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Houston, TX

TC Jester Park

3.465(based on 27 reviews)
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ERicJ ERicJ's Round

Score: 73 +10
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
21 / 21
60°F Sunny Moderate 897
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:Commando mini. Played with Neal, Stephen, Paul W., and Brad Allen.
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 423 3 4 2 --
2 519 3 4 2 --
3 335 3 3 2 --
4 317 3 3 1 --
5 323 3 4 2 --
6 291 3 3 2 --
7 366 3 3 2 --
8 446 3 4 2 --
9 594 3 4 2 --
10 410 3 3 2 --
11 426 3 4 2 --
12 353 3 4 2 --
13 495 3 4 1 --
14 371 3 4 2 --
15 624 3 4 2 --
16 366 3 3 2 --
17 426 3 3 1 --
18 444 3 3 1 --
19 371 3 2 0 --
King gripped wide right, Rhyno from ~120' out went in
20 290 3 3 2 --
21 489 3 4 1 --
Totals: 8679 63 73 35 --

C coyotepower's Round

Score: 42 Even
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
14 / 21
55°F Sunny Calm n/a
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:1
Round notes:Lost Opto Sparkle Vision on #4
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 359 3 4 -- --
2 416 3 3 -- --
3 260 3 3 -- --
4 263 3 4 -- 1
5 293 3 3 -- --
6 200 3 2 -- --
7 287 3 2 -- --
8 384 3 4 -- --
9 539 3 3 -- --
10 384 3 3 -- --
11 384 3 3 -- --
12 291 3 2 -- --
13 422 3 3 -- --
14 324 3 3 -- --
#1 repeated
Totals: 4806 42 42 -- 1

GMSdrum GMSdrum's Round

Score: 71 +8
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
21 / 21
63°F Sunny Calm 864
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:1
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:First time playing new 2011 layout. A little muddy. Played white (short) tees - most of them not really much shorter than blues. both tees much longer than previous layout. Nice new design, cool shot over river (4) and some interesting holes 5-9. Long walks 9-10 and 13-14 and at the end to get back to parking lot.
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 359 3 4 2 --
2 416 3 4 2 --
3 260 3 2 1 --
4 263 3 3 2 --
5 293 3 4 2 --
6 200 3 2 1 --
7 287 3 3 2 --
8 384 3 4 2 --
9 539 3 4 1 --
10 384 3 3 2 --
11 384 3 3 2 --
12 291 3 3 1 --
13 422 3 4 1 --
14 324 3 3 1 --
15 470 3 5 2 --
had to throw around some kids playing
16 297 3 3 2 --
17 344 3 3 1 --
18 398 3 3 1 --
19 305 3 4 2 --
20 261 3 3 1 --
21 380 3 4 2 --
Totals: 7261 63 71 33 --

Clark Clark's Round

Score: 76 +13
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
21 / 21
60°F Cloudy Moderate 873
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:3
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:Played with Chris
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 423 3 3 1 --
2 519 3 4 1 --
3 335 3 3 1 --
4 317 3 3 1 --
Landed in the grass next to the far concrete embankment
5 323 3 4 1 --
6 291 3 4 1 --
7 366 3 3 1 --
8 446 3 3 1 --
9 594 3 4 1 --
10 410 3 3 1 --
11 426 3 5 3 --
12 353 3 3 1 --
13 495 3 4 2 --
14 371 3 5 1 --
15 624 3 5 1 --
16 366 3 3 1 --
17 426 3 3 1 --
18 444 3 3 1 --
19 371 3 4 2 --
20 290 3 3 1 --
21 489 3 4 1 --
Totals: 8679 63 76 25 --

ERicJ ERicJ's Round

(Doubles Round)
Score: 68 +5
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
21 / 21
68°F Cloudy Moderate n/a
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:1
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:Birdshot Awards tourney. Doubles w/ C.J.. Played with Dax &amp; Jimmy. #1-7 BestShot, #8-14 AltShot, #15-21 BestScore. Started on #4<br />
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 423 3 3 2 --
BShot: CJ Force, both missed ~20' putt
2 519 3 4 2 --
BShot: CJ Force, Gator up, both missed ~40' putt
3 335 3 3 2 --
BShot: CJ Nuke OS, both missed ~25' putt
4 317 3 3 2 --
BShot: TeeRex, both missed ~45' putt
5 323 3 2 1 --
BShot: CJ BuzzzSS parked
6 291 3 2 1 --
BShot: IndyComet parked
7 366 3 3 2 --
BShot: TeeRex, both missed ~30' putt
8 446 3 3 1 --
AltShot: CJ Force, Rhyno up, drop-in putt
9 594 3 4 1 --
AltShot: King hit late wood, CJ overhand short, Rhyno layup
10 410 3 5 2 1
AltShot: XCal OB, CJ NukeOS short, missed ~30' headwind putt
11 426 3 3 2 --
AltShot: Green Nuke short left, CJ missed ~50' putt
12 353 3 4 2 --
AltShot: CJ Force left in trees, X-Comet tried miracle out and rolled left almost OB, CJ missed ~45' putt off top support
13 495 3 4 2 --
AltShot: CJ Force turned right almost OB, Gator up short, CJ missed ~35' putt, hit 30' comeback
14 371 3 3 1 --
AltShot: CJ Force short, Rhyno up wide right, CJ hit nice ~30' putt
15 624 3 4 2 --
BestScore: CJ
16 366 3 3 2 --
BestScore: XCal, just missed ~30' putt
17 426 3 4 2 --
BestScore: Green Nuke tried big hyzer, Z-Drone up wide left, missed ~30' putt
18 444 3 3 1 --
BestScore: CJ
19 371 3 3 1 --
BestScore: AvengerSS hit late wood, Gator up, hit ~15' putt
20 290 3 2 1 --
BestScore: CJ
21 489 3 3 2 --
BestScore: King, Rhyno splashed out of chains from ~60'
Totals: 8679 63 68 34 1

J jbrock's Round

Score: 61 -2
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
21 / 21
57°F Sunny Moderate 953
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 359 3 2 -- --
2 416 3 3 -- --
3 260 3 3 -- --
4 263 3 3 -- --
5 293 3 3 -- --
6 200 3 2 -- --
7 287 3 3 -- --
8 384 3 3 -- --
9 539 3 4 -- --
10 325 3 3 -- --
11 384 3 2 -- --
12 291 3 3 -- --
13 422 3 3 -- --
14 324 3 3 -- --
15 470 3 3 -- --
16 297 3 2 -- --
17 344 3 3 -- --
18 398 3 4 -- --
19 305 3 3 -- --
20 261 3 3 -- --
21 380 3 3 -- --
Totals: 7202 63 61 -- --

T Tree Hugger's Round

Score: 70 +7
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
21 / 21
70°F Cloudy Calm 868
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:muddy, did not make any putts over 10 ft and out....:(
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 359 3 3 -- --
2 420 3 3 -- --
3 260 3 3 -- --
4 263 3 3 -- --
5 293 3 3 -- --
6 198 3 2 -- --
7 284 3 3 -- --
8 383 3 4 -- --
9 539 3 4 -- --
10 360 3 4 -- --
11 366 3 4 -- --
12 275 3 4 -- --
13 422 3 3 -- --
14 323 3 3 -- --
15 471 3 3 -- --
16 297 3 3 -- --
17 321 3 4 -- --
18 357 3 4 -- --
19 303 3 4 -- --
20 263 3 3 -- --
21 381 3 3 -- --
Totals: 7138 63 70 -- --

T Tree Hugger's Round

Score: 70 +7
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
21 / 21
70°F Rain Calm 868
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:trees down on 1-5, just rained...standing water everywhere
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 359 3 3 -- --
2 420 3 4 -- --
3 260 3 3 -- --
4 263 3 3 -- --
5 293 3 3 -- --
6 198 3 2 -- --
7 284 3 3 -- --
8 383 3 4 -- --
9 539 3 4 -- --
10 360 3 3 -- --
11 366 3 4 -- --
12 275 3 3 -- --
13 422 3 4 -- --
14 323 3 3 -- --
15 471 3 4 -- --
16 297 3 3 -- --
17 321 3 3 -- --
18 357 3 4 -- --
19 303 3 3 -- --
20 263 3 3 -- --
21 381 3 4 -- --
Totals: 7138 63 70 -- --

J JayCee2358's Round

Score: 115 +52
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
21 / 21
70°F Cloudy Strong 548
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:9
T. Bogies:5
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:Lost focus after the fourth hole. Need to work on maintaining morale.
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 423 3 6 1 --
2 519 3 5 1 --
3 335 3 4 1 --
4 317 3 9 1 1
Fell in the water. Owe friend dinner.
5 321 3 5 1 --
6 291 3 4 1 --
7 368 3 4 1 --
8 444 3 6 1 --
9 621 3 5 1 --
10 408 3 6 1 --
11 428 3 5 2 --
12 353 3 5 1 --
13 495 3 6 3 --
14 368 3 8 1 1
Fell in the water again!!!
15 624 3 6 1 --
16 366 3 7 4 --
17 419 3 5 2 --
18 423 3 5 2 --
19 357 3 4 1 --
20 290 3 5 1 1
Went into the street.
21 488 3 5 1 --
Totals: 8658 63 115 29 3

T Tree Hugger's Round

Score: 78 +15
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
21 / 21
80°F Cloudy Strong 795
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:2
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 359 3 3 -- --
2 420 3 3 -- --
3 260 3 3 -- --
4 263 3 3 -- --
5 293 3 4 -- --
6 198 3 2 -- --
7 284 3 5 -- --
8 383 3 4 -- --
9 539 3 4 -- --
10 360 3 5 -- --
11 366 3 4 -- --
12 275 3 3 -- --
13 422 3 4 -- --
14 323 3 4 -- --
15 471 3 4 -- --
16 297 3 3 -- --
17 321 3 4 -- --
18 357 3 4 -- --
19 303 3 4 -- --
20 263 3 4 -- --
21 381 3 4 -- --
Totals: 7138 63 78 -- --