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Riverview, FL

Showmen's DGC

4.175(based on 9 reviews)
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Showmen's DGC reviews

11 0
Pizza God
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 36.6 years 1861 played 636 reviews
4.50 star(s)

A Merry Go Round of Disc Golf

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 7, 2024 Played the course:once


Good tee signs on every tee.
Cement tee pads on most of the holes, wooden tee's on a few others.
Most holes have longer Blue and shorter White tees
Every hole has a shorter Red Basket and a longer or more technical Gold basket.
Good mix of shots from tight wooded holes to wide open bombers.
Benches on next to all the tee's I remember.


It's not a championship level course, but that's OK, it's an adventure.

Other Thoughts:

Ok, if you came here expecting a pro caliber course, you came here for the wrong reason. This course is about the decor. The use of all the old carnival items on the course. Almost every hole has something from old merry-go-round horses on the baskets (or hanging from trees" to bumper cars or other kiddie ride items with baskets in them. This course is fun to play.

I elected to play the Blue Tee's as that was the first tee I came across. I usually play the longs, but on hole 1 I didn't see the Gold basket in the woods until after I had played the Red basket.

Yep, this course has 2 baskets on every hole. This gives you almost unlimited variations you can play by mixing Blue/White tees and Red/Gold baskets. Some of the holes even use different fairways.

I don't want to spoil the course too much, it's only $5 per person to play, you can put some money in the box or Venmo or paypal it with QR codes on the course Kiosk. I elected to Venmo.

I apparently also showed up about an hour before the local league tee's off. I was on the back side by the time they played so it was a non issue. But it looked like they had a good turnout on a Friday evening.

Not much else to say, the course is fun to throw, I did mix it up and threw some of the short tee's instead of long tee and I threw to which ever basket seemed more interesting.

I mean hole 4 Gold basket is inside a helicopter. How can you NOT throw that one.

Hole 5's Red basket is on top of a Railroad wheels.

Hole 6 has a tunnel you can throw though, out of or just play the tee pad in front. (I think the hole got moved to the front, I still threw from inside and know why now)

Hole 10 is kind of creapy, look up as your walking down the fairway, there are kiddie marry-go-round horses hanging in the trees. And you have a double basket inside of a bumper car.

Hole 12 has hanging baskets for both Gold and Red.

Hole 11 is next to the Starship Exodus.

This course was on my bucket list since it was originally just a 9 hole course. It didn't disappoint.

Would I play here again. Oh heck yea, if I am ever in the Tampa area again, you know I will be playing this course to see what they have added next.

GO PLAY IT!!! I would rate it a 5, but I reserve that for exceptional courses. This is one of my favorites I have played because it's fun. But it's not a "great" course so just a 4.5.
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15 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.8 years 238 played 235 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Disc golf carnival

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 9, 2023 Played the course:once


I've been wanting to try Showman's for a while, despite being mildly creeped out by clowns and circuses this one seemed like a lot of fun and it didn't disappoint.

The parking area is huge and I'm sure accommodates for other events as well. There is an honesty box by the course map and the blue tee is just up the little road from there.

There are usually two tee options(maybe three on some holes) and two baskets on each, the generally shorter red and the longer and sometimes more demanding gold baskets. They are all disccatchers and in good shape, several are elevated, a couple are hanging and several are mounted on or in disused carnival rides like bumper cars and little helicopters.

There are many gimmicks, but when you get down to it, this is a mix of tightly wooded shorter holes and very demanding longer open holes that can test a lot of players.

Almost all of the longer holes have mandos, and 17 has a super tight triple mando about 150ft off the tee that makes it one of the most difficult tee shots I've ever thrown. Was lucky that my FH roller split the trees of the mando and for me into good position.

Pads are large concrete for the most part but there were a few wooden plank ones as well, and there are large benches on most holes and bag hangers(railroad spikes on trees or posts) on many.

The maintenance is great, and the mix of shots over the algae filled pond, longer bomber holes, elevated greens, tough mandos and literally carnival rides make this a gimmick heavy course but a valid one. It's a show, and you get to be part of it. So hit your lines and have a ball.


It does suffer a few cons, the vibe is that of disused fairground and that's not for everyone. The faint scent of pocorn, vaguely musty damp carnival rides and the neighbors in the RV park burning things hang in the air. If that's not your thing the design could be a detractor for you.

It's mainly very flat and some of the lines are very unique shapes, that I can see some players deride as unrealistic or impossible to birdie.

Navigation was a main issue to be though, I just had a slightly hard time finding the next tee at times. Especially on some of the open holes.

Other Thoughts:

Put in your $5 and enjoy the ride. It's not immaculate championship golf, but it's very unique and fun. The care and attention make it even more unique and interesting to me, and the relics of the past give it a few that would be hard to replicate elsewhere.
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4 3
Experience: 7 played 2 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Most Unique Course Ever drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 15, 2023 Played the course:2-4 times


By far the most unique course I have ever played. Incredible attention to detail has been given to all aspects of this course; layout, decorations, signage, etc.
Multiple pads baskets for each hole making it fun/challenging for any skill level.

Other Thoughts:

You have to play this one if you are in the area.
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14 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 27.7 years 93 played 19 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Colorful, cultural and full of charm drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 8, 2023 Played the course:5+ times


Updated October 9, 2023
"Unique" is probably how most would sum up this course in one word. If you've read the other reviews, you'll probably read that a lot. Many older reviews do not reflect the current status of the course, so read recent reviews. Matt, Rob, Lorna and the absolute gang of supporters have done an incredible job transforming this property into something that honors it's heritage, while creating a course that appeals to beginners all the way up to the pros. That's no easy task. I've personally watched this course evolve from a seasonal 9 basket course with a few interesting touches, to a year round 42 basket, fully developed, beat in course. Every hole combination (82 total holes, as of this writing) is well thought out; there are no throw away holes. Every hole has 2 tee's, as well as red and gold baskets installed on each hole. The course is not biased to the RHBH shot (as so many older local courses are); you'll have an opportunity to use every throw you know. Distances vary from 158 - 600+, with a couple par 4's sprinkled in. The property itself features lots of oaks, palms and manicured fairways, and most of the shule has been removed. Paying homage to the property's ties to the carnival industry, there are carnival rides and trinkets throughout the course. You like creative basket placements? You'll love this course. There's multiple hanging baskets, elevated baskets, a basket inside a carnival ride, and even a double stacked basket. The most recent redesign now incorporates nearly the entire property. This course is loaded with amenities: a practice basket, measured driving range, and a well kept port-o-let. If you lose a disc here, you'll probably get it back; they have a disc return box and there's a very high rate of participation amongst the locals. You might even see a local pro like Kevin Kiefer III. This course continues to grow for the better by leaps and bounds. I'll try to keep this review updated as they add more features.


Very few!!! I have to be hyper critical to come up with any.
- 5$ to play via an honor box or $60 yearly pass. This "con" is really diluted by how much of that money goes back into the course.
- Mosquitos are a constant problem so bring your favorite spray
- Course is pretty much isolated from greater Tampa
- Based on a select player's comments, some might find this course... chintzy? If you're a super serious person this course may not appeal to you.
- Course sometimes suffers from minor flooding that rarely results in the course being unplayable.
- Property also hosts non disc golf related events which may result in the course being closed.

Other Thoughts:

This course has grown into my favorite in the Tampa area, and lucky for me it's also closest to home. Outside of somehow introducing more water hazards and elevation to the property, I struggle to think of a way to get more use out of this space or to improve it's rating. They have literally thought of everything and made up some things along the way too. The heart put into this course is obvious and it all adds up to a unique disc golf experience - there's not a course like this anywhere in the world.
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13 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 31.6 years 764 played 387 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A Carnival Ride Through A One Of A Kind Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 17, 2019 Played the course:once


The Carnival Showman's Museum is located in Riverview , Florida , and what better to do with the grounds behind it than make a disc golf course ? The museum wasn't open when I was there . Getting to the course seems confusing , but let me help . Go to the first parking pot on your left , right next to the museum . Drive down about 100 yards and turn right for about 20 yards . Park and walk through the fence . There is the first tee with an honor box ( $5 to play all day )and large kiosk with a map next to it . Showmen's is presented as being an 18 hole course but actually is a 9 hole course with 9 baskets and 18 tees . The tees are large cement and grip well . The signage at each tee have a circus motif and are very descriptive and good . There are plenty of Next Tee signs to help you navigate , too .( Still print the map ) . The baskets are yellow banded Discatchers , also with Next Tee signs under the baskets . There are carved wooden benches at many holes . I didn't see a bathroom on the premises The course seems well kept up . I never rave about 9 hole courses , but this one is the most unique I have ever played , 9 or 18 . In conjunction with the museum in front of the course , every hole has a different look . #1 has a basket behind a large mound with trees and heavy brusk . There is a tight window if you dare try to throw through it , or wrap around it and take the 3 . Keep in mind that there is carnival memorabilia lining the course , with some integrated in the basket . #2/11 has a hanging basket in a grove of trees . #3 has an old ride chair as a bench and 3/11 throws at a basket that is set inside an old helicopter ride . #4/13 ( wood carved benches ) has a little more open fairway to a high elevated basket that sits on old circus/carnival train wheels ,that make you climb up metal steps to retrieve your disc ( " prize for " sign on top of basket ). 5/14 2 completely different throwing lanes . 5 draws you into a narrow fairway to your left with your basic heavy tropical plants and trees dividing the fairway . 14 is crazy fun . You throw through a huge carnival fun house barrel in front of the tee to a lot of heavy growth guarding the basket that sits in a boat for a child ride . . 6/15 slight right to right with a basketball hoop and a One In Wins Prize pole on top . 7/16 is straight or left to right to the basket with a merry go round horse on the top . 8/17 guides you into a little cove with brush and trees to your left to a basket sitting inside a small racing car . 9/18 , a technical tight fairway loaded with trees to an elevated basket next to a circus truck and inside a dodgem car . The tee pad for 18 looks like some type of high wire or ride contraption . ( pretty cool ) . The course is now open year round flat and fast . I was the only one on the course at 9 am on a Thursday , and could have played it in about 50 minutes , but this is the type of course that makes you want to slow down and take your time admiring all of the memorabilia . Signature hole : Either the #13 ( 507' ) to the elevated tee , or the unique barrel throw on 14 .


#1 Challenge . The challenges are unique , but there wasn't a single hole that I thought was a real par 4 ( okay , maybe the 593' #13 ) . Seasoned players should have their putters ready after their drive on most every other hole . #2 Disc Risk : although void of water , the rough on some of these holes + the trees can do a carny magic trick and make your disc disappear ,,,,,, forever . The risk is medium . #3 9 baskets vs 18 holes . Some may complain that a $5 cover is too much for a half a course . I personally disagree . Amenities : A parking lot that may become muddy after a good rain , no bathrooms , limited shade , no shelters ( a shelter to gather would be great ) . Bring bug spray . Bugs can be bad . Didn't see a lot of trash cans , so carry out what you carry in .

Other Thoughts:

I wish this course was near MY home . What a great experience . If the museum was open , I would have gone through it , too . I still call this a 9 holer , but it makes you yearn to play all 18 . If this doesn't stir up memories of that traveling carnival or local fair that left an impression on you , then nothing will . I give this course an A for Atmosphere . I had the course to myself all morning , and walked around afterward to see if I missed anything . There is also a disc golf club ( Showmen's ? ) which , starting in November , has a Thursday night Glow in The Dark play at 6:30 that might be a covered dish affair . This is a great course for that . My Recommendation : I know that it sounds costly to bring a family of 4 , but it's less than half the price of a movie , and you would spend this much money on cotton candy and corn dogs on the boardwalks . So , great for families , and fun for everyone else . Challenging ? A little . Fun ? Off the charts . PAY IT , THEN PLAY IT !!!!
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17 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 10.7 years 694 played 677 reviews
3.50 star(s)

The Greatest Show 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 15, 2019 Played the course:once


(3.349 Rating) (RE-EVALUATED) An eclectic course with a great vibe.
- UPGRADES - I felt the need to update this review as the course has continued to get upgrades over the past two years. In that time, 9 baskets has multiplied up to 24 baskets. 9 fairways has become 12. More circus and county fair relics have found there way on to the course too. This is one of the few courses outside my area that I actually want to re-bag.
- UNIQUE - Showmen's is unlike any course I've played in Florida. It's a carnival ride through utopia imo. I really liked (3) with the basket inside the helicopter car looking thing. There's a spaceship flanking the basket on (1) and also a tunnel to throw threw on (14). 479 courses played as of this revision, and I've only played one other course with a similar feel.
- VIBE AND FUN FACTOR - To my knowledge this course gets regular play. There is a ton of craftsmanship that has gone into this course and it has been done with pride and passion. Tee areas are tricked out with benches and bag hangers. Most tees are also well shaded and have artwork peaking out from the tropical vegetation. The course is going to be oodles of fun for Rec and Novice level players and it's the kind of course that will produce addicts out the ying yang. Sure the rough is a jungle here and there, but the lines to the holes are generally pure. Very little searching for discs except on horrible shots. This is just such a relaxing get-away where players are more concerned about having a good time over training to go pro. However, for the players needing a serious challenge to be satisfied, this course currently doesn't deliver and that's not a bad thing IMO.
- NOVEL BEAUTY - Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I enjoyed the one of kind theme out here. Lots of circus or county fair related relics find their home along this layout. I think some will argue that it doesn't look elegant, but there's just a lot of interesting flavor in these rusting artifacts. There are some boundary fences that look like eyesores. Overall, I scored the course a touch above a 3, which is actually one of the higher scores I've given for a course without elevation, rock features and backdrop views.
- AMENITIES AND NAVIGATION - As noted above under the Upgrades pro, there are a ton of baskets and they are DISCatchers. The tees are concrete and good sized. Nice course map and tee signage that makes navigation easy. Tee signs have next tee direction, and there are directional cues between holes. As noted above, benches and bag hangers and every tee.
- RECREATIONAL FRIENDLY - I brought my mom here, and the lines I think were a bit too constricting for her. Perfect for those however at both the Novice and Recreational level.


A small footprint and flatness.
- TWELVE FAIRWAYS - Although listed as 21 holes on DGCR, there are only twelve fairways in play. Two baskets and two tees on nine holes and also a three-hole loop between (2) and (3). Unfortunately, several of the duel tee holes are on the same or similar line with just a distance modification. Holes (5/14) and (7/16) are the exceptions for the numbered holes. The tees that are on the same line are not all short for the front nine, it's a mix.
- SPACING - Not the largest track of land to work with for the designers. Disc will find other fairways. Players will need to be aware of other groups on busy days. There are no egregious concerns, but the course is tight in areas.
- LACK OF CHALLENGE - The course style is not set up for those at the Advanced level and beyond. Anyone who needs a gauntlet of obstacles before them may not enjoy this course as much as others. Even myself as a weak arm Intermediate level player, I felt underwhelmed by the hole distances. Seems to be set up perfect for the grand master rec player.
- OVERGROWTH - Like many south Florida courses, a disc that finds the rough can get swallowed up by tropical vegetation. I played in February and it was heavy in spots.
- PARKING - unless I parked in the wrong area, its appears to be a mix of sand, gravel and mud. It could get dicey after a bout of heavy rain.

Other Thoughts:

The fun factor and eclectic nature of Showmen's really got to me in a good way. When I scored it with just the nine fairways, it was among the highest scores I had ever given for a course with that description. Now with all the upgrades, it is the highest score I've ever given to a 12 or less fairway course. Showmen's has a feel and look that is rarely seen. The only one I've played that's similar in nature is Flying Armadillo. I don't think everyone is going to get this course, but a lot of people will. For those in the central Florida area, the vibe here has some attributable similarities to that of Taylor Park and Turkey Lake. For those in the panhandle, it's feel is similar to that of Blue Angel Park. If you like those courses, you'll enjoy this one.
- HOLE VARIETY - As noted in the pro's, this course is about as unique as you'll ever play, considering the artwork encompassing the course. However, when I refer to hole variety, I refer to things like elevation usage, water usage, tunnel fairways, moving lines in different direction, multi-play holes, etc. The course is super flat, maybe a five-foot berm occupies a hole or two. Unlike for my play, there is now water on hole (C), for those that elect to play the 3 hole bonus loop. The par fours here are on the shorter side and can be deuced by Advanced players from time to time. There are lots of pocket shots and tunnel fairways using the typical Florida low hanging tropical vegetation. Overall, the play variety is about average among all courses I've played.
- PAY TO PLAY - I paid $10 for my mom and I to play. Probably a little steep for those that go regularly, but thankfully there's a seasonal rate.
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15 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 49.4 years 245 played 198 reviews
4.00 star(s)

The Coolest Course On The Planet 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 4, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


A fun and interesting private course that is now open all year round as a pay-to-play. There are 9 or more nice Innova baskets and 18 nice concrete tees. The course has a good variety of hole types and lengths and varies from open to lightly wooded. There are baskets in old carnival ride cars, suspended from trees and other interesting things. One of the benches is an old Scrambler ride seat. There are old train cars and other interesting things on and around the course. None of these features seem gimmicky and only add to the charm of the course. So obviously this course is a blast to play. These folks take a lot of pride in their course and it shows. It is impeccably maintained.

If using the listed hole information for scoring: Red is twice around from the red (short tees) Blue is twice around from the long tees and White is one round (9 holes) red tees and one round from the blue tees.

This course continues to improve with new features added regularly. They also have leagues and tournaments now as the course continues to become more popular.


It can get flooded out in the rainy season.

Other Thoughts:

A course for disc golfers by disc golfers. This is a one-of-a-kind course and I highly recommend playing it. it is a must-play destination type course.
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10 1
Experience: 17.4 years 168 played 13 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Great Course, Great Name, Great Place! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 3, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


The designers went above and beyond designing this course! Showmen's name says it all! The items on the course are all carnival related! Benches, baskets, signage! Amazing! They have 9 baskets and 18 holes. They also have short and long tees. The baskets are Innova double chains. At this playing, they have rubber mats as tee pads. But by next season, Matt, Rob, & Eric stated they will have cement tee pads. The temporary signs are up, & like the cement tee pads, permeant will be there next season too! There is no elevation, but is not needed due to long and short tee pads. Some of the baskets have themes from past carnival events. A tug boat, a milk can, an old helicopter ride, & more! The shots are mixed for both left and right handed players.


There are no real cons, Except for only being open October - February. This course makes you play, & it makes you think about some of your shots with the MANDO's they have.
You have to be a member or a guest, BUT the members who designed this course are Super happy to bring you out to play! Message them, & they will message you back. Like I said, This IS not a con.

Other Thoughts:

This IS the course I will play when I come back to the Tampa Bay area. The designers did a great job with 9 baskets! and 18 holes! Long and short tees complete this course as one of the best courses I have ever played! The different carnival pieces make it stand out to all the other courses. This course will only get better with time! I am excited about how good this course will be the next time I play! The live oaks and palm trees and foliage make this course awesome along with Matt, Rob & Eric who will hook you up with a great day of Disc Golf!
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3 6
Experience: 68 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Beautifully designed course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 20, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


Short but technical, the surroundings are phenomenal Live Oak coverage, decorated baskets


Too many Mandos

Other Thoughts:

Everyone will want to play this course so watch out for tournaments since it is a private course or find a member to golf with
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