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Long Grove, IA

Schultz Park

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10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.4 years 1162 played 739 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 12, 2023 Played the course:once


Schultz Park DGC is your typical park niner. There's a couple trees in play on every hole. Not many, just enough to force the occasional shot shape. They put most of the baskets next to or tree or two as well. There's also a little elevation in play too.

The baskets are older Mach II's. These are still in solid shape though. They catch OK, not great. Someone put some blue rubber strips on the center pole at some point, I'd assume to cut down of spit outs off the pole. This actually worked pretty well. What was even nicer was that it made the baskets more visible from a distance. Never seen this before but I must say, I liked it.

The course now has concrete tees. Not sure when these were put in but I updated the course info page to reflect this. The pads are pretty small but work just fine for the lengths of these holes. The tees are level, grippy enough and get the job done. One tee per hole.

The design is pretty solid for the limited space of this park. The course starts and ends by the parking area. The distances are all pretty similar, but like I said earlier, they incorporate the trees about as well as could be done.

The course is permanent, free to play and was in great shape on our visit.


The hole lengths are all pretty similar. The DGCR had about half of them listed as exactly 300'. This seemed to be pretty accurate too. Starts to feel a bit repetitive after about half the course.

The tee signs are missing on many of the holes and the ones that are still there don't really give any good info. Not that it really matters since you can see every basket from the tee.

The bottom of the hill seems like it might retain water after heavy rains or snow melt. Not a huge deal but it was a little swampy in a couple spots at the bottom of the hill on a hot summer day.

Other Thoughts:

Like I said above, this is your run of the mill park nine hole course. You know what you're going to get when pulling into the lot. It's a fun course and is worth a quick play if you have time and are passing through. Nothing memorable about it, but I'd be happy if I had something like this near me. Good place for a quick round.
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2 1
Experience: 6 months 78 played 5 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Nice warm up or cool down course! 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 27, 2017 Played the course:once


We played Schultz Park on our way back home from a trip going north out of the Quad Cities. We decided to add one more little nine hole course to squeeze in a few more holes, and Schultz Park was a pleasant little surprise! There is very little danger of interfering with other things going on in the park (e.g. soccer practice), although we did have to wait for a moment on a lady walking through the park with her dog.
Tee pads have been added since some of the initial reviews of this park... small pads are better than no pads!
Several drives of over 300'
Good use of elevation, some interesting throws with the valley
Good use of a small area
Not very far from the highway in/out of the QC
Easy to play a quick round
No danger of losing a disc
Good for a warm up on your way or a cool down on your way back
Good use of trees to make more challenging drives and upshots
Valley blocks some of the wind


Tee pads are on the small side
#1, as noted below, is a blind approach, and another basket appears to be #1 until after you throw
Some of the signs have been damaged
A few of the holes play against each other, but I doubt this is often a problem with the amount of disc golf traffic in the park
Potential for water at the lowest point in the valley, though we did not face this

Other Thoughts:

We almost didn't stop, but it was so close to the highway. I'm glad we did. I'll definitely play again on my way up highway 61.
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2 0
Experience: 13.3 years 18 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nice Little Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 13, 2015 Played the course:once


This is a very nice course, considering it's only a 9 hole. Most 9 holes I've played fall into the "really easy-open area-short holes" scheme, where a course seems like it was put on an open field just because they could. This course is different. There is a valley running through the middle, a handful of holes that are around 300 feet give or take, and several that actually require you to have a few different types of throw in your bag. Some holes are actually somewhat challenging.


The signage is terrible. After the first couple of holes, I had to run back to the beginning because I realized I was throwing at the WRONG holes. There were a few times I got a little confused. There's also a bit of a creek that runs through the middle, but it's so low that you can't see it. As such, I walked unsuspectingly into super soaking grass, and as far as I could tell there isn't an easy way around it without going around the long way.

Other Thoughts:

I really liked this course. Considering there's some SUPER awesome courses in this general area, this one was a nice break. Not heavily forested, not the hardest course you'll ever play, doesn't take super long. I played it in between playing Middle Park and West Brook, and it was just a really nice breath of fresh air. I highly recommend the stop, even though it's just a quick nine.
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2 0
Tomahawk Cook
Experience: 11.5 years 18 played 2 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Decent Private Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 30, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


-Located in a nice neighborhood

-Low traffic park, there will probably be nobody but you there, and if there's someone there they won't be disc golfing

-Birdie friendly, holes are all under 350 so every single hole can be deuced

-Well kept grass and tree trimming minus trees on one or two holes

-Fair mix of backhands and flicks needed to plant each hole, option available to tomahawk/thumb a couple of holes as well


-Teepads are too small, they are so short you have to do your approach before the pad, make sure you don't slip over the cement lip of the pad, and then try not to fall off the front

-Teepads and baskets overlap or come close in multiple locations, if by some chance there are more than 1/2 groups playing, these areas become immediate danger zones

-Holes are not labeled as clear as they could be, so the first time you play you may throw at the wrong basket here or there

Other Thoughts:

This is a nice little course tucked away in a low population area. It's ideal for some quick practice rounds working on controlled backhands and flicks. If there's nobody else in the park, it quite honestly plays like your own, very basic, private disc golf course in a big old back yard.
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1 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.4 years 260 played 40 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Nice quick play 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 7, 2012 Played the course:once


-Easy to get to from highway 61
-In a nice neighborhood
-For the most part easy to follow
-Some of the trees add difficulty
-not busy and all the playground equipment is away from the course.


-Didn't use the tee pads because they reminded me of a batters box in baseball at the end of the season and I didn't trust the footing
-I blew by the entrance to the park because it is sudden, but there was a sign for the park.

Other Thoughts:

Id say if you are in the area and you wanted to play a quick nine this would be a nice course to stop at. Its nothing really special but nothing I really complain about either except the tee pads. It is a beginner friendly course with most of the holes in the 250-300 range.
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1 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 15.7 years 1512 played 480 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Not horrible,but not great 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 1, 2010 Played the course:once


1) Disc golf sign at the parking lot directing you to the first tee. Signs like this help the disc golfers out and they also promote the sport to the rest of the park users. Otherwise people might not even know there is disc golf in the park.

2) Signs that have a general layout on them and the distance. Better than nothing.

3) Mach baskets are in pretty good shape. They have the number plates but because of the redesign it was hard to figure out which was which.

4) This course has the biggest oldest Hawthorn tree I have ever seen in my life. If you were to try and climb this tree, you might not dislodge yourself from some of the thorns. It was immense and dangerous, I was kidnof surprised I didn't see like 10 discs stuck up there.

5)This course is somewhat challenging. This is also a negative below, but at least making birdies isn't easy on every hole.

6) This courses biggest asset is the elation changes that it uses. There are some fun ripper holes and even an uphiller that dramatically shortens your drive because of the hill.

7) Trees are also available on every hole. Some of the trees are in akward spots, but a lot of time it is simply to help protect the basket, or protect the tee from an errant throw. Without the trees this course would be very mundane.

8) Beginner friendly from the standpoint that the holes aren;t super long and the risk of losing a disc is not real high.

9) I liked the arrows that were placed on top of the teeposts pointing to the basket. I think those had all been updated since the baskets had been changed.


1) #1 basket is blind from the tee and there are dense shrubs about 5' away from the basket on 65% of the circle. The open 35% is on the left side which means you do not want to RHBH hyzer it around the trees liek I did. It's the only reason I didn't make birdie. I was 10' away but totally blocked from one of the shrubs. I think it need to be more clear as to the shape of the hole, or at the very least, bring the shrubs up slightly to allow for a low putt through them.

2) One thing or another on this course simply leave the holes feeling goofy. There are awkwardly placed trees and shrubs, there are blind shots, the layout is somewhat goofy even after it appears that the course has been altered recently. I enjoyed playing but I certainly felt a little akwardness about this design and the lay of the course.

3) Crossing fairways and tees throwing directly over other tees or baskets. Holes 3, 4, 5, and 6 had been changed to throw to different baskets. This redesign makes more sense than the original but it is also still somewhat goofy. I would simply have moved the baskets around, it can't be that hard to dig up the concrete sleeves and move them.

5) Natural teepads can create foot planting issues, but at least they werent wore downt o gravel and dirt.

Other Thoughts:

All in all this course was allright. it was fun to play, but also annoying at the same time. Playing it another time would certainly help me overcome some of the awkwardness.
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1 0
Experience: 15.3 years 31 played 15 reviews
1.00 star(s)

FORE!!! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 31, 2010 Played the course:once


-Mach 2 Baskets
-Elevation changes add to course challenge
-Mature trees protect the majority of the pins
-Playground and soccer field for those who don't play disc golf
-By appearance, the course isn't played much, so if you're looking for a quick round in solitude, this could be the place.


-Natural Tee Pads, in most cases I had to throw from further back to avoid stepping in holes
-Course layout has tee pads and pins a little too close for comfort on several holes. I think it not a good thing to be preparing for a drive, and taking anothers disc to the back of the head, or any other part for that matter
-The majority of the course is in a valley. It was wet with little to no rain for the last week, hate to see what it's like when the sky opens up.

Other Thoughts:

This was a fun course to play over lunch. There were branches that were trimmed from the trees by the pins and along the fairways that were cut and left. I assume the City of Long Grove is responsible for the maintenance and that this condition is not the norm. Only get one chance for a first impression. I might play this one again, and I might not.
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2 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 25.4 years 443 played 87 reviews
1.00 star(s)

nice little neighborhood park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 28, 2009 Played the course:once


-a great use of available elevation here. 5/9 holes use the valley as elevation.
-Decent hole length, one shorty (number 1) but the rest have decent hole length for the small course area around 250-300.
-Pins are well protected, almost all the pins are surrounded by trees, and many have overhanging limbs to force low shots. Hole 1 was almost surrounded by pines, and hole 8 had a nice line of scrub trees protecting it.
-Course stays away from other park activities. There is a soccer field and a playground which were completely avoided in the layout of the course.
-Some nice shot variety here, I pulled out a small arsenal of shots.


-Natural teepads, they were pretty slick when I played, but I played back from them and it was fine.
-This course has a ton of overlap in the fairways, some of the that I noticed were 7-8, 3-4-5, 9-4 (somewhat), if this course had more than a group on it, it would be dangerous.
-The course was built along a drainage ditch in the valley, so it was nasty soggy.

Other Thoughts:

The course was fun, but I was rather unimpressed by the overlapping holes. As a recreational course, the whole point is to have multiple groups 'recreating', but I think it would just end up in a head injury. I would skip the course if it were being played. If not, it was fun so go play.
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3 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 36.3 years 936 played 137 reviews
2.50 star(s)

very good for small area 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 24, 2009 Played the course:once


A very nice little valley. Small amount of land used very well to grant nine good holes of disc. Very well maintained park, with no litter. I played barefoot and felt no pain from rough terrain or, fear of glass the entire round.
As we entered the last half of the course; I realized; because I was writing them down, hole lengths were very similar. It hadn't felt that way, because the holes provide nice variety in shot selection and elevation.
But, I did make these notes: #6 plays slightly longer than 300, due to a slight uphill finish. #7 Begins with a fairly low ceiling and is a long slight anheiser (rhbh).
#9 is only 270 ft., but has extreme uphill elevation for the first half of the hole; resulting in the shot playing more like 330 ft.
Tee signs are quite basic. However, a nice addition is arrows, on a metal plate, on top of the chest high tee posts, showing direction to bucket.
Unworn tees illustrate that this one is an escape from the crowds.


The use of this rather small parcel of valley; although magical, presents one troubling aspect.....any amount of people on the course at one time will make for dangerous play. Buckets are usually close to tees. Also, buckets themselves, are grouped pretty closely together. We had the course to ourselves in the middle of a weekday; and, the course seems rather unplayed; though, very well kept; so, for us, was not an issue.

Other Thoughts:

As hole lengths indicate; this is a 300 foot per hole course. No real long ones and only one 210 ft., MUST, bird. If this is a challenging range for you; you will enjoy the layout.
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