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Waterport, NY

Shore Winds DGC - Blue Course

4.25(based on 15 reviews)
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Shore Winds DGC - Blue Course reviews

19 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 7.2 years 442 played 410 reviews
4.50 star(s)

It's Named "The Beast"? Yeah, that checks out. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 29, 2021 Played the course:once


+ Course maintenance is excellent: on the Memorial Day weekend that I played, it was well-mowed and spotless. Each hole has three poured concrete tees, and the baskets are in good shape. The layout is largely open, with some baskets tucked into treed areas. But the course still plays as "technical" - on a windy day, the holes near the shoreline require very specific lines to avoid rough and OB

+ Nicknamed "The Beast" it's a long bomber course (9110' / 8120' / 6689') that shows you right away what it's gonna do. Hole #1 starts with a bang: 600+ par 4 from the white tees with an uphill finish, with the pin up beyond a bowl with staked OB. Then, a 700+' par 5, and another 600+ par 4, and so on. In fact, the shortest hole of the first third of the course is the 400' par 3 hole #4

+ Being right on the coast of Lake Ontario, long stretches of the course are pretty flat. A handful of holes (#8, #12 and #13) were cleverly designed to take advantage of the little bit of available elevation change, and they're a welcome addition

+ The green on hole #15 is circled by a ring of boulders, and at 217' from the Blue and the White (153' from the Red) can be played as an island hole (see card, not sign)

+ The basket on #18 is up on a man made mound, adding extra challenge and a finishing note to the course


- Strangely, the really good course signage doesn't include specifics about OB, which is described in detail on the paper scorecard. But if you don't have a scorecard, you won't know that discs that go over the cliff on the shoreline are played inbounds unless they land in the water, and you won't know to play #15 as an island green. The tee signs include really good maps and show each of the three tee locations with lengths. If you're using uDisc and don't take a paper scorecard, you won't know about about some of the OB

Other Thoughts:

~ There are a couple of weak holes that I initially was going to include as "cons." But on reflection, I think the weakness of their design is only a problem if you haven't played them before, or walked them before your initial throw. So I'll describe them here in case you're thinking of playing the course for the first time:

- Hole #7 plays as a dogleg left, then finishes with a 90 degree turn to the right (think of an upside-down question mark [?] with the basket being the period). The sides are thickly wooded - they've probably grown a lot since the course opened. The best-placed shot leaves you with a 50+ footer through an alley with branches creating a ceiling. It's not a terrible hole, but it's a 200 footer that will most often be played as a dink-and-dunk for par

- Hole #9 needs to be walked to be understood (and appreciated). From the tees you're looking downhill through a thickly treed fairway to a clearing. A bad kick or an early fade could mean a rollaway to water that's hidden along the left side (that's one of the reasons to walk it first!). The basket is not visible from the tee: it's perched up on a hillside to the right, past the clearing with water curling in close at the base of the steep hill. This is a par 3 that's only about 300', but the "S" shape of the path to the basket probably means the hole is best played as a careful downhill layup into the clearing


There's a big difference between the two courses on this property. Playing WIndrush Alley didn't prepare me for how much more difficult The Beast is. I struggled due to the distance, since my best drives are under 300'. The course overwhelmed me, but it was never unfair. The Whites on The Beast are more like the Blues I find at other courses - and the Blues at The Beast are more like Golds elsewhere. Given my length, I would have done a lot better to have shifted to the Reds when moving from WIndrush to The Beast

Even though The Beast gets your attention, don't dunk on Windrush Alley. While Windrush is considerably shorter and scores easier, it features a lot more wooded, technical holes. The challenges of the two courses are different and complement one another. Play both courses - and then play them again!

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9 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 9.2 years 246 played 97 reviews
4.00 star(s)

The Beast is Brutal and Beautiful 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 4, 2019 Played the course:2-4 times


Lakeshore State Park houses two courses, set right on Lake Ontario, with beautiful views, and well-mowed fairways, camping here for a weekend was a great pleasure.

The Blue course, known as the Beast, is just that. Over 9000 feet from the long tees, this course has a lot of different things that can challenge every player.

To start, you'll need a lot of distance off the tee. To really score well here, throwing far is a necessity. I don't throw the farthest, which caused me to play for par on a lot of the holes.

Next, you need placement. While a lot of the holes don't really have a line that needs hit, per se, wher you land on the fairways is very important. There is a lot of OB here, whether it's in the form of tall grass, a park road, or the pond that you see on most holes, aka Lake Ontario.

Your ability to play in the wind is also key. Wind coming off the great lake is no joke, and the gusts will laugh at any shot that you put into the air. Watching putts sail 50 feet past the basket is not uncommon here, just hope it isn't yours.

The concrete tees on the white and blue tees are in great shape, and each hole has one tee sign that has a map and distances for all three tees.


This course is a true championship level course, but really is a lot of fun. It beat me up, but I love the challenge. However, a few things keep it from being the best of the best.

A lot of the holes play with the mentality of throw it far, and don't lose your disc. The water and rough eat discs, and I saw many get lost during the weekend.

There are some technical shots here, but a lot of the time, you are throwing pretty hard, and other than the OB, a bad shot is recoverable. That is what happens though on these big open courses.

To navigate this course, you'll want a map, and probably a walking stick. The navigation isn't intuitive, and also is a hike in itself with as much distance as you are covering.

The OB really adds challenge, but some of it I think is there to make a hole harder just to be mean. Grass bunkers in the fairway, skinny fairways, and things of the like show that this course is really catered to the more advanced player.

The baskets aren't great, and I saw a few spits on the weekend. I also would like to see tee signs at every tee. While amenities aren't the most important part of a course, Championship courses deserve the best.

Other Thoughts:

This course is really great! For a more open course, I was still shaping shots, and getting punished. I saw huge drives, putts lifted into the wind, and discs being sacrificed to Lake Ontario, and loved almost every minute of it.

Two courses on site, beautiful views, and a place to camp, come here, pitch a tent, and stay the weekend! You will not regret it.
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5 0
Experience: 6 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Open Course with Challenging Elements 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 15, 2018 Played the course:once


Long open course that allows for many maximum distance shots. Although, there is still an element of challenge, as more technical shots will be needed to access the greens. I found myself using every disc in my bag, which is a rarity. One wooded hole(hole #9?) that was one the most unique and enjoyable holes I've played. Blue tee pads are in very good condition. Fairways are well kept and OB is clearly marked. Maps are available before hole 1, which was very helpful.


I'll start by saying the pros outweigh the cons by a large margin, most of the following things I noticed I would consider minor.
Some of the white tee pads were worn down, cracked, or had chucks missing. There were 1 or 2 holes I had to adjust my run up, as I was worried about rolling an ankle. Some of the greens felt "impossible" access, as is there was no line that felt like a surefire line to the pin(I'm sure after I play this course a few more times, my opinion on this will change). The rough is pretty thick, so there is very little room for error. If you were to have a disc hyzer out off the cliff and into the lake, there doesn't appear to be a safe way to get down to the water's edge and retrieve your disc. I did see on staircase leading down, but the top 2-3 steps had collapsed.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, both courses at Lakeside Beach were a ton of fun. It was very wet when I played today, so I will definitely make another trip back there when it dries up more. This is a "Pro" level course, so most players will not be able to get a great score, but I can definitely say I am a better player after today. I would HIGHLY recommend.
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4 0
Experience: 20.4 years 64 played 6 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Beast of Western New York 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 3, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


- Great course with every shot in your bag utilized.
- Good mix in hole length with long bombers requiring accuracy and risk/reward to short technical shots.
- Gorgeous views of Lake Ontario on the back nine.
- Adventure golf in every sense, with the hike through feeling like a journey through a stunning natural landscape.
- Due to the remote location it tends to be less crowded than a course of this caliber should be.
- The lake breeze in summer offers a cooling relief to the limited shade (can be difficult to throw in if unfamiliar with wind golf).
- Good use of limited elevation.
- Multiple concrete tees to cater to noodle-arms and bombers alike.


- Not much here, little shade through certain stretches.
- Not for beginners as rough is very dense and lost discs are a distinct possibility (conversely is finding discs while searching)
- Not for the physically unfit as it is long and hot in the summer sun.
- Can be brutally windy especially in the spring/winter/fall.
- Takes a strong time commitment from the drive there to the overall length.

Other Thoughts:

If you have the chance to play this course and you don't, you're really missing out on the up and coming best course in New York.
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5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 38.3 years 450 played 94 reviews
4.00 star(s)

scenic and well maintained 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 13, 2016 Played the course:once


Very scenic course with Lake Ontario bordering or lining several holes. Loved the cut grass on this very well maintained state park. Two sets of cement tees. Scorecards printed on thick stock were available at tee #1 and are very much needed for the map on them. Blue and white cement tees plus short red grass tees are clearly marked. Nicknamed "the Beast", it provides a challenge for experienced players. Marked OB makes it play even harder. Good tee signs. Restrooms are located near the parking lot and between the two courses. Bonus points for having a second course in the same park. 1 and 2 were great holes to start while 17 and 18 were great finishing holes.


The layout wasn't intuitive, I was glad to have a map. The next hole at times simply wasn't where I expected it to be. You cross a park road several times, see a tee pad but that's not the next hole. I was there on a calm day but imagine the WIND is usually a major factor. I disliked holes 8 and 9, the only truly wooded holes on the blue course. #8 had a very odd turn and a group of trees 60-80 ft from the basket that made it nearly impossible to attempt a birdie shot. #9 white tee had a weird S turn/angle in it's wooded fairway. (I did like the basket up top of the hill though). The course is fairly flat, not much elevation overall.

Other Thoughts:

I played the white tees since I'm an Adv Grd Master and don't have a big arm, they provided a good challenge. The course starts out rather long with par 4's and a 5, they are very good holes.

I got confused after blue #15 and ended up on white #15 instead of finding blue #16 without back tracking.

I drove 90 minutes (one way) out of the way while on a 13 hr 2 day trip, I'd play this blue course if in the area again for sure but wouldn't play the white course again.

Carry in/out park, no trash cans even in the restrooms.

I played after Labor Day and didn't have to pay a park fee.

Bring food/water, as I found no convenient stores nearby for lunch.
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9 0
B The V
Experience: 10.2 years 93 played 10 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Bring water and your hiking shoes. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 7, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


-Multiple concrete tees.
-New signs at each hole.
-Nice baskets.
-Wide variety of shots needed.
-Clean and mowed often.
-Shorter "warm up" course next door.
-Camping available.
-Bathrooms near the tee pad for 1.
-Great views of the lake.
-Challenging without being ridiculous.
-Most holes are well thought out and use the landscape to provide the challenge.


-High wind. Rarely is there little to no wind here. It can make some holes tricky, especially 13 and 14, as they play along Lake Ontario.
-Once you start this course there is no loop back to the parking lot/bathrooms, and it is a long course.
-Some of the holes are very long which will be frustrating to newer players.
-Hole 8 is a bit on the ridiculous side and the only hole I dread walking up to. Many people play only from the red tees.

Other Thoughts:

The Beast is a long course that few will ever master due to its technical shots and high wind making shot placement difficult. With that said, it's not always super windy so don't be afraid to test your arm out.
Make sure you bring plenty of fluids and sun screen during the warmer months. Most holes have fairways in the direct sun. Also make sure you carry your trash out, as the park has a carry in carry out policy.
This course easily has some of the longest holes in the region, so if you feel like stretching out your arm and trying out some new drivers, grab a campsite at Lakeside State Park (roughly $21 a night) and make a weekend of playing two great courses along the shores of Lake Ontario.
(Side note: to go to the nearest gas station for ice, water, beer, subs, Leave the park and continue to Rt 18 and take a right (head west). The store will be a mile and a half on your right. Can't miss it)
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3 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 6.3 years 86 played 31 reviews
4.50 star(s)

One of the Premier Courses in Western New York 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 5, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


- A great variety of holes (200 feet to 750 feet), hyzer and anhyzer lines.
- A few wooded holes and baskets tucked into the woods, several wide open holes and a few amazing holes right along the bluff above Lake Ontario.
- Over 8,000 feet from the white tees; the first three holes start you off with over 600 feet each.
- Immaculate, no trash at all and well mowed.
- Some highlight holes that you'll remember: #1, 3, 8, 9, 13, 18.
- Not crowded because it is so off the beaten path.
- Has another very good but shorter course right on the property (Shore Winds).
- There is a nice campground right in this park.
- Concrete pads, nice baskets and decent signs.


- Wind can be an issue; especially on the open holes along the lake.
- Has some "made up" out of bounds (though I'm new at the game, I just don't understand the need for "mandatories" or "the high grass in the middle of the fairway is out of bounds").
- There is an entrance fee.

Other Thoughts:

Even though it is about an 80 minute drive for me to get here; this course and its companion course make it well worth the trip (except when the winds are up).
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2 4
Experience: 9.2 years 50 played 15 reviews
4.50 star(s)

The next day I realized I loved it 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 4, 2016 Played the course:once


High quality score cards and pencils near Hole #1.
Very well laid out and VERY challenging.
I didn't see any empty cans or water bottles anywhere.
A perfect mix of open holes, woods, obstacles.
A step above any of the other 15 courses I've played.


A long course which will tire you out.

Other Thoughts:

I just started playing disc golf about 9 months ago so I was pretty nervous about playing this course. It was super challenging but I think I actually played quite well on it. I was exhausted by the end and wasn't sure at the time what I thought of it but over the last 2 days all i can think about is getting back out there and meeting that challenge again. I know that I played better than I ever have because it MADE me play better. I'll be back soon.
After playing this course multiple times now it's probably the best, most professional course around. It MAKES you play better. If you've never played here it's a must!
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3 1
Experience: 2 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

The Pebble Beach of Discgolf 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 19, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


Great tournament course, offering beautiful waterfront holes/views, a variety of shots. TWO 18 HOLE COURSES, constant changing conditions with the wind of the water.


Most of both courses are great, but hole 9 on blue course needs more of a fairway from white/blue tees.

Other Thoughts:

Without getting into too much detail, the park manager loves discgolf and it shows with the amount of effort and upkeep at this course(s). This is in my opinion in the top 2 courses in NYS, along with Warwick. Prepare to throw with plenty of wind or no wind at all, but enjoy the views!
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6 0
Experience: 26.4 years 123 played 6 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Keeps getting better and better! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 18, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


- now has concrete tees! for both white and blue tees

-beautiful tee signs on every hole

-absolutely gorgeous views on #12-15 along the lake

-premium scorecards + pencils always available at the course kiosk near hole 1.

-long grass marks "fairways" and "rough", but the tall grass is short enough to find your disc, it merely presents another challenge when trying to throw a long 2nd shot

-great distances on the par 4s... while throwing far is a big advantage here, those with shorter, more precise shots can also score birdie 3s with well places drives and 2nd shots. only a couple holes where a "big arm" can have a chance for a birdie but others cant


-hole 9 needs tree removal, typically for tournaments everyone just plays from the red tees on that hole.

-some times of year if the course is too wet the rough can get long as it becomes very difficult to mow.

- not much nearby the park, it is a bit isolated. closest store is 5mi west, a small convenience store/deli/gas station

Other Thoughts:

A true disc golf destination, 2 great courses in the same park along with camping. perfect for a weekend getaway!

I know the park manager personally after running an event here a few years ago. He loves disc golf so I only expect these courses to keep getting better and better.

There has been alot of improvement in both courses in the past 2 years. not only adding concrete teepads and tee signs, but cleaning up some holes that were a bit on the rough side. Every time I come here it looks better than the last
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7 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 10.5 years 41 played 33 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Got distance? 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 15, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


- beautiful scenery of the lake
- course is VERY clean and well maintained
- camping on site
- bathrooms, pavilion, & picnic tables
- 3 sets of tees (that are all easily located!).
- Long & Mid tees are concrete. Short tees are natural and marked with red stakes & sunken 4x4s.
- maps available at the kiosk by hole 1. Pick one up.
- This is an excellent compliment to the white (beginner friendly) course which is also on site. This is a much tougher and MUCH longer course
- a good variety of hole lengths and pars (6x3, 7x4, 5x5). Some of these are quite long, including 2 over 700' and a par 4 610' hole #1 to make sure you are awake to start your round.
- Did i mention distance? At 9191 ft you'll get a workout.
- The course is rarely busy which allows some time to soak in the scenery or take a few extra practice shots as needed.
- There isn't much elevation - but what is there is used well. The best of which is hole #13
- Hole #13 - I LOVE this hole. It is right along the cliffs edge to lake Ontario. Great view. It plays very downhill along the bank and the pin is (234/283/331) nestled on a point with a cliff to the left and behind it. There are stairs down so if you are *slightly* left or long you have a shot at your disc being saveable, but if way long / left it is in the lake. Playing it safe to the right is an option with mostly high grass, but there are some trees making that a bit challenging for a rhbh line.
- This course is unique in that most (but not all) holes do not require a specific line to be successful, but they do require you to have good distance and excellent placement. There is a lot of OB (service road throughout comes into play on several holes) and also some OB "lakes" staked off as well. This really comes into play on #6 is the OB is just where you want to be and they leave a VERY narrow path available on the approach. Additionally, several of the holes are fairly open above ~5-10' but have scattered thick bushes and smaller trees throughout. Since you are throwing over most of this the line doesn't matter, but it does matter that you place your shot where you haven't jailed yourself behind one of these obstacles.
- Wind. It is quite open and there is often a stiff breeze off the lake. Just adds to the challenge.
- The mound on #18. I could practice on this all day and still not have the guts to really run a putt from the bottom when it counted....but it is sooo rewarding to park a long upshot on top of the mound and drop in a bird (only happened once).


- No teesigns. Fortunately these are currently in the works for this summer, but for now you need a map from the kiosk to navigate your first time through.
- It is one long 18 hole loop. You could make a 9 hole loop out of 1-5, 15-18 but you are missing some of the better holes.
-Hole 15 is rather uninspired. Wide open, super short ace run with no risk to it. After all the other OB/lakes/etc it just seems so bleh. EDIT - UPDATE - This hole is meant to be played as an island hole (re-tee if missed the short grass) which makes it more interesting than I had initially indicated.
- Don't forget the bug spray.
- $6 / car to park (unless you have a NYS parks pass) if you are not camping on site.

Other Thoughts:

I love this course. No matter how great I play in a given day, there is always 1 (or 10) strokes I felt like I left out there....but there are always a few great shots I made to leave happy - even if the score was a little rough.

With the 2 courses on site there is something for everyone here. This course is much longer and much tougher so if playing both you may want to warm up on the white course. If you can only pick 1; play this if looking for a challenge; play the white for a confidence boost or if you have beginners.

A note on course improvements:
- Prior reviews indicate natural tees - the mid & long tees are all concrete.
- This summer there are a few changes planned. The pin for #12 has moved further to the right. It is now almost a straight shot at the cliff which is waiting if you are 15' long. #17 had had the pin moved further right and deeper in the woods. They are also cutting a new fairway through the woods on this one but it isn't complete yet so i don't know how it'll play. Last but not least, tee signs are on the way and much needed.
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9 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.1 years 156 played 41 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Open Course geared to Pros 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 25, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


- great location with bathrooms near first hole and right next to another fine course.
- Kiosk includes scorecards and map.
- Great scenery around course including holes that drive right next to Lake Ontario
- Lots of chances for risk reward shots.
- Mostly open course with good mix of anhyzer and hyzer shots required
- Well marked set of three tees
- Great course for pro or close to pro players who like to air it out
- Not a very busy course, on most days you wont run into any other discers. You might have to watch out got campers riding their bikes or walking around the lake
- Good use of out of bounds to make course more interesting
-Pretty easy to follow from hole to hole, especially since maps are provide
- Nice upkeep of fairways and the course is pretty void of garbage
-New detailed signs at every hole
-cement tee pads for blue and white tees. Some of the blue cement tee pads are in bad shape


- Hole 9 is a nice idea but lacks a fairway from the blue tee.
- There is no midway point of the course which returns to the parking lot, which would be nice since it is so long. Some days you might just want to play 9 (I would suggest the back 9)
- No Tee pads or signs. Tee pads are not too much of an issue because it is mostly flat ground and the tees are well marked, however signs would be nice because some of the holes are really long.
- The course is mostly wide open so their is not much shade and can get very hot on a summer day (Bring Water)
- There are only two holes that are in the woods and in my opinion, they are not very good due to strange design -Hole 8 is 300 feet and then a 90ish degree turn to the right and then another 300 feet into the woods. -Hole 9 I already mentioned
- Lots of brush where discs can be easily lost

Other Thoughts:

This course may be really decent for pros, but at times it lacks the value of fun due to its hardness and length for the amateur. Definitely do not bring beginners here because chances of losing discs are very high if you cannot control your disc to a high degree due to playing right along the lake at points. I haven't tried it recently but this course would probably be more enjoyable for the average player if played from the white tees. That is why there are different tees. The nice part is, if you do not want a monster course, shorewinds has a much more pleasant course for the amateur right across the parking lot. So unless you are looking for a beating or really want to test your drives try the white course instead. if you want to play this course and are not pro or lose to pro level, I definitely suggest using the white tees
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5 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A bit open 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 19, 2011 Played the course:once


The course plays through a nicely kept park along Lake Ontario. There are some great holes that bring the lake and a small cliff down to the beach into play, adding some risk and some really nice vistas. The course is mostly open with scattered trees and brush, though a handful of holes play along the edges of some dense woods adding a little more punishment for missed lines. There is plenty of distance to open up and throw some bombs, though the rough and wind make you really focus on shot placement if you don't want to be searching.

Though the course is pretty open, there are several holes that call for specific lines, especially if you want to avoid the water or nasty rough. There are multiple tees that offer different lengths, the shorter tees are a lot more beginner friendly in many cases. The baskets are in nice shape, and the fairways were well kept when I visited. The kiosk at the parking lot had good course maps that made navigation fairly straightforward.


I'm not generally a huge fan of mowed fairways through tall grass. There was enough brush and other types of rough mixed in that I enjoyed the course, but I do find it frustrating at times to have a lot of rough that doesn't punish your next shot it just makes you search. There are also some thorny areas in the woods to watch out for. The layout feels a bit one dimensional at times, with length and wind as the major factors to contend with.

The maps are nice, and make navigation fairly easy, but it would still be nice to have a little more marking at the tees. The grass tees were mostly in ok shape, but with more traffic and some wet weather they could be a little messy.

Other Thoughts:

The views and chances to air it out make this course worth a stop, especially with the white course just across the parking lot and a decent campground in the same park. Beginners will find the short tees to be reasonable lengths, though the rough and wind could potentially frustrate less accurate new players. More experienced throwers won't find a ton of different challenges, but distance and shot placement are key to a good score here.
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6 0
Experience: 18.5 years 49 played 17 reviews
4.00 star(s)

awesome 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 11, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


very scenic. mostly open course alongside lake ontario with beautiful views. the blue course is the longer of the two courses at shore winds and its first tee is on the west side of the parking lot (you'll see the blue post).

tees. each of the holes has a very easy to spot blue post to mark the tees (there are multiple tees per hole), which are just grass tees marked by smaller posts.

basket placements. excellent! hole 13 is the coolest hole i've played in rochester with you teeing off alongside lake ontario nearly on the edge of a cliff with the fairway playing downhill to the basket 336 feet away. simply awesome. likewise, hole 14 follows the curve of the cliff/ embankment, creating a 627 foot hole that forces you to throw so close to the edge on the drive that it can really test your nerves.

difficulty. basket placement, length, o.b. on a couple of holes, and wind (see below) provide the major challenges. this is a long course at 8538 feet and being able to drive far will be a huge help. besides challenging basket placements (see above), o.b. comes into play on several holes. for instance, o.b. on hole 8 is especially cool. you tee off this 572 mostly open hole, then approach the basket on the left side of a small hill with a large kidney bean-shaped o.b. covering the whole lower left side of the hill. even if you lay up to the right, it gives you a putt that drops off o.b. very quickly. very fun.

wind. can make your round very unique. those 15 foot putts with 20-30 foot mph gusts are tough! time to learn what your drivers and putters do with a wind that can change directions on you. all that said, i'd say that nearly 75% of the time i've played these courses, the wind wasn't too strong or not present at all. seems to me you'll either get blasted or have a calm day. either way, it's fun.


wet. incredibly wet in spring (but then again we had a TON of rain), to the point i'd wait till late may/june to try and play it. also, with all the criss-crossing over a drainage area in front of number 1 and the length of number 2, there was nowhere to pass. again, everywhere was wet, so this may be a good place to put a little bridge. (when I played the course again several weeks ago, everything was completely dry...now that we've had nearly no rain)

wooded holes. i like the designs, but the pars seem generous.

long grass. the fairways are mowed and the "rough" has grown to maybe two feet. while i love the look, beware that it's very easy to lose a disc. we lost one having watched it the whole flight.

wind. although i listed it as a pro, sometimes you just want it to go away

Other Thoughts:

tee pads would be awesome as well as signs, easily bumping this course up to a 4.5, making a map from dgcr extremely helpful.

consider pants with the way the fairways are cut. long grass left me scratched and very itchy. but despite the itchiness and a friend losing a disc, i love the look.

if you go early, you never have to pay the parking fee (just a couple of dollars per car...no biggie for two sweet courses).

if you're coming to rochester for the worlds, you should definitely check out this course!
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Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.3 years 101 played 21 reviews
4.00 star(s)

The Monster 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 24, 2011 Played the course:once


-The most scenic course in the Rochester/Buffalo area. Bring a camera, as there are tons of beautiful shots of Lake Ontario.
-A huge distance course with 11 holes at 500' feet or more, four over 600', and hole 2 covering 730'. There are a few wooded holes, but load your bag with drivers.
-I usually am not a fan of alot of OB, but this course does a great job of making the mostly open holes interesting with an OB road that snakes through the course, and a few OB "islands" placed throughout.
-Quite a few huge risk/reward throws with Lake Ontario being in play on a number of holes. You CAN get down to the shore at the basket for 13 if you throw go over the cliff.
-During the summer, there's a bathroom at the keosk.
-Maps/scorecards at the keosk
-Very well maintained state park with brand new baskets.
-Camping! There are campsites within walking distance of these two courses, making this an amazing weekend disc golfing destination.
-Two great courses in one spot!


-No teepads. Just grass or mud depending on the hole.
-Can be VERY windy most of the time. Not really a con, but when you're throwing over 8000', a steady 30 mph wind with OB and a lake can be challenging.
-Not very well marked yet. The course is very new, but there are only posts in the ground to mark the tees. It can be tricky to figure out where to throw, especially on the back 9 when the blue course gets close the white course. Grab a map at the keosk.
-In the summer, there is a $2.00 parking fee, but it is entirely worth it to play both courses.
-Not sure if it will continue to be an issue during the summer, but the course was very wet and muddy during the spring. Bring waterproof boots.
-The course is very young and still being tweaked, but a couple of the wooded holes could use more defined lines.

Other Thoughts:

Just a perfect weekend disc golf destination. The two courses together are a blast to play. The Blue course is a great mix of legitimate par 4's and 5's. It's already earned the nickname "The Monster", and will take a while to play a round. That said, it will be an amazing game, with breathtaking views and beautiful pin placements on the shores of Lake Ontario. The caliber of this course, paired with a location between Buffalo and Rochester should ensure that this will be a popular course once word gets out. I know I can't wait to play it again!
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