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Hendersonville, TN

Sanders Ferry Park

Permanent course
3.515(based on 37 reviews)
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Sanders Ferry Park reviews

11 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 35 played 35 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Great Facilities and Hole Variety Though Sparse drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 12, 2024 Played the course:once


- Ample parking, bathrooms, water and practice basket all by 18's basket and 1's tee
- Some longer holes and par 4's which is a bit of a rarity for most Nashville courses. You can really let it rip on holes like 5, 8, 9, and 18.
- Elevation changes add intrigue as does OB water and paths
- A couple of fun water holes, one of which is challenging and adds some disc losing potential
- A variety of pin locations allow some of the 3's to become 4's and completely change the course from layout to layout
- A few of tight holes (4,7,16) to contrast the course being mostly open
- Navigation is pretty easy even without UDisc and the course flows well
- Short tee pads on both water carry holes for beginners who don't want to lose discs. In general pretty beginner friendly as new players can let it fly in the open space without too much frustration.
- Park is fairly clean and not super trafficked as it's in kind of a remote suburban location rather than a crowded multi use park. One of the few courses in Nashville without a ton of trash, homeless, etc
- Openness and flow allows for safe and seamless tournament play
- Some changes in the last few years to incorporate more of the woods (Hole 4 in the woods now and a VERY tight wooded approach on 12 to a new par 4 pin)


- Dealer's choice on almost every hole in terms of what shot you want to throw because of the openness. This mostly leads to leaning on the same discs and shots when you're dialed which can be a bit boring.
- Not much gap hitting to be found. Greens tend to be pretty wide open too without much trouble by the basket or elevated pins.
- The walk from the tee to green on Hole 14 is very long and tends to really slow the momentum of the round. Same for hole 15 though not quite as bad.
- Not a round you can speed through because of the hole length and sprawling nature of the course.

Other Thoughts:

The facilities are good and the layout really does the best it can with the space available. But because of the lack of trees the course really hits its ceiling at around 3 stars.

If you're in the immediate area give it a try but not worth much of a drive from a distance. It's the longer and more open of the Hendersonville courses whereas the Long Hollow Church course has a much more efficient layout and some really tight wooded holes. It's a solid, middle of the pack Nashville course.
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9 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 5.3 years 184 played 131 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Wide Open Spaces

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 23, 2022 Played the course:once


What to Expect: A scenic lakeside course that is mostly wide open and features slight rolling hills, light tree cover, and some very long holes depending on pin position.

Amenities: Ample parking, multiple shelter houses, modern bathrooms and port o johns throughout, plenty of benches along the course, practice basket near Hole #1 and parking lot, trash cans spread throughout park.

Tees/Signage/Baskets: Large textured concrete tee pads (only slight knock is some of them are sloped a little instead of being completely flat which I could see making rainy day run ups slippery). Large Course Map Kiosk with all relevant information, Tee signs have all relevant information and contain a hole map with (on some holes) A,B, and C possible pin positions. (Again, slight knock for not having an indicator on the signs for which pin is in use, but the course is mostly wide open so it isn't too difficult to tell). Baskets are aging Discatchers some in better shape than others. There were a few baskets that were leaning and one appeared to have been tried to be pulled out of the ground as the concrete foundation was ripped up and leaning.

Water Features: Holes #14 and #15 are fun to throw, have a great view, and both have smartly added alternate tee pads for shorter arms and those not wanting to risk their plastic. #15 is a "scary" drive onto a peninsula, but you really have to get on one to go long into the lake on the backside.

Elevation: Probably the biggest saving grace for this course from a design standpoint is the rolling hills. It makes otherwise extremely bland open field shots and gives them some definition and challenge. Coupled with the length and alternate pins, this good but not overwhelming feature makes this course just interesting enough.

Extras: Some really scenic views of the lake worth noting on Holes #3-#7 and then again from Holes #11-#17 for those who like to take pictures. Course is divided into two 9 hole loops for those only looking to get in half a round. This is relevant because this course is quite long, especially if the pins are in the long pin locations.


Open Hyzers: As noted, the majority of this course consists of quite open (one or two trees) to completely wide open (no trees) holes. This gets very old quickly, especially on the front side of the course after you finish Hole #3. The scenery is nice, and there are rolling hills and clumps of trees to break up the "open field" but it can get very boring very quickly. Couple the length with the fact there are very few Par 4's (that aren't just throw far into field, throw far into field, putt) and this course can have you wanting to head for the car after the front 9.

Safety Issues: The tee for Hole #4 is directly in the fairway line of Hole #3, Holes #11 through #13 are a disaster with walking paths strewn throughout and a forced walk back through the fairway of Hole #11 to get to Hole #12. The rolling hills also lend to some blind shots where you have to walk quite a ways to ensure no one, golfers or park goers, are at risk in the blind spots.

Lost Discs: High lost disc potential with all the water holes, this is mitigated by the alternate tee pads provided.

Design: The course design leaves a lot to be desired. With lack of pin indicators on the sign, lots of "hill" induced blind shots, and long distances used for mostly Par 3's you end up playing a LOT of stock safe hyzers. Being in the Nashville area this course has some heavy hitter competition for play and will be compared against the others nearby. A non memorable front 9 with mostly open hyzers with no imagination or technicality needed is a poor start. Multiple holes play into each other, at or through park shelters, walking paths, and a basketball court. With a mostly open park, I can't understand why the design would play towards where people are located unless purposefully trying to use existing structures to break up the openness. But there is a right way to do that, and this course isn't that.

Wind: Not really a knock as much as a warning. This course is basically on a peninsula that juts out into a lake. There will almost always be wind. Be prepared as super windy days can become majorly frustrating.

Drainage: There are multiple low spots that flood with rain. The day we played there was a virtual lake between Hole #5 and Hole #6 and made playing them and not landing in water an issue.

Poop: As I'm certain probably most every reviewer has stated below, this course is covered in poop. The geese here must hate disc golfers because they tried to cover the entire course and every surface possible.

Other Thoughts:

This is just an ok course. It doesn't wow you and the lines don't challenge you to the point you want to keep coming back to get revenge on it. The quality just isn't there to compete with the other courses in the area. While possibly worth playing once while in the area (preferably on vacation, RV'ng, or Camping maybe) it is certainly not a destination course. I had played Cedar Hill the morning before hitting this on our way home and the let down after playing Cedar Hill and then playing this was real. I was ready to go home halfway through but stayed to give it a fair chance. Again, not a bad course at all, just not memorable, and not worth a dedicated trip.
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13 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 6.1 years 339 played 322 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Wide Open Views with Occasional Challenge 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 10, 2020 Played the course:once


A lakeside scenic course that's mostly wide open but features some good holes.

-Amenities: Concrete tees, signage with all the info except for a pin position indicator, plenty of benches, good chains, practice basket.

-Views: Some really pretty views of the lake in the (3)-(7) range and again from (11)-(17).

-Water Holes: (14) and (15) are both fun and scenic water carries, and both have alt tees for the unadventurous. I especially like how (15) drives to a peninsula, though it's wide enough that only the most overthrown shots could go all the way to the lake on the back.

-Shot Shaping/Gameplay: A lot of very open gameplay from (1)-(6), (8)-(10), and (17)-(18), but there are some more shape-demanding holes out here, usually when the long pin positions introduce a last-minute tunnel or stand of trees that really enhance the fun, such as (3) and (10), and the tremendous variety of pin positions spanning several hundred feet on (13). (7), (11), (14) alt, and (16) all feel like more technical holes. Elevation is a factor on a lot of holes that adds a bit.

-Multi-Pins: There are multiple sleeves for most of these holes, but poor signage doesn't denote which positions is in play. I think some of the holes are pretty poor in the short position, as well.

-9 & 9: Segmented course allows a return to the car.


Wide open spaces.

-Too Open: As noted above, more than half the course consists of holes I would consider to be "quite open." This gets old, especially on the front half of the course. It's not just an open field and some elements force control, but it's not a very high or interesting level of gameplay. The boringness is compounded when you consider the low number of par-4s out here.

-Safety: Walking paths are a hazard from (11) to (13), and disgraceful design flaws in putting tee (4) basically in the fairway of hole (3) and forcing a walkback through the fairway of (11) to get to (12).

-Water: Yes, you could lose a disc. No, I don't take points off for it, especially with alt tees in play.

-Finding the Pin: As noted, with no pin position indicator, it can be frustrating to know what to throw off the tee if the hole is blind due to trees or a hill.

Other Thoughts:

Upon completing (1)-(9) I thought Sanders Ferry was going to score a nice Typical for mostly open shots that only require a bit of imagination. Upon considering the additional shaping challenges and neat water clears on the back nine, it got to a 3.0. It's a beautiful view with some easygoing golf.
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5 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.4 years 193 played 191 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 9, 2019 Played the course:once


There's a bent practice basket right next to the parking lot. I guess bent is better than none. Trash cans and clean park around the course. Easy to find the course giant kiosk board with a course map and par and distances right next to parking lot take a picture it helps. Very nice tee signs with A/B/ and C placements on most holes. Good use of elevation change to breakup the wide open repetitiveness. Tee pads were all in good shape and layout was super easy to follow for the front 9. Lake setting is nice and hole 15 is a fun throw over the lake also has short pad if uncomfortable throwing over it.


Course flows well for the most part except hole 11 you walk back through to get to 12 and there's a decent walkout from 17 to 18. Hole 10 starts on other side of parking lot then kiosk board. Goose poop around and the tee signs don't exactly matchup with the basket placement I feel like. Baskets our old and hole 4s is bent and looks like someone tried to pull it out of ground. The course is super wide open all but 2 holes on the backside our very open, and depending how far you drive should be birdie or par holes. Not many obstacles at all road is ob but shouldn't come into play most the time. Wind can be a factor specially since the course is near the water, all in all it's average

Other Thoughts:

It's a good course for all skill levels, as it's open enough new players won't get to frustrated, but long enough for advanced players to not have gimmie birdies everyhole. It's kind of boring but good use of the elevation they do have. all in all it's a good course but not a super destination area
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2 1
Experience: 18.4 years 202 played 18 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Well maintained course in a nice park 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 6, 2018 Played the course:once


- Nice signage
- Grass well cut
- Clean park (minimal trash)
- Good use of the space and available obstacles


On the back 9 there are some walks between holes that take a bit of looking to follow.

Other Thoughts:

Very nice course for getting in a practice round.
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2 1
Experience: 23 played 12 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great Course for Beginners 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 21, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


This a great course for beginners as well as advanced players. Lots of long holes make up for the lack of wooded shots. Back nine definitely has some holes that can break your round if not careful. Very nice park along the lake.

*Holes 10, 14 & 15 are the highlights IMO

*Places to sit a most holes

*Hooks to hang your bag

*Very well kept


*Portions of the Front nine can get flooded after a big rain

*Pins can go a while without being moved
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5 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.4 years 46 played 36 reviews
2.50 star(s)

I Hope You Like Wind... 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 3, 2018 Played the course:2-4 times


Multiple Pin Placements: Even though they aren't great (see below), there are multiple pin placements on most holes to add some variety to regulars of this park.

Concrete Tee Pads and Signs: The tee pads are big and in good shape, and the signs for each hole do a good job of showing where the baskets are if you can't explicitly see them from the tee.

Scenic: The park itself is pretty scenic. The lake views are nice. We even saw some wildlife on the edges of the lake.


Hole Design: This is one of the least imaginative course designs I've played, especially in the Nashville area. Over half the holes, especially in the front 9, are extremely open throws with no real difficulty to them. There are several times where holes are playing into each other; in other cases, park shelters, walking paths, and a basketball court come into play. This is inexcusable with the amount of open land remaining in this park. The park has some trees and wooded areas, but they also were poorly utilized in the course design.

Wind: The park is situated on a peninsula of the lake, meaning it. is. always. windy. A little wind is not usually a problem; however, the winds here range from a challenge to a huge frustration. It makes approaches and putts especially difficult, and will have a negative effect on your score during gustier days.

Baskets: The baskets are pretty old, and the chains could use some work. There were a couple times where I had a chainbanger that would have caught in a newer basket, but bounced off of these chains and not into the basket.

Water Holes: This is a personal con and not a universal opinion, but I do not understand the allure of a 200' throw over a lake, especially with the unpredictable winds you see at this park. That being said, for this course, it feels odd having an extremely basic, easy layout for the majority of the course, only to be thrown two bombs over the lake for #14 and #15. They do have alternate tees where the water is less in play, which is nice.

The "Lake" Between #5 and #6: I'm not sure why this happens, but there is a ton of standing water between the fairways of #5 and #6. We actually ended up teeing off from about 30' to the left of #5 to avoid the water. Based on the mud in the area, it looks like it was significantly bigger recently than it was today, and today it was borderline problematic. I'm not sure how this looks in the summer, but in the wettest parts of spring it may make these holes unplayable.

Poop: There was poop everywhere. I think most of it was from geese, but some of it may have been from pets. Just be careful when you're out there.

Other Thoughts:

This course is definitely not one of the "destination courses" in Nashville. It is on the end of a peninsula in Hendersonville, making it tough to get to from anywhere south of the lake/river. I would consider it a "beginner" course based on the overall course design, but the wind and the two water throws can increase the difficulty substantially.

To me, it just doesn't match up to the quality of several other courses in the area, and if you are not near Hendersonville, it's not really worth playing often. If you are looking for a beginner-friendly course, there are better courses more easily accessible from the downtown Nashville area.
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3 0
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 11, 2018 Played the course:once


-Open Course
-Multiple Pins
-Great Teepads
-Awesome Location


-Challenging if Windy
-Watch for pet droppings
-Tee Signs are sometimes incorrect

Other Thoughts:

This would have been an AMAZING course to play if the weather had been a little better. It was very windy that day, which caused me to lose two discs in a water hazard that is normally not there. I know I have no control over the weather so that did not take away from the review I am leaving. The overall design is one of the best I have ever played. The hills make for challenging runs at baskets. While the course is mostly wide open, there are a few holes on the back 9 that make you play around trees and the lake. One hole (I believe it is number 11) where the teepad is actually a part of the sidewalk. Me and my buddy almost missed it. Watch for pet droppings around the park, some people don't pick up after their pets which is not fun to have your disc land on top of. This was so far one of my favorite courses.
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1 1
Experience: 8 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

golf 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 23, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


This course has some beautiful views of old hickory lake and is a very family friendly environment. Sanders is a very good beginner course on the front 9 but then becomes more challenging on the back 9. There are 2 awesome water shots on the back 9 with one being alot longer and harder than the other. Great signage and the parks dept keeps it mowed nicely.


Can be an easy course for advanced players. After big rains can hold water on hole 5 and 6. there are multiple pin placements but they do not get moved enough.
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0 3
Experience: 3 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

I love this course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 19, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


Great course for beginners, but presents some challenges as well for those looking to get better.


Water shots are tough, but fun.

Other Thoughts:

Sanders Ferry is a go-to course for me. I love getting to just sling a frisbee on multiple holes. I am not a beginner, but I mostly play for fun. This course is just right for me. Great for bringing some friends to play together, even beginners. It's just a fun course!
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1 5
TN Transplant
Experience: 10.1 years 7 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great all-round Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 29, 2014 Played the course:once


Open course, Water to throw over was nice, Both short and long holes really helped me work on my game. Easy to get around with good signs.


Grass was tall, older baskets, non golfers could get into play

Other Thoughts:

As others have said, it is a great course to work on your game.
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5 0
Experience: 14.6 years 35 played 10 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Not bad 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 16, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


Mainly wide open, any trees on a hole will come into play mainly as you get closer to the pin, with a couple of exceptions.

Good mix of short and long holes. Just enough of a mix between right-to-left and left-to-right to keep it interesting.

Practice basket near the parking lot.

Course is split between holes 1-9 and holes 10-18, so you can pick/choose where to start.

Two water shots to spice it up a little bit. The first one can be a bit of a challenge, the next one is a good "starter" water hole. Both holes have alternate tee pads if you don't feel like risking it.

Not uncommon to see a deer or two and lots of geese... if you're in to that stuff...


Even if you want to go over the water holes, you may not be able to since both of them play around a popular fishing area in the park. Lots of people park their cars on the course here. You may have to play hole #14 from the alternate since everyone is clear on the opposite side from you, near the basket. Hole #15 is a bit easier to ask people to watch out since they're fishing on the teepad - everyone I've asked to move has been friendly, so don't be scared.

Hole #2 plays *REALLY* close to a basketball court, though whenever I go there it's not in use. Could be a problem on very busy park days.

Goose poop. Everywhere. Specifically holes 14-17.

Other Thoughts:

Not a bad course overall, though if you're looking for a difficult/technical course to play then this may not be for you.

Not a bad course to bring a beginner/date. Front nine is really good to get some fundamentals down and have a good time, I think.
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5 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.6 years 28 played 23 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fields...with baskets... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 20, 2010 Played the course:once


18 hole course set in a somewhat crowded county park. Plays mostly in open fields near a big lake.
- Easy to find, adequate parking, pavillions, bathrooms, water fountains, mowed grass, etc. - all things you'd want from a nice, used, family-friendly county park
- Good course for beginners - plays mostly through open fields, with some obstacles and unique aspects on certain holes
- Course map for front 9 located near a practice basket and tee #1 - course map for the back 9 located near tee #10
- Uses elevation fairly well - there are a few hills here and a handful of the holes go up down or diagonal across the inclines
- Concrete tee pads on all holes (2 tees on a couple holes - see below)
- Multiple basket locations on most (I think) of the holes that presumably get changed every so often
- Tee signs with hole map, all basket locations, distances, par - most were in pretty good shape
- Front 9 has almost all open holes around the fields (no real shot shaping needed), with maybe 2 holes having trees come into play
- Back 9 has a few more open holes, but some holes introduce a bit more variety with trees, water and the necessity to throw a certain line
- Holes 14 and 15 are nice challenging drives over water (coves in the lake), but offer alternate tee pads that avoid throwing over the water - I also liked hole 11 (I think), which was downhill through some trees, then a right hand turn with the basket at the end of a tree-lined chute with the lake as a treacherous backdrop for approaches gone long


- While good for beginners, this course is probably too open for most regular players - there is some unused wooded area on the front nine that could be better utilized
- I thought a couple holes (6 and 7 in particular, I think) had tee pads that were very askew from the required flight path, almost like they weren't aimed at the basket - After I made my drive into the opening in the trees on #7, this was somewhat explained when I got back to the course map and found that their suggested flight path had you go way out and around the trees to the left, instead of a more direct line at the basket through the reasonable tree openings
- A bunch of the distances on the tee signs were suspect - I probably came up 50 feet short on hole #3 (I think) and the sign was listed at 210 feet - I don't have the longest arm, but definitely longer than 160 feet (although the hole listed at 310 feet on this site, which would make more sense) - On the flip side, hole #15 is listed at 358 feet on the sign (330 feet on this site) and I sent my drive 20 feet past the basket - I wish I had this long of a drive, but I don't yet
- I got lucky I saw the course map near the pee pad for hole #10 as I drove in, or else I might have been hunting for it, since the course map for the front nine doesn't show where hole #10 is
- No "next tee" signs that I remember
- First few holes play near benches, basketball court, etc. and could be hazardous on crowded days - even the holes around there themselves kind of run into each other a bit so you need to keep an eye out
- The drive over the water on #14 could be hazardous as well, if there are a lot of people parked there for fishing (which there were while I was there)

Other Thoughts:

- Current basket position was not marked on the tee signs in any way, but luckily the course is open enough that you can see exactly where you're shooting
- Benches and trash cans available near some holes
- As mentioned, there is some unused wooded area, as well as more open land "behind" the font 9 that maybe could be explored for more course/hole options

Certainly not a bad course by any means, but I found more challenging and enjoyable alternatives around Nashville. Since I'm only in town once a year, I probably won't make a point to return, but if you live nearby, this is a good option for a relaxed, casual round or a place to teach a new player.
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2 1
Experience: 21.6 years 5 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Awesome 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 17, 2012 Played the course:once


Super easy to follow layout, great signage.

Front 9 are fairly easy but super fun.
Back 9 are harder but still a lot of fun with water options.

Great place for starters and experienced players alike.

Lake access for arriving/leaving on boat, fishing and swimming.

Pavilions with cooking stations, great bathrooms and a good water fountain.

Nice practice basket with trees to putt around if you choose. Also can hop over to hole 10 and practice mid-range and putts if the practice hole is congested.

Easy to play the front 9 twice through without blowing your arm out.

Front 9 offers a 0.03% chance to lose a disc.


Front 9 although fun, poses little challenge for seasoned players.

Park can be crowded at times which most non-dedicated courses can be.

Some of the alternate pin locations take the great away from the holes.

Other Thoughts:

One of my favorite places to play. Fun course even though the newer drivers have outgrown it. Great for casual play since you can have a cookout, go swimming/boating/fishing or fly model airplanes in between play. I highly recommend this course!
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4 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 15.8 years 1512 played 480 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Silly Sanders Ferry 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 29, 2012 Played the course:once


1) Practice basket available near the first tee . . . location could have been better because it was set right amongst a couple pavilions and play areas which I can only imagine are busy at many times.

2) Nice signs with Hole #, distance, and a map. There are also sponsors listed on the sign.

3) Benches and garbage cans are available at many places.

4) Nice map of the back 9 located by the 10th tee which was weird because there was no sign by #1. I assume this reason is because the back 9 can be much more confusing.

5) Nice big concrete tees on this course. I always prefer concrete because they are always playable.

6) Turf seems to be in pretty good condition overall. I had seen a lot of bare turf areas in Kentucky due to dormant turf, but the turf here seemed to be more full despite the same dormancy.

7) Water is used on the back 9 on a few holes. It is only of moderate risk/reward because the carries are not extreme. I would have made the road OB on the left of the longer carry #14 to really make you think about how much you want to bite off with the risk of skipping left into the road on a shorter shot.

8) I love seeing discatchers even though I hate putting on them . . . the reason it helps a travelling disc golfer find the basket so much easier on new courses.

9) For the most part the course is beginner friendly except for the one water carry because it is mostly open.

10) Bathrooms, pavilions, and playgrounds located right in between the two separated nines. Plenty of other activities in the park like a remote control aircraft field, boat launch, and more.


1) The water makes this course a little unforgiving for beginners and I like to see courses appeal to all levels of play. While #15 has a shorter tee with no water carry and a bailout area also, 14 is a much longer carry.

2) There are a couple dangerous areas out here . . .#4 tee is completely in the range and fairway of #3, #5 tee is definitely in a big bombers range trying to turn the big corner and it is blind from the 4th tee, and #7 tee is very much in play from the #6 tee despite being a few trees around it. There is also a danger for the people playing basketball along the #2 fairway. A big hyzer puts you out over the basketball court. The road is also in play on a couple holes.

3) Goofy transition between hole #11 and #12 because you end up turning around and walking backwards quite a ways.

4) This course just doesn't challenge me enough except with distance. Most of the holes on the front 9 are easily thrown and it is all about how far can you throw instead of how good of a shot can you throw.

Other Thoughts:

Unfortunately the ratings on this course do not portray an accurate picture of this course. I really didn't think it was as good as the prior reviewers I guess. Was it fun sure, almost all disc golf courses are fun, but the holes just were not that exciting and the water holes simply do not make up the difference for me. I am not saying this is a bad course at all, just not as exciting as others seem to think it is. I now I had just played Holler in the Hills and Cedar Hill just before I came here and those are two rock solid courses with great variety. This course was simply too open for me to enjoy. The entire front nine only had a few trees in play, the water holes were not challenging enough for me to enjoy the throws and the adrenaline. Fortunately the back 9 has enough challenge and cool basket locations I could play this regularly. I am giving this a 3 disc rating, and know that the front 9 has way more potential than in its current setup. I see a goldmine of basket locations down in that low wooded area where #6 basket is.
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4 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.6 years 701 played 61 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun in a scenic setting 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 26, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


The layout for Sanders Ferry makes good with the elevation changes and scenic views of Old Hickory Lake and other parts of the park. This mostly open course rolls back and forth across a large, well manicured field for the front nine and then stays close to the lakeside along the back nine. None of the holes are tricky in that if you throw a good shot you will be rewarded with a good lie for the next. Even bad shots won't be overly punished except on the water holes where you have a good chance of losing a disc. The existing trees come into play sparingly on the front nine but more so on the back. Many of the holes have multiple pin placements though sometimes the tee signs don't indicate it. Two of the holes on the back directly cross over the lake with four more coming close to water's edge. The tee pads are nicely sized and grippy for a good run up. The tee signs show both pin placements and distances. There are seasoned Innova baskets used that catch well and are easy to spot from the tees. Most tees also have nice benches and trash cans.


There are several spots in the layout that could be potential hazardous. Looking from 3's tee to the basket, you are looking almost directly at 4's tee area in between. This can be a big concern with groups on each hole. The same with 4's tee to basket. You can't see the basket but you're looking directly at 5's tee and if you go straight instead of turning right, you'll be on or past the next tee. Multiple holes play along the road entering the park (11, 18) with others (11, 12) playing along a frequently used walking path. Number 12 is actually a blind shot over the hill along the walking path that could be hazardous. This is a popular park and not just for disc golf. People oblivious to disc golf can be found throughout the course, especially on the water holes, on good weather days. So just be patient with them and be sure they know you're throwing. Several of the tee signs are missing (6, 7, 8 that I can remember) and others have been vandalized with spray paint and other gibberish. With the multiple pin placements, the tee signs make no indication of which sleeve the basket is in but since practically every basket can be seen from the tee, this isn't that big a problem.

Other Thoughts:

Sanders can be a lot of fun for players of all skill levels. Less skilled players may get frustrated with the length and prospect of throwing over water but its all good practice. More skilled players won't find a lot of challenge in the layout but may use this course to fine tune long accurate driving. The course can be very popular on nice weather days. Personally, I'd like to see some more water shots here and wooded shot shaping holes but that would require extensive redesign of the course and moving of other park features (model airplane field and several picnic pavilions). This is one of the two best open courses in the Nashville area with Crockett Park in Brentwood being the other. Its definitely worth the time to play it but don't expect to be blown away.
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2 10
Experience: 14.1 years 2 played 2 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Awesomeness 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 24, 2010 Played the course:once


*Course was wide open. This was our first time ever playing.


*Course was very long...did not see alternate tee boxes (dad)

Other Thoughts:

*Extremely windy that day; made the course extra long / hard (dad).

8-yr old son rated this course.
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9 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.9 years 201 played 147 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Ler 'er rip! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 11, 2010 Played the course:once


Good concrete tee pads for every hole. Signs that show multiple basket positions and hole lengths. Take distances on signs with a grain of salt. Navigation is easy. A few walks are a little long, but in a big open park that is going to happen. Nothing that will get you lost though.

Good use of available elevation, and the wide open fairways. Not many obstacles on most holes, so the ups and downs offer something to challenge you.

Two nice water holes. Both are not really trouble, but do add some nice scenery and risk. The Cumberland River and Hickory Lake provide a nice background for a round here. Bathrooms and gazebos are also on site.


Very open. If you have a good arm and can throw semi-controlled shots around 400' this course will offer little challenge. Only a couple true shot-shaping opportunities.

Some tee signs are missing, and the distances are definitely off a little.

In a couple spots roads and/or sidewalks come into play. In one case, #11, you throw uphill, and the walking path is out of sight. Could be dangerous for bikers or pedestrians.

Other Thoughts:

Hole 7 is a nice uphill shots into some woods. Takes a couple nice shots to get to par. Hole 10 is a nice long downhill, over a small drain/creek and back up into some woods. Another nicely designed hole.

Also make sure you stop by the Cloud 9 Disc Golf Shop at 111 Sanders Ferry Road. It is about 3 miles down the road from the course. Please support your
local shop. They have a great selection of Innova, Discraft, Discmamia and Gateway putters. Buy a disc so they are thief next time you visit.

All in all, this is a decent course worthy of a round. It could get dull if it was your only option, but being the most open course in the Nashville area, it provides a good change of pace. It would also be a good place to practice or bring newer players. Accuracy is not a necessary skill on this course.
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3 0
Experience: 14.3 years 1 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Fun Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 1, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


This is a good course for beginners like myself. Most holes are very open, so you won't have to worry about losing discs, except for the water holes (get it across or it's gone... not too difficult though). And there are many long holes that allow you to rip it off the tees. This was my first real course (I've played a bunch on an easy homemade 9-hole course) and it was a great 1st course for me.


I've played it twice now, and the first time it wasn't very crowded (on a Friday evening around 5:00). The second time though (on a Sunday afternoon around 2:00), the course was very crowded. I was by myself, so groups let me go ahead of them, but there were about 3 or 4 groups that let me pass. I had to wait on the first 3 or 4 holes. Also, some of the tee positions have changed and aren't marked very well. I questioned some of the pars based on where the baskets were.

Other Thoughts:

Fun first course. Again, very open, long holes. Watch out for the water! Nice touch. :)
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2 5
Experience: 14.7 years 25 played 22 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Beautiful course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 13, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Front and back 9 separated by bathrooms and one very warm but delicious water fountain. Nice signage w/ distance and pars listed. Nice place off of hole 11 by the water to take a smoke break. Hole 14 is a sweet over the water shot that makes me feel good. Nice concrete tee pads.


D-bags park on the fairway for hole 13/14/15/16/17.
Tee Signs missing for 7 & 8 after flood in April. (bummer)
Kids play in Hole 18 fairway on nice days.
Hole 16 doesn't flow right in the course design.

Other Thoughts:

I play this course a lot as Cloud 9 pro shop is located conveniently nearby. Great course!
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