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Riverdale, UT

Riverpark DGC

3.465(based on 14 reviews)
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Riverpark DGC reviews

11 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 22.7 years 495 played 493 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Now only 10 holes

Reviewed: Played on:May 29, 2024 Played the course:once


- Beautiful tee signs give relevant information
- Flypads are in decent shape and do the job well enough
- Baskets are holding on well, still look decent
- Interesting mix of holes by the river but mostly open
- Shorter course sans a few holes good for midrange


- Course needs to be redesigned to make the most out of the remaining land after construction destroyed most of the course
- Very overgrown even in fairways lead to looking and losing discs
- Very blah course, nothing exciting makes if feel like millions of others
- Ugly course for something in a beautiful state like Utah
- Baskets have no color and hard to see, some are blind
- Almost zero elevation changes
- The course looks the same the entire time

Other Thoughts:

I can see at one point in time this used to be a fun course, perhaps the holes that are no longer there were the best part of the course which is why the higher ratings of the past. Seems at this point this place is a shell of its former self, sad. There are better options now but you can bag 10 holes pretty easier and quickly here if that's your thing.
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9 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 7 years 52 played 50 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Flawed but fun...the comfy old shoe of Northern Utah 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 14, 2020 Played the course:5+ times


27 holes! In the quantity vs. quality balance, quantity is almost half the battle. This course has plenty of quantity.
-Multiple pin placements on at least 18 of the holes
-Multiple tee pads on at least 18 of the holes
-Good variety of distances (200'ish ace runs, all the way up to 400'ish holes when in the long pin placements)
-Good variety of hole shapes with a nice mix of straight, left-to-right, and right-to-left designs.


-A pretty ugly course, which is shocking given the location (in Ogden, only a few miles form the mountains, and next to the Ogden River). But the Ogden River really isn't that visible despite its proximity (nor does it really come into play), and much of the course is recessed in a bowl with mountain views blocked.
-While the holes are designed well, a lot of the scrub oak is short enough that power players can just throw over the top.
-Tee pads are a pretty slick mat that have seen better days. Concrete, or turf, or new pads would be a drastic improvement. The pads are also really narrow and many are a tad short.
-Signs are inaccurate and many appear missing. uDisc is a little bit of help, but there are eight (8!) course layouts listed on the app so it can be a bit challenging figuring out how to play a normal round. I personally use the 22 hole Blue Tee layout, and then just had to hunt for the middle white tees. Speaking of which, I'm still not sure if many of the bonus 9 holes (A-I) have multiple tee pads.
-Related to the last comment, navigation is really tough on this course. uDisc helps with this too but is not fool-proof, and different people play this course in different ways so you can't just follow the group in front of you. Some people play 9 holes, some play 18, some play 22, and some play 27. This also creates bottlenecks at a few holes.

Other Thoughts:

I like this course quite a bit, despite its flaws. It is a course that provides an appropriate challenge for most players and has plenty of variety with 27 potential holes, 2-3 sets of tee pads on most holes, and multiple basket placements on most holes. But that being said, it has its warts. The bonus 9 holes are pretty rugged and create logjams with the "regular" 18 holes. And it is certainly not anywhere close to the best maintained course in the area. RP is the disc golf equivalent of a nice old worn pair of shoes. Ugly? Yes. A bit out of style? Sure. Seen better days? Absolutely. But it's also perfectly broken in, comfy, and fits just right.
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2 1
Experience: 13.2 years 181 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Fun course, but download the map 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 22, 2017 Played the course:once


Variety of shots required. Scenic. Lots of wildlife. Very friendly golfers. Good baskets. Plenty of locals on the course, so ask to join a group to help with navigation.


Navigation is difficult, so bring a map. Not all tee boxes have a sign, so distances are not apparent. Baskets locations are not apparent from tee boxes. A few mosquitoes. Train tracks in area. Fairways tend to be a little close and there is definitely potential for discs regularly entering your fairway from another hole, so always be on alert. Park has walking and biking trails, so be courteous to other park users. Course suffered some tree damage from a tornado.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, I really enjoyed the round. I would definitely recommend this course.
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10 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 40.3 years 501 played 66 reviews
3.00 star(s)

How Many Times Playing Before You Realize You Like A Course? 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 5, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


Apparently the answer is 5, because I had to play this course 5 times before I started to realize that I actually did like this course. My first time playing I was hopelessly lost on navigation even with the darn map, it took me probably an extra hour to an hour and a half longer to play than it should have and I was not at all thrilled by the course. The second time playing I did better but I still managed to get lost, maybe an extra 15-20 minutes trying to figure my way around and a lot of muttering to myself and cussing. The third time I thought I had a pretty good handle on the course but I ended up playing with a couple of locals and I thought I didn't really have to worry about navigating up until the point they got lost, and another 15-20 minutes trying to figure out what we did wrong. By the way, when even the locals get lost, you may have a problem. The fourth time playing I concentrated all the way through on navigation and finely managed to get it right but I was so worried about navigation I didn't really relax and actually have any fun. The fifth time playing I actually was able to relax, have fun and able to realize I actually did enjoy this course. So I guess the point is, if you've only played the course once or twice, give it a few more times before making a decision you might find yourself enjoying it more each time.

This is a huge course with 27 holes , or rather I should say it is an 18 hole course with 9 additional bonus holes thrown in as that is really how it is laid out, more on that in cons. It has long, medium, and short tees on most holes with tees being rubber mats on most and just plain dirt on a few others. There are 27 Mach V baskets that do the job, and most of the main 18 holes had trashcans and benches. The first tee is a little bit of a walk east from the main parking lot, and I heard from one of the locals the day after I last played there was a fire in the in-between which closed the course down for a bit. I only heard I didn't get to verify.

The course is fairly diversified with quite a mix of shots, from really open field shots framed by large trees to much more denser foliage farther into the course, there really is a good variety of shots to keep players of all skill levels challenged and satisfied. The original 18 are well groomed and maintained with stenciled on numbered trash cans on every hole. The bonus holes, well that's another story. All of the original 18 fairways were all shortly mowed field grass or hardpan soil that allowed great skips and a few rollers with large mature trees dotting the landscape forcing the sculpting of shots. With the multiple tees there are good options for all players of every skill level. The holes range in distance from 150 feet on some of the shorter tees to well over 400 feet for the longer ones. For the most part the course is fairly disc golf exclusive, save for a bike trail than runs through it, but for the most part is out of the way.


Navigation. This is probably the single most thing keeping the course from earning higher marks, most of the other cons can be dismissed or balanced against all the pros, but most first timers are going to hate it here without a guide or time to discover the course. There are no indicators to tell you where the next tee is but there are a multitude of paths leading off into all different directions.

Aesthetics. This course does not give off a great first impression as when you walk up to hole 1 as it looks like you're heading into a dump.

Flat. The course plays almost perfectly flat, with no real elevation changes on any hole.

Tees. The rubber mat tees look like they have seen better days; also several holes had just worn in dirt patches for tees.

Tee Signs. Many were faded and unreadable, and often it was difficult to find some of the longer tees because they didn't have signage at all. Also there was no clear indicator of what position you were shooting at.

Water. This course plays along the quite picturesque Weber River but at no point does it ever really come into play, it is just there as a teaser of what could be.

Bonus Holes. The bonus holes definitely feel like they were just thrown in, they don't seem to have the planning or the maintenance of the original 18. You play holes 1 - 10 and then play holes A - I before returning and playing hole 11 - 18. The bonus holes are definitely much more scruffy and unkempt with much taller weeds and way more easily to lose a disc on than the original 18. The bonus holes also lack the amenities of trash cans, benches, and signs that the original 18 have. The grass was so long on the bonus holes that only one other player was playing them all the times I played but there were multiple groups on the original 18.

Safety. Some of the fairways from some of the tees do play a little close to other fairways, so there is a potential for danger when the course is busy, but it is not all that bad.

Crowds. The course is well played by the locals, so you may occasionally run into some backups. More than a few probably play a fast 9 hole configuration of the initial field area something like 1-7 and then 17 and 18. I could see that leading to a backup in those areas.

Holes 8, 9, and 15. A minor quibble really but these three holes play along the river and have this pebbly rock gravel that makes walking their fairways difficult. It is easy enough to just walk slow and steady to get through, so like I said a minor quibble.

Other Thoughts:

This is a good course that with some work could be an excellent one. It desperately needs improvement in navigation. A little work on tees and signage would go a long way here. My first impression of this course left me at about a 1.5 to 2 rating my final impression of the course was heading into the 4 range, so I split the difference and gave it a solid 3. Sorry locals, there is just too many cons for me to give this course such a high rating but I do see where this course with some work could earn the higher rating of a 4 or 4.25, it just need some love and attention in a few areas. First timers, you're going to want a guide and maybe some breadcrumbs to find your way out of the maze.
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2 1
Experience: 16.2 years 59 played 29 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun Course!! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 20, 2016 Played the course:once


- The layout of the course really works. This includes a nice variety of hyzer, anhyzer, and you could bust out a roller here and there.
- The baskets are in good shape (at least the original 18).
- Course utilizes long and short pin locations as well as multiple tees (long, short, and ladies).


- I imagine that tournament play will require quite a bit of OB since a good number of fairways run parallel with each other. Be careful of other golfers on nearby tees.
- Some of the fairways are gravel so you will need to be careful of your footing.
- The rubber tee pads were pretty slippy because of the dirt. There were a few times that I slipped on my drive because of this.
- The extra holes include homemade baskets which are more prone to spit outs.
- The walking path runs through the fairway on a few holes.

Other Thoughts:

I stayed in Layton for the week and found time to play one round and decided to try this course. I don't regret playing here one bit. It is a beautiful course if you can find a way to ignore the trains that run just east of the park.
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1 4
Experience: 6 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 28, 2013 Played the course:once


This course is huge!! There are hazards which make this a challenge. Lots of tall weeds so watch where your disc lands. LOTS of wildlife around while we were there we saw an owl and a jack rabbit.


GRAVEL!!! Yuck makes it a huge pain in the ass to walk. Holes after the 11th tee aren't well marked and NEEDS TO BE MAPPED ON THIS WEBSITE!!

Other Thoughts:

While this course is huge, there are many places to sit down and rest. Unfortuately there are no restrooms along the course but there is thick brush so if the need arises you can go.
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7 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14 years 75 played 45 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Park By The River 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 1, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


What can be said about this course that hasn't already been said? Well, given that nearly all of the reviews so far have been smacked down with negative votes I'd say plenty! So let's get started.

There are many things about this course that truly make it outstanding. To begin with it is HUGE! 27 holes (36 for a short time) of disc golfing goodness! Although 9 of the holes are a bit rough when compared to the numbered 18, it is still very will laid out and offers a great variety by sheer volume of holes.

The numbered holes all have great signage, garbage cans, benches and alternate tee pads. This helps to keep the course clean and playable for all skill sets. My wife and sister-in-law had a great time on the blues while the guys threw from the pro pads, (of course).

The course layout offers a good mix of long and short, technical and open holes. This really does offer something for everyone. Someone mentioned that the signs don't reflect the actual holes, and although there is some merit to that comment one must recognize that they do move the pin placement on occasion to keep the course changed up. I see that as a big plus in my book. The signage was always close enough to find the basket.

Finally, it is a beautiful course tucked away on it's own dedicated land, (well, save the path that runs through it that gets some minor traffic on it). Great view of the mountains and river. It even has restrooms by the parking lot!


Although I love the course it is not without it's glaring flaws. To begin with the layout is a bit jumbled. You go from hole 7 back by the river to hole 8, and from hole 15 back across to 16 over by 7. Add to that the letter holes which are reached after hole 10 and join you back up to the course on 11 and it makes for a confusing round of disc golf for someone who has never been there before.

The course map needs to be updated on here to reflect the letter holes.

Although I am a fan of the rubber tee pads I did notice a big con to them when I played the course in the rain: They are extremely uneven which allows for puddles. I understand that the city won't allow for concrete pads, and the rubber ones are a great alternative. I think that if done properly the pads can be put on a road-base layer which has a tiny crown effect to it, much like roads are crowned to allow the water to run off to the sides. This would improve the pads but would be a lot of work, so I take this as an acceptable "con" as it is.

Some of the tee pads are really short. I know they are constantly upgrading the course and adding more pads, so this is a very mild con, and one which will be eliminated with time.

The weeds, particularly around the front of the course, can get pretty high, making finding your disc a bit of a challenge. They knock them down when they get too bad, so again, this isn't huge, but worth mentioning.

Finally, because this is an awesome course it does draw a crowd. Tons of people use the course daily so you can find yourself waiting for others quite a bit.

Other Thoughts:

I see why this is one of the top rated courses in Utah. The pros to the course far outweigh the minor drawbacks The dedicated volunteer work has made this a great place to play.
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5 0
Experience: 13.5 years 18 played 16 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Nice Design 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 12, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


I was pleasantly surprised by the hole designs at Riverpark. The location is fairly secluded, but parking is convenient, and has restrooms. Other than the first hole, which is frankly boring but gets you where you need to be, the holes each had a nice design. Different shots are required, some require shaping, other accuracy, others simple distance. I don't mind the rubber mats. They were flat and secure. The highlight, for me, of this course, is fortunately also the most important thing, for me, in a course. The hole design. The Disc Catcher baskets are also fantastic.

Three separate tee locations are a nice touch, leading to fun play regardless of skill level.

The Course has been very clean when I have played.


Crowded. Some people don't mind waiting on a tee for their turn to drive, I do. If you show up during prime hours, you will wait.

Signage is poor. The signs on the holes are almost random, and give no true indication of the hole. Finding your way from hole to hole can be hard, especially going from the front holes to the back holes, and again from the back to the front. If it is your first time playing this course, you will get lost, which is frustrating. This is where the crowds are helpful, which I guess is a silver lining. My experience has been that the locals are friendly, and more than willing to show you the way, or to let a solo player play through.

Other Thoughts:

Good course design. Lots of fun holes. But to crowded during prime hours.
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1 9
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
5.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 25, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


I think the holes are not too far or not too close just perfect!! It is usually easy to find your disc.


The course is very popular and can be very busy.

Other Thoughts:

It is a good course for amateurs. I am 9 and I love it.
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2 5
Experience: 12.3 years 189 played 14 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Glad it's near(ish) 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 11, 2012 Played the course:once


Excellent flow through most of the course. Good use of the space. Goes on and on and on...


No tee markers. HATE the rubber mats, would almost rather have just dirt. Please pour some concrete or put in some other sort of permanent, unmovable tees. Expansion tees are not marked (course/pins were put in, how much harder is it for them to mark them?!) Overall and tee maps desperately needed.

Other Thoughts:

Be careful throwing off course, burs and travelers can be brutal. The last steps of finishing marking all the tees and pins, installing tee maps and an overall map could make this a awesome course. Great and balanced technical shots but not so impossible that it's overly frustrating.
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2 4
Experience: 14.1 years 19 played 19 reviews
3.00 star(s)

a nice course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 20, 2012 Played the course:once


mostly open with some mature trees that come into play right in front of some baskets. some tall grass with some areas of blind shooting to make the holes a challenge


hard to navigate through the course with no signs showing you the course details

Other Thoughts:

good course all around and easy to keep pace going with 27 holes
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2 4
Experience: 11.3 years 31 played 7 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Remote park course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 13, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Beautiful remote area down by the river. Usually not busy and don't have to worry about non-DG's in the area. Great landscape, varying hole lengths and difficulties. Lots of trees and tall grass in certain areas.


Can be a little difficult to find your way from hole to hole. But I have found that other disc golfers are very helpful in helping you find the next hole when you get lost.

Other Thoughts:

One of my favorite courses in Utah.
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2 3
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Riverpark 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 9, 2011 Played the course:once


This is a fun, challenging course. It's usually fairly easy to find your disc. I liked the variety of technical shots required. Luckily the locals in front of us were nice enough to guide us several times.


Like previous posters said the signs were faded. Not only that but the position of the hole on the sign was not representative of the actual hole. ie; Hole #2 you needed to through a turn but the sign showed it straight out. The worst part of this course is no direction to the next tee. There are trails ambling in several directions & it took us several minutes to find the next tee a few times.

Other Thoughts:

Not one mosquito! Bonus.
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12 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 45.1 years 183 played 58 reviews
3.50 star(s)

riverpark, ogden utah 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 10, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Bathrooms, High participation from locals to maintain course. 27 holes.


Homemade basket spitouts on some of the baskets.

Other Thoughts:

10-10-10: update on the course, it is now 27 holes. from hole 10, the course now stretches out southward to include 9 more holes before hooking back up to the original 18 hole course at hole 11, now hole 20. the extra holes are a bit on the short side but a very good addition to the original 18. the extra holes do not have rubber tee pads like the rest of the course but do have three marked tee pad areas per hole, marked with stakes colored yellow, blue and red.
This course plays near and along the Weber river, without the river coming into play on any of the holes. The terrain is fairly flat, with half the course playing in a relatively open area, the other half playing in semi-dense foliage. Some of the fairways are riverbottom, with sandy and rocky loose conditions. Most other fairways are dirt, hard pack which will give you the opportunity to skip shots a long ways. The average hole length is 300 feet. The technical factor is good on this course. You need to place your drives down the fairway for birdie opportunities. Both beginner and pro players will like this course as the course has multiple teepads on just about every hole. You can effectively play three different courses by playing three sets of teepads, although the shorter teepads will be a birdiefest for the pro players.
There is a walk from the parking lot to the first teepad, about 100 yards. Teesigns are on every hole except for the new baskets that were added to make it a 27 hole course. some of the teesigns are missing information like hole length. 18 of the baskets are homemade, and the sweetspots are small so allow for a higher frustration factor when playing this course. Teepads are rubber, a thinner variation from flypads, but definitely improve the course playability. There is obvious excellent course maintenance from the local club members. No trash to speak of, and every bit of the course was installed and paid for by the locals. There has been a few course re-designs over the years, and each re-design has improved the course technically, and helped the playability especially for beginners. It is not crowded, maybe on a Saturday afternoon there will be big groups, but for the most part at any given time, you will have the course to yourself. The course is centrally located near all kinds of shopping, so taking a break for lunch is quick and easy. This is the best course in the Ogden area, a pretty fun course easily accessible from the freeway so should be a stop for anyone travelling through the area.
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