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Willow Street, PA

Ship Rock DGC

3.785(based on 32 reviews)
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Ship Rock DGC reviews

5 0
Experience: 14.6 years 82 played 12 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Better than expected 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 5, 2013 Played the course:once


Excellent use of property and a well layed out course with several signature holes. The course played much longer than I expected but several of those longer holes play downhill for some spectacular drives. Mostly open course with about 4 very unique wood holes. Most of the longer open holes have some sort of elevation involved that gives the course its "fun factor" to play and keeps the holes from becoming to similar. Course flow worked out really well bringing you in and out of the woods throughout the course.

A lot of work seems to have gone into the course featuring new signs & tees, platform tee, rope rails, elevated tees in the hill side and good clearing of the wooded holes & paths to next hole. I thought it looked like a well established course even though it's new.

It's a great addition to the Lancaster area courses and a real change of pace by adding this style of course.

Signature holes in my opinion 5, 15 & 16. Most unique hole I ever played - 11


Hole 4/6/7 - the fairways need a little more work to determine OB. There is a rope fence but it's still a little difficult to determine and see if playing for the first time. Perhaps a low solid construction fence or hang something from the rope. Hole 6 in my opinion should have a mando to keep you from throwing over 7 fairway. I totally missed 7's mando.

I played on a mostly frozen ground but really concerned this course could become very muddy at times on the lower holes.

Needs directional arrow top of hill on 3 pointing to 4 tee.

Hole 9 should have a mando to keep you from throwing into 13 fairway. Needs directional arrow on 9 basket pointing at 10 tee otherwise everyone without map will walk to 13 tee first.

No rec or beginner tees on the longer holes.

Other Thoughts:

If you are looking for a longer course which seems to be trending these days, this is the course for you. If you are a beginner you will struggle with length but this course offers an excellent chance to work on longer drives with less concern of lost of disc.

With Buchmiller only 10 min away it makes a great combo day but this course is worth the travel by itself.

Need a couple of long poles (conduit) or branches on holes 2 & 11 to get your disc out of the water.

Would be nice to have a port-a-pot., picnic table & loss disc return area.

Real interested to see what this course is like in the summer. Course is just missing enough minor things to keep me from rating this a 4 but the course is well on its way.

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4 0
Experience: 2 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Tough for beginners 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 15, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Thanks to the designers for bringing another disc golf course to the Lancaster area. Course uses existing terrain well. Very nice signs at each tee box show you what to expect on each hole. Small wooden signs on the bottom of each basket point you directly to the next tee box and eliminate one of the most frustrating parts of playing an unfamiliar course.


Having taken up the game this year, this course is extremely difficult for a beginner, especially if you aren't able to throw the disc over 300 ft on a consistent basis. Hole 6 is 850 feet uphill and a dogleg right. It takes me five shots to get close to the basket, virtually taking birdie away. The course gets extremely muddy after a rain due to the creek in the lower part of the course,making play difficult, even dangerous at times. Many holes require two or more bomb shots to start and have no trees along the fairways to at least add more visual appeal to the holes and guide you to the basket. This results in several holes looking too similar to each other, though it is understandable for a newly established course. If trees are planted as I have heard they will be it will be a great help.

Other Thoughts:

Be very careful when walking up to look over the cliff to the basket on hole 11. There are several small stumps in the ground from trees that were removed, leaving a trip hazard that could send you over the edge of the cliff. This also exists on other holes on the course. Overall this is a good course for an experienced player who can throw with distance. Buchmiller is a better course for a beginner, but playing here and returning to Buchmiller will make the shorter course seem much easier.
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 775 played 417 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Enola Gay 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 12, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


Nice tee locations, with quality signs, 4'x10' flat, rubber teepads, surrounded by mulch.

New baskets, including a practice basket. Plenty of space to warm-up.


Don't know how often the neighbouring creek floods, but it had recently done so prior to our playing, rending teepads 9, 14, and 17 unusable, and the greens/fairways of 2, 13, 14, and 16 quite mucky.

As others have mentioned, the out-of-bounds is inconsistent, and not always well-marked. Probably best to play all parallel airways as ob, and as the course matures, hopefully there will be a narrow strip of high grass to define the lines.

Considering about half the holes are bombers, the 10' long teepad felt a bit short.

Single-tee/basket position.

Other Thoughts:

The course is set on former farmland, bordered by a wide creek along 2/3rds, and fields the other 1/3rd. While the land closest to the creek, which holds a portion of the course, is quite flat, the remaining land, containing the bulk of the course, irregularly slopes down towards it. A rim of woods and an abandoned barn provide obstacles, preventing the course from being just a pure grip-n-rip.

That said, approximately half the holes are 500'+, with the length, relatively-distant ob, and, at times, some squeeze-points near the basket providing the challenge. Another ~quarter of holes are similar in openness to these, but at 325'+/- 25', are reachable from the tee by a larger audience. The remaining ~quarter of holes aren't about distance (~225', +/-), but about touch, with trees to avoid and/or specific lines to hit to have the birdy chance.

Navigation: The dirt, single-track path leading to the parking lot is roughly opposite three blue silos. With the map, navigating the course is fairly simple, as long as you remember to back track on #4 (tee to left ~200' after exiting woods, basket ~500' to the right), and #10 (from basket-9, find path through cluster of small trees along right-side of narrowing fairway-9).

Favourite holes: #5 (Touch), requires you to avoid the barn, along with some branches on the left, to find the basket in an elevated position, just off the corner. #16 (Bomb). Steadily downslope at the start, even a good drive will make you think about how to avoid the tall row of trees between you and the wide-open basket, sitting far away on the other side of them.

Bombers should enjoy this course. Technicians will only be able to scratch that particular itch a couple of times. The course is about a 2.74 for me, and I will certainly consider playing it again when passing through the area.
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4 0
Experience: 16.3 years 78 played 7 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Ship Rock 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 1, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


New Course. New Tees. Well thought out holes. Good Use of Elevation. Excellent signage and navigation. Right off main highway and easy to find. Nice scenery. Great flow and some nice risk/reward with the rough and water coming into play at times. Extremely fun and definitely challenging course.


Ob's are a little unclear sometimes especially on some of the long open holes. No noticeable restroom facilities or trash cans. (picky, i know, but not a whole lot to place as cons)

Other Thoughts:

This is my second run through this new park. I played here in early September and the rough was still pretty unforgiving and the view was totally different due to the cornfields and other foilage being plentiful. As i have mentioned before, I have no real arm and do not drive far at all. However, this was not an issue despite some long holes. I loved the layout and brought a friend who had not played here yet, and he was very impressed with the fun factor of the holes from the get go. Most holes are fairly open but they all add some challenge with obstacles and the ob's. The wooded holes are especially fun and seem placed perfectly to add to the flow. holes 1, 3, 5, 11 and 12 were definitely my personal favorites and each had special touches that made them unique. The first time I played here was early in the morning and the dew made for an extremely wet day due to the open fairways. Today, even though Hurricane Sandy was over a month ago, the holes in the back of the course closer to the creek were just crazy muddy. It made it extremely difficult to walk let alone to tee off, but at the same time does not seem like it will be a regular issue. Overall this course is quickly becoming one of my favorites. It is a good almost two hour drive for me to get to, but it is definitely worth it especially with other courses not too far. It is challenging and could be frustrating for some beginners due to the long holes, but I enjoy a challenge and look forward to playing here again soon.
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2 1
Experience: 14.3 years 74 played 14 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Solid 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 13, 2012 Played the course:once


Beautiful scenery.
Nice layout.
Good mix of distance holes and precision holes.
Wonderful Signs.
Very Nice new rubber tees.


high grass in many places. Long pants recommended.

Other Thoughts:

Once this gets broken in a bit, and perhaps once they plant a few more trees this course could be a 5/5.
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2 0
Experience: 11 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

A good play 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 5, 2012 Played the course:once


Great new course for the area.

-Great tee pads and marking, not difficult no navigate at all.
-Good use of elevation and reasonable fairways, challenging, but not obnoxiously tight.
-Some really creative holes. One plays around an over grown barn, one drops off a 20 foot cliff (with the basket right at the bottom). It provides for some very fun holes.
-Just because my "pros" list is shorter than my "cons" list, don't be fooled. It's a good course.


-New and still rough, not in hole design, but in upkeep. Lots of grass, so unless someone is spending a lot of time keeping it up, it'll likely get fairly over grown.
-A lot of open field rolling terrain, which while sometimes very fun, also gives you practically no reference points to find your disc. As soon as it flies over a slight hill and its landing point is out of view, it'll likely take you a good amount of time to find your disc, even if it's not hidden. I spent a frustratingly large amount of time looking for discs in the wide open. The grass wasn't all that long, but long enough to hide the disc unless you were within 10 or 15 feet.
-Spotters are useful for many holes. Playing solo would be doable, but far from preferable. There's a few blind corner/obstructed view shots

Other Thoughts:

-Make sure you know exactly where you're going. The driveway is very well hidden in the corn fields and marked with a sign that doesn't currently stick out very well.
-If you're from the area, this course is a definite play. If you're just passing through, Buchmiller park offers a shorter, but more well done course. You pick.
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3 0
Experience: 12.4 years 19 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Great Course Mixes Things Up 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 18, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


This course has a great variety of open, long distance holes, and tight, technically challenging holes. The pads are well constructed and have tons of grip, and the baskets are brand new. The course uses the space really well, as it never crosses itself and it brings you right back to the parking area. The best part about the course is the uniqueness and creativity incorporated in the hole design. None of the holes are the same, and holes 3, 10, 11 and 12 come to mind as particularly fun designs.


Being a new course, it is still rough around the edges, and it isn't too difficult to lose track of a disc. The open holes have wide open fairways, but it is easy to lose your disc in the grass if you don't keep an eye on it. Holes 13, 15 and 16 have some particularly tall weeds that are easy to lose a disc in.

Other Thoughts:

This course might not be the best course for beginners, as it involves a number of very long holes and tight fairways, but it can still be a great time with the right attitude. A great place to play, that will only improve as they continue to work on it. I would recommend using spotters for a number of holes with high rough next to it (especially 15 and 16).
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3 2
Experience: 30.1 years 2 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

You should try it 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 29, 2012 Played the course:once


This is a great new addition to the area. The course has some long holes (600-800 footers) that might not appeal to all but they make good use of the terrain and avoid being repetitve. There is also a good variety with some shorter wooded and some water. It has great signage for a new course.


It suffers from the normal challenges of courses with lots of open grass. Bring a friend or use a spotter if it hasn't been mowed in a while.

Other Thoughts:

This is a fun course even with the distance. It could be rough on players throwing 250 or less but it is a fun challenging course that deserves some play. props to course designer and the crew that put it in.
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3 2
Experience: 26.6 years 12 played 6 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Picturesque Lancaster County 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 25, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


Wow! Lancaster County needed a course like this. big distance while still technical. Lots of nice features (like stairs, platforms, trails, etc). Incredible setting. You have to "golf" here to get a good score. Hole 11 is unique. Good use of elevation. The Pequea Creek runs along the back side offering a water hazard.


Not a lot of shade, yet...I know there are trees being planted that will take care of that.

Other Thoughts:

Probably a tough course for beginners, but not frustrating for them (like Quaker's Challenge, for example). This is playable for any skill level. Great challenge for the pros.
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4 0
Experience: 21.3 years 71 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Worth Playing! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 22, 2012 Played the course:once


Excellent tee pads (rubber fly pads that grip every time). Great Hole signage, making it easy to identify distance as well as the location of the pin. The course is easy to navigate with arrows marking the direction to the next tee pad. The course loop brings you back to the parking area to refill water/ grab food etc on hole 6. There is a Variety of elevation, distance and mixture of open and wooded holes. Water hazards come into play on a few holes brings in a new factor many people are not used to.


Difficult to understand OB lines first time through the course although this is common for any course the first time you play it.
Can be hard at times to find you disc in the fairway even though the grass is cut, keep an eye on your plastic even if it lands in the fairway! Needs a trash can in the parking lot

Other Thoughts:

The course plays extremely well, with minimal walking distances between holes. The first time through the course the OB lines can be difficult to understand but its nothing out of the ordinary for someone playing a new course. Each hole has its own character with little if any repeated shots, with the exception of the longer holes where your unloading some serious distance off the tee pad to set up a second shot for a potential birdie. Love the fact that its 8,333 ft and a par 64. Beginners might get discouraged by the distance, but over time this will improve their game and help them to develop as a golfer. This course definitely suits a player with longer distance drives (400+ ft) if you really want to shoot a hot round and attack the longer holes. Very fun, can't wait to play again!
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2 2
Experience: 15.1 years 18 played 4 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Ship Rock DGC 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 18, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


This course takes the game of disc golf to a new level, which challenges you to really get your birdies with longer and more accurate throws. The course flows very well from one hole to the next, so you can play this long course in roughly 2 hours. The tee signs are also very accurate and detailed.


Some fairways are tight, so watch out for discs. Trees will be going in soon, but at the moment some holes are fairly open.

Other Thoughts:

The course has plans to put some trees in soon that are 35 feet tall, which will really help close up some long open fairways.
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1 4
Experience: 16.5 years 21 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Central PA's Newest Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 18, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


Brings a slightly more technical course to the area.

Great use of space.

Fairly balanced amount of open and wooded holes.


Too many extremely long fairways as of 8-18-12.

One Mando is not really specfied. Hole 7, I think.

Other Thoughts:

As far as the long fairways go, I have heard that there are plans to bring in trees to add some directional obstacles to the 650+ foot fairways.

This really is a great course, it's delivering a whole new level of play to Lancaster disc golfers.
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