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Bartlett, IL

Sunrise Park

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Sunrise Park reviews

4 0
Experience: 5.2 years 57 played 56 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Not to challenging! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 5, 2020 Played the course:once


One of the best 18 hole course set up for intermediate players or beginners who are new to the game. Wide open course that is forgiving, except #8 & #9 that play has water hazard and #16 is in woods.

Layout is great with some elevation changes.


Tee pads are crushed limestone and maintained poorly; every tee box had deep ruts where people have played that will collect water, might cause injury, or bad tee off from bad footing.

A lot of geese poo throughout course and large number of geese in Northern end of park near pond.

Couple of holes play near walking path.

Other Thoughts:

Course more rated for intermediate or better, it is good for beginners to practice drives with minimal obstacles other than mentioned previously.
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4 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 19.2 years 305 played 283 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Underwhelming, But Decent for Practice 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 31, 2020 Played the course:once


- a few wooded holes are more interesting
- very legitimate length for an otherwise mundane course
- pond water hazard on 7-9 adds some fun shots
- decent Discatcher baskets
- course information sign
- well maintained, reasonably nice park course


- tee signs are extremely basic with no maps, and a couple are missing
- gravel tees
- very open with limited elevation change
- very limited obstacles/challenge
- navigation isn't completely straightforward
- wind can come into play since the course is so open

Other Thoughts:

Sunrise Park is a well-maintained park with ample space for this disc golf course. A playground is situated in the middle of the park, and there is a bike/walking path which rarely interferes. Overall, it's a nice space that is mostly exclusive to disc golf, but it isn't ever going to be a destination course.

I do appreciate what the park district has done here. While the tees are small and basic, the baskets are in good repair and the park is clearly taken care of. The water hazards are fun, particularly on 8-9 where you shoot over the water. These are very low-risk water shots great for beginners to try, and are easy to avoid if you really want to. I'll echo what other reviewers have said, which is that the course is good for beginners/practice. It may be a little long for the newest players, but I did enjoy the open space to work on my drive technique in a lower risk setting.

The challenge here is pretty limited. A few holes have some elevation change, and a few holes are in the woods, but for the most part the shots are very open. I think the course geese presented as much obstacle for me as trees, etc. on the course.

Navigation wasn't always completely clear, but given the open nature of the course it wasn't too hard to figure out. Hole 13 throws over the bike path, which is a minor safety hazard but doesn't seem too bad considering you can see the path for significant distance in both directions.

Overall, I wouldn't go out of my way to stop at this course, but if you want a more laid back round to work on some things, it's not a bad course. I appreciate the full 18 holes given how many Chicago area courses are only 9, and it doesn't seem like a stretch - the space and length are present for 18.
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4 0
Experience: 5.5 years 19 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Great Learning Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 8, 2019 Played the course:5+ times


* Open course with a range of distances.
* Mostly open and hard to lose discs here so if you are beginner (like me), you can throw without fear.
* One hole throws from a maybe 20 foot mound which is run.
* Fun throwing over two water hazards that not too difficult even for a beginner (like me)
* Some holes are uphill / downhill which is also fun.
* Wooded areas are easy to search for discs.


* Pads are made of crushed limestone and are very irregular in size
* Some signs are missing or don't provide information about the hole.
* Lots of geese and their dropping (even on the pads). So if you are not a fan of that, this might not be a great place for you.

Other Thoughts:

This is just a fun course for me as a beginner (like me) to play on. The pads are not great but the course has enough variety and elements that make it a great place to learn.

There is a small pond that you throw over a couple of times and there are a couple of wooded coves that you throw into.

If you lose a disc here, I'd guess it would have to be in the pond since the few holes with wooded areas are very easy to search.

There is also a very short (<200 ft) hole that is heavily wooded that is neat. Some hills to throw up and down on although most of the holes are flat. There are pedestrian paths but they dont have heavy traffic so I'm not frequently waiting for walkers.
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1 2
Experience: 11.5 years 12 played 7 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Perfect for beginners 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 25, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


Wide open

Forehand & backhand friendly

Long & short shots

Innova baskets


Terrible teepads

Water holes

Weak signage

Other Thoughts:

This is my home course and the place that taught me how to play. There are a lot of shorter sub 300 foot holes that allow midrange play as well as longer par 3s and 4s that allow for long bombs. The biggest issue with the course is the terrible dug out gravel teepads. Often I will tee off from the grass next to the pads to avoid slipping on the loose gravel. You have to throw over or next to water 3 times which can be scary for a beginner, but it adds a fun challenge to you round. Sunrise offers the ability to throw backhand and forehand on most shots. It's a great place to practice distance drives and upshots.
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3 1
Experience: 20.4 years 9 played 7 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Needs more obstacles 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 13, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


Excellent for practicing distance throws
three water holes make it very interesting
Hole 1 & 17 are potential Ace holes
Hole 3 you throw from inside the forest
Hole 5 you throw from top of a hill.


A lot of holes with no obstacles.....
Minimal amount of skill shots needed

Other Thoughts:

I might be a little biased about this course since i'm from Bartlett, but I still rated it a 2 due to the fact it's so easy and i'd assume frustrating for new players since it's all about the distance driving.
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5 1
Experience: 13 played 6 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Sunrise local 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 19, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


Sunrise is a beginner friendly course that also offers a challenge to intermediate and advanced players. For the beginner, the mostly wide open, flat holes, are friendly and offer little chance of losing a disc. For the more advanced player, the course is long. The course does not give generous par's either. The par's on the signs are appropriate.

The course is relatively well maintained. The tee pad's are far from ideal, but I have seen much worse. They are gravel, long and offer good traction. Some of them will hold water for about a day after rain though. Most of the baskets are nice with no issues. The two damaged baskets are fixed by the local disc golf community with stumps.

While a little low on variety, there is plenty of room to shape your own shots and create your own line. Which can be enjoyable.

Quality holes:

2: Very long forehand shot, basket is in the open, but any backhand or direct approach is guarded by a wall of trees. Much too far and tall to go over the top of. Not a guaranteed par. The approach is not really difficult but the tree line close behind the basket makes typical hyzer approaches or even some flat releases, interesting.

4: Wide open par 3... 370' up a big hill. Play around 410'. Good hole for unleashing power.

5: 390' downhill, basket is guarded by trees. Over driving is not rewarded, you have to think our your approach shot.

6: Honorable mention: 380' HARD dogleg right. It's only on here because its tough. You do not want to throw your disc in the trees on this hole. The interior of the forest is talented at eating discs.

8) Fun little throw across a very small amount of water, through willow trees, the gap is huge though, Just a nice scenic easy par. Tough to birdie with willow branches.

13) Down an artifical hill around 390' get to unload on a drive


Do not go after a downpour.

Do not go at dusk, the gnats will eat you alive. (Not a problem what so ever during the day)

Avoid this course like the plague during geese migration, its not worth it.

Locals are very friendly but sometimes slow walkers, there are not many holes in which they interfere but you'll have to wait.

Has limited replay value.

Saturday's and Sunday's you are very likely to get stuck behind a group of 8 high schoolers. They're friendly enough, and I'm glad they're out enjoying the sport, but they are novice's and very very slow. They usually don't know what "Can I play through" means. Not a problem on weekdays.

If you throw in the water, its gone. Very deep, only 3 holes with water in play, and to be honest, a first year player can avoid the water.

Bad holes:

1: Zzzzzz

3: This is the worst teepad on the course, With the only tunnel shot on the course. The tunnel its self is do-able, but with the bad tee-pad its better to just play up 5 feet, if your disc goes into the woods on the right, good luck my friend. If it goes on the left you'll find it easy.

10) Really boring par 4, no obstacles at all. You get to unleash on a drive with no punishment at all. Sounds nice, but its ZZZZ snore.

15) This hole is terrible. It's a 300 foot drive directly to the basket. Except for the massive wall of HUGE trees in the way about 220'. There are two gaps in the tree's meant to for the approach shot. The far gap is about 5 feet wide, low ceiling, and the entrance is 310' from the teepad. The easier gap has two trees in the middle of the gap, and you have about 10 feet of space with a decent ceiling. To throw most likely a 50 foot shot minimum. It's all around a bad time. I've played the course 100 times at least and never birdied, sometimes I still bogey.

17&18: Too easy Zzzz

Other Thoughts:

Gps does not direct you to hole 1. You're looking for appletree lane.
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5 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
2.00 star(s)

The Valkyrie Kid's Beautification Pojects 1-2. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 29, 2016 Played the course:once


I would love to talk to the park's/recreation department and convince them to undertake two fairly simple projects that would increase the beauty of this park and probably get more community people To support disc golf. First, the tee pads are a giant blight on this park's good looks. All they to do here is, cut a railroad tie in half and use that for a front board of the tee pads. Then fill and lay some sod in front. I know concrete is best but it appears the park's department has not bought into concrete tee pads. Step two is even easier. There are a couple of next tee signs on metal poles. They are really ugly, too. How about removing them and hanging simple little metal or plastic next tee signs? It would help the disc golfers and improve the park's look in one quick move.

Sunrise is a fairly large park, mostly flat and too open in some spots.there is kiosk at the start. It was built as an Eagle Scout project. It's not disc golf exclusive as it has information on classes, concerts, etc. There is a disc golf rules sign here. The basic tee signs give you the hole #, distance and par.

The two throws over water on fun and will mess with your head. # 8 is just 245' to basket. The water carry is an short 60', maybe. Then on the next hole, k# 9, you have to throw over the pond again, only this time it might be a 200' carry with your discs hysering towards the basket and shore right at the end. It has a little risk/reward and also a little pucker factor.
Three holes play thru the wooded area. The rest are played in the mostly, wide open park. Too many of the holes (4, 7, 10, 14, 17) are simply wide open and boring.


The long, wide open holes are just boring. They quickly grew old when I played.
Not only are the tee pads butt ugly, they're also crummy to tee off from.
The two next tee signs help with navigation but they are an eyesore in this lovely park.

Other Thoughts:

The course designer attempted to create something interesting here. Unfortunately, it was course designer versus flat, open park and flat open park wins this battle. Maybe, this course would be stimulating if you could throw 450' and drive more of these of these longer holes. But the simple fact is, most of us don't come close to throwing 450' and therefore find many of these longer holes, quite boring, indeed.
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4 0
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Bartlett 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 20, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


-Good course for beginners with 2-3 water holes.
-This course has some pretty far holes but not many objects in the way.
-Easy to find and navigate.


-Walking path runs through the course and during the track season Bartlett high runs cross country at this course.
-If you play here during the fall months, be prepared to have goose poo all over your shoes.
-Most of the holes are wide open straight shots.
-Starting tees are really bad.

Other Thoughts:

Great course for night frolfing if you have glow sticks.
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4 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.4 years 170 played 24 reviews
2.50 star(s)

could be better 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 26, 2012 Played the course:once


- nice park
- hole 1 makes for a good warm up hole being a short open field shot
-holes 2,3 make decent use of some light woods
-holes 5,6 are solid holes 5 throwing down a small hill with the pin a good distance located in some trees and 6 a hook shot around the same patch of trees
-8/9 the pond comes into play (it kinda does on 7 but not really)
8 you throw over the pond but the only way that it would be very hard is if you can only throw 50 feet 9 makes much better use of the pond throwing across it but the pin is next to the water making it more of a challenge.
-holes 15,16 make better use of the same woods that 2 and 3 used 5 throwing form the field into the woods and 6 a short little tunnel shot into the woods


-the hardest part of this course is the distance but all of the distance is open field shots( could be a good place to test a new driver)
holes 4,10,11,12,13,14,17,18 are all open field shots that are all about the same
- i could be this course sucking hard if there was wind
-the tea pads really need some work they are gravel but are in poor shape

Other Thoughts:

this course has potential if they plant more trees
and if they plant trees and some years go by so they start to get bigger then this course would be a lot of fun but it would take some work and a lot of time
also if they moved some pins to make it a little harder like on holes 2,3 to make better use of the woods and on hole 8 to make better use of the pond
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 15.7 years 1512 played 480 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Sunrise Sunset Sunrise Sunset 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 11, 2012 Played the course:once


1) Nice kiosk at the first tee for announcements and league info and such.
2) Tee signs say Hole # Par and Distance.
3) Nice use of the pond for 3 holes. It is in play on every shot and in different ways. One hole it runs along the fairway, one hole you have to simply throw over it about 100', and then 3rd hole you need a decent carry and could actually throw 200' over the water and let it cut back to the basket if you have the guts. It was a little too windy for me to try that shot.
4) Nice use of distance variation as part of the design. There is a huge variety between the shortest and the longest hole with a nice mix of distances in between.
5) There is a really good amount of variety on this course. Some rolling hills, some tight woods, some open holes, some water in play, some minor to moderate elevation changes.
6) Discatchers are highly visible and in decent shape.


1) This course lacks in obstacles unfortunately because it would be a great course if there were simply more trees planted.
2) There might be a couple spots where danger is a factor. #8 tee is right where a long drive or short second shot on #7 might tail off to. #6 is a hard 90 degree dogleg that if the shot isn't executed well could end up near #5 basket. #2 throws right into the opening in the woods where people exit from #16 basket.
3) The walkpath comes into play on a few shots also, so non-disc golfers will interact with the disc golfers which can always lead to issues, especially since most non-disc golfers do not understand what it is we are doing.
4) Gravel tees are in rough shape in many spots. They are rutted out and uneven. Put concrete on this course and it would be a huge step up since it is also a longer course.

Other Thoughts:

All in all this is an average course with the potential to be great with some added trees and obstacles. There are enough fun holes here to keep this course on the average side of things, but the addition of more trees forcing more line shaping will elevate this course to above average since it already has the length, some moderately tight woods, elevation, water, etc. It has ever piece of a great course it just lacks the obstacles to throw around.
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2 3
Experience: 28 played 1 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Needs Tee Pads 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 1, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Length. If this course were shorter, it would be way too easy. Until those skinny little seedling trees get bigger, it's mostly wide open. Maybe a few of them can get shortened then.
Basket condition - they're all in good shape.


The lack of tee pads. As this course ages, some of the tees are developing deep ruts. Unfortunately, the disc golf community in the area poo-poos this course, so there's not enough interest to either get concrete tees funded or lobby the Bartlett Park District to upgrade. I mentioned to a prominent member of the Streamwood club that I sometimes play Sunrise and he asked my why I would play there instead of Streamwood. What a snob.
Vandalism - i.e. people writing on the tee signs about their aces. People, stop that. You got an ace. Hooray. Write it on your disc or your forehead or somewhere other than park district property.

Other Thoughts:

That pond is really only in play on #9. On #7, you would have to be confused and shooting in the wrong direction or shank it so bad left that you're better off without that disc. On #8, the first.. what... 90 feet maybe are over the water and after that it's dry.
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2 0
Experience: 14 years 11 played 11 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Designed for He-Man 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 22, 2011 Played the course:once


The course is well-groomed. Few opportunities to lose discs, except around the lake. The shots over water give the course something unique. I was nervous, but was able to carry the water. The holes with mature trees require shot-making skill and provide some much-needed scenery.


The course is way too long. It seems like the only way to make par is if you can drive 250ft+. Not all of us can chuck it that far. Par is set too low. It is demoralizing to have bogey after bogey. Disc golf should be about more than how far you can throw. Chucking the disc as hard as you can straight ahead is boring. The tees are just a dirt gash in the ground now. Had to use the grass next to the tee area. A lot of goose droppings on the course. The way from #16 to #17 wasn't clear and I had to consult a printout of the course map. Were it not for a "fore" call, I would have been hit by an errant tee shot from #1 as I was walking in the area of #18's basket.

Other Thoughts:

Once the trees become mature along those open field holes, this course will be more scenic and worth coming back to. #3, #5, #8, #15, and #16 are the most interesting holes. The trees offer a challenge and you don't need to throw crazy distances to do well on those holes. If you can only drive 175ft like me, this course will prove frustrating.
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2 2
Experience: 13.4 years 85 played 7 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Beginners Sunrise 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 9, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Wide open...allows for getting used to new discs.
Good Mix of uphill down hill and dog legs for beginners.

Very little water for newer players trying to get a feel for the game.

Park is well maintained.

Risk of losing a disc is minimal except around the pond.


No tee boxes.

Signs could be more descriptive as to basket placement.

More experienced players will find this course boring with very little variety.

Other Thoughts:

This happens to be my home course as I live a couple blocks away so I'm probably a little biased.

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7 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 18.3 years 221 played 73 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Wide Open & Boring 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 7, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Sunrise park in Bartlett is a typical Chicago area park course. It is mostly open with nicely mowed grass and very little elevation change. One thing this course has that most of the local courses don't is length (3 holes over 450', 5 holes 350-450'). There are also two fun shots over a pond. Neither is particularly long or difficult, but the water can get in your head a bit. There are three holes that bring a wooded area into play, with one being a tunnel shot. This is a nice break from the rest of this course. There are two holes with slightly downhill tee shots. The baskets are discatchers in decent shape.


The tees here are terrible. They are just a muddy rut, worn out of the grass. I often teed of next to the tee rut. There are no decisions to make on 75% of the holes. One or two small trees are usually the only obstacles. Just grip and rip, it is so wide open any line can work. The signs are very basic, just hole #, distance and an arrow pointing in the general direction of the basket. They have been so over tightened that they have folded into their posts, making them very difficult to read. There are a few places to get turned around at, but with how wide open it is you will be able to figure it out.

Other Thoughts:

This is a great course to practice driving or to learn rollers. There are plenty of holes to open up on, and for the most part there is almost no rough to lose a disc in. Both times that I have been out here there was a strong wind blowing, adding much needed difficulty.
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7 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.2 years 571 played 284 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Beginner/Intermediate 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 8, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


- Course is located in a nice park that is mostly clear of people, even for its large size.
- A small pond/lake is in play on a couple holes, which is good to see in this area. While these holes are shorter, you are still driving over the pond off the tee. One hole has the basket pretty close to the water, which is a nice touch.
- A couple of holes make good use of what little elevation there is. There is one big hill that gives you a mild upshot on one hole, and a pretty significant downshot on the next. Also another elevated tee on a later hole.
- The course flows nicely; it starts off with shorter holes, which get longer and longer, and then ends up short again. Kind of like a warm-up and cool-down to begin and end the round.
- The longer holes are long enough to really let it fly, or at least test accuracy on some long shots. I won't be setting any distance records, so this is a good course to see how my D is coming along.
- A little use of the forest, but pretty minimal. Mostly just shooting at the basket in the woods from the open, or shooting around the forest to get to the basket.
- I don't think I have ever seen anyone else on this course, ever. Always a good thing.


- Flat, long holes do tend to get a little repetitive. I am always trying to get more distance, so I like this aspect, but only to a point.
- Tees are in so-so condition. Better off just teeing off next to the dirt, which is only going to make it worse.
- Large geese infestation at all times, thanks to the water.
- They rearranged the holes on the back end a bit; I still get a little turned around each time I go. Not too badly, though.
- Short holes are very short and very open. No challenge on these.
- I don't think you ever need a disc to turn right on this course. Ever.

Other Thoughts:

- This course is almost like a practice course. There are the short, open holes that you can practice using your mid or putter on. There are the longer holes to practice your distance drivers on. I like coming here as a check to see if I have improved lately, in terms of accuracy and distance off the tee.
- The holes near the pond are nice to see in the area. #9 is great, with the pond encompassing the entire right side of the hole. Risk/reward is great for one hole, at least.
- This course doesn't try to be fancy, it just wants you to be accurate, and at times long. Maybe not super exciting, but a solid 18 holer.
- Wind always seems to be a huge factor, every time. I like this, personally, as it really makes you throw quality shots. I would count this as a pro, but it can be ridiculous at times.
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11 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Booooring 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 30, 2010 Played the course:once


The course plays through a very large open park, with one small hill, and a small pond. One hole throws off the top of the small hill, for a little bit of a downhill shot. A few holes bring the pond into play, including two with some water carry for some fun risk on the course. Most of the course is open with nice grass and some small trees, and a few holes play through one large stand of trees with some thick brush off the fairways. There is a good mix of aceable holes and some that have room to open up and throw some drives.

The baskets are relatively new discatchers that are in fine shape and catch well. There are basic tee signs with hole distance. Most of the tees are level, and at least have decent spots somewhere around the tee sign to throw from.


The course is extremely boring. The majority of the course is wide open long flat holes, with a couple tiny trees as the only obstacles. This makes pretty much every hole feel the same, and not very much fun. The course doesn't force you to throw different shots because of the lack of obstacles.

The signs don't do a good job of telling you where to throw, so there are often multiple baskets that could be the right one, and it's a little bit of a guessing game. Some of the holes don't flow well, so there is some backtracking to navigate the course, and some spots where it's not immediately obvious where to go next. Many of the tees are rutted out and can be really muddy, I ended up throwing from grassy spots next to most of the tees.

Other Thoughts:

This course has lots of room to throw some drives, so if you want to work on your distance in an open field type setting, this is a perfect place to do it. Otherwise, it's just a boring course with not a lot going for it. Beginners will find it too long, and more experienced players will find it too open, so it doesn't really cater to any skill level of golfer. Unless you want to check this one off your list, I wouldn't bother.
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8 1
Experience: 16.3 years 48 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Somewhat boring, but still good 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 19, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


There's a good variety of distances for the holes, ranging from 210 to about 450 if I remember correctly. Park is fairly open and well-maintained; some nice scenery in the summer. Water does present a challenge on a few holes. On hole #9, the disc will most likely stay over water the whole time until landing on the shore (hopefully!) next to the basket, as there is water all to the right. Also a good course for winter disc, due to its relatively easy to navigate terrain.


The course is somewhat plain, and gets tiring after several times. I find myself using the same driver for many of the holes. There are only a couple holes through some woods--otherwise, all open field shots. Holes 10-13 are all almost the same thing, and that same area has a tendency to flood quite a bit when it rains. There are also HUGE flocks of geese walking around from time to time--if you're worried about hitting geese and whatnot. Also, the tee-pads are just kind of dirt/mud skids in the ground/grass. I have to avoid a few of them for fear of twisting my ankle!

Other Thoughts:

The course is relatively accessible, and has become a "boring but beautiful" standard for me. Still, I sometimes find myself trying to avoid this course due to its relatively uninteresting nature.

And the wind can wreak havoc on your drives.
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9 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.3 years 351 played 178 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Boring Bartlett 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 3, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


The park is a very long flat with very few trees. It has a small pond on the north side of it. There is no parking lot so you have to park on the street.

It is long and plays over 6000 feet. You get an opportunity to rip some drives. There are 11 holes over 300 feet with 9 of them being 340 feet or longer.

Baskets are newer Innova Discatchers.

The course is entirely mowed so looking for discs is not a problem. The only place to lose a disc is in the pond.

Navigation is fairly easy.

Several holes play near the water add challenge.


Tee pads are natural grass/dirt/mud.

There are very few onbstacles that add challenge on this course.

It's just repetitive shot after shot.

Other Thoughts:

If you are looking to go for a long walk and throw some discs this might be course for you.It's great for bringing a dog out to disc with you. I found it to be very boring though.

Check out my Illinois Top 10
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8 1
Blonde Thunder
Experience: 15.3 years 65 played 12 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Into the Great Wide Open 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 25, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Great place to practice distance driving because there are a bunch of long wide-open holes.
About 5-6 unique holes with a couple tee shots that shoot way down or uphill.
A couple tees over water, but pretty safe.
A couple shots through or into the woods (holes 15-16). Those baskets had been missing but new baskets have been installed as of 10/12/09.
A nice park with some areas of mature trees.
Hole #5 is fun! You tee off on top of a large (for the area) hill and you are shooting into a wooded alcove. If you park one on this hole you will be very satisfied.


Tee pads are natural and some are rutted.
A little over half the course has very small trees as only obstacles (great in 15 yrs!).

Other Thoughts:

Great for working on distance.
Bad course for working on accuracy.
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7 1
Experience: 15.4 years 13 played 8 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Mix of decent and boring 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 5, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


A few interesting holes over and around water. Hole 8 plays across water with willy trees waiting on the other side to smack your disc to the ground.

There are a few holes that make decent use spare trees avaiable. Hole 3 shoots out of a small gap in the trees with the basket located a good ways to the left.

The course has some decent elevation change for the area. Nothing drastic, but some holes slope up or downhill.

The good signage makes it easy to navigate.


A few of the grass/dirt tees are very rutted and almost unusable. The grass is clearly thinning where people have used the area next to them to tee.

Two of the baskets that were in the trees (hole 15 and 16) appeared to have been stolen last time I was there which is very sad as they were some of the better holes.

The back 9 tends to be very boring as quite a few holes just goes back and forth across the open park with only saplings as obstacles.

Other Thoughts:

Not worth going out of your way to play, but if you are in the area it is decent.

There are a lot of geese and their droppings around the pond area. Bring a towel.
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