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Miamisburg, OH

Sycamore Trails DGC

3.625(based on 46 reviews)
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Sycamore Trails DGC reviews

11 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.1 years 401 played 385 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A Traveler’s Challenge 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 19, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


This course OWNS the majority of a park with shelters, playground, bathrooms (in season), and a picturesque reflecting/duck pond, and rolls through and above a couple of woodsy creeks. You'll find Innova Discatcher baskets in good repair (even a practice basket) , and a broad variety of shots, from open field bombs (6, 14, 18), through tunnel shots (11, 16) to nearly impossibly wooded (2), or shots that finish with a tight turn into the woods (3, 15). Elevation comes into play on nearly every hole.

There are some memorable holes here! #1 hooks to the right after crossing the beautiful creek ravine. You'll have a love/hate relationship with hole #2, depending on your skill level. #9 is a long-ish beauty through a clearing, ending in a couple of dastardly basket positions on either side of the ravine. #11 is a long, left-hooking tunnel arched over by the foliage the whole way down the hill. You finish with a blind bomb downhill on 18 back toward the parking lot. This place will stick in your memory.

The infrastructure is decent for a well-traveled (veteran) course: the concrete tees are nicely sized for the distances involved, and the places where you need to cross creeks usually have stone steps, rocks placed across, or a very nice bridge (on 2). There are frequent trash buckets on the tee sign posts, and an occasional fallen tree is used as a bench. The course handles winter melt surprisingly well, so it probably also does well with warm weather moisture.

As a mid-level Rec player, there aren't a whole lot of birdie opportunities, so this course does a fairly good job of separating out the real talent. For example, hole 3 required my arm to place a clean drive around the right-hand bend, then make a clean 100' upshot (with a 40' rise) into a tight tunnel back into the woods, and I was happy to make par (3). I don't have the precision-controlled 340' uphill forehand (I'm RHBH) it would take to set up a birdie. There are a number of holes that require that kind of course management to shoot par here.


Tee signs are getting to be a little bit dilapidated (many are missing), and 'next tee' indicators are minimal (I saw a brick arrow in the ground once). Bring a map. Course navigation gets a little tricky in spots. For example, you'll walk 50 feet past the bridge to get to the 2nd tee. After hole 10, you need to walk around the 14th tee, and look for a narrow gap in the middle (not the end) of the hedgerow to get to the 11th tee. Then go beyond 11, along the 'barely there' path to 12 (which currently has a massive tree downed in it). After 14, walk past the 18th tee to your right for #15. Finally, you'll see (on your left) that the 16th tee requires a walk back up the 15th fairway.

Not to sound like a whiner, but holes 2 and 15 (in the long position) don't seem to have an intended path to the basket (they're really tight wooded lines, if so).

The first teepad is eroding into the creek, and could be a dangerous fall if you're not careful. The hedgerows can be very unforgiving in the summer, forcing you to make some conservative shots at times (not sure if that's a pro or a con, though). There are multiple pin positions (some not yet marked on the map), so a walk ahead may be required on some holes. It would be really neat if they could incorporate an indication of pin position if/when they upgrade the signage here.

Other Thoughts:

This is a great course for any Intermediate or above who's traveling I-75 and looking for a workout break. It's one mile west of the interstate at OH exit 44, but when you turn left on Heinke Rd, you'll probably have to double back in the bank or Wendy's parking lot because the park entrance is tucked too close to the intersection to safely do an immediate left-and-left. Go to the end of the park drive, and start to the creek side of the 'Nature Center' shelter.
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4 0
Experience: 12.3 years 14 played 10 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Worth the trip 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 14, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


Solid, well laid out course making good use of terrain features, especially the creeks on 1, 2 and 9. Many holes require planning to make par, such as 15, where an overdrive can land you in a moderately wooded gully. My personal favorite hole was 11 though, which was a relatively tight tunnel shot from the tee, that opens up down hill right to left to the basket. Last, the downhill bomb of 18 to wrap things up was also an enjoyable hole to shoot.


While the individual holes are well thought out and designed, the course as a hole loses cohesiveness on holes 11-16. Getting to 10 from 11 crosses the tee for 14; going from 14 to 15 crosses the teepad for 18, and getting to 16 crosses the long tee for 18. Last, the path from 11 to 12 could use some widening and reinforcement to reduce erosion as it was a bit narrow to walk down.

On the course itself, while the teepads and baskets are both in good shape, there are several holes with missing and damaged signs. Also, without a map, I don't know that it would be possible to navigate the course easily. Even if you do have a map, bring your land navigation skills.

Other Thoughts:

While the biggest improvement that could be made to the course is a partial redesign, focused on improving the flow from holes 11 to 16, some smaller improvements would be welcome. Repairing/replacing tee signs as needed, and adding markers to help folks navigate from hole to hole would also be an outstanding addition here.

Overall, this is a very solid course and well worth the trip(about a 25 minute drive from where I am), but with a little bit of work could be that much better.
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6 1
Experience: 14.3 years 48 played 10 reviews
4.00 star(s)

One of my favorite Dayton courses 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 6, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


This course is very challenging, without beating you up like another local course I won't mention. There are a lot of elevation and terrain changes that add to the fun. The best advice I can give is to not rush and go with the first shot that comes to mind. Quite a few of these holes take some creativity to shoot well on.


This course is not easy to navigate. The signs have needed replaced for quite some time now. If you're a newer player and not up for a real challenge, this isn't the course for you.

Other Thoughts:

Download one of the maps for the course from this site before going for the first time. That's why maps exist. If you can't take the time to investigate a course a little bit before playing it, don't come on here afterwards and complain about how hard it was to find your way around.

This course is in my top 3 in the Dayton area. If you're anywhere in the vicinity I would deflinitely take the time to check Sycamore out. Every hole is unique and has it's own "personality". Don't get discouraged if you don't shoot par, because most non-pro players here don't.

Also, don't jugde the course based on the photos on this site. I've played there numerous times and these photos don't do it justice.
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3 4
Experience: 15.3 years 7 played 3 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Poorly maintained and marked 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 20, 2012 Played the course:once


Lovely park, good location. Friendly and helpful player community.


Course is poorly maintained and marked. Many of the holes have no markings or layouts, and the holes do not flow from one to the next. You will spend more time looking for the next tee than playing. There is no par rating on any of the holes.

Problem Holes:
Hole 1: Fun, challenging hole, once you figure out where it is. The tee is not marked. The basket is not visible from the tee, or walking down the fairway. My game almost ended before it started. If some helpful players hadn't told me where it was, I never would have found it. The basket is across a creek bed, and up a hill. It is not visible until you climb the hill.

Hole 4: Ridiculous. Fairway is about three feet wide, with a steep, heavily wood hill on the right, for the entire length of the hole. I skipped it, since I didn't want to play "find the disk" for an hour.

Hole 10: The entire right side borders 725. I played the hole, but it made me nervous. I was concerned that I would peg a passing car with my disc.

Hole 11: This is where I quit. I couldn't find the tee. The path from the 10th basket leads you to tee 14. That tee is not even marked. I played through it, only to see a 14 on the basket when I got to the end. I then tried to find the 11th tee to no avail. When I got home, I used the map online to find it. You are supposed to walk past the 14 tee, into more woods, and find it. There are no signs to indicate this. Apparently, you are just supposed to know.

Other Thoughts:

I won't be back. The course is not marked and isn't intuitively navigable. You will spend more time looking for tees and baskets than playing the game. This is a shame, because the course has some good holes and great potential, but without basic layouts and maintenance, it isn't playable. If you are considering playing this course, I recommend going with someone that is already familiar with the course. Otherwise, you will regret wasting your time.
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1 4
Experience: 17.3 years 83 played 44 reviews
4.00 star(s)

The Sycamore 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 29, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Pro calibur coarse, extreme variety, extreme walking required, great 18 holes, open and wooded.


Really tough, youll find discs and lose them.

Other Thoughts:

they just started addding some more trees, Hole 1 basket now sits atop stairs on a cement mound.
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3 2
Experience: 35.3 years 18 played 9 reviews
2.00 star(s)

tough and hard to navigate 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 21, 2012 Played the course:once


You will need every shot you have for this course and then some. Fairly clean and well maintained. Easy access of I-75. Great place to work on lines. The wooded holes are tough and will make you think,,,twice. There are blind hole and you need to look for the pin before just tossing 'em out there. Great baskets. Practice basket and driving area.


Your best bet is to find someone who knows the course or follow a group. This is the most difficult course to follow I have ever played. Some of the holes have no rhym or reason as is #1 & #2. Especially 1, it really seemed to be a stupid layout. 2 is actally a shootable hole just difficult. A couple of regulars let me play with them which made it bearable. They scored +8 and +12 and have been playing 15+ years. This course will test your skill which is not a con

Other Thoughts:

To me it is dumb to spend all that money on baskets and teepads and not to put up a few 2$ signs directing you to the next tee. It would take a few rounds here to know your way around . If you go by yourself you will spend more time hunting for the tee than playing. The reason I only gave it a 2 is for the next hunt for a tee, very frustrating map or not.
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4 0
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Learned to play here... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 28, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


This course is a must play for anyone in Dayton. It has everything a solid disc golf course needs. Open holes on 5,6,10,14 and 18. Nice mix difficulty in the wooded holes as well. 13 has a row of 5 trees directly in the fairway just off the tee. Course is well maintained.


Lack of signage is a problem for new players. There is an alternate tee on hole one because the first tee is almost washed out. Navigation from the basket of 10 to the tee for 11 does nt flow at all.

Other Thoughts:

This course is maintained by a very nice man my friend and I were fortunate enough to meet. He is active in forward development of the course. That being said, the course is always changing. Bring water and maybe even a small snack as it is a hike to play this course.
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4 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 26.4 years 149 played 40 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Mixed Feelings 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 24, 2011 Played the course:once


Sycamore Hills has a quality collection of open/woods holes. On the technical wooded holes, the fairways are generally quite narrow but thankfully are shorter in length so errant shot recovery is manageable (for example: #4, 12, 13 & 16 are all < 200ft. with only one woods hole - #2 - being over 300ft.) . The more open holes are generally longer (= or > 300ft with none more that 445ft.) but not excessive as to frustrate newer players or too easy for the more experienced player.

The course compels shot variety & has a decent balance of right/left/straight holes. Elevation was incorporated as much as it could be when available. In addition, pin placement consideration was noticeable with some on steep slopes, near water, tree jailed, etc. There is water in play on three holes as well (1, 2 & 9).

My favorite hole was #9 (despite it bordering Rt. 725) - a 420ft, lightly wooded, slightly downhill hole which meets a narrow strip of woods at the end, then introduces a modest ravine divided by a small creek. On the other side is the basket, uphill & placed on very fast, sloping green. A very enjoyable par 3 compound hole.

The most challenging hole is #2 - immediately off the tee is a throw over the creek through thick, technical woods, reverse S curving to a basket elevated on an extremely steep incline. It plays longer than 322ft and is one tough par 3 as roll away putt potential is probable.

The always preferred concrete tee pads were in good shape & the tee signs were sufficient as far as distance and hole layout. There were buckets on some tee signs for trash which, while a little odd and esthetically detracting, accomplished the objective.

Conveniently located off I-75 south of Dayton, it's definitely an easy drive-by play.


A map is essential for a first time player here. Navigation is sort of a mess and the 'layout by committee' design leaves much to be desired as far as flow is concerned - making the course feel disjointed and fragmented. Add in some long walks between fairways (passing other tees that are closer/seem like the next logical tee) as well as across fairways and these design flaws stick out like a sore thumb - significantly lowering the 'fun factor'.

There were some missing tee signs (vandalism?) but hole #1 having no sign whatsoever was a glaring omission . At the very least, spray paint the tee # on the concrete tee pad.

I liked the idea of 18's downhill bomb to end things but having it be blind is a safety issue.

Tee signs without par was noticeable however I just assumed all were a par 3.

Other Thoughts:

This course undoubtedly has its fair share of challenging and enjoyable holes but suffers from some design/flow issues. It honestly feels like a 'tweener' in several ways....newer players may find it somewhat difficult (tight fairways/some longer holes) while the more experienced may find it lacking in some aspects (no real 'wow' factor and a lack of true pro-style holes magnifies the repetitive feel). It also doesn't feel quite mature (quirky layout/inconsistencies/underdeveloped holes) but at times flirts with perfection (holes 1-4 being a really stand-out sequence). It's as if the course hasn't yet found its identity and its potential not quite realized.

I have such ambivalence towards Sycamore Hills that I find it tough to recommend but can't not recommend it (if that contradiction and double negative makes any sense). While it's somewhere between a 3-3.5, this is one of those time where I feel a rounding down is necessary. Hopefully the next time I'm in the area, my schedule will allow another play in anticipation of growth, improvement & development.
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2 2
Premium Member
Experience: 15.5 years 193 played 10 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Definition of Homey 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 24, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Many unique and challenging tee shots, good use of elevation, gorgeous scenary in fall and spring, well, as far as Ohio is concerned.....


The course is fun, but the trickery of some of the "fairways" are akin more to putt putt than golf. A share of illogical fairways, many are reachable in one shot but blind, the flow of the course is confusing as well ( bring a map). More of a what not to do than do from a golf course design perspective.
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1 10
Experience: 5 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Very Challanging, Very Fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 8, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Great course for pros if you just want to get some practice before a tournement. It's not tournement worthy but very hard. This course is my favorite.


Great course for cons too beacause it's very hilly and has some long holes. This course is my favorite.
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3 1
Experience: 10.7 years 14 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Challenging 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 16, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Awesome holes! Very technical shots and requires some good shot placement! Nice mix of a hike through woods and open fields. Nice practice area for putting. Not a lot of other foot traffic other than disc throwers! Hole #3 is around a blind corner of trees! #11 hole awesome tunnel shot and #17 uphill around big tree! #18 nice finish downhill!


Hard to navigate with no map if it's your first time, not all holes have signs to the next tee.

Other Thoughts:

I would certainly recommend playing this one, just allow for enough time to find your disc on a few holes! The only advice I could offer is play shorter safety shots the first time you play so you don't lose any discs!
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7 0
Experience: 16.4 years 34 played 17 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Mix of Shots 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 29, 2011 Played the course:once


- This course will require a multitude of different shots and would be challenging for almost any level of player.
- No two holes were alike. There were a good mix of wooded holes, water hazards(1,2). and longer holes mixed throughout the course.
- Most of the tees had signs showing you where the hole was and the next tee in relation to that basket.
- A nice practice basket to warm up.
- Locals were nice in helping me find my way around the course.


- The first two holes are lacking signage. Once I got through those there were only a few other walks between holes that were tricky. (definitely take a picture of the course map before playing).
- #4 had a large downed tree that made navigation difficult.

Other Thoughts:

- 1 and 2 are tight wooded holes
- 3 opens up into a field, but then 4 is right back in the woods for a nice challenge.
- Although 5 and 6 are out in the field they have a nice little challenge to them.
- 7 you have to hit a 10 yard opening to come back to the basket. 8 feels a little out of place.
- 9 requires a good tee shot and then back across the creek. 10 is a nice open anyhyzer shot.
- 11 is a cool tunnel hole. 12 and 13 are shorter wooded holes.
- 14 is a shorter version of #7. and #15 is also somewhat of a similar set up with a straight drive then an abrupt dogleg.
- 16 is a very short ace run. 17 is an uphill pretty straight forward hole.
- And then 18 is a long bomb, over a hill, blindshot.

- I love courses that require a good hike. and this course definitely has that feel. Only a few of the holes are in wide open fields otherwise you feel as though you are playing along trails.
- This wildness also seemed to hinder some of the holes as they felt overgrown in areas.
- This course is a good stop for anybody heading through the Dayton area, it was easy to find off the highway.
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5 4
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Lots of potential 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 10, 2010 Played the course:once


The course plays in a hilly park with a nice mix of open areas and tight woods. Many holes play through tight corridors, with some cool shots into or out of the woods and some open shots mixed in. A couple small creeks come into play adding a little bit of risk/reward without being disc eaters. The rough on most holes is thick enough to really punish you for missing your line.

There is a really good mix of lengths and hole shapes here. There are some ace run holes and some longer shots where you get to pull out a driver, with a nice variety in between. You'll need a good mix of shots to score well here, with a fairly balanced set of left and right turning holes. The baskets and concrete pads are in pretty good shape, and the signs that are in place are helpful with hole layout and distance, as well as direction to the next tee.


The navigation here is pretty weird, and often hard to follow even with the tee signs pointing the general direction. There are some long walks, you're often closer to a different tee than the one you need to go to next, and a couple walks cross other fairways. I had the course map up on my phone, without that it would have been difficult to find our way around.

The course info says this was designed by committee, and it shows. The course doesn't really have a consistent feel or really seem to be designed as a whole course, it really feels like a bunch of people came up with an idea for a hole and all of those got put together. The course doesn't use the elevation available nearly as well as it could have, which is a little disappointing. The best example of this is the last hole which has the potential to be a cool downhill finishing hole, but the tee was moved back on the top of the hill to make it more difficult. This turns the hole into a blind downhill shot where you don't get to see the flight of the disc, and you're throwing at two parking lots.

Other Thoughts:

There are some fun holes here, and enough variety and challenge to make it worth a stop. It's a little disappointing that it feels a little run down with broken signs and trash, and fairways that need a little more clearing, some work could make this a really cool place to work. Beginners might find the challenge level a little high here, with several tight holes and some distance. More experienced players will enjoy several of the holes here, and will need to bring a variety of shots to score well.
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8 0
Experience: 15.3 years 44 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

One of Dayton's best 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 11, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Wide variety of shots. Some shorter throws through narrow woods, some medium throws with a few tree obstacles, and some long open throws. In order to be successful, you will need be able to throw shots that curve to both the right and to the left.

In the event that your throw veers off into the woods, finding your disc isn't usually a problem. The woods are often thickest near the edge, but open up once inside.

For the most part, the signs are in good shape. They indicate the location of the pin relative to the tee, as well as the location of the next tee and the distance.


A few holes are missing signs.

No indication of par on any of the holes. I suppose everything can be considered to be a par 3, but this assumption is just unfair on a few difficult holes (#2 comes to mind, especially with the new pin placement).

Navigation may be an issue for some. There are many trails here, and in several instances the nearest trail does not lead to the next hole. Consequently, "next tee" signs would be very helpful (they don't exist here). After playing the course a few times, navigation does becomes much easier.

Other Thoughts:

In my opinion, the first 4 holes are the toughest. #1 requires equal amounts of skill and luck to go through the woods, across the creek, and to the pin.

#2 may be the toughest hole on the course. Opening drive back across the creek will most likely strike a tree, forcing a difficult path up a hill through many trees to reach the pin. I've averaged about a 5 on this hole since the pin was moved up the hill, but I'm also pretty terrible.

#3 requires a long straight drive, followed by sharp right turn into an opening in the woods. Very difficult to make par on this hole, especially if your opening drive is inaccurate.

Finally, #4 is a short hyzer shot, where anything less than perfect will result in your disc rolling down a steep hill into heavy woods. It's just as easy to score a 2 or 3 on this hole as it is to score a 9 or 10. More than any other, this hole punishes mistakes.

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4 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.3 years 119 played 31 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Nice And Challenging 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 1, 2010 Played the course:once


To start it off i would have to say that this is a very well maintained course. The community takes very good care of it. The nice and very big concrete launch pads are very nice. They are one of the biggest pads that i have ever seen. The best part about it is that they are also concrete. This is pretty challenging course. They challenge you physically but also mentally. The sign at the tee is nice are very useful. They show the distance and where it is located. That makes it very easy to look for the basket. The practice basket is always nice no matter where you are playing. There are trash cans located at almost every hole,. This keeps the course always looking in top notch shape. The discatcher baskets are also always very nice. They are some of the best baskets around. They have a different variety in the holes. Many are very open while many are also very wooded. It is also located in a very nice area. All the people here are very friendly and helpful try to get you where you need to be.


There are not many cons but the one main one that i have to point out is the layout. Lets just put it this way, if you dont have a map or someone to guide you on your first time playing here, then well your pretty much screwed. They do not have any holes by eachother. Its like a holes basket is right next to a random hole and now where even close to the next tee. It is very hard to get around even with a map of the course. Also the other main thing that i personally didn't like was that they had no pars listed. The par wasn't on the tee sign or even online. If they want this course to become very nice then they will need to come up with some pars. Hole #1's basket is surrounded by trees. There is no way to get to it. It is very frustrating. On hole #4 it is very easy to lose a disc, as it is on a very steep hill. The disc golf course itself is hard to find. I got lost and then had to ask for some directions.

Other Thoughts:

Overall Sycamore Trails is a pretty nice disc golf course. Still alot of work to be done if it is going for a pro course, but for now it is fine how it is. I drove an hour and a half to get there and believe me it was worth it. Great course and i will for sure be coming back here soon. Just a hint if you are taking a GPS system and you use the latitude and longitude to get here it is wrong. It brings you into a pools parking lot. So when it tells you to turn go down two blocks and you will enter the park. It took me plenty of time to try and get there. Also bring some bug spray, you will need it. There are insects everywhere. So i'll be back there soon and so should you.
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3 8
Experience: 17.5 years 5 played 5 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Our home course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 30, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Love the layout of thos course. But if you dont know where your walking, print out a map. Leave your ego at home, and play a par 3 game. And dont throw anything green, clear, or tiedye. Just forwarning


I like the old tee pad for #1. We still throw from that pad. Its more challenging. Maybe move the baskets around more. Maybe change positon for #2, #6, #10, #11, #17

Other Thoughts:

Ive you have ever played this course a few years ago, it was ALOT harder with all the overgrown pine trees, and brush. So yes it was more challenging, but it will alot of fun. A wide array of shot and skill leavels are required for this course. Oh.. this makes Belmont look like putt putt :eek:) Shoot a -13 here
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1 5
Experience: 14.6 years 15 played 3 reviews
4.50 star(s)

love it 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 20, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


love the layout there is a little of everything. very challenging and its not to long but long enough.


hard to get around it if you dont know where you are. should be trimmed up a little more in the wooded areas and paths to the next hole.

Other Thoughts:

great course for all types of players.
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8 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 36.1 years 315 played 67 reviews
3.50 star(s)

wow. tough to play. tough to rate 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 12, 2010 Played the course:once


Incredible challenge.

Great diversity.

This course winds in and out of tight and open conditions.

Concrete pads


Poor signage

Can be very frustrating...although this can be very subjective

Difficult to navigate

Other Thoughts:

Where do I even begin?

This course has all the shots...no doubt. You will need distance drives for sure. You had better pack a good supply of controlled drives and your mid game had better be in order. That is the long version of - "this is a very technical course".

What intrigues me about this course is that there are many "open" holes. When I think of a true technical course, they are all tight and wooded. This course provides the bomber some breathing room. And trust me...you will need it.

Hole three for example, was almost ridiculous. I thought wow, that was tough, then hole 4 came and I thought, "man, this is serious". Even the slightest error will provide you with a bogey at least. You had better send ahead a spotter.

This course is hard to rate because of the frustration that it can present. I threw with another guy that absolutely hated this course. I only bring up his opinion because I respect it, and he has played many of the same coursed I have played.

At the end of the day, I feel the true testament of how great a course is lies in it's diversity. This course has plenty of it. This course will chew you up if you don't have a balanced game.

I look forward to getting back to play this one. i guarantee if you play it once, you will want another chance to tame it.
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5 0
Experience: 19.5 years 69 played 6 reviews
4.00 star(s)

tough... tough but fair 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 18, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


tough... not a pro to all i guess, but i prefer a challenge. this course has everything from wide open bombs to 100 foot touch shots through the woods and a duck pond that has the biggest ducks ive ever seen. a great variety of shot types so bring them all. the designers made great use of the tight woods and a creek that runs though the middle of the course... hole 9 is one of my favorite holes in golf, a moderately wooded 300 foot drive, then an approach shot over the creek to a basket precariously perched on the other side. the more i play this course the more i realize the importance of the placement your drive. there are a number of legit par 4's here that require planning if you want a 3... hole 7 is a perfect example. you can try to hit a tiny gap in a line of trees 285' away (which if you miss, your screwed). or do what i do and lay up my drive to the left and throw a giant spike over the trees. its a fun course in the regard that you can play it a few times and not have the same shot twice.
the fist couple of holes can be very daunting, esspecially to new players, but a great course that can have you leaving happy or quite the opposite.


not marked very well. the first pad is hard to find and once you get to 11 they have you going around in a circle so bring a map. i also got stung by a wasp or something on 13 one time... it swelled up pretty good but im alright.

Other Thoughts:

there are a few good courses in the dayton area for sure, but i think this ones the best...sorry belmont i know people have wet dreams about you apparently, but you're second best.
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2 2
Experience: 40.4 years 11 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Sycamore Trail 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 6, 2009 Played the course:once


Tough course for beginners, shot placement is at a premium. Nice to have some tightly wooded holes and some good old wide open bomb holes. Loved #16 and #18


Losers have left alot of trash along course even though there are trash buckets at most tees. TAKE MAP if you are playing its still hard enough to get around with map.

Other Thoughts:

Very challenging course
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