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Santa Rosa, CA

Taylor Mountain DGC

Permanent course
3.555(based on 21 reviews)
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Taylor Mountain DGC reviews

8 1
Experience: 18 years 20 played 2 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Terrible waste of resources. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 6, 2021 Played the course:2-4 times


Interesting landscape, lots of cool rock and tree features. Well maintained.


Terrible signage. No map at the beginning of the course to take a picture of or anything either. Finish a hole and its usually a complete guess where the next one starts. Sometimes you have to backtrack most of the hole you just played to find the next tee. Sometimes the next tee is not even the closest tee to the hole you just finished. This would be acceptable if there were the tiniest bit of useful signage. Not only is there no flow, its downright dangerous. Multiple tees are located directly in the flight path of other holes, and there is so much elevation change that they're all pretty much blind. I was almost hit, standing in the tee box, by a throw that wasn't even that bad of a throw because we fully could not see each other in the slightest. A large portion of the fairways are closely bordered on one side with wire fence, so a drive just off the fairway means you're tangling with a blackberry covered fence. This course must just gobble up discs. Its also $10 to park in the parking lot. There is room for a dozen or more cars along the small road leading up to the park but they've put no parking signs at every pull-off area. Its either $10 or on a residential street about a half a mile away.

Other Thoughts:

This course seems like it was made by people who don't play disc golf but thought it would be a neat place to have a course. It is a neat place, but should not be a disc golf course. There isn't enough space, and the space that they do have is so rough that its almost unplayable. There were almost no holes where I felt I could really give it a good throw without risking hitting someone I don't see or losing my disc. Its fine if a few holes of a course are on a slope or rock feature, but not an entire course. I've played a lot of courses in OR/WA and this is by far the worst I've played, short of amateur setups on peoples property or whatever. Given that this is a city park with gov. funding, I sure would have thought they could have done better. There are big open areas in the park that probably could have been utilized to even out the course a little, so its not 18 technical holes in a row, and spread it out so holes aren't on top of each other or right next to some fun-killing hazard. I recently moved to town, looking for a couple new courses. Maybe if you carry around 100 junk discs that you don't mind losing or you are okay throwing layup after layup then this course might be playable, but I don't, so this one is out for good. Santa Rosa is DESPERATE for a halfway decent course.
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6 0
The Flying Discman
Experience: 3.8 years 24 played 11 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Super Fun Course & Shot Lines 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 4, 2021 Played the course:once


OK, this course is straight up fun. Great design to utilize shot lines and get as many elevated tees as possible. Loved the 1st hole tee off uphill plateau area with shaded basket, 2nd hole elevated tee shot with shaded basket. Loved the 11th hole elevated tee to a huge open field. 12th hole had a cool fallen tree that most of us had to putt over the top of, (like a De La Vega hole). 15th elevated tee-off was special with an opening in the tree branches and leaves to shoot thru, (it reminded me of a hole on The Open at Belton DG course in Texas that I saw on You Tube). I got a 70 foot throw in approach this hole's steep basket, which if missed, definitely could have been a roll away, (everyone gets lucky now and then). Loved the 17th elevated Tee shot , which luckily I almost went outside the barbed wire fence, (probably better to disc down).


Since we were warned about the blind roll aways from an earlier review, (Thank You very much!), we were like hawks finding our discs, (no lost discs), and we were prepared for the Psyche of that event!

Other Thoughts:

Port-o-Potties right at the start along with parking pay meter. Decent hole signage - the downloaded Map worked perfect. Tee pads were adequate and in some of the holes, the were elongated in creative ways.
A lot of tough uphill holes on this course - some with tight tee offs, (but that's what you have to take to get those elevated tees).
I think the designer was supper creative laying out this course.
I could be hyper critical about stuff on this course, like older baskets, (which yielded me a 55-foot putt too! - so I love them!), buy why - when it was so much fun to play this course. We'll be back next year - Lord willing - on our yearly visit! Can't wait.

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11 0
Experience: 34 played 8 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun until you roll away 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 25, 2021 Played the course:2-4 times


I've played this course a few times now. I think the designers did a great job using the elevation and vegetation to create fun holes. There's a good balance of up, down, across little valleys and sideslope holes. Didn't 'blow' the elevation in one or two big bomber holes. I love the hilly CA oak woodland like Stafford, Napa... The branching of old oaks makes for some super fun tee shots and upshots and putts. Great views. Pads are well maintained and do the job and the Mach Vs are fine, although I prefer baskets with bright bands (less industrial)...


Signage and navigation need improvement! Sucks to come first time and be confused where next tee is when you really just want to soak in and enjoy that first experience. And there's some awkward hole transitions, like going up and down the same hill on consecutive holes. I've got bad feet so the rocky terrain off trail can beat you up. But like most courses, especially oak woodlands, you have tons of hardpan soils and some sketchy trails that have been walked-in. The most annoying thing is the repeated potential for blind roll aways which can get lost in tall grass or roll into brush where you have no idea where to look! Too many baskets on steep slopes. Could use more benches.

Other Thoughts:

I might consider rated Taylor a 4 if it weren't for the blind roll-away potential. It's a fun killer! But once you know the course you can make educated decisions and enjoy a quick fun round with elevation and views.
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3 3
Experience: 16 played 3 reviews
2.00 star(s)

hard to navigate 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 28, 2020 Played the course:once


Chances to really let your disc fly on some holes. If you like elevation changes this course can be fun.


Hard to know where you\'re supposed to go. Signs are only up for 3 holes and after that you have to figure it out yourself. You\'re right on top of other players a lot of times as holes seem to double back.

Other Thoughts:

Lost 2 discs on this course. You\'ll want to watch your throws because they\'ll disappear quick and then roll down a hill in a weird way and be lost.
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4 0
Experience: 7.4 years 29 played 8 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Top 5 for me 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 18, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


+ Great variety of play, has some long throws, and some short technical ones
+ Open, distance shots and woods play together
+ Pin positions get changed often to keep it fresh
+ Good flow, only a few walks that can be confusing on first time
+ Very popular and locals are friendly and will walk you through the course


- One or two blind shots depending on pin position. Have to walk a bit to make sure the basket is clear of players.
- Hard OB on the west side. Landowner is no joke about discs going over.
- Grass can get long before maintaining takes place and makes disc finding a pain. I know this happens everywhere but it should be known that tall grass comes in to play in a few holes.
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6 0
Experience: 18.8 years 95 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun Course in the Hills of Santa Rosa 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 16, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


When I rate courses I will typically give something a 4 if it had a good layout, some good elevation, some scenery, and challenging for more advanced players, but still playable with enjoyment for less advanced players like myself. I'll start with the pros of Taylor Mountain.

First off, it is in a well-maintained space in a park in the hills of Santa Rosa. On a dry day the course is very pretty and uses it's space well. There is a fence surrounding the whole course that separates it from the rest of the park and I think that makes it contained in a good way. There were brooms at just about every tee-pad and there were 18 baskets and tees. If you've played disc golf enough you'd know this isn't always the case as advertised.

I think the course is very fair, and uses its elevation well. Nice mixture of dog legs and straighter shots. Lastly, I think it is a solid place to have as your home course. It is a course that will likely only take 90 minutes tops to play and offers enough for all types of players.


There are a few cons that couldn't push me to make this a 4-disc course. The first few holes had great signage next to the rubber tee-pads, but the rest of the course was not consistent in that regard. The first time I played here I had to keep asking people where to go because there wasn't really a lot of direction or tee signs. Along with that, there are a few spots where you throw up the same hill two holes in a row which is not the greatest design.

It also will get very wet after a rain. (Yes, it does rain in California) I made the mistake of going a few days after heavy rains. Lastly, I think many of the holes are similar distances and shots. There isn't a whole lot of diversity in the course design, but sometimes that's the plot of land you're given.

Other Thoughts:

I would definitely recommend this course. The elevation changes, natural beauty of the park, and rolling hills make it fun. There are nice little patches of rocks surrounding areas of the course which is really cool in this setting. If you're passing through Santa Rosa and the North Bay I'd recommend giving Taylor Mountain a go!
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4 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.6 years 264 played 100 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Taylor Mountain DGC 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 10, 2016 Played the course:once


Has practice basket

Has rubber tee pads

Has tee signs

More open than wooded fairways with most holes having changes in elevations - which will be fun to the casual player

Nice scenery

Porta potty


Tee pads are slippery when wet

Course design and flow could use improvement there are awkward transitions between holes 3&4, 7&8, 10&11 and holes 12&18 have intersecting fairways

Needs more next tee signs - recommend a course map for the first-timer

No variety in pars - par 54

Many opportunities to lose discs here via OB barbed wire fencing - recommend backup discs

Has rocky terrain - recommend discs with good durability

Pay to park

Other Thoughts:

This a nice, fun 18 hole course in Santa Rosa that I enjoyed playing while vacationing out here. I probably would have had more fun if it hadn't just rained earlier on the day I played. The rubber tee pads here are slippery when it rains and they also get caked on with mud. Thankfully the local disc golf club has provided the tee pads with brooms. For the most part, the course flows well but there are some awkward transitions between holes. After I finished hole #2, I headed to hole #4 and almost skipped hole #3. I had to consult the course map to get my bearing on where hole #3 is. Fortunately the course has been worn in some where there are walking paths that can be followed throughout most of the course. By the way, the new course map that was uploaded is much better than the previous one that I used. Transitions between holes 7&8 and 10&11 requires backtracking toward the previous hole and can have potential safety issues if the course is crowded. Of course, holes 12 and 18 have intersecting fairways which could have been avoided in my opinion. Given the limited amount of space, I think the designer utilized the terrain as best as possible to create the variety of required drives shooting uphill, downhill, and across valleys and slopes. While the OB barbed wire fencing can be intimidating to some, the threat of losing discs in OB becomes even greater when the winds start kicking up. Some of this course has a rocky terrain so one might want to use discs that have better durability than a typical starter set. It's a fun course to play and I recommend it if you're in the area.
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5 0
Experience: 12.4 years 7 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

4 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 5, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


-Great use of space
-Good mix of shot types to use
-Challening greens with plenty of rollaway potential
-Great use of elevation change
-Fantastic views of Santa Rosa


-No water
-The OB private property on 16-17

Other Thoughts:

This is my home course. I'm teaching my son to play here. I absolutely love it. The layout has been improved since some of the first reviews for a much better flow.
This course can also be mashed out in just under an hour if you hustle. I was able to play the full 18 during a lunch break. I always pack my own water so my only real complaint is the neighbor who won't let you retrieve your disc if you go OB on her property under threat of course closure. Lost a 25$ Dyemax over that fence and I don't think I'll see it again. (My own fault).
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10 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 13.5 years 356 played 203 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 4, 2015 Played the course:once


- great use of the land, lots of elevation change
- many shots that utilize the trees to make for some fun shots
- great flat rubber tee pads
- bathrooms at the parking lot
- good variety of distances with some shorter 200 foot shots to some 400 foot shots.


- tee signs have not handled the weather well, and are fading and delaminating
- they have some navigation signs but could really use some more
- the course has a odd flow to it, many trails kind of cross back across fairways to get to the next few pads and there are some chances for injury

Other Thoughts:

Could be a real good course with some added signage and maybe a few basket placements changed.
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1 2
Experience: 23 played 7 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Mini Stafford Lake 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 5, 2015 Played the course:once


This course is great!!
Medium sized, loads of elevation change, with perfect mixture of trees ( those awesome craggy cali-trees )

its what i would call a chill'r course.
easy enough to play twice and with loads of personality to not get bored with it

Russian River Brewery right down the hill!!

This course will forever be on my radar when in the area
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6 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.2 years 74 played 74 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Very Well Taylor’d 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 29, 2015 Played the course:once


• A number of interesting and varied shots that are very par friendly
• Good park for beginners/intermediate types
• Very good tee boxes (rubber mat type), although when these mats get wet you can slip quite easily. Also has multiple brooms on each hole as well as poles for disc-in-tree retrieval.
• Beautiful park with nice views of the surrounding area
• Decent signage, although I would orient them differently as they're currently not in a way I'd call 'immediately obvious' which way the hole flows. These look temp to me anyway.


• 1 port-a-potty restroom with no water
• In spots it's a bit tricky to navigate due to the terrain but if you follow the map and the nicely established paths, you'll be ok.
• One crisscross hole and a couple holes that are close together so a bit of head swiveling is required.
• Pay to park ($7. Minor quibble. No quibble at all if the money goes to the course.)

Other Thoughts:

• Do use the map. One is at the entrance to the course.
• There are a couple holes where a spotter is a good idea (5 and 8 for sure due to the blind basket and hill shape, and maybe 9 and 18 depending on your shot choice).

Random Thoughts:
Reading the early reviews on this course, my expectations were a little low but I must say, I (and my fellow discers) really enjoyed this course. To set the scene, we played it on a Sunday morning with very little wind. The course overall was probably about half full and there was a fairly steady stream of folks coming in over the course of our round, which took about two hours (although some of the folks are headed for the trails nearby). But even though there were a good amount of people around, we never once waited or were waited on, which was great, of course. As for the course design, I really enjoyed the variety of shot shapes that are available, although like most courses, it does favor the RHBH juuuuust a little too much. I have an LHBH that plays with me and I always feel bad when I see a few holes in a row that clearly favor one style over another. I know, tell them to learn a forehand/flip shot/blah blah blah...you know what I mean. Having said that, I found the course to be very fair actually. Pars and birdies are all over the course and I left the day +1, only due to an errant OB shot on 2. It's only really 13, 16, and 18 that stretch your arm due to either being severely uphill (13, 16) or just long (18). All other shots, I would say are well within range of the average player which means......the advanced player/pros will eat this course alive (or dead). Is that a bad thing? For me, no. But I could see others saying the course is too easy (without the wind anyway). As I said, I really enjoyed my round. Even almost aced 17. I don't feel it's necessary to give a hole by hole breakdown as the map does a fine job showing you the layout. The only other thing you need to know is the baskets on 13 and 8 are on the top of the two hills which are probably 40'ish off the valley floor. That should give you the full sense of what each hole represents. Overall, a nice mixture of up and down with a few 'let it fly' and 'touchy technical' mixed in.

Bottom Line:
Yea, there's still a little bit of fine-tuning to be done and it doesn't have the amenities of other courses, but this is a very impressive use of this space. What the course designers have done here is to be commended. There's also a lot of potential for mixing in additional tee/basket positions. While the Pros might yawn and move on, I'm very much looking forward to my next visit (and getting an under-par round gawldangit!). Great job folks!
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12 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.4 years 123 played 72 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Elevation with restraint. 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 17, 2015 Played the course:once


This is an 18 hole course on about 17 acres at the top of two adjacent hills with fairly steep slopes and a "saddle" area between them. There is abundant elevation change on this course. Yet the course layout uses elevation with considerable restraint and mostly providing either uphill challenges or rollaway potential of baskets on slopes.

There are quite a few trees on the course although is it has more of an open feel and with the trees combined with the elevation challenges, there is very little repetition. The designer(s) did a really good job of using the relatively small space.

The restrained use of elevation is probably this course's primary feature. All of the truly downhill holes are less than 350 feet and call for the use of a mid or fairway driver at most. Several of those holes have baskets very near OB, with hole #2, #12 and #17 coming to mind. 12 is the longest and has a basket approximately 30 feet from a fenceline on the left. This basket also sits among an area of rocks that can serve to stop and/or rapidly season your disc. The other downhill shots require a little finesse to place your drive close to the basket with rollaway potential ever present.

Neither of the two longest holes are downhill. 10 is across a valley between two hilltops and 18 is a blind uphill throw to a basket with a parking lot to the right. Both require power and control to give you a chance for birdie.

On the other hand, there are two shots straight uphill and many sidehill shots that are either blind, partly uphill or well guarded by trees.

Despite the elevation, playing this was not a terribly difficult walk. I can see that it could present quite a challenge to those with knee or other problems, but with hole 1 tee and 18 basket right over the fence from the parking lot and the relatively short overall length and short walks between holes, this is probably the easiest, physically, to play of the courses with significant elevation in the area.


Length. This is minor and it is an apparently unavoidable consequence of having a "smallish" piece of property to work with. But the elevation left me wanting at least one downhill bomb. There was none. Left-handers may feel different about hole 12, but at only 351 feet, big arms won't be challenged for distance.

The parking fee, in combination with some free parking areas on the road coming in had people walking on and starting at hole 7. This compounded the wait after hole 6.

Crowded. With the $10 parking fee, I was thinking that this course might not have so many people playing, but on a Sunday afternoon (I know) it was very busy. There was a wait on almost every tee. But, because the course is so short, the wait wasn't bad enough to ruin the round. Clearly, the crowd also speaks to the quality of this course.

Other Thoughts:

If you are in the area, this course is definitely worth playing. It is a bit less challenging than Skyline and much less challenging than Stafford Lake, but no less well-designed. It has a high fun factor and has downhill holes that beginners and lower rated players should really enjoy. I'd be a very happy to have this as my home course.
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6 0
Experience: 4 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Hills+View=Awesomeness 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 30, 2014 Played the course:once


Fun course! I found the elevation changes to be one of the best challenges of this course. Many of the teepads are on top of hills with a sharp drop off in at the beginning, giving you a chance to really power it. The course designers have made great use of the land contours. Challenging up/over hill shots. The rocks around the baskets made for challenging footing on medium/long range putts. Nice oaks make for good obstacles. Great location, with a nice view of the valley. Teepads are done well. Course design is great.


Playing this course shortly after heavy rains made for muddy/slippery footing and some isolated quagmires. With the steep hills this may lead to erosion. I think there may be a natural spring in one location that should probably be OB. Stairs are needed in some places to prevent erosion. Perhaps some marked/maintained trails would be good too. Crossing fairways are not ideal, but manageable.

Other Thoughts:

The barbed wire fence surrounding the course is a bit of a pain, but actually adds a bit of real risk/reward. Overall: great job by the UFOs! Thanks for the hard work and dedication to the sport.
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5 1
Experience: 12.1 years 37 played 6 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun addition to the North Bay 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 7, 2014 Played the course:once


They've done well with the space available. This course has quite a bit of elevation and some fun shots. The efforts of the UFOS have been impressive to date, and I think there is some more room for growth, too (new pins, etc.).


Some overlap of fairways, and some pin locations are rather close to other pins.

Other Thoughts:

Can be pretty muddy after it rains but ... this drought might render that point moot.

Watch out for ticks. Don't trespass onto private property (the parks dept. is serious about this).
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8 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 31.5 years 81 played 32 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun times in Santa Rosa 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 22, 2014 Played the course:once


- fun shots abound on this intermediate level course. Ups, Downs, Left, Right. Nothing too crazy all par 3s but will challenge good players and provide an excellent basis for beginners to get better

- great use of the limited land by the designers. As with any piece of public park, the area allotted to the designers was pretty tight. They made great use of the land and somehow squeezed a full 18 out of it.

- enough baskets on slopes to be an equalizer. Some good roll away potential here. I saw it numerous times for people trying that 40ft putt. Made me want to lay up when I had that sort of distance on my putt.

- Awesome tees. Great job by the UFOs on getting these in.

- minutes from downtown Santa Rosa ensures that this course will see a good deal of use. It's the kind of course you could play every day. Weeklies and Dubs are already happening. A great gift for the people of the area!

- possible to move some basket locations to a more challenging alt pin

-awesome views of the larger park area, santa rosa, Mt St Helena, and geyser Peak


- maybe a little tight for my liking, but hardly a true con.

- could get crowded. But grow the sport right?

- some shots are seemingly too easy. But again, in this location, with the amount of people that will use it, the shots are appropriately designed

Other Thoughts:

When I played, it was really windy. I'd expect those conditions much of the time especially on summer afternoons. This is a plus not a con for me. Wind is definitely a great way to make those death putts even more difficult, and I saw crazy carnage all over the place here. Without the wind it will still be tough to not think about that 60ft rollaway on many putts.

Overall a really fun course, a great addition to the UFOs course portfolio. I could easily see a day spent split between here and stafford, or in the summer at Lake Sonoma, Taylor, and Stafford to cap off a great day of disc golf.
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3 0
Experience: 11.8 years 15 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Awesome course 10 minutes from Sister course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 15, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


Fun course with great views. Nice new rubber Tpads & nice Mach V baskets. Disc Golf only area in this park - you shouldn't find hikers in and about as it's pretty much all it's geared for. A couple of nice canyon shots as well as a couple of blinds - over hills and around trees. Hilly but Not Napa or Stafford, so your legs are happy in the end. Ace Hole 6 or 17 with a nice Hyzer over the OB areas/trees. I've seen it on 6! Nice island shot at 17, again aceable with the right Hyzer over the OB area


Rocky and lot's-o-cow dung around for now... A couple of good rains and a few months and the cow patties will be gone, but the rocks are there to stay!

Other Thoughts:

As others have stated, no smoking anywhere in the park, and Rangers are active out here all the time. Our local club built it and we'll all help to keep in maintained, but help us out by packing out your trash. Closes at dusk and you want to be out of the parking lot shortly after that or you will get cited. This is a fun course to play, come on out!
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4 0
Experience: 15.6 years 25 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

New course lookin' good 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 9, 2014 Played the course:once


Sweet Mach V baskets, easy to navigate the couse, beautiful tee-pads, and a very technical course.


Not too long or challenging. When the new pin positions get put in, there will be way more variety. Some holes are close together, but watch where you throw and it's not a problem.

Other Thoughts:

The North Bay is starting to become a legit destination for Disc Golf!
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6 0
Experience: 18.7 years 43 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Nice course, but was hoping for more variety 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 12, 2014 Played the course:once


Great to see/play a new Bay Area 18 hole course!
Beautiful views and scenic terrain.
Lots of variety of downhill, uphill, etc.
A signature hole - very tight window (maybe 6 feet wide?) to throw through a bunch of oak trees across a valley.
Difficult/technical basket placement
Great vibe with everyone I ran into playing out there.
Good teepads and temporary hole signs.


I felt like most of the shots were just forcing me to throw straight/accurately. The design seemed to miss any demanding hyzer or anhyzer shots.
Only one basket position per hole - I'm sure this will change as the course gets worked on.
A few holes close to one another, but no major problem.
Since it was former cattle grazing land, it stunk of cow dung and there were cow patties everywhere. Shoes were a mess when I got back to the car. As the rains come and the course gets worked in, I'm sure this will improve.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, I thought it was a fun round, but when my first round is -2 on a course I've never played before and throwing an OK round, it needs some tougher/more technical holes. A great beginning to what should be a great course in the future.
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5 0
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Lots of variety, fun to play! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 12, 2014 Played the course:once


Lots of variety, open shots, up hills, down hills, across valleys, fence lines (OB) plenty of technical shots. The greens are challenging with trees, some are sloped, "death putts", etc. The course plays pretty fast so you can get 2 rounds in within a few hours. Amazing views, not too hilly, so it's not too straining to play. Tee pads are rubber and a good size.


It plays a little tight, not uncommon, but you have to be alert. Parking is $7, unless you get an annual pass for approx. $60-70. You can play Crane Creek 20 minutes down the road with the same parking pass

Other Thoughts:

As I write this review, the course is brand new. The local club (United Flyers of Sonoma) that helped build it, and will continue to maintain it, will constantly be upgrading the course by adding adequate drainage where needed, clearing dead brush, adding steps where needed, etc. Please help keep the course clean by packing your trash. There is also NO SMOKING on the course and you can get cited for it.
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5 0
Experience: 11.5 years 13 played 11 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great New Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 12, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


Great course with wooded and open shots. The 380 ft holes are deceiving as one shoot across a valley (fun) into a wooded area, and the other up and over a ridge. The one over the ridge sure feels like more than 381 ft, but, since I measured it myself 6 times before the opening, that's all she is.


BUY THE PARKING PASS. There's Crane Creek and Taylor Mountain in Sonoma Counties Parks system now. The money you spend on the pass with all the benefits and free stuff you get with it well worth it. Oh, con? Don't get caught not paying for your parking. $7 without the pass. But, you only get a courtesy warning that turns into a ticket if you don't pay it.

Other Thoughts:

$73 if you are in the park after closing. We have already found that out. No smoking anywhere in the park.
Please pick up trash. Every day I've played there I have packed out a bag full of trash, including someones shoe that fell apart. Hmmmm. Help keep it clean.
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