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Philadelphia, PA

Sedgley Woods

3.435(based on 61 reviews)
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Sedgley Woods reviews

5 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.3 years 42 played 40 reviews
3.00 star(s)

The Second Oldest Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 29, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


I finally got to play this course all the way through for the first time. Every time I was in the Philly area, it was to cold to play. There are 27 holes of pure Disc Golf pleasure. There is a nice kiosk and a lost and found disc drop box near hole #1. There is also three practice baskets to warm up with before your round. The are three different tee positions to choose from blue, yellow, and red. The front eighteen is mostly wooded and short with very tight fairways and the outback is more open with some nice longer holes and a few dogleg left and right shots. The are a few chances of some Ace shots on a few holes on the front eighteen. The locals seem to be very friendly here and will help direct you around the course, even though there are maps available at the kiosk. There are rubber fly tee pads on most holes which has decent grip and the baskets are in good shape. They have weekly events throughout the year here if you want to get in on the tag leagues.


I heard it can get really packed throughout the week so it is best to play early if you can because it can get really crowded. The navigation of the course can be a little tricky, so watch your signs as they will direct you to the next tee. The outback does not have any tee signs so watch for the hole numbers that are placed on some trees. Some holes don't have flypads and are just regular dirt tees. There should be some more trash cans throughout the course. I only seen a few at the beginning of the course.

Other Thoughts:

Some of the holes on the front eighteen are really short because the course was designed for the regular frisbees. this is supposed to be one of the first disc golf courses ever installed on the Eastcoast and has a unique feeling when playing here, If you are in the Philly area, you should try to make some time to stop by and check it out. You should not be dissapointed.
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2 5
ryan ranes
Experience: 16.1 years 48 played 26 reviews
4.50 star(s)

an awsome technical old course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 13, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


an awsome course with lots of diffrent shots and diffrent tee pads for diffrent skill levels they even have a lost and found for discs there they are very trustworthy people there the first 18 is an easy walk then 19-27 is sort of a work out most of the holes are short with yellow and blue tee pads u can get them with your putter and midranges but u will have to be very accurate the red tees are even more tight and even further it is very challenging course


theree are some very high bushes and thorn bushes that occur on 3 and 4 it will be very hard to find luckily i found mine but some1 told me there was poison ivy

Other Thoughts:

definatley play with the locals there they are the only one's who sales disc anywhere around there and they have doubles there tuesday thursday im not sure what time but when u go there u will meet one of them at least they are all very freindly
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6 2
Doctor Whoov
Experience: 26.3 years 39 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Sedgley 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 22, 2010 Played the course:once


This is my favorite type of course. Lots of up and down but not rediculously long. There are quite a few aceable holes here. It was pouring rain but there is plenty of tree cover so it doesn't get too bad. Did sit in the car a bit between the front and back nine. We didn't get to play the back back nine so next time there will still be some new turns.


A tight, crowded course. If you have a big arm and can't turn it down then you will have problems overthrowing the pin.

Other Thoughts:

As far as the previous comment about the rudeness of the local players, I didn't see that. They were playing tags when we got there and were nothing but helpful. Guy selling discs too in case your bag feels a little light.
What else can be said about Sedgely Woods. It's one of the first courses that there was. Go play a piece of history!
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19 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.2 years 85 played 64 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A Different DG Experience 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 11, 2010 Played the course:once


Having a course (the only course) so close to Center City is a big plus. Philly traffic is usually a CF, but getting to Sedgley Woods is actually very easy and straight-forward. Despite the urban location, the course is tucked into Fairmount Park and is a green gem in a concrete jungle. Although there are plenty of trees and other vegetation, there is little to no undergrowth on the course itself. This makes an already small course seem much bigger.

Without a doubt, the local players keep this course relevant. Examples include the fact that the course was very clean with little litter, a lost disc drop box, a well-maintained course, and baskets that are in great shape. I believe that none of which would be possible without the folks that play Sedgley Woods frequently. Further, each group I encountered was extremely chill and friendly. This includes Kwick, one of the Sedgley Woods course guides, who did a great job of providing a background on the course and the local DG scene.

Three different tee pads (most of which are also in great shape, BTW) allow for a variety of different course layouts and levels of difficulty. Surprisingly, there are several different holes that have interesting elevation changes.

Overall, the signs were complete and helpful. For those that were visible, each tee was clearly indicated as was the distance, basket, and next tee.

Oh, and did I mention 27 holes? Yeah, a 27-hole course in a city setting. Holes 19-27 are newer, have a slightly different feel, and are a bit longer than the original 18.

Throughout the entire course there were several technically challenging holes that pushed drive/approach placement.

Despite a 27-hole layout, the course plays very very quickly. If I recall correctly, the first 27-hole round took around 75 minutes with two players.

Two practice baskets make warming up easy by allowing players to putt between the two.


This course was originally designed and installed well over 30 years ago. When you read most of my cons take into consideration the fact that there has been a lot of change in the past 3 decades.

Most of the holes (at least in the shortest position) were very short and birdie-worthy. But before I can completely slam the hole lengths, I remind myself that certain discs that were considered to be distance drivers 5-10 years ago have scaled down to fairway drivers and numerous are now considered to be mid-ranges. The short layout of the holes isn't a function of poor design, but of the technology that was available at the time the course was originally installed.

Although much criticism for the course length can be discounted, I do have some concerns with the way in which some holes are laid out on top of other holes. I frequently found myself on my toes looking around to see whether discs were flying in my direction or to make sure that I don't drill someone else on a nearby hole. I can see some potential safety issues with how the holes bleed into each other.

Without a guide, and despite the signs at most tees, it might be easy to get turned around. It could be easy to drive or putt toward the wrong basket.

While being the one and only course in Philly is a bonus for the Philly folks, in good weather I can see this course getting fairly crowded.

Other Thoughts:

I've dinged other courses for short holes and layout issues, but, in general, Sedgley Woods gets a pass on these issues because of the pioneering spirit that went into the original course creation over 30 years ago.

I enjoyed the course because it focuses on the shorter portions of the game (as opposed to just uncorking discs) and forces you to fine tune the approach aspects that are crucial to all courses.

I will play this course again. If you're in the Philly area, I'd recommend giving Sedgley Woods a try and get a taste of early disc golf history.
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5 6
Experience: 16.3 years 47 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A good time 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 21, 2010 Played the course:once


A good course with alot of different shots involved 27 holes and in good condition


couldnt play hole 9 because the club was camped in front of the basket try not to play there when there present unless you are a part of the club other clubs will ask you to play or at least move for you and they were a little rude to tell me i needed to clear out for the tournament what is up with that?

Other Thoughts:

The club players not all of them but the rude ones should help support the sport not want to run people off ive played alot of places and will say this club didnt give me a good first inpression
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14 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.7 years 50 played 18 reviews
3.50 star(s)

First East Coast Pole Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 7, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Excellent Disc Golf club
27 holes with 3 tee pads per hole (blue, yellow, red)
League "Tag Challenge" 3 days a week
Thursday doubles all year
Maintained year round
many tournaments randing form competetive to casual
Locked Lost and Found for discs, that most members utilize
Discs for sale often times during Tag Rounds
Baskets are in great shape and catch well


The course is a little overcrowded. It was built in the '70s and todays plastic makes this course generally short and a little on top of eachother.
Some of the signs are old and could use updating (1-18) and signs have not been put in for 19-27, although the course is relatlively easy to follow.
I do enjoy courses that water comes into play, and this has none.

Other Thoughts:

This is a wonderful course located in Philadelphia, yet does not feel like it is in a city at all.
This course is beginner friendly as many of the holes are short (175-230 range) from Blue and the atmosphere is about having a good time. The people here play all year in all weather and are more than happy to lend a hand or advice to a new player.

This course is mainly set in the woods, so accuracy is much more important than power. An advanced AM can play the majority of the course with Mids with many drives under 250 ft. While it is set in the woods, there are several lines to every pin which makes the course fair. There are many birdie opps, but bad shots while be punished. Many times you can still recover for a par, but you will need to play smart to score well.
With so much play and maintanence, the course is very well groomed. The club does an excellent job of fighting back brush, poison ivy, etc.
The tee pads are mostly rubber fly pads and natural/gravel.
Several benches allow players to relax, taking a break if they would like.
There is a great variety of shots that are required. Anny/Hyzer, tommys, and elevation changes. Some holes have anny and hyzer lines giving you many options, especially if you want to practice different shots to improve your game.

Stop by for $2 doubles on thursday for a great time and way to learn the course.
There is also a "bush league" for women.

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12 1
Shannon Winn
Experience: 46.4 years 33 played 15 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Slice of History 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 20, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Sedgley...what can be said about this place that hasn't already been said dozens of times. I used to drive 50+ miles nearly every day to play it back in the early 80's.
The locals are the best anywhere. They love their course, and keep it maintained beautifully, especially considering where it is. Back in the day, it was quite common to find the place littered with crack vials, hypodermic syringes, live ammo, dead dogs, and on at least one occasion a crashed car. Part of it's charm, really.
Those days are gone--the place is, if not immaculate, darn close. Gone are the prostitutes who used to stroll up and down the sidewalk abutting holes 1 & 2, some of whom weighed as much as a small car. The place is pretty safe.
The course itself is fun, varied, and can be had if your game is on. Local knowledge is a huge plus. You don't need a huge arm to score, and most holes are not too tight, after you've played a few rounds. The place grows on you, and you need multiple rounds here to really get the feel. I once played 12 rounds in a day, but the course was shorter back then, and I was much younger.
I believe every disc golfer should make at least one pilgrimage to this holy place, if for no other reason than to pay homage to a course that has stood the test of time proudly, despite monumental hardships.


Lock your car. It's still a rough neighborhood. Some of the holes are close together, but it's not the big deal others seem to think it is. Just be aware.
Unfortunately, the most beautiful hole there, #13, has been allowed to become overgrown, turning what used to be one of the most classic ace runs in the world into a huck-and-pray. Ten minutes with a chain saw could return this hole to its former glory.
Wear socks you don't care about. Fine black dirt will work its way through your shoes- I think its car exhaust residue.

Other Thoughts:

I love Sedgley. I will always love it. Give it a shot and you will too.
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1 11
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 22, 2009 Played the course:once


established in 1970 this course has acool atmosphere and greatr people. This is only 5 minuts from inner city philidelphia. alot of ace runs here


a little scrunched up but not to bad

Other Thoughts:

definetley a must play if you are in the Phili area!!
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8 2
Experience: 5 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Bump for Action 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 14, 2009 Played the course:once


$8 cab fare from downtown Philly. Beginner friendly. Don't need many discs to play it (a putter, midrange, over-stable driver for thumbers and tomahawks and a neutral driver for the NEW 9.) Birdies all over the place. But most of all a hell of a disc golf community.


Short. No food or stores in immediate area (so pack your drinks and food before you leave the city).

Other Thoughts:

The new 9 (holes 19-27) is much longer and diverse. The property and walk is very nice. If you are a player and are in Philly, you have to get out for doubles on Thursday. A and B players are paired together encouraging all skill levels.
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5 6
Experience: 8 played 8 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 28, 2009 Played the course:once


This course was awesome, so worth the trip!!!!!
the park has maximized the very little space it has to make an outstanding disc golf course. Park goers are not anywhere near you. Holes are well marked and each and every one is unique and memorable making for such a high rating. It is a challenge to play through this course even on par, let alone under. Great teepads that are easy to find. There is an area for lost/forgotten disc at park entrance. Great course!!!!


Very crowded, even in the frigid weather of PA. Holes can be very short.
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9 1
Experience: 10 played 10 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great city course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 8, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Fun and challenging play that requires enough finesse to keep longtime players interested, but easy enough to attract new players. 27 pins, with 3 alternate tees on nearly every hole. Very convenient for city dwellers and visitors. Friendly, very active club which makes for a well maintained and safe course.


Entire course is relatively short and tight, so very few opportunities to really air it out with your drivers. Can be very crowded on weekends. Sedgley Woods is a part of sprawling Fairmount Park- the course is in one of the rougher neighborhoods that Fairmount touches.

Other Thoughts:

Sedgley was my home course for 8 years. The more I played it the more I loved it. It is an excellent example of the value that an active and devoted local club can add to any community. Check it out if you are in town- it makes for a quick, challenging, and fun round of disc any time of year.
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10 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.3 years 40 played 33 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Sedgely 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 18, 2009 Played the course:once


I played this course while visiting Philadelphia for the weekend, and it was perfect. It's in the city, which made it really convenient to get in a round. It doesn't feel like a city course, though - it is very nicely secluded. I really liked the hole variety here - there's a little bit of everything: varied terrain, varied distance, varied pars, and 3 tees per hole. Signs (except for the back 9) on every hole made it easy to find the basket (at times there are several in sight). Not to mention that there are 27 holes here, which ought to keep you occupied for a while. This course makes an excellent use of space, and while it isn't the longest, there are opportunities to throw just about any type of shot.


Fairways are all pretty close together. I had read that I would need to be careful here, but it wasn't much of a problem. It was pretty crowded (to be expected on a weekend), but the locals were friendly and everyone seemed pretty alert about people playing around them. Traffic getting to the park was a little rough, but I had to contend with Saturday zoo traffic - if I knew my way around there area it seems like it wouldn't be so bad.

Other Thoughts:

I'm really glad I was able to make it out to Sedgley. I was impressed with the course design, and I was surprised to find it in such good condition after reading about how old it is. I definitely plan to make it back here the next time that I am in the area.
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9 0
Experience: 15.7 years 6 played 6 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Fun, yet challenging course for all levels 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 10, 2009 Played the course:once


Lack of length is compesated nicely with plenty of trees. No real straight shots from tee to basket. 3 sets of tees allows fun course for beginners, yet a challenge for more advanced players. Newer set of 9 holes is longer, yet a little more open which gives a good variety to the course. Every hole on original 18 has nice signs mapping out the hole. Good variety in the terrain. 3 practice baskets are nice and keep people from practicing on the actual course.


Tees range from dirt to pads. "new" 9 is quite an adventure through the woods (long walks from basket to next tee). Some areas that can easily be in play a little too overgrown.

Other Thoughts:

I really liked this course. You really don't realize you're in the city at all. The course locals are all very nice and always willing to answer your questions or give you a pointer or 2. They have scorecards and maps at the first tee!!!
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26 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.3 years 156 played 149 reviews
3.50 star(s)

The Palestra of Disc Golf 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 21, 2009 Played the course:once


The city of brotherly love...astoshingly friendly locals. The History here is unparalleled on the East Coast. First Pole Hole Course on East Coast Established in '77' the course has a rich tradition that gives it an almost shrine like feel. Where else can you play around an abandoned colonial era house that was the home of Ben Franklin's daugher. I could see Ben playing Disc Golf. The course is very old school. I was tempted to get my lid out and show my age. A tribute to a fallen DGer on hole #23, a nice touch....Got that before you step on the course there is an ambience here that is different...Now the course itself, It is very underrated I think. It is a very fun technical course. You will play plenty of old growth trees, up and down hills, over deep gorges, course is short but every hole will challenge your game. hard to explain but this course has a lot of exceptional features: tight lanes, fast greens, 2 or more options on your drives, trouble early, trouble late, multiple tees with permanent basket locations Amen! Often the tees are spoked off of different fairways and make the hole a completely different shot and experience...Great baskets all the tees are in good shape. Parking, Potties and Kiosk. Solely a disc golf dedicated area of Historic Park. Surprisingly Clean for a Philly Park. Informative tee signs. This course offers 27 holes in 3 configurations so there are 81 options off the tee. Good Times! The best course I have ever played as far as having to be creative. Reminds me of growing up and playing safari with my brother in the early 80s. The perfect place to introduce someone to the game and to hone your approach and putt game. Amazing view from the benches on hole #24. This is the ideal piece of property for disc golf. Course has 3 loops that end each time back at your car. The newer outback nine offer a less crowded more rugged and quite interesting experience.


It is short. There are no wide open chances to really grip and rip. Thankfully the local players are friendly because the stories of people being hit by discs here are unmatched any place in America. I heard a tale of a guy who got spiked by a driver...5 stitches! I guess the old lids never did that damage. Everyone seems to have a story of being thwacked or thwacking someone! Course is 32 yrs old and the growing pains are evident. The tees are usually just a few feet from the prior basket. Course is very cramped along the first 9 holes. It never criss crosses but fairways face each other and play is just too close to tee pads and other players. I played on a 10 degree day in the middle of January. I cannot imagine this play in spring/summer/fall when the crowds swell to close to a hundred or more. A very long walk from #24 to #25. The traffic to and from can be rough and the neighborhood just outside the park is true North Philly Ghetto...be smart and don't come here alone if you can manage it. No water available, bring your own drinks...you don't wanna be driving in North Philly as an outsider looking for gatorade after a round! Always seems to be friendly DGers in park though.

Other Thoughts:

Despite the grievances and the typical urban problems outside the park this course is a must play I think. The tightness reminded me of Fenway Park...like the game has evolved beyond the course/ but the nuances and tradition still keep it relevant. It is close enough to east-west76 or north-south 95 interstates that I would recommend stopping by and playing it. The added outback nine has raised my score for this course and the fact that if I want to I can play all longer holes due to longer tees. It is not a world class course but it is a very fun slice of history to play. The course is underrated IMO. If you like finesse and old school golf this is paradise.
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18 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18 years 23 played 22 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 23, 2008 Played the course:2-4 times


Sedgley Woods is a very short but fun course. The course is well maintained and kept very clean. The first 18 holes all have signs and are very easy to follow. Each hole offers 3 different tee pads for varying degrees of difficulty. Although the course was short, it did offer a good variation of elevation. The course also makes good use of vegetation and trees to add difficulty to the short holes. Most of the holes are relatively open but a few are heavily wooded.


The course is not only short but it is tightly packed ... very tightly packed. I played in the morning when the course was pretty empty, but I would never play the course when it was crowded. On one of the holes the basket for the previous hole was literally ten feet away from the tee pad.
The tee pads were different on every hole ... they include dirt, gravel and rubber. I would have preferred to have one tee pad type.
Philadelphia traffic can be an absolute bear ... so be prepared for some delays.
Holes 19-27 can be difficult to find and follow.

Other Thoughts:

I met a few local guys playing the course ... they were incredibly nice and the Sedgley mini they gave met was awesome. Although the park is in Philly, the area of town isn't too bad. It is minutes away from the Philadelphia Museum of Art ... but as anywhere in Philly be street smart.
Overall a decent course. I really enjoyed playing Sedgley, but I wouldnt go out of your way to play it
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9 0
Experience: 16.2 years 10 played 9 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Nice piece of history! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 20, 2008 Played the course:once


Course had lots of natural obstacles making you throw hyzers, anhyzers, tomahawks, and other throws that you may not need to use on other courses that are flat. People in the area seemed very nice (even helped me further develop my tomahawk throw). Clean and well maintained. Good mix of different hole types. Multiple tees make for people of varing degrees to have fun. Lots of activities at the park most of the week.


Holes are a little too close to each other so you may get hit or hit someone by accident. Back-back 9 are not marked yet.

Other Thoughts:

I only got to play the front 18 because I couldn't get a guide and wasn't going to try it my self with no tee signs. This park has alot of history and should be on anyones list of places to play. I plan on tring to get back as soon as I can.
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11 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 19.3 years 348 played 32 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Hometown 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 18, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


Short, challenging shots with many obstacles, uphill, down and across small valleys. Many aceables, from the shorts and 3 tees to each pin. Sedgley will make you work your accuracy much more than your distance, but remains very beginner friendly as there is only maybe one hole, 8, on the front 18 that could be considered a kind of tunnel. The front 18 also gives throwing lane options. A majority of the holes have more than one lane to the basket, providing some descent decision making and an very 'lefty/righty' friendly course. The back back 9 plays longer, provides additional challenge, especially from the reds, and gives you the feeling of being out at a park in the country instead of next to a major city. Holes 19 and 24 sport greatly elevated pins and hole 20 is a great, tight tunnel shot from the red/yellow that will put you at a nice landing zone for you up shot. Thanks to a dedicated local club the course is continually improving. Rubber pads are slowly being integrated on the poorer natural tees, walkways built over muddy areas, and stairs on the steeper climbs. The back back 9 is also becoming easier to navigate. The addition of signs and the wearing down of trails is making it easy to figure which way to go.
This is also one of only two courses I've played that has duel practice baskets to back and forth at. A nice real feature and I'll never understand why most people throw at basket 18 for putt practice.


Many of the first 18 holes run right next to each other so watch for errant discs (I've hit players twice and narrowly avoided being hit several times) The course can get crowded on most days. Also, back back 9 (19-27) are hard to navigate the first time without someone showing you the way, but is steadily becoming easier to figure out, though, still no tee signs on 19-27.

Other Thoughts:

Find an alternate route besides I 76, its easy to get to from the art museum area. The park and surrounding area is not as dangerous as its sometimes made out to be- I lived in the area for years and played the course by myself dozens of times.
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6 5
Experience: 63 played 58 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 21, 2008 Played the course:never


Lots of History in this park for Disc Golf. Trees and semi-open holes. (bad part of town, so be careful) Hard to find your way around the first time through. All around good course. (oldest permanent polehole course that still exists) Good use of the land available. Always people around. Holes can be kind of close to each other so watch out for errant throws. Everyone should play this course once, just for the history.
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5 4
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.1 years 65 played 46 reviews
3.00 star(s)

My local course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 3, 2007 Played the course:5+ times


Short lengths perfect for beginners. Many elevation changes, obstacles, left & right doglegs. Hardy locals are always a good time.


Poor teebox conditions. Crowded. Signage is rarely accurate, and there is no signage for the 3rd 9 (play with a guide).
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6 4
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 38.3 years 450 played 94 reviews
3.00 star(s)

27 Mach 3 baskets 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 3, 2009 Played the course:once


27 holels...lots of league play on Thurs, Sat & Sunday...discs for sale usually during these times...friendly local golfers...historic old course..plenty of league competition can be found here...mostly shaded in the hot summer times...being the 1st course on the east course it is historic like the rest of Philadelphia...scorecards with a map generally available at the kiosk


crowded course since it is the only one in the Philly proper...short course...lots of trees...outback 19-27 has no tee signs yet, but directional arrows pointing you along the right way.

Other Thoughts:

just minutes from the Philly Art Museum...if just visiting, drop the family off and come play disc golf.

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