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Georgetown, IN

Seviren Lang DGC

4.195(based on 42 reviews)
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Seviren Lang DGC reviews

15 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
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Experience: 20.4 years 1162 played 739 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 17, 2024 Played the course:once


Seviren Lang is a classic course near the Louisville area. Though technically in Indiana, it's only a short drive across the river to play it. The course is a mixture of wooded and open and features subtle elevation changes throughout. The course starts out with the first 5 holes in the woods before opening up, literally, with the 1000'+ hole 6. From there on it's what I'd consider mostly open over moderately wooded.

The baskets are beautiful bright red Chainstar Pros. These look really new so I'm assuming this is only the second, maybe third year they've been here. No complaints with these. In fact, these are some of my personal favorite baskets. One basket but multiple pin placements per hole.

Nice large concrete tee pads on every hole. Most, but not all, have two tees per hole. This is always nice to see since it caters to a wider range of skill levels. The pads themselves are all nicely sized, level and have good traction to them. Nicely done with these.

There's a decent mixture of shot shapes off the tee here, though it seemed slightly more RHBH friendly. I liked how even on some of the more open holes they'd tuck the pin along the tree line or in a tricky area to approach. The design is pretty solid for what's honestly not a huge amount of space. They did a great job fitting 18 holes in here without it feeling crammed.

The flow is pretty intuitive to follow. There's signs guiding you to hole 1 from the kiosk in the parking lot and from there it's a piece of cake getting around.

The tee signs must be updated from the last review too. No longer laminated pieces of paper. They're now permanent and pretty nicely done. They feature a basic hole map showing both pin positions and any OB. They also have the par, distance and any elevation gain or loss for each basket position. Nice looking signs, and it sounds like a major update from prior years.


The 1000' hole feels forced. It's feels like filler to get you to the other side of the park. It doesn't really fit with the vibe of the rest of the course. Not a fan. There are restrooms near it though I guess. The wife appreciated that.

A few of the holes play pretty close to the park roads. Nothing overly egregious but also less than ideal. If playing to the long pin on 14 you're blind to the tee and some people may end up backtracking up the fairway to get to 15's tee.

You have to walk between 18's basket and the right side of hole 3's fairway to get to hole 1. Basically there's just a few slightly sketchy spots out here. While these wouldn't be an issue at 90% of the courses out there, this is one of those 10% courses where it could.

Lots of erosion here. Very unpredictable ground play due to this as well as tripping hazards. The rough wasn't too terrible when we played in mid April, it does look like there will be some gnarly areas come summer.

Other Thoughts:

I can see why this course is rated so highly on here. Back in 2008 this would've been a top of the line course. Honestly, now it's just kind of another above average city park course. Definitely worth a spin if you're near or travelling through here. But don't be mislead by it's lofty rating. Still fun, but currently overrated in my opinion.
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20 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
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Experience: 7.3 years 239 played 198 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Savorin' Seviren Lang

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 24, 2022 Played the course:once


+ Peaceful place to enjoy the walk as you play.
+ A healthy assortment of open, wooded, hilly and flat fairways.
+ Tee pads are sturdy, long and wide made of concrete.
+ Many baskets have plastic tubes wrapped around one of their spokes to point players towards the next tee.
+ Info board and practice basket.
+ The tee signs are easy to understand and have a diagram, distances and elevation changes, but...


- ...they're just laminated paper. A third of the tee signs are damaged or outright destroyed.
- Those 'next tubes' aren't present on all baskets, which means a few navigation issues. Going from 7 to 8, for one example.
- No lost disc box?
- Wild and grabby undergrowth all over the place. Aim true or waste time searching for your disc.

Other Thoughts:

For scenery, I liked hole15 the best. A peaceful shaded tunnel is just the thing to relax a disc golfer. There are many instances of that kind of thing here, but 15 was my favorite of it. For playing, I enjoyed hole2 the most because it challenged my skills in negotiating a dogleg in a narrow part of the woods with just enough elevation to keep it interesting. My least favorite was hole6. More than one thousand feet of nothing but wide-open space? Boooo....

That's as boring as it gets at Seviren Lang, though. Most of the other holes have enough elevation or natural features to avoid being dull. And those that don't are mercifully brief. No, engagement is not this course's weakness. I would say that the most glaring issue facing this course is the hodgepodge of presentation.

There are several examples, but hole11 illustrates my point perfectly. The tee sign has been torn off (as of June 2022). The small trees and shrubs at the bottom of the valley completely obscure the player's view of the fairway beyond. So, with no way of knowing what lies ahead, the player throws on faith. Is the basket left, right or straight? You won't know until you see it because the washer & screw system of telling players which position the basket is in is missing on that hole. If hole6 is the most boring, then hole11 was the most irritating to play.

But then take hole16. Its tee sign diagram is still intact. The washer & screw are there to tell players which pin position to throw towards. The fairway is clean and plainly visible. That is the kind of thing that this course intended to offer on every hole, but I get the feeling that age and nature are starting to overwhelm this course's infrastructure and personnel.

In spite of that, however, I still think that Seviren Lang deserves a warm recommendation. It is very rough around the edges with plenty of roughage at its edges, but the good far outweighs the bad here. The manageable hills and trees working together can make you forget about the worse parts of the course, even if nothing reaches out and grabs the player.

Bottom Line: Seviren Lang is a nice place to play our sport. It's got its problems, but they don't overshadow the good parts. Whether you're a regular or just visiting, this course won't disappoint.

By the way, how it that first word pronounced? Does it rhyme with 'siren'?
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18 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.2 years 114 played 105 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 18, 2022 Played the course:once


- Discraft Chainstar Pro baskets. Love these baskets and they look fairly new.
- It's pretty obvious that this is a well loved course. There are wood chips and gravel spread throughout to help with walking and traction. The soils here look to get quite slimy after a rain so this is a great addition.
- There are oodles of little wood plank bridges over the tiny streams and wet areas.
- Benches throughout
- Challenging course. This is the kind of place that demands good shot placement. Err on one side of the fairway or the other and there is hell to pay. It's really not a place you'd ever want to play blind in a tournament. Seems like the kind of place that needs 2 or 3 rounds before you start to settle into a groove.
- Love the multiple pin placements.
- Navigation wasn't horrible but in a few spots could have been better if I am being picky. For the most part, it was easy to find the next tee but still had to us UDisc occasionally.


- Not a fan of 18 and all the pavement you have to play over. Not too concerned with safety but it just seems like with all the room out here there isn't another place to put this hole?
- The concrete tees are really nice but seem a tad small.
- Adjacent to 11 and 12 on what appears to be barbed wire buried in the shule. This is definitely a safety hazard - don't ask me how I know.
- #6 is really out of place on this course. I get it, it's really cool to have a 1k foot hole on your home course but I just hate holes like this where they are long for the sake of being LONG. This hole requires no shot shaping, no strategy - nothing. Just throw as hard as you can. Yawn.
- The signs where legible were great. However the majority of them are in need of some serious TLC or just flat out replaced.

Other Thoughts:

Seviren Lang is obviously being cared for and loved by the local disc golf scene which is something I always love to see. It's moderately hilly to be sure and it feels like the back nine is one long stretch of one uphill hole after another making everything there a grind. 1 through 5 will lull you into a false sense of "hey this course is kinda easy" and then WHAM comes along #6. 7 though 9 aren't too bad but then prepare to have your tail kicked. Maybe it just seemed really difficult for me today because of all the wind. While there is a mix of wooded and open holes this is a place that is adversely affected by wind for sure in this setting of rolling hills. If you're anywhere near here this is definitely a worthwhile stop. Fun and challenging for sure.
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17 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 6 years 339 played 321 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Clean Park, Requires Committed Throws 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 22, 2021 Played the course:once


A moderately long course with consistently pretty good holes.

-Amenities: Quite good. Concrete tees, red Chainstars, good signs including maps and elevation info (though the distances seem questionable), mulch, benches, next tee signage.

-Multi-Pins: Most of the holes look like they have multiple pin positions. For regulars, this would be great.

-Upkeep: Solid, except for tee signs. Combined with the amenities, this makes Seviren a solid park-style experience that anyone could walk through with no difficulty.

-Variety: Good mix of open and tightly wooded. This is a park-style course done right, using all the environments available to it to keep things interesting.

-Shot Shaping/Gameplay: A credible challenge with quite a few interesting shots. The opening is the most technical section, with short par-3s. Here, it's about hitting tiny gaps and straddle putting. After the giant 1000' (6), the course spends more time in the open, with only sparse tree challenge. Then, the back nine ramps things up, with consistently varied length and shaping and several par-4s that were very enjoyable. This concluding section of the course includes the hardest holes and the ones that require most strategy. Parts of the course are extremely flat, but other parts make good use of the moderate elevation, such as the big downhill (7) that plays to a guarded basket.


-Signage: The signage is outdated, and doesn't include many newer pin positions. There are also quite a few signs damaged.

-Pizazz: i.e., this course doesn't really have any. The technical holes are good, but not startling. The open holes are pretty boring, such as (6) which is 1000' straight in the wide open. Really, the only holes that other courses would covet are combinations of woods and hills in the final 8 holes that create fun and demanding shots.

-Growth: I get the idea this course has grown in since it was started. Low shots are the norm here, and I have to think the ceilings are only getting lower as time goes on.

Other Thoughts:

Seviren Lang is a solid course. It's got good variety of good holes, and a few really nice shots towards the conclusion of the course. Add in complete amenities and good maintenance, and it's a Very Good course, on the verge of Excellence. That said, I don't think it has the appeal of Excellent courses, and I wouldn't consider it worth a special road trip to itself.
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21 1
Tyler V
Gold level trusted reviewer
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Experience: 17.3 years 163 played 111 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Nice Course With Plenty Of Variety Outside Louisville 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 13, 2021 Played the course:once


Seviren Lang Disc Golf Course is an 18-hole course that provides a mixture of wooded and park-style holes. Residing just outside Louisville, Kentucky, this course is among the highest rated in the Louisville area as well as in all of Indiana.

Seviren Lang's location is in Garry E. Cavan Park, which is 20 minutes from downtown Louisville. There's not much else around that park other than residential areas, but there are gas stations and some restaurants at the exit of I-64 that you take to get to the park. There are other courses in the area too, including some on the Indiana side of the state line, making it possible to hit multiple courses in one day.

Garry Cavan has a variety of park amenities in addition to disc golf. There are 3 picnic shelters that each have a parking lot near them. There are also 2 playgrounds in the park near the first and third shelter. In the front of the park, you will find basketball and tennis courts, as a horseshoe pit. The front of the park has some nice character, with the front shelter sporting a barn design. The disc golf course is at the very back of the park; if you park in the last parking area, the course start and end will be on the left side of the parking lot. In addition, there are substantial open areas in the park, especially between the 2nd and 3rd shelter. The park website says the field along hole 6 is a soccer field, though there are some fences that insinuate that baseball has been played here as well. Regardless, there are plenty of open areas for park goers to enjoy; during my early morning round here, there were several folks walking around the park.

Seviren Lang sports some nice equipment as a whole. You will find a bulletin board next to the parking lot that has local info and a park map, as well as a sign directing you to hole 1. The disc golf course has red banded chain star baskets that looked pretty new, and played as such. There are also 2 practice holes around the parking lot with plenty of room to practice long putts and approaches. The primary tee pads were all concrete, with some tees have alternate rubber pads - all of the concrete pads were in good shape. The tee signs on course are a little different than the ones on DGCR. The graphics on the current tee signs are a little more detailed, and the signs on course also have pin placements, distances, pars, and which pin is in use. One extra bit of detail is that the tee signs have the elevation change from tee to pin. This was the first time I have seen that on tee signs, and while some of the elevation changes are under 10 feet, others are 30 feet or more. Each tee sign includes the direction to the next tee, but there are also directional signs around the course that help you find the next tee pad. There are plenty of trash receptacles around the course and park, so don't be a litter bug.

The course design at Seviren Lang has some nice variety to it. While plenty of holes here are par 3s, you also have genuine par 4s and a par 5 as well. The course starts with 5 wooded holes that all require precision on your drive to avoid a bad kick off a tree. Hole 2 is a particularly tricky hole, being a par 4 that's only 339 feet but sports a tricky dogleg to the right. After a few more short holes, you will come to the monster that's hole 6, a 1,011-foot hole that plays straight ahead. While the hole seems easy enough, take note of the fairway that slopes to the left the whole way to the pin towards unforgiving rough. After a couple open holes, hole 9 challenges you to a right turning, downhill shot off the tee. The next 5 holes play most open around tree lines with the exception of hole 12, with the last 4 holes requiring more precise drives and placement either through the woods or into them.

Variety at Seviren Lang should keep you from getting bored during your round. There are plenty of shorter par 3s, either through the woods or in the open, but peppered around those holes are some longer holes that will require some skilled shots. Hole 6 will require you to have some decent distance to make a birdie. Hole 11 when in the A placement, 13, 16, and 18 are all legit par 4s as well, requiring 2 intentional shots from most players to set up for a decent birdie chance. There is also a mix on course between left and right curving shots, requiring a decent arsenal of shot types from players that are dominant in either hand or prefer a particular type of throw. While none of the elevation is too extreme, it does factor in on some holes. Hole 9 is probably the best example of this, but other holes like 7 and 18 also have decent elevation changes to keep in mind as well.

For course highlights, a couple of holes come to mind. Hole 11 is a great shot over a tree line, and when it's in the A placement, it requires a tough 2nd shot into a tight fairway to the green. Hole 6 will come to mind for many folks given its length, while some holes like 13 and 16 sport great designs, I think a hole that may get overlooked is hole 15. A `250-foot hole may not seem tough, but if you can't throw a straight shot reliably, the pond down to the right or the steep hill to the left will really get in your head.

Course difficulty will best serve intermediate players. Some of the holes on this course put it a set above what beginning players might enjoy, but I could also see higher level players consistently shooting well under par. The large space in between those two groups in terms of skill level will find some good challenges here while still having fun.


Some of the course equipment could use a refreshment here. While the concrete pads and baskets are in fantastic shape, a lot of the tee signs are showing a lot of wear, with some being partially unreadable. The alternate tees on the course are rubber pads that don't seem to be in the best shape either, or at least don't look as solid in the ground as they could be. Not every hole even has an alternate pad, but it would be nice to see the ones that are on the course get some refurbishment or even an upgrade.

There's a creek that runs along the west side of the park that comes into play during a lot of the back 9. You cross is multiple times, and there are some nice bridges in most of the spots they are needed. That being said, it can get muddy and wet where the water runs, and I could see some messy spots outgrowing the bridges that are in place.

Course flow feels off in a couple spots. The transition from 6 to 7 isn't too bad, but between holes 6 and 9, you could easily walk the wrong way if you don't know where you are going.

Apparently ticks are plentiful on this property, so be careful when off of the fairways.

Most of the holes seem to drain pretty well, but a couple spots seem to stay wet or muddy for a bit. The holes were still playable, but just be mindful after a rainy day.

In terms of difficulty, this course will prove a little too hard for new players. It's a great intermediate course, but is not as accessible for players around the far ends of the skills spectrum. New players won't be ready for this course, and top-level players may find themselves wanting something more.

Some of the holes on course really stand out in their simplicity compared to the ones that sport great designs. This isn't a bad thing necessarily, but the blander holes keep the rating from being top notch for me. The combo of holes 3, 4, and 5 will come off as "okay" for plenty of folks. I like a good short disc golf hole that requires a careful shot off the tee, but that's just me. That being said, when you combine these holes with 7, 8, and 10, you start to have a combination of holes and shot types that keep this from being a destination course. This doesn't make this course bad by any means, but these holes stand out more when you have a few holes with such great designs on the same course.

Other Thoughts:

Other than the tee signs that could use some love, there's really not much wrong with this course. It clearly has some committed folks looking after it, and it looks like it holds some larger tournaments throughout the year. To me, it's a very good course that is a few tweaks from getting into the conversation of destination courses. If you live in the area, this is definitely a course to hit if you have not yet. Some of the holes here really do provide some fun challenges, and the course makes great use out of the open and wooded areas not being taken up by other park functions. I'm not sure what more could be done in terms of course design without cutting down a bunch of trees to make fairways in the back. I think this course maxes out the land provided, and it was well worth the stop on my weekend trip of golf.

The Louisville Disc Golf Facebook page doesn't look active, but if you want information on the area, check out So In Disc Golf and Heartland Disc Golf on Facebook. It looks like the nearby Wendell Moore course has its own page as well. It looks like Disc Crazy Outdoor and More is the nearest pro shop, and isn't too far from Seviren Lang, so give them a visit if they're open and you want some new plastic.

If you're visiting Louisville, this definitely seems to be one of if not the top course to check out. If you're a local and haven't been here yet, this course is worth it to check out. I don't know who Seviren Lang was, but they have a very nice course named after them. I think the course designers and family did Seviren proud.
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13 2
Experience: 9.2 years 60 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

I'd love this as my home course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 27, 2019 Played the course:once


Played this course while visiting my parents in the Louisville area. Was a warm day, so played it twice. I chose Seviren from local options (having played Charlie Vettiner twice earlier in week) because years ago I played on ultimate team with co-designer, Martin Young. Wanted to see his work. Played my "round" shot from long tee when had option but tried the short concrete tees when present just to see what they offered.

*** The parking lot Google Maps leads to is near H10. The gate was closed that would take you up to the H1 parking lot. I could not tell if that was a permanent change to accommodate walking path or if merely an aspect of seasonal operations. Seemed like locals were starting on 10 as well. My comments are informed by 10-18, 1-9 order of play. There are one and possibly two practice baskets near H1 (still not sure about where 18's basket is) but none near H10 as far as I could tell.

The course was wet in places, but had not been area long enough to know what water it might be holding or why.

Much of what was said in previous reviews applies: well-maintained course; makes most of park space and elevation; nice mix of wooded and open holes.

A good, fair, rewarding, enjoyable challenge for my level -- almost exclusive LHBH 890+ rated intermediate player. The challenges include line hitting as the rough is punishing even in winter months and being out of position on holes, even in the open holes, increases the challenge and risks of the subsequent shot. On some holes this increase is fairly substantial - difference between good birdie look and no birdie look.

As I mention in the Cons there are, for my tastes, too many straight holes. That said, the course designers use angles and elevation effectively and interesting dimensions such as fast and roll-away greens, pinch points, etc.

Multiple basket design on some holes significantly change the hole while others create what amount to left and right greens. Only one basket in ground, so basket rotates. Some of the A/B baskets are not really far enough apart to really matter in terms of shot making but perhaps locals like the course variance they offer?

Comments on specific holes in Other Thoughts area.


There are a number of course holes that might not be approved in 2019 given safety concerns. As the course runs counterclockwise for most part, the risks tend to be LHBH fade risks and RHBH hyzer risks. 14 in the B position is a strong dogleg left with walkway on right. Not a big fan of throwing around a corner without good sight lines. 18 long also requires throwing over walkway that leads to 1's tee. This wasn't a problem with this parking lot not being used but still not a great design. I actually played to the practice basket near the parking lot in round 1, and then did again in R2 when I couldn't find a different basket to play to. H8 basket is near a parking lot but, again, the gate to the parking lot was closed.

I felt like I was throwing a driver (I throw nothing higher than a 9 speed disc) or a putter on most tees. There are a number of either straight or downhill putter shots: 1, 3, 7, possibly 10 (I threw mid), 17 in short. The alternate pins may change this dynamic -- just felt like a lot of straight putter shots. Other straight holes include 12 in long, 14 in short, 15 tunnel, 16 @ 1,000 ft, and 8 (uphill). That repetition of short shots solidified the 3.5 rating, and not a 4.

I really disliked hole 5, a nearly 90 degree short dogleg. Just seemed a goofy hole made out of necessity given the space available. Maybe if I threw FH better, I'd like it better.

Other Thoughts:

I liked the B9 (which played as F9 given where I parked) more than intended front 9. The first five wooded holes are uneven. 1 is a fine putter shot. 2 is a great hole. Requires two really good shots to get to green (perhaps 950-rated players putt for eagle?). 3 is boring. 4 is a good hole in that it has two routes to consider and an uphill green. 5 is as described above. 6 is 1,000 ft straight, though with sloping fairway toward wood line. 7,8,9 have weird flow.

3 favorite holes:
Hole 11 -- maybe signature hole on course. Uphill tee shot over a wooded area that can collect low discs. Hole was set in short position but, in second round, I went ahead and played to the long basket -- which required an uphill to downhill right-to-left tunnel shot, with runaway green. No basket, so I didn't putt, but would have been putting for par from circle's edge. Great view from short basket, if turn back toward tee. Took a picture there.

Hole 2 -- Almost a cut above, in good way, in terms of challenge compared with rest of course. Tight wooded fairway moving sharply to the right and then uphill slightly to very tight green. Fairway has pinch sides approaching green, so requires hitting two lines to be putting for birdie. Short par 4, but punishing if on either left or right of fairway, and especially right short of fairway bend.

Hole 16. Par 4, uphill from long tee into a tunnel, then on second shot (for my 300-foot arm) downhill through pinch point to guarded green (basket in longer position). tough birdie. I didn't get it either time.

3 Least Favorite Holes:

Hole 5 -- as described above. Yuck.

Hole 8 -- Kind of a filler hole. Go downhill on 7 and 9, so have to get back up hill from 7 to play 9. Probably harder RHBH given tree and mando but boring played LHBH.

Hole 3 -- the most boring of the straight putter holes. Kind of an obstructed tee of sorts, but that added nothing to hole.

Other hole comments:

I wonder what 13 played like when the course was designed compared to now. The second shot requires navigating a very large clump of trees across most of the fairway and then the green has evergreen trees around it in places. The map does not show the left hyzer line (LHBH) as a designed option. This line, if it is a line, requires hitting a narrow gap while possibly turning the disc over OB to clear this large clump and need distance to clear evergreen guardian trees. On the designed line, the hole plays LHBH hyzer then turnover. Opposite for RH. RHFH and then big RH hyzer is probably easiest route. The hole would benefit from some line clearing.

I'm still not sure if I played to the right basket on 18.

A few final "enjoyment" thoughts that did not affect me but worth mentioning:

The off-fairway rough was punishing to both scramble shots and to the body (thorns!) even in December. In summer it could be a real challenge/frustration.

I would call some of the Par 4s "soft" but I am not good enough for it to matter to my round. Just a design comment.

The busier the walking path is, the more disruption your round will likely encounter. Doesn't impact a ton of holes, but is a factor on a few.

If you are a 875+ player, I'd pass on the short tees. A few holes have second concrete tees and others have rubber pads (that seem to have been deserted in terms of upkeep). All of the long tees are more interesting. The short tees don't have tee signs.

My rounds played quickly though the layout requires a fair amount of walking. No transitions are too long -- it's just a course that covers the park perimeter so asks a fair amount of walking.

If I lived in Southern Indiana, I'd play this course all the time. Really good course for practicing hitting desired landing spots and wooded lines and navigating obstructed and runaway greens.
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10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.3 years 556 played 429 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Seviren Lang Thang 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 24, 2016 Played the course:once


Seviren Lang DGC in Georgetown offers a pretty stout test for the average player, but if you are on your game and have a little luck, cracking par seems achievable. I only played one round, and left with a 64 (+3). This is a longer course, especially if you use the long tees. The fairways are open and grassy on some holes, and more direct lines through trees on some. A bit of elevation change here and there adds another dimension of fun. There are concrete tees with signs, and nice baskets with multiple pin positions. If you like to throw long, there is a 1000'+ hole for you, along with a couple of other big drive opportunities. If you like distance with dense woods, there are a couple of those also. A few shorter and mid range holes with varied shapes, and looks from open to wooded. Not a lot of water, but not out of the question. Some OB, and residential areas lining two fairways. Hole 1 is a fun opener, but short and sweet. 2 gets real. Fast. Longer and thick woods with a hard dogleg right. I also liked 3 and 4 pretty well. 5 is a short an simple putter throw, I aimed for the wrong target first, the practice basket directly in front of the tee. Made a great throw at the wrong target. 6 is the monster, super long but mostly open. 7 is downhill and open until a small gap in a line of trees that protect the green, and I thought is was a fun drive. 8 is a fairly easy hole, but I missed the birdie putt. 9 is fun and 10 is ok, but 11 was one of my favorites. There was some elevation, some distance, and groves of trees that steer you from one end to the other. 12 is another good drive that is a liner through the trees. 13 is kind of long, giving you airspace to throw hard, but still requires some guidance to hit the proper landing zones. 14 is good enough, and 15 is another nice tunnel sort of drive. 16 I really liked, as well. It is another lengthy hole, that winds a bit across gentle elevation change, and the pin is tucked in a tricky little pocket of trees. 17 is another really cool hole. A two here will take a great drive, and/or a nice putt. 18 is another long one, but a dogleg left this time, with more trees as you approach the basket.


The layout was a little funky, and I had to do a bit of exploring to find my way once or twice. I actually parked in the wrong place and began at hole 10 but everything worked out fine. I thought one or two holes were maybe a bit bland, but do offer some chances to make up shots with an easy birdie or two. May have to wait on other park goers walking near the course occasionally.

Other Thoughts:

The first hole gave me a birdie, and I took another with a good drive on 4, but they were not terribly difficult. I was more impressed when my nearly perfect drive on 7 got the right bounce to bless me with a bird there. As nice as that was, I took 3 bogies on the front 9 and 3 more on the back. At least I enjoyed the ride. I would recommend Seviren Lang pretty highly. It was a really solid course in a nice, clean park. Those who play it regularly and take care of it are doing a very nice job maintaining it. Work was going on at hole 18 the afternoon I visited, and the guys there seemed cool, and gladly pointed me to the next hole when I asked for a little help.
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10 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 38.3 years 450 played 94 reviews
3.50 star(s)

3.75...not quite a 4 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 19, 2016 Played the course:once


Close to I-64 when on a road trip. Very well maintained and manicured park; the grass was being cut along with weed whacking / trimming by the grounds crew while I was playing on a Monday morning.

Cement tees on the long tees. Trash buckets at each tee sign. Good Mach 5 baskets. A variety of shots were required, from fairly tight wooded holes to a 1011 foot monster open hole #6. Good use of elevation change incorporated into the course which is important to me.

Hole #7 is a beautiful down hill shot. Hole #11 is a signature hole here with a uphill shot over a tree line, uphill some more to a well protected basket, par 4, loved it! I liked the look of #12 but played it poorly. #16 good par 4.

The cut rubber mats directly under the baskets were a nice touch, it prevents erosion and is easy to mow around.


Finding tee #1 was tricky even though I saw the red arrows, it could still be marked better. I found #2 and #18 before finding #1.

The first 5 wooded holes were through some very tight woods.

The flow between 7, 8 and 9 didn't feel natural. I expected to cross the road after 7 but the course goes back uphill for #8 and backtracks past basket #6 before you find tee #9.

#15 tunnel shot, hated it.

Other Thoughts:

This course shines on the back nine. I drove over an hour out of the way because of others I knew highly recommended it, I was disappointed until it opened up on hole 6. Again, props to the landscaping done on the course!

I'm a tough reviewer and can see why others see it as a 4 star course.

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9 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.3 years 77 played 68 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Classic course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 4, 2016 Played the course:once


Clean, manicured scenic park. Exclusive course land. Excellent signage. Decent course flow. Good mix of hole types, throw challenges and skill levels. Very easy to access from the highway.


Course gets a bit bland on the back nine. Some needless fairway overlap on the back nine as well.

Other Thoughts:

The course has a lot going for it, and you can tell it was designed by experienced disc golfers. The park setting is beautiful and well-maintained.

The first 5 holes are really superb and set the stage with some excellent technical wooded fairways. Hole 6 felt a bit ridiculous to me at 1100 feet. The backtracking for hole 8 and back to hole 9 felt weird.

The back nine started getting a bit bland, with a few holes just hugging the park drive and were little more than gap-fillers. A couple good technical holes though. For some weird reason, the basket for 18 was placed crossing the path one would take from the parking lot to the tee for hole 1, when it could have easily been placed without that overlap (a mere 20 foot difference).

I'm not a fan of asphalt-hugger courses in general. If I can see my car for most of the round, it's not my kind of course.

This is a nice course. It was fun to play, easy to navigate and enjoyable the entire round. Unfortunately, all the personality it built up on the front nine slowly drained out by the time you got to 18.

This is a model for what multi-use park disc golf courses should be like. I'm not sure much else could be done with the land to offer up signature holes or anything else that would make this course exceptional, but it's no doubt a good course and hits most of the marks.

I played Severin along with Iroquois Park and Charlie Vettiner while I was in the Louisville area. Without hesitation I'd recommend Severin if you had to choose one. It's not a destination course, but it's so easy to access from the highway that it's a definite course to play if you're in the area or traveling through. The 4+ rating here is definitely overinflated.
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9 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.5 years 112 played 95 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Great Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 13, 2016 Played the course:once


Course is in the back of a mixed use park that includes baseball fields, basketball courts, tennis courts, and a soccer field. Course does not interfere with those courts. Course is an intermediate to advance level course. Not very beginner friendly but would definitely teach someone accuracy.

Baskets - 18 Mach 5 baskets that catch great. Did not have any issues with spit outs. There are also 2 practice baskets on site. Each hole has an A and a B pin position which actually has the current location marked on the sign. Basket locations can drastically change the hole.

Tees - At least 1 concrete tee per hole. There are several holes that have a shorter tee which is a rubber mat. Hole 6 has 3 tees. Concrete tees were grippy. Some of the rubber mats were a little slick.

Signs - Signs include map, distance, par, hole number, basket locations (marked with a washer), as well as the location to the next tee. There was also a course map at the start of the course. There were signs throughout the course pointing to the next hole if it was ever in question.

Variety - This course has a great mix of short and technical shots as well as open bombers. There were several tunnel shots and a few thread the needle shots. Course has it all. Uphill, downhill, valley, wooded, and wide open shots. There were several blind shots due to elevation and woods.

There were bridges when needed!

There were benches or stumps as well as trans cans at every concrete tee.

Course was very clean and spread out.

Easy to get to. Not many nearby options for courses.


Not many cons that I can think of.

Course could use concrete tees for the alternate tees as opposed to the rubber mats. Rubber tees were a little slick and some of them were not in the best shape.

Signs at the alternate tees would be nice as well.

I noticed there was a tick on me as I was leaving the course!

Other Thoughts:

I really loved this course. It is definitely a challenging course and it was well maintained. I am from Indy and wish this course or one similar was in Indy. There are a few that are close but just not the same. Several holes at this course reminded me of some of the holes in Charlotte. It was a nice change of pace. It was my 4th course of the day and by far my favorite.
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9 4
Experience: 8.6 years 32 played 5 reviews
5.00 star(s)

One of the Best 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 9, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


This course is amazing! Located at the back of Garry Cavan park, Seviren Lang DGC is a real treat.

Rolling hills are the framework for (in my opinion) the best course around. Each hole presents a unique, difficult challenge. The first five are the most wooded and shorter than most of the others. Six, a 1011' hole, is wide open--except for the expertly placed trees at the end of the fairway. Seven through nine and eleven, fourteen, and eighteen go up and down the hilly landscape on sometimes-tricky lines. Twelve, fifteen, and seventeen are great tunnels (two downhill and one across an unforgiving ridge). Thirteen and sixteen demand accuracy and distance (more so than the others) to master. Ten, the only 'filler' hole, is still enjoyable because it's a break from the challenge of the others.

The course is well-maintained, being mowed often. There's an annual tournament here, and it always puts the great upkeep into overdrive. Most holes have small trash bins and a few have benches. The tees signs have been updated since they were put on this site and now look even better. They now include elevation change as well. Each tee has a marker indicating in which placement the basket is currently. All the pro tees are concrete and are sufficiently large, as well as level. Mandatories are clearly marked, and no out-of-bounds is silly--the course relies on natural obstacles for its difficulty.

Restrooms, water fountains, and a shelter house are all present. There are also two practice baskets at the parking lot.

A league meets at the park on Thursdays.


The amateur tees are rubber mats which are unlevel and probably not too grippy.

A few of the wooded holes may be muddy after rains.

There have been reports of car robberies at the parking lot. A policeman does patrol the course at times, and I have never seen any "sketchy" people, though.

Some players may find this course discouragingly challenging. I am not that good of a player, but I enjoy the challenge.

Other Thoughts:

Hole sixteen is my favorite. It goes across a gentle slope, around some large patches of trees, before entering an "evergreen gateway" to the "end circle." Cool!

When Barry Schultz played this course in 2013, he said it was definitely in his top ten list and he would be glad to play it again soon. His testimony verifies my belief that it couldn't get much better!
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7 3
Experience: 16.4 years 2 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Awesome Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 11, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


Challenging course. A great mix of hole locations and different types of shots needed. Very well kept up course and a lot of fun to play.


Placement is huge! As an Am 3 player I wish I had a forehand shot. Would have lowered my score. Not much negative other then to say it's a tough course. Don't expect a record low.

Watch out for ticks in some of the rough, our group had about 10 ticks between 3 people from the woods on hole 10.

Other Thoughts:

Holes that I loved...
1 - short but fun hole that required a nice mid range shot.
8 - Not easy, but a fun well place pin spot makes an interesting hole.
10 - An easy hole, the only one I birdied twice in the tournament :)

This is a great course, tough but a blast to play. As a disc golfer this had to be one of my top 20 course I have ever played.
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12 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.2 years 50 played 22 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Gem in Georgetown 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 3, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


Seviren Lang is a very nice park in a residential area. You can be at the course in less than 5 minutes from the exit at I-64. There was plenty of parking and a nice practice area and basket near the parking lot. Just looking at the baskets as we were driving in to the park, I wasn't all that impressed with what I saw.. that soon changed.

The course has very nice concrete tee pads that had very good grip.

Most of the holes have places to sit and trash cans are available.

The Mach 5 baskets were all in good shape and the areas around the baskets was well groomed.
The hole signs were top notch. They gave a very accurate yardage of the hole and the different basket placement. Each sign does have a marker to tell you if the basket is in "A" or "B". You might want to check just to make sure.
The next tee signs make navigation VERY easy on this course. This was my first time to the course and I had no problems at all.

The course starts in the woods. Holes 1-5 are in what I would call moderately wooded. most of them are very short but require PRECISE shots to make birdies. I needed a straight shot, a large anny/forehand, a big hyzer and a power fade just to play those holes.

The course opens up big time next few holes. Most of the time open means easy. Not here. You will need distance and the ability to work your disc to make birdies. Alot of the open holes have very tricky approaches. (Slopes, Ledges or Fall Offs)

Holes 12-18 would be lightly wooded but are very difficult closing holes.

Some holes that stuck out to me...

Hole #5 - It's an easy hyzer that needs to go about 150 ft out and about 60 feet left. Make the shot and it's and easy duece. Miss the opening and 5 comes into play REALLY quickly.

Hole #6 - Anytime you get to chuck it 1011 ft into the wind, it has to be memorable. There are only a couple of trees that come into play on the entire hole, but they are VERY well placed to catch your approach shots.

Hole 11a- It's an uphill hyzer to an open area. The appoach shot was a 250 ft very tight hyzer to a well tucked basket. You will need to put your drive in the right spot to have any run at the basket.

Hole 13- I have a love/hate for this hole. It seems so simple, but it beat me up both times I played it. We were playing in a right to left cross wind at about 20 mph and it made the tee shot extremely difficult. The hole looks so easy, yet it beat me up pretty good.


There are a couple of places where you do have to go back across another hole. Just beware and it's not really a problem.

Other Thoughts:

This is a course that offers just about everything. When you stand on each of the tees, you can see what needs to be done. There are no real tricks or gimmicks to the holes. I have never played a course that seemed more open, but yet you HAD to work the disc to score well. This course frustrated me like very few have, but I would play it again anytime. You can see the work that has been put into the course. The holes are extremely well thought out and the maint. was top notch. This place is truly a gem.
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5 6
Experience: 10.3 years 2 played 1 reviews
5.00 star(s)

The best 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 10, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


Great course for the pro level. Big variety of all different kinds of shots. It has open holes and wooded holes. This course tests your Acuracy as well as your distance.


It is fun and great to compete on for the ams. Not the best course for beginners and players who can't throw as far.

Other Thoughts:

I have played many courses throughout the country and this is defffentily in my favorites. Not only is the course challenging and fun to play on but it is also a really beautiful course.
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.1 years 179 played 144 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Very Solid, Very Clean, Very Balanced 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 28, 2013 Played the course:once


Seviren Lang is set in a nice residential area that has plenty of parking space, a restroom, and a practice basket near the first tee. While the park does have multiple pavilions and playgrounds, it feels that the course is the main attraction. The park is very clean and well manicured, and there are trash cans throughout the course. There are multiple bridges and even a set of stairs to make your walking a little more comfortable.

The signage is superb here, with arrows pointing you in the right direction on multiple occasions. The navigation flows well and you can get along fine without using a map. There is just one part that can be a little confusing (see cons). The tee signs are fantastic and tell you pars, hole lengths, the pin position, and point you to the next tee. The concrete tees and Mach 5 baskets are in good shape.

This is a very balanced and technical course with a well thought-out layout. True par 4's and a par 5! It starts out with some tight shots in the woods, opens up more for the middle holes, and ends with semi-open, technical holes. A great variation of hole distances are present (ranging from 200-1,000 feet) and the little elevation that the park has is used to its maximum potential. The pin positions are very well thought out and add a challenge being behind a set of trees (1,2, 7, and 17), on a slope (8, 13, 14, and 15), and through a tight window (5, 11, 16, 18). These help make some of the more straight-forward holes more exciting. There is also a great mix a hyzer, anhyzer, and straight tunnel-shots, as well as multiple holes that require a hyzer, then anhyzer or vice versa (11, 13, 16, and 18). These long technical holes are what make this course special.


-While there are multiple tees for each hole, the am. tees are very short and sometimes hard to spot. The pro tees - while in great shape - are too short in my opinion as well.
-Going from 6-7 can be a little confusing, as 9's tee is near 6's basket. I mistakenly walked to 9 first before realizing 7 was to the right not to the left like 9.
-There are multiple simple, straight-forward holes. You may argue that that's what gives this course such great balance, and I would tend to agree with that approach. Because this course is so technical, it needs a few holes that do give you some room for error. However, there are a few holes too many that are open or some that I would even call boring, when comparing to the rest of the course's standard.

Other Thoughts:

It is hard to give a course with so little cons "only" a 4 rating. This course is so solid and super clean. Much attention to detail has been given by way of navigation and pin placement. However, as I said, about 1/3 of the holes significantly don't match up to the rest of the course's standard. I loved the wooded holes at the beginning, and the long, technical holes that played through patches of trees. There are simply too many filler holes here though, holes that don't have a lot of character. Holes like 6-10 and 14 are pretty basic, but I do believe the designers use them to their maximum potential. Just a little bit of drop off. My favorite holes here were:

1 - Very tight, straight shot in the woods with a challenging pin position behind trees
2 - Pretty similar as 1, but with a pretty sharp anhyzer
11 - This sets the tone for the rest of the course. Throw a hyzer through a tight window (don't want to get in the rough here) and then a gradual uphill shot to the basket, which is in a tight spot within trees.
13 - Extreme anny then you have to throw through patches of trees to a basket on top of the slope. One of the great anhyzer then hyzer holes on the course.
15 - My favorite of the many tunnel shots in this course, because of the steep slopes on both sides and it's visual striking appearance.
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9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.1 years 401 played 385 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Best in the region! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 4, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


Seviren Lang is a jewel in the Louisville region, with variety, big D, woods, elevations, and challenges galore to impress disc golfers of all skill levels. It is a competition caliber course from the longs, and the short tees are fun for the mid-level player to really enjoy what they've got here. The locals are friendly and helpful, and even the deer just put on a show, rather than get in your way.

The disc golf course exists as a separate entity within a park that has other features (there was a kid's event going on in the front of the park the last time I played here), but I didn't pay much attention: I look forward to the course so much each time! It has decent sized concrete tee pads, and small flypad tees on many of the holes. I saw two or more tees on 1, 2, & 6 through 18. The signage is great, and next tee signs are plentiful where needed. Logs are used for seating on many holes, and trash and maintenance is excellent. There are even pads at the base of each basket to minimize damage to your discs!

Course flow is well thought out for safety, parking and shelters are abundant, and there are restrooms on site. The alternate tees on holes 9, 10, 11, 13, 16 & 17 make the holes completely different. You will use every shot in your bag, but you are not overly likely to lose a disc at Seviren Lang because of the upkeep, and you only come near a creek bed a couple of times. In all, there are too many positives to list: great course!


There aren't a whole lot of negatives, unless you really would prefer a water hazard, or want 10,000 feet of throws or something. Maybe the fact that you do a little loop for holes 7 & 8 gets to some folks? My only negative is that this one isn't in my home town...

Other Thoughts:

Played here twice now (longs and shorts), and loved the course both times. If you're traveling near here, I highly recommend a round!
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2 6
Experience: 2 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Lang 1 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 20, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Great course with wide open fairways with some technical shots. It also flows very well.


There really aren't to many bad things about this course. That being said, I wish it was in my back yard... its far from home for me

Other Thoughts:

If you are in the area it only makes sense to stop here and give it a try. You won't be sorry that you did!
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9 0
Experience: 15.3 years 73 played 13 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Really, one of the best. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 5, 2013 Played the course:once


First off, I'm going to talk about the aesthetics.
+Maybe this was just because of a fresh cut, but the course looked amazing. The grass was just mowed, trees were trimmed, rough was trimmed back.
+Bridges have been put in key locations. When I got into the woods, the fairways were very clean, free of debris.
+The tee signs are amazing. Adam Embrey is the course co-designer and also did the graphics. They really look phenomenal. They show a very accurate representation of the hole layout as well as distances, pars, etc.
+Speaking of the tee signs, I noticed that many (if not all, I wasn't planning on reviewing the course so I was not paying attention to every detail) had buckets for trash attached to the pole. It's a subtle touch that can really go a long way.
+DGA Mach V's. Great baskets. Enough said.
+Course has concrete tee pads for all the long pads and rubber mats for the shorter, alternate pads.
+I saw water fountains, but I did not use them. I am assuming they work since they appeared to be clean and in good shape.
+There is a nice course information sign as you come into the park (this will also be addressed in the cons, but a negligible con).
+Red signs point you to the next hole. Navigation on this course is so easy already, these just make it that much better.

Okay, now the layout.
+As I stated earlier, the course has everything. As far as championship caliber courses go, this is as good as it gets. It's a very challenging course that is also very fun. I'd say outside of Flyboy, this is the most fun I have had on a championship course. I'm not going to get into the specifics of each hole, but believe me, it has everything. Seviren Lang will really test a player's complete skill set.
Here are a few holes that really stand out to me:
+Hole 2 is a short par 4 in the woods that doglegs right after about 200'. If you get to the dogleg, a well placed touch shot will put you in position for a birdie 3. The basket is well guarded by guardian trees, so finesse and accuracy are crucial.
+Hole 6 is a 1011' par 5. The hole plays along a right-to-left downward slope the entire length. At the bottom of the hill is heavy rough and out of bounds. A well placed set of trees at the 800' point puts an emphasis on late accuracy.
+Hole 9 is a tough par 3. You tee off at the top of a hill through a tight tunnel. At the bottom of the hill, the fairway takes a 45 degree turn to the right with the basket being in the tree line with an OB creek behind.
+Hole 12 is a 300+ TIGHT downhill tunnel shot with the basket placed across a ditch at the bottom. Guardian trees near the basket and OB all over the place make this hole a very tough 2.
+Hole 16 is a par 4 that requires accuracy and placement if you want to score well. A tight right side forces you to work hard to place a shot that you want to finish in the middle right. If you pull off a great drive, your upshot will want to split an opening in a line of cedar trees. You hit that gap, and you have a chance at a birdie 3.


No course is perfect, so here are a few cons.
-The flow in a few spots is a little weird.
-To get to hole 1's tee area, you have to cross the fairway of hole 18.
-After you finish hole 8, you have to double back between holes 6 & 7 to get to hole 9's tee pad.
-On hole 11, you have to double back across the fairway to get to hole 12.
-Another small con was the fact that the course information sign is located between holes 9 & 10. The numbers have been changed since the course was originally designed, what is now hole 10 used to be hole 1. It's really not a big deal; just a little weird.

I guess there aren't benches everywhere? Not a big deal, but it may be to some people.

Other Thoughts:

That's my review of Seviren Lang. This course is awesome. If you are remotely in the area, make a point to play it.

I played this course on 6/5/2013. I had played it before they changed the hole numbers. I'm not sure why I hadn't realized how great of a course this was before.

I definitely put it in the top 10% of courses I have played, maybe in the top 5. It has everything. Ace Runs, a 1000' par 5, tight woods, long open shots, hyzers, anhyzers, great placement holes.

On a side note, I was playing well until I got to hole 10. After that, my feelings were really hurt.

Great job Adam & Martin for designing such a stellar course.
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2 4
Will Burke
Experience: 16.3 years 32 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

I'm Lovin It 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 8, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Nice park with a great course.
Tons of fun with the forced line shaping and challenge added to this course.


Almost a great course just seems like a few too many filler holes.

Other Thoughts:

Really enjoy playing this course and the challenges such as distance and placement golf that the design forces out of you.
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7 0
Experience: 9 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

A Southern Indiana GEM!! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 15, 2013 Played the course:once


First of all, let me apologize, as this is my first review. That being said, this course was the first I felt worthy of breaking the ice for me.
>First pro was the perfect mixture of holes. Shorts, longs, open, wooded, rights, lefts, straights etc.
>course is very beginner friendly, yet is very technical.
>good shots are rewarded, yet poor shots are able to be recovered from.
>works every aspect of your game.
> great signage, with arrows to the following tee pad.
>easily accessible from the highway


>tee sign missing on hole 4
> tee sign reversed/ incorrect on hole that plays up nearest the houses. shows road on left, road is on right shows hole to right hole is to left etc.
> tee pads short on some holes
>one bridge was unstable and planks space out too far

Other Thoughts:

I met Adam ( course designer) at our local course in Evansville. He talked to my buddy and I for a while before asking us if we had played this course. Great guy, very friendly, and he designed one heck of a course!
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