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Ogden, UT

The Fort - Short

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The Fort - Short reviews

8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 22.7 years 495 played 493 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Fun warm up for or cool down from the long course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 20, 2022 Played the course:once


Hole length, variety, and comparison to the long fort:

The short fort is actually a really fun course to have in the same complex. By no means is the entire course a 'pitch n putt' although the hole lengths do shorten up quite a bit after hole 3 which is a challenging par 3 hole or low amateur par 4 hole depending on who you ask. Though the length here isn't as massive as the long fort the lines are just as tight and punishing if thrown offline as the long course is. The course is slightly overgrown so it may even be tighter than the long course in comparison which is better maintained. Usually these shorter courses tend to favor the RHBH player which makes sense as most people, especially beginners throw that way but this course is fair or leans toward a RHFH or LHBH player. Several of the tight, short holes out here like number 4 especially basically tell cut off any notions of a RHBH turnover and make you throw a left to right skip shot. Nothing wrong with this at all and I enjoy holes like this.

Amenities and surrounding area:

You have the fort and the pro shop near, mountains to look at, hiking and walking trails, a dog park, camping near by and Ogden proper less than 5 minutes away should you need anything from town like water or snacks or food. There are a number of other courses in the area so perfect for course baggers and right off the major highway. Ogden itself is a nice town and pretty impressive as a first time tourist checking out the little shops and such, highly recommended.


All in great shape probably because this course hardly gets any play. We went on a Sunday morning to play the fort long and had groups on us and half the holes and this course we played in the afternoon and didn't see any other disc golfers out there. Concrete tee pads and signs are looking good, no vandalism and very little litter.


Navigation and next signs:

Navigation was a little weird at first as it took us a while to find the first tee and the practice basket that said "5" on it wasn't doing us any favors while trying to navigate with the course map. After hole 2 you have to walk across the road and find tee pad 3 which isn't visible from the road - it's a walk toward the field then you slip into the trees and find the pad shooting away from the road. Finding the basket for hole 3 was a little tricky as well not knowing that it came back into the woods after throwing the only open drive on the course. After this is navigation is straight forward until after hole 8 when the tee pad for 9 is a walk backwards through 9's fairway I believe. It would be nice to have some next tee signs or at the very least a piece of cloth tied to the basket in the direction of the next tee pad which many courses now utilize.

Less care than the long course:

It's hard not to compare the 2 courses as they carry the same name and sit on the same property so when I saw how overgrown this one was compared to the long course it made me a bit sad. Not unplayable by any sense of the word and I enjoy the tight lines but some more play and TLC from whomever is caring for the long course would do this course well.

I hate to mention this but there were some 'campers' in the course and one of them was collecting rocks or something in the middle of the fairway for hole 4. There were some other people in many other parts of the course who didn't seem to belong. What they were doing there and why I haven't a clue but it was a little worry some not knowing their intentions.

Other Thoughts:

Overall had a really good time at this course cooling down after a long hot beatdown from the bigger course. If this place was in some small town with not many other options I could see it being popular and I myself would play there frequently if I lived nearby. I would say that this course is worth playing if you're going to be playing the fort as there are some fun little throws here.
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8 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 7 years 52 played 50 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Overshadowed by the long course, but still fun 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 29, 2019 Played the course:once


-Excellent tee pads, baskets, and signs, the same as on the more popular 18 hole course located in the same park. I can't stress enough how nice and refreshing it was to see a short 9 hole course that was prioritized and given solid infrastructure.
-Nice course design that mixes short technical holes (holes 4-9), a couple medium length holes that challenge you with a low ceiling and punishing rough (holes 1-2) and a true long bomber hole (hole 3).
-Not crowded at all, especially compared to the 18 hole Fort course. I played this 9 hole track on a Saturday morning, but was somehow the only person playing it. Also, even though this park is heavily used by hikers/bikers/fishermen, none of them were using land on this course.
-Easy to navigate.


-Poorly maintained, especially compared to the 18 holes at the same facility. Hole 1 had an entire grove of chest-high nettles located within 15' of the basket. Hole 2's fairway was overgrown with thigh high grass. The woods holes (4-9) could use some tree trimming to define fairways; even though I birdied three of those holes, each bird felt more like luck than talent due to the overgrowth.
-Pretty short course overall. Once you get past hole 3, it's a pitch 'n' putt for the remaining 6 holes.
-Even though it's short, it really doesn't seem like a very good beginner course. There's lots of chances to lose discs, lots of long grass and nettles to wade through on errant throws, and it's too tightly wooded to teach a beginner on in my opinion.
-Mosquitoes. I made the same comment on my review of the other Fort course, but Ogden is a town with very few bugs and yet Fort B. is one giant mosquito cloud. Very odd.

Other Thoughts:

The nine hole course is a decent track in its own right, but is overshadowed by the longer course which hosts the Utah Open and 2020 Pro Worlds. I actually enjoyed playing the short course more since it was a really fun, quick, stress-free vacation round. It's definitely worth the time to play, but objectively speaking it's not a stellar course.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.3 years 558 played 429 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Short Fort 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 4, 2018 Played the course:once


The Fort has a 9 hole course that is a good warmup for the much tougher 18 hole course on the other side of the bridge. I actually parked here thinking this was the longer course, not realizing there are two courses here. I decided to play it anyway, since I was there and had a beautiful day to fill.

The first hole is across the road from the parking lot. It is a decent hole, with a long tee on behind the trail. The basket is on a slight incline, with a few trees around it. Hole 2 throws back toward the practice basket, and has a lot of mature trees in play between the tee and the basket. There are two pin placements. Any elevation climbed on the first hole is lost on the second, as you move back to the flat near the parking area.

Hole 3 is the longest on the course, and crosses mostly open field space. Tucked just behind the tree line on the far side of the field is the basket, nestled under a big tree in the shade. It is a bit of a tricky approach if you're not on line with the drive. Hole 4 is plays in the woods and toward the river, but isn't too dangerous. It has a nice left to right shape, and is the shortest hole on the course.

5 crosses the field again in the other direction, and the pin is surrounded by a few trees as you get close. The pin is reachable if don't get knocked down. Hole 6 is along the river, and on the shorter side. This is back in the woods again, but is another good birdie chance if you make a good mid range tee shot. Hole 7 is similar to 6 but about 60' longer. Also near the river, with a line through the woods that's straight but requires accuracy.

Hole 8 is wooded, and has multiple pin positions that can make it fairly long. There are a lot of tree branches that make up a low canopy, so you have to throw a bit of a line drive to get down the fairway. Hole 9 also has two possible basket locations, and plays through fairly dense woods. It isn't as long as 8, but takes a good tee shot to be in birdie range on either pin.

The tees are concrete, and there are good tee signs for every hole. The bright green Prodigy baskets are still like new. An easier alternative to the longer course, but still has a nice variety of terrain. There is enough flavor to hold your interest around the loop, and is good for less experienced disc golfers.


There is a long walk from hole 2 to hole 3, and it took me a minute to figure out where to go. It is clear on the map, so get a screen shot or take a quick look before you begin playing.

A couple told me this course was way better than the other, which was impossible to navigate. They were either messing with me, or not very bright. The other course was much harder, but very well marked. They are welcome to their opinion, but I thought the long one was by far superior.

Other Thoughts:

The Fort has a lot to offer in the way of disc golf. If you want to get to serious disc golf right away, then drive past the first baskets you see, and cross the bridge into the other side of the park. If you want to play all 27, the short course is a good place to start.

It's all par 3, and has some versatility. I shot a 28 (+1), with a birdie on hole 7, and bogies on holes 2 and 4. It should've been an even par round, but I bonked all over the place on the shortest hole. Oh well, that's the way it goes some days.
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3 1
Experience: 268 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Nice 9-hole Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 30, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


- Challenging course.
- High and quick replayability. I played it a couple times in just over an hour.
- Well designed layout. Found my way without a map.


- Tent on the course. I know this is not on the players and it's the responsibility of the city. I'm not sure what the prevalence of 'campers' are in the park usually.
- Tees 1 and 3 can be hard to find for newer players.

Other Thoughts:

Really fun course. It is apparent that work was put in here. This is easily the best 9-hole along the Wasatch Front. I really enjoyed it and it was raining outside.
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