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Ypsilanti, MI

Rolling Hills - Main

4.045(based on 42 reviews)
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Rolling Hills - Main reviews

7 0
Ethan Weber
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Personal Favorite

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 13, 2023 Played the course:5+ times


Every single hole on this course has its own personality and unique challenge, with a mix of meadows, woods and hills.

A number of different skills are useful here, with long holes, short holes, uphill drives, downhill drives, some heavily forested fairways and a few sharp turns.

The tee pads are concrete, level, and very good quality.

Holes and paths are clearly marked. Overall, the course is well kept up.


On at least half the holes, the basket is not visible from the tee, which might be a challenge fir first time players.

It's a paid course now, in addition to requiring a fee to enter the county park where it's located.

Other Thoughts:

This is my personal favorite course and the one I've played the most. It's the course that really got me into disc golf and the one I've learned the most from. If you're in the Ann Arbor area with some time to kill, it's worth a visit.
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10 2
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 9.2 years 246 played 97 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Lots of fun! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 23, 2018 Played the course:once


Rolling Hills Park is a great place to spend a day. With the ten dollar fee to get in the park :)/) It has hiking trails, a fishing pond, and a pretty big water park. Very nice place for the kiddos while you do real men stuff, like throw frisbees.

The course itself is a par 3 gem, with a large variance in distances, and lines needed. With short and long tees on most every hole, there is a good variety of challenge depending on what you want to do. The concrete tees are of good length and are grippy enough for a solid step.

The elevation, for a course in this area, and for most flat regions, is great. Lot's of "rolling hills" to provide uphill and downhill drives, as well as sloping greens. My favorite hole on the course, hole 6, is a downhill shot, over 350 feet, but doesn't take much power to get to the green. A more open hole, with a few bushes forcing a line halfway through the flight, it was a great hole.

The holes, while par 3 designed, range from must get twos, to struggling for par. The long tees put less stress on distance, but more stress on shot shaping and line hitting, something I highly value. This is a great place to work on those two skills.


The rough was a bit thick in certain spots, making disc retrieval not always easiest. I got a few scratches on my leg. Not too bad, 300 stitches, and two bandaids. Kidding of course. Just be careful of thorns, and don't throw in the rough, because it will cost you at least a stroke.

The Chainstars are starting to get older, and are not the most visible as they can blend in with the trees. Maybe, in the near future, they can get the upgraded Chainstar Pros ;)

There are no tee signs, just posts with a distance. It made me upset, and while most holes are intuitive, a tee sign goes a long way for navigational issues, as well as professionalism. The ten dollar entry fee to the park, if any of it goes to disc golf, should address these two things.

This course is a great place for par 3 practice, but is not a championship style layout. Not super hard to play, there are no par 4s or 5s to test distance, no water shots to test your guts. Just really solid Par 3 golf.

Other Thoughts:

I love this course. It's a huge joy to play. While it lacks distance, it makes up for it in fun! I love courses like this, where the challenge is line based, and not grip it and rip. You take your strokes on the holes that are right there in front of you, and on others, you play for par.

I am happy with the club, and what they are currently doing. Keep it up guys!
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2 7
Experience: 3 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Fun course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 13, 2018 Played the course:once


Cement pads for main and short
Broom at each main pad
Good variety, challenges with elevation
Easy to follow & well designed
Awesome putt course is almost finished
Even with rain, course is still navigable

Other Thoughts:

Well worth buying a membership that covers this course and independence.
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6 1
Experience: 8.4 years 10 played 9 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Perfect Course, and soon to be added DG Putt-Putt 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 10, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


-Clean Park
-Great Teepads and DGA Holes
-Great variety of shots
-Lots of elevation
-DISC GOLF PUTT-PUTT will be added soon
-Awesome Waterpark in the park
-Multiple Tees
-Good mix of long and short holes
-Clear signage directing you to the next hole
-Even though the brush appears thick, it is actually not so and it is very hard to lose a disc


-$10 fee per car to enter the park

Other Thoughts:

MAJOR NEWS: Wow! When I played this course last year, I thought that it could not get any better... and then when I go this year, I see that they are adding a DISC GOLF PUTT-PUTT course. It is not finished yet, as of 8/10/17. It will play through the woods, to the right of the practice hole. Tee's and signage are set up, and stakes are set up where the holes will be. The 18th hole has it's pin set up already, and it is a beautiful ORANGE DGA hole, which is even nicer than the holes at the normal course. The holes will be on average about 35 feet long, and it will be great for a warmup before playing a real round of disc golf.

All in all, this course is the best I have ever played. It gives the feel of some of the courses that you see the Pros playing in Major Tournaments. I truly enjoyed this round.
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5 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 197 played 22 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Tough Wooded Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 8, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


- Brush is not crazy thick
- Practice basket
- Benches at many holes
- Alternate concrete Tee pads on almost all holes
- Lots of elevation
- Course stays relatively cool on hotter days
- A lot of other nice amenities in the park for you to enjoy that also don't interfere with the course
- Wooded shots are fair even if challenging
- brooms by tee pads
- friendly people


- Not a great course for beginners
- I found a few spots tricky to navigate or find the alternate pads
- Not a lot of variation in hole length
- I found myself using the same few discs on this course

Other Thoughts:

I enjoyed the few rounds I played here. It is VERY hilly and the elevation is used well in the hole design. For the most part a very positive experience. I was initially confused about where to park and where the course started but once I got on the course it was straight forward.

This course is pretty much entirely wooded. There are "open" holes that are lined by trees and brush on each side but are relatively wide (30-40 ft) and clear of trees. The rest of the holes have much tighter wooded fairways (10-20 ft) that also have trees in the middle of them forcing you to throw well controlled shots.
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2 3
Experience: 12 played 2 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Picture Perfect 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 15, 2017 Played the course:once


-Advanced course
-Extremely well taken care of
-The brush was never so thick that you couldn't retrieve your disk.
-Most holes had 2 tee boxes
-Had a variety of terrain
-Waterpark on site for kids
-Tee boxes were easy to navigate for a 1st timer


-$10 fee per car
-Most holes were extremely tight, I would have liked one or two long ranged holes that opened up.
-Would have liked a hole map at Tee box rather then guessing at basket placement.

Other Thoughts:

This course is by far the nicest and most challenging course I have ever played. Definitely over my skill level (+15) but I had a blast playing it. With the Waterpark next door it has something for the whole family. This is how a course should be maintained. Then again I dislike paying $10 per car but you get what you pay for. We'll done guys!
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2 3
Experience: 7.3 years 15 played 15 reviews
4.00 star(s)

One of the top courses I've played 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 19, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


Course is well maintained with lots of activities in the park. I like that there is trash cans at every tee and a broom to brush off the concrete pads. Plus, it's nice to have the benches to sit down for a few. I like the hole variety. Not a humdrum course for sure. Easy to navigate. signs everywhere letting you know what hole you were playing and the direction to the next hole. Great baskets. This course is laid out very well.


just nit picking but maybe more information on the hole #s.
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5 0
Experience: 9.5 years 37 played 17 reviews
4.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 15, 2016 Played the course:once


1.) Course is located in the middle of a county park in the metro Detroit area. One can play a round or two of disc golf, go mountain biking, go to the park's water park, etc. I particularly like this, because I can do more than one of my favorite outdoor activities in one setting.

2.) An extremely well-maintained course! I have only been playing for a year, but this is by far the most well-maintained course I have played. Trash cans at almost every hole, brooms at every tee pad to dust off any dirt, grass cut, stumps/benches to sit at while you wait, etc.

3.) Elevation varies throughout the course. Course varies from uphills, downhills, dogleg lefts and rights. Each hole presented itself with a new challenge, but not too difficult where it would deter players from coming back.

4.) Course was easy to navigate, especially since it was my boyfriend's and my first time there. "Next Tee" signs were at every hole. We didn't have to use a map.

5.) Tee pads were concrete, and there were pro tee pads at a majority of the holes.

6.) Baskets were double-chained. Always a bonus in my book!

7.) Designers used the land given extremely well and to its advantage, especially when trees came into play. This is my own opinion, but I also liked how if I shanked a disc into the woods, it was relatively easy to find my disc, and I was able to get out of the brush with some ease. Another thing I liked about the design was that you were able to see or at least know when the hole was open for you to play at most of them (if this makes any sense).

8.) A putting basket was placed before you entered the course.


1.) Signage only had hole number, an arrow pointing to what direction the basket was, and how many feet away you are. Although the course was so well-maintained that you could guess where the basket was, it would have been nice to have a simple guide so you knew where you were throwing. In addition, I would have also liked to know the par number for my own reference. This was the only thing that stopped it from getting a five in my book.

2.) Terrain was about the same throughout the entire course. Course description says that half the holes were open and half were wooded. I would have to disagree with that. I think that the entire course was wooded in some form or another. I don't think there were really any "open" holes. This isn't necessarily a con in my book; I do enjoy wooded holes. However, I was given the impression that half were actually open.
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5 0
Experience: 14.5 years 16 played 8 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Awesome course! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 8, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


-Dual pads on most holes.
-BIG variety of shots. Forehands, hyzers, dead straight, flex, rollers, overhands. Definitely will appeal to all play styles and test your shot selection.
-Lots of elevation to make for some really interesting holes. A couple are just either straight up or straight down, but there are a lot of slanted fairways to really make you think about shot selection.
-Easy to navigate, no problems getting around the course
-brooms available to sweep off the tee pads on every hole. It wasn't a huge problem today, but in the summer when it gets dusty, that is a huge plus
-very well kept. The tees were in good shape, not a lot of garbage around, nicely mowed grass. Rolling Hills is an awesome park to begin with.


-maybe just a con for me, but there aren't any bomb holes. On longs, there are longer shots, but not any more open "let-it-rip" kind of shots
-All of the holes are par 3 drive and putt kind of shots. I would love to see more placement shots, but I think this comes with a longer course

Other Thoughts:

The park itself is really great, with multiple running paths, a water park, and other really great activities. I live in about a 20-30min ring of many amazing courses, and this is one of my favorites. If you're in the area, you definitely have to play this course!
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9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 13.2 years 1038 played 214 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun and easy going 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 2, 2016 Played the course:once


18 hole course that winds through the wooded area of Rolling Hills park. The park also has many other activities, including a dog park and water park.

Nice big concrete tee pads. Most holes had two sets. Very nice and grippy. Really no complaints here, from a guy that doesn't have the longest runup. I played the long tees, which were pretty fun for an Int player. Looking at the short tees, I'd imagine they'd be enjoyable for more beginning players.

Nice Chainstar baskets, all in good repair and caught well. No problems here.

Excellent hilly terrain in play for most of the round. You'll throw a LOT of your shots up or down a hill. There is also hardly a wide open shot on the course. Only a few are extremely tight, but you'll be punished if you're too far off line.

Decent mix of distances, although there's certainly nothing here that you would consider a bomber hole. It's pretty much technical golf all the way. Lots of deuce opportunities if you're throwing 'em straight that day.

Basic tee signs, but they gave the info you needed. Navigation was relatively easy, with plenty of well worn paths and next tee signs.


This place seemed like a busy spot, and for good reason.

While there was a lot of fun holes, it did feel like the course was VERY lefty-centric. I know it wasn't the case, but it felt like nearly every hole was some sort of lefty or RHFH shot, or dead straight. Don't get me wrong, I like throwing straight shots, but a touch more variety would go a long way here.

One pin position per hole was kind of a bummer. At least a few holes would greatly benefit in the replay factor department by some extra positions, and there seemed to be plenty of room to do it.

Other Thoughts:

This is just a plain out fun spin, especially as a traveling player. If I lived in the area, I don't know that I'd play it a ton with some of the other options nearby. With that said, this is a course that should be accessible to a large variety of skill levels.

Definitely worth a spin if you're in Ypsilanti!
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4 3
Experience: 14.3 years 24 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Yipsi Entertaining Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 5, 2015 Played the course:once


Tricky hook shots going up and down large hills. You definitely earn your birdies on this course from the long tees.


Lots of grassy areas make it hard to find discs. Very busy on weekends.

Other Thoughts:

Plenty of litter for a pay to play course.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 14.4 years 353 played 299 reviews
4.00 star(s)

This place is a freakin' blast!! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 31, 2014 Played the course:once


Aesthetic-- course plays through a portion of a large "metro-type" park. Many other amenities dot the landscape. a bike riding/access trail winds through the course so be on the look out. you do not throw over the trail (IIRC) but it's close to in play.

Teepads-- Excellent. large, level and in phenomenal repair. As has been said in other review, there are huge drop offs after the teepad that could really ruin your follow through.

Routing/nav-- super easy. we never ever felt like we could possibly get lost. plenty of next tee signs made it super easy.

Baskets-- Discraft in excellent repair with orange reflective tape on the necks.

Multiple teepads-- huge plus here. there are so many unique looks here that the multiple teepads help to accentuate.

elevation!!!!-- huge use of elevation here. huge plus in every single manner. It is rediculously refreshing to have this much elevation change on a course in this area.

Course amenities-- plenty of places to sit and rest between holes. it's a bit funny, you can tell which tee people throw from as they are the ones with the seats near them :)


Teesigns-- accurate length description and an arrow pointing you where the fairway is but a map of the hole would be most excellent. a lot of scouting is needed on this course to find the pins.

Variety/Challenge-- it seems that a lot of the SE Michigan courses are left hand/forehand friendly with right fades... this is no exception. the holes (even the longs) are not that challenging. I think I ended +1 on my first round through.

Other Thoughts:

Overall this course was a blast. Very refreshing. I totally should have played this course by now.
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4 0
Experience: 17.3 years 111 played 52 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Really Nice 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 11, 2013 Played the course:once


- Had multiple tee pads
- Pretty easy to navigate
- Had a lot of elevation change
- Lots of technical drives through woods and small fairways
- Need a lot of different shots to be successful
- Not always one clear way to play the hole


- One or two spots you might get lost
- Some blind shots
- Not always two tee pads

Other Thoughts:

You have to pay to get into the park per car. Just ask at the desk where it is in the park. It gets a decent amount of traffic on it. Very nice overall and would play again if in the area.
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2 2
Experience: 16.1 years 9 played 9 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Challenging But Fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 20, 2012 Played the course:once


Lots of up and downs so amazing variety. Some blind throws which drives me crazy and I love it. I have never played a course like this before it was tough!


Found it tough to navigate. Not from this area so I got lost.

Other Thoughts:

Glad of all the courses I had to choose from that you folks have in east Michigan that I chose Rolling Hills. Ha only a short time available to play and I chose this one based on the rating it received and the positive comments. Did not disappoint. I did not mind the gate fee - it was worth it.
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3 2
Experience: 11.2 years 29 played 9 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Got to play here for the first time. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 2, 2013 Played the course:once


• Fantastic use of Uphill and Downhill landscapes
• Very well maintained
• Rough/Brush is very tolerable
• You get a good workout from the hiking
• Trash / benches / brooms at most holes


• $9 a car for non-resisdents, make sure you car pool!
• Wish it had 3 tee pads like Independence.
• No dogs here!
• No holes to bomb a disc.

Other Thoughts:

My first trip to Rolling Hills made me wish I had stopped by sooner, what a great course!

This is the best place to practice uphill and downhill shots, and even then it has great variety.
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2 3
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Rolling Hills 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 28, 2013 Played the course:once


Was easy to find each hole and was relatively clean. It has a variety of shots, some up hills, some down hills, some short windows for different lines, some long, and some short holes. The wildlife adds a great amount of character to this wonderful course.


It was muddy and some of the holes had very steep hills.

Other Thoughts:

I would definitely recommend playing this course to anyone in the area.
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2 5
Experience: 18.3 years 67 played 8 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 12, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Just great course lots of work put in here just awesome the work they did to make this course top notch, great elevations great all around honestly one of my favorites around


Pricey park entrance fee $9 to get in outside of that favors side arm a bit
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3 0
Experience: 13.4 years 12 played 12 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Wooded course, but not too tight 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 8, 2012 Played the course:once


- nice concrete tee pads
- well maintained park grounds
- very little trash, lots of cans to put it in
- brooms by the tee pads
- a lot of fun technical holes up and down hills, over rises, around slight bends
- Good mix of short and long wooded holes, but fairways are open enough to "miss" most of the trees
- bathrooms near the start of the course, also picnic grounds
- excellent signs leading the way through the course, there's no possibility of getting lost
- virtually no chance of losing a disc


- COST - $9 per day per car for a non resident. UGH
- lack of wide open holes (one or two open/long holes would really mix it up, and the sledding hill area provides that space!)
- need more dirt in front of tee pads...there is a good foot drop off a few of them, making for a risky run up

Other Thoughts:

This course almost favors the forehand divers I think...a lot of slight turns made easy with a good forehand. I hit a lot of trees...but still got a good score (-10 on 18 my first time there). I think they kind of built in some "tree strokes" for you. :)

All in all this is a nice park, an excellent course and well worth the visit. Because there are so many good courses nearby, it would be worth taking a weekend trip to the Ann Arbor/Dexter/Brighton area and playing several courses.

There is a waterpark here, lots of picnic areas, good bathrooms and a nice bike trail. I highly recommend this course, one of my personal favorites.
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2 1
Experience: 6 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 29, 2012 Played the course:once


Concrete tee pads
Brooms at nearly every tee pad
Posts marked with distance to basket at each tee pad
Pro and Amateur tees
Good baskets
Great elevation changes
Easy to navigate (posts pointing out the way)


Kind of expensive for non resident compared to other parks.

First tee pad was kind of hard to find. Only found it due to a practice basket sitting out in the open.

No signs in the park directing you to the proper parking lot after the first main sign.

Other Thoughts:

Loved the course, reminded me slightly of Hudson Mills Original course just slightly smaller. It's closer to my house than Hudson so that's a + for me.

Couple this course with Lakeshore and it makes a great Sunday afternoon.
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3 0
Experience: 33 played 7 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Tons of Fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 13, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


*concrete tees
*hole # and distance on tee signs
*multiple holes with multiple tees
*brooms on all the tees
*exceptionally well maintained
*trash cans on every hole emptied often during high traffic
*holes with long tees offer significantly more challenge and on a couple more elevation
*SUPERB use of elevation all over course
*very scenic wooded and open holes
*great hole variety
*signs for the next tee pad on any hole where its not obvious
*picnic tables and benches on the course
*indoor bathrooms
*on-site water park


*thorny in spots
*pay to enter park
*additional fee for water park
*even a crude hole map on the tee sign is better than none and this spectacular course deserves them

Other Thoughts:

This course is so much fun I am so glad I've been fortunate enough to live near it since I began discing and had so many chances to play it. If you already have a year parking pass for Independence Lake then you can also play Rolling Hills for free, and seeing as being a pay to play course is just about the only thing besides adding hole maps on the tee signs they would need to change to get a 5 rating from me, you people should play this course ASAP. The day passes are also interchangeable with the ones from Independence lake on that day so if you have some time and just the day pass then playing both is fun and you only pay once.
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