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Denver, NC

Rescue Squad Park

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2.755(based on 6 reviews)
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Rescue Squad Park reviews

12 0
Carson King
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Great 9 Hole Course drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 15, 2023 Played the course:once


This was my first time playing this course and second time playing disc golf ever so please keep that in mind for this review. This course has enough to make the 9 holes memorable. Lots of elevation changes and accuracy is a must off most tee boxes. There are a few holes where you can really appreciate the elevation off the tee, most notably #8. I feel the distance would be a bit short for more seasoned players but for a beginner it was just right. Most holes were scorable if your tee shot ended in the fairway. I will say I hit a fair number of trees and sometimes the recovery shots are left with just a punch out.


The main Con for now would just be nature. The fallen leaves made it very difficult to find my disc even with brightly colored mids/drivers. The other issue with the leaves is it made a lot of the walkways/runoffs rather slippery so use caution if playing in fall.

Other Thoughts:

Overall I really enjoyed this course and like others have mentioned 18 holes would be great to see. This course packs enough punch for beginners to advanced players. Good course to get some practice on BH and FH shots as well as accuracy.
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11 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 17.2 years 154 played 150 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Mike Lind Hickory Creek DGC 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 6, 2022 Played the course:once


Rescue Squad Park is a stunning 9 hole course, that you'll leave desperately wanting more. The course features DISCatcher baskets and tees made out of pavers/bricks. Here players will find a variety of technical shots through the woods and an absolute smorgasbord of excellent elevation usage.

The holes are short enough that Rec/Intermediate players aren't going to feel overwhelmed. However the technical nature of the tee shots and risky putting greens will give Advanced Players plenty to enjoy. There is a premium placed on accuracy over power, as none of the holes are long bomb tee shots, but more importantly angle control. The angle that your disc finds its landing is important here- to prevent rollaways.

Mark Huether has done an excellent job balancing individual hole design, and overall course design here. None of the holes feel repetitive, and I wouldn't describe any of them as being filler holes either. The standout holes (especially Hole 4) could be moved to almost any other course in the area and it would still stand out.

More improvements are being made to the course. When I was there, I noticed what appeared to be the frame for a future staircase near the Hole 5's basket. This should provide much needed footing when the ground gets muddy out there.

The stairs leading from Hole 9's basket to Hole 1's tee are really nice, and definitely appreciated.


This course desperately deserves a back 9! Somehow this course has managed to pack 9 outstanding holes into a fairly compact piece of land. Hopefully one day more space is given to this course so it can expand some.

The course lacks tee signs, which is a bit of a bummer. While none of the holes were really so long that the basket couldn't be seen from the tee or simply found via a short walk down the fairway, it would be nice to have things such as distance/par labeled.

The tee to hole 7 looks like it could use some work. It seems as though whatever was used to create a level tee had rotted away, and now the pavers/bricks are uneven.

Some more stairs and/or erosion bars here-and-there will really go a long way to provide the longevity of this course. Luckily it seems these issues are being addressed.

Other Thoughts:

I've played enough 9 holes to know that they don't always leave you wishing for back 9 to be added. I left Rescue Squad Park really wishing for more. I am giving the course a 2.5 rating for now, but could see (even without more holes added) the course deserving a higher rating as improvements continue to be made. In the meantime, this course can always be played with the nearby Beatty's Ford Park for a full 18.

Favorite Holes: 4, 5, & 8
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.6 years 321 played 303 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Rescue me as I fall down the hill! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 27, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


-Wow! The Lincoln Charter area has more elevation than anywhere else in my area. I'm quite overwhelmed with how good of a nine hole course this is. And I just now realized that the Lincoln Charter area is <25 miles from Gastonia. This course is rather short, with the exception of one hole, but the elevation is quite satisfying.

-Definitely has the land for an 18 holer. I say that because I parked in the first parking lot I saw beside the pavilion. So I had to back track the course. Turns out I was walking left of the course and had to walk all the way up to the corner of the walking track and turn right. I think there could easily be a back nine in the area in where I thought the course originally was.

-This nine holer starts off promising with a decent downhill putter shot, and it gets better with the next two holes. And then you see the best of it.

-#4 is one of the coolest par 4's that I have played. It's a dogleg left that plays tight the whole way and across a large valley with great elevation change. Felt like I was in the mountains, as it is better than most of the holes in Asheville. But the approach shot reminded me of #5 at Richmond Hill. You know, that really fun valley hole?

-Holes 5 and 8 are close favorites of mine. #5 is a drop shot. And I love those kind of holes. #8 almost plays as a valley, but it's not because it's downhill about 90% of the way. It's maybe the second longest hole, maybe 285'. But it plays maybe 200'. There are trees to avoid on this hole, so you could be left with an uphill upshot, but it's reachable with a putter.

-The fairways are all pretty much different. #3 is a legit righty flick shot and #4 is a legit dogleg left. While the others are also accuracy testers.

-The previous reviewers mentioned that there weren't any tee pads. Well, there are brick pads out there now. There are also next tee arrows so navigation is easy.


-Well, it's still new. So it has its minor issues. Right now it's summertime so the lost disc potential is high. The underbrush is an issue on holes 1 and 9. There are no tee signs either. Not that we truly need diagrams, but it's always good to see the hole info. My estimated hole lengths are 215', 260', 225', 415', 180', 205', 170', 285', and 220'. It's not a long course, but it has it's toughness.

-Needs stairs! It's quite hilly in places, and it sucks to fall while it's summer, because there may be snakes.

-Really hoping for a back nine. The hole quality here is really surprising for a nine hole course.

Other Thoughts:

-This nine hole course is something else. It's mostly wooded so it felt like playing The Bridges. Especially because the terrain here is very similar. Another good things is that this course, along with Robbins and Stumpy aren't far from Gastonia, Hickory, and Charlotte. It shows that there are so many good courses in North Carolina.

-Once again, I really hope that there could be a back nine. This course would be something else if it were 18 holes.

-My favorite hole was #4. It's definitely on my list of my favorite holes. It's different from the other holes here because it's over 400'. It's an awesome placement par 4 with a dangerous green. It's just a top notch hole I think. Hole 5 was a close favorite.
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Designer response by 1978
Bridges, trashcans, retaining walls and steps have been added. The woods line actually ends right at hole 4, I planned 9 more holes but the dog park and the fact the property doesnt extend beyond 4 pinched us in.

For a tournament, 9 temp holes could be added all around the park though and that might entice them to do an 18 hole layout someday.
7 0
Mike C
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.5 years 168 played 74 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Surprisingly good 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 17, 2017 Played the course:once


- This course feels like an 18 hole course chopped in half rather than a 9 hole course. If they added another 9 holes of the same quality this would be a destination course.

- Excellent use of elevation on nearly every hole. In particular, hole 4 has you throwing a RHBH hyzer down a hill, then an upshot up a steep hill. Very fun hole. #5 is very steep down hill, and is the type of hole you'll want to empty your bag on.

- Legit Par 4 hole in the first half. This took me by surprise. I had a nice drive with a driver and was still outside my jump putt range, largely due to the steep uphill nature of the second shot.

- Great variation in the lines. Straight shots, a few RHBH hyzers, #2 & #7 turn hard right etc. The elevation also makes the different straight holes play very different.

- Great signage, outside of the lack of teesigns. There are plenty of signs direction you along the fairways and to the next tees. Navigation is no issue whatsoever for a first timer playing solo.


- THERE ARE UNFINISHED BENCHES THAT LOOK LIKE FINISHED BENCHES. I set my bag on a bench that looked sturdy and the entire thing fell apart and my bag took a tumble. Be careful when you sit on any new looking benches since they might not actually be nailed together yet.

- Still a work in progress. Many tees are unfinished, with the wooded planks and bricks sitting next to where you'll throw.

- No tee signs. There are markers on the ground indicating where to throw from, and signs guiding you along the course, but no tee signs.

Other Thoughts:

Rescue Squad has the honors of being the best 9 hole course I've played in North Carolina. The par 4 here is more interesting than Bethel DGC's par 4, and the other 8 holes are higher quality as well.

To me the stand out feature of the course are the elevation changes. They're remarkable for a 9 hole course. I've never thrown a 9 hole course that has such drastic uphill and downhill shots. It makes the course feel so much more diverse and memorable than if it had the same layout on flatter terrain.

I hope there are plans to expand Rescue Squad Park DGC into an 18 hole course. I really think there is potential here for this to turn into a destination course if that's the case.

As it stands, once all the tees are installed, signs put in place, and the edges smoothed out, this will be a 9 hole course worth going out of your way to play. Rare breed indeed. Match it up with the nearby Beatty's Ford for 18 holes 2.5 miles apart, and you have yourself a technical, ace run filled day.

It doesn't quite deserve a 3.5 in its current form, but I'm giving it one because once the tees are finished it will have earned it.
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4 1
Experience: 22.4 years 112 played 2 reviews
2.50 star(s)

dressed to the 9's 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 4, 2017 Played the course:once


a couple of nice downhill holes 1,5,7,8...the teepads that are in, are great..New baskets--great..outlined fairways are pretty cool..


needs steps on 4's green,,had trouble finding teepads for holes 7(down,right of 6's basket) and 8(top of the hill).The hill on hole 8 is the steepest part of the course,so you have to watch your footing carefully if you have a bad,short drive like I did.The course is still muddy..

Other Thoughts:

I get the feeling this course is easier during the winter than the summer.it took me 1hour 15 minutes to play--takeing my time..overall,,you can tell that this course will only get better..it is on a nice piece of property and I look forward to seeing it grow over the next few years..
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9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.3 years 616 played 565 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Rescue Squad's First Responder. 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 22, 2016 Played the course:once


Rescue Squad is a fun, advanced-level (relatively) nine-hole course that doesn't feel like one. After finishing up #9, I was eagerly ready to play a back nine.
- Not your typical, beginner-friendly nine-hole course. This feels like a legit 18-hole course that just happens to be cut in half.
- Solid hole layouts with lots of elevation. It really reminds me of Stumpy Creek, which isn't surprising because it's the same terrain, being only 20 minutes away. Also, has the feel of R.L. Smith, but the fairways aren't as wide (easy) as Smith.
- Great variety of layouts, even in its current developmental stage. #1 is a fun, downhill hole that reminds me a lot of Eastway #2. From there, you're playing a tight, wooded, uphill layout on #2.
- #4, once everything is cleared out is going to be a fantastic hole. A long, tight shot that bends left midway (1st shot); hole goes slightly downhill and curves back right (2nd shot) to a steep, uphill basket position (3rd and 4th shot). It was a tap in 4 for I what I hope to be a solid par. Very reminiscent of #2 and 4 at Stumpy.
- Course uses the elevation for some fun and/or challenging layouts. #5 is straight down the shoot. #7 goes downhill pretty sharp for the first half before coming back up towards the basket. When I played, the fairway seemed to be the pathway, which created a tough tee shot.
- #9 ended up being the easiest hole on the course. Slightly uphill layout that starts in the woods, required a slightly curving shot back to a basket in the open. Nice ending the round with a birdie putt within 8 feet.


Most of these cons will be gone soon because they're work-in-progress issues.
- The work-in-progress issues consisted of: needing better signage for tees and next holes. Walked the wrong path from #4 to 5. Still not sure where the tee/fairway are for #7. Also, felt like I walked past one tee area and played from a shorter, easier layout than should have.
- Hole lengths aren't listed (course isn't close to 3400 feet as of now.)
- Only legitimate concern: better paths/steps on some of the hills. Better bridges across a couple of creek beds (or at least better pathways to the 'easy' cross points.)
- Standard disclaimer: lack of benches, trash cans, etc. Second standard disclaimer: not an issue for a 9-hole course, just needs to be listed somewhere.
- Course is missing its back 9. Really, this could be a great 18-hole layout.
- Once tee pads and signs are up, course is going to be good.

Other Thoughts:

Rescue Squad already feels like a more complete course than most nine-hole courses you'll play. Just because it's only a half-course doesn't mean Huey & co. are putting in half the effort.
- Course might not get the proper attention and respect it deserves because it's 'out of the way'. It's not really on the way to anything, it's a good drive from downtown Charlotte, and it's not going to be a destination being only 9 holes.
- I do think hole #4 would fit in nicely on every course in the area. Put it on a course like Reedy Creek, and that's one of the toughest layouts on the course.
- Between this and Beatty's Ford Park 5 minutes away, you've got a smashed-up 18-hole layout. They've got different feels to them, but at least it'll make the drive up here worth it.
- Even as an in-progress course, this is already one of the best nine-hole courses I've played. A solid 2.5 rating in my book, which (so far) is as high as I've rated any nine-holer.
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