I rate it for what it is, not for what it is not. Holes 1 and 18 are the longest about 270. No two holes alike. 1 goes across field into forest, elevation drop at end. Plays like 235 ft. 2 is tough tight rhbh heiser over deeeep ravine/creek onto uprise for long put (haven't gotten closer than 30 ft. Heiser not tight enough and you are in jail for a tough par). 3 is steep uphill natural midrange heiser. Easy line, lots of trees if you miss the line. 4 is very slight anheiser to edge of drop off, good fair tight fairway, can hammer out of trouble usually. Quite fun. 5 is at the bottom of the dropoff. I like to gently flick a putter from 4 to the 5 tee. 5 is a straight midrange drive that has a medium heiser finish. The trick is holding the straight line the right length for the heiser to come on before hitting the trees, and keeping the heiser moving forward. 7 is hard right turn with normal or rather long finish depending on the pin position. Good fairway, be sure to let the disc get out far enough before turning. But there is a line through the jail, but it feels like purgatory. 6 is a straightforward straight putter shot. Do NOT overthrow.
As for putting, it is hard and a delight to find something besides the usual, dull 30 foot flat open green. Well thrown shots (these are pretty short holes so you generally should be able to land within 20 feet of the basket) yield an interesting variety of doable puts from all angles: pitch, anheiser, spin, heiser, even the occasional turbo. Where else can you have the fun of carfully shaping, or working on touch putts? This course is fair, but anything but dull.
That is how the course is. Except for 18 long from long tee (poke and hope 270 ft), 17 (don't throw down the fairway hard. Drive easy to make a tricky but doable upshot or else just go to the bottom of the hill on the left. Or straight sdearm through the triangular gap in the trees on the right, as the basket is in a straight line through there. And 10 (I think?) which requires an excellent touch s curve sidearm it says 225 but I think more like 240 along tight fairway.
If the trees are cut away the course becomes quite dull. The aesthetic is destroyed (for the walkers too) and the technical discipline that makes this course such fun for those who enjoy technical forest upshots is destroyed. Of course the course would be easier, but nowhere else have I seen such a tidy collection of challenging upshots.
Bye the way even tho there are plenty of trailwalkers, the course is so well designed, the fairways are well screened by jail and elevation, that I have never even come close to concern about hitting a pedestrian in the 20 plus times I have played it.
Do something with 17. I suggest terracing 15 or 20 feet out from basket to give landing zone to the good shot. As it is 17 is on a slope the is nigh impossible to get a disc to stick on. I say give the really accurate shot a break, a risk reward basket. A soft flat low putter drive straight to the turn usually leaves the disc in the fairway with a par upshot.
Other Thoughts:
A delightful course that is tricky despite the shorter holes. Discs are easy to find, but watch out for the disc eatertree on the right side of the entrance to forest at basket 1, look up!