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Morristown, TN

Rotary DGC

Permanent course
3.475(based on 17 reviews)
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Rotary DGC reviews

10 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.3 years 543 played 256 reviews
4.00 star(s)

A fun course to play, with two baskets on every hole 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 18, 2021 Played the course:once


Good large, concrete tees and tee signs on every hole. The tee signs are important because there are two baskets on every hole. The "two" courses are labeled Yellow and Blue, with Yellow DISCatchers in the short position and Blue Prodigy baskets in the long position, on every hole.
Large parking lot and three practice baskets at #1. #10 also starts from the same area, is you are only playing the back nine.
Rotary has some wide open holes, mostly open holes and even some wooded and tunnel shots. So you will find just about every type of hole.
Most of the front nine follows a creek, so they are mostly flat, then the back nine goes up and around the soccer fields, so elevation comes in to play on these.
Even though this is a large, multi-use park, the course stays away from the other uses with very few possible interactions.


It looks like a lot of clearing has been done recently on the later back nine holes, so there are several branch piles, just off the fairways.
#4 - plays as a Par 4/5, from the tee there is a line of large trees bisecting the fairway at just 50-75' out, so you either have to pick a gap through these trees for max distance, or throw a safer hyzer through a gap, but lose distance. Not the kind of obstacle you want to see on a long hole.

Other Thoughts:

As mentioned above, one great tee pad, and two baskets on every hole. The Yellow DISCatchers are a White level course and the Prodigy baskets are a Blue, or Gold, level course. This is a great way to provide different challenges on the same course, yet they only need one tee pad and one set of signs per hole. There are a few holes where the yellow basket is right in the middle of the Blue fairway, but I don't see where that is any different from a random bush or tree in the fairway, and ... it was there before you threw!
The Blue baskets add 2200' and 14 strokes (Par) to the Yellow course, so they are a significant increase, especially on holes like #4,12,13,16 and 17. #18 primarily adds extra distance, and a cool elevated green.
The front 9 are mostly partially wooded holes, left and right turning holes, with some elevation, but not a lot. There is a small creek that goes down the middle of these holes, but only comes into play on a very errand shot. The back 9 opens with a couple of wide open holes, with #11 having the steepest uphill. Then #12 and #13 are partially wooded, both turning left. #14 has the tightest drive on the course, clear that and you're good. #15 is one of the best holes, straight ahead through a small gap, over a valley, then up to the basket. #16 is very similar, but with a wider fairway. #18 finishes wide open, with the only two tees on the course. The yellow hole is a Par 3, 340' to a basket on a sideslope. The Blue is 775', Par 5 (which may be a little generous), to a raised green (about Circle 1 in diameter) filled with mulch. Cool finishing hole.
The course does play primarily right to left, with only 4 truly left to right holes, all on the front 9. This is a consequence of the back 9 going clockwise around the soccer fields, with the holes laid out to throw away from those fields. It would be nice to see a little more variety on these.
I think most would agree this is the 2nd best course in the DG Hotspot of Morristown. The Blue course is still about 800' short of Panther Creek and lacking (thankfully) the very steep uphill section. This sure would be are great town to live in for Disc Golf, 4 solid 18 holers, then less than an hour from the Tri-Cities and Knoxville.
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4 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 25.4 years 349 played 42 reviews
4.00 star(s)

If the other Morristown courses had a baby... 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 11, 2017 Played the course:once


Morristown is a wonderful area for disc golf--4 great courses sandwiched between Harmon Hills/Warriors and the stout Knoxville offerings. I've played a ton of HB Clark's courses and I think some of his best work resides in this area (Panther, Cherokee, Kiwanis, and Rotary). Rotary is a perfect blend between the short/technical Kiwanis and the long/super-elevation Cherokee.

Just like the other Morristown courses, you'll have top-notch signage, tees, baskets (discatchers), maintenance, and amenities. It looks like a ton of fairway trimming and mulching was recently done and the course looks and plays great. Like the others, Rotary also benefits from the figure-8 layout with 1 and 10 meeting back at the parking area.

Lot's of fun holes. Fun downhill bombers (1, 3, 12, 18) and tight tree lines (7, 8, 9, 14-17). 9 was a fun risk/reward option with the safe par line on the right or the crowded deuce line to the left.

18 isn't a great score-separation finishing hole, but it was a nice downhill grip-and-rip with a well designed raised island pin location.

The soccer fields are perfectly leveled with nice short Bermuda grass. Anyone who wants to get some "field work" accomplished would enjoy doing so here.

3 practice baskets right next to a nice covered pavilion at hole 1?! yep.


As others have stated, this park will have plenty of non-discing revelers near the soccer fields. Although I think the lines on 11, 12, and 13 were out of the way, I understand how some would worry about altering their shot to avoid other users.

The 17 teepad dangerously hangs out on the right side of 16s fairway

First-timer beware: signage on #3 might suggest playing straight/left to #6's basket but the hole actually bends to the right.

10 and (arguably) 11 are your straightforward filler holes to help get you to the good stuff on the other side of the park.

Other Thoughts:

Trying to be rational, I'd say this course is a strong 3.5'er. However, the fun-factor and the great balance round Rotary up to 4 for me. To me, it's right in line with Cherokee and Kiwanis but really does offer the best of each. That considered, I'll give Rotary a sight bump above those two (although not near the Panther epicness level). Don't skip Rotary if you make it to this area!
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0 3
Experience: 17.5 years 32 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Well designed course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 2, 2014 Played the course:once


Course is very easy to play and Navigate
good mix of elevation and available trees
Lot more birdie ops than I expected being that I throw around 300. The elevation gave me chances and I ended up 2 up.


Was a perfect day not many park goers but maybe because they have all the soccer fields closed.

Other Thoughts:

The first person I really played with was HB and this course was similar to Cedar Hill in Nashville.
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4 0
Experience: 12.2 years 10 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great mix 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 10, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


This course has a great mix of open and wooded course with many technical holes.

They have super nice concrete tee pads and brand new Innova baskets with great signs at each pad and arrows on the basket pointing you to the next tee pad.

It's a happy mix of the Cherokee Park and Kiwanis course that we have in town because it's got the short, technical, wooded holes of the Kiwanis course and the long, open holes of Cherokee Park.

The grounds are super nice and kept up with trash cans on many holes. Though you still have the usual bottle or wrapper laying around from where people are to lazy to use the trash cans.


With this being a newer course, the parks and rec are still working on ironing out the wrinkles as far as like wooded fairways being a little to overgrown and growing grass around certain boxes and fairways so it can get a little muddy.

During a busy weekend, the back nine can get crazy because they play mostly along the soccer fields so you have to be really careful about where you throw.

It would be nice if there were more bathrooms along the course and water fountains.

Holes 4, 5, and 6 kind of run close to one another so you have to keep an eye out especially while in 4 and 5's fairway and on 6's tee box.

If you miss a fairway in the woods during summer, be prepared to spend some time looking for your disc because the woods get super think and there are thorn bushes about every 5 feet.

The park closes at dusk so for now the opportunity of a glow round is out of the question.

Other Thoughts:

If the gates to hole 1 are closed you can park at the baseball field parking lot and walk about 500 ft to hole 1 basket. Or you could park at 4 and just start with hole 4 and end with 3 to end where you parked if by chance the baseball field gate is closed.

Holes 4, 13, 14, 15, and 17 require very accurate drives and approach shots or else you could get into some difficult shots.

Holes 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, and 18 are the open holes with the others being all wooded or mostly wooded.

Hole 13 to me is the hardest hole because it starts out open and then does a 90 degree into the woods about 175 ft from the box. It's literally like an L, and for a lefty like me who's a newbie it kicks my butt.

Hole 4 is also difficult because you have a wall of trees about 75 ft from the box with narrow gaps to hit then opens up into a super long fairway.

It's a very nice course to play because it's big enough to where you don't have to worry about other disc golfers on a majority of the holes (4, 5, and 6 are really the only ones where others come into play) so it's a pretty safe place to play.

Disc golf is starting to take off in Morristown and we even have the Tennessee State Championships coming in June so if you are in the area I would definitely suggest checking it out if you're wanting something more than the Kiwanis course but not as long as the Cherokee Park course.
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0 5
Experience: 15.3 years 10 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

pro 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 10, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Great layout nice mix of open and woods a few ace runs but not many takes around 2 hour per foursome.


Cons well the park service is very annoying always hassling you where you're going very strange for a city park and if you don't want to have to walk a 1/4 mile to hole 1 you will need to park at hole 4 it is the bottom parking lot they lock the gates to the skate park, soccer fields and disc golf course they have nice practice baskets at hole 1 but you have to park a 1/4 mile away very strange but the park service will park there company trucks at hole 1 one and play during the middle of the day and hold the vistors up
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4 2
Chris A
Experience: 18.3 years 69 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Another great MoTown Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 10, 2012 Played the course:once


Great use of land that was given. Long technically challenging par 4's. The flow of the course is really good. The course is listed as wooded, but most the woods holes have large open fairways.


The flow is good, but some of the tee pads are extremely close to fairways and on at least 3 holes I could see this as a problem during a large event.

Other Thoughts:

Really looking forward to seeing this place in about 2 yrs after some tree trimming and solid play. Just like the other 2 H.B. Clark courses in this area he has really done a good job. Morristown has quickly become a DG destination!
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