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Akron, PA

Roland Park - Old Layout

3.175(based on 18 reviews)
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Roland Park - Old Layout reviews

1 0
Experience: 15.3 years 8 played 6 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 31, 2010 Played the course:once


The course has many holes with different obstacles. There were a few elevated tees which I always enjoy and do not see often in central pa. Throwing over the pond was an awesome obstacle. Pretty easy to clear but you still get that intense suspense feel. The wooded holes are really good, the open ones still add enough obstacles to make them interesting.


The tee signs are really old. Most are faded, do not have tee numbers, give no distance, or obstacles. At hole 8 it gets really confusing with baskets and tee pads everywhere. Number 11 was confusing as well. I like that they have multiple baskets and pins for holes but they need to be marked more clearly.

Other Thoughts:

I had the impression that the course was under construction or was abandoned and not kept up with maintenance wise. I hear they are making 27 holes, so hopefully that is true. With new tee signs and better direction to holes and baskets this course would be a 3.5. The designer did a great job.
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 775 played 417 reviews
2.50 star(s)

As of 5/1/10 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 1, 2010 Played the course:once


A few tees are new and top quality - rubber, long, wide, flat. Some holes have multiple tee locations. Baskets have arrows attached to the bottom to help direct you to the next teepad(s). Plenty of signage in the woods along holes 3-7 to help you navigate your way.


Most tees are old, concrete, narrow, short, with a drop-off. Some holes have single tee locations. Navigation, beginning with #8, is very difficult - we threw to one basket twice (holes #8 and #11, as we played them that day), and some baskets we never threw towards (a few in the woods, one in the wide open). Basket numbers are no longer correct. Tee signs are old and currently blank.

Other Thoughts:

Course plays up, down, and across the open space and a portion of woods in a large multi-purpose park. We played 22 holes the day we visited, a third begin wide open, a third having a small amount of hazards to avoid, and a third being wooded. Plenty of length and a few downhill shots, with a scenic farm in the background, so definitely some chances to throw some bombs and enjoy watching you discs fly, and also wooded holes of various complexity to make you work on your shot-shaping. Course is changing from a 21- to a 27-hole course, although a local told us there are eventual plans (dreams?) for 54 holes. Of course, with change comes pain ...

Navigation: Early navigation was simple - open uphill, open downhill, enter woods and follow signs. Difficulty begins with #7, where you find two baskets - I think the one on the right is #7. We followed the arrows and found and old-n-outdated teesign labelled #8, but couldn't find a basket for it. Re-traced our steps a bit and located a new teepad, threw down-slope, and found a basket on the right - and a small sign up in a tree, directing us towards tee #9, so we assumed we played the hole correctly. After #9 we found a tee up-n-left, throwing uphill to a visible basket. Found a teepad up-n-left from this basket, and found a downhill, left-turning hole - to the same basket we used for #8?! Walked uphill a bit to an old teepad, and threw through the woods, to the basket next to #7's. Came back past the old #8 teesign and found a teepad on top of the wooded hill - a downhill, across-path right-turner. You then go back into the open near a small pavilion to find a teepad, and throw a left-turner to the edge of the woods. Navigation was fairly simple from this point onward, although there was one basket in the open we never threw towards.

Favourite hole #8 (well, it was the 8th hole we played that day): In the woods, fair throwing lane with danger early on the left, slightly down-slope, needing a subtle right-turn at the end to a basket semi-guarded by a downed tree.
Least favourite hole(s) #9: mid-sized pine-tree pinball, and, despite the thick amount of pine needles, lots of poison ivy!

This course, when completed, will certainly be above average. The few new teepads that exist are great, and the signage in the early part of the woods is quite sufficient. Hopefully this quality will be repeated throughout the entire course when it is completed! However, at this moment in time, the lack of tee signs, short teepads, and navigational issues can make it a frustrating play.

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6 0
Experience: 15.3 years 50 played 12 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 22, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


All the baskets are in great condition. Some tees have concrete tee pads and new rubber tee pads are being installed. Some holes have only one tee, some holes are getting a second tee added. There are directional arrows on bottom of most baskets for next tees and some signs on trees for next tees. The course flows pretty well. The first 2 holes are in the open, then you enter the wooded holes and back out in the open to finish your round. Elevation comes into play on a few holes. A few uphill, a few downhill. Overall, it's a great variety of holes. Although a few of the open holes do feel the same. There are restrooms on the other side of the park.


Tee signs could use some work. The course is in a transition to a 27 hole course right now, so a lot of the signs are missing or incorrect. Hopefully when the transition is complete, all new signs will be put up. Parking could be an issue if the pavilion is being used. In the busier months during the summer, some people park their cars in the fairway for #2.

Other Thoughts:

Some of the wooded holes demand very accurate shots. There are a few bomber holes where you can let a drive rip. One holes crosses over a heart shaped lake.It's probably about 150 ft. to clear the water, so shouldn't be a problem for most players.
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8 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.7 years 50 played 18 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 18, 2010 Played the course:once


Stunning scenery
Great variety, elevation changes, wide open bomber holes and technically challenging wooded holes
Some holes have muliple tee pads/baskets
New tee pads are very big rubber fly pads in great shape
new baskets are in great shape
Water holes (one hole thrown over and another it could cause trouble)
very little people playing
Bathrooms and water fountains available


Very difficult follwing the layout. The course is currently in the middle of having a 27 hole layout, but right now it is confusing following the course.
The old tee pads are cement, but they are very short.
I played after it rained, and the course did not drain entirely well (probably about as much as an average course).
This hurt the course more than others, since I often needed to use the ground for part of the run up due to short tee boxes.
Many people may be turned off by the open holes if they can throw far enough to easily par, but not far enough to birdie. I can throw up to about 370 and enjoy the bomber holes, but would not like an entire course of them.
The signs seem very old, and do not indicate distance, obstacles, etc.

Other Thoughts:

This course has some great views and plays both open and wooded. Even the wooded holes have variety from being short or long, some more wooded than others. The course seems to play fair to both righties and lefties, and the wooded holes often have gaps for each.
The holes are very fun at this course. The only thing holding it back are poor signage with a confusing layout. That is something that will hopefully be corrected when the course is finished, but can also be corrected by playing the course more/talking with locals.
I would rate this course between a 4 and 4.5 if tee pads wre fixed and signage was improved. I still recommend playing it as I had a great time. If you can try and bring someone that has already played, or perhaps find a local, the course is worth it.
On the way to the course, around the lancaster area on a holiday (MLK), we passed 3 cops in about 10 minutes on the highway, so be careful with speeding, or anything else illegal
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2 2
Shannon Winn
Experience: 46.4 years 33 played 15 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Pastoral and Pretty 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 8, 2002 Played the course:5+ times


A gorgeous park in the center of the Mennonite (as opposed to Amish) universe. Easy to get to from just about anywhere. Absolutely a safe environment for families.
Not a terribly difficult course, but challenging enough, and a great place for tournaments. Some wooded holes but I'd characterize the place as predominently open. It's possible, but not likely, to lose plastic. Long, accurate players, with a good wind game will do well at Akron.
A solid course with a fairly rich history, locally.


Several-not many- boring holes. Nothing truly dramatic. The town of Akron is one of the least exciting places ever, and nearby Lancaster is not known for swinging nightlife either. Hardly a knock on the nice course.

Other Thoughts:

Attended a wedding on the course once long ago, and will always remember the groom dragging his white tux jacket down the fairway in the tourney that served as the reception. Good times.
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3 0
brian j
Experience: 16.3 years 121 played 10 reviews
2.50 star(s)

nice park but VERY confusing 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 28, 2009 Played the course:once


roland park is located in a beautiful park in a beautiful part of pa, right in the heart of amish country. the course has a nice variety of holes and uses the available topology well. tees are a mix of concrete and rubber pads and most of the baskets are new. water comes in play on a few holes and throws over water on hole 21.


its been said before and i have to say it again. finding your way around this park is a nightmare. holes 1 - 7 are marked and easy to follow, but after that its anyones guess. my friend and i got lost after 8, found what we think were holes 10 - 14 and then lost 15 - 17. we never did find 15 - 17 and ended up finishing with 18 - 21 and called it a day. making things even more confusing is that many holes don't have matching hole numbers on the sign and what is on the basket, and some the arrows pointing to the next hole appeared incorrect.

some concrete pads are a little short (mainly 21).

Other Thoughts:

as i said this course is in a beautiful part of the country. it has lots of potential to be a great course but needs to first fix the navigation issues or at least offer a course map. i looked for one online but couldn't find one.

note: the course starts near the big fire pit near the pond, not in the big parking lot near the playground.
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3 0
chris v
Experience: 19.3 years 53 played 4 reviews
3.00 star(s)

confusing,but fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 16, 2009 Played the course:once


This is a gorgeous park. Such a scenic spot for a disc golf course.

Some holes are easy, some are hard. Overall a great variety of holes, shots and terrain. Some holes have multiple tees and/or multiple baskets to spice it up. You can choose easy or difficult routes. Once you are familiar with the layout of the place it is a very fun course, but getting to know the layout can be extemely frustrating.

water fountains availible near hole 16

last hole throws over a small lake. The fist time I played it I just missed an ace. I threw a second shot for fun and actually aced it. That actually helped turn my mood around, as my first round through this course was testing my patience big time.


For a first timer with no map, I picked a bad time to come here. I showed up around 11am and the course was empty. I couldn't figure out where the first tee was. Turns out I parked in the wrong spot.

Typically when I play a confusing new course for the first time, the trouble is locating tees and baskets. At Roland, its a little different..there are tees and baskets everywhere! The problem is figuring out what tees go with what baskets.

Eventually, more people showed up on the course and I was able to follow a group of guys and played in their footsteps.

As stated in previous reviews, many of the tees and baskets have no numbers on them and most of the ones that are numbered seem to be incorrect. Playing here for the first time by yourself with no map...its IMPOSSIBLE to figure out whats what.

Some tees are nice and well made, others arent.

I know there are a total of 21 holes but the layout I played gave me 18. That was fine with me though, I played it a couple times and it was fun,.

Other Thoughts:

I hated it at first, but by the time I left I loved it. I really enjoyed playing here once I figured out the layout. Cant wait to come back and play with some Amish dudes.
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4 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.4 years 19 played 15 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Incredible Potential 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 4, 2009 Played the course:once


I really appreciate a well balanced course. This course has a very good mix of open, wooded and partially wooded holes. The first couple of holes are very open and make great use of elevation to create some good challenges. The ten holes or so are in the woods and have some great tight fairways and risk/reward shots. It is obvious that the managers of this course have been working very hard on improvements. There are several new additional tees for many of these holes adding some much need length to this course. All the new tees are nice rubber mats.
While in the woods there are several holes that require fitting your drives through some tight windows between the trees. Then the course works its way back out into the open with some chances to really air it out. The course finishes with a nice little shot across the pond in the center of the park. For me the more holes the better so it was great to have a chance to play 21 instead of the normal 18. It will be great when the renovations are finished and the course is a full 27.
Additionally, the course is located on a great park. It has many other attractions including a playground, trails, picnic locations, tennis courts and even a sand volley ball court.


As has been mentioned by most of the reviewers, navigation is a major issue with this course. While the designers have made efforts to point the player in the right direction with little silver arrows hanging from the baskets, this is really insufficient when the next hole is more than a hundred yards away and not well marked itself. Many of the tee signs were unreadable, some were vandalized and some were missing all together. Additionally, there were no indications of distance on any of the tee signs and some had no indication where the pin was located. I never knew how dependent I was on this information until I didn't have it. Also because of the incomplete renovations some of the holes/tee signs are miss numbered or not numbered at all making navigation even more difficult.

Other Thoughts:

Once the renovations are completed, the layout set and the signs in place this will easily be a 3.5 or a 4.0 course. I look forward to playing this course next summer after it is complete.
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2 6
Experience: 8 played 8 reviews
4.00 star(s)

The best course i have played in a long time 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 28, 2009 Played the course:once


Where to begin?
1 water on hole 21
2 great risk reward opportunities
3 no 2 holes are alike
4 21 holes
5 trees can be great obstacles
6 great baskets
7 park for children
8 free of many park goers
9 maintained well
10 awesome baskets, and basket positions
11 etc.


Very confusing to navigate, so print a map!!

Other Thoughts:

Both me and my dad lost our stingrays in the kidney bean shaped pond devilishly placed on hole 21's fairway.
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9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.3 years 156 played 149 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Pretty Girl Beware She has Some Issues 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 27, 2009 Played the course:once


This course is a pleasant play. Mixed use course but no real issues with traffic as it utilizes some woods and the open holes don't seem to play near pedestrians.It will not break you mentally and ruin your day but will still challenge all aspects of your game.This course has a little bit of everything. Some elevation, some woods, some open fields, some water, some distance, some technical, some hard, some easy, all in all your gonna end up liking this course. I really enjoyed the mild elevation holes to start the course. #1 plays up hill and then to the left of that pin is the tee for hole #2 shooting back down. A great start. Then I also liked playing through the technical wooded holes 4-12. I love cedar groves and there are plenty of these with bright red pine needles padding the forest floor. At least your disc gets a soft landing after thwacking a tree! The open holes 13-21 counter the technical holes very well, especially with the little elevation boost involved which makes us all look like Zeus throwing thunderbolts across the field. Finally you finish with a pin guarded by the pond #20 and then a little punch over the pond #21. It's a clean pretty park that makes for an enjoyable setting for disc golf. It's close enough to DF Buchmiller DGC to make it worth the trip out there. Akron and nearby Ephrata are unique towns to explore as well.


I realize the course is going through some changes and will be 27 holes so take this criticism as it pertains to conditions as of late winter 2009. This course is a navigation nuisance. I loved most of the course and was having fun until getting lost multiple times in the woods. In disc golf, which is a psychological game, once your emotions are disrupted your game is sure to be spoiled and your good time is wrecked. Often I came across baskets and tees unmarked facing odd directions. I found mystery fairways which I did not understand the flow or direction. Threw some great drives to the wrong damn area a few times. OUCH! Once I was out in the open I was a bit miffed at how open some of the field holes did not offer too much placement challenge. A basket tucked behind a tree perhaps etc. Course needs the navigation issues to be resolved and it would be top notch. I cannot imagine it would have to cost any money at all. It would just take a little effort to help us pilgrims who come all this way to play to leave and have good things to say. My lasting memory was the time I spent lost and not some of the fun disc golf that is to be experienced there.

Other Thoughts:

Seems to be a theme...everyone got lost here according to the reviews. Made me feel like I was not alone in my frustration. The pond is a fun way to finish and I understand why its just a chip shot over it and not used for multiple shots. If the park got numerous complaints of people throwing into the pond and swimming for discs I would not doubt the course would be in jeopardy. I think the course itself is a very fun play. I would love to come back. If it is ever actually 27 holes and there are real signs or a good map available I will be sure to come back and raise my score significantly. Note to first timers-make sure you pass the main park entrance and park in the little lot as close to the pond as possible. The course begins and ends at the pond. Hope that helps!
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3 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 38.3 years 450 played 94 reviews
3.00 star(s)

getting better with more holes 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 9, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


This course is expanding to 27 holes very soon.

Scenic area in a small town near Amish

A good mixture of wooded then very open shots. #18 tees off over a heart shaped lake.

Good elevation changes throughout the course. Cement tees.

Very clean city park, no litter.


With the new holes being built in early March '09 adding to the old front 9, it was
confusing to follow with the lack of correct tee signs.

Other Thoughts:

I'll bump this course up to 3.5 stars when they finish the addition holes and update the tee signs after hole 4.

Some baskets have a white arrow pointing you to the next tee, some don't.

A few holes had an alternate basket in the open back 9 but it was confusing which hole they were for at times.

I've hadn't played in Arkon in over 5 years, it was always good and now see it getting better very soon. Buchmiller Pk in nearby
Lancaster and Roland Pk in Arkon makes a nice day trip for this area.

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8 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.6 years 126 played 54 reviews
3.00 star(s)

I'd like to go back! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 14, 2008 Played the course:once


Beautiful mountain scenery. When you drive into the park out of a small town neighborhood it's amazing that this piece of property is just sitting there... calling you to play a round. What a great idea to put a course here! And 21 holes. That's nice.

There are bathroom facilities on site. And there are also other things to do... like a playground, tennis, picnicking and volleyball.

The course iteself does have a nice variety of open and wooded holes along with a shot over the pretty pond too. The open holes will let a lot of us just grip and rip it... although you big guns won't get to really let it fly at 100%. The longest holes are #15, a somewhat downhill 450' shot and #20 a somewhat downill 471' shot. The wooded holes are somewhat technical, but not overly tough. Most of the wooded holes have multiple paths to the pins requiring you to select which shot suits you best. I really like this about the wooded holes as you don't always have to play the same shot to score well. I can play a hyzer or anhyzer route on several holes with equal chance of success. I like that.

This course plays nicely for an experienced player and would suit a newcomer to the sport very well also.


The signage needs serious work. Although some of the handpainted signs are pretty... that doesn't make up for the lack of clarity. Not only is it difficult to know which direction the next hole is in sometimes, but it's even hard to figure out where the pin is that you're shooting for sometimes. Playing this course with a local would be a great way to play it for the first time (or 2nd & 3rd too).

Some holes had concrete pads that were a little small for a good runup. And some of the tees were made out of a piece of carpet layed on the ground. Improved tees would also help almost as much as improved signage.

And although it's fun to just rip a drive without having to put much thought into it sometimes, too many of the open holes are made up of just a tee, a bunch of grass, and a pin. That's it. A little creativity in re-designing the open holes could really help.

The bathroom wasn't opened at 8:00 when I got there... ouch!

Other Thoughts:

Generally, this was a really fun round. And I wish that I had gotten to go around again but I ran out of time. If so much time hadn't been devoted to course navigation I'd have at least played another nine.

Don't get your expectations up too high and you shouldn't be disappointed. And if any upgrades have been made since I played there that would be great.

Highlights for me...

#6) A tunnel shot with hyzer and anhyzer routes.

#9) A totally blind tee over a hill (more fun with a spotter).

#12) Way downhill, across a path and through a narrowish opening with serious rough to either side.

#15) What the heck... for me, a normal 300-325' max distance guy, ripping one down hill over 400' is a blast!

And if you head just down the road to Lancaster there's D. F. Buchmiller Park with a really nice, and different, 18.

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5 0
Experience: 26.3 years 35 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Could be so much better! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 27, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


Great use of topography. Descent mix of open and wooded holes. Some holes will test your skills and shots in your bag! This would be a great course to introduce a new player to the game (with the exception of the #18 water hole, where there's no alternate route around the water.)


POOR SIGNAGE!!! See the review by nosajeel99. Most of my criticisms would just be reiterating what's already been stated. My biggest beefs are the miniature tee pads, and, did I mention, the POOR SIGNAGE!!

Other Thoughts:

I've played this course numerous times since the late 90's, even when it was still just an 18-hole course. When the additional 3 holes were added, the numbering became confusing for the occasional - or first time - visitor.
The arrows on the bottom of the basket, pointing to the next tee, are helpful - for the most part. However, I thought I was following the proper hole progression, only to be later confused when the tee sign said I was on hole 7, but my scorecard said I was on 10!! There seem to be some newer permanent baskets for alternate pins on a few holes. But, the plates at the top of the baskets are facing odd directions, leaving you to wonder if they're for the hole you're playing, or another hole completely. Also, IMHO, something should be done with the "wide open" holes to make them a bit more challenging.
This is more of a "finesse" course, rather than a "big arm" course, but don't let that keep you from visiting/playing it! It has the potential to be a challenging, above average course. If the club could team up with the municipality to raise a few thousand $, they could renumber ALL the holes (including which one is actually hole #1!) and put up tee signs that were actually informative and accurately directional!
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6 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.3 years 37 played 24 reviews
2.00 star(s)

WTF 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 3, 2008 Played the course:2-4 times


The park has some beautiful views from the tops of hills overlooking farmland in the Lancaster area. It is really neat to see all the rolling hills.

There is diversity in the holes, as is mentioned below. There are lots of open holes and lots of tight holes.

The open holes really let you wing it and the longest tee shots are all slightly downhill, which gives you a bit more distance and makes you feel like you have a bigger arm. It was fun throwing far downhill like that.

Also, I think the progression of the course is nice. The first 3 holes are open, the next 9 or so are the wooded, and the last 9 are wide open. It gives you a little warm-up before asking you to chuck a disc 400 feet.


There wasn't anything special about this course. None of the holes were awe-inspiring and even the drive over the pond was anticlimactic. The tee pads are tiny. The open holes, while fun, were too open. Imagine a field and a basket in the middle of it. That is what 4 holes were like on the back 9 (#13, 15, 16, 20).

Navigating the open holes was easy (there is nothing to confuse you - everything is wide open), but the woodsy holes were a pain in the neck. There are multiple tee pads for some holes (silver and gold) yet I never knew which pad I was using. I could only find one tee pad usually, because it had a sign. There were occasional times I *thought* I saw another tee pad, but didn't know if it really was one or not. Clearly marking the teepads would be helpful.

The baskets have an arrow hanging pointing to the next tee, which was generally helpful except for the times where the arrows were wrong and had me walking backwards. Some of the baskets were twisted and pointing to the middle of the woods. The numbers on the baskets did not match with the numbers on the tee signs. On several of them, a Sharpie was used to write over the stuck on number. Why don't people care enough to put the right number on a basket?

Occasionally there were alternate pins on holes, meaning there were 2 baskets to shoot for. But only 2 holes that I saw had this and I had no indication that there were alternate baskets until I saw them walking to my tee shot.

One basket was completely out of the ground and just sitting in a big block on concrete. It was supposed to be in the ground, but it wasn't.

Other Thoughts:

I guess I didn't drink the same kool-aid the other reviews did, but I didn't really enjoy myself on this course. The woodsy section, while easy to find a place to throw from toward a basket, was just confusing. The lack on consistency bothered me.

Overall, I felt a lot of things were wrong with this course. It is nice having 21 holes and alternate tee pads (on a few), but I couldn't navigate them. It didn't seem like anyone cared about the course. It could be drastically improved with just a little bit of care and attention to detail. Lots of little things were wrong (the arrows, the basket numbers, lack of designated tee pads in the woods). If a local went with you, I am sure you could have a good time, but you shouldn't need a local to show you the super secret gold tee for hole #11.
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2 5
Experience: 19.5 years 13 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 16, 2008 Played the course:never


great course diversity. a good mix of wooded and open holes. a beautiful pond hole. The course is very well kept. it also has a few renovations goin on right now. also its a nice mix up with more then 18 holes. it plays to 21 holes. a nice change of pace


living here in lancaster i play this course quite often and still am having trouble navigating some of the new holes, and how they fit into play.

Other Thoughts:

very nice park enjoy it everyone
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6 2
Experience: 18.3 years 392 played 14 reviews
4.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 21, 2007 Played the course:never


Great use of elevation. Some of the open holes were short but were made up for by the beautiful scenery or elevation changes.


Sometimes tough to find correct tee (wooded holes have 2 tees & baskets) and basket if you don't know where each pari is. The open holes were a bit too open. Sprinkle a few trees in there if you can.

Other Thoughts:

I've seen a lot of tee signs but these were the first hand-painted ones for me.

The pond is so nice I wish there was more than one throw across it. Beautiful scenery with rolling hills, farms, and silos all around. Good job not being confined to the 9-18-27 hole layouts. "Why not 21 holes?" I say!

Add some trees to the open areas and either provide very good maps or more detailed signage and I would claim this to be a perfect course.

I will go far out of my way to play this course again.
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1 8
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.3 years 152 played 127 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Aching in Akron 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 1, 2007 Played the course:2-4 times


Lots of good challenging disc golf with about half the holes open and half in the woods. Good mix of short and long holes. Several newer baskets are in play on many of the holes. The course favors a right handed on a majority of the wooden holes but it's not a complete right-handed bias. Greens are quite fast in the woods. The infamous Lake hole, which claimed my (one-time) best driver, is always a nice finisher.


NOTICE: I'm not trying to rip the course a new one here. There is a lot of work going on here, and the signage is poor for now, the basket layouts are still somewhat confusing, and some of them are in bad shape. With the winter here, it'll probably be at least March before work can conclude around here.

Other Thoughts:

It is best that I reserve final judgment for Roland until the new 27 hole layout is completed. Many of the newer holes show a lot of promise here at Akron. If you're thinking about coming out and this is your first time, find a local and partner up for a round. Until then, pardon the mess and enjoy the open holes.
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6 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 22.3 years 356 played 59 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A Fun 21! 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 25, 2007 Played the course:never


Good variety of wooded/open holes. Generally well marked. Park is well maintained.


#19 plays a bit too close to the playground. #20 tees off from the street.

Other Thoughts:

This is the second time I've played this course and it's always an enjoyable experience. The mix of open/wooded holes is around 60/40 with each one presenting it's own unique challenge. Speaking of which, there are a few holes where a spotter would be useful (particularly, #9) as you're shooting blind over a hill.

The course is generally well marked although we had some trouble finding #11 as the sign was missing and there were a few spots that looked like potential tees. A lot of holes seemed fairly short but most had dual tees and I noticed some had two baskets which would have added length and challenge.

The stand out hole would definitely be #21 where you're throwing over the pond. Most players shouldn't have trouble making it over but I'm sure there are a few discs to be found at the bottom!

That said, the course was a lot of fun and definitely worth a stop if you're in the Akron area.
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