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Spearfish, SD

Spearfish Canyon Disc Golf

4.435(based on 29 reviews)
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Spearfish Canyon Disc Golf reviews

22 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 18.4 years 772 played 27 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Spearfish Canyon, more like Spearfish Hill (I get it though)

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 27, 2022 Played the course:once


Spearfish Canyon is a 27 hole track on a beautiful property just out of the town of Spearfish. Course plays up and along a nice rocky yet mostly grassy hill and provides great views. Teepads were great (artificial turf is my favorite tee surface, baskets were fine (DGA something) and teesigns were fantastic. Nice variety of shot shapes on the more wooded holes at the beginning and enough trees on the more open holes to make you consider your line. Excellent variety of hole lengths. I drove with putters, mids, fairway drivers and distance drivers. Navigation was pretty easy, only got a little confused on I would guess the 15-17 holes.


After the first third or so of the course which winds its way up the hill there are a couple holes where you walk downhill to the next pad only to throw back uphill. Nothing major distance or elevation wise, just annoying. Hole 17 in the long position seemed out of place to me. Almost 700' par 4 playing uphill with a small right turning gap to the green. Hole 26 is a fun downhill drive but has a weird barbed wire fence towards the green that runs from left to probably 2/3rds of the fairway then ends, must be a remnant of past times. I enjoyed the finishing hole, throwing downhill is always fun times. But was disappointed that it was a standstill putter shot (I threw an Envy and was fortunate to crash into a large tree on the right side of the green or that thing was prob 100' past). Was hoping for an epic bomber to reward all that hiking uphill...

Other Thoughts:

Overall fantastic course that I very much enjoyed, will return. Skipped playing anything in Rapid City this trip so have a DG reason to return to the area. The Black Hills region has some great scenery, some great windy roads (Needles and Iron Mountain highways) and Mount Rushmore is pretty dang epic.

Pro tip: if you enjoy camping like I do the very nice Spearfish city campground is less than half a mile away from the course.

Also noticed an alternate parking spot after hole 20 complete with practice basket. So if you wanted to start at the top of the hill for some reason there is that option.
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2 3
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
5.00 star(s)

World Class 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 18, 2020 Played the course:5+ times


-Tremendous hole layouts with unique lines to hit all over the course
-The land is beautiful and maintained for most of the year


Need to be in decent shape to hike & play.

Other Thoughts:

World class course that offers a unique experience from the rest of South Dakota's courses.
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27 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.5 years 1164 played 744 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 16, 2021 Played the course:once


Spearfish Canyon is located in a beautiful park in the badlands of Western South Dakota. The course is set in a disc golf exclusive section, minus maybe the first couple holes. So there should be little to no outside interference. The course offers excellent views of the surrounding hills once you get to the top.

The tee pads are artificial turf. Clearly they were used on an old football field somewhere. The size is just about perfect. Nice and wide and plenty long. I actually like these kinds of pads, though I know not everyone does. They were plenty grippy and worked great on a gorgeous mid September afternoon. One tee pad per hole. There appeared to be either some natural short tees on a few holes. Not sure if they're on all of them. Didn't notice them if there was.

The baskets are Mach III's. These were all mounted nice and level and caught as well as can be expected of these. There is anywhere from 1 to 3 pin positions per hole. Many of these offered quite different looks. Both in placement and distances. There are also 4 hanging baskets out of the 27. Nice little touch there.

The tee signs are pretty unique. There's an actual picture taken off the tee pad with white dots showing the intended route down the fairway. There are also distances to all the pin placements, pars and a next hole arrow on one half of the sign. The hole sponsor makes up the other half of each sign.

This course features so severe elevation changes. Starting from hole 3 and continuing right to the end. It lessens on the last 5 or 6 before the last hole, but none are completely flat. The wind could certainly be a factor too. Trees come into play on every single hole.

All the shots in your bag will be needed here. There's left to right, right to left and some fun dead nuts straight ones. Ending up off the fairway will cost you the majority of the time.

The navigation here is very intuitive. I only had to use the Udisc map a couple times. Between the next tee arrows on each sign and the numerous yellow painted wood next tee arrows on the trees by the baskets, it's pretty seamless. On top of that the grass is worn down enough from basket to next tee that you can get a pretty good idea just looking for that.

The course is permanent, free to play and immaculately clean. Trash cans and picnic tables on every third or fourth hole it seemed. The picnic tables are much appreciated, as this course is quite the hike. Expect 3 or so hours to play depending on your speed of play and group size. Be sure to bring plenty of liquids too, especially on warmer days.


It would be nice if it was designated on the sign somewhere what pin position is currently in play. It's annoying having to walk half the fairway to see the basket. Doubly so on such an elevated course like this.

A few of the holes play pretty close to each other. They put up some mandos to help with this but it could still be a little sketchy if it's ever real busy. Hole 27 is the biggest culprit. It's an 80 to 100 vertical drop down to the pin. Any shot that goes off line lands in neighboring fairways or very close to them.

As mentioned in a prior review. The gun range nearby does get a bit obnoxious after awhile. It's a shame to, otherwise this would be such a quiet and peaceful place.

It seems like there's double the amount of uphill compared to downhill holes. I'm sure it's not, but it certainly feels that way, especially early in the round. A number of longish walks between holes to. I'm fine with it because it's done to maximize the property to it's fullest.

Other Thoughts:

This course surpassed my expectations. It's rated high but I've heard numerous people talk about how it's overrated. It's not overrated at all. This is a damn fine course. I'd recommend this course to anybody. I'd advise anybody to go out of your way to play this one. It's that good.

I debated long and hard between a 4 and a 4.5 for this one. It's honestly right in between them imo. Solid 4.25, but that's not an option, so I ended up going with a 4. If the baskets and tee pads were upgraded this is a no doubt 4.5. Either way you slice it this course is excellent. I can guarantee I'll be back here at some point. Must play.
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5 5
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 4.4 years 43 played 24 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Not as great as I thought it would be 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 28, 2021 Played the course:once


After you get out of the valley where it starts it really gets scenic and has some nice hole layouts. The tee pads take a little getting used to since they are turf, not as good as concrete but better than no pads.


The constant gunfire and the insanely loud UTVs that are constantly driving by really decreased the enjoyability of the course. Could have a few more amenities.

Other Thoughts:

Still worth playing but not quite the destination course I thought it might be.
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25 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.1 years 222 played 100 reviews
3.50 star(s)

It Goes Uphill 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 24, 2021 Played the course:once


+ Easy to get to

+ Absolutely beautiful scenery on and around the course

+ Lots of benches and trash cans

+ Mach 3's that catch as expected

+ A few hanging baskets. You normally don't see any hanging baskets anywhere but this course has 4. It adds another level of difficulty in the mind.

+ You have to have a variety of shots to be able to score well here. Off the tee I used almost every tool in my toolbox.

+ Not too many blind shots. This is nice since on a mountain course you don't really want to have to be running up and down the fairway on every hole just to find the basket, so that was nice.

+ Great tee signs. They show you everything you need to know. They also have an indicator to tell you which basket placement the pin is in.

+ Very easy to navigate. There weren't any times that I can remember where I didn't know where to go.


- Surprise, surprise. Turf Teepads. Turf tees will always be a negative for me. The turf seems like it was from an old football field and some had different graphics on them that threw me off. The different colors on the tees were annoying. These were half way decent turf tees but turf tees are never good imo.

- It feels like this course has 22 holes that go uphill. To me, it felt like there was a disproportionate amount of holes that go uphill compared to down hill.

- No short loop back to the parking area once you start the course. You have to make sure you pack everything you need in your bag for a potential 3-5 hour round.

- No bathrooms on the course after hole 1. A course this long should have a bathroom or two along the way. Not even sure if potties are possible on a mountain course but this course needs it.

- There's a shooting range that seems to be pretty close to the course. Its not a big deal but the random gun shots can throw some off of their game.

Other Thoughts:

Halfway thru this course I thought it was just Colorado-Lite mountain golf. By the end it was full blown mountain golf and tests your cardio at every turn. I honestly expected the golf to be a lot better on this course. There are just too many holes that go uphill that force you to throw full power shots, one after another after another. There weren't any holes that stuck out to me as amazing or terrible. This was just a normal course on a mountain to me.
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18 0
Mushin No Shin
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 19.7 years 1303 played 67 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Lil Bailey and the Shrub Oak 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 20, 2021 Played the course:5+ times


DG in the Spearfish Canyon!

LodgePole Pines with an understory of Shrubby Oaks
The Oak sets this DGC apart from many other Mountain Courses, that often just have Coniferous Trees

Really Fun Discgolf with Plenty of Elevation, Distances, and Shot Shapes to continuously challenge you all the way thru

Designed by a former World Champ, so you just know the Design will be Excellent

Some Rememorable Unique Rock Stuff that gives Spearfish a definitive Individuality

Plethora of Cool Basket Positions
Numerous Hanging, Framed, or Cliff'd

Metal Plate on Teesign Posts showing Color related to Basket Position

Picnic Table at each Tee :)

21 called 'Quitters Ridge'
Then 22 n 23 still go up too :p

Finishes pretty Strong, 24-27
With 3 Downhill Holes, and 4 Good Greens

Felt like a good balanced Mix of Red Blue or Gold Basket Positions

1 Alt is Fun Bonus Wooded Hole, between 1 n 2

Woodchips on flatter Bottom Holes

Not many Blind Baskets during my Visit
2 4 17 & 8 Gold

I Like the Beginning Holes on the Bottom. Denser Woods with more Oak than Pine, and Each Hole is a pretty Cool challenge

Practice Basket is one of those Mach3s that has the 'Around 9 Putting Game' for a number plate
And there's Numbered Bricks to Play along!
Always a Fun warmup :)


Heard 'Four' yelled a few times, when buzy on a Saturday afternoon

Thrown on, on 25... the general public, whaduya gonna do!?!

Other Thoughts:

Course had 7A 7B 7C Alts, that can be played in succession Between 7 & 8

7A Basket could maybe also be used for a Gold on 17

7B Basket should be used for a 9 Gold position, AND this is a verymost Awesome Green

7C makes a Next Level Challenge for 6, going All the way to the Top of the Cliff

With all the Turf Tees, it kinda looks a like Bailey DGC out there, hence my Title
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13 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.4 years 561 played 429 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Spearfish Canyon is Supercool 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 26, 2018 Played the course:once


27 holes that cover a big chunk of a mountainside. The hike around the layout includes a lot of interesting hole designs, and the landscape provides nice changes in elevation and density of trees. Some easier holes are sprinkled in among many consistently demanding tee shots. Very tough in a couple of spots, but only one par 4, and fairways are usually generous enough to allow some room for error.

The first couple of holes are pretty flat, but there are bends around the trees that require solid throws to get near the pins. Hole 3 is when you begin to climb the hill and elevation change really starts to come into play. I enjoyed the middle section of the course that works up, down, back and forth across the slopes, with scattered pines and boulders. The drives are tough, but there are chances for birdies. If you don't make a perfect throw from the box, a recovery shot for par will usually be makable. Some of the rough is thick, but finding discs isn't to difficult in most places.

The signs are pretty great, I loved the route traced over actual photos of each hole. Tee pads are nice, level and solid, usually covered with swaths of artificial turf salvaged from a football field. The baskets don't have any major flaws.


Parking near the first hole seemed a little limited, but it looked like you can park near the top of the hill and begin around hole 21 if necessary.

I did lose two discs on hole 26. It maybe the toughest hole on the course, and also maybe my favorite. My first drive went left into the thick trees down the steep drop down the hill. The second flipped and flew way right, with lots of rocky drops, tall grass and a big pile of tree limbs. Took an 8 at the end of the round, taking the shine off a scorecard that looked decent up to that point.

Other Thoughts:

Spearfish Canyon will definitely test every shot you have. Tough terrain and lots of sun made me glad I brought extra water. It isn't the most extreme physical effort, but no walk in the park to say the least.

Somewhere in between pro level difficulty and not beginner friendly. I scored a +9 (82), but could have been 4 or 5 over par if I hadn't lost the two drives on hole 26. Finished with two birdies, four bogies, a double bogey and the snowman 8, for five over on 26.

I played this on the second stop of a long road trip, after Pageant Hill in Custer. What a great way to spend the day driving around some gorgeous landscapes. Both courses are great, but Spearfish has more holes, and is closer to the interstate, so I would give it the nod if you must choose one or the other. Making time to play them both is well worth the extra driving. This part of South Dakota is truly amazing and beautiful.
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3 3
Experience: 18.4 years 24 played 11 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Very exciting! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 8, 2012 Played the course:once


Amazing views, unique location, good mix of tech/dist holes, some very unique holes that make the course memorable


Fairly easy to lose a disc with an off drive on a few holes; I mean gonner

Other Thoughts:

This course makes a 4+ hour trip well worth it.
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10 0
Experience: 26.8 years 186 played 12 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Great Course, worth the stop 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 4, 2017 Played the course:once


Great teepads (Turf).
Fantastic tee signs and signage throughout
Nice baskets
Good Flow, map not needed
Baskets are for the most part always visible from pad
Multiple pin positions on almost every hole
Indicators for which pin position is in play
Lots of elevation change and variation of holes


All of the pins seemed a little short, or possibly were just in all the short positions. A few holes had longer baskets in place in addition to the short positions, but I didn't realize they were there until after I had played the hole. I would love to play this course in all long positions as the current layout ended up being quite easy. I mostly only used a Teebird or Buzz on the majority of the holes.
As stated in other reviews, there were a few gravel teepads that gave me issues, however most the holes were turf and only a few were gravel. Perhaps they are working on getting them all to turf

Other Thoughts:

This course was overall amazing, well worth the high rating. Often I have played courses with high ratings and walked away disappointed. The designers of this course have built something that other courses should strive to work towards. I just hope that I can play this course again in long positions and give it more time to really explore it a little more.
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3 14
Experience: 18.6 years 59 played 5 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Long couse 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 10, 2017 Played the course:once


Very fun and challenging course. A LOT of elevation change. The pin placement is in the long


grass is kind of long

Other Thoughts:

Go play this course but when you do bring some snacks because you will be hungry by the end
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10 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.3 years 331 played 23 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Awesome Course, Great Challenge 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 29, 2017 Played the course:once


+ Awesome golf with lots of elevation in play, moderate to dense trees forcing lines, and technical greens that add great risk/reward. Holes cover a huge variety of distances, from shorter ace runs to all-out bomber throws. None of the holes feel repetitive. This course will test every shot you've got and then some.
+ Beautiful scenery. Course is tucked into the edge of the Black Hills. The natural mix of vegetation and rock outcroppings makes every view unique.
+ Navigation was pretty easy with awesome signage, next tee indicators, etc.
+ Multiple baskets and pin locations available, adding even more variety and diversity to this 27 hole course.
+ Plenty of tables and garbage cans available throughout the course.


- Tee pads are uneven and small. I don't mind gravel, but I do mind when it's pitted out to an extent that affects my footing. The frames that hold the gravel are often not even with the surrounding dirt, which also causes trouble for longer run ups.
- The rough gets pretty thick and nasty, and even some fairways have tall grass that makes finding discs and throwing upshots tough.

Other Thoughts:

This is a really beautiful course and a great challenge. I enjoyed playing and I hope to make it back and play again at some point.

I realize that these "Cons" I've listed are normal features of mountain golf. It would take a huge effort to maintain this course in a highly polished state, and the rugged aspects do add a certain charm. However, these characteristics do have a negative impact on play.

The first two hanging baskets are pretty cool. After that, the novelty wears off and they seem a little gimmicky. The last one is pretty high and shorter players might need to get creative to retrieve their discs. Some people may not find it fun to try to line up a putt on a target that's swaying in the breeze.

Walking all 27 holes is a hike! A friend in my group measured it out at about 5 miles and 500' of elevation climb. Wear sturdy footwear and bring water.
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14 1
Experience: 13.3 years 23 played 4 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Best Disc in South Dakota 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 20, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


UPDATE:03.2020----All of the Tee pads are turf now. Most baskets are in short or mid positions up top. Still quite a bit of distance (the majority you can see from the tee). 25's hanger cable finally gave out, there is a new chain. It will probably be re-adjusted once the season gets going. Pin position markers on tee signs may not reflect the basket change yet. There are multiple baskets on the bottom 5 in a few places and #24 up top. Take a deep breath. You're playing disc. Enjoy it.

Original Review:
-The area. Spearfish is a great place in our great state.
-Pro level course in South Dakota. Not many fit this bill.
-Intuitive layout + wicked awesome signs and worn in trails make finding your way pretty easy. Grab a scorecard with map even if you don't plan on scoring to prevent wandering, if that's not your thing.
-Close to I-90 if you're just traveling through.
-Multiple pin placements with color coding at tee and superb map technology to alert players as to where the basket is. Only a few holes require the short jog down the fairway to spot a basket, but the course is no less challenging for being easy to follow. Some courses rely on blind shots, insane D, or jailed up baskets for a challenge, and this course does not succumb to this fault.
-It's actually fairly decent exercise to play this course. If you want 9-18 holes of flat-land point and shoot, look elsewhere. If you want mountain golf that will get your heart rate up and provide a great couple hours of good clean fun, you found it.
-Diversify and practice your entire game, because you'll need more than just a wide open RHBH hyzer bomb. As Martha might say "It's a good thing".
-Beautiful scenery that makes everyone a winner, even if you're just out for a casual round with some friends.
-Decent ways away from major roads and high traffic areas. You can really feel like you're out in the hills without the commute.
-Some holes (as of 4.21.16) have multiple baskets set, this allows for casual play to A positions or more challenging options within the same day/round.
-The upper putting basket provides a more realistic practice for putting on the course. Uneven footing and elevation is a constant, practice that way.


-The shooting range outside of town is sometimes audible on some holes. Be aware this is only an auditory annoyance, and no firearm shooting/hunting is allowed on course. Archery hunting is legal during a few seasons, most of which do not coincide with prime disc weather. Just don't walk around in all brown with your antler hat and you'll be good to go.
-If you're used to an aircraft carrier for a tee pad, look elsewhere. Gravel tees add to the woodsy feel of the course, create minimal environmental impact, and work just fine. Not a con for me, but some people think they need 10ft of concrete jungle on all sides to play outdoor sports.
-The weather all around the hills can change in a heartbeat. Look at the weather forecast for Spearfish, not a nearby area. Be prepared with water, a light jacket, and a plan to get the heck off the hill if a sudden storm should strike.
-Not enough time in life to play this course as much as possible.
-In a wet summer, the foliage can get mighty thick. Watch your disc to the ground and note a landmark to walk toward. Use bright discs if you're prone to loosing focus.
-No on site restrooms. Do your thing before arriving.

Other Thoughts:

There are garbage cans and tables throughout. Please toss all trash in a can. They're all over the place.All in all this course is great and a good way to work off that winter gut. You will not regret playing this course. A gem in the already beautiful Black Hills.
The course is looking fantastic. Woods have been cleaned up. This makes the rough a bit more possible to navigate, but keeps it challenging off the tee. There have been updates to bridges, and work will soon begin on tee pad repair.
Side note: If you regularly play with a cart, you may want to reconsider that choice here. As they say, stuff rolls downhill.
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2 10
Experience: 5 played 2 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Bo$$ course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 30, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


Great tee sines, challenging course, 27 baskets on the course and 4 of them are hanging baskets. Lots up up and down shots.


Tee pads could use some work. Some of the fareways need some work clearing up the dead wood.

Other Thoughts:

This course is a definite must play if you haven't.
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2 9
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Best Course in the Midwest 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 29, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


Well marked, mountain disc golf at its best! Plan to spend at least 3 glorious hours of hucking if you play 27, and it's easy to play just 18 if that's your fancy.
Arrows under baskets pointing to next tee pad! Brilliant


Signage is fantastic, but carry a score card with map as it is backwoods with potential to get turned around

Other Thoughts:

Do yourself a favor and enjoy this course!
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5 0
Experience: 20.4 years 233 played 3 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Mountain Disc Golf at its Best 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 30, 2015 Played the course:once


Amazing views, challenging holes, great hike, TOTALLY FUN DISC GOLF! This is mountain disc golfing at its best. The course has wonderful signs not only telling you where the holes are, but which direction to the next tee box. Overall a well marked course.
There is a nice combination of technical holes and holes that have a bit more options to throw.
The hanging baskets on some of the holes are creative and give this course a nice signature look.


Not for a beginner if that is what you are looking for. Not a fan of blind holes, where you can't see the basket from the tee box, but not everyone would see that as a negative.
It seemed as if all the holes went up the mountain, but maybe that was just me. :)

Other Thoughts:

It is quite the hike, so if you are expecting an easy park course you will be disappointed. This corse is not for the faint of heart. However if you are a fan of mountain disc golf, this is one of my favorites. Makes me almost wish I lived in Spearfish! :)
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8 0
Experience: 20 played 20 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Put it on your bucket list. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 22, 2015 Played the course:once


Only mountains can offer the kind of course features that mountains offer; It has those unique features of rocks, cliffs, large timber, etc.
I thought it flowed very well despite it feeling like I might otherwise be lost wandering around in this area. No problems finding the next tee.
Lots of picnic tables and other amenities.
The hanging baskets. A bit of a novelty, but you can't really complain when you get to play (four) hanging baskets.
Hole #27 is probably the most extreme elevation drop I've played. It's one of those holes you come up to it and you feel like a young kid again unlocking something secret in a video game. Overall, many extreme elevation changes keep this fun.
Lots of trees and natural vegetation, but not overgrown.
Very "native."
Great signage and markers.
A lot of passion is supporting this course.


Climbing up and down a couple hillsides can be a bit tricky. I was worried about my young kids making it up and down okay, but the fact that they made it tells me that "a kid can do it." Still, if you have physical limitations, this one will be a challenge for you in places. I imagine this course has a bit shorter of a season due to the potential for large snow accumulations and mud, but I only played it once in late June, so I'm not sure.

Other Thoughts:

Right after parring the first hanging basket (hole #7?), I ran into Don Altmyer and another player, who were stepping up to play the cliff hole #27. I learned that Don is the course designer. It was nice to talk to the two and get a feel for the passion and care that goes into this course. They took time to offer tips on the nuances of the course and current playing conditions. Apparently, there is alternate parking up top and they often play some of the upper holes when they feel like mixing it up. That is good to know since playing all 27 holes isn't always practical for those who can only spare an hour in the area. A hike/bike trail at the start of the course looks like fun if that also interests you.
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1 8
Experience: 9.4 years 47 played 1 reviews
5.00 star(s)

My Favorite Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 10, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


My personal favorite course, one of the more beautiful courses you can come across in secluded Spearfish Canyon. Great terrain, elevation changes, and woods to play around.


The only negative thing that could be said about this course is that some of the holes could be longer. Exceptional course though, and the elevation and obstacles make up for length in almost every case.

Other Thoughts:

This is a destination course, and while you're at it, play Pageant Park over in Custer, SD.
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10 1
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Black Hills Delaveaga! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 5, 2021 Played the course:5+ times


27 hole lay out reminds me of the Santa Cruz Delaveaga course.
1. Professional grade tee signs and sponsor signs. Tee signs show what basket position (60 pipe positions) and preferred flight pattern and the next tee arrow. Next tee arrows are also on the ground at the bottom of each basket.
2. Tee pads are astro turf from the college and do not hurt your knees like concrete pads.
3. Picnic tables on every hole, trash cans on every third hole.
4. Variety of shots required, elevation changes and good use of pine trees.
5. 27 spot putting green
6. Beautiful Welcome Board and Sign with scorecards.
7. Beautiful views of Spearfish Canyon, Lookout Mountain and Tee 20 can see Montana on a clear day.
8. Four Hanging Baskets! One hanging basket is adjustable and can be rotated 180 degrees.
9. Top rated course in the state.
10. Nine alternate holes installed, check out U Disc for map and distances.
11. Upper parking lot at Hole 29 has its own practice putting basket.


1. Heavy work out, 27 holes takes nearly 3 hours, bring water.
2. No restrooms or water.
3. Be aware of hikers or dog walkers. Please leash and pick up after your dog

Other Thoughts:

I have played over 400 courses and this course is in my top 5, it is only three miles from Exit 14 on the I 90, if you are passing through you must play this unique and challenging course.
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2 10
Experience: 12.4 years 2 played 2 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Great Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 7, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


Quiet, remote, challenging, variety, beautiful surroundings, layout is easy to follow, good use of terrain, a lot of roll away potential (i guess that is a pro), nice peeps.


Gunshots...that's it! The rest was great!

Other Thoughts:

Great Course, you should check it out!!
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5 0
Experience: 26.4 years 44 played 5 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Worth coming to Spearfish 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 8, 2015 Played the course:once


-27 holes of fun!
-Excellent signage, with arrows at the end of the hole pointing to the next tee
-Mostly challenging technical drives
-Setting of course is on the side of a hill which the course design utilizes very well
-Multiple shot options on most holes
-If you think you're a good disc golfer-- this course will test your skills
-4 hanging baskets!!! All of which make their holes way more challenging and fun
-Easy parking and easy getting to the course
-Awesome putting green


-Rocky/uneven tee pads... have to deduct a half star from my rating because of them. Definitely had to modify my steps...
-Probably not the best beginner course, I am an AM1 player and I felt very challenged

Other Thoughts:

-Right off I-90, this gem should be played by any disc golfer making a cross country trek.
-Got to the course at sunrise, it took me about an hour and a half to play. I was hustling up the hill but took my time coming down due to many rocks, branches, and uneven ground
-I was out of breath after about 3-4 holes, mainly due to elevation but also because you start off going right up hill.
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