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Burnsville, NC

Simple Pleasures DGC

Permanent course
3.915(based on 11 reviews)
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Simple Pleasures DGC reviews

9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.6 years 321 played 303 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Good Times With Good People! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 3, 2020 Played the course:once


-Andy Laws is a very authentic individual and course designer. The baskets are man made, the creativity is very original, and the course plays in different parts of the neighborhood. From the average Joe's perspective, you are going for a neighborhood walk and are throwing frisbees as you walk. But there's more to it than that. Andy is an awesome host and we had a fun game of doubles the day we played.

-Authentic is a word I cannot say only once in this review. There's a sunken basket. A hanging basket. Few elevated baskets. Man made baskets (they are great catchers too). A few MVP baskets. Now on to the designs. The first two holes we played were on the highest point of the course. In the open field. They were nice warm up shots that give a view of two different mountains far in the distance. One of them is Roan Mountain. Further into it, there was that downhill hole across the road and over the cornfield. You have to throw maybe 320' to clear it, so it's definitely a hard hole. What makes it harder is the fact that there is an OB pond to the left and the OB road to the right and the basket is in between them. The last three holes were by far the biggest stand outs. Two of them were legit par fours and the other one was a very difficult par three. They were so great that I must continue below.

-The first par four (and the third to last hole) has you throwing off a driveway up a large hill in a different yard. You have to throw to the right side of a tree because of a mando protecting the house you throw past. Once you reach the top of the hill, you are throwing across a field with horses that takes you into the woods. A four is an excellent score, a bogey is not a disappointment either. The next hole is the long downhill almost like a key hole. You have to stay low while throwing long distance. Hole is probably 450' and downhill maybe thirty feet in elevation or possibly even more, but the angle of the decline is acute, so you can't keep it too low. A two is very hard to get, and a three almost feels like a birdie because it's tough to throw below a ceiling and keep an optimum height for a distance over 400'. Not to mention, the green is pretty guarded. I absolutely loved this hole. The last hole was excellent too. More than 500' and back up the hill. It's half open and half wooded. You throw your tee shot into the woods and then throw back out for a possible birdie. It takes a good 400+ to clear the woods so bigger arms could possibly make it out of the woods off their first drive and be left with a short but deceptively uphill upshot back in the open. Turns out this hole was the short pad and the long pad was at the top of a huge hill, but wasn't quite ready for play since the course recently opened back up. But this hole from the short pad was a true par four that ended on a high note for me.

-The land is very difficult to maintain. Grass is much more difficult to control in the mountains. And Andy keeps it maintained! To say that Andy puts a ton of work into this course would be an understatement. The fact that he's able to maintain it shows that he is a man that's full of grit, drive, and passion. He comes up with many different ideas for hole design too which is something I love to see. He's an awesome host that'll make your round feel almost like a historic tour of Burnsville.

-Lots of elevation movement. You'll get to play some sweet downhill holes and some fun challenging uphill holes too. There are a few flatter holes that'll help you catch your breath.

-Variety of shots that favor different styles of throws. The big uphill hole to the right at the sunken basket is a standout for the big sidearm throwers with maybe a baseball background. If sidearms aren't your thing, you could still have a chance in throwing a big backhand anhyzer and sinking a long putt since the basket is buried. There's a downhill dogleg left hyzer for backhanders to try and attack, yet a roller could also work in your favor if you don't backhand. I could go on.

-Lots of redemption available. Most of the holes are pretty hard to birdie to say at the least (even the short ones), but they can be cracked in several ways. You'll have a few opportunities for an ace.


-Difference in basket diameters. You could get mislead. The man made baskets in the woods are wider in diameter than some of the regular baskets.

-Briars. Many different kinds of them and they are very tough to avoid.

-I love the different hole designs being brought to life, but the downside to that would be the fact that none of the holes really have a number. What used to be the first hole was #7 on the layout we played a week ago, but the number could be different the next time.

Other Thoughts:

-I love this course and can't wait to come back and see if there are any new holes I'll get to play. I really enjoyed my round with the group of guys that I played with and they seem to enjoy seeing the new ideas come to life as they play here. A part of the course was not ready for play when I played but I'm sure it's a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to playing that part of it at some point.

-This is easily one of the best courses in the WNC. It's far from traditional but it's a real gem you don't often see, such as a grandidierite with its hackly fracture and shiny dispersion making it very unusual but memorable in a very positive way. That's an object very difficult to find, but it exists and even wedding rings are made out of it.

-I'm not sure if events are still held here or not, or if they will be soon. But this is a challenging course that casual players can have fun at. It really gives a concrete minded person such as myself a very abstract view of disc golf and a dual opinion of the course. It's very tough generally speaking, but its easy and shreddable. It's one of those courses where you probably have to fall in order to fly. A casual local could shoot under par while a first time pro could shoot several over par. Knowing every hole could really favor you.
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2 0
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Simple Review 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 23, 2019 Played the course:5+ times


New 18 hole layout is amazing. Very fun course with all kinds of different types of holes. Big BOOM holes and also shorties.


If you don't play with someone who knows the course, you will be lost.

Other Thoughts:

Andy Laws is a mad scientist with an amazing creative mind for courses. Simple Pleasures is a very challenging course that will physically challenge you also.
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2 1
Experience: 16.3 years 68 played 53 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Simple and pleasurable course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 20, 2014 Played the course:once


Andy has put a lot of time into this course. He's still tweaking the layout, which is great because he's trying to get it right--lots of options out there. A bunch of big downhill shots, some tight through the woods shots, an island hole, a cow pasture. This course has it all. Super fun time and the guys are real friendly.


It's a big rough around the edges, with the homemade baskets and such, but it's all part of the experience. Legit discatcher baskets are like $300 each so you're welcome to donate some!

Other Thoughts:

If you want a super unique NC mountain experience, give this place a shot, it's bound to be a good time.
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2 2
Experience: 43 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Pleasuring is simple 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 21, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Right from the start you get the feeling that this course is not just going to be a walk in the park. The side hill landing areas and the sidewinding ace runs make the hairs stand up on my neck every time I begin my round. The view from hole 4's fairway is just breathtaking but yet a right challenging hole.


The only cons I can think of is that this isn't a course you want to bring a beginner to. Not saying this course is impossible to score on because you can definitely have a great round but there are right fairways with unforgivable greens that will make you think to go for it or lay up and get par.
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7 0
Experience: 15.3 years 118 played 7 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Great use of space 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 5, 2013 Played the course:once


The course designer did a fantastic job of using the elevation changes that are characteristic of this course to his advantage.
The first four holes progressively proceed up a hill by going back and forth across it. Hyzer flips, straight shots, and hyzers are all necessary to successfully navigate this.
Hole 5 is straight downhill and through the mando of an arched tree. While this mando isn't hard, it makes you think about one more thing in getting a shot placed well. Not impossible, but not easy either.
Hole 6 is a nice long open hyzer hole. The only disadvantage here is that it plays across a horse pasture. Don't leave your throw short!
The par 4 7th plays steeply uphill with a double mando. This mandos are not difficult, but makes a birdie a reward for good play.
Hole 8 has a basket wedged up inside of a tree about 8 feet off the ground. While bouncing it off the house is not appreciated (the course designer lives there!) it has been known to yield profitable results! Preferably, just throw a good shot and don't worry about the house!
The 9th tee goes back to 7's basket which can be a conflict if you are a couple holes ahead of another group. There are 2 lines available here, but don't sail long (like I did) or you'll be OB.
Hole 10 is an ace run that rewards a well placed shot and punishes an errant throw. In other words, hit chains.
Your drive on hole 11 will usually be met with a head wind, so throw something that won't flip too hard. This hole does play longer than it looks, so don't take too much off of this drive.
You need a good midrange for 12. It's good off the tee and you'll need a good layup. Being right of the log is better than being to the left. You just have a better angle.
13 requires the most accurate power throw you have in your arsenal. This plays up a significant hill and over the top. Playing a typical 350' shot will get you to the top of the ridge and give you 2 more shots to hole out.
Hole 14 is a tricky island green. Play a very controlled shot and don't get too ambitious. If you land in the island, you have a short putt. If you land outside of the island, you throw from the drop zone that still gives you a putt, but it's from further away than you want to be putting.
Hole 15 plays back to 13's basket in the original direction, but you'll probably want to come in from the top (to the right of the brush). Don't miss your downhill putt though, or you will be looking at a 60+' comeback up a VERY steep embankment.
The final hole on this course (for now) is a blast...literally. Pull out the cannons boys, we're about to launch a few. This hole is where you get to throw as hard as you can and watch your disc sail. The fairway continues JUST to the right of the big pine tree in the middle. Don't turn over too hard, or you'll be WAY down the hill, and working hard to get back around for par or worse. I don't think anyone to date has birdied this hole playing singles. I heard about one doubles birdie, so this is a legitimate par 5.
All in all, from the friendliness when we first showed up, to the beautiful flight on the last drive, this was a great experience.


The homemade baskets were inconsistent at best. Some would let a disc right through and others almost hit your disc back at you. It is my understanding that this will be remedied as additional funds come in.
The lack of a full 18 was a mild disappointment, but I must say that the 16 holes currently in play were more than enough to make up for the missing 2. I can't wait until this is a full course!

Other Thoughts:

All in all, from the friendliness when we first showed up, to the beautiful flight on the last drive, this was a great experience. I docked it 2 points mainly for 2 things. The lack of a full 18 and the baskets. Neither was enough to make me dislike the course, but if those two things were changed, this would probably be a 4.5 course for me. I drove 1 1/2 hrs to get here and would do it again!
If you are in the area, do yourself the favor of calling Andy and setting up a time to play! Trust me, you won't regret it.
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5 3
Experience: 28 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Nothing tops western NC mountain golf 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 6, 2012 Played the course:once


Nothing tops NC mountain golf. It's clear that this fellow and his family love disc golf. Very scenic, course has it all from bomber top of the mountain empty your bag fun to off camber technical holes. Very challenging course.


While I'm not a big fan of homemade baskets, what few are still on the course are actually quite adequate, I understand these will eventually be replaced.

Other Thoughts:

I don't know what it is about mountain courses but the hosts are always the most wonderful people you will meet. Sherrie & I will be back!
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4 0
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

This is Mountain Golf 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 1, 2012 Played the course:once


The diversity of this course really stood out to me over anything, I seriously used almost every disc in my bag!
The carpeted teepads were super grippy even in damp conditions and they did not mess with my run-up, You can tell Andy has put some work into this place as almost every teebox was framed with a retaining wall. He was given a sweet piece of land for disc golf but boy is it steeply sloped and hats off to Andy for digging out nearly 3' deep in some places to get a level place to throw from
Some of the landing zones at Simple Pleasures make you think you are playing ball golf and will alter your shot to make it a smarter play
On #1 for instance you can go for the ace around a grouping of poplar trees or play smart and lay-up with a mid-range on the level landing zone Andy chunked out of the hillside, really cool and picteresque!
Elevation comes into play so much out here and #14 is one of the best top-of-the world shots in NC that I have seen


The cows sometimes get in the way of your line and the presents they leave around are not a pro but its also a unique aspect of the course
OB! Stroke and Distance is so hard out here so if your going for the course record keep it between the fences!!

Other Thoughts:

This is one of the best homemade courses I have played and its only going to get better with time. Andy has got an 18 hole layout designed but he is waiting on $$ for more baskets. He filled me in on the Gold layout and some of the shots and all I can say is good luck to anyone man enough to play them!
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3 0
Experience: 12.9 years 9 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 9, 2012 Played the course:once


Excellent use of elevation both with ups and downs (you will leave with a slight burn in the thigh area after the newly designed 12 hole layout
Great mix of par 3s that offer some birdie opportunites and some that offer a challenging 3, I was extremly happy with a 3 on both 11 and 12
Carpeted teepads were quite comfortable, and even in the rain they were super grippy


Some of the sidehill lies I encountered really altered my shot. For instance on #1 you are on a really steep right to left slope and the basket is heavily guarded by several massive popular trees. On a normal flat slope you could pick your way thru multiple gaps but the steep lie forced me to play an anyzer over OB, a very scary shot to say the least
Since Andy is updating the course, currently he has a nicely done 12 hole layout from what I understand is gonna comply with the future 18 design. So as of now there is quite a steep walk back to the car from the end of #12

Other Thoughts:

Simple Pleasures is a great homemade disc golf course that utilizes the natural landscape provided really well. With several more holes coming in the summer of 2012 I hope to make a trip back to check them out! Andy filled me in on his plans for #17, a 1,000' valley par 5 over, thru and under a white pine forest..
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7 0
Experience: 13.1 years 12 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Booyah Loving It 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 23, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Well Andy has done a phenomenal job at consistently updating course making subtle changes that are turning this course into just a blast. With recently redone tee boxes with carpet on all but one box allows for fantastic grip on any type of shot and just has this course fast becoming a well developed and thought out course.
The woods surrounding the holes make for both challenging as well as great shot variety on every hole making this a course for just about anyone.
Other pros is it really is a great course for groups of four to six because it allows for great singles and doubles or even triples rounds to be played.
All and all this is a beginning to what I believe will end up being a fantastic heavy wooded course.


Needs some work on arrows or maps for next hole direction but for the most part you can locate them on your own. It would just be a great extra to the course.
Maybe creating a few boards to show the pin selection for the day and show the distance from tee to pin. Just a suggestion bc most of the holes are actually visible clearly from tees but some may find this a needed addition.
Lastly a long walk between I believe three holes but nothing too rough.

Other Thoughts:

Man what else to say other then a great home made disc golf course. I'm very excited to see what else Andy has in store for this as I know he is currently laying out plans for the next 9 holes. I also know he is working on some alternative tee box positions that will help provide some more interesting lines to the baskets.
This is just a great heavy wooded course that has had a lot of time put into it and is very clean and the trails are just getting beat in. So if you love courses like this I suggest coming and playing a few rounds.
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Designer response by mx23ang
Arrows and/or signs would be a great addition to the course because as Jludlam pointed out during our round "I would be lost on this course without you." Maybe many years down the road I can open the course up to the public and then the need for signage will be a must
5 1
Experience: 11 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Good experience 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 8, 2011 Played the course:once


I had just came off of a broken leg when i played this course, and the terrain was friendly enough to where I could easily enjoy playing it. I still got a pretty good workout as well. There are alot of good lines in this course and the basket locations arent impossible, but they arent easy.


The only cons I can think of was just a slight hike in between two holes, and some unlevel tee boxes. Those two cons will be fixed within the next year or so though.

Other Thoughts:

This was a fairly difficult course. I am beginnner and I would have little chance parring the course by myself, but with a relatively skilled partner playing with me, we were able to shoot right around par. I love this course!!
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8 0
Experience: 13.7 years 75 played 23 reviews
4.50 star(s)

22 of life's Simple Pleasures 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 22, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


Very scenic mature forest, very diverse course which requires you to have every shot in the bag to score well. 23 acres of disc golf, no other activities besides farming type stuff will be in your way or distract you (some of the neighborhood dogs get kind of annoying from time to time). Great workout, the updated 22 hole layout is very well thought out in terms of diveristy of lines and elevation.. (6 up, 8 down, 7updown).. In more recent times, mainly due to the disc golf.boom thru the covid 19 pandemic, the amenities and equipment have been upgraded at SP. We now have 9 DGA Mach 5s in the layout and a number of teeboxs have been reworked with timbers, rock walls and gotten much longer and wider. The native landscaping and unique benches are an added plus, hopefully more to come. Unique plant communities in 2 distinct sections of the course. "Gym Light Holler aka the Fangone Forest" holes 7-13, and "The North Side" Holes 15-22


The Landowners are on the verge of closing it down to all which is a huge con to even the designer folks, if you come please be respectful. Some teebox's are located in the fairway of either the previous or next hole, while I realize this would be a major flaw in the design of a crowded park style course it doesnt really come to mind at Simple Pleasures because if you are able to play the course you wont see any other groups out there, and you will have the entire fairway all to yourself, me and possibly midnight rider (R.I.P Posey Dog). Some teebox's are on the small side, I made them as my run-up worked so your's may not. Digging through clay not only causes major erosion but is quite difficult. I love concrete teepads but I simply dont have the money for them at the moment. Because my grandad insists on having cows and horses on my course (lol totally the other way around, because I owe him so much due to those cows) many holes cross a barbed wire fence that is keeping the cows in. I have installed a walk-thru and a ladder at two locations but it is still possible to have your shirt/pants ripped by a barb, keeping that in mind loose clothing may not be the best thing to be wearing when you play Simple Pleasures.
Along the newer additions to the course (holes 14-21) there are still many random prickley plants that will poke, stick and jab ya. Among the dreaded species present are Hawthornes, Japanese barberry, Rosa multiflora and wild raspberries (not a terrible thing for that late round crash however)
While the hole type is mixed throughout, overall all baskets are fairly consistent (besides #8, it can be finnicky). It is private and because I work in three different counties it is only open on the weekends and holidays basically, you never know tho I may want to take the day off so please reach out :). The footing, elevation and sidehill stances encountered throughout the course makes SP play quite challenging and has definitely made many ankles and knees sore the next day! Expect at least 2.5 miles of walking and about a 3 hour round playing at a good pace

Other Thoughts:

Donations are accepted and would be lovely so I can put the money back into the course. I have big ideas for this place but I will not be able to complete that goal without funding coming from somewhere
So with this essay stated.. please make some time to "Pleasure yourself Simply" on a well-manicured 21 hole course on a private farm :)
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