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Suffield, OH

The Hangar

Permanent course
3.115(based on 22 reviews)
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The Hangar reviews

4 0
Experience: 17.2 years 83 played 10 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Gorgeous park! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 20, 2011 Played the course:once


Located in Wingfoot Lake State Park. 18 holes with brand new chain-star baskets. Very nice practice basket right by parking lot. As of 9-10-13 the Zeppelins club has poured long and short tee pads!! Course has also got a revamp on holes 5 through 8 as well. Front 9 is gonna be a little shorter and with slight elevation with 2 water holes. The back will be a bit longer and have some pretty fun elevation changes. #4 is a great little ace run playing down hill with a very low ceiling. #10 is an awesome downhill longer low ceiling tunnel shot with a basket sitting right in front of a row if thick pines, making an good up shot go bad quick. #14 is another awesome open downhill shot playing over 350. Course definitely offers a bit of everything with some amazing scenery.


Only trash cans in park are the red dumpsters by the practice basket and by #17's tee. Lake is suppose-ably contaminated with blue algae. They have done recent tests on the lake and they found the levels are low but still possibly harmful. #5 and #9 play parallel to a low traffic road. #1 plays pretty close to tennis court.

Other Thoughts:

I really enjoy coming to Wingfoot and showing a new player the sport. Its a great place to grab a bunch of birdies and a huge confidence boost. Park obviously offers a lake, open to boating and fishing. As well as some soccer fields and a very nice pavilion with a huge BBQ pit and well maintained restrooms. Lots of parking available.
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2 6
Experience: 15.3 years 15 played 7 reviews
3.50 star(s)

THE HANGAR IN SUFFIELD 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 1, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Nice variety of distance holes and challenging tees in the woods. IT'S NEW! OPENED IN MID 2010 and it still has that new park smell. VERY ENJOYABLE COURSE. It's local for me so I play 6 times a year here.


There are no multiple tees. Other courses have the black (Advanced Tees) and Yellow (Intermediate Tees). Or Red/White/Blue Tees. A little thought would have to be put into making multiples but it can be done. There is enough space to do it. The tees are dirt or mulch instead of concrete. Makes it difficult when wet. The lake inlet loves to eat discs - - LOST 3 DISCS.

Other Thoughts:

Hole #1/#12 watch out for tennis players and spectators. The high school tennis team practices and plays competitions there. Holes #2 thru #4 are skill holes: use the tomahawks, thumbers, and grenades. #5 is 366ft so let it rip. LOOK OUT! Hole #5 throw towards the trees or your disc is gone - ker plunk. Also #6 looks like a RHFH to get over the Lakes Inlet but if the wind grabs it, it's ker plunk. @#14/#17 - Practice your backhand long distance throws. #15 is a straight shot with a 5' drop to the basket at the end. #11/#16 is a RH hard sidearm throw uphill. I can't make it 2 so Good Luck Out There!!!! I woul d recommend this course for Beginner to Intermediate. The Advanced players may find it too easy.
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11 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.1 years 174 played 67 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Underrated and fun for all skill levels 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 7, 2011 Played the course:once


Seems like it would be fun course to play for any and all skill levels

I've never said this about a course before, but I think the land they used was not good land for a disc golf course but they somehow squeezed every last bit of good they could from it and made an excellent course. Excellent job of turd polishing!

A shot for everyone here, up hill, down hill, tight, open, left, right, short, long, water hazards, elevation changes, and one top of world bomber hole (14 if I remember right) that I absolutely loved!

Park is clean, trash free, well maintained, and it just looks pretty.


Crowded, not the course itself but it's located in a park that has many other activities on site. Look out for non-disc golfers before you throw.

Other Thoughts:

What a nice little course that offers something for everyone. It's located in a park and when you first pull up you think all the holes are gonna be crammed together but you soon learn how wrong you were. It was surprisingly big. Your never very far from the parking lot you started in but it feels like you travel a long distance.

The most impressive thing about this course was the variety of shots. They really did a great job with the available terrain. After the first four holes you think it's gonna be a really short beginner course but once again you are quickly proven wrong. It starts out, short and hilly but then it moves out into some longer shots, then some water hazard shots and the eventually opens up into some big open field shots some of which sport some excellent changes in elevation. The course never goes into the woods but many of the holes are wooded.

I'm nearing the end of my quest to play every 18 hole course in Ohio and lately I've been hitting up the North Eastern side of the state and so far have been impressed. Very underrated up there and I still have yet to hit up Euclid and Ashtabula. But I would definitely recommend this place for anyone who lives anywhere near this one. If your looking for a road trip, then combine this one with Roscoe Ewing. Great Job guys

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12 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.1 years 43 played 38 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Family Park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 5, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


- New park. Plenty of parking and grade A facilities. The winter event there was housed in a closed pavilion that had two large fireplaces!
- Amenities! Playground, putt-putt, basketball, volleyball, picnic tables!
- Billboard at hole #1 has a map posted along with course information
- The map is accurate and very helpful your first trip!
- Practice basket
- Wood chip tees with wooden kickboards are in good condition
- Next tee signs are helpful
- Baskets are in excellent condition and well marked with bright orange stickers
- There are poles clearly marking each tee
- This course requires a variety of shots but does favor the right turning thrower. After a few trips here I have had to use every throw in my arsenal.
- The scenery and landscape are beautiful with rolling hills
- There are only a few walking paths on a few holes so the traffic is mainly just other disc golfers
- Bathrooms are located at the pavilion
- There are trashcans and the course is very clean
- There is no vandalism
- Excellent upkeep and maintenance
- The water hazard on #6 & #7 really adds to the courses difficulty. For #6 all you do is throw (RHBH) out just over the edge of the water and then fade back toward the basket. The shot seems simple enough but I've seen A LOT of discs in the water!


- Most of the poles by the tees are in Horrible placement. You could easily slam your hand into them (RHBH).
- Could use a few more benches

Other Thoughts:

- Fun family park
- The distance is a little short overall but the elevation changes and wooded holes are wonderful. No holes reach 400' but there are 4 holes over 350'.
- The overall flow is a little awkward and it can be a little difficult your first time out. The land available really was used to it's potential though. Kudos to the developers!
- Watch out for kids sledding on hole #11 in the winter. Get's very busy there. And just walking up this hill is difficult in the ice. I had a miss put slide 80' down the hill!
- Semi challenging course overall
- The most challenging hole is #10. Downhill on a small path with trees on either side make this a very technical hole.
- My favorite hole is #5. It's simple, but the tee is elevated higher which makes this 366' hole a possible ace if you can do a slight anhyzer shot.
- This course is worth planning a trip here but I would not label this a destination course. I would consider this course beginner friend even with the dangerous hole #6.
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13 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.8 years 288 played 154 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Good little course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 29, 2010 Played the course:once


New Chainstar baskets with nice orange stickers on the poles make it easy to spot the baskets from a distance. Nice tee signs on wooden posts make spotting the next tee location easy. Though the navigation can be tricky in places the "next tee" arrows that hang from the bottom of the baskets are excellent to pointing you in the right direction for the next hole; follow the arrows and you'll have no trouble. The course makes excellent use of the elevation at the park and there's a great mix of lefty vs. righty holes in play. Hole #14 from the top of the hill lets you chuck a disc an easy 375' and lets even weenie arms feel good about reaching a far off basket. There's a course info board with maps/scorecards as well as a practice basket right next to the parking lot. The course starts and ends at the parking lot for minimal walking and the first nine holes also loop back to the parking lot allowing you to restock if necessary or start on the back nine if you desire. There appears to be a nice mix of open holes vs. wooded ones, but that's somewhat tough to judge in the Winter. I still want to play this course in the Summer.

The course is at a great family friendly facility. There are basketball courts, playground equipment, volleyball courts, picnic lodges, tennis courts, even an 18-hole putt-putt miniature golf course. The parking is abundant and right next to the first tee. The other reviews mention a disc sale shop, but it was understandably closed in the Winter.


Hole #6 is tailor made to eat discs: 300+' down a narrow (~30') wide fairway with water the entire length of the right side and behind the basket as well; the left side is a wooded border with an OB fence just beyond. Not a beginner hole at all. Luckily for the two people I played with the lake was frozen or at least three discs would have been goners. Hole #7 is also over the water (left side) and even tougher for RHBH throwers because of the natural fade, but it's shorter in distance and allows a safer lay-up around the outside route. These aren't necessarily significant CONs for the course as they're good holes depending on what level of player you are. Hole #11 is one of the best holes on the course, but is unplayable in the Winter if there are any people sledding down the sled hill. Hole #6 does have a flow issue requiring players to backtrack down the fairway after completing the hole.

Unlike some of the other reviews I didn't think the tennis courts came into play unless you had a really horrible shot.

Other Thoughts:

I played this course in the Winter and the tee boxes were covered in snow so I didn't get a good feel for what the pads play like under normal conditions. It's a beautiful park and a family could easily spend most of a day here. The DG course is a pretty good REC/INT level course, but ADV and up players will probably get bored after a few rounds. If you don't like the posted par on the tee signs, just ignore it and play however you want it's really not a CON or a big deal. Probably not a destination course, but consider it one to hit if you're in the area. I played with family when I was there, including a newbie and we all had a good time.
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