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Indianapolis, IN

Sahm Park - Old Layout

2.15(based on 24 reviews)
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Sahm Park - Old Layout reviews

2 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.1 years 401 played 385 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Groundhog Day, but more dated… 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 7, 2016 Played the course:once


Obviously an older, established course, Sahm has some distance (260 to 376 feet) to challenge Recreational to Intermediate arms to see where they can get their deuces. There is an informative (if weathered) course sign (not map) near the first tee(s), which are large and level, flush to the ground, concrete, providing good footing for your tee shots. You do play in a logical loop to the left, out & back, and then clockwise along the wood line and roadway back to the start, so it's easily accessible if you want to play the second set of tees for a full 18 (since there was no one out there the day I played, I threw concurrent sets from both sets of tees).

There are some trees here and there to make you consider line shaping, and at least two holes (5/14 and 8/17) that have blind basket positions. The most interesting hole is 8/17, which is best played as a big, sweeping, right to left shot around the pines (because the left side of the pines retains so much water after a rain, it becomes essentially a pond).


The baskets are ancient, rusty, shallow, and beat up. The tee signage is obliterated (you can just make out stenciled distances on some of the long tee pads, but the posts and signs are derelict). The course is mostly wide open and plays in level fields which hold moisture and get muddy enough after hard rains that they can't keep up with the mowing.

Most of the holes, for average arms, and especially for beginners, are just long enough that you'll be playing for three after three after three, while being constantly reminded of the fact that you might be playing with somebody who can simply throw 330' rhbh hyzers all day long and deuce you to death.

The holes that play beside the road do play a little close on that side and will definitely be more of a gut check for lefties and rhfh'ers, while a lot of the fairways parallel so tightly that the guys to whom this course appeals will likely be sharing a lot of airspace.

Other Thoughts:

[I just looked at the pictures on here (taken in 2009), and have to point out that more than half of the trees you see in them are gone today. The course is pretty much open fields as it stands now!]

The regional habit of calling nine hole courses "18" just because there are two teepads is a bit of a pet peeve for me. There isn't enough variety here to justify calling it 18. They just play 15 to 60 feet longer, and there isn't enough in the way of foliage to really make them feel like different shots.

I kept looking over into the woods, thinking that there must have been an old park board member who originally approved the course under duress, but was sure as heck not gonna let those durned Frisbee throwing hippies hang out in his woods! Finally, there are rumors of a redesign, and there is evidence in the woods that clearings have been started, and trees and shrubs are marked. Kind of looking forward to this old horse being 'retired' to make way for the new.

Reviewer Background as of this writing: played 264 courses and written 246 reviews, with skills hovering around a 900 rating, I started playing at 50 and am now 55. I don't throw far (300 footers feel like success), but am addicted to DG, and have played with folks ranging from age 7 to 87, so I try to write reviews helpful to all.
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Designer response by MacDaddy
Sad, but true, this course is a shadow of its' former self... But! It is on the verge of being reborn! There are 10 new holes cleared in the woods and the course is getting a 9-hole expansion and a complete redesign and makeover. It will be a FULL 18-hole course with 19 baskets (a practice basket) and two 5' x 12' concrete tee pads per hole. There will also be significant planting of trees in some areas to help regenerate holes where trees were lost (and other holes too, aka the road holes). All new tee signs and a new course sign/map too. At this point we are pretty much just waiting for some dry weather as Sahm is infamously, a soggy place. So as they say.. stay tuned!
0 0
Experience: 15 years 5 played 3 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Could use some maintenance. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 14, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Good for a quick game.
Lots of trees, which provide shade and a variety of opportunities to work on different shots.


The course is getting old, and it shows. The signage is deteriorating/missing, and the numbers on the baskets are wearing off.
Absolutely terrible drainage. Any solid rain in the area creates a lasting puddle on 8/17, and the course stays muddy for a long time.
Not much variety. No elevation changes or water hazards (the puddle almost counts).

Other Thoughts:

For the area the park is in, you'd expect better upkeep. The ball golf course right next to it seems to be in decent shape. I'm not far away, so I still drop by for a quick round every now and then, when I want some change from my regular courses, but if you're not from central Indy, and you're looking for a course in the area, drive the extra 5-6 miles to Dr. James A. Dillon park.
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Quick play 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 23, 2009 Played the course:once


The course plays through a flat little corner of a park that is used only for disc golf so there isn't any interference with other park users. Most of the course plays through scattered mature trees with no underbrush and well-mowed grassy fairways. There are a couple holes with brushy rough off the fairway that add a little risk for errant drives.

There are dual concrete tees on each hole for 18 different looks. On many holes these alternate tees give you either a different line to hit or a different length, which makes the course a little more interesting. There is some variety of shots required if you want to take a run at each hole, but the course is open enough that a beginner with a limited shot selection can play the course and be successful.


The course is on a pretty run down little piece of property, with lots of muddy areas where the grass has been worn away and no elevation at all. The baskets are rusty and don't catch all that well, and nearly all the signs are broken or vandalized.

There just isn't enough variety here to keep it interesting for more than a round or two, with no punishment on most holes for bad shots, and no holes that make you think about how to approach them. Many holes play near one another, so watch for discs from other fairways. The problem is compounded when you have people wanting to play from both sets of tees to the same basket.

Other Thoughts:

This is a nice little course for beginners and working on shaping lines in your short game. More experienced players won't have many challenges here, without any real length or risk, and many holes that play very similar to one another.

This course isn't worth going out of your way for, especially with James Dillon to the north and the Brookside/Washington courses to the south. It is very beginner friendly though if you want to play a quick round or introduce someone to the game.
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4 0
Experience: 16.3 years 4 played 3 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Perspective from not-good but obsessed 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 10, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Nice Mature Trees require some accuracy!
The distance holes have trees/a road/woods..these obstacles Will bite your disc. (I haven't hit a car..but...I Have had a car run over a bouncing disc..oops)
P Dept maintains the course well: grass is always cut.
Good learning course...beginners can try alternate approaches.
but still a test for good disc-ers...I think..I wouldn't really know til I am one..so nevermind.
LOTS of players..you are never alone


HEAVY use has an effect...dust or mud surrounds tees depending on conditions...recommend a habit of hanging your bag on tee signs.
While the tee signs are in such shape bad that replacement is the only option.. I couldn't care less about that.
LOTS of players..you are never alone

Other Thoughts:

I may be wrong but I believe that Gary Gaskins help DB design this course...I'm thinking I read that on another site.

I absolutely Love this course for one reason: It's 5 minutes from my place of employment.
I play it at lunch.
I play it on my way home.
I've stopped on my way to work.
If you see a bald guy wearing a tie..looks like he left his suit coat in his trunk..say hi.
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