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Manhattan, IL

Round Barn DGC

3.455(based on 22 reviews)
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Round Barn DGC reviews

7 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.2 years 114 played 105 reviews
3.00 star(s)

And yet, another course in a multi-use park 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 15, 2017 Played the course:once


- Course set in your typical multi-use park setting and a few holes go counter-clockwise around a small pond.
- Alternate baskets on every hole - red and white. In some cases like hole 5, this gives quite a different feel and challenge to the hole.
- Nice tee pads at all of the holes. Some of them were gigantic circles. Your entire card could place all of their bags/carts on the pad and there would still be enough room for a decent run-up.
- I thought the baskets on 9 were interesting being nestled in the tree trunks and having the red on top of the white. It was borderline silly but I still liked it.
- All of the baskets are a DGA Mach whatever and were in great shape.
- With all the mowed grass, roller throwers are going to love some of these holes.
- I think the placement of the red basket on 3 is a bit tough but certainly made things interesting. Along that line of thought, the course does an excellent job of making use of the water hazard there.
- Things seem to be pretty well picked up. But then that might be a product of the wintery time of year I visited.


- Like a lot of courses of this type navigation is a PITA. First timers are going to want to print/download the map off of this site or you'll get lost. The are very few tee signs here and with one exception none of the tee signs have any hole information on them. This course would benefit GREATLY from tee signs and "next tee" arrows of some sort otherwise it's kind of a mess of random baskets and concrete pads.
- The red and white basket locations often had me scratching my head as to what the idea here is. On most of the holes the red basket is clearly supposed to be harder of the two. But on number 11 the red basket is clearly a much easier basket than white. Then on 10 the red and white baskets are 20 feet apart. I do not understand the point of two baskets when the two locations don't really change the hole...The same can be said for hole 7.
- Several of the holes are just ... boring. 14, 2 and 15. Seems like with the available land something different could have been done with these.
- NO BENCHES. My 45 year old, achy knees hate you Round Barn.

Other Thoughts:

This is a decent course but nothing great. I think the design overall is not bad but, not great. And unfortunately, with the plot of land there I think this is the best you can do. It wouldn't be a bad course for a C or B tier type of tournament.

Its just another course with fairways that are mowed grass interspersed with trees. There is some elevation but not a lot. It's fun to be sure but nothing really special.
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5 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.3 years 247 played 28 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 6, 2016 Played the course:once


- Good tee pads and dual baskets on every hole
- Hole 9 signature stacked and guarded basket is a nice touch
- A few risk/reward water holes added some challenge and variety


- Most holes are largely open and very forgiving
- Some of the 2nd baskets don't offer much variety (they are right next to each other). On other holes they are completely different shots
- Majority of signs were removed or blank. On several holes you can't see the red basket from the tee, so there was a lot of walking around the course trying to find the next basket before throwing

Other Thoughts:

When I first drove up, I saw a pretty open field with a number of baskets in it and wasn't expecting much. While there were a lot of pretty open holes, they made great use of the trees that are available and there are just a few pretty tight and technical holes on the front nine. Water plays nicely into a few holes, but the pond was very green with algae so if you disk gets wet, kiss it goodbye. Also I have heard the mosquitoes get out of control in the summer which is believable giving the look of that pond.

This is a decent course and would be great for beginners (except the 1 or 2 water holes that could be risky). For more seasoned players it's worth checking out, but doesn't offer near the challenge or variety you could get from other nearby courses like West Park or the Canyons.
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12 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.1 years 316 played 268 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Round & Round Dosey Doe! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 9, 2013 Played the course:once


- Round Barn (named for the huge white round barn at the entrance) plays through a grassy, mostly open area that has a smattering of trees throughout. One or two holes include somewhat tighter looks off the tee, but nothing gets into "technical" wooded golf. The course is open enough that most botched tee shots still result in a par.
- H20 is definitely the best part of this course. Unfortunately it only comes into play on #'s 2,3, 4, and 5 with #'s 3 and 4 Red (i.e., the longs) easily being the standout holes. Both offer risky water carries while offering a safety route for less experienced/skilled players.
- Good signage, tees (many are circular, adding to "round" motif), baskets. No lack of amenities. Dual pin positions offer a more difficult layout as well as the shorter Silver holes. #9 has the Silver and Red baskets stacked atop each other (Red on top). Definitely something I hadn't seen before; the concept seemed neat, but the execution (with a tight cluster of tree trunks behind the pin) took a lot of the risk out of gunning for the upper basket.
- Decent use of the minor elevation changes throughout. Nothing spectacular, but all the major wrinkles are used to utmost effect (#18 comes to mind).


- The major con here is that much of the course seems the same. Not much distinguishes the non-water holes from each other. The holes aren't bad, per se, just kinda bland.
- Several of the holes towards the middle of the course seem tightly clustered together, with potential for fairway overlap. This could become a bit of a safety issue on busier days.

Other Thoughts:

- The greatest attribute of Round Barn is the nice lake. Not only does it provide some challenging, well-designed holes, but it also is a pleasant relief from some of the nastier Chitown-area "water" holes. Runoff ditches, scum-filled ponds, pollution, and poop-water are all "water" hazards I've seen in Chicago. Thus, the relatively clean and picturesque lake does much to help Round Barn's appeal.
- Overall, decent without ever really wowing. Simply not enough standout holes to bump it up to a 3.5.
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7 1
Experience: 15.3 years 95 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

almost but not quite 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 11, 2012 Played the course:once


This course is in a beautiful park with lots of great land for disc golf. I played the red baskets. #2 is a type of hole not seen much in this area. It requires an upshot. The upshot is a downhill shot to a well guarded basket. #3 peninsula hole is the epitome or risk/reward. #4 is an epic shot over water and requires a little more distance than it appears off of the pad with an excellent pin position. #5 is also a cool RHBH anny shot that requires putting it over the water and hitting a 30 foot wide gap on the right side of the fairway about 225' off the pad. after that gap theres another 200' feet give or take on a well guarded fairway to a nicely place basket position. #9 stacked baskets are something I have never seen before and on top of that its in the middle of jail which makes for interesting putts. #10 has a nice basket position on top of a small hill. #15 is a monster uphill shot then back down a little bit to the basket. up and down sloped holes are always cool. #16 im guessing will be an island type hole when it comes to leagues and tourneys with the path coming in play just before the basket. #17 basket position is stellar. death putts galore for that one. #18 is a great way to end the course with a nice elevated shot over 2 "valleys" with the basket placed on top of the 2nd hill. The circle tee pads are something new to this area and a great perk to this course.


This course really disappointed me and the group I was playing with. For having 2 baskets on every hole I was really expecting more distance and variety for the long baskets. #1 was not the way I would want to start a course. A tee pad and a basket 250' away with nothing in between. #6 and #7 is where my bubble really bursted playing this course. Both of these holes are definitely "filler" holes. Holes 6-10 were all crammed together super tight in an area where some really great holes could have been made. Too much of this course (red baskets) were simple buzzz or putter shots with very little in the way to stop them from getting to where you want them to go. This was the most disappointing thing about this course. I was really hoping to be able to pull a driver out on more than maybe 5 holes.

Other Thoughts:

The designers of this course know how to design courses and I can only expect to see changes to this in the future. Unfortunately from what I hear a lot of the land they wanted to use was not made available to them a last seconds notice which seems to me why there are these filler holes. I doubt I'll come back to this course until changes are made because the hour and a half drive isn't worth playing 7 or 8 good holes. I really hope the red baskets get a major make over to make this course a beast. The potential is there. My rating doesn't factor in the lack of signage and benches.
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Designer response by #19325
Tee signs have been installed.

Hole 1 will have an Island built around it in the future. The plan is for a similar green like USDGC 17.

I am trying to get #14 & 16 lengthened down the hill.

The plan was for a minimum of 4 par 4's but it didn't work out. Adding long par 4's through the Oaks would have been impossible. The open areas to the East and South are off limits.

There were a lot of restrictions and areas we needed to avoid. We could not use the creek area in front or wooded area near the creek. Those pavilions really take away a ton of room for buffer zones. If you look at the area the course is on it's really not that much land.