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Spanish Fork, UT

Spanish Fork DGC - Old Layout

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Spanish Fork DGC - Old Layout reviews

3 0
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Once is enough 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 12, 2017 Played the course:once


* Remote location and not a multi use area. It's strictly a disc golf park. You won't run into crowds. When we played here we saw one other person.
* Big open shots. There are very long shots here with few obstructions.
* No water to lose your discs.
* Cement pads with tee signs that include distance and maps.
* Latrine


* There's no water, but there is a ocean of nearly waist high grass in which to lose discs!
* No obstructions. There are almost no trees. Most of the shots are just long open lines. Some might consider that boring.
* Maps are not always clear and distances were often wrong.
* No shade.
*Difficult to find if you're not from the area. GPS kept leading us to the middle of the course, but not the actual parking area. Had to drive around for awhile to find it.

Other Thoughts:

We were excited to play this course because it was advertised as being big and long (which is true). The number one reason it got bad reviews from me is because of the knee high grass covering half the course. We spent 20 minutes on the first hole looking for discs. We eventually reached the point where the first guy would throw, we would guide him to his disc. Then the 2nd guy throws and he marks it, and so on. It was time consuming and frustrating, but better then searching for discs all day. At one point my buddy threw an up shot that landed in some grass not more than 30 feet from me. I walked to the exact spot I saw it land and we spent 5 minutes shifting grass to find it...... so ridiculous! This was in early May!! The grass is only going to get longer.
I think we were all tired of this course by the end. I'm not from Spanish but if I was I'm not sure I'll every play it again.
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1 0
Experience: 17.5 years 27 played 16 reviews
2.00 star(s)

For the Long Drive 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 1, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


An excellent place to practice long drives and windy drives. The course is in a rock and gravel pit near a wind power plant.
Good use of the available elevation changes.
Good tee pads.


No trees. Other than weeds and occasional hills, there are really no obstacles here.
Inconsistent signage. The map at the beginning is confusing, as are the hole maps that show insignificant elevation changes. (Hole 5 is easy to throw the wrong direction; hole 15 lists a distance of 290 feet when it is clearly closer to 600).
While some of the holes are well tended, some have rampant weed problems (hole 7 in particular).
Little variety. Almost every hole plays so long that the elevation changes make almost no difference between the holes.
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1 0
Experience: 18.4 years 16 played 7 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Not Bad for a Gravel Pit 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 19, 2015 Played the course:once


A+ to Spanish Fork city for the time and resources it took to make this course. 18 hole course, Amateur and Pro tee pads on about half the holes. Excellent signs and baskets.

Good use of the hills/mounds for lots of interesting elevation change shots. A few fun drives have you throwing at "quasi-island greens" on top of a tall mound.

A good mix of long and short holes, more long than short. You won't feel short-changed on the number of long drives you get to throw.

The weeds weren't bad when I played. I played by myself and was never really worried about losing a disc.

The wind wasn't bad for me either which I guess is rather unusual for this course.


Lots of dirt, gravel, and weeds. The terrain can be rough on discs and shoes. I can see the wind being a factor most days.

I liked having multiple tees, but if you're playing the Pro tees be prepared for 500-600 foot Par 3's. This seems a bit of a stretch on a flat surface, even for pros.

The course is really straight. No real obstacles or mando's that force you to throw anything but your bread and butter shot.

Other Thoughts:

Overall I enjoyed playing Spanish Fork. Maybe I got lucky, but I went expecting the worst and it turned out to be not bad. I'm giving my review at least +1 star for the excellent pads, baskets, and signs.
Glad I wore long pants.
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5 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.1 years 75 played 45 reviews
2.00 star(s)

What A Shame 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 2, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


What a shame that such awesome tee pads, signs, baskets, time and energy went into such a terrible course. I have played it twice just to make sure that my initial reaction wasn't hasty. The first time it was so windy it was almost unplayable, and the second there was lighter wind but the weeds were out of control.

There are some really good pros to this course. As I mentioned, the tee pads are fantastic. Uniform and just the right length. There are beginner and pro tee pads on most of the holes.

The signage is fantastic. Every hole has a good sign with directions to the basket. This can really help out with finding some baskets since some are a mile and a half away. Ok, maybe 700+ ft, but in the wind it may as well be a mile and a half.

The layout flows pretty well. You don't have to search for the next tee and it navigates great without a map. This is good because the map at the entrance to the park is not very accurate.


Oh boy, here goes the list of things that makes me want to cry because I want to love this course so much but just can't.

First of all, for all the hard work and expense that went in to this course it is in the crappiest location you could ever ask for. Located in an old gravel pit makes the course extremely hazardous to your discs. Add to that the fact that you are often throwing off of 30-40 ft hills which means that your disc often turns over and crashes hard on it's edge, and you can see that this is a recipe for a disc manufacturer's dream.

Wind! Who in their right mind puts a disc golf course at the bloody mouth of Spanish Fork canyon across from a wind farm? Now normally I love long holes, throwing 700 ft holes in 2 throws is great, but it is hell when you don't have an arm or disc that is friendly to windy conditions, like most people.

The weeds are insane. There is june grass everywhere! Most holes the weeds are up above my knees already and it's only June 2nd. The first time I played this course back in late March it wasn't bad, but now it's a pain in the back side to find your discs, particularly when you bomb it. You will certainly not want to make the mistake I did today either and wear shorts and lower shoes. I think I spent more time picking june grass out of my socks and shoes than I did playing the course.

For how much time was put into signage you would think they would at least attempt to get the distances more accurate on them. Hole 15 said it was 300 ft, for example, but it was easily 500+. There were a few others that were way shorter than the signs stated.

There are virtually no obstacles. Some may consider this a pro, but it really doesn't force you to have to use a variety of throws at all. So on one hand you have a course that seems great for a beginner because you can throw however you want, but on the other some of the holes are so long that it's not that great of a beginner course either.

Also because there are absolutely no trees there is also absolutely no shade. It gets hot quick, and with the wind blowing you get parched rapidly. I highly suggest plenty of water. Or don't bring any and use that as an excuse to not have to finish this dreadful course.

Other Thoughts:

I have played arid and dry courses, and courses that aren't in the greatest of locations, and windy courses, and rocky courses, and even courses overgrown with weeds, and have loved all of them, but to combine all of them into one course makes this one of my least favorite courses to date. It really is such a shame because those tee pads, baskets and signs are all outstanding, but they just can't make up for the terrible location. I want to both hug the city of Spanish Fork for giving it a try, and kick them between the legs for failing.

Do yourself a favor, drive an extra 15 min and play Jolley's Ranch. You can thank me when you're done.
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3 0
Experience: 11.7 years 10 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Very Fun, Rocks, New Course Layout 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 8, 2013 Played the course:once


This course plays through a reclaimed gravel pit that the city owns. Lots of hills to play through. It's nice and open so no issues with trees for the beginner players. Several holes start out with you playing from elevated tees or to an elevated basket. Some holes play from the top of one hill to the top of another. There are some holes that are really long and a few that are nice and short. Good balance of hole distances.


Rocks. Because it's an old gravel pit your disc will find it's share of rocks and can get beat up a bit.

Other Thoughts:

The course layout has recently changed. You no longer pull all the way in and down the road like you used to. There is now a parking area just off the main road. You'll see where the sign has been relocated. The map shown online and at the course is not accurate. Holes 1 & 2 start out near the main road where you first pull in. Then after hole 14, 15-18 play you back to the main road/parking lot.
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2 0
Experience: 11.4 years 31 played 7 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 19, 2011 Played the course:once


Great course layout. Excellent markers, tees, and new baskets. By far the best and newest tees and markers for any course in the SLC/Provo area. Great varying lengths of holes and slight elevation changes.


The only thing I believe could be a con is the minimal amount of obstructions (i.e. trees, etc.). Great basket locations though that add to the difficulty of the course.

Other Thoughts:

I wish more courses in the area would use the same markers placed at this course. Markers are very accurate and professional looking. Overall a great experience and great course for people of all levels.
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2 4
ryan ranes
Experience: 16.1 years 48 played 26 reviews
4.00 star(s)

A fun course over the train trax 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 19, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


an awsome course with diffrent teepads for diffrent skill levels and some fun 750 foot hole there are alot of far holes for big arm throwers, a course with alot of fun hill shots


there are no trees on the course and this course will beat up and chew up your discs

Other Thoughts:

play uvu and rockcanyon and beicaintainal(or however u spell that) all in the same day they are all very close together
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6 3
Experience: 22.1 years 23 played 6 reviews
3.00 star(s)

The Pit 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 31, 2010 Played the course:once


The city of Spanish Fork has really taken the time to set up a disc golf course with good signage and a unique setting for Utah disc golf.

The course finally has some pro length hole and seperate tee boxes and half of the holes. Allowing for a variety of players to play disc golf.

It models the signage other courses in Utah should use to mark their courses.

Down in an old gravel pit but has some elevation changes and dirt mounds as obsticles.

Brand new discraft chainstar baskets


Some of the hole pars signs have interesting suggestions of par for that hole. Par 4 280s wide open?

The grass and weeds are already over grown and searching for discs can take some time on good throws.

If it is over grown wear long pants unless you want your legs to be cut and itchy. Long socks were fine for me but my playing patterns whined about it.

Gravel pit rocks can be rough on discs.

Other Thoughts:

Overall good course thy had a few groups playing on Monday afternoon. With a variety of skill levels present as well.

Down the road are some sweet winills and think the could add those as only obsticles are mountians of dirt and telephone power poles.

Right at mouth of Spanish Fork Canyon it can be pone to wind.

Playing this course will make you better as it allows distance and control in wind. Especially some long holes requiring two drives before a putt.
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12 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.4 years 227 played 41 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Bedrock 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 11, 2010 Played the course:once


The course has Pro and Amateur concrete pads for the first 9 holes and just pro pads for holes#10 thru 18.Tee signs for the entire course giving distances and new Chainstar baskets that have arrows pointing to next tee where needed making this a pleasantly easy course to follow. Portable restrooms and a couple of trash cans are available near the parking area. The course layout is wide open with some slight elevation changes


No trees or shrubs for obstacles just a couple of telephone poles or power line poles.
The wind will play a part in your game no matter what time of the day it is. Only two benches throughout the entire course, one at the kiosk and another at hole #9. Since there is no water or trees for shade staying cool could be hard in the summer

Other Thoughts:

At the mouth of Spanish Fork Canyon and the foothills of the Wasatch Mountains Just a tenth of a mile off Hwy 6 across the RxR tracks is the gated entrance follow the dirt road to the end about two hundred yards. You will see a port-a-potty, a few trash cans and two yellow poles go between the poles and you have now entered the course. The course has beautiful scenery and even though it is bordering Hwy 6 the course grade is low enough to block most of those noises. Some may take the wind as a negative, I think it's a great opportunity to better yourself.
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3 2
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 45.2 years 183 played 58 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Spanish Fork Disc Golf Course - The Pit. 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 19, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Advanced/Pro player course. 9 of the 18 holes with multiple tees. Not crowded. porta-potty now available.
Easy access, 100 yards off of hwy. 6 in Spanish Fork, Utah.


Not a favorite for beginners. No trees.

Other Thoughts:

This course plays in an old gravel pit with rocky, gravelly terrain that is fairly flat. Some small elevation changes to mix it up a little but is basically a two-dimensional course catering to long-arm throws exposed to the wind at any time during the day. There are concrete tee pads, and it looks like an eagle scout project placed the tee signs right next to the tee pads, which some will say is a negative in their evaluation. The tee signs are very nice though. Basket 18 was installed in the wrong place (100 feet short), so the tee sign is off on distance. Wind blows from the east in the morning, shifting to the west in the afternoon and is a factor in your course management. This is not a beginner course in any way, shape or form, thus it is limited as to what it offers. The pit will make you a better player if you need to work on your long distance throws, or playing in windy conditions.
It will take you approximately 1.5 hours to play this course, no bathrooms at this point, and no water, you will need to wear some sturdy shoes as the terrain is rough. The Little Acorn drive-in is across the street so you can take a break and get back to the course quickly. Not a lot of usage on this course yet as it is brand new. There is still some maintenance going on here, a pavillion, a park overview map, and hopefully bathrooms will be added in the near future. This is a course in progress but the essential part of the course is in and playable. The short course plays approximately 6400 feet in length and the pro pads stretch it out to about 7300 feet.
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