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Lincoln, NE

Roper Park - West

3.385(based on 25 reviews)
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Roper Park - West reviews

10 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 11.2 years 40 played 34 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun play in the Lincoln area!

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 29, 2024 Played the course:once


Layout is generally good! Nice shot variety, and the multiple teepads keep it interesting for everyone.

This course was extremely clean. Seriously, I saw almost zero trash out here, and the park looks like it gets pretty heavy use.

Teepads and baskets are all very nice, intact, and in good shape.

Decent amount of trees out here, and a very nice view of downtown Lincoln from the back 9 too.

Every hole seemed to have an obvious line you needed to hit. I think the design is good and won't leave anyone feeling frustrated on account of the course itself.

The multiple pin positions and teepads give you a lot of possible ways to play this course, so I could definitely see the replay value out here.

There were a lot of new trees that have been planted recently. It's great to see the course being kept up and maintained; once they grow, it'll introduce some great new elements to the game and add to the course's natural beauty.

While I did not get the play the West park, it's great having two options so close to one another.

There's a decent amount of elevation out here and it's used very well, especially with the alternate teepads. No mountains or anything, but plenty of gently rolling hills. There's more than one hole where you can either choose to shoot a long bomb off the top of a hill, or take an easier layup from a shorter position.


The navigation here is pretty rough and not all that intuitive. I would have struggled to finish the round without my smartphone and uDisc app. Also, with so many teepads and pins, it's helpful to have a way to mark which pin is active; I didn't see that out here.

The signage was also hit-and-miss at times; there is a map but it was pretty washed out from the sun.

I-180 is right next to the course and the road noise was quite loud at 7PM on a weekday.

There's quite a few shots where you are playing close to fences, private property, and walking paths; need to be pretty accurate with your throws.

Other Thoughts:

I was in Lincoln for a business trip, and picked a course near our office where I could (barely) squeeze in a round before the sun set. This one was really good! The rolling hills and course layout made for a fun play, even though I was pressed for time.

The biggest issues here are the navigation, cramped shots on a few holes, and road noise. The first is easily solvable with a smartphone app. If you can shoot fairly accurately (or layup) and bring a pair of earbuds with you, you've got it made.

One thing that really impressed me was the amount of new trees and lack of trash out here. It seems either the parks department or the people of Lincoln (or both) take very good care of this place, and I always love seeing that. If I come back, I'd love to try the West park too. Enjoy!
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8 0
Experience: 18.5 years 55 played 15 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Something for Everyone 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 31, 2021 Played the course:once


+ 3 different sets of tees
+ Tees are concrete and in great shape
+ 3 different possible basket locations on each hole
+ Good signage with distance and OB information
+ Signs and baskets show where next hole is/easy navigation
+ On site restrooms
+ Maintained very well
+ A good mix of distances and use of what elevation was available
+ Two island holes were clearly marked with wooden posts and even spray painted lines in the grass.
+ Practice baskets at the start (these were not obvious unless you paid close attention to the sign)


- A bit too wide open
- Shared space with some walking trails running along side many holes
- Next to interstate with noisy traffic

Other Thoughts:

Looking through some of the other reviews they must be old. This park was well maintained and taken care of with nice baskets and signage. The baskets were in great shape. I only got to play the course once (Played the red tees with some younger players) and would love to get back and play other pin locations and tee shots. Even only playing one of the pin positions and tees I could tell that there was a variety of shots here and variety of holes. Hole 13 in the long basket position was my favorite hole needing to get yourself into a good position off of the tee to attack the island green on the next shot. The course is more wide open then I would want but there are a few holes that have some mandos or island greens to try to increase the technicality. With so much variety on the pin locations and tees this is a course that would be fun to play over and over.
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8 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 7 years 52 played 50 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Nice course near the interstate 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 8, 2018 Played the course:once


The infrastructure is topnotch: new-looking DD Veteran baskets which can be rotated among three basket locations per hole; three teepads per hole, which give a really nice variety of challenges with reds being beginner-friendly and the yellows being looooong; extremely well-marked course plus accurate uDisc mapping for each of the three sets of teepads. The course was really well maintained, too. Really good variety of hole lengths if playing from either the blue or yellow tees.


The course itself isn't the most aesthetically pleasing, even by Eastern Nebraska standards. Quite a few holes run near the interstate, and the amount of tree and plantlife is fairly low. Also, this course gets extremely soggy after a rain. There were a couple holes toward the end where the water was above our ankles at spots obviously designed for water runoff.

Other Thoughts:

I played on a week day in fairly crummy weather so I can't accurately judge how busy the course gets. There's a nice jogging/biking trail running through the course though so I'm guessing that creates some "share the park" issues on weekends. This is an interesting course in that they've essentially maxed out on potential. It's in great shape and uses the land available quite well, but the land itself is not exactly a prime disc golf spot. I'd play it again, especially because throwing from a different teepad and after a basket rotation would make it feel like a totally different course.
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7 0
Experience: 4 played 4 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Excellent New Course Design - Great for All Levels of Players 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 11, 2018 Played the course:once


There are 3 different sets of tees (Red - short, Blue and Yellow-long) and 3 possible basket positions.

All of these tees are excellent - they look freshly poured and are more than 10 feet long and 5 feet wide and nicely textured. Some of the best concrete tees I have played on.

The park and course is well maintained. Grass is cut, but not short enough for much skip. Drop Zones for mandos are clearly marked

Brand new Veteran baskets - the blue color makes them easily visible throughout the course. Practice Baskets also look brand new. All of the baskets catch quite well (DD veterans are some of my personal favorites, especially when new).

With the new course map on this site, navigation was easy. Each basket has an arrow in the bottom of it pointing towards the next tee. The flow made sense and had no issues.


As of yet, there are no tee signs. I am guessing these are coming, since all other aspects of the course have clearly been overhauled recently.

There is a walking path that runs through most of the front 9. There were only a few walkers when I played so it wasn't an issue, but at times the path is right where you want to throw and you can't always see the walkers coming since the path weaves in and out of a tree line. Could be a potential safety issue.

I played from the yellow (longest) tees and I thought it was an excellent pro-level course. I could see that on many of the holes, the red (shortest) tees were significantly easier and would be friendly for beginner or rec players. The blue tees seemed like they were always right next to the yellow or the the red. It was rare that there were 3 unique looks at a hole. Obviously not a big complaint, but worth noting that the course doesn't always utilize the 3 tees well.

Other Thoughts:

It should be noted that most of the previous reviews can basically be disregarded (especially the one saying there aren't baskets on the holes), since the course is brand new and the holes are completely different. The par info that is currently on dgcoursereview has also not been corrected (the first hole is probably 700-800 ft not 160).

This course was absolutely amazing to play. You could tell lots of thought was put into each hole design and each hole was challenging but fair. The course had the feel of a great park golf course with elements of a big bomber course with rolling hills - almost like a cross between la mirada and jonesboro gold. I was very impressed by the course. This could be a legitimate pro tournament course.

Because I loved the course so much and there is not yet good info on the holes, I will talk a bit about each of them. These descriptions are from yellow tees to the yellow pin positions (only positions set up on the day I played).

1. 700+ ft par 4 that requires you to hit a gap off the tee and then throw a power flex line to get a look at birdie

2. 600+ ft uphill par 4 which is a bit more open than the 1st hole but still makes you pick and hit your line on both the first and second shot.

3. A 300ish ft. par 3 that forces you through a small gap between trees off the tee and requires touch to stop by the basket which is over a crest then significantly downhill.

4. 550+ ft. par 3/4 which is pretty open but hard to get a good look at 2 (par 3 1/2 type of hole which most people will get a 3 on).

5. 350ish ft. turnover or forehand playing over a small pond with a low ceiling on the right. Makes you commit to the big turnover or throw a low, hard foehand shot.

6. Island hole (200-250 ft.) - slight hyzer off the tee around a tree right in front of the basket. If you can hit the (very fair) island, you'll have a good look at one of the easier birdies.

7. 650+ ft. par 4 which requires a 400 ft placement shot to the landing zone between 2 trees before a slight dogleg right with a forehand or turnover putter shot.

8. A 450ish ft. par 3 which requires a long straight shot with a disc you trust to come back to the right late to avoid the trees. Basket is well guarded by large pines which are tough to get out of or over if you come in left early. Those who can't trust their 450 foot straight to hyzer shot should lay up before the trees and pitch up for par.

9. A pretty open 650+ ft. par 4 which only makes you avoid a few trees and should be a pretty easy 3 if you can keep it straight.

10. An uphill par 4 (600+ ft) requiring you to hit a gap off the tee then throw a left to right shot up the hill through some trees.

11. A 300+ par 3 that plays much further with an extreme uphill. Either have to hit a gap or throw a big hyzer. - Both are dangerous with an OB fence lining the left side of the fairway and basket.

12. Plays all the way back down the hill that holes 10 and 11 played up. Hole is probably 800 ft in distance but plays much closer to 550 because of the extreme downhill. Most players will take a 3 here with a decent drive. Trouble to be had though, as many pesky trees line the hill.

13. Tough left to right show with a very low ceiling and small gaps - also creek on the right plays OB and I'm guessing path and beyond on the left does as well. Although this hole probably isn't over 500 ft., it probably plays as a par 4 since it is a very challenging 3 and a virtually impossible 3.

14. Blind 250ish uphill shot through a large gap. Have to trust your disc and touch as the fairway slopes severely up then severely down.

15. Pretty straightforward downhill par 3 which is open on the right and guarded on the left. Steep drop-off right behind the basket makes you think twice about your disc selection.

16. Neat downhill hole through a double mando. One of those left to right shots which only fits a turnover not a forehand. Really cool hole which makes you think about whether to lay up or try to turn a disc over through a tight mando.

17. The other island hole. This one is quite simple - maybe 275 ft. with nothing in the way. One of the only "must-get" holes on the course but by nature of an island hole, I could see someone taking a big number on this at the end of a tiring round.

18. A big par 5 to end the course. Both the tee shot and second shot require you to get distance through your choice of gap. At probably close to 900 ft. I assume this is a par 5 but it is very 4able. Awesome way to end an awesome course.
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5 2
Experience: 16.2 years 59 played 29 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Not worth it in its current state 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 3, 2017 Played the course:once


- The course has a few baskets still installed...so I guess that's a positive.


- Missing baskets on Holes #1, 6, and 9 (I stopped playing after 9 because the course was in such bad shape).
- Baskets that were in play were misnumbered.
- Missing tee signs on a number of holes.
- Of the tee signs that hadn't been removed, most were not in great shape.
- Course didn't seem to be in a great area.
- There is a walking trail through the park, so be take caution before you throw.
- Baskets weren't in the best condition.

Other Thoughts:

- From what I can tell, this course has "good bones". It needs to be overhauled in an extreme way. New baskets, new tee signs, and other amenities and you could really make a decent course here.
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2 5
Experience: 7.8 years 25 played 3 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Course Needs Help 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 12, 2016 Played the course:once


There are still some really nice holes here.


Needs lots of help. Maps show almost nothing helpful as the course has changed. Needs better signage showing where the next hole is. Hole 1 no longer exists, neither does hole 6. Trash cans around the course would help.

Other Thoughts:

This course has lots of potential still! It just needs some TLC.
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2 4
Spike Hyzer 23
Experience: 31.2 years 92 played 88 reviews
3.00 star(s)

When in Lincoln... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 19, 2015 Played the course:once


The course is relatively open, with decently well placed mature trees lining the fairways. The mix of holes does require a variety of shot shapes, and the holes run toward the long more than short.


The length is a huge issue. There are just far too many holes that are completely out of reach for the low Am players and older players. It's just not a lot of fun to throw the same length drives and approaches over and over for pars.

There are only one set of tees.

There isn't a great deal of elevation, which is made up for by the good design, however, there are some tees that are completely unfair and offer only single options.

Other Thoughts:

Here's the breakdown to illustrate its repetitiveness:
14 holes 320-395'
6 holes 270-300'
2 holes over 400'
5 holes under 250'

So, 16 of the 27 holes are out of range of a player who throws 300. That player will also struggle with the 5 holes that are in the 270-300 range because they are just technical enough that accuracy is key and deuces will be rare.

For those players, that leaves only 5 real birdie holes, and those are also technical and difficult.
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4 0
Experience: 20 played 20 reviews
3.00 star(s)

3 courses in 1 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 24, 2015 Played the course:once


Great opportunity to mix it up with 3 groups of 9 holes; each group has a little bit of a different course feel. Some holes really let you throw it far.

Good use of trees to create some challenging throws, but not heavily wooded to where you should have troubles losing discs.

Park is quite nice. There are no roads going through the park, so the traffic is limited to minimal foot traffic.

It doesn't seem to get overly busy and there are enough holes there that players would likely be spread out. Fairways typically don't cross each other.

There are some decent elevation changes with the hills, but no cliffs or anything real dramatic.


It looks like the mowing might be a little sporadic. There were wind rows of grass clumps the day we played, making me think the grass might get a little high at times if they wait a while between mowings.

Some signs were missing, which made it a bit of a challenge to find some tees since this was our first time. A few of the signs seemed a little confusing (maybe they contained too much info on them to make them quick to read). A local told us a couple baskets were missing and/or moved because of recent construction. Prior to learning that, we thought we were losing our sanity wandering around trying to figure things out. Otherwise, most holes are in place and it plays pretty well. A couple of the fairways and baskets are rather close to private property, which could be an issue if you are new or if you sometimes have really errant tee offs. You can easily adjust your shot to play away from the borders to be safe; there is plenty of room.

Other Thoughts:

This course has that golf course type of feel. If you like those courses, you'll likely enjoy playing this one. I really enjoyed the idea of being able to pick whichever 9 holes you felt like playing that day, from a little shorter and shaded, to really open and long, or the middle group of 9, which is a bit in between.
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3 0
Experience: 11.5 years 40 played 14 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A lot of potential 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 29, 2015 Played the course:once


27 holes is really nice. It's good how you start small on the front 9 and build up. You really could just start at 10 and have a great round.

Nice concrete tee pads.

Good use of the land. The holes flow pretty logically. I could pretty much guess or see where the next tee was when standing at the basket.

On a day that's not too windy it would be kind of hard to lose a disc. But I still managed to, so...


Tee signs probably used to be great. Now there are many that are missing or inaccurate. Mostly, you can see where you're throwing but not always. Another nice addition would be the little arrows under the basket pointing to the next tee.

Late in the day there are all kinds of bugs swarming around the ditch. You really don't want to go down there.

I got used to the traffic noise eventually but the park is tucked in where two interstates meet so there is a lot of noise.

Some flags or bright paint on the baskets would be nice. Worn gray baskets can be hard to spot when you don't know where you're looking -- and the move them around sometimes.

They seem to be doing some work right now at the far end with plowing going on in several fairways. But you can only assume this will be a temporary con.

Other Thoughts:

I liked this course a lot. I think I caught it at an off time -- grass was high, no basket at 12, major landscaping happening.

I'd call this course more fun than challenging. And that's good.
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2 4
Experience: 12 played 10 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Max E. Roper course review 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 4, 2013 Played the course:once


I like this course because it is one of the very few 27 hole courses out there. Low traffic and well maintained, it is a fun course with short to long throws and a few elevation changes.


The course throws along a highway, a neighborhood, and a creek with a 15 foot drop off so it is easy to lose a disc in some places especially on very windy days.
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1 3
Experience: 15.3 years 23 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Wide open & Long holes 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 10, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Nice short front nine, gets you warmed up for the long bombers in the back 18. Wide open for big long lines. Alternate tees are great for us that play only at roper. Also a great course for playing safari.


To open when its real windy. Ne gets some killer wind and makes those big hill shots very tough. Not sure if thats completely a bad thing though.

Other Thoughts:

Great course, fun to play. Not an easy course but is all at the same time. New challenges every time I play
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4 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.3 years 498 played 490 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fanboys... 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 2, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


-27 holes (see below), as has been already noted, you can play variations of 9 or 18 that loop fairly well to the parking lot.
-Cement tees of adequate size
-Old but solid baskets
-Close to I-80 and even closer to I-180 so it is easy to find without driving all over Lincoln
-Multiple tees and basket locations to switch it up.
-Much needed elevation on a few holes including the big downhill throw.
-The creek is a bit of a hazzard


-27 holes is great if you are playing an awesome pay to play where every hole is a different challenge but there isn't enough variety here for that.
-Signage is lacking and on open courses like this one with lots of baskets it is hard to know which one you are supposed to throw at. Bad flow.
-This is one of two courses in a large college town. I imagine it is quite busy during the nicer months. Not busy at all on my Saturday morning in February.
-Some holes are super short and easy. Like overthrow with Aviar at half power easy.
-Could be windy, it is very open and in Nebraska
-Bike path is a hazzard, used frequently.

Other Thoughts:

Lincoln is in desperate need of another quality course. This one is alright but is very old. I expected better with its 3.6 rating but there are a few sketchy 4 and 4.5 reviews bringing up the average. I played Tierra park and it was pleasant but all reports from the summer are that it is bad. Play Tierra in the winter and here in the summer.
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1 6
Experience: 16.9 years 8 played 3 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Max E. Roper 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 18, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


This is a 27 hole course. The front 9 aren't too long and are a good warmup for the back 18, which has a good mix of short and long holes. Every hole has an alternate tee position and multiple hole locations. The hole locations are changed frequently in the summer. A creek running through the middle of the course provides additional challenge, and most holes (warning not all) have easy access to the creek for disc retrieval. A good mix of holes with trees, hills, open space, and wind.


Recent tree maintenance has really decreased the challenge on a few of the holes. This is the only reason I didn't give it a 5. The course can get quite busy late spring-early fall, and some of the college kids don't have good course etiquette.

Other Thoughts:

Warning: If you learn to play on this course many other courses will not be challenging or as fun to play as Roper. It's the price to pay for having an excellent course.
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1 4
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Good course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 23, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Challenging course with many different shot types. I am new to the sport and feel I can really hone my skills here. Long shots, short short, benders each way! Really enjoy this course.


A lot of grass over grown with weeds and long grass makes finding great shots hard some times. Missing some signs. Pretty open so wind is a pain on those days where it is really blowing.
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1 6
Experience: 12.3 years 16 played 7 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Very Nice 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 18, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Lots of holes(27) The holes move often enough. Lots of shade on hot days. Long and short holes give a good variety. Putting practice hole.


A bad throw could be lost in the creek. The last nine are usually not "wind friendly".

Other Thoughts:

I like this course :) Very fun
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3 0
Experience: 14.2 years 36 played 9 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 14, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Variety of holes to be played ranging from short and technical shots on the first 9, to a better mixture of short and long on the second 9, to a larger open style on the back 9. There is an easy and difficult drive for every style of play. Creek running through a few of the holes makes for some hazards to be aware of. Easy access from parking lot puts you at the tees for hole 1 and 10.


Tee 19 for the back 9 can only be accessed after walking some distance or playing the middle 9 first so you can't exactly start on the back 9. I've played the course several times in the past with trash cans available but as of right now there are none so the course is starting to show litter. Also pin locations do change in the summer but seem to stay in place at any other time of the year.

Other Thoughts:

Great course to cut your teeth in if you are a beginner. In the summer the course does get quite busy and there are walking paths throughout so you have to beware of walkers and runners. The designers did put some real thought to pin locations so it will be a mediocre challenge to veterans.
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5 0
Experience: 18.3 years 25 played 15 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 9, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


-Park is kept in great condition.
-The layout and flow of the course is really easy to follow and never confusing.
-Holes are mostly wide-open, so it's great for people new to the game or people who really want to work on their drives.
-Hole 3 is interesting in that you need to throw through a narrow group of trees off the tee and then hook to the right a ways.


-The course for the most part lacks any real technical holes. The trees on hole 7 that added a challenge to it were recently removed, thus making the hole much more boring.
-The back 18 are pretty much all the same in that you just have to throw far in the open.

Other Thoughts:

Roper is overall a decent park to play at if you're just looking for a relaxing round of disc golf. It's a great course for new players as well because it isn't too technically demanding. The course does get quite busy during the summer months because on certain nights the local dg league plays there, but they have no problem letting you tee off while it is going on.
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3 0
Experience: 15.4 years 94 played 56 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Wide open spaces 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 9, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


This course has nice long cement tee pads. The holes vary some in length. Course has nice tee signs that are mostly accurate. The course is always clean and is primarily a disc golf park.


Throwing 27 holes at this course is a bit treacherous, because so many of the holes are 400'+. It is long shot to the left, long shot to the right, long shot... etcetera. Course only requires technical skill on a few holes primarily in the front nine. Once you hit the back 18, be prepared to throw far the rest of the way. This course is a good course, but it is the lack of variety that keeps this course from being great.

Other Thoughts:

If you like throwing discs far in wide open spaces over and over, this is your course. Tierra has a lot more variety if you want some more interesting holes.
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1 1
Experience: 22.1 years 11 played 4 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Frustrating Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 1, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


The front 9 is fairly short and simple, lots of ace opportunities. Nice maps for most of the holes. Always some people on the course but never too much of a wait.


Holes 10-27 are longer and a little more wide open than the front 9, which can lead to some problems when the wind is gusting, and, being in Nebraska, you can count on it being windy most of the time.

Other Thoughts:

This course is much more enjoyable when the winds are calmer, so choose your timing carefully.
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1 2
Experience: 21.4 years 13 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 17, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


27 holes is great! and all in grass. there is a good variety of of holes from short to long. Mulitple tee pads and they move baskets more often than other courses I have played. this helps keep it interesting in a town with not many courses to play. the trees make pretty good shade on a big portion of the course.


can get crowded and some people don't have good"disc etiquette" I have been thrown on without warning while playing alone multiple times. have to watch out for joggers,bikers, etc. as the bike path is close on lots of holes. most people not playing disc here seem to beoblivious to the sport and the fact these discs will hurt if they were hit with one. hole 27 can get groups of these people not paying attention out in the grass close to the hole not to mention the playground is close to it.
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