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Carmel, IN

The Hill @ Northview Church

3.365(based on 38 reviews)
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The Hill @ Northview Church reviews

2 0
Experience: 9.2 years 20 played 9 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun outing 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 16, 2020 Played the course:2-4 times


Great course for long unobstructed shots.

Terrain is pretty hilly but makes for good up and downhill variation.

Extremely clean, no trash in sight.


Other than a couple holes, not really any obstacles.

Nothing that really makes this course "amazing". Just a solid slightly above average course.

Layout is slightly confusing.

Can get crowded.

Other Thoughts:

Overall a good course to work on elevation shots.
Not close to the best or worst course I've played.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.1 years 401 played 385 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Rare Indy Hills 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 20, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


With the best use of elevation in the Indianapolis area, The Hill is a course that beckons the Intermediate and above disc golfer to plan a round here on a breezy day, if they like to challenge themselves under tougher conditions. Having a good balance of up-and down-hill shots, several that require some deliberate line shaping, and even a couple of tightly wooded, shorter holes, it has a nice mix for the rambling acreage available. The 'northernmost' six holes (10 & 12, 15-18) each have dual sets of large, level concrete tee pads (the others are natural turf, for now?), the longer ones really giving the opportunity to show off a bigger arm. Though I was playing the short tees this time, I really felt tempted to bomb one down the hill on 15. And 10 is a fun, reachable controlled shot to a guarded 'green'. (What can I say, I like the down-hillers!)

Each red tee has an excellent sign that shows two tee positions and two basket positions, for a considerable amount of flexibility of play. I wouldn't be surprised to hear folks even add 'safari' holes here, like playing from 1 to 9 (putting the water hazard just beyond the drive), or 12 to 14 (plays a little longer downhill), for instance. There is obviously a lot of potential to play long tees and use the cross country 'hedge' lines for delineating OB, and have a truly competitive tournament course here. Newer DisCatchers are all in good shape, and often include next tee signage. And though I didn't stop in, there is a pro shop and lost and found on site (though most of the year, it might be difficult to lose a disc here).


The main issue out here is the natural tees on holes 1-9, 11, 13 & 14. With the awesome, dual concrete tees on the others, it really jumps out at you. And the lack of signage at the blue tees, combined with the need for the course map to detail all tees and basket positions, make it difficult to navigate for a first-timer. Heck, even the red tees are tricky to spot the first time, being just little round markers in the ground.

Course flow is a little awkward the first time, with several baskets being blind from the tee sign (1, 2, 7 (sort of), 13 & 18), the long walks between some holes (especially up the hill to 10), and the fact that a few holes throw over obvious safety hazards. Hole one plays over the porta-potties and a small cross country bleacher. Several holes have to give way to runners or sports fields (and cross country seems more used here than the disc golf course, at least in the late season I played here).

Other Thoughts:

If you want to start the course from the beginning, don't enter from the north side of the church property (like I did), but from the east. There's a TON of parking in both areas, but if you come up the sloping drive, you'll find a very nice course map just west of the barn.
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6 2
Experience: 23.3 years 63 played 18 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Not Bad 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 11, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


-Variety of uphill/downhill shots is good on back 9
-a few longs holes, a few short holes.
-well kept course, normally nicely mowed for the feel of a fairway/rough layout.


- Tough to find tees.
-I missed 2 holes when i played alone the first time, and couldn't find blues a couple more times.
-Quite busy park on church property. Normally other activities going on, including the Cross County Path that zig zags thoughout the course.

Other Thoughts:

Overall a fun little course. Not super challenging, but a peaceful round. Fun to play and try out new discs, since there is no risk of losing one.
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5 1
Keith H
Experience: 32 played 9 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Hole 10 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 1, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Great course. The terrain is well used. Baskets are great. Signage is pretty good. 18 holes with Am and Pro tees.
Decent mix, several holes have room for big throws, several holes and shorter, some areas are open, some have used trees well.


Lack of concrete pads is the biggest challenge. Some have been poured already. When the pads are completed it will be much better. Would also like to see some more trees in the mix.

Other Thoughts:

Really nice course, one of the best in north central Indiana. Once the tees are in, it will be excellent!
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10 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.3 years 203 played 47 reviews
3.00 star(s)

The Church on the Hill 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 26, 2011 Played the course:once


*Course has nice signs and baskets
*Alternate tee areas and basket positions
*Elevation comes into play, but mostly on holes 10-18
*A few holes with the challenge of finding a line between some tighter trees
*Many holes were long for those who enjoy airing it out
*Very nice and inviting facility with other activities
*Course is well taken care of and manicured
*Restrooms (porta-potties) located in a few spots throughout the course


*Grass tees, although I don't mind them, they are difficult to find. They are identified by two little 3" circles flush with the ground, making it difficult to find. However, most tee areas were flat or nearly flat despite being on "the hill."
*No trash cans on the couse
*Very little challenge other than distance at this course, most holes were mostly open

Other Thoughts:

It was nice to play a course with some length, but that's mostly all this course had to offer, there really were no technically demanding shots. The elevation in the hill added some diversity and of course all the downhill shots were fun, it was the ones coming back up that were a challenge, mostly because it included a tough walk up the hill.

If anything, this course will give your legs and arm a workout, it will most likely not improve your game to much unless you need to work on really long putts (50-90')as most holes are long enough to leave a long putt for a player with a big arm.

The course is only 5 minutes from Dillon, so you should definitley check it out. Allow yourself for probably an hour and a half (solo) for the first time. You will spend some time searching for tees and the hike up and down the hill is tiring.

I find it hard to believe this course is nearly rated a 4. It does not have the TECHNICALLITY required, in my opinion, to be worthy of a 4. Some of the these reviewers need to get out and play a championship calibur course and see what a 4.5 or 5 rated course really is like...that's just my 2 cents. Don't get me wrong, it's a nice course with nice features, but it's not
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4 1
Experience: 13.2 years 76 played 42 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 24, 2011 Played the course:once


-great area to play at
-land is very hilly therefore lots of elevation changes
-variety in shot choices (blind, rhbh, rhfh favored, rollers etc)
-small shop with an innova display at the host Church
-Evergreen trees on one hole
-well maintained


-Some tees are hard to see in grass
-several open air holes that on windy days could be frustrating
-some hole/next tees are very close together which could be dangerous if groups are playing back-to-back and not paying attention

Other Thoughts:

One thing I would like more of is trees, just to cut down on open air. Just a great course in general though that still seems very young. Backing church seems to have a lot of money to spend as well, could imagine more holes coming in future.
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