
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