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Nashville, TN

Seven Oaks Park

3.945(based on 94 reviews)
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Seven Oaks Park reviews

7 2
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.1 years 42 played 38 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fore !!!! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 14, 2010 Played the course:once


I'm a big fan of multiple pin placements, and it appears that the Nashville disc golf community is as well, because both Seven Oaks and Cedar Hill have tons of em. I've only played this course one time, so I don't know how often the pins are moved, but there's a lot of potential replay value with so many possibilities.

Teepads and signs were showing their age, but were mostly adequate. Decent variety of holes: wooded, open, longer, shorter. Never felt repetitive as if we were playing the same hole over and over.

This course had more crushed rock and mulch on fairways that any course I've ever played. I'm listing this as a "pro" not because I enjoy fairways full of gravel, but because it occurs to me that this gravel didn't make it's way into these wooded fairways by itself. Someone (probably lots of someones) had to cart every stone back into these wooded fairways, and I'm assuming the alternative would have been mud. I'd much prefer gravel/mulch fairways over mudways.


My biggest gripe by far about this course is how tightly interwoven all the holes are. There are numerous places where you could hit someone (or be hit by someone) from another tee. You have teepads in the line of fire, and fairways that "T" other fairways. I could have killed a guy on 18 that I never even saw until after I'd thrown.

Adding to the likelihood of hitting someone is the fact that there are SO MANY people playing this course. We played at 2pm on a Wednesday, in 95 degree weather, and STILL saw tons of people playing. I can only imagine what it would be like on a Saturday in the spring or fall.

Other Thoughts:

The 3 extra holes were placed very strangely. They don't come at the end, like you'd expect them to. In fact, we'd never have seen them at all had we not gotten lost looking for #9's tee. We finished hole 8 and went down a path that we hoped led to 9. Well, instead, we found a tee with a sign that said "III". Ok, we thought, maybe this used to be the old hole 3 and they never updated the sign? *Shrug* So we played it, went to the next tee, and it's sign said "II". It was then that we realized that we had stumbled upon the 3 extra holes and were playing them in reverse order. We backtracked and eventually found #9s tee, but that's just really strange to stick 3 holes right in the middle of the front 9. Why not renumber the holes 1-21 and give better directions to find these extra 3 holes? Better yet, why not get rid of them entirely and use that land to space out holes 1-18 so that they are a little less cramped on top of one another?

Edit: After playing the course and writing my review, I discovered that this course has it's very own website. Click the Links/Files tab up above for the link to the website. It's fantastically done, with photos and writeups of every hole. I wish every course had something like this!
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1 6
Experience: 5 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

good for one play 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 4, 2010 Played the course:once


lots of people playing, good tee pads, people we encountered were friendly. pretty well maintained and groomed course (appears that someone cares)


some holes poorly designed, sometimes hard to find next hole.

Other Thoughts:

was fun for one time, probably wouldn't go back
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7 3
Experience: 14.5 years 35 played 10 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 14, 2010 Played the course:once


Very, vey challenging, you'll need a mixed bag of throws. Lots of alternate pin placements that routinely change. Homeless guy that looks like Willie Nelson lives around the 11th hole (no joke) and gathers lost discs. He's cool; he knows a lot about the course and will point out where to go if you're lost.


The crowds are one thing, but when groups play the course out of order it throws things way off kilter, especially around the hole 6-hole 7 area. After hole six you can either go straight to hole 7 or the first of the alternate holes. It never fails that as soon as my group finishes hole 6, this large group comes out of the woods right in front of us and to get ready to play hole 7. Often times we've had to skip the hole altogether and replay either hole 1 or 10 (next to the parking lot) to make a full 18.

Some of the regulars can be complete assholes, in part because of the problem listed above, and partly because some of them don't like it at all when you ask to play through.

Some of the tee boxes need work. All the tee signs need replacing, except maybe hole 14.

The basket for hole 13 borders on the fairway at hole 14. Errant throws from the 14 tee come down on 13 all the time.

There's a large field where hole 3, 4, 9, 10, and 18 kind of converge. 18 is supposed to be the main hole but you're right next to the 4 tee, the players at 3 are coming towards you on the left, the tee at 10 is to the right down the fairway, and guys throwing at hole 9 could possibly get in the way depending on where the pin is. More often than not there's no real danger of hitting anybody/getting hit, but it does get really congested in that field sometimes.

Other Thoughts:

For as many cons as I listed, it's not a terrible course. After a while you kind of learn the ways of Seven Oaks and just deal. It's the challenge the course delivers that keeps me coming back. If it weren't as difficult as it is, I probably wouldn't go there so often.
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1 4
Experience: 15.2 years 7 played 3 reviews
4.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 16, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Varied holes
Alternates available


Can get a little muddy
Sometimes crowded (because this is considered the BEST course in Nashville by locals)
Hole 18 is pretty long

Other Thoughts:

This a really nice course with ample seating at each pin and plenty of garbage containers throughout. I had a lot of fun at this course, and would easily say it's one of my favorites in Nashville.
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13 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun, but crowded 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 8, 2009 Played the course:once


The course has a ton of variety and balance. You'll throw all kinds of shots, over nice rolling hills in the woods and in open clearings. The course did a great job of playing in and out of the woods, and never felt repetitive or stale. There was a great balance between shots that required left or right turns, with some straight narrow fairways to navigate too.

There are concrete tees that are well worn but still serviceable. There are multiple pin positions on all the holes, with some holes having several possible settings. The signs showed distance and layout, and had a nice set up to show what the current placement was so that you didn't have to walk the holes just to see where the in was.

The different pin placements looked like they would really change things up and make the course play very different. The setting when I played was a nice balance of longer and shorter placements, and kept the left/right holes pretty even. I don't know how often this changes or whether it's always in such a nice balanced layout, but it certainly was well-done when I played.

The local players clearly love and take care of this course, and the ones we met and played with were friendly and helpful.


The course was quite crowded when we played, with several large groups slowing things down even more. We ended up waiting on every tee, which made for a very long round.

The tees aren't in great shape, many were cracked, sloping, and worn very slick with use. There were also some where erosion had made drop-offs around the edge of the concrete making for poor footing on run-ups and follow-throughs.

This course is showing its age a bit. The baskets and tees are very well used, and are starting to break down a little. There is pretty significant erosion in many places on the course, especially in the wooded holes which made for poor drainage and lots of mud and standing water even a few days after rain.

The extra 3 holes were a fun addition, but were tricky to find. It would have been nice to have a little better signage explaining the course layout and the optional extra loop.

Other Thoughts:

This is a great older course that is still challenging and fun even with newer disc technology. There are lots of holes that reward great shots and punish bad ones, without being a disc-eater. I would definitely stop by this course for a fun round if you're in the area.

Newer players might find this course tough and a little frustrating, though it's not too terribly long. More experienced players will find a variety of challenges here, and will need lots of different shots to score well.
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7 0
Experience: 23.5 years 38 played 18 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Early Wood 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 15, 2009 Played the course:once


Nice, controlled drives are the key to this oak forest. I played the majority of the course with a roc, with the exception of a couple of holes. Lots of trees, with most of the fairways having really defined lines. There are a couple that you throw, and just close your eyes and hope for the best. Pretty clean course for the most part. In a park right outside a nice little neighborhood, the course is pretty isolated. I don't foresee a lot of interference with joggers or bikers, either. This park doesn't share its disc space. Decent elevation change, and a good variety of shots. This course provides a lot of ace runs too, as long as you don't hit a tree.


No really long drives, though it could be the pin placements on the day that I played. The guys that I played with said that this course gets really packed most of the time. I guess I played at a good time. Course holds a lot of water, and it had just rained. A lot of holes in the 200-300 range, so the course is almost a midrange course exclusively.

Other Thoughts:

Great course overall. Recommend a play or two, as long as you skip the peak play hours.
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 775 played 417 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Oldie But Goodie 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 10, 2009 Played the course:once


21 holes, multiple pin positions with indicator of current position at tee-sign, concrete teepads, dedicated area of the park. Benches and garbage cans.


Teepads a bit short, signs well-worn - difficult to read the distance information.

Other Thoughts:

A very solid course, offering a variety of hole-types - very/moderately/not wooded. A few chances to bomb away, but there is a premium on control. Moderate elevation change on a few holes, most being relatively flat. Fairly even distribution of right/left/non-turning shots needed.

Navigation: How I came across the three extra holes - after finishing #8 in the short/right position, there is a path to the left, which will take you to tee #9, a basket in front of you, labelled with an "X" (and some distance behind it you may see another basket, which is "II"), and to the right a path which will take you to the tee for number "III". Play "III" first, take the path to the back/left of basket-III to find the tee for number "I". After playing I", the tee for "II" is easy to find, then after playing it, simply return to the "X" basket, and take the path, now to your right, to the 9th tee. To find tee #15, turn left after crossing the mini-bridge (the easily visible tee to your right is #16), walk down the meadow a bit, then take a path to the right to find tee #15.

Favourite hole(s): 14-16 form a nice combination. #14 is a long, gentle downhill with a line of tree to the left and scattered trees in front of you as you approach the basket. #15 is a long, gentle uphill with brush then trees narrowing the approach over very rocky terrain. #16 is long and flat down the course of a meadow, trees/brush on both sides, with the shallowest of creeks also running along the right side. The right-side pin position across the creek with the woods behind is classic.
Least favourite hole(s): 5-8 for a borderline pinball combo that will make you pay for any inaccuracy!

Very convenient to the airport - only about a five minute drive away. Certainly worth a visit if in the area.
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3 1
Experience: 4 played 4 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Fun and technical 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 5, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Variety of holes in the open and wooded. The wooded holes are sure to provide a challenge, but you shouldn't lose a disc. Players are friendly. If you go by yourself you can usually play a couple of extra discs each throw.


Very busy so try to play in the off-peak hours. There is a guy that always hangs out at hole 11 I think. He's a nice guy trying to make a buck selling hackysacks, but when I go disc-golfing I look for privacy and solitude, not solicitation.

Other Thoughts:

I recommend a good short game to get through the wooded holes as well as knowing the behavior of your discs to have a good round. If you are a beginner you may be intimidated by the more experienced players, however they were friendly to me when I first started. I just started a couple months ago and average a 70, but I recently shot an amazing 60 here the last round.
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1 1
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Good time 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 27, 2009 Played the course:once


well taken care of, u can tell its old but nothing really wrong with the course. there were actually people there cleaning trash and brush while we were there. there is a good amount off all shots for everyone, turn overs, heizers, flicks, straight shots gaps open fields it has it all.


only thing bad about this course is there are about 3 different pin locations for each hole and sometimes you have to walk out and look at the basket to tell where to shoot. other then that there is nothing bad i can say about this course
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1 5
Experience: 16.4 years 8 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 8, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Wooded but not loaded with trees and brush.


Can really add up a score with bad hole.

Other Thoughts:

Look for a hippie on the back nine as you enter the woods... chances are if you lost a disc he'll find it for some beer.
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3 2
Experience: 15.3 years 18 played 9 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Good..and not so good 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 29, 2009 Played the course:once


Very well maitained with benches, tables, and trash cans at every hole...no repetition of hole and pin placement..multiple pin placements...however this can be a problem too...


Tee signs were not helpful at all and if not for a local joining my group at hole 6 then we would have no clue as to where or what par these holes were. Several of the holes were no way in the par 3 range and there was no way of telling exactly what distance you were playing or where the pin acutally was hiding...other then that the course is very challenging.

Other Thoughts:

Maybe I am a little partial to being spoiled by the HB Clark designs here in Kentucky but I don't know...This course would be a five in my book if the tee signs were just a little better marked and made sense.
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7 2
Experience: 20.3 years 156 played 35 reviews
3.00 star(s)

5th or 6th best Nash Area Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 23, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


The course is aesthetically pleasing. The layout works great and the holes are beautiful. The shots are techinical and almost all holes are birdie holes. Pin placements change frequently. This a great course to take a new player and will be challenging for an intermediate level player who is working on control. If you prefer to only use a forehand drive, you will love this course.


Aside from #18, the holes are very short. The course only has 1 to 2 shots that require more than 60% power and you can finish feeling unfulfilled. Some deep placements are tricky but most holes are relatively low risk birdie shots despite the course's technical reputation. The course is heavily overplayed by large groups of casual players and large groups of local players who lack a big enough game for the other courses. This review will not be popular amoung said players, but the course is over-rated when compared to the other great Nashville courses.

Other Thoughts:

If you are a casual player, play this course, you will love it. If you are a serious player, play Cedar Hill, Crockett Park and Sharp Springs first.
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13 0
Doktor John
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 35.7 years 423 played 64 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Great course, worth seeking out 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 12, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


Beautiful setting
Big Parking area
Great signage--mapped out with each basket placement and a little washer on the pole just beneath the sign to show which placement the basket is at on the day you play
Very intuitive flow
Cement tees at every hole
Benches at every hole
Garbage cans at every hole
Excellent use of available terrain
Excellent use of elevation
Superb design
Forces you to throw every type of throw you know and even make up a couple :)
Really tests your strategic thinking
Multiple baskets on each hole
Beautifully manicured fairways
Great mixture of very technical holes and long holes--and many holes that have extremely technical stretches to get through to then navigate a long open area to the basket
Very nice mix of dogleg right and left holes (some practically switchbacks), laser straight holes and great uphill and downhill holes
Even the extremely technical holes have at least 2 or 3 very defined paths to the basket
No redundancy of holes
Amazing manicured paths and basket areas--crushed stone, wood chips, railroad ties
Great directional signs to direct you to the next tee
Amazing risk/reward aspects to this course
Friendly and helpful locals
3 bonus holes to make it 21


Hard to find any cons on this course...I can't imagine how you could make the design of the course any better--literally one of the most creatively designed courses I've played out of 297 so far...

In a perfect world, the only thing I would change is on a few of the tee pads...a few slant up or down quite a bit and could be leveled and re-poured...a few are well worn and the little pebbles in the cement are smoothed quite a bit and are pretty slick when wet

These minor issues in no way distract from this phenomenal course

Other Thoughts:

This course is a must play if you are in the Nashville area...we played it three times while here on a conference and wish we could have played it even more
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5 0
Experience: 15.4 years 9 played 8 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 10, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


It's been about 7 months since I last reviewed the course, so I think it's time for an update.

I believe there are benches at every hole, so that gives the course a chilled persona.

The majority of the course is wooded, so it will teach you accuracy. The course calls for a good mix of backhand and forehand shots along with some elevation.

The are multiple pin placements for almost every hole, and they are moved regularly.

There is some kind of cactus that is growing on hole 15, I believe.

It seems like the course is constantly being worked on.


The two biggest cons for me are the crowds and tee pads.

It seems like every time I go there it's crowded. I think the only time you might be able to play without a crowd is a dawn. Easily the most crowded course in the Nashville area.

This is an older course that needs a lot of work. Some of the tee pads can get pretty slick, especially holes 2 and 6. Both tees are on a downward slope. I would guess the angle is around 20 degrees. Way to steep for me to use my regular drive technique.

There are some semi-open holes, but only one hole that you don't have to worry about trees. There are some tight holes, then there are some insanely tight holes, almost to the point of just random trees.

The course can get very muddy if it has rained within 2 or 3 days. The tee signs are old and are getting harder to read. The baskets are also aging.

On hole 6, one of the pin positions sits behind the bench/tee pad of hole 7. Very easy to hit someone if you are not very accurate.

Other Thoughts:

This is the closest course to my home, but I usually try to go to other area courses. I'm really surprised at how crowded this course gets, because I don't consider it a beginner friendly course. You need to be accurate to do well here.

As of today, here are my Nashville area courses in rank.

1. Cedar Hill Park
2. Crockett Park
3. Liberty Park
4. Sharp Springs Park
5. Barfield Crescent Park
6. Seven Oaks Park
7. Two Rivers

I haven't played Sanders Ferry, Cedars of Lebanon, or Triple Creek.

If you want a course very beginner friendly, try Two Rivers. If you want something similar to Seven Oaks, but a little bigger, try Cedar Hill.
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12 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 182 played 120 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Very quaint DGC 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 26, 2009 Played the course:once


This course was pretty amazing. I wasn't sure what to expect other than its reputation, "it can be pretty crowded and it is a good course". Well I'll have to say that I was pleasantly surprised, I really liked this course a lot. After I played a few holes I discovered that this course has a real nostalgia to it. It almost felt as if it had some ancestral importance, like going to an old historic house or something. I really enjoyed the ambiance.

The course itself has most certainly been around for a while and has been broken in quite well. The first few holes play fairly open and the forth seems to tip toe into the woods beautify. That's where you begin to see some of the nicest wooded holes around. It has some very scenic fairways as you meander through the woods and you'll get a great shot variety. There is also a pretty good fluctuation in lengths as well. They vary from the low 200' to mid 400' foot range. The shorter holes sometimes require a little more accuracy than the longer holes but all in all almost every hole presents some sort of challenge and should be enjoyed by players of all skill levels. There are also multiple pin positions to keep things mixed up. If moved often enough they should keep even the locals on there toes and help keep the course diversified enough to battle becoming bored with the same old layout. It should also be noted that there are also three additional holes that supplement the main eighteen on the course as well. (I did not play them). The course makes pretty good sense and following the layout is fairly easy. In the end I liked the way that number eighteen punches out of the woods and brings you to the pin near a creek bank and trail that conveniently brings you right back up to the parking lot.

You should also enjoy the bonus of concrete tee pads, signs with distances and pin position indications, and benches. Speaking of benches, there is some really unique custom built seats scattered around and they sort of add to the "vibe" of the course. Additionally, it's absolutely amazing to see the amount of work that has been contributed to this course. You have to see it for yourself. People have dragged in cross ties, iron fences, split rail fences, gravel, mulch, etc. Overall it has really given this course a personality of its own.

This course is in its own area without any other park interferences. It has its own parking lot with a port-a-john and a nice kiosk with plenty of disc golf info.


Being an older course you can expect a couple of cons. First of all the pins are pretty old. I couldn't help notice that the baskets themselves are really shallow compared to some of the modern baskets. Also the concrete pads are pretty worn but they are quite manageable. The signs are in pretty bad shape. Some of them are almost unreadable and seemed to be inaccurate as far as distances are concerned. Some of the pin position indicators were also in the wrong place.

Fortunately I played here on an early weekday and only saw a few other players. I understand that during peak times this course is over crowded. I have talked to a couple of people who have said that the crowds can be frustrating enough to detour them from playing this course at these times. If you are planning on playing here you may want to plan accordingly.

Other Thoughts:

At times the phrase "must play" can be overused. This is certainly not the case here. If you are in the Nashville area, you should come and see for yourself. I really don't believe anyone would be disappointed after playing this course. It really is a one of a kind. Enjoy!
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5 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 29.3 years 131 played 68 reviews
3.50 star(s)

If you like wooded courses.... 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 23, 2005 Played the course:2-4 times


Course mixes some "in the woods" holes, very tight with lots of trees to work around, with some "defined fairway" holes, grassy, fairly narrow, open fairways with thick woods on the sides. Plenty of technical drives & upshots. A handful of semi-open shots where you can use a little distance.

A pretty area, well-kept, and exclusively disc-golf.

Convenient for the passing travelers, just off a beltway-type highway and not far from interstates.


Some of the tight, "in the woods" holes border on being "luck" holes, with either very tight lines to hit or many trees down fairway where you just hope to fly between them.

Other Thoughts:

Played several rounds at 2001 Am Worlds, and a few times since then while traveling through Nashville. I prefer Cedar Hill, but both are fine.
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2 3
Experience: 16.3 years 12 played 10 reviews
5.00 star(s)

the heavens blessed this course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 30, 2009 Played the course:once


absolutaly the best i have played. there is not much bad about this course. beautiful area and very very well maintained. very wide variety of holes. you rarely have to throw the same type of throw. there are steps to get you down the rocky or hilly areas. there are seats at almost every tee...(i never thought a stump would be so comfy lol)
generally a relaxing area and just overall an awesome place.


we got a little turned around near the optional holes but once we figured out where we were we thought it was amazing to have 3 extra holes just for fun. i think some of the pars are slightly insane. you have to have a cannon for an arm to get a 450ft hole in 4 shots. or maybe im just weak.... not sure yet.

Other Thoughts:

this course is worth the trip from any point in tennessee. absolutaly amazing course.
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1 6
Experience: 6 played 6 reviews
4.50 star(s)

WICKED GOOD TIME 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 10, 2008 Played the course:once


This course is awesome. super varied holes. Super beautifully maintained park/course, super great location. GREAT GREAT GREAT


I have absolutely no negative remarks about this course.

Other Thoughts:

If you live ANYWHERE in this area and haven't played this course........you're missing out on something real special. Enough said.
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2 2
Experience: 16.3 years 89 played 5 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Course Update 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 30, 2009 Played the course:once


This is just an update of the course conditions as of 4/30/09. There was a giant tree laying across the fairway at 3. It did not impede my shot, but I thought I would let people know so there will be no surprises (pictures will be uploaded).


To find 15:after playing 14
1. cross the little bridge (you will see a tee box to your right that tee box is 16)

2. Turn Left and walk down the path

3. Turn right into the first opening and you have found 15's tee.

It is not a long hike.

Other Thoughts:

I really liked the course even thought I am terrible at playing in the woods. I would play this course over and over again, if for no other reason to improve my accuracy.
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11 0
Experience: 17.6 years 14 played 9 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great Course - the hard work shows! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 25, 2009 Played the course:once


I was in town for the Dave Matthews concert this weekend, and made time to play another Nashville course. My only previous experience with Nashville DG was Two Rivers Park, so this was a nice change from that course. The course is pretty much set off in its own area of the park -- I did not see any casual park users (walkers, joggers, etc) wandering through the course, and you do not have to throw over any walking paths or playgrounds. It offers a mix of open and wooded holes, but the wooded holes all have visible routes present. They may be tight or a challenge to a RHBH thrower, but they are there. All holes had concrete tee pads that were in good shape, and multiple pin positions. The tee signs were informative about distance and showed which location the pin was supposed to be in, as well as how to get to the next tee from the basket. Terrain was wisely used -- you didn't play up a hill just because a hill was there -- you played up a hill because it made a good hole. Benches and trash cans were at every tee pad (or so it seemed), and I saw very little litter on the course. A sign on one tree said that they had a work period every Sunday morning (followed by a tourney), and the efforts of those show on the course. Info board at course start had lots of good stuff posted about tourneys, etc.


Not too many. On some of the signs, the letters and numbers used to indicate the various pin placements have come off, and on a couple of the holes, the pin was not in the location indicated on the sign. Also, there were a couple of holes that played close to one another (there is a tee-pad on the right edge of 18's fairway, and Hole 14's fairway runs right behind 13's basket). Also, we almost missed Hole 15 -- we had forgotten which way to go from 14's basket once we holed out, so we came out of the woods and headed to the visible tee-pad -- the group in front of us told us it was #16, and told us how to find # 15.

Other Thoughts:

All of the players we encountered on the course were very friendly -- we actually met several other from out of town who were playing the course for the 1st time, and everyone was very complimentary of it. Players ranged from teenagers to some "more experienced" players (looked to be mid-to-late 40's), so the course obviously appeals to a broad range of DG'ers. The course did not seem to have taken much damage from the recent windstorms that went through the Nashville and Murfreesboro area -- one tree was down at 3's teepad, but it was already being dismantled and did not obstruct play. I've only played 2 Nashville courses so far, but if you are coming through the area, I would definitely make it a point to play this one.
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