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Savannah, TN

Savannah DGC

Permanent course
3.065(based on 8 reviews)
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Savannah DGC reviews

16 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 10.7 years 694 played 671 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Regional Anchor Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 21, 2021 Played the course:once


(2.992 Rating) A park style course with four layout options.
- PLAY OPTIONS - There are four possible configurations to play here now. Short to Short, Short to Long, Long to Short and Long to Long. This type of set up will appeal to a wide range of skill level sets. Bombers with 400 foot plus arms will have the ability to launch-em numerous times while those with modest 250 foot power will have numerous opportunities to park baskets. I wish more courses had this type of versatility. Unfortunately the options provided here caused a lot of other problems, see cons below for more info on that.
- CHALLENGING - I personally played the Short tees to Long baskets. It felt like a good test of my Intermediate skills on the first seven holes. After (7) the intensity tapers off a bit. The Long to Longs is probably lower Advanced level. I wasn't looking extra careful, but it seemed as though only about 8 or 9 holes had long tees. The Long to Long layout adds a lot of length over the Short to Short layout. Something like 2,500 feet added. I would guess that this configuration is perfect for lower Advanced level players.
- HOLE VARIETY - Due to the upgraded play options, the hole variety has scooted from average to above average. Hole distances range from sub 150 to almost 700 feet. There is some modest elevation change in the 20 to 25 foot range. There's a gorging creek that has to be played around on seven holes. There are even a few very fun technical ace runs like hole (7) short to short. I thought the raised basket placement on (6) was one of the better examples I've ever seen with the stacking of train rail timbers. The one missing element here is heavy woods.
- SIGNAGE - Updated and attractive tee signs. They have all the info one would need except next tee direction. Big course map posted near tee (1) as well. Unfortunately, it only reflects the original Short to Short layout.
- AMENITIES - The core items like baskets and tees are really good. Adequately sized concrete pads and DISCatcher baskets. As already alluded too, multiple tees and two baskets in the ground on every hole. There are also a good number of seating areas at the pads, restrooms and shelters in the park. The amenities IMO is the courses strongest aspect.


A good course that's gotten some newer additions that didn't help.
- LAYOUT FLOW AND NAVIGATION - I think this is the only course I've ever played where I thought the second set of 18 baskets didn't help the course overall. For every attributable aspect that was gained here regarding the second set, there were an equal amount of resulting cons to wipe out the benefits. The biggest issue with the added baskets is the layout flow. There are lots of weird and super long transitions when throwing the longest layout. Double backs as long as 700 feet occur. I had to check my map constantly to get around. The spacing of the tees and baskets was greatly affected and is not safe in some instances. Even crossing fairways occur when playing the two bonus holes. The flow of the Short to Short is really good and well designed. Whomever came in to try an add the extra stuff made a lot of errors in trying to maximize length and difficulty.
- SAFETY HAZARDS - In addition to the spacing issues the course has with itself, other park aspects come into play too. Park paths and roads are in play on at least ten holes. Most of the time the offence isn't too egregious, but other times like on holes (7) and (8), the hazard is present the length of the hole. I could see some reviewers shaving off significant score for just this issue.
- LOST DISC POTENTIAL - There's a 10 foot deep and 20 foot wide gorging creek that comes into play a half dozen times. I personally played here after a string of several consecutive dry days and it was almost running down to a trickle. I have a feeling that this creek is raging after a 2 inch rainfall. Discs are likely carried far down stream when the creek is at its banks.
- HOLE 13 - I'm not sure what happened on this one. The original short basket play is a 125 foot lame dinker shot. The long basket play is an unorthodox throw 75 degrees right from where the tee pad aims and it also sort-of has to be lobbed over the tee's protection fence that's in the way. Perhaps it's the result of a forced edit. Regardless, it's a terrible hole for both options.

Other Thoughts:

A good course overall in my opinion when all pros and cons are weighed. A fine local course to be able to work on distance and control. A local could even decide to just run the confidence boosting short to short birdie-fest layout. I'd guess there's a decent sized league here too with weekly events. If you live within an hour to perhaps an hour and a half from here, it's worth checking out once. Especially if you like airing them out. Beyond that, in cities like Memphis and Nashville, these players are likely going to be passing a better course before getting here.
- NATURAL BEAUTY - I scored this aspect about average. There is some nice gradual elevation change appeal in the beginning. A couple of these holes also have a basket dangling near a meandering creek. The back 9 is quasi-pleasant, with lightly spaced large pines. Nothing exotic or worth snapping photos to send to friends, but nice. The main detractor is the encroaching built environment from every direction. Not one hole has a secluded feel to it.
- TIME PLAY - It depends on the layout one is throwing. Probably less than an hour for solos on the Short to Short layout. While the Long to Longs might take a solo 90 minutes.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 28.1 years 350 played 321 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 14, 2018 Played the course:once


My review pretty much echoes the previous few reviews as I had much of the same thoughts:

Nice city park course featuring 18 holes, each with a yellow (shorter) and orange (longer) permanent basket. Plays over mowed grassy fairways dotted with mature trees. A shallow creek with tallish walls is a factor on the first few holes- no real danger of losing discs, just an area of o.b. should you choose to play it as such.

Has all the essentials (concrete tees, color tee signs, Discatchers) and they are all very nice.

Has appeal to a wide range of players from beginner to intermediate, and to me is very appropriate for this park in this area. Relatively open and little chance to lose a disc. (Advanced/Pro would find this somewhat easy even to the long baskets, however.)

Ample parking.


The first few holes started out great, and I thought to myself "if this is just a warmup for the rest of round then we have a 3.5-4.0, but by the time you cross the road, the last half to 2/3 of the holes just does not feel the same- a bit more cramped and repetitive. The first 9 features some length, the back is noticeably shorter, rather than a balanced alternating mix. Looking at the course map it seems there was more area that was not utilized better- maybe could have split 9/9 on each side of the road vs 7/11. But

Not a huge fan of "gimmicky" baskets, but I can play them within reasonable moderation, but this course has 4 ( all were orange). One was super low, one was built up on a pyramid tower of railroad ties (which got me thinking how high is too high for a basket- there is a limit right?), another was suspended on a cable (so high I chose not to putt because I am just over 5' and didn't think I could get my disc back), and one more elevated basket between some trees. My opinion, but I can justify maybe 1 per 9 holes max, but these type are usually signs of a lack of challenge on the hole in generally.

Navigating 7-9 from the longs. Not a logical set-up: requires a long walk between 7 orange and 8 tee, or a temptation to skip hole 8. Clearly the 2nd basket was put in later. Note- tee sign 7 also showed a 3rd blue C basket, it was not there, and was the only sign that showed this.

Some other navigational questions crossing the creek seemingly more times than you might think around 5-7. Again, mainly the orange baskets- which make the holes better, but the navigation worse.

Confusing at first in that the first two holes have 2 tees and 2 baskets, which makes you think it is this way the whole course, but it is not. Only 1 other hole that I found had 2 tees.

Some holes are close to other things, one hole in particular practically plays over a playground. Park roads in play on many holes.

Short 13 is a bit weird, about 130' but makes a 180 turn the left due to a mando around all the trees. I guess designed to be played as a sharp cutting roller, but again appears to be sort of a stretch due to space restraints.

Other Thoughts:

The first few holes started out great, but by the time you cross the road to the last half the course, the feel is just not the same- a bit more cramped and repetitive. That being said, there are still 18 holes of decent challenge, with 2 baskets per hole. Seems maybe like a work still in progress as the signs often did not reflect the 2nd basket.

I enjoyed playing here. I played a round to each basket set. I would play here again if in the area or visiting Pickwick Lake. Does not have tight technical woods or elevation, but sometimes it is nice just to relax and have a little fun being able to throw some long shots without being punished followed by some ace run-birdie opportunities.

I have this on the lower side of 3.0 (maybe around 2.85 with the 36 baskets giving it the bump up).
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5 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 11.3 years 54 played 45 reviews
2.00 star(s)

City park stereotype 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 23, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


Dual pins, and dual tees on some holes. All tees are concrete, and all baskets are Discatchers. Additionally, there are 36 baskets in the ground - you can play either placement on any hole on any day. Mixture of distances, but see below re short holes. A few forced doglegs. Water in play, and sparse trees to guard otherwise snoozy lines.


Very open, especially up front, and flat everywhere except the creek/ditch itself. Mandos are creative, but aside from hole 7, they all feel like artificially forcing a hole out of nowhere - and the doglegs they create are almost unnaturally sharp, especially for baskets at otherwise incredibly reachable distances.

Short holes everywhere, and the long bomber hole(s, marginally plural) are wide open shots that are only long for the sake of being long - nothing about the pin position says "pin goes here!" and justifies the length. Additionally, there's a pronounced asymmetry to the hole lengths: the front is reasonable and then the back just... ran out of room, it seems.

Tee signage seems incomplete at times - is the apartment complex next door OB? Only if you feel like imposing your own accountability standards.

Course is precariously close to the walking trail at times.

Other Thoughts:

Flow is not great, but aside from a wander between 8 and 9, not truly awful either.

Orange pins are the harder and usually longer set, while the yellows are much easier.

Overall, if I were to sum this review up simply, this is the stereotypical city park course.
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6 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 15.5 years 793 played 112 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Hurried design? 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 10, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


Two tee pads, two baskets for each hole.
Beautiful city park with a deep winding creek (usually dry) running thru the course that was well utilized.
Many different shots to throw off the tee.


(Disclaimer: I've only played the long pads) Designer must have run out of room or long pads were added later. Front 6 holes are pretty decent. Then it goes down hill. 14-16 are boxed in and land locked. Extremely short holes that don't fit the rest of the course. 16 may even have a hyzer line thru a homeowner's yard.

Long walk between the two holes that parallel the park entrance road. When you see the next tee directly across the road from the current tee you are on, that's a bad sign. Throw 600+ ft. and walk back that 600+ ft. for the next hole. Save yourself some steps and tee off from both and hole out from both, because the baskets are also across the park road from each other.

Several safety issues with the design. Short pads may avoid these safety issues. But long pad routes fly over playground equipment, too close to shelters, and over other hole's tee pads. 1 & 2 share a fairway.

Other Thoughts:

This course could use a serious re-design, but concrete tee pads have already been poured.
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2 0
Experience: 8.7 years 21 played 18 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun and rewarding course set in a park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 14, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


-2 Baskets every hole
-2 tee pads some holes
- Nice New Innova Discatcher baskets
- Concrete tee pads
- Nice mix of fun and challenging holes
- Easy to follow layout
- tee signs every hole
- Nice course map and practice/warmup baskets


- a few very long par 3's for amateurs
- some very simple holes
- don't like 125 foot mando hole 13. Looks like an afterthought

Other Thoughts:

Overall this is a nice, new, fun course in a public park. First 8 holes seemed wide open and flowing, maybe too much so. 9-18 feel kinda jammed in and afterthoughtish. I agree that the course could have benefitted from a DG course planner.

That said, I love the course. If it were my home course I think I'd be a happy DG'er. Very rewarding when you're playing well. As an AM3 player, I can see parring or even minusing this course.
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4 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.4 years 136 played 58 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 23, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


This is a nice looking course in a scenic city park. There are very nice tee signs and 2 sets of large concrete tees on almost every hole. There are also 2 sets of baskets on every hole, with yellow or orange bands to help you know which layout you are playing. This amount of detail made navigation a breeze we never had any issues finding our way around.

The course itself is the typical city park type course with very little under growth and gentle rolling hills. It was mostly open and lightly wooded, but they used the trees reasonably well to force certain shots. The addition of the extra tee pads and baskets allows for a great variety for all skill levels.


I liked the extra baskets, but not all of them were on the tee signs. They have 3 raised baskets and one extremely low basket, which in of itself is fine, if used in moderation, but I feel like 3 is too many and takes it too far. The one on railway ties was especially bad, because it was way too high and you could literally land under the basket and have no putt.

Design wise, it seemed like they ran out of space, because the back half has a few dumb holes that seemed like they were just there to fill space and get the course to a full 18 holes.

Other Thoughts:

The course isn't really going to blow you away, but it has potential and it has several interesting and challenging shots. Overall, it is most certainly fun to play and I would recommend it to anybody in the area, but the gimmicky ideas and the dumb holes certainly hurt my overall impression of the course.
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2 4
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Excellent Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 4, 2015 Played the course:once


-Well kept
-Nice shots
-Slim chance of losing a disc
-Friendly Locals


Too many squirrels on the course

Other Thoughts:

This is a great course. The addition of the pro pads and baskets really change the course up and give it a completely different range of shots.
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9 4
Experience: 32.3 years 90 played 8 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Pretty fun beginner course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 30, 2015 Played the course:once


Nice piece of property with room to grow the course. Beautiful park. Nice tee pads.


One major concern of mine is that the tee signs are way too close to the teepads and you can hit your hand on them in your follow through. Just a matter of time before this causes a major injury to someone.

Other Thoughts:

Overall a pretty fun course although there are a few silly holes. Definitely looks to be an amateur design. Could be awesome with a little input from an experienced designer. Too bad they poured concrete pads already or these issues could have been dealt with.
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