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Canton, GA

Sequoyah Park

Permanent course
3.075(based on 53 reviews)
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Sequoyah Park reviews

14 0
Experience: 16.4 years 8 played 8 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Close To The Heart drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 6, 2024 Played the course:5+ times


- Although this is a park-style course, it doesn't really play like one. The piece of land this is on has extremely interesting arboreal placement, size, and diversity, along with significant elevation change. For those familiar with courses in the area, I consider this closer to East Roswell than Wills.
- Holes present a good risk-reward here; there's bogey potential on almost every hole, which keeps things interesting.
- This is a very old course with a significant historical aspect- it's a wooded blast from the past. Just generally a cool place to be.
- There's a significant fun factor here with groups. With the rollaways, tight wooded lines and shorter holes, this is a great place to go for a fun round with friends where you aren't keeping score.
- There are already some more technical reviews on this site that are descriptive about gameplay and shot options. In an unorthodox attempt to express the aesthetic of this course, I've reviewed this course in a unique medium; a poem with rhyming couplets. This is my home course. See below.


- The same things that make this course fun for casual play make it a nightmare for more competitive or serious players; this older course has hillside baskets and exposed roots everywhere, leading to weird, random ground play and rollaways. Experienced players will find ways to deal with these challenges, but there's no denying you have to get breaks to score well here.
- Speaking of bad breaks, these are the worst baskets I've ever played on, and I've played 80 different courses. (I believe Flat Rock Park in Columbus, GA also has these baskets, but I haven't been there in a while.) The chains are way too heavy and won't catch anything on the weak side. They also push out some strong-side putts on the outside that hit above the tray. They're also green, which makes them harder to see in the woods. Seriously, who thought that was a good idea? Newer Prodigy baskets are a significant improvement.
- There are a few long walks between holes and throws over walking trails. Be careful! This is an old park-style course, so this is somewhat expected. UDisc is likely needed your first time.
-Gameplay is really mediocre. While the lines are varied, a lot of the lines here tend to be very standard…or really odd. Hole difficulty varies significantly throughout the course, which makes it skill-level unfriendly.

Other Thoughts:

(Note: This poem is written from a RHBH perspective.)

You pull into the parking lot
To check out Alden's disc golf spot.
Phil Arthur too, from former years;
Champions were molded here.
Prodigy baskets, standing green,
Spit like none you've ever seen.
I warn you, golfer, there is pain;
Weak side will rocket off the chains.
Hole one, a gap ahead to throw.
Watch out for walkers down below.
A little drift would be real smart.
Fade to the left, and that's a start.
Hole two, a gully down the right.
Tread carefully, turn over tight.
If hitting cage or hitting band,
The disc will roll to nowhere land.
The famous three, the uphill nuke.
It makes short throwers want to puke.
To get up there, you'll need a bomb,
But fade out left, you'll cry for mom.
Hole number four, the uphill flick.
Short right can mean a bogey quick.
Five is just a hyzer dump.
Big skip, and there's a nice fist pump.
Six, a gorgeous downhill trip.
Start left and get the disc to flip.
Soaring through the Georgia air,
But left is dense; thrower beware.
Hole seven, putter down the hill.
The gap is tight, but don't feel ill.
My tip; the better miss inside,
And flick release can make gap wide.
Hole number eight, three-thirty feet.
Finesse shot right down the main street.
Give the disc some flip and loft,
And try to land that baby soft.
Nine pin can be in any place,
But chuck up hill, get stable late.
If it's a four, it's not a cinch;
The left side can be quite a pinch.
Ten, an easy downhill flick.
A score of three, you're feeling sick.
Eleven, lots of open air
To shape lines out to anywhere.
Forehand though it may appear,
The backhand line is better here.
Twelve, a hyzer with finesse.
Holding line, but fading less.
And one time, with a perfect throw,
My first ace came on this here hole.
Number thirteen, valley awaits.
There's room to right, but throw it straight.
It's good to throw with healthy fear;
The wind can really screw you here.
Fourteen, another hyzer flip.
To get uphill is quite a rip.
Then left to right gets to the pin.
A nose-up shot could sail right in.
Hole fifteen, a putter, please.
You'll want to throw this with some ease.
And if you're looking for a thrill,
Hit the ace or sail downhill.
Sixteen, the scary tunnel shot.
Throw straight and hard with all you've got.
A slope is all around the hole;
So pray to God it doesn't roll.
Seventeen, a downhill blast.
Fairway looks open, narrows fast.
And if your upshot hits a tree,
It's not too hard to roll OB.
Hole eighteen, a final foe.
Left to right will be the throw.
Roots near the basket, all around;
Lay up left, and putt in down.

And that's a wrap, eighteen holes.
Some good, some bad, some lame, some bold.
Lots of different pins in place
In Sequoyah's prior unused space.
But that is what our sport does do.
Once fallow land, now lives anew.
This place showed me what I can be.
Just a dork, in a park, throwing discs, at trees.

Thanks for reading this here poem.
This little course, it feels like home.

"God bless America, and God bless the backhand turnover."
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14 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.4 years 42 played 20 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Interesting & Challenging Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 10, 2021 Played the course:2-4 times


More than any course I've played recently, this one will make you focus more on your lines and let you try out different shots. I used forehand, backhand, thumbers, anhyzers multiple times with a few bombs mixed in.

Putting is another area that will challenge you with many of the baskets on slopes that will force you to decide if that birdie run is worth it at risk of a bogie.

A couple of really fun holes over drops in elevation and one longer one over a ridge. If I could play just those 3 over & over I'd be fine.

Several short holes that give you a decent chance at an ace if you can navigate the trees

A small pond on 17 & 18 surprisingly eats a lot of discs, so you need to be aware of your shots.

Multiple pin placements, concrete pads on all of the holes & benches on most as well.

Shaded and hardly any trash, even though receptacles are few.


Signs show different pin placements and distance but have no indication where the pin actually is that day.

No par info except on one hole so just know going in that all but two holes (9,14) are par 3s & those two are 4s.

If the park is busy a couple of the holes use a walking path as the fairway, so definitely be aware. The road comes into play on two holes also, which you can tell that from the pad.

Amenities could be better and hills that can be challenging when wet

Other Thoughts:

Park in the lower lot where you'll see two practice baskets.
There's a league that plays here on Tuesday that's a welcoming and fun group, with some above average players.
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16 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 6.1 years 339 played 322 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun, Hilly, Technical 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 18, 2020 Played the course:once


A nice rec-level challenge featuring woods and hills.

-Re-Numbering: A note at the outset. At some point between 2015 and 2016, the course was re-numbered, so that old hole (16) became new hole (1). The captions on the DGCR pictures are accurate, and the tee signs have been re-numbered on the course. I will reference new hole numbers in this review.

-Amenities: Mostly concrete tees (I think they were rubber on (7)), Prodigy baskets, signs with accurate numbering and a map.

-Terrain: Really nice terrain for a course. Pretty consistent, but not drastic, hills mix with mostly thick woods. There are a couple of more open spaces to give you a bit of relief, and a large pond factors heavily on the last two holes.

-Recreational: Sequoyah is a really good rec-level course. It's short enough to be accessible for newer players, but the trees and terrain keep it interesting nonetheless.

-Overgrowth: Remarkably under control for a wooded course in Georgia. I had barely any issues tracking down plastic.

-Shot Shaping/Gameplay: Eighteen par-3s with fresh technical variety. There are quite a few ace runs and easy birdies under 230', but just as prevalent are harder 300'+ holes with fair lines and the opportunity for any score of two or more. The mix is really good of up and down shots, as is the combination of straight, left, and right shots. Most holes are entirely in the woods, but a few like (3), (13)-(14), and (16) are more in the open for some relief. I think my favorite holes were the longer ones, as they required careful consideration of shots and provided a great rush when I hit my line and snuck through the gaps into long putting range.


A lot of miscellany, but nothing terminal.

-Navigation: Not bad, but not great either. I had a bit of difficulty finding hole (1) as it was not near the parking lot I anticipated. The (2)-(3) walk is quite long. (7) is also a bit confusing if you don't realize it's a reversable hole.

-Blind Shots: Partially due to not having a clear pin position indicator system, it can be hard to figure out exactly where the basket is on some holes, especially since they're the perfect green to blend in. I never did find basket (10), but I'm chalking that up to operator error more than the course.

-Scope: All par-3s, and mostly in the woods. This isn't a championship course, or a destination level of variety. It's definitely Good, but not anything real special.

-Hills: When wet, the hills can be treacherous. Even in dry conditions, I could easily see turning an ankle or something.

-Water: Yeah, you could easily lose a disc to the water on (17) or (18). Not something I deduct points for.

Other Thoughts:

I played Sequoyah in the pouring rain, which definitely affected my experience. However, I still had fun, and in estimating a rating I tried to give it full marks for anything that might have been lessened by the wet conditions. It's a great little technical course that would be a favorite of mine if I lived in the area, full of both ace runs and longer challenges for a satisfying, if small, woods round.
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1 1
Experience: 8 played 8 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Challenging short course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 5, 2020 Played the course:once


Easily accessible course that offers a high degree of technical throws that tend to be very short.
Some great ace runs through out the course.
Even though this course is heavily wooded, beginners should find this challenging with out being overwhelmed.


My only 'con' is that foot traffic on walking trails cut right through some these holes.
We also encountered players who park at 14 and just drop in.
C'mon, don't be those players.
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3 3
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 7.4 years 93 played 81 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Wooded course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 19, 2017 Played the course:once


Variation of shots and difficulty. Fun to play. Very beginner friendly. Well maintained and thought out. Many ways to approach holes which makes it more fun when playing with a group. Varied topography keeps it interesting. Technical, but not too technical, enough to be interesting and fun.


easy to lose discs and hard to navigate. Hardly any signs at all, I think there where 3. Some tee pads aren't marked. I couldnt find the first three holes until I finished hole 10, hole 1 is in a completely different location than all the rest.

Other Thoughts:

This is the second course I ever played and it was fun for me, I would recommend it to beginners and intermediate players.
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7 0
Experience: 12.4 years 46 played 10 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Mixed feels... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 22, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


* The "greens" here are scenic and interesting; putting is really quite challenging. A few holes have level greens, but for the most part you're going to be tossing uphill or downhill, sometime quite steeply, with lots of little trees in the way and roots at the ready to send your missed shots bouncing into the next county or into the pond. Putting here requires you to calculate risk/reward in a way that few courses do. Based only on "inside the circle", this is a ****-course.

* In spite of relatively modest course length and difficulty, the good holes at Sequoyah are memorable for a par 3 course. 2, 13, 17 and 18 have a lot of personality.


* Safety, safety, safety. A couple holes require you to throw over the road, a few run right along a walking path, fairly decent throws can cross fairways (13 and 12, 9 and 10) ...not to mention plenty of steep hills with lots of slippery roots (and this course is shady enough to where it always seems to be a bit wet).... Oh yeah, giant spiders lurking in the pond, too, lol. I don't want to oversell the danger, but do be careful out here folks!

* Too many filler holes. I can forgive a couple, but there's at least (charitably) four here. I don't think anything can really be done about it - the land is used effectively.

* Within the past year, the hole numbers have changed. The change has helped with parking (less competition from the ballfields at #1) but the signs haven't been updated. Actually, I'm not even sure the signs really help here, since some seem to be based on an even older layout. This one is definitely a little difficult to navigate.

Other Thoughts:

I think of all the courses I've played I have the most mixed feelings about Sequoyah. For a par 3 course, the best holes here really are quite nice... but the bad ones are really cringe worthy, too. I really struggle to know how many stars to give this one. Ultimately, I do enjoy playing here, regardless of the course's drawbacks, however.

Since this course is out in the countryside, many times there are only a handful of people here. When the ballfields are in use, however, it becomes almost unplayable - cars and foot traffic constantly in the way.

Pro-tip: If your GPS tries to send you down "Little Road" just keep driving. That's just an old mule trail that'll only cost you time.

Because I'm weird and have too much free-time, I will now go basket by basket and give a grade:

1 - Nice little warm up hole with a tricky green. Unfortunately, you're throwing out over the walking path, and poor throws easily roll into a treacherous ravine. Kinda feel like this hole perfectly represents the good and bad of Sequoyah. I'll give it a B.
2 - I can see why some people hate this hole - the slope (actually, it's probably the closest thing I've seen to a cliff on a DG course) off to the right is realllly dangerous, but I still find this one to be a fun and challenging hole. Bounce one off the basket and you can easily be four or five-putting. A-.
3 - Ugh, bad, just bad. This one plays out over the road and at 400+ feet will require either a long turnover or a respectable forehand from a RH player - skills which most players that would play here lack. Bad shots go into the road that leads in from the entrance - yikes! D-.
4 - A modest little uphill flick for the RH player. This wouldn't be too objectionable, except for the fact that #10 and #11 are almost exactly the same. Lots of trees - practice your off-balance putting for this one. C.
5 - Another modest hole near the walking path, but it's a tight enough turn to be a blind hole thereby offering a bit of a challenge. B-.
6 - The fairway narrows down to a green absolutely filled with pine saplings. No doubt some would object to the luck factor involved here, but I find this sort of hole to be a test of your recovery (mental and disc golf) ability. It's entirely possible to be within 20 feet and not have a decent line to the basket. B.
7 - Only 180 feet down a steep hill but you've got to hit a realllly tight gap. Overhand seems to be the way to go here - I saw a guy get a roller ace (hit a root and bounced right into the basket) with that approach and for that reason alone, I'll give this one a B+. Apparently, this one has an alt pin position where you're going uphill, but I've never played it.
8 - A little over 300 feet dead straight but the fairway is the PERFECT width to remain challenging for us huckers. The "rough" has that perfect amount of trees where a well-executed scramble gets you back to par but it'll be challenging. A.
9 - Sloping, tree-lined fairway narrows down to an "unfairway" yet I still like this one. If the basket is in the long pin, I think this one is pretty hard to par, because almost everyone is gonna catch a tree in the gap and only a really good scrambling approach is going to get you within the circle. B+.
10 - Obviously running out of space. A wrist-flick gets you the 150 to the basket, but there's a rollaway danger here. C.
11 - This is pretty much the same as #10, just a little longer and more of a forced dogleg. C+.
12 - Very tight dogleg left. When the basket is in the long position, it's a fairly challenging par 3 relative to its length. B.
13 - Ahhh, I really love this one - it's just a fairly straightforward throw out over a valley, but it's so pretty and naturally plays to a RHBH throw, resulting in some exciting ace runs. A.
14 - Back across the valley, this time swooping to the right. This is another one where the pin being in the long position makes it a quite challenging par 3. A-.
15 - Another little filler hole, but the basket being on a downward slope adds some fun. B-.
16 - Ugh. This one requires you to throw over the road (drivers coming around a blind turn) and hit a gap you cannot really see from the pad. If games are going on at the field, you'll also be throwing over everyone's car parked on the shoulder, too. Although the pad is pointed towards the road, you could throw down a tunnel directly at the basket, but at the risk on beheading any joggers that come down the path. I think what I hate about this one is that, if the road wasn't there, this one would be really quite cool and A material, but I'm going to have to give it a D.
17 - This one is rather interesting. Only 300 feet, first you throw out over a pond that would claim only the worst possible newbie throw, but the well-protected basket lies over a blind hill, and sits very close to a muddy creek. I think advanced players will want to go ahead and challenge the basket, but the rest of us probably just play it safe and try to layup at the top of the hill. B+.
18 - This is a pretty sweet ending to a course - a very challenging par 3 that requires your driving/approaching/putting to be on just to par due to the number of trees and a basket in a very precarious position. Birdieing in the long position would be impressive. I will say - I wish somebody would put some logs down at the edge of the pond, because luckless rollaways into that pond really aren't very enjoyable. Solid A.
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1 4
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Another good option near Roswell & Alpharetta 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 25, 2016 Played the course:once


Nice challenging course, where you'll get some good exercise walking the hills.


Finding 1st tee was a challenge since they are moving the holes around. You gotta be really careful around the water on 17 &18th holes, we lost two disks.
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4 4
Experience: 5 played 4 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Middle of the road course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 9, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


~ Well maintained course with bathrooms available and lots of benches near teeboxes(which you'll need).
~Challenging layout that offers mostly wooded holes, with a couple open grip n' rip holes.
~good mix of forehand and backhand shots.
~you have to hit your line or you'll pay the price. This course will help your accuracy.


~The signage was very poor. Recent changes to the layout have not been reflected on signs or maps. If you're playing this course for the 1st time, try to join up with others that know the course.
~A couple holes play along walking paths, so you have to wait for pedestrians. One hole in particular made me nervous about hitting someone that could be turning a corner.
~some of the baskets on hillsides punished what were otherwise nice shots. Our group took a coupe doubles when discs rolled 20+ yards down a hill into water.
~some long walks between holes and a hilly course means you'll show up winded to a couple tee boxes, particularly in the dead of summer.

Other Thoughts:

Sequoya is a shorter, less fun version of East Roswell Park. I enjoyed my rounds(disc is always fun) but I don't see myself making the drive for this course again. There are to many other courses around metro-Atlanta that offer far more.
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4 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.6 years 264 played 100 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Sequoyah Park 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 5, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


Has two practice baskets

Has concrete tee pads (except for hole #7)

Has many benches throughout course

More wooded than open fairways - which will be challenging to the casual player

Most holes have changes in elevations

Some holes have multiple basket placements


Free Parking at multiple locations



Some of the tee signs are missing - I believe there are plans to install ones in the near future

Course design and flow could use improvement as there are long walks between 2&3, 3&4, 15&16

Hole #2 is very steep and could some logs to stop discs from rolling down the hill

Water really comes into play on holes #17 & #18 where losing a disc in the murky retention pond can be a factor

Park can get crowded when there are baseball/softball games present (play on holes #3 and #16 can be delayed due to close proximity of the road)

Other Thoughts:

This is a nice, multi-use course that has been improved significantly in the past year. Starting hole has been moved to where #16 used to be so that disc golfers can now park in a separate lot from the other parkgoers. Also, there's not a long walk after you finish with hole #18 anymore. New baskets have been installed and new pads have been poured. This course receives a lot of TLC from the county and the local disc golf club - good work everyone!
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3 1
Ram Fan
Experience: 2 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

My "Home" course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 19, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


This is real close to home and I have played this course more than any other. It has recently been reconfigured. What used to be 16,17 and 18, are now 1, 2, 3. The rest of the course is till in the same order, so you end at what used to be 15.
This is a very challenging course with lots of variety in hole length, elevation and direction. A couple of nice long valley shots. The course is fairly easy to follow. Water hazards on a few holes (1, 17, ,18). I like the reversable hole 7 that alternates to shoot up or downhill.I like this course because it makes you use your entire bag of tricks to make good shots and stay at par. They have really cleaned up the fairways so that it is much harder to lose a disc. Many times the park is not busy, so it is easy to get through the course without waiting.


Some baskets and tee areas are still showing the wrong hole number. If you don't know the old layout of the course, you will get confused. Hole 16 shoots along the driveway coming into the parking lot, so it is possible to hit cars. I don't like hole 3 because of the steep hill and the chance your disc can roll a long way.
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5 0
Experience: 10.1 years 40 played 18 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Par for the course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 11, 2015 Played the course:once


-Almost no traffic from other park activities
-good amount of "next tee" signage
-many of the holes had a good terrain features across a small valley or throwing off a steep drop off


-very few tee map signs. So while the tees were relatively easy to find the baskets were not (it didn't help that the baskets were grey metal color not brightly painted). Often I found myself having to walk down the fairway 50-200 feet to find the Basket and once on hole 12 I played the wrong basket the first time
-everything is a par 3...... boring (I only give 4.0 rating to par 56+ and 5.0 to par 62+)

Other Thoughts:

not a bad course but not worth the drive for me. (especially with wills park and East Roswell park less than 15 min from my house) If the hole map signs were all there and it had a few par 4s and one par 5 it could be a great course there were lots of really fun terrain features and hole concepts. and the layout made a lot of sense except one or two holes
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1 2
Experience: 13.4 years 16 played 16 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Gotta Play Here 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 1, 2015 Played the course:once


Multiple Pin Placements, Technical Holes, Bathrooms at Hole #1 and on walk to #13. All kinds of shots will be required to get under Par. Most holes have concrete which was noted above.


Old tee signs, Couple Long Walks between Holes

Other Thoughts:

I enjoyed this course a lot. The local guys are doing a great job keeping it up and hosting weeklys here. I am looking forward to new tee signs.
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7 0
Experience: 14.4 years 10 played 7 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Gets the job done. drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 1, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


-It's pretty for a wooded course
-Good distance variety on a lot of holes
-Baskets are the same the whole way through
-Paths are clear
-Many basket placements on most holes
-Decent shot variety
-Really fun tunnel shot on hole 5
-You go by the pavilion where you parked after 12 holes (wife always uses the restroom here)
-Safe environment
-Plenty of benches and trashcans at the park, great park to bring a dog to
-Most of the locals are pretty fun and relaxed about what's going on


-Really poor navigation. There are signs that point to the next pad, but they're nailed to trees and often times aren't pointing the right direction due to gravity or people messing with them.
-Poor signage on holes. Some holes actually have a sign with the hole layout on it, but a lot of times it's no longer accurate or doesn't depict the hole location that is actually being played. Holes without signs have a piece of plastic with the hole number on it, on some of these people have tried to draw out the layout of the hole with a sharpie. Good idea maybe, but practically it's hard to tell what the drawings are actually showing since most of them are very faded.
-Very strange layout. 6,10, and 11(I pretty sure it's those 3, if not it's 3 holes on the front 9) all share the same little pocket of open space. I understand trying to make the most out of the open space in a wooded area, but I personally think that this is a little much. Every time I've played here (4 or 5 times) I've almost been hit with a disc while putting out on 6 or playing my second on 11(11's drive almost throws over one of 6's baskets). Not a huge deal, but it's just kinda weird and really cramped feeling.
-Not an organic flow through the holes. 1-15 are all fairly close to the parking lot, however 16-18 pretty much all take you directly away from the parking lot and you end up with a 1/3 or 1/2 mile walk back to the parking lot. I most certainly don't mind the exercise but it does kind of make me wonder why on Earth it was designed like this?
-On the topic of design and layout, there are entirely too many blind holes on this course. Depending on the basket placements well over half the course is a blind tee shot. I get that that's a neat shot and all, but to see it used so many times on a course it just gets a little boring and frustrating.
-13 plays down a road with a big curve in it (thrower and driver are blind to what's around the corner). It's the road that comes into the park so it's fairly well trafficked. I've almost been hit in my car and hit cars while throwing a couple of times.
-15 plays down a walking trail that people have been using every time I've played, not a huge deal but definitely a bit of a safety concern.
-The way that 4A/4B plays is really weird if you've never been there before.

Other Thoughts:

Sequoyah is a very acceptable park. There are some really nice things about this course, but at the same time some really werid/stupid things that keep me from going back frequently. I gave more detail on the cons because I think cons without explanations are worthless, I hope people don't see that as me totally trashing the course because it is a decent course. I've played with friends not from the area or my wife all the times I've played it and sometimes just kind of feel lost out there. I imagine playing this course with a local could make it a fair amount better, but I can only rate it through the experiences I've had with it.

It's a good park, but it's hard to convince myself to go here with Oregon Park fairly close and Frog Rock nearing completion of its back 9.
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5 0
Experience: 21 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

The Saq! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 31, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


~Mostly concrete pads, with a couple high-density rubber mats
~Tight & technical course. Definitely "Shot Golf"
~Mixed variety of shots will test most of the discs in your bag
~Couple chances to bomb a driver
~Holes are long enough to be tough, but short enough to be fair
~Some short, ace-worthy holes
~Fairways are kept clean and clear
~Most holes have multiple pin positions, and positions are updated throughout busy season
~Local club & county maintains the course
~Great walk through the woods


~Older Mach 1(or 2?) baskets do frequently spit out discs
~Murky retention pond in play that will eat your discs (Holes 14,15,16)
~Walking path sometimes in play
~Road in play, but only one hole and generally not a hazard
~Hole 17; one of the less-enjoyable holes ever created
~Park is getting busier every year. Baseball and fall-football tends to fill the parking lots most days
~Can be a bit tricky to navigate; the signs are dated and some are missing

Other Thoughts:

Sequoya is a course that will test your game, and your patience. If you are willing to fight through some tight fairways and ill-placed trees, par will be your reward. Hit a few too many trees and you're looking at a long round.

The "shot-golf" style course will test your woods-game, and if played often will sharpen your skills into a better golfer. Sequoya has been my local course over the past few years, and she still reaches out and slaps me in the face quite often. There are a few unfortunate aspects of Sequoya that we could live without, but those things are what make Sequoya what she is. You know what to expect when you play Sequoya; a real challenge!

During baseball season weekends, the concession stand is open and will sometimes even stock Chik-fil-a sammiches, but don't expect it every weekend.

If you are a fan of the tight & technical aspect of disc golf, I highly recommend Sequoya!

*She recently received a bit of a haircut, so if you haven't been here since June, take a look.
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5 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.8 years 238 played 235 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Mixed Bag 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 2, 2014 Played the course:once


This course has great potential, some very nice technical wooded holes and obstacles. Significant elevation changes throughout and the baskets are pretty good.

Concrete tee pads on almost every hole with a few grippy rubber mats mixed in.

It's a pretty course and a decent hike as well.

Also if you are there during baseball games there is a conssesion stand with water and power aide.


It's a very busy multi use park and there are serial times where you have to throw across the jogging path and a few where the road comes into play. I didn't like the fact that an on target throw could often hit a runner.

The layout is okay if you have the map, you will want to download the map, but can be a little confusing. There are several spots where you can see 2 or 3 baskets from the tee and if you don't have the map you won't know which one to throw to.

Also 13/14/15 throw over a murky retention pond. If you throw one in there it's done you won't be able to see it at all.

Actually several easy spots to loose discs, I won't bring my A bag if I play there again.

It's also a little hard to find tee 1.

Other Thoughts:

I like the course but the many spot where it is hard to navigate and intersect the jogging path detract greatly.

If your working on refining you short game it's great but overall other local courses are easier to enjoy.
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2 8
D Slanger
Experience: 13.1 years 15 played 2 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Sequoyah Park Canton 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 13, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Nobody is ever playing the course. Decent for learning some specific shots.


Super tight lanes, very unforgiving, some of the holes look like they were after thoughts and just thrown together. Strictly shot golf, no open drives.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.4 years 561 played 429 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Sequoyah Shakedown 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 30, 2013 Played the course:once


Sequoyah Park in Canton, GA is a fun course in a nice park. The variety between short holes skirted by woods and long, open bombs give good contrast. Elevation changes often provide another nice element to the mix. The equipment is good, including concrete tee pads, good baskets, signs for all holes, as well as great, descriptive arrows pointing out paths connecting the holes. Not super difficult, but no pushover: it definitely got the best of me first time out. I think this course is underrated, and kind of want to give it a four, they have done a great job with what is there. A couple of really great shots, as well as a few birdie holes. One of those that I know I could play well, if I was a little more familiar with it.


There were other park users that strayed onto the course a couple of times, causing delays. Dogs must stay on a leash. Sort of a long walk between 17 and 18. There are really not a lot of negatives that come to mind.

Other Thoughts:

Sequoyah Park is a really nice, intermediate to advanced level disc golf course. If you like elevation change, you will likely enjoy this course. The park is clean and in good condition. I would play it again, if I were in the neighborhood. Baseball games brought crowds the summer Sunday I visited, and the concession stand was open for business. Reminiscent of Deer Lick Park.
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2 6
Experience: 17.5 years 1 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Great Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 12, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Great course. The course is empty most of the time. Friendly golfers. Course located inside a park for the most part you do not overlap with pedestrians. Great elevation holes. Good mix of open and wooded holes.


Not to many negative things to say about this course. The baskets/chains are not the greatest. On occasion a putt will slip through the chains and miss. Some of the hills are very steep which makes for some very fun shots. However, once you are finish the 18th hole it is unlikely you will want to play much more cause you will be tired

Other Thoughts:

I love this course because it helped me develop my game, especially in terms of elevation. Whenever I go there is usually no one or very few golfers. It almost feels like I have the whole course to myself when I am their. Very relaxing course
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9 0
Experience: 14.4 years 42 played 8 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Under rated! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 26, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


This is a great course. Not to long but great basket placement and trees in the right places to make you think twice.
Layout - Good variety with multiple basket positions. Mostly wooded. Great signage and the layout is well marked.
Tee pads are mixed some concrete and mats.
Maintained!!!!! The guys that maintain this course are always doing something. Once during the fall one guy brought a blower out to clear the fairway!
Holes 10 & 11 - These two are favorites. Shooting over valley with baskets same elevation as tee pad. Fun to launch it and watch them go. Baskets are well placed for these holes. 10 - is guarded by a tree and slightly to the left of the tee. 11 - is higher up and to the right.

13 - 18 Has to be the one place where I can turn a bad round back in to a positive. I know most people don't like these holes but they are great.
13 - Over the road into on coming traffic or down the trail. The first couple times you worry about it but you can see well enough that you shouldn't have an issue.
14 - Water to the right and the basket is down below tee box hidden. Great placement.
15 - My least favorite hole besides 6. Basket is to the.right with water possibly in play.
16 - Sweet hole now that the creek bank has been fixed. Basket is to left in the trees.
17 - Nice change in elevation. Basket is high and to right. Don't miss to the right!
18 - Throwing over the road again. No big deal.


Just erosion issues...but hopefully
it will improve with recent upgrades to park.
Hole 6 - when it is in the XL position. Makes for the longest hole in the course. (Just not my favorite.)

Other Thoughts:

This course isn't going to be the hardest you play but is challenging. Holes 1-4 get you warmed up. 5 nice wide long straight shot. 7 & 8 are shorter but trees help make them challenging. 9 is a nice hole with a turn to the left.

I play this course a lot and it is fun. With the changing of baskets and the types of holes.
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4 0
Experience: 13.8 years 38 played 4 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Great Day on the Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 18, 2011 Played the course:once


-Restrooms located at #1 tee box which is also walk between 12 and 13.
-Several Benches and trash cans scattered throughout the course.
-Signs to next tee.
-Lots of parking
-Trails and Fairways were well kept.
-Holes 1-9, 12,14,15-18 (Not sure why everyone hates 17, great up hill anhyzer, fairway is open


-Hole signs, there are a few but not many and not in good shape, they also do not include all of the pin placements.
-A lot of blind pin locations, no flags or markings on holes to find pin from the tee. (1,2,4,6,8,9,12,14,15,16,17) It appeared that A positions were visible from the Tee but very few holes were in A position.
-Hole 13... Plays down a road. Really just poor design.
-Holes 6,10,11 all share a fairway
-Holes 3 to 4 and 6 to 7 you have to back track on the fairway to gt to the next tee box, this could cause back up on busy days.

Other Thoughts:

I really enjoyed the course, a few locals were out and they were friendly. Course was clean and well kept, not the most challenging course but I would consider it a great intermediate course.
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