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Bostic, NC

South Mountain Disc Golf

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3.735(based on 15 reviews)
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South Mountain Disc Golf reviews

14 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.3 years 543 played 256 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Plenty of open spaces on this mountain course! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 4, 2020 Played the course:once


It is great of the South Mountain Christian Church to allow outsiders onto their property, to play this very enjoyable course. They do request a $2 donation, I called ahead to confirm, and that is still the case. I was happy to donate for the cause.
Even though this is South Mountain, they are more in the foothills, but elevation plays a big part of this course. Many up and downhill holes, in addition to wide open holes, partially wooded and wooded holes. The variety here is great! By my count, there are 11 open or partially wooded holes, not bad for a mountain course.
Nice, large concrete tee pads for the white tees. Landscaping around most was a nice touch. Two other tees on every hole, the short, yellow tees just had a post or toe pad marking these natural tees. The long blue tees were varied, some were concrete, others just gravel. Most of the White and Blue tees did provide a different look at the hole, in fact, two of those had separate Mandos.
The tee signs were also pretty good, par, distance and hole layout, well mounted in wooden frames.
Covers quite a large area of their camp, near ballfields, close to the lake (but not too close), through the woods, near the outdoor pool, you really get to see it all.


Even though open holes are a rarity in NC and especially once you get into the mountains, they probably could have mixed in a few more wooded holes.
The longer throwers will be disappointed with the inconsistent Blue tees.
#17 and #18 play across a couple of ballfields, they may be unplayable at times.
#10 (even though I liked it) felt a little close to the pool and volleyball court, there are Mandos in play, but this area could have a lot of pedestrians during the warmer months.
The location is very camp like, nice hills, beautiful lake, great grass, but it is off the beaten path. About a 20 min drive from the nearest town on a few country roads.

Other Thoughts:

As I said initially, this was a very enjoyable course to play. The grounds are well-kept, the grass was cut to a reasonable level and the baskets were in decent shape, not the newest baskets, but no major issues. I'm not sure how much use this course gets from the campers, but it felt like the more dedicated local players get most of the rounds in here. There is some challenging distance (4,8,11,13,16) and even additional baskets (full time) on a few holes (8,15,17) that add distance and variety.
#4 is a beautiful hole playing near the lake, but only a real bad shot would find the water.
#9 - while short and through partial trees, the real treat here is the quirky mound the basket is on, an elevated putt if you don't land on top.
#11 is a gradual uphill Par 5 that uses a gravel road as OB right. A few large trees in the landing areas make you choose your spot.
#15 is your typical mountain golf shot across a valley, rim to rim. That is the long basket, the short basket is down by the creek.
Then #16 is mostly open, with thick trees guarding the right side, and a serenity garden down the left. Please don't miss this one left.
This course was rated 3.71 when I posted this. I normally don't like lowering a course's rating if I enjoyed the course, but I just don't think this one reaches the 4.0 level.
If you are in the area, maybe driving between Asheville and Charlotte and can take the time, pay a visit to South Mountain. In addition to the beautiful scenery, you will be challenged to throw many types of shots and if you are lucky like me, have the place to yourself. Please don't forget to drop a donation at the office, they aren't asking for much, but you will get a lot out of your round here.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.2 years 192 played 189 reviews
3.00 star(s)

South's Gonna Do It Again 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 14, 2017 Played the course:once


Three sets of tees, wide open spaces and serene surroundings. This is like a private course that you have to yourself and it has some lovely little views of a lake, prayer garden and such. It's a very open course but has solid elevation change and enough trees to keep it from feeling like field practice with baskets. Not a super long course but the whites and blues could be taxing for noodle arms. South Mtn also mixes in a couple wooded holes for good measure so it doesn't feel too one dimensional.

I played from the Whites because that's where the very nice concrete tees are, as well as the tee sign, for ease of finding. They're a fun romp through the camp that yields plenty of birdie opportunities but also lets you air out the drivers also. You can throw a variety of lines, have to hit a few gaps like a mando, and worry a little about disc placement (especially by the lake). Navigation is fairly straightforward and there is rarely much walking between holes, a very big plus considering how open the course is.

The holes for the most part require mindfulness and had some elements of risk/reward due to just enough obstacles, elevation change and fairway shape to prevent power hyzers from being the obvious line over and over. The course is so out of the way that it's seldom that you'll see another soul out there so you can really take your time and play as meticulously as you like, a luxury rarely afforded on public courses.


It's a little too open for my tastes but that's a preference thing. It's kind of irksome that the nice concrete tees are at the Whites and not the Blues since those are the longest and generally most needing of good footing. I didn't play the Blues but I noticed that quite a few of them had claustrophobic tees where they tucked them just into the woods with really tight gaps to break out of. The Blues and Yellows (I think they were yellow, the shorts anyway) aren't terribly hard to find but do require looking around for a bit. They're just painted stobs longer and shorter of the Whites for the most part. These are mostly natural (boo) but some of the Blues were at least gravel (yea). A few next tee signs would be nice also.

Biggest outright cons are that several holes play extremely close to other activities and buildings. There's a cabin on hole 2 that you pass by on the left that could easily get smashed. There's a hole where some mandos (double mando in Blue's case) are supposed to be prevent you from decapitating a server on the volleyball court, plus another building in reach. Then hole 17 literally plays completely over a small soccer field, like it is the fairway. Not a big deal if you're the only guy in the camp but I'd hate to drive all that way and find out that a handful of holes are unplayable.

Speaking of driving, dear Lord this course is out of the way, in the middle of nowhere. I'm from the sticks but this is another level of rural and on the Sunday I played it looked like the tiny towns nearest it were basically closed to observe the Lord's sabbath.

Other Thoughts:

This is a fun course but it's so out of the way. If you're on a course bagging road trip unfortunately I would advise to skip South Mtn. It's worth playing and the $2 fee for sure but more suited for a change of pace course if you live near the area and just want to take a break from crowded park courses and play all day at your leisure. Also has some really cool holes like hole 15 which is a mini-gauntlet over a valley. It's more fun and better than the 3 I'm giving it but there's just too much conflict that seems needless considering the camp's bigness.
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6 0
Mike C
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.5 years 168 played 74 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Solid, but not among the best I've played 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 24, 2017 Played the course:once


+ Beautiful property that is very quiet, secluded and out of the way. That feeling of isolation is something I value in a disc golf course, I always find those types more enjoyable. I played on a beautiful weekend day and saw one group of people on horseback across the lake, and a total of 5 other disc golfers between two groups. The views and overall atmosphere were the most memorable aspects of the course to me.

+ Three tees per hole.

+ Baskets are in good shape, the tees for the white layout are nice, and the tee signs that are there (About 14) are very informative and well executed.

+ Pretty good diversity as far as length, elevation and left or right finishes are concerned. Maybe a few too many straight shots, but they're fun holes for the most part.

+ Mix of open and wooded holes. Leans a bit too much on the open side, but at least its not all one or the other.

+ Flags on most baskets is a nice touch to help make them easier to spot.


- Only the white tees are paved, the rest are natural or gravel.

- Features too many wide open shots. With all the trees on the property I felt the shot selection could have been more diverse with a stronger design.

- #2 has you throwing at a small cabin / house, like others have noted. Wasn't an issue for me to get a flick past it, but on a griplocked drive one could accidentally break a window.

- Missing tee signs. Maybe 3 or 4 of the tee signs have been ripped down.

- Feels slightly repetitive at times. 2, 3, 4 & 5 are all pretty open, around 10-13 it feels pretty flat and plain, 16-18 has the course finishing with another set of fairly open to wide field throws etc.

Other Thoughts:

Note that my review is based on a single round from the white tees. Next time I play I plan to throw the blue tees, but the ground was wet during my round so I wanted to use tee pads.

I did not find the course very challenging from the white tees. I threw a midrange or putter for half the tee shots, and the course didn't demand a great deal of accuracy in general. I'm hoping the blue layout feels a little more demanding, but I don't expect a night and day difference based on what I saw.

I think South Mountain Disc Golf is a solid course. I had a fun round, I enjoyed the scenery, and the overall atmosphere was great.

That being said, nothing about the course really stood out to me. Everything about it seemed good rather than exceptional. That's not to say it's a bad course, but to be honest the most memorable thing about it are the views. None of the holes scream signature hole to me, it's kind of mundane overall.

It is a little out of the way, but you have options in every direction as far as 18 hole courses to pair with it. I opted to head west to Jackson Park in Hendersonville at the suggestion of one of the golfers I met on the course.

This is a course I'd like taking my friends to when they visit from out of state. There's some ace runs, there's some longer rips, and you'll feel like you have your own private golf course for a few hours.
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5 2
Experience: 17.3 years 218 played 16 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Good course, but slightly overrated 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 13, 2015 Played the course:once


Very nice facility, quiet with beautiful views.
3 tees on each hole (two natural and on concrete). Tees were in great shape and a couple even had brooms.
Baskets in good shape
Very well maintained
Navigation was good, never too hard to find the next tee.
I liked a number of the holes, but Many (8-9) are a pretty easy putter shots (<250)
Slightly lefty biased, but not too bad.


Only the white tees (middle) had concrete teepads. This makes for a fairly open and relatively easy course. The blue (natural) tees would make it slightly more difficult, since you are often 30-50 feet back and throwing out of a tunnel.

A couple of the holes had some pretty significant design flaws:
- #2: throwing pretty much at a cabin structure, behind which the basket sits
-#4: while a very nice hole by the lake, there are some blind spots where people could be hit
- #10: throwing right beside a volleyball court. Even with the double mando it would come into play.
- #15: just a jump putt down the hill

The pars on the few par 4's and 5's are bit inflated. There are probably 2 par 4's from the whites.

Other Thoughts:

I think if the blue tees were concrete, that layout would be a much stronger course, probably more of 3.5-3.75. Particularly if the roads were marked as OB.

I would definitely consider this a open course, particularly from the white tees.

I think it's very beginner friendly course in a beautiful setting. It merits a visit if you are in the area.
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2 3
Experience: 25 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

2015 Spring Update 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 21, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


- Quiet, secluded course on a Christian camp
-18 freshly poured concrete tee pads as of March 2015
- Mix of short, long, open, wooded, elevated, and flat holes
- Great course for beginners and pros alike
- Beautiful course in the foothills of NC
- Course is easy to navigate and well marked


-Tee pads are only on the white layout but plans to add more are in the works

Other Thoughts:

SOMO is a great course to play if you are passing through the area or feel like making a day trip. The course is as good of a layout and fun to play as some of the best courses in the western half of NC.
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8 2
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.4 years 158 played 83 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 20, 2014 Played the course:once


-Three tees per hole and the middle tees are freshly poured concrete.
-This course really challenges you to utilize a variety of shots and hit your lines.
-South Mountain is very easily navigable. It flows very well.
-There are several holes that present good ace runs, but none that are gimmes.
-There are benches on most every hole and bathrooms located right by hole 18.
-The course is very secluded and well off the beaten path which means no waiting.


-The $2 pay-to-play may be a deterrent for some.
-South Mountain is really lacking tight wooded holes to give it another element. Most of the holes are sparsely wooded.
-The lake could be brought into play and more of a factor than it is as it only slightly comes into play on holes 4 and 7.

Other Thoughts:

South Mountain is an interesting course with a couple of unique holes (Holes 2 and 15). The $2 fee to play all day is more than fair and clearly goes back into the course as evidenced by new concrete tee pads. It is worth a play if you're in the area and pairs nicely with Garner-Webb University DGC.This would be a great course to bring lunch to and make a day of playing all 3 layouts.
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.3 years 556 played 429 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Bombs Away in Bostic 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 12, 2014 Played the course:once


South Mountain Disc Golf is in a very nice park in a quiet, remote location. All of the baskets are in good shape. There is an extra hole after #6 that facilitates a 9 hole loop as well. Tees all have signs and multiple boxes on most of them. The layout is fairly simple to follow. Since I already visited most of those, this review was necessary.

The first hole is a nice one, out of scattered trees opening up to a open grassy green down the hill. 2 through 6 are all wide open featuring the grassy slopes. With little or no wind, you should be able to muster several birdie opportunities. 7 is the closest basket to the lakes edge, but not high risk. Uphill with multiple trees, this was sadly the only hole I managed to convert on the putt for a 2. However, on the plus side the posted par is a ridiculously generous 67, so I still got to -7. Build up any players self esteem in that regard. 8 is an uphill throw with basket tucked in moderate tree cover. 9 is shorter and slightly downhill, also through some trees. The basket is atop a 3 foot mound. The back 9 is where the average length increases. 10 has a mando near the tee, but the trees thin out again, so it isn't too difficult. 11 is the longest hole at 567', but flat and with plenty of open air makes two solid throws and a putt very realistic. I took a 4, posted par was 5. 12 is open with sparse trees in front of the green. 13 has a double mando serving as a gate about a third of the way down the hole. The woods begin to come back into play as well, and interest rises some. 14 is shorter, and woodsy, a good chance for a 2. 15 is very short (120), and very downhill (maybe 35'). Backed by a small creek, and with moderate concentration of mature trees, anything between an ace and bogey may await. 16 ramps up the distance to 550'+ again, and has a lot of OB to the left, trees to the right. Uphill requiring some caution off the tee. I was not careful enough and my drive entered the prayer garden (OB). Penalty and bad recovery into the brush and trees across the fairway resulted in a 6 for me, but a 3 is still totally possible. 17 and 18 are both back into open grassy field.


I enjoyed the round, but this course is way off the beaten path, and surrounded by at dozens superior courses within a 90 mile radius. Maybe didn't quite live up to the 3.88 average rating, but still fun. The natural tees are well marked, but could be better. No benches, few trash cans. Cost is two dollars for all day. Pets must be on a leash. Overall a solid course, but lacking a bit in variety and serious challenge to an advanced player.

Other Thoughts:

The course is located at a Christian camp, evident by signage, crosses and prayer garden, so best behavior. No smoking, no drinking, no cussing etc... Unless you are also obsessed with playing as many good courses as possible, there is nothing that stands out about South Mountain DGC. I made the detour on a road trip, and found the course to be inviting, and fully legit, but not spectacular. Had a some good holes, and some average. Scoring a 50 is not out of the question, but I took a 60 first time out. Missing too many putts, one penalty, a couple of bad drives. Since I live hours away, I am not likely to return and try my luck again. South Mountain Disc Golf is very nice, but out-classed by many courses around the Charlotte, Asheville, and upstate SC region. Reminds me of University Beach DGC with better flavor.
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2 5
Experience: 18.4 years 48 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 8, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


Very fun course to play. Like it's neighboring course (Gardner-Webb), this course is designed for lefties. Thankfully, if you have a decent right hand forearm you will be fine.

There is a good variation of holes both long and short with different looks with each new hole. Some holes will require you to have a decent arm.

With weekly doubles, this course is great for all skills and players.


For a more seasoned player, the pars on this course seem a little off. Some Par 4's should definitely be a 3.

Other than that, this course is a solid course.
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2 3
Experience: 11.5 years 9 played 7 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Really nice 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 15, 2013 Played the course:once


Neat,clean,bathrooms,open,areas as well as wooded areas and there is a pro shop on the site. This course would be my favorite if it was closer to my home. The front tees are laid out in such a way that you can just play a 9 target game by using # 17 as # 8 and # 18 as # 9 which completes a circle back to the parking area. The targets are in new or like new condition.


Cost is $2 to play all day but worth it. There are no concrete tee pads. There are no direction arrows to direct you to the next hole which can be confusing the first time you play the course.

Other Thoughts:

It is hard to find anything about this course that is not nice. Staff at the office even said they would notify me if I lost any disc that had my name and # on it. Then they loaned me a marker to mark them with.
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12 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.3 years 616 played 565 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Better than I expected 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 29, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


South Mountain Christian Camp is a very good, under-the-radar course. Perhaps due to it being out of the way, or a camp course, it's easy to overlook this course. But, it's definitely worth the drive.
- The quality of the SMCC exceeded my expectations. I've played courses at other camps/retreats (Bonclarken & Ridgecrest) that are clearly aimed at beginners/camp-goers. There are short tees here for the beginners, but the pro tees are clearly aimed at the more advanced players.
- This is a very good and challenging course, with some great hole layouts. I really enjoyed the downhill layouts for #3 & 6; #11 is a long, uphill (729 feet) hole with out of bounds running along the entire right side; #16 is a great, long dogleg right hole (I'll talk about this one more later). But, with all of that said, I think the shortest hole on the course is the most memorable. ...
- #15 is a short, nearly straight down shot. It's a 138 feet from the long tees, but basically plays as a long putt. If you don't keep your shot down or avoid the trees, you'll either have a shot sail past the basket, or be throwing from the hill. It's pretty frustrating to have a 50 foot putt on a hole this short. You feel like you should get a two, or better, on this hole every time, but it doesn't take much to end up with a three.
- Course does a wonderful job utilizing the terrain. There is a lot of good elevation throughout the course, with the parking lot on the highest level of the course. The terrain from there slopes down to the lake. Much of the front nine is pretty open, playing up and down the hills. The back nine is more wooded, and features more of the longer holes. Get your birdies on the front nine, then play smart on the back.
- There are a great variety of hole layouts throughout the course. Two thirds of the course is (mainly) open, but there's a good mix of up and down holes, doglegs, a few with mandos and the woods. Also, along those lines, the course does a decent job of offering different layouts, on some holes, playing the pro versus am tees. #8, especially gives two completely different looks from the long and short tees.
- Great nature feel. There are some spectacular views throughout the course. Stand on the tee for #3 and take in the view of the lake. You're going to get some great scenery - hills, woods, and the lake - throughout your round. In addition, because you're out in the middle of nowhere, the course is very isolated. During the summer, when there are campers here, it might be a different scenario. But, in the spring and fall, there's virtually nobody else here.
- Very good tee signs and scorecards/maps. Each tee sign includes a Bible verse, some of which were (obviously) obviously chosen for the given holes. My two favorite, for the obvious reasons were on #11, the long, uphill hole (Psalm 18:32 - the Lord gives me strength) and #16, a dogleg right (Ecclesiastes 10:2 - the heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left). This might not be everyone's cup of tea, but still, they're pretty clever.
- On the right side of #11, there's a memorial sign dedicated to a family of four who were victims of the 1988 Pan Am Flight 103 bombing. It's a somber, but interesting, piece of history to see on a disc golf course in the middle of nowhere.


There's only one major problem I had with the course, which ended up playing a factor in my rating for this course.
- The natural tee pads were a major issue on some holes. On short holes, you can make do. On longer ones, having to do a run up on a small dirt patch, grass or wood chips aren't ideal. The biggest issue was on the long tee for #12. It's a 408 foot, straight hole, but there's a slope right behind the tee markers, so you're either doing a shorter run-up in the dirt tee area (to stay behind the markers), or you're throwing from a grassy area. With such small dirt tee areas, I felt like they didn't want to ruin the grass.
- In a couple spots, the longer hole layouts overlap onto other holes. The most obvious example is the confluence of the tees for #3, 6 &17, which are all within 25 feet of each other. On #3, I nearly teed off from the tee for #17. #10 & 11 also share a common fairway area.
- I didn't notice many benches or trash cans throughout the course. It'd be nice to have more, especially with as much walking as one does on this course. Also, I didn't notice any restrooms or drinking fountains, so you might have to check with the building where you sign in and pay. If not there, make sure you stop in one of the nearby towns before arriving.
- At least one of the mandos was somewhat poor. On #13, there's a mando left of a tree for the longer two tees. It's a sharp, almost unnatural, curve around the tree, which eliminates a lot of possible distance you could get throwing from the tee. This one seems very forced, and doesn't serve a purpose. Some people might not like the double mando on #10. From the long tees, you have to throw between a 15 foot wide gap between two trees, approximately 160 feet from the tee. If people don't like the double mando on #14 at Nevin Charlotte, wait until you play this hole.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, South Mountain is a very, very good course. Don't let the fact it's a camp course fool you. This would be a top course wherever it was located. Let's just say, you can tell it was built by disc golfers, and is aimed for disc golfers.
- That said, SMCC does a wonderful job of reaching out, and appealing, disc golfers. It's a small gesture, but it's cool they have a loyalty card for repeat players. Play here nine times, get your card punched, and the 10th visit is free. Granted, you're only saving $2; but, it's a real sign they want disc golfers coming here to play.
- That said again, because it's a Christian camp, people should be considerate of that fact when playing here. I'd hate to see them sour on disc golf because of things such as littering or drinking (or other DG stereotypes).
- It also bears mentioning that because it is a Christian camp, there are lots of Christian references throughout the course. I already mentioned the Bible verses on every tee sign. There are also crosses throughout the property and a prayer garden alongside #16. FYI, there is a mando around said prayer garden. Some people might not like all of this, but you do know that going into your visit here.
- #16 was my favorite hole. It's a 602 foot hole, dogleg right around the prayer garden. A good tee shot will be just short, or to the right, of the gardens, leaving a long, slightly uphill second shot. It's a relatively easy four, but it does require good shot placement to get your four, or be in position for a three.
- I was teetering between a 3.5 and 4 for this course's rating. I feel it's a tad short of other courses I've rated 4.0 but better than the 3.5s.
- This is an isolated course, meaning if you're making a drive here to play (from Charlotte/Greenville/Asheville, etc.), you're probably making a long drive solely for this course. Coming from Charlotte/US74 or I-40, the closest courses are all nine-holers. This is worth the drive for anyone within an hour or so of the course. Play a couple of rounds to make the trip worthwhile.
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3 7
Experience: 12.6 years 39 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 2, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Helps with very different shots. use of elevation well and can be a challenge if u play blues. If u play white can be confidence booster usually go 2 or 3 under at other courses in the area and I go 6 or 8 under here


paying to play. natural tees make it tough to play after rain they have tried to help with that by putting sand down

Other Thoughts:

great tourneys with great ppl and staff a good course to play to enjoy a sunday afternoon
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6 1
Experience: 27.3 years 146 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

nice property 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 26, 2012 Played the course:once


Pro- use of elevation
variety of holes
Friendly staff
tee signs
the lake
natural pads which were a + and - out here


Started playing the round from the blues and noticed that it was impossible to have a natural run up on every pad except maybe one of them. they were either two foot long with dropoff behind, slopes, or next to a ditch. Started playing whites and really enjoyed it. Dif. over parred. My 50 would've been a -17 where it felt more like a -6 to -8.

Other Thoughts:

Overall an enjoyable course that I would've rated a little higher if I played all white and lower if I played all blue. Worker stated that they were going to work on pad which is good to hear. Will play again.
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7 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.6 years 321 played 303 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Bonclarken Gold 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 14, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


-What can I say? I love South Mountain. It has pretty much everything that a disc golf course should have.
-The variety is great. It has uphill and downhill, short and long, open and wooded, dogleg left and a dogleg right, trees,water and mandos. It has it all.
-From the yellow tees, it's super easy and the white tees are also pretty easy. I play the blue tees and it's harder. If you don't like super easy then play the blues.
-There is an ace board beside hole 1 and you can write your ace down on it (If you aced). Not surprised #15 was and hole #5 and #1 were also aced.
-#13 is a serious test of your skill (if you play the blues. You start off in the woods and there is a mando gate. It's a dogleg left and if you birdie, that's definitely a memorable one.
-Trash cans, benches are around on some holes which is good enough.
-Restrooms are to the left of the parking lot of the disc golf course. They are not in the shop so go straight ahead and you will see the course and where to park.
-There are maps of the course and you pick up scorecards on the porch of the shop. Discs at the shop are cheap too.
-Since I played the blues, there was really only one fun ace run. I was looking forward to playing it and although it's easy, I think it's the best on the course. It's #15. The back 9 is flat until you get to #15. It plays under 100 feet but if you go past the basket, you are in the DEEP woods which you have no good chance in a birdie. Not to mention I fell down the hill while I was trying to ace it. Then #16 and #17 gain about +8 feet from the blues and #18 long gains maybe +20 feet.
-The bible verses on every teesign were a very clever idea. Definitely worth writing down.
-This is probably the best course I have played, next to RL Smith in Charlotte and whoever reads this review, you really need to play here. You will not be disappointed.


-You might get confused where to go. Bring a GPS and be aware this is at the church camp. Once you get to 1129 (The address), you got to keep going straight for a couple miles. Look for a small, white pro shop and a sign that says disc golf!
-Course is a bit overparred, not really from the blues but with the yellows, there are short par 5's less than 300 ft. The whites are also unchallenging.
-There will be a SEVERE erosion problem on #7. That hole is already experiencing it.

Other Thoughts:

South Mountain is a church camp. I started played at a church camp too, but it was at Bonclarken retreat in flat rock. This is a harder course and it's much funner too. There are 3 sets of tees and might soon be 4. This course is for all players and it's definitely memorable. I must say, this course is definitely worth playing and it's worth paying 2 bucks to play.
-It's $2 bucks to play all day to keep the grass cut. Bring some money and if you don't have a disc that floats, buy one at the shop. Bringing your bathing suit is a good idea. Water by #4 is like 4 feet deep.
-Signature hole, there are plenty. #3 has a great view of the lake, and it's a big downhill shot. #14 could be because it's wooded. #15 was very memorable because it's very short but very interesting. Steep downhill with water past the basket, maybe my favorite ace run in NC. I have not played a hole that short with an elevation loss over 20 feet until then, don't fall. The hill just drops down and then you're on the green but it now has stairs as of 2013! I remember when it didn't. #16 was interesting because it's around the prayer garden and it's pretty challenging. I'd say those four are my favorites. #6 was fun too but a bit too close to #5.

-I deleted the hole by hole review. This is too good to give away. It's one thing to give away something meh but not this course. This has excellent variety, various lengths, water, hills, couple dropoffs, mandos, well, some can be irritating and more. Blue tees need work but it's still fun from those tees. I gave it a 4.5 because the layout can't be better. It's maintained perfectly but once the blues are fixed, I'd be glad to give this a 5.
-I played here the day after my bday. I was leaving Columbia from the mission trip with the church. It was definitely a great late b day present. This year, we leave St. Louis on my b day. Crap, that's not a sweet 16 but back to this. This review is biased. I'd be glad to play here anytime, in the summer. Play this course and you will high likely love it. If not, you can blame me but this isn't worth skipping.
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6 0
Experience: 13.5 years 7 played 7 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Found the needle in the haystack! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 7, 2012 Played the course:once


It has a little bit of everything you look for in a course; water, trees/wooded areas, and open areas where you can just sling it. It has some VERY long par 5's (if I remember correctly there were 2 - 550ft. + holes). It was challenging enough without being overly difficult so it has something for every level of player. The staff are super friendly too! There is a small area inside the main building where you can purchase some new and used discs and they have really good prices on them as well due to the fact that the person that sells them is an Innova distributor. (I purchased a new Innova DX Dragon for $7.50.) Each hole is marked off well, giving you a layout of where the chain are including what Par is.


Location, location, location. Let me start off by saying that the grounds are gorgeous and this has nothing to do with that, but more to do with it would be very hard to find had I not had GPS. There is nothing nearby but woods, hence my title I found the needle in the haystack! Another con is $2 to play, but honestly I have an issue even calling this a Con because the area is so beautiful, it's on private property, and that allows you to play all day. Also for the $2, which basically just gets you onto the property, you can play however long you want and even fish in the giant pond too! There is also a pool on the grounds although I am unsure if the $2 gets you access to that. The owner stated the $2 is to help keep the grass cut which I am honestly grateful to pay for after having played this course. There are not tee pads as of yet, but I really didn't see a need for them at this time.

Other Thoughts:

I spoke with the designer of the course, again, a really nice guy. He has plans to continuing working on this course (which was just built in 2011!) He mention building raised tee markers as the ones they currently have are near flush to the ground. He also mentioned moving a few of the baskets to make certain holes a little more challenging. He also wants to start hosting some tournaments soon. I would just like to end by saying that I have played pretty much every course within an hour drive of Morganton, NC (my hometown) and this one is the best in my opinion.
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4 5
Experience: 28 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 8, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


Excellent use of elevation changes. Course has everything, dogleg lefts & rights, wooded holes, open holes. Friendly & very enthusiastic helpful staff, small pro-shop on site.


Pay to play
Course is over par'd, I'm a scratch player. Shot 6 under first time out.

Other Thoughts:

Everything about SMCC DG Course is top notch! They are willing to host events/tournaments. Facility & staff are genuinely thrilled with their new course, and should be!
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