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Truckee, CA

Stampede Reservoir

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Stampede Reservoir reviews

7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.4 years 1162 played 739 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 17, 2024 Played the course:once


Stampede Reservoir DGC is 18 holes of moderately wooded and slightly hilly golf. There's some epic views of the reservoir on holes 13,14 and 15. It's also very possible that the water could come into play on each too. Unfortunately (or luckily) the water level was down during our visit, making it pretty tough to throw into. I would've been safe on all three though even if it was up.

Beautiful area in general. You'll feel total solitude out here. The woods are gorgeous and even though there's plenty of trees you're still able to throw a couple different lines on most of the holes. The underbrush is mostly non existent too, only a few spots with some medium sized bushes with the exception of a few.

Rubber tee pads on each hole. These are all in great shape and work nicely. The mats are framed in by 4x4's and are mounted level, even on the hillsides. Plenty long and wide enough. No complaints with these. One tee pad per hole.

There's a good mix of up and down hill holes out there. It doesn't really seem to lean heavily one way or the other, and more importantly they're spaced out well. There's no section were you're playing up hill for 3 or 4 holes in a row or anything like that. As I mentioned above, the mix of shot shapes is also great. There's some holes where there's clearly an "intended" line, but even on many of those you can get creative through a tighter gap if you're willing to take the risk.

The baskets are Mach V's. These are nice baskets and catch great. All are mounted level and most of them have orange flags on the top which we appreciated. One basket but two to three pin placements per hole. Always love to see multiple pin positions, especially when they're marked on the tee sign, which they are here. They also have next tee arrows hanging from the bottom of the cage.

Great tee signs. Nicely sized and have a solid looking topographical map that shows all the possible pin positions. What's even better is that they have a washer just below the sign with A,B and C etched into them. The letter facing up is the placement that's currently in place. Every one of these was correct too, which is borderline incredible. Additionally they have the hole #, par, distances to each placement and a next tee arrow. You can't ask for much more than this.

The course is free to play, most likely rarely busy and has benches present at nearly every tee pad.


There's a couple longer transitions between holes that aren't the most obvious, even with the next tee arrows hanging from the bottom of the cage. Hole 5 starts on the complete opposite side of the parking lot from hole 1. The walk from 17 to 18 is also pretty lengthy. This would be less of an issue if the baskets were always in the longs. They are not though. If you have a map it's pretty easy though.

Even with the flags on the top, these baskets are tough to see in quite a few spots. The maps didn't always seem that accurate as far as the actual placement of the basket from the tee either.

Hole 18 is an oddity. It's nearly double the distance than the next couple longest holes. It just feels out of place here. Seems like filler honestly. On top of that this is the worst rough on the course. Lots of dense shrubby brush all over the fairway, especially closer to the basket. kind of a let down after such excellence for the prior 17 holes.

Other Thoughts:

This was the first course we played on our trip to the Reno/Tahoe area and it did not disappoint. It's not really near anything else, 30 minutes or so from Truckee but well worth the drive. I'd gladly play this one again in a heartbeat.
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10 0
Experience: 13.5 years 35 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

"Light" Mountain Golf 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 15, 2022 Played the course:once


Beautiful location with a great mix of elevation, backhand/forehand holes, and short technical holes. The wind will really change how you play some holes. On a sunny weekend I found it relatively uncrowded. Teepads were in good shape, though a one could step off the drop on the end onto rocky ground. Signage was very good. I really liked having some longer holes mixed in to try to rip a drive through the tree trunks.


Like many technical courses, a couple of the holes have so many trees it becomes more luck than skill on getting through for a reasonable putt. Hole 16 in the long position comes to mind, but that's a small complaint. It would be ideal if the USFS would permit some strategic thinning in a few places as young trees grow.

Other Thoughts:

I found playing hole 18 the first time I was still able to find the fairway seams on that hole. It was a blast, and had a long look for an eagle putt, but settled for a bird. Doesn't quite have the character of Turtle Rock in Markleeville prior to being burned over, but I wouldn't get board playing here.
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9 1
Experience: 13 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Spectacular course with a lame finish 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 21, 2020 Played the course:2-4 times


Beautiful course north of Truckee. Excellent tee pads with tee signs and huge benches at every tee. Multiple pin locations on just about every hole. DGA Mach 5 baskets that are in great condition with "Next tee" signs on every basket. Course is laid out making excellent use of the trees. This is quite possibly the closest I have ever seen to a perfect course. I just wish I lived closer. If this is your home course then you are a lucky S.O.B.


Very limited cell service (that could also be a pro). No water or bathroom due to the course being far off the beaten path. On the weekends, the parking lot fills up with boat trailers, which can make parking a challenge. The big negative is hole 18. What a way to ruin such a wonderful course.

Other Thoughts:

I love this course. I played it as it was designed the first time around. After that I started on hole 5, skipped 18 and replayed 8 & 9 to bring me back down to finish the course with 1 through 4. 13,14, and 15 are the money shots playing along the lake. It would be an epic day just playing 12 through 17 three or four times. On to the big issue with this course. Hole 18. You can't see the basket from the tee. You can even see the basic direction of where the basket might be. I drove from the tee pad in the direction I thought the basket might be. Didn't see my disc land, so I had to search for a bit. My second shot, I still couldn't see the basket and I just hucked in the general direction I thought the basket might be? My third shot, I still couldn't see the basket and had no clue where it was. My fourth shot, I STILL COULDN'T SEE THE BASKET OR HAD ANY CLUE WHERE IT WAS! My fifth shot, I could now see the basket and I realized I was WAAAY off course. My sixth shot was finally an upshot. My seventh shot was a missed putt. Eight banged the chains. What a joke. It hurt my soul to have this garbage leave the lasting impression for this masterpiece of a course. I'll admit that I don't have 500' distance. If you do have that kind of an arm, I'm certain you will spend a lot of time looking for that drive as you won't see the last 300' of its flight. Why didn't they just have 18 go down towards the lake and then have a 19th hole link everything together? If I had cell service, then I could have used UDisc to give me better direction. Skipping 18 and replaying 8&9 is a doable work around, just not ideal. Don't get me wrong, I love this course. I'm only critical as I feel this course is so close to being perfect.
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7 0
Experience: 14 played 6 reviews
4.00 star(s)

A Welcome Addition 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 24, 2019 Played the course:2-4 times


This course is a great addition to the area with a fair amount of variety of holes and shots.
-Multiple pin placement holes, and they seem to change them frequently. Two rounds in the past two weeks there and saw a few different placements on the second time through.
-Large grippy tee pads at every hole.
-Large signs with distance to each pin placement and aerial imagery. Pin location indicated by a washer beneath the sign like most courses around here. Also, signs under the basket point towards the next tee
-Log benches at every hole fit in well with the forest aesthetic.
-Excellent scenery along the reservoir
-Variety in hole length and shot shapes.
-Just the right amount of elevation. You have to play some ups and downs, but it doesn't completely work you.

Holes 13-15 play near the water, though each can be played safely. 13 is a straight shot to A, so just don't overshoot into the water. 14 plays downhill to the basket so there's a little bit more risk/reward, but can easily played conservatively for par. 15 is more fun as it invites a RHBH thrower to throw a big anny over the shoreline for an easy deuce, but it's easier said than done. LHBH, or a strong RHFH will love this line. The more conservative RHBH throw here requires navigating a much tighter line through the trees but it is doable.


Not much to complain about for a free course for everyday play. Remote but that's part of the beauty.
-No facilities at the course, but plenty of trees to pee on. Bring water if it's hot.
-Trails between some holes/pin placements could use a little work.
-Front 9 is pretty short. Not a lot of opportunities to bring out the high speed discs.
-Brush on the ground can swallow a disc, but that's the norm around these parts.

Other Thoughts:

Even coming from Truckee, I would suggest driving via the Hirschdale Rd. exit of I-80. Follow this road, turning into Stampede Dam Rd. north across the railroad tracks, and past the Boca reservoir. Stay on this road 6-7 miles until it's intersection with Dog Valley Rd. Turn left on Dog Valley, cross over the dam, then shortly after passing Logger campground, turn right on the boat ramp access rd. This route is arguably more scenic, but also faster roadway as the pavement is much nicer. Coming from Reno, this would be the fastest route, but even those coming from the west might appreciate it.
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10 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 30.5 years 425 played 38 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Scenic and fun! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 5, 2019 Played the course:once


-Excellent color signs with a satellite photo showing the multiple basket locations (usually 3). Washers under the sign indicate which position is being used (A, B, or C). Next tee arrow is also on the sign.
-Baskets have number plates on them. Also, on some baskets there are arrows at the base of the pole indicating the direction of the next tee.
-Tee pads are wide and long, with a wooden frame and rubber mat. These are new and particularly well done, very level. My guess is there is decomposed granite under the mats.
-Most of the tee areas have large wooden benches, which are impressive, functional and good looking. These thick wooden slabs fit in with the US National Forest setting.
-Trails between holes and along fairways are already fairly established, in spite of the newness of the course. There are lots of little rocks in this terrain, so tread carefully. Underbrush is low and not likely to cause lost discs or impede travel off trails when searching for a disc.
-Large pine trees shape the lanes on most fairways, but usually allow multiple approaches and routes to the basket.
-There is elevation at this site, but generally consists of gentle rises and falls. Great terrain.
-Very scenic. Along a reservoir, and it is a beautiful setting.
-Water can come into play, but you can mitigate the risk based on how you attack the basket. You are not forced to play over or near water--there are safe/lower risk routes, and you can still get a birdie, albeit with a little more touch on your drive.
-Most baskets are visible from the tee, but there are a few that are hidden and the first time through you will need to walk along the fairway to see the basket.
-Very few people on the course; we saw a few hikers and two other disc golfers.


-I cannot recall if there was a bathroom at the boat launch, or water.

Other Thoughts:

It is not too tough to find this course, although it is out in the wilderness a bit (about 30 min from Truckee). From Dog Valley Rd, the turn off is signed (Boat Launch) heading south, but is not signed heading north (coming from Truckee). The key indicator is a big rock revetment (like a small dam) west of the road. If you are driving from Truckee, turn left onto the road when you see that rock wall/revetment. If you cross the dam spillway while heading north (from Truckee), you've gone too far and need to turn around. You'll see the Boat Launch sign on the way back. Once on the Boat Launch Access road, the first parking lot on your left is where you want to park, at the far (western) end (free parking). The course map is on the left (southwest) on the downslope side.

Hole by hole description from 5 JULY 2019 for RHBH
#1. "A" 261'. Slight downhill, with trees crowding the fairway nearer the pin, but with a large opening to pass through. Essentially a straight drive with a little fade at the end and you have a chance to putt for a bird.
#2. "B" 261'. Level shot, with basket hidden behind a pine. Straight or slight left to right shot, but drooping branches guard the last 30 ft.
#3. "C" 342'. Very slight uphill, trees to either side of fairway. Slight left to right and a long shot, but there is space to air it out.
#4. "A" 240'. This requires good shot shape, either straight at it or a forehand to pass around guardian pines. After this hole, head across the parking lot, heading up and to the right, closer to the lot entrance for tee #5.
#5. "A" 287'. Gentle uphill drive with an open, well-defined right to left window to hit.
#6. "B" 222'. Slight uphill with many trees and a couple of tight windows, largest a left to right anhyzer or forehand. These trees are early in the fairway, and it opens up if you can get past them.
#7. "A" 186'. A short uphill, with several hyzer routes, or really just a straight shot with a fade at the end. A soft touch shot, but you feel robbed if you do not birdie.
#8. "B" 201'. Another short drive, but downhill, and it is easy to overshoot the basket. Large pine in middle defines left and right approaches.
#9. "B" 384'. I really like this hole. It is a downhill shot, with a defined but narrow fairway full of trees on the margins. A slight left to right shot with a finishing fade left can have you in the circle for a birdie putt. But the numerous trees also punish errant shots off the tee. You end back at the parking lot. If you need something from the car, get it now, since you won't be back in this area until finishing hole 18.
#10. "B" 231'. Slight uphill that is guarded by mature pines as you get closer to the basket, and one young pine in front of the basket. Another hole where a straight drive gets you there.
#11. "A" 384'. You cannot see the basket from the tee, and it is up the hill, then slightly down and nestled in a cluster of mature pines. The hill is sloped from your right down to the left, and there are lots of trees in the fairway. This is more about where you land on the drive to give yourself a good second shot with a decent approach. Walk down the fairway to assess that, then think how you will attack the basket on your second shot. The approach upslope on the right has lots of young pines (bushy) but there is an over the top route. Even the "A" position will have lots of 4s. The deeper positions are for sure par 4s.
#12. "A" 315'. This is the first hole that requires a good forehand shot for the easy birdie. Downhill drive and the slope is also canted from right to left, and the pin is up on the right. Pines on the right block that path effectively, but the left side is fairly open. After playing this hole we got a little lost. Head down towards the lake and the tee for 13 is close to the edge of the reservoir.
#13. "B" 255'. This is the first hole where the lake can come into play. This is another drive that favors a forehand, but that can take you close to the water. Pines guard the pin, and the landing area is sloped right down to left, and ends in the water. There are also lots of rocks on this green, and they could either cause a disc to stand up and roll, or knock down a rolling disc before it hits the water. Being too far up the slope from the basket presents you with a putt that has a lot of water behind the basket, and if it sails by, it will be wet.
#14. "A" 180'. Yes, this is very short, and goes flat to downhill, and the basket is hidden. The risk is that a shot can easily fly past the ace run and into the lake. Lots of rocks on the green. Edge of lake is about 40 feet downslope of the pin. We had a person stand at the edge of the lake during drives, just in case.
#15. "A" 243'. The tee sign shows all routed as a forehand over the water, then fading back towards land and the pin. I opted for a low, straight shot (slight left to right). There are lots of small pines to hit, and any of them could cause the disc to ricochet into the lake.
#16. "B" 228'. This is up slope from hole 15, basically coming back in the opposite direction. Walk up the fairway to see the basket, which is protected by trees. A slight hyzer can get you there, and my buddy hit the cage the first time throwing this hole. But you can also hit one of the many pines along the tight fairway.
#17. "C" 258'. Uphill to a flat green, left to right flight path on a slow anyhzer or a forehand. This is a technical shape shot, and slightly uphill, it plays longer than 258'. If you can avoid the early trees, it opens up as the hill flattens.
#18. "B" 920' par 5. What a huge hole to end on, and so different from the rest of the course. You are driving downhill, with the slope left to right. Trees block the left and there is one large pine in the middle of the right hyzer route. Even after your drive, it is hard to see where the basket is located. There are large trees with full branches in key places that prevent easy, long drives. You will need to shape your second drive, with perhaps a little more space on the left than the right. Finally, the basket in view, there are pines scattered about and a 15-20' ceiling, so approach with care for a chance at a birdie. More than likely, though, you'll need all 5 strokes to finish this long hole.

I really enjoyed this course, not just for the scenery and shot shapes, but because of the quiet and solitude. Playing here on a weekday you might not see another disc golfer. It is so rare to have a course all to yourself, and particularly such a good one!

Kudos to course designers Craig Getty & Joe Akhavan, on a job well done.
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2 2
Ace RubenStar
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun course that builds in difficulty 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 9, 2018 Played the course:once


Fun holes, nice walk-outs between holes, not crowded, minimal difficulty finding thrown discs, with possible exceptions on a few par 4's on the back 9 and par 5 hole 18, which is a phenomenal hole. Holes that play alongside beautiful stampede reservoir make this course above average at least, and I'm told 9 more holes coming next year! Thanks everyone who made this great new course happen!


First 9 holes fairly basic, short in short positions, not particularly difficult. Back 9 much more difficult, much more fun.

Other Thoughts:

All in all a good to very good course for hurlers of various skill

Thanks to those helping build and grow and improve this magnificent sport!
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