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West Bend, WI

Riverside Park DGC

Permanent course
3.485(based on 21 reviews)
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Riverside Park DGC reviews

1 3
Experience: 16 years 101 played 9 reviews
3.00 star(s)

thomaso 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 1, 2018 Played the course:once


Nice design/layout, for an open park course. Great concrete tees with mounted park benches. Good signage. Makes for a pretty quick round.


An open park does not allow much to work with. several holes have no signs leave you wondering if you are playing the correct hole. Most baskets have no hole #'s.

Other Thoughts:

If Tendick Park is a 3.44 (a Nearby Course), then this course can only be a 3.0
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4 0
Experience: 13.4 years 60 played 25 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Solid overall course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 19, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


Well shaped and placed concrete pads.
Benches and garbage cans at most holes.
All baskets in good repair and caught well.

Holes 1,2,7,15,16,18 are wide open let 'er rip type holes for noodle arms like me. Not much difficulty, just keep it long and straight.

Hole 6 is a nice slight hyzer, ace run hole, I've been fortunate enough to be parked every time I've played here.

Hole 8 starts the more technical part of the course through the woods. Playing in early spring the trees are nowhere near budding yet but I can see this becoming a nice tunnel shot once the foliage comes in.

Holes 9-14 are my favorite part of the course. Fairways are beaten in quite nicely and the rough is not too bad if you get a bad kick.

Hole 17 I would place between a wide open bomb and slightly technical. Playing across the river, the trees on the other side may force some to play the shot higher than they want to and fade out early.


Missing some tee signs. Not a huge deal but would make the course feel complete.

Beer bottle caps stamped into trees, stumps and earth surrounding some tee pads. Some call it art, some call it graffiti; I tend to lean towards graffiti. If we are trying to clean up the image of disc golf from a bunch of drunks or hippies out chucking frisbees in the woods, it starts with cleaning up small details like this.

Other Thoughts:

Solid course with enough challenge for seasoned players and beginners alike. Good use of available elevation and forest as well. Has made for a fun time every round I've played.

I'll leave snide remarks about the town and area out of my review as they have no bearing on the quality of disc golf that can be had at this course. ;-)
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Wide open spaces 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 3, 2012 Played the course:once


The course plays through a sprawling multi-use park. There are a handful of holes in the wooded areas of the park that offer some fun technical shots. These are mostly shorter and have a good mix of left and right turning lines. There is some thick underbrush in spots to punish errant drives.

The rest of the course plays in open areas with scattered trees. There is plenty of length on these holes, offering several opportunities to open up and throw longer drives. It seems like the tees and pads are an ongoing process, the concrete pads that were in on a few holes were large and nicely textured, assuming the rest of the holes get that kind of treatment this is a big plus. The signs are in a similar state, mostly not finished, but a few great signs with hopefully more to come. There are next tee markers for several of the walks between holes, always a nice touch.


The course plays pretty wide open overall, and can feel a bit repetitive. I'm not a fan of tall prairie grass, and it comes into play on several of the open holes here, it adds more frustration than it does legitimate disc golf challenge. There are lots of long walks between holes that break up the flow of your round.

There are dual pin placements, but the current position isn't marked on the sign so you have to walk ahead to scout out the holes despite good signage. There are some spots where walking paths and other park activities are in play, this could be a safety issue on a busy day.

Other Thoughts:

Beginners will find this course pretty long, though mostly it's not all that punitive for less accurate throwers. More experienced players might enjoy the chance to rip some long drives, but it doesn't really provide a great overall test of various disc golf skills.
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6 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.3 years 177 played 88 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Update: 11/22/12. Getting Better! 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 21, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Lots of recent changes to this course make it very fun!! Here is what disc golfers in West Bend now have available to them:

18 holes located throughout a very nice park. The holes are sprawled out throughout the park to use lots of varieties of terrain. The course designers here did not limit themselves to holes that owuld yield the best flow, rather they made sure the disc golf here was enjoyable.

*Great variety of distance among the holes from the long tees. Bring your drivers and stretch your arm!
*Fun obstacles on about half of the holes
*Throw across the MIlwaukee River!
*Good mixture of wooded holes and open holes
*For the holes that have concrete teepads anbd signs, they look great!


*This course is still a work in progress. Only about half of the holes have concrete teepads, so as these get installed, I expect this courses rating will climb even higher (especially if they install concrete teepads from the short positions).

*A lot of the holes were fairly open, and from the short tees, these would probably be pretty boring

*There appeared to be multiple pin placements, and on a few of the tees the signs don't indicate where the pin is currently located. Hole 4 was not where it was listed on the sign, so if you are new here watch out for things like that before you throw!

Other Thoughts:

I will visit this course whenever I am in West Bend. I gave this course a rather low rating last year, but the designers and the City of West Bend have done a great job helping it grow since then.
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9 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 15.7 years 1512 played 480 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Course is nearly complete. 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 4, 2012 Played the course:once


1) Signs on each tee listing distance! The new tee signs are incredible looking and huge which is much appreciated. I sure hope that doesn't make them a target for vandalism.

2) Long course which will challenge your long distance throws more often than not. The newer 9 holes that just were completed are shorter overall and more technical.

3) There are dual tees on most holes, concrete has been completed on a handful of holes, but I can't wait to get back when the concrete has been completed so I can give my drives 100%.

4) Mach 3 baskets are in decent condition . . . I assume these came from Villa Park.

5) Water in play on this course . . . Advanced level players won't find the water challenging, but it still is fun to know you have to throw over and along water.

6) A couple of long turnovers, a chance to throw a roller or two, a big hyzer, a few tight tunnels, and a couple open holes . . .A very diverse propert with a great mix of holes.

7) This course is fairly beginner friendly because even though there is water on the course, it is hardly in play. The short tee option is always appreciated, allowing families and kids to still play this course despite being very suitable for Advanced level players.


1) Grass/dirt tees are always a negative, but I am pretty sure these tees will be concrete sometime soon. The few that are in are large and trapezoidal concrete and much appreciated.

2) It looks like they tried to keep baskets and throwing lines away from the walking paths, but being a new course and probably a busy park, I am sure a lot of people will wonder what is going on here. I am unsure if the path runnning through the woods gets used, but it will be dangerous if it is because from the tee on #13 the path is virtually blind, and vice versa.

3) The natural beauty of this course lacks in a few spots, some of this might be due to the new 9 being pretty new. The prairie has been mowed down, but not really levelled or graded, the trees in the prairie have suckers and underbrush growing up around them because the mower cannot get that close, the newer holes are very compacted or gravelly creating really bare soils with minimal turf. I have a feeling some of these issues might disappear overtime, but it is also quite possible that this course will get beat down quickly due to the heavy traffic and the thin turf in the prairies and the gravelling holes. This course already looks like it has seen years of traffic.

4) Some of the prairie holes feel a little contrived, meaning they just do not feel natural. I don't have a solution for how to fix this, perhaps it will just happen over time when the holes take their completed shape.

5) Garbage cans and tee signs are not complete yet.

Other Thoughts:

All 18 holes are in at this point and the course has jumped from 2.5 discs to 3, and when the concrete is completed, the signs are all in, and the underbrush has been beaten down i could see this course rising another 1/2 disc to 3.5.
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