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Citrus Heights, CA

Sunrise DGC

Permanent course
3.445(based on 8 reviews)
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Sunrise DGC reviews

5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.2 years 74 played 74 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A Fun Test of your Disc Golf Kung Fu 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 16, 2017 Played the course:once


• Easy to find
• Nice baskets
• Two warm-up baskets with a decent sized area to practice
• Restrooms in a couple spots
• Pretty good signage with some issues in spots (more on that below)
• Great tee boxes
• Tests every shot in the bag


• Confusing navigation in spots
• A little debris clearing is needed in a few areas

Other Thoughts:

• Use the map but do look around for tee box and basket movement
• You don't really need the cart. You can't even use it for 6 holes (#8-#13).
• It was devil's sriracha crotch hot out there when I went. Bring water.

Random Thoughts:
This is a course that, as you drive up, you're going to think you're lost because you're turning into a shopping center, but fear not, and keep going. Then you're going to think you're at the wrong spot because all you see is a driving range center, but fear not, and keep going. Once you arrive in the new clubhouse, you're good to go, on what, on the surface, looks like the crummiest ball golf course in the area, but ends up being one of the funnest disc golf challenges in the area. You can tell a lot of thought went into the design of this course. From the shape of the shots, to the varying lengths, to the basket placements, you will use every shot in the bag and then some. This is the ultimate risk/reward course. You can certainly go after the basket, or pursue aggressive lines on this course, but there will be a penalty if you miss. This penalty will be in the form of rough or OB or a sloping cliff or even a riverbed. Of course, if you play it safe, you wont be penalized but par will likely be just out of reach. So every hole presents this decision: do you go for it or not? And what's nice is it's done in a multitude of ways: long, short, left to right, right to left, tunnel shots, etc... It's all out there, and it's different from each hole to the next, which keeps it interesting. Even though I'd argue that some of the par 3s should be 4s (424 ft.?), I get it. I need to improve my drives. But even with my piddly 325' drives, I managed to leave +7 on my first attempt and left at least 2 shots out there on errant putts. So all in all, a really nice challenge that I thoroughly enjoyed.

As far as the course itself, the tee boxes are a fantastic mix of synthetic grass for most and concrete for the others. The concrete ones were a little slick in spots but that might have been my shoes. Not totally sure. The conditions are pretty good although there does need to be a little care and feeding in the rough and on the holes that leave the main course (#8-#13). Some of those back holes are clean and some are pretty rough with a touch of poison oak in one spot. The only real frustration with the course came with the navigation. For starters, the course manager suggested I start on #17 because you'll finish at your car. This makes a lot of sense and I wonder why it's not that way to begin with. It may be the designers want those 2 holes at the finish? In any event, the main issue is that on about 4-5 holes the tee and/or basket is not quite where it is on the map or the number on the tee box will be wrong (#9). In most cases, it's usually on the other side of the ball golf fairway. I suspect the maps were done and then there was a reconfiguration. This was a fairly minor annoyance although on #7 I absolutely threw the wrong direction (towards the green) before I noticed the basket on the right, followed by discovering the double-mando tunnel shot. Ouch! I made it through the trees though and left with par, which I was personally thrilled with. But stepping back, my main concern is this course has clearly fallen on hard times and while I find $6 to be very reasonable, I wonder if this course might be closed soon. That would be a bummer.

Bottom Line:
This is a very challenging course, which I would call tough but forgiving if you play it safe and smart. Yes, the course itself is not terribly scenic and could use some care and feeding here and there, but hopefully that doesn't hide the brain(s) that went into the design. If you give it a chance, I think you'll discover something special here, and with a little more love and attention, it could end up being a destination course. Thank you to the course designers and good luck.
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1 0
Experience: 9.4 years 4 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Nice Addition to Sacramento 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 30, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


This course has come a long way since its inception. The clean-up of the playing areas and the minor additions in hole placements have made this a quality course. Many of the shots, as described by previous reviewers, play long, which makes it a good time for "big arms" or those looking to improve their distance. There are birdie holes for nearly all skill levels but most of the holes will be an unlikely bird for players who can't throw 350 feet or farther. The par 4s and the single par 5 are a lot of fun and require strategy, not just distance, as trees are placed well to guard approach shots. Many of the par threes have water that comes into play which offers an enjoyable risk/reward factor. If you are on the course during the week and away from prime-time hours, you will likely be able to get in a quick round without traffic. This is a significant plus in the area where the other eighteen holes courses are severely compacted with players.


I would say most of the holes offer interesting play but a couple of holes tend to be bland after repeated play. There is room, especially when off the ball golf course, to put in some additional placements for the baskets, and this would add to the course for people who play it semi-regularly.

Other Thoughts:

I don't think the course is too long as some have stated and a good score out here feels well earned. I think the pay price is well worth it to avoid the masses and for the challenge. It is also nice to have the amenities on hand or near. I would give it a 3.5 in total which nudges it above Orangevale or Rockland for me.
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2 0
Experience: 10.2 years 40 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Course Update 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 2, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


Every hole is different and there are a number of different challenges. This includes a few mandos and the OB creek. Makes you sharpen your skills.
Great new tee pads. Concrete on the back 6 and astro turf on the golf course.
It's a nice walk across the golf fairways. And easy when you have to make those big fairway drives on the long holes. I play with a lot of guys that really love using the cart. You get to ride, load up your bags and ice chest, etc. I prefer the walk.
The tee signs are up on all the holes.
Never a crowd and everyone's friendly.
They have "Sticks" where you can get an adult beverage and something to eat with your friends when you're done.


They're still cleaning-up the back 6. There's a lot of rough. There's still some hobo junk in spots but no one hanging around. It takes a real bad throw to put your disc near any of it.
Update: The back 6 has been cleaned up but the wood that was chewed up has been left on the ground, mulch I think, hobo junk is gone. Still some clean-up to do. They need to improve the path. Carts still can't go back there.
They need to do a better job of indicating OB before the first real tournament.
They need new signs that will direct you to the next hole in a few places. Especially hole 13 to 14 and 15 to 16.
Are holes 2 and 15 really too long? Maybe, but it makes it a different experience.

Other Thoughts:

It's worth the $6 to avoid the crowds at the other 18 hole courses in the area. I've only had to wait once when a group of 6 or 8 was playing ahead of us. Very rare. Every one else has let me play through. Even regular golfers.
I'd gladly give up the morning Latte to play here every day. I'm fairly new so It's going to take some time until I can beat all the challenges here.
The cleanup of the back 6 has made it easier to find your disc when you get off your intended line. There's still plenty of obstacles. Hole 11 is especially challenging.
I'm glad to see the steady improvement here. It's showing some love for the disc golfers. After all, it is a business and they like to see us coming in.

Update 4/16: The back 6 has changed a little. Due to expansion of parking for the strawberry shack, the fairway for hole 9 had been eliminated. Hole 9 is now what was hole 10 and a new 10 was added across the creek. The flow of the course is not as smooth here as it was but it still works. The new hole, while short is technical (as 9 was before). All the stolen baskets have been replaced and defended against pipe cutters. It looks like that should prevent a similar loss.
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0 3
Experience: 5 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A mix of everything.... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 23, 2015 Played the course:once


Great mix of wide open incredibly (too?) long holes and shorter technical holes.
Front 9 has several holes shared with the ball golf course. When we were there on a Saturday at noon, we didn't run into any ball golfers and only about 6 other disc golfers so it was a nice change of pace to the weekend insanity that is Shady in OV.
Hole #2 is almost 800' that shares the ball golf fairway the entire distance so you're just throwing bomb drives after bomb drives to get close. By teeing off on #15 across the creek, it ends up being close to 1000'....these are more quirky than fun and even though they're listed as par 4s, they'd be more fun if they were 5's as birdie is basically impossible otherwise.
A creek runs through many holes but the lack of any real water meant no one lost any discs the day we played.
Keep an eye out for signs pointing you to the next tee....especially between #8 and #12. It gets kind of "jungle-y" back there so high socks for those with shorts is definitely a must (or you can just spend a few minutes afterwards picking all of the thorns/prickly shit out of your socks and shoes.


Long holes are just too long. Poor signage in general but if you pay attention and hang on to the map they give you, it'll be fine.
We happen to pick up a player around #12 who had become completely lost...we figured out later he lost it around #8 and was just wandering in the bushes trying to find the next hole.
It is VERY clear that there were MANY homeless camps throughout the course at one time. I saw at least 1 that seemed like if DEFINITELY had someone still living there. Be really careful going into these trash piles that used to be homes when fishing out your discs.

Other Thoughts:

My MAIN COMPLAINT: If you're going to charge $6, then put it into the course! There was water available (that I saw) on exactly 1 hole....very poor signage and rarely a bench to sit on. It seems like they likely put some effort in early on but then left it alone. The paper signs directing you along the course are quite faded and falling apart...we helped re-post a few that were about to fall off the trees they were nailed to. It only takes someone to walk the course with a first timer to get an idea as to where directing players is important and make sure those signs are well secured.
The $6 is a double edged sword in that it keeps many players away (and back to OV) but you feel like you want to get your money's worth at the same time....and the course just doesn't reflect the funds they're collecting.
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5 0
Experience: 156 played 42 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Holy Fox tails 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 20, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


Still a work in progress in the area that is not the ball golf course, but progress has been made, as they have permanently placed all of the baskets on the ball golf portion of the course.
Good variations of shots. As mentioned before, holes 8-14 are "in the rough" and that is were the holes are permanently mounted. That part of the course is challenging. The rest of the course has long par 4's and is wide open. Tee signs are clearly marked and play near the ball golf tee pads. Ball golf players have the first rights to play.

Can rent a cart to play all holes on the ball golf course, but not the rough.


For charging fees, it seems the rough could be manicured better.

The rough areas are rough and full of weeds and fox tails. I had to stop playing to remove the fox tails from my socks and shoes. I think the $6.00 green fee is reasonable; however would like to see that fee allow one to play more round than one if one desires.

There is no way to rent a cart and play all 18 holes, as holes 8-14 are NOT cart friendly.

Other Thoughts:

I played a course near San Diego that was set up at a ball golf course, Goat Hill (I think), and that course had similar long shots; however had no "rough" area so using a cart there could get you anywhere on the course.
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8 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.6 years 168 played 54 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Sacramento's First Pay-to-Play 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 13, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


Great mix of hole types and shots required. Some short, some quite long, and a nice mix of left, right, and straight shots with roller and spike hyzer opportunities as well. Many holes play along the ball golf course and are well manicured but pretty wide open, and some play in a wooded area that is dense, unforgiving, and much more technical. Dense, unforgiving rough in many areas of the course. Two par 4's and one par 5. There is a double-mandatory about 30' wide and 140' or so down the fairway on hole 7 that you have to shoot through which is a nice touch in my opinion. There is a creek that runs through the property and comes into play on several holes, especially on hole 10 where the basket is sitting about 10' from the edge of a steep 8' drop-off down to the creek, and on hole 17 where the drop-off is even deeper and the basket is about 30' behind the creek and a bridge (if you come up short you may be in trouble - hard/dangerous to retrieve if you go in the creek, and the course rules say don't attempt to retrieve but let them know and they will have someone retrieve it for you). Nice new DISCatcher baskets. Clubhouse on site with food and beverages (adult beverages allowed on the course). Carts available to rent. Several garbage cans throughout the course. Pay-to-play (yes, that is a pro in Sacramento in my book). Friendly staff. Managed tee-times (call ahead: 916-764-8282) which keeps things flowing smoothly, unlike at other courses in the area. Multiple pin placements now on several holes, and many more to come. Improvements are being made at a very fast pace.


Grass / Natural tees. The back holes through the wooded area are virgin and need breaking in with foot traffic. There are a lot of blackberries that need to be removed. The first few holes along the ball golf holes are pretty wide open and a little boring, but with new pin positions could be much more interesting / challenging (not saying they're easy birdies, but not very technical). Only restroom is at the clubhouse by holes 1, 17, & 18, and although the course is not huge, if you were on hole 9 or 10 and needed a toilet it's a good hike back to the clubhouse (Not as bad if you rent a cart). After hole 16 you have to walk through the parking lot and around the ball golf driving range and clubhouse to get to hole 17. Hole 17's tee is right next to the clubhouse, and in my opinion the course would make much for sense if the current hole 17 became hole 1, and the current hole 16 became the final 18th hole as you would end right next to the parking lot. I believe they arranged it this way so they get more traffic around the clubhouse when people are finishing up to hopefully lure them in for some food and/or beverages, but it does disrupt the flow of the course a bit in my opinion.

Other Thoughts:

$6 per person for 1st round, $4 per person for 2nd and consecutive rounds. Ball golf greens are OB. Do not walk on the ball golf greens unless you are retrieving an OB disc. Play them as water or any other marked OB area. Cement tees and multiple cemented sleeves (basket locations) on each hole to come soon. Disc golf pro shop also coming soon. Drew Gibson and his Dad, Marty, put in a ton of work on this course. Hats off! Nikko Locastro also helped a lot, along with a bunch of local disc golfers. Thanks to all that helped make this course become a reality.

Course is back open with permanent pin positions and all new DISCatcher baskets. Drew Gibson is now managing the disc golf course. Updates on course improvements to come.
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4 0
Experience: 15 years 88 played 9 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 14, 2015 Played the course:once


-Nice new baskets
-Great layout, lots of variation( i.e. Long holes, ace runs, technical holes, multiple routes on most holes, elevation changes, hazards, mandos and obs on some holes)
-Bar and grill on site
-Cart rentals available


-Grass teepads
-Garbage from a recently abandoned homeless encampment
-Some really rough areas around 8-14

Other Thoughts:

This course just opened the day before I played it. The design is great. Being so new they haven't had a chance to put in permanent teepads, but hopefully they will soon. It's $6 to play a full 18, and worth the cost. Local Pro Drew Gibson led the charge on getting this course in from my understanding and all I can say is thank you. The $6 cost will hopefully keep some of the riff raff that haunt nearby Shady Oaks away. The design is definitely pro level, and will offer a good challenge to any player without being so difficult it takes the fun out of it. A creek that runs through the course can swallow a disc easily, but the staff seem committed to putting in the effort of returning any found discs. My first round here I lost a disc and shot about the worst round I've had in months, but I still enjoyed every minute of it. I'm only giving it 4 discs now, but after they've had time to put a little more into it (i.e. Permanent teepads, cleaning up a bit of the garbage and rougher fairways on 8-14) that rating will definitely go up to 4.5.
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8 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 40.4 years 501 played 66 reviews
4.00 star(s)

hallelujah 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 16, 2015 Played the course:once


A new course in the Sacramento area. After a lot of attempts to get a new course in the ground we finally have a new private one. Thanks to the owners of sunrise golf for taking the time and effort to put a course in and thanks to the local volunteers who put in a lot work on the install. Thanks Drew. Clubhouse with bar and grill onsite. Cart rental available but I dont see that happening on the back holes for awhile, pretty rough still.


Pay to play but that will probably keep a lot of the riffraff away. This isnt necessarily a con, but since it is a shared course heads up for golf balls and be courteous to the regulars that have been playing here for years.

Other Thoughts:

A nice championsip style course with a good mix of holes. Several par 4 holes for a good change of pace. The back 8-14 is really rough, as previously mentioned, but honestly, it added to the fun. Creek in play on about half of the holes. Course is really nice in the winter right now, obviously sacramento gets really hot in summer. This is located right next to the sunrise marketplace and mall so all the anemities in the world our easily within walking distance. A number of buses go to the mall so public transportation is also quite good to the course.
UPDATE- Sunrise Golf Course owner was pleasantly surprised at the turnout for opening weekend. I had a great convo with him after our round today. He wasnt aware there were so many disc golfers in Sac. Lets show him the best side of disc golfers and get this great new course made into a permanent Sacramento addition. Blended courses can be challenging but this course is worth our effort, thanks-Sharon
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