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Albany, OR

Takena Landing Park

1.55(based on 4 reviews)
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Takena Landing Park reviews

9 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 8.4 years 202 played 67 reviews
0.00 star(s)

Sorry Valkyrie Kid 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 15, 2018 Played the course:once


-The ninth basket can be used as a practice basket for putting
-Great for losing discs if you enjoy that kind of a course


Where do I begin?
-Even with a spotter who sees exactly where your disc lands, you still might not be able to find your disk
-Giant thorny, blackberries throughout the course. Are they just in the rough? No, they are everywhere! Including growing through some of the baskets.
-No signs, even though that wouldn't really help as the paths are almost impossible to walk through without ripping up your pants and shirts
-No tee pads
-2 bent baskets
-3 or 4 missing baskets
-The online map hardly helps.

Other Thoughts:

5 and a half years ago The Valkyrie Kid looked on the bright side and saw the potential that lies at Takena Landing. He left an encouraging and positive review giving the course suggestions and giving me hope that today I'd show up to a better place. Unfortunately that simply was not the case. The blackberries have gotten bigger, the rough rougher, vandals have done more vandalizing, and it's simply a sad place.
For the first time in my modest list of reviews, I'm leaving a 0.0. This is an abysmal course. No other way to put it.
It was this bad in December with a couple inches of leaves covering the ground, yet I am confident that it would only get worse in the Spring/Summer when the blackberries are bigger and stronger and the poison oak is coming into its season.
Perhaps if a team of dedicated brush whackers were to unite and spend a week chomping through this wooded piece of untamed land it might be playable, but for now, I recommend sticking with the nice course across the river.

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3 1
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Heavily Forested Technical Course Along The Willamette River! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 12, 2013 Played the course:once


The course starts and ends in the same parking lot. Takeena Landing Park is heavily wooded piece of property set between the Willamette River and the highway. Because the DGC is relatively new, much of the thick underbrush has not been tramped down yet. With enough use, it will get better in the future.

Course designers have tried to provide signage such as tee signs and next tee signs. Unfortunately, using laminated pieces of paper is not going to work. Something more permanent and more vandal proof will need to be built to help players navigate through the dense underbrush here. Already, many of the laminated signs have been destroyed making many of the tee pads difficult.

The tee pads are carpet. They're not exactly smooth but will work for now. The baskets are brand new and shiny.

# 4 has you teeing off directly beside the river. Fortunately, you're throwing away from the river virtually eliminating any chance of your disc ending up in the Willamette on this hole.

I liked the # 5 hole throwing across the park road to a basket partially hidden Just beware of auto traffic before throwing on this one.


Please work on some heavy duty/vandal proof/out of reach navigational aids for this course. Just a couple of suggestions?

1) For Tee Signs - Go with small metal engraved signs. Any high school metal shop student could make them. Mount them on a low, slanted 4" x 4" pole.

2) Next tee signs - If you're going to leave the basket in the same position - wrap brightly colored surveyor's tape around the bottom rung of the basket facing the next tee.

3) Next tee - Same as # 2 only paint the bottom rung a bright orange or pink.

4) Next tee sign - Make next tee sign out of small engraved piece of metal w/arrow. Drill two holes and hang with wire from bottom rungs of basket facing next tee box.

5) Next tee sign - same as # 4 only make wooden signs and hang from baskets.

6) Next tee signs. Nail next tee signs to trees high enough so vandals can't reach them.

Other Thoughts:

The course is OK now. It will get better as it gets beat down. It could be better with some simple vandal resistance navigational signage.

I'd play it if I lived in the area but I don't and right now it's not a destination course.
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3 2
Experience: 11.5 years 80 played 9 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Eww 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 10, 2013 Played the course:once


-Lots of potential
-Good layout
-Good challenge


-Still in construction process... at least I hope!
-Possibility of throwing into the Willamette river with an awry drive

Other Thoughts:

This park is directly on the other side of the river from Bryant Park. It was a complete turnoff for my group and I when we actually started digging in around hole 3. It's one of those courses that sends you searching for your disc nearly every time, regardless of how good the drive was. I do give the creators credit though, this is an awesome layout, and with a good helping of maintenance, it would be an awesome course! For the price of all the spiders in my hair and all the scratches on my legs though, i'd personally prefer just crossing the bridge over to Bryant to play
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7 0
Experience: 15.1 years 24 played 3 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Challenging Variety 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 12, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


- Great variety of holes. Each has a unique look due to the trees and elevation changes.
- The amount of trees provides a good challenge without being frustrating.
- Small "Next Tee" signs make it fairly easy to navigate, but might not last.
- Signs number the holes at the tee.
- Baskets are visible from the tee on all holes except hole 6, which requires a quick step to the left of some trees.
- Hole 1 starts right by the parking lot and hole 9 ends on the other side of the parking lot.
- The Willamette River provides a great backdrop for pictures on hole 4.
- Lots of parking in the winter. I don't know how busy the park gets during the summer when the boat landing is in regular use.
- Very few players at the moment, so it's a way to avoid the crowded weekend afternoons at Adair Park and Willamette Park.
- Albany has a course to play in the winter, since Bryant is usually under water.


- Rough can be really rough. The thick ivy and other foliage can be tough to dig through. Lost a brand-new disc on my first throw with it.
- Walkout to hole 7 is confusing. Eight's tee is actually closer to 6's basket.
- Walkout to 8 is so long you could fit in another hole.
- Carpet tees provide decent grip, but are uneven and a little small.
- Poison oak, and lots of it.
- Bad drives on holes 1, 2, 4, and possibly 3 (past the basket) could end up in the Willamette River. Some like the challenge, but I don't like losing discs.

Other Thoughts:

Fairway drivers and mid-ranges are a must on this course. The rough can be really rough, so it's nice to have a disc that will land softly and not dig in. I often throw my Stalkers off the tee. For your first round you might consider throwing discs you're willing to lose.

This is a new course, so it is a work in progress. I expect the roughness of the course to get ironed out a bit as more players move through it. Concrete tees are a possibility is the future.
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