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Canton, GA

Sequoyah Park

Permanent course
3.075(based on 53 reviews)
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Sequoyah Park reviews

5 0
Experience: 27.3 years 21 played 9 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Love This Course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 25, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Great course if you enjoy the shade. Lots of wooded holes with an abundance of trees to keep you cool. The tight fairways reward you well when you hit your mark from the tee, but can punish you if you miss. Excellent changes have been made over the past month or two that have gotten rid of a bad hole and replaced it with a very cool hole that hugs a small pond. Right now, they are fixing the 16th hole so that 20 foot deep ditch and the nasty little pond has been filled in so the tee area isn't quite so scary.


Not a lot of people play this course, so it's not the best place to meet new disc golfers. This is my home course, so I hate to say that the players at this course aren't friendly but that is the 'feel' I get sometimes. So, just bring a friend with you if you don't like to play solo.

Other Thoughts:

Lots of benches to relax and take a break after walking up and down the many hills at this course. Plenty of trash cans too, but it never hurts to bring your own and put your garbage in the cans close to the parking lot. There are a few holes that feel like easy birdies here, but if you don't play them smart you will end up with a bogey or worse. My rating will go up once the 16th hole is completed! Really close to a 4 right now!
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3 3
Experience: 21.3 years 51 played 8 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Course changed 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 27, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


The maintenance of the course is pretty good, as it has always been. The "signature holes" are still there, with #14 getting longer and better, new #15 is my favorite. Today, there was a little league game, so the concession stand was open for business. $2 for powerade, $3 for bratwurst. Cougars galore!


It feels like they shortened most of the course. The front nine are all short(as was the pin placements for them), and can all easily be birdies. Classic #17 is gone, which I miss. New #17 is like a nightmare from White Oak, and is too demoralizing for the end of the round. Oh yeah, there are next tee signs, but not really any proper maps or hole layouts at the tees.

Other Thoughts:

For the most part, this has become too easy of a course for my taste. The entire front 9 can be played in 18 strokes, and the only challange is a few trees. There isn't much requirement for skills or luck until you get to 14. The game changes drastically from 1-13 being pretty easy, to 14-17 becoming a real difficulty. 18 is a nice solid par 3 to finish out felling good. If only they could add 100 more feet on to holes 1-9, I'd call it a much better course. I left this course feeling like I should have gone to Central Park in Cumming for more of a challenge.
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2 7
Experience: 10 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Sequoyah Deserves More Than 3 stars 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 16, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Great selection of shots. Mostly of the tight, technical variety, but you do get a few chances to let it rip. Nice elevation changes.

The woods are pretty and the course is very well-kept. The park itself, and the course specifically, are rarely crowded.


All the trees can be frustrating for beginners.

There are a couple spots toward the end where you can lose a disc.

Other Thoughts:

I was motivated to review this course because I thought 3 stars was a little low.

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9 1
Experience: 13.9 years 45 played 18 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Something for everyone 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 11, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Some very unique holes that you will remember.
A variety of shots are required.
Some holes are a true test of accuracy while other holes allow for airing it out.


Some holes are filled with trouble.
Some treacherous terrain #17.

Other Thoughts:

*The holes have changed(for the better) compared to the pictures in this review.
* New #15, Original #15 becomes #16, original #16 becomes #17, original #17 has been removed(yea!) original #18 remains.

This is my home course due to its convenient location and where I was introduced to Disc Golf. I look forward to it everytime. There are many unique holes that you will remember and look forward to playing. Fairway size it mostly reasonable, some are pretty tight and require accurate placement but there are a few holes(#10,11,15,&18) that allow you to air it out.
**New Hole #15 is a great addition which removed original #17 (the parking lot tee pad across entrance road). They extended #14 which still has the disc eating sludge pond over the hill and #15 plays from the back of that hole across a steep gorge back near #14 tee pad. This is a really nice addition to the course.
#16 has now been reworked and the steep gorge on the left has been properly filled in and the pond on the right has been drained. This hole is now far less scary with those two changes. #17 is difficult uphill shot. The terrain can be very difficult as it is a straight upward climb. Leaves can make it a slippery hike. Also many opportunities for your disc to roll down the right bank into the stream.(The water is not the problem but rather the steep grade retrieving your disc) so play the hole to the left as it is an easier walk and better approach. Hole 18 if you can keep it off the road is a great ending allowing for the release of letting it rip off the tee.

This course has introduced me to a variety of shots and since playing other courses around the area, I found that I was ready for anything from learning here. I still look forward to coming back to Sequoyah Park.
Hats off to the gentlemen who keep this course maintained. They do a great job and the course just keeps getting better. Even after 9 months of consistently playing this course it still challenges me every time.
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2 2
Experience: 15.4 years 142 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Sequoyah Review 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 5, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Great woods course with many birdie opportunities. Disccatcher baskets and concrete pads with good signs and directions to next hole.
Requires good forehand and a decent backhand


Not all of the holes have concrete pads and could use some more mulch for when it gets muddy. Some holes such as 1 and 4 are not as good when the move the pin positions

Other Thoughts:

Fun course for beginners because of all the birdie opportunities and short distance holes. Beautiful during the spring time
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5 0
Experience: 7 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

One of the best in this area 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 12, 2010 Played the course:once


Some real picturesque holes. ... A lot of hole variety, with some straightaway and others dogleg left or right. ... Well-groomed. ... Loved the 'next tee' signs. For the most part, we had no trouble locating the next tee box. ... The holes are just the right length. At one point I thought that maybe they were too short. But this course isn't just about length. ... The course requires you to perform a lot of different shots. I found myself having to be imaginative on a lot of the holes, which is one of the criteria I use when judging courses. Of course, that means that on this night I got to use some discs that normally gather dust. ... Just enough hills. Sometimes I feel as if there are simply too many hills. But this felt just right. ... A few of the holes had you throwing through the limbs of two trees, which I found pretty neat


Bring your own water because we never found a fountain. ... Hole 17 actually had you teeing off -- if you can believe this -- through a parking lot filled with cars and over a road. I convinced my two playing partners that this was silly and we simply skipped the hole. ... The inclines on one of the back-9 holes were too steep. Fetching a wayward drive on this hole means risking life and limb. ... Some of the tee boxes were missing hole maps. ... Some of the 'next tee' signs had fallen off their respective trees, leaving us to guess. .... For me, the only real way to get to No. 13 was by throwing over a busy road. My playing partners chose not to do this, opting instead for the long way around. But the hole really needs to be worked over because a disc golfer getting hit by a car isn't out of the question. ... A few of the holes were just too tight.

Other Thoughts:

Would most likely be my home course if I lived in the area. A friend recommended I play it before leaving town, and he didn't disappoint. I return home in a few days but I sure hope I get the chance to play this course again. Aside from the lameness of Nos. 13 and 17, I really have no complaints.
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7 5
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.2 years 96 played 40 reviews
1.00 star(s)

12 holes good, 6 holes bad 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 3, 2010 Played the course:once


First 12 holes.


Last 6 holes.

Other Thoughts:

My rating for this course is a one disc/poor primarily due to the last six holes. The first 12 holes are a really fun pitch & putt. Tightly wooded but very fair--there are actual paths to the basket and not just random openings through scattered trees. I used a good variety of discs & shots here. The two long holes (10 & 11) combine distance and accuracy. The features of the "Front 12" include:

• Concrete tee pads on all holes
• Easy to follow flow (despite the absence of signs on many holes)
• Risky shots are rewarded if executed correctly
• No benches, although many tee pads had plastic lawn chairs; a unique touch
• Alternate basket positions on just about every hole
• Great for family play & beginners, but advanced players will be challenged by the tightness and twistyness of the fairways

After the first 12 holes, you emerge back in the parking lot where you started. Here, there is a snack bar (open during baseball games) and restroom facilities. While enjoying some cold drinks, we bumped into a couple of players that were going to replay the first 12 holes. When we told them we were continuing on to #13, they were surprised and told us "Good luck" with a grin. We very quickly found out why.

Hole #13: When you get to the tee box and see the hole placement, you will actually ask "Are you kidding me?" out loud. You have to throw a long shot that turns left, but you are actually throwing right down the middle of the busy park entrance road. The hole is around to the left and the road goes down and out of view to the right, so there is no way to determine if there is any oncoming traffic. There are tall trees to the left and right of the road and the road itself is out of bounds--I am NOT making this up. You have to throw right down the middle of the road and have your disc follow it down and around to the left then keep curving to the left after the road turns right to get to the basket. The basket itself is on a steep embankment that is all Georgia clay and has experienced so much erosion, it is surprising the basket is still standing. The area around the basket looks like moon craters. I went into so much detail because this is actually the best of the final six holes--it just keeps getting stranger.

Hole #14: The fairway is actually the trail that you had to walk up to get from #13 to the #14 tee pad. You are walking up the trail while golfers teeing off on #14 are throwing down the trail. You have to throw across a nasty pond and back into the woods. Beyond the basket is about a 20 foot sharp drop-off to the same nasty pond--don't overthrow.

Hole #15: Unplayable by all but the most adventurous players. You are throwing down a 20 foot wide trail about 300 feet to the basket. For the first 250 feet, throws to the right get another nasty pond and anything to the left gets a sheer 20 foot drop-off to a creek with water that has both color and smell that water should not have. Anything not down the middle is almost a sure goner. You have three choices: be really good, be really lucky, or throw a series of 25 foot flop shots. I skipped this hole.

Hole #16: About 300 feet up a steep hill through the woods following a winding footpath. 20 feet to the left of the footpath is a barbed wire fence; immediately to the right of the path is the 20 foot sheer drop-off to Stinky Creek. For added fun, the barbed wire fence takes a sharp right turn and runs about 20 feet behind the basket as well. Hole skipped for the same reasons as #15.

Hole #17: The tee pad is painted in the parking lot of a soccer field. You have to throw across the parking lot, across the busy entrance road (which is about 10-15 feet higher than the parking lot) towards the basket which is on a steep embankment that rises up to the outfield wall of a baseball field. There are trees all around the entrance road, but you only have about a 20 foot wide alley to go through. I would have actually played this hole except most shots will zip across the road at windshield level and it is not possible to see traffic coming down the road until it is too late.

Hole #18: Playable, but the tee pad is right alongside the very busy entrance road (don't let an arm or leg wander off the left side of the tee pad). The fairway is the narrow right shoulder of the road. The road itself is out of bounds, but the traffic is so heavy you don't want to wander over there anyway. The top of the basket is barely visible over a hill; be advised that overthrowing the basket could put you on the busy road that the park is located on.

While I thought #18 was the most normal hole of the "Back Six", there was one more surprise in store for us. Following the trail from the #18 basket back to the parking lot, after a lengthy walk we were surprised to find the trail evolves into the fairway for hole #1 and we were walking right towards a threesome about to throw right at us as we were coming down. Fortunately they saw us and we did not have to deal with any unplanned plastic surgery.

I really don't like being so negative about these last six holes (especially considering the enjoyment of the first 12), but they are just so darn bizarre I feel they have earned it. In fact, I highly recommend playing this course at least once if you have the opportunity. Even if you decide not to come back, the entertainment value of those last six holes makes the trip worthwhile.
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7 3
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 7, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Sequoyah park is a nice little pitch and putt course, with a couple of holes that give you the opportunity to open it up. The designers have done a nice job with the amount of land they had to work with. There are two things you have to do to score well out there, throw straight and get out of trouble. The shule can be punishing, but it is fair.

95% of the holes are valid. This is not a chuck and pray wooded course. The back six are fun.


The local barneys seem to have no understanding of the etiquette rules. Watch out for people throwing when you are still on a hole. Also, it's very easy to find groups of 5 or 6 that do not want to let you play through.

Hole nine's short left position
Hole ten's short left position

Other Thoughts:

Do not listen to the barneys that have written reviews about the back six, for they are barneys. Chances are, if you can only throw 250 ft, you won't care too much for challenging holes with water, or holes that have other park activities located near them. We get it, you are scared.

This is a fun course and it can be rewarding. I would recommend playing it if you are in the area.
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.8 years 201 played 147 reviews
2.50 star(s)

A Tale of 2 Courses 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 18, 2010 Played the course:once


Clean course in a nice park setting. Port-a-potties on site and benches and garbage cans all around the course. As I was playing the beginning of the course I was thinking what a nice little wooded course it is. Good tee pads and signs everyewhere. A typical wooded course with ups, downs and doglegs. #10 is a neat hole. Throw out of the woods and down into a little valley. Then up another hill into some sparse woods around the basket. #11 goes back down the hill into and up again to another wooded area around the basket. Nice holes on a tight wooded course. #12 is a tight tunnel shot, but has a hill to the left to add some risk. Then you need to cross the parking lot to get to #13. And that is where things go very wrong...


#13 is simply one of the worst holes I have played. It is in the grass between a walking path and the road into the park. Your choices are to throw over the road, where cars would come around a blind corner, or throw over the walkway straight at the basket. No choice choice at all if the park is busy. Then the small slope that the basket sits on is eroding terribly. Just a bad situation. #14 plays down a small hill and near a small pond. OK hole, but you must walk back through the fairway to get to the tunnel to #15. Then #15's fairway is once again the walking path. With an OB creek on the left and some water to the left. Just another bad hole. #17 is a tee pad painted on the parking lot. You must throw over the lot and the roadway once again. The basket is up on a hill about 30' from the baseball field fence. Not a great hole either. After a long walk to #18 you finally get to escape this ugly end of the course.

Other Thoughts:

The one really pleasant surprise to this course is #16. It's a very good hole. Down a small hill, over a creek, and back up a large hill to the basket while bending to the right the whole way. If you get a disc on edge to the right you could roll a long way down the hill to the creek. It is a hole you would expect to see at someplace like Richmond Hill in Asheville, NC. Almost makes playing the last 7 holes of this course worthwhile. Almost. This isn't a terrible course due to the decent wooded front 12. Some of the holes are very short, but they play OK. #16 is a real nice hole. I almost wish they would have just built a great 9 hole course instead of an extrememly inconsistent 18 holer. A decent course to play if you are nearby, but not worth a huge effort to get to.
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3 0
Experience: 15 years 2 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

First Course I Ever Played... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 17, 2009 Played the course:once


I liked the course, in general. I always played around in the woods as a kid, so this was not out of the ordinary for me. The first 13 holes were very fun and technical. You can definitely hone your technical skills here if you play the course a lot.


As a beginner, the water on Holes 14 and 15 intimidated me. I don't want to go fishing for discs in the water. Didn't find the painted tee box on Hole 17 until we ran into another disc golfer... may need some fresh paint.

Other Thoughts:

I'm a first timer, so take this review for what you will. I had a good enough time playing this course with my friend that I'm getting into the sport. I've gone out once and now have 8 discs for all different styles of throwing. This course may scare some away with the wooded landscape and the up and down terrain, but as a home course, I think it will suit me just fine and strengthen my game for courses that aren't wide open and lack some technical features.
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1 5
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.5 years 107 played 46 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Enjoyable 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 16, 2009 Played the course:once


First holes are a joy. Very easy to play and signs on most holes to help you out. Take a print out from this site of hole footage.


Hole 14 and 15 are a waste of time. I didn't even play them. I pay too much money for discs to be lost in the muddy swamp creek on those holes. 16 is fun and a hike but guys put on your big boy pants and stop complaining! It wasn't that bad of a hike. The swamp creek does play along the lower right of that hole though. Could pose a problem.

Other Thoughts:

17 and 18 do play into oncoming traffic. It wasn't too bad but it was also super early in the morning. I did not mind these holes at all.

Overall this was a good course not a very good course. 14 and 15 water issues could have very well put this course lower than what I rated it.
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3 2
Experience: 15.2 years 10 played 9 reviews
2.00 star(s)

I hope you like spiders 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 12, 2009 Played the course:once


This course requires a lot of different types of throws. It really challenges your throwing ability. There are some spectacular elevation changes. Don't be surprised if you unload your entire bag on a few of the holes just for fun.


I walked through about 40 spider webs in one round. At times I could feel things crawling on me. About a third of the holes could really use some improvement.

Other Thoughts:

The amount of trees are good for an experienced player, but an newbie will become frustrated quickly. Because the course is so hilly, you get a lot of excercise which is good, but it may be too much for small kids to follow along.
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5 2
Experience: 10 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 6, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


It's a very wooded course, but not too much. The first twelve holes are just superb. Every hole is a challenge but great. Just so well thought out and placed. Its very diverse. some holes are well over 300 and then some are well under 200, but just as hard. Some of the most fun I've had. Just a great first 12 holes. Oh, and hole 14.


I get annoyed with all the hiking you have to do after the first 12 holes. It gets tiresome. Be prepared to climb (hole 16). The first twelve holes are fun but the last 6 are just kind of a blur. Nothing too exciting about them

Other Thoughts:

There are a lot of places to lose a disc. keep that in mind.
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8 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 41.4 years 86 played 31 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A worthwhile stop 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 31, 2009 Played the course:once


Nice mix of uphill, downhill and sidehill holes in pretty pine forest. Some really nice tunnel shots demanding accuracy, particularly on the front. The drive on #10 across the valley to the guarded pin up the hill is a treat. Nice little pond shot on 14 (I think). #16 is a very challenging uphill/sidehill combo where par is a pretty good score. Nice tees.


I had a bit of difficulty finding the first tee, sign or two on the way in would help. There are a few pretty short holes on the front that aren't particularly challenging. #13, #17 and #18 play over the park road and around a ball field and give the impression some of the course was shoe-horned in.

Other Thoughts:

There are a number of other activities in this park so I have an appreciation for what it must have taken to get a disc golf course included. I'm in the minority as I actually liked the last 6, particularly the infamous #16, though I can see where this might be a tricky walk when the course is wet. When you take into account this is a multi-use area the designers really did a nice job here. This course is worth playing if you're in the area.
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3 2
Experience: 16.2 years 6 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 1, 2009 Played the course:once


First 12 holes aren't good, they are great! I actually enjoy hole 13 too, but the woods to the left are awful place for a beginner to lose a disc, and tee pad is misleading.
-good signs, restrooms, course flow


Hole 13, 14,15,16 are the strangest holes. There are so many places to lose a disc, especially for a beginner, that they end up not being played very much.
I believe the signs end at hole 13?

Other Thoughts:

Good course. Ninja turtles will enter your mind every time you walk from 14 to 15 :}
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6 4
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
2.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 27, 2009 Played the course:once


I was in town for a weekend and was able to play this course on the recommendation from a friend. It has some nice looking holes. This would be a good course for a beginner to play if he wanted an easier introduction to wooded courses.


One of the pads is facing the wrong basket. I had someone yelling at me because I thought it was the intended hole. The back part of the course is very poorly designed. You walk in all sorts of different directions. They also had a lot of short pin placements. I don't know why they did because the course is already pretty short.

Some of the locals (im guessing they are locals) were playing in front of my friend and I. They wouldn't let us play through. They didn't even bother looking back. I guess my whistle is silent. There was trash all over the course and beer cans everywhere.

Other Thoughts:

If you are visiting I would suggest going to east roswell park instead. That was the only other course that I played in the area and there is no point playing here if you can make it over to east roswell park.
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10 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.6 years 64 played 60 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A good time 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 26, 2009 Played the course:once


Lots of elevation change. Some tight, but clear fairways. Mostly concrete pads and the signs that existed were nice. Hole 10 is spectacular, I could stand on that hill and throw my whole bag if I wasn't afraid of losing half of it by forgetting where they went. Not a whole lot of non-dg traffic in the park. The wooded holes have 100,200,300 foot lines painted on the trees. Very cool way to see how far you threw. We also realized that a clothespin tells you what pin position is used on some holes with signs.


Many signs missing. On 6 we actually both decided on a do-over because the pin was waaaay beyond what we thought possible (most have one alt, this one seemed to have 4). Bathrooms were locked, park seemed kind of deserted....but not creepy.

Other Thoughts:

A challenging, but not frustrating course. We really liked 4a, 10, 11 and 7 and 12 gave us fits. We did only play the front 12 because most people say to avoid the rest and it was 95 degrees and we were dying.

We drove 31 miles to check out this course and were not disappointed.
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11 1
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nice Hilly Georgia Pines Course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 3, 2009 Played the course:once


The course, especially the first 12 holes are set up in a lovely, hilly Georgia pine forest with lots of elevation to contend with. The tee pads are mainly concrete and are big enough to provide a nice run-up. The course generally plays tight to very tight with accuracy being the key. This is a not a course for the beginner. Although the course is fairly complicated to navigate, the many next tee signs allowed me to find my way around fairly (?) easily. There are benches on most every hole. The baskets are in a great shape. I saw no signs of any vandalism anywhere and the course was litter free. Holes # 10 and # 11 are the twin signature holes. Both throw across a little valley finally giving you a chance to air it out.


I, too, felt that the course design kinda fell apart starting with # 13. Throwing into oncoming traffic on # 13 is a recipe for disaster. Then on # 17 you throw across the road and an errant throw on # 18 could hyser off into traffic. Another thing that I didn't particularly like about this course was the amount of uphill, blind throws. I like seeing the basket I'm throwing to. I know some uphill throws are to be expected on a hills course but I was surprised at how many there were here.

Other Thoughts:

My congratulations to the locals who worked and obviously continue to maintain this course. You obviously take pride in it. I truly appreciate how well marked it is and the lack of vandalism that tends to detract from so many other courses we play.
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13 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.1 years 113 played 45 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Sequoya 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 9, 2009 Played the course:once


Pretty park that is well maintained. Nice restrooms at the beginning with a bulletin with course info avaliable. There are benches and trash cans available on most holes. The course was very clean and the locals I encountered were all very friendly. Mostly wooded course that makes great use of the avaliable elevation changes on this property. Tee pads are a mixture of concrete and rubber, most holes had signs. I missed a few signs I don't know if they were missing or I just overlooked them. However I had no problems navagateing the course.
There is a nice mixture of shots required here and many holes had multiple baske postions available. Every hole had a decernable fairway most were are pretty tight but there. Good shots yeild birdy or even some ace possibilities but the potential of disc pinball with trees allways lurking. I have to agree with others holes #10 and #11 have to be the most visably awesome. Long toss across the same valley with enough distance required to satisfy those big arms out there. Plenty of fun for all to had on the first 12 holes.


Things start to fall apart some at #13, the hole runs right along the park road. This hole is fairly dangerous in my opinion. If the tee pad was moved down by the walking path the road would be taken out of play. I actually like this hole other than the road hazard, especially the basket placement on the side of a hill with deep water run off crags. The water in play on these back 6 holes looked pretty nasty. They look like they would be mosquito heaven in the summer. Once again on hole 17 you have to throw accross the road.

Other Thoughts:

All in all this was a very fun park to play. While the last 6 were not quite up to the same level as the first 12, I would not let that stop me from comming back again, And hey you get to walk thru a tunnel to get from 14 to 15, how much fun is that?
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3 1
Experience: 18.7 years 13 played 9 reviews
4.00 star(s)

A lot of fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 1, 2008 Played the course:once


Great variety of hole types. Gets very technical on most holes. There are two hole that are side by side that throw over a deep ravine... just beautiful! Not too long until you get to the back 9 holes. Not too crowded and plenty of signs so you know where you are and where to go.


Could use more work and cleanup... the day I went there were 3 guys picking up dead wood. Overall mainenance is good but could just use a few more people helping out.

Other Thoughts:

Really nice course situated in the woods. Treacherous back 9 and gets hilly. Trees call for a good challenge. Overall a really nice course! I would recommend playing here!
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