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Colorado Springs, CO

Sand Creek DGC

2.55(based on 3 reviews)
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Sand Creek DGC reviews

6 1
Experience: 8.3 years 10 played 10 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Meh. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 23, 2016 Played the course:once


Nearly impossible to get lost or throw to the wrong basket. Most tee boxes are within 20 yards of the previous basket (easily within sight). If not, there is usually a sign to point you in the right direction. Just in case, holes 1-3 are near the parking lot, 4-8 are across the bridge, and the 9th hole is back across the bridge near holes 1-3.

No water hazards

Pretty easy to find discs, even in the foot-tall rough.

Rocks are pretty climb-able, in case you throw into the creek bed.

Nice baskets.

Course was empty when I went, aside from 3-4 people using the walking trail, which goes around the course. Doesn't seem to be super busy.


Lack of variety. Most holes feel very similar.

Ants. They're everywhere on this course. 3 or 4 holes were really bad with tons of massive ant hills, meaning you've pretty much gotta keep picking your feet up and down constantly to avoid having unwanted visitors crawling into your shoes. This really affects putting and makes the short game no fun on those 3 or 4 really ant-infested holes.

Stickers. Don't bring your dog with you.

No obstacles, other than some power lines on hole 2. The only challenge from this course comes from wind, putting around ants and the varied distances (215-404 ft.)

No trees, which means no shade.

The flat elevation mixed with gusts of wind will carry your disc into either the creek bed or someone's backyard. Good luck playing this course on a windy day, as your discs will carry OB and you could lose a few (I lost two over backyard fences).

No alternate pin placements, which means even less variety over time.

Other Thoughts:

EDIT: It's been 3 weeks since I played this course and I never got a call back for either of the two discs I threw over someone's fence. It was two separate fences, so don't expect anyone to return your discs unless you live in the neighborhood.

Overall, this course is a pretty decent residential course. If I lived in the neighborhood, I would enjoy Sand Creek a lot more, since retrieving discs that fly over fences wouldn't be much of a hassle. However, as an out-of-towner, I wouldn't really recommend anyone go out of their way to play this course. Most holes feel similar, with distance and pin placement being the only real variables which make each hole different. This place is a wide open field, so the challenge just isn't there and I started playing 2-3 months ago. I birdied 2 holes (1 and 4) - my first birdies ever, so that really speaks for the (lack of) challenge this course currently provides.

I'm not saying this is a bad course, even though I only rated it a 1.5. I feel the course is "Passable" in its current state, which is why I rated it as such. However, while this course is fine, it certainly isn't memorable. If the neighborhood HOA pays for bi-weekly mowing of the whole course, plants some trees (or even places artificial obstacles), and adds alternate pin placements, Sand Creek could be a much bigger draw as a course, despite being only 9 holes. It would also be great if they re-designed some holes to add more variety (perhaps throw across the creek for holes 3 and 8 - it's dry so there's no real risk of losing a disc).

In the course's current state, I would only play Sand Creek DGC for convenience purposes. Otherwise, there are better places in the area to play. Try Widefield Park or Cottonwood Creek, instead. Especially if you're visiting from out of town
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5 0
Experience: 13.5 years 37 played 1 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Average 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 6, 2016 Played the course:once


Has a wide range of distances.
Good for a quick 9
Good place to practice your drives


Just in an open field.
No real Obstacles or challange other than change in distance
On windy days it won't even be playable.
An uneccessary amount of walking from some holes to the next tee pad.

Other Thoughts:

They could have done better with the land they had to Make a more interesting coruse. Overall it's just a very very basic course. I wouldn't even say a beginners course with some of the distances being so long. Unless you want to add another played course to your list, I wouldn't go out of your way to play it.
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3 7
Experience: 27.6 years 45 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great course!!! Fun for all levels 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 29, 2016 Played the course:once


Played this course Feb 2016, brand new baskets and tee signs, very nice course. Holes range from 215ft to 404ft. Has nice parking area and clean portable bathroom. This course fills the void for a "beginner" friendly course and still has challenges for all levels of players. Very wide open throwing lanes. Course is marked well with signs and tee pad indicators. Course plays very fast, 30 minutes to get around the 9 baskets. Go give it a throw!!


Not much to mention here, the way course is laid out you need to be careful of tossing into backyards of surrounding houses. When the wind is blowing, this course will be hard to play due to the nature of the layout

Other Thoughts:

Great place to take family and new players, fun course
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