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Lancaster, TX

The Jaranator

Permanent course
4.285(based on 9 reviews)
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The Jaranator reviews

15 0
Experience: 139 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Good, but not great 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 14, 2021 Played the course:once


Great use of land and terrain. Good mix of shots. Extremely gracious hosts (Matt and his mom were unbelievably nice and accommodating). Unique experience in the DFW area. Excellent challenge, with demanding lines, risk/reward, etc.


To be absolutely clear, I am completely aware of the constraints and profound effort required to build and maintain a course like this. I've done a lot of course building and maintaining, and I completely understand what it takes. However, a fair review requires evaluating the course as it exists, without consideration of those other factors. I do not mean to take anything away from Matt, his family, or anyone else associated with this course. It's not a critique of them, it's a critique of the course. I cannot say enough good things about them, truly.

This course needs a ton of work to earn the rating it currently shows. It's insanely overgrown in many places. Thorns, tall grass, briars, etc. abound. Landing zones are full of shrubs, which if removed would greatly improve the playability of the course.

Bridges, stairs, etc. were sketchy. Nobody fell, but it was very unsafe feeling. There's a reason you have to sign a waiver, serious injury is possible in a few dozen places.

Some of the holes on the back side were spray and pray. Silly lines, unnecessarily tight gaps, etc. We like tight, we like hard, we don't like tight and hard to the point of ridiculousness (even though we birdied a number of those holes.

Signs, teepads, baskets need work. (See above comment about the demands of creating and maintaining a private course.) We appreciated the constraints Matt was working with, but also acknowledge that those areas need work.

The back few holes are an afterthought. We didn't even play them. As mentioned above, those holes, if desired, should be a starter holes, not finishing holes. It's throwing across a pasture, meh.

The creek is a great design element. However, some of the ways it is used lead to frustration. While you should never lose a disc in this creek, you may find yourself walking hundreds of yards to retrieve a disc if you aren't willing to de-shoe and walk. I appreciate that the point is to not throw in the creek, but it's also designed to make that almost impossible.

Other Thoughts:

This property has unbelievable potential, and it could easily be a top 10 course anywhere. It's incredibly demanding, which I enjoy. The owner is a top notch dude. Really, I've played loads of private courses, and I don't know that I've ever met a guy as welcoming to newcomers as Matt.

I'd love to see the DFW disc golf community rally behind him to do what is required to make this place as amazing as it could be. Pole saws, weedwackers, brush clearing, rough thinning, tee pad pouring, bridge constructing, stair building, disc retrieving devices creation, safety lines, handrails, etc. and this would be perfection. Matt can't do it alone, and the impression is that he has been for too long.

While I acknowledge the potential, I don't think I'd come back unless more was done. I've played it. I experienced it. It was good, but it just needs so much and the demands end up making the course unenjoyable.

My feeling is really that this is a 2.5* course, with 4.8* potential, so I gave it a 3.5.
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9 0
Pizza God
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 36.5 years 1821 played 635 reviews
4.50 star(s)

One of the top courses in Texas 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 18, 2016 Played the course:once


Probably the widest variety of holes you will find in Texas.
Tee Pads on a few of the holes
Most of the holes were marked.
Not a super long course, but not a pitch and putt either.


Some holes are too close to each other for full tournament play.
The rough is rough, stay on the fairways for sure.
course needs more cement tee pads.
cheap baskets

Other Thoughts:

Don't get me wrong, as far courses go, this is one of the top courses in Texas. Yes, the tee's are not all cement, yes there is not distance marked on a lot of the holes. Yes, the baskets are the cheap single change practice baskets.

However, the very wide variety of holes makes me look past all these little things.

This course rewards good shots and punishes bad.

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13 0
Experience: 22.4 years 104 played 19 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Bi-polar 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 28, 2016 Played the course:once


*risk vs reward. Especially 1-6
*sheltered places to rest or if storm passes can get out of rain
*seemed like you are at multiple courses-see other thoughts
* great variation of hole length
* uses natural obstacles well
*challenging with many shots needed
*very clean

---course perks----
*matt himself greeted us upon arrival, very gracious host
*i saw water coolers throughout, never checked to see if they had water, but good touch.
*waders left on pond hole for people to retrieve disc (check for hornets)
*being a private course it was nice to feel like you had a course to yourself.
*port-a-potty on site


-----------Let me start by saying. This is a private course put together by someones personal finances. But to be fair i will review the cons just like a public course. But to be honest, its hard for me to hold any of this against them-----------

*single chain baskets-but i get it for a private course
*a few more arrows signs could help- but overall flow wasnt bad
*1-7/18 criss-cross(this doesnt matter so much since its a private course and you usually wouldnt have many on course. Just its hard for me to get past because i kept thinking it) 6 errants shot could easily hit people on 2, again this probably isnt a problem 95 percent of the time because its a private course and probably doesnt have multiple groups
*a few more clean up areas needed-again this is a private course with somone who is taking their own personal time to make it better. This is more of an observation then a con. Its still REALLY nice

Other Thoughts:

1-18 is easily over a 4, just not quite a 4.5 yet.

First i suggest playing 19-22/23 first. For a couple of reasons. 1)Its an open field with nothing spectacular. These make for a great warm up session. 2) you have just played probably the best course in the area 1-18. To have it end on these routine holes was almost hard to do.
Which leads me into the "bi-polar" review. This course is like 4 courses in one. There is the back holes in the pasture. Very wide open, simple shots. 1-7ish and 18 you are throwing up and over a river (into another county), streams, etc. It has its own little personality 8-11ish and 15-17ish are a typical disc golf set up. All nice but seems more like what we have here in Texas. 12-14 makes me think of out towards tyler texas with the trees and the pray and throw holes.

i feel like i need to explain the criss cross con. If this is a public course where anyone could throw at any time this could be very dangerous, but i bet Matt Is pretty good about letting people know when others are on the course, since you have to reserve with him.

I listed cons because you have to. Overall the negative doesnt affect the course that much. It does allow for some really cool/fun looking shots.

every course ive played usually has 2 awesome holes and alot of "disc golf" holes. Nothing special. This course seems to have 12-13 special holes and 4 to 5 disc golf holes. You could easily say it has 7-8 trademark holes on one course.

I would refrain from playing it after a rain. We had two inches around 5 days prior and the course was slick.

This is a must play course in Texas. I know Matt and company will only make it better. I know i listed some negatives, but I have never played a private course like this, so I do not have anything to rate it against except public courses.
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8 1
Experience: 11.2 years 33 played 16 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Amazingly beautiful...and difficult... Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 2, 2015 Played the course:once


You had better be ready to throw every disc and every type of shot you can muster. This is an expert level course of fantastic design. Very picturesque surroundings with plenty of room on 30 acres of land. Matt Jara is an extremely nice host that played with my group, offered advice on play, and even gave us cold water and refreshments. There is an overhang at the end with misters to cool you down. There are weekly tournaments here as well which often include BBQ luncheon spreads. There are a full 23 holes of varying distances. Great elevation changes and use of the surroundings. Even though there are many tournaments here already, I can envision this course as a championship stop for the PDGA. This course is THAT great.


There aren't too many con's here. The signage could be a bit better, but seeing as how Matt played with us, it really didn't matter. I could see how you could easily lose a disc here, but Matt always helps find them. He also calls numbers left on discs, and he leaves discs without numbers in a bin to be picked up whenever you play there again. It can be tough to book a time to play. The best way is to befriend Matt Jara on Facebook and ask to play from there. Watch your footing. There are so many elevation changes, steep cliffs, rocks, and other elements that you could easily slip. In fact, you have to sign a waiver before playing due to this (and other) factors.

Other Thoughts:

This. Course. Is. Awesome. It should be on everyone's list. Just remember, this is a very difficult course. Not for the faint of heart.
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9 0
Hector Chain
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.3 years 222 played 191 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Over the river and through the chains 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 8, 2015 Played the course:once


Set on a large private property, this has some really unique features. Many of the early holes play above, below, over, and around some 20-foot high bluffs that loom over a shallow stream. There are some serious putting decisions on these holes with dramatic uphill putts or with a huge fallaway behind the basket.

Later the holes play in and out of the woods with a good mix of semi-open holes with very tight wooded ones.

Some of my favorite holes (and I don't have a map, so the numbers might be wrong):

Hole 6: a shot across the creek to the basket at the edge of the bluff. Parking it would be tough, so you're likely faced with a putt up to a basket with a risk of going down the ravine on the other side if you miss.

Hole 7: a shot in the opposite direction across the creek to a fairway on the other side with thick foliage on the left and right.

Maybe hole 16: A drive through a gap into a fairly open area sets up a shot into a thinning gap into the woods. There are several ways to the basket. My thumber over the top plopped down next to the basket.


Navigation was fine on the back half. He early holes play near one another, and Matt's walkthrough before the course didn't stick in my mind. On this note, it is possible I played to the wrong basket once.

Being a homemade course, the tee pads are inconsistent. Some are concrete, some are dirt, and others are basically nonexistent. Baskets are also not top notch, although I've seen worse in city parks (it's not like they are practice baskets).

The last four holes felt like an afterthought. Three of them are wide open. One plays into a basket sitting in a boat on land (more funny than interesting).

Other Thoughts:

I'm not sure of the etiquette here. There is no number listed for the owner than I saw. I showed up at the end of the driveway and thought "Wait, is this the right place?" Matt came out and asked if I was looking for disc golf and showed me around. He didn't ask for any donation, but I gladly provided one. There are a lot of fun shots here. Check it out.
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8 2
Experience: 14.5 years 53 played 7 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Too much fun for just one round 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 7, 2014 Played the course:once


This was my first time playing this course and I played in the mini on Sunday and got dead last out of 12 people and I still had one of the most fun days of disc golf I have ever had.

-Great hole design
-Great Course design
-Uses natural terrain perfect
-Different types of shots all over the course, wooded, open, tunnel, open, super open, short, long, blind.
-It has everything


I thought the drive would be my only Con as it is a bit of a drive from Denton TX, but the more I thought about it... the drive was completely worth it.

-It just needs a few more signs and marked trails

Other Thoughts:

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17 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.4 years 388 played 318 reviews
4.50 star(s)

best course in DFW 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 7, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


-amazing land, amazing layout
-some of the most fun and most challenging holes in DFW
-ravine with a creek is heavily used, OB and drop zones, easy disc retrieval
-great mix of longer open-ish holes, shorter wooded holes, and longer wooded holes!
-many tees have concrete pads imprinted with hole info
-remaining natural tees are level, in good condition, and have temp signs with distances
-a mix of baskets but all are serviceable
-port-o-john behind the house near hole 1
-great group of regular players at the weekend minis
-the course is always evolving and improving


The main cons here are the usual things associated with private courses: lack of permanent signs and navigation, limited access, some older baskets, etc. Matt does a great job with the maintenance and he's put in a lot of work in the 2016 season to clear out areas that used to be full of brush. The course is very playable but the rough is still quite rough in most places.

There are the occasional navigation signs but the course would be difficult to follow without a map or a guide your first time. Luckily, you'll rarely be in that situation.

The course is extremely challenging but fair. Between tight woods and the OB creek and drop offs, you can pick up a lot of extra strokes quickly if you're off your game. Not a con for me but a warning that the course may not be enjoyable for the recreational player.

I love when a course designer is reticent to remove trees. Matt says no more trees will come down but there are a few that I wouldn't mind seeing disappear. One or two in particular on hole 15.

Other Thoughts:

Matt Jara needs to be congratulated not only for creating a masterpiece of a course but also for making it available for disc golfers to play (with permission and a waiver signature). The design makes phenomenal use of the land, which has excellent terrain for exciting and challenging golf. The ravine and creek come into play heavily on the front 9 and hole 18. The back 9 features some monster wooded holes, both short and long. The 3 additional holes are the most open, finally giving you some room to work with and on holes 20 and 21, the opportunity to grip and rip a long open drive.

Some of the most memorable shots on the course are the ones near or crossing the creek. Hole 1 plays slightly downhill with the ravine along the right. The basket is perched at the edge of a peninsula with the creek in the ravine on the right and a steep slope behind the basket. You can play it safe or go for the green but it's OB off the ledge on the right and beyond a fence on the left. Holes 5, 6, 7, and 18 all throw across the creek/ravine but each one has a different twist so you don't feel like you're throwing the same shot over the creek. Another cool thing about the ravine/creek holes: disc retrieval is actually really easy so don't worry too much about losing a disc. I also really like hole 10: a big anhyzer shot over a pond with a green protected by mature trees. Hole 15 is a beast that starts very tight then opens up a bit but the fairway remains narrow the length of the hole (600'? I can't remember). Hole 17 is a long straight teeshot that eventually curves right as it funnels into a narrow gap in dense woods. Hole 13 might be the smallest gap with the fewest options I've seen off a tee. A comically tight fairway but the line is there.

This is the most fun I have had playing golf in DFW and my new favorite course in town. The Jaranator may a little rough around the edges but it is easily on par with most of the best courses in Texas. I can't think of any aspects of the game that this course will not test, though all out distance is the least emphasized with only 2 real crushers and few opportunities for big distance lines on the other longer holes. I have to give another shout out to Matt Jara also: besides creating a stellar course, he's a great guy and a wonderful host. The Jaranator is a playground for the serious golfer and proof that a course can be both a formidable challenge and a blast to play.

**Like this review? Hate it? Message me and let me know why! I want to make them better!**
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12 0
Experience: 7 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Amazing course, beautiful 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 18, 2014 Played the course:once


Great mix of long holes and short detailed holes. 4 holes go over a deep ravine, but there are multiple easy access paths to the bottom. Although there is a large amount of up and down hiking, it seems like most of the holes and their tees were about level with each other. Gorgeous scenery throughout. The ravine/creek is just awesome to see. The creek itself is mostly very shallow, but be prepared to get a little wet crossing it until permanent steps are installed.


Signage was lacking. Each tee was fairly marked with a sign (except 17), and some had concrete pads, but we really needed signs for what general direction the hole was, and the next tee from the hole. The distance was marked on the signs, however.

Regarding getting wet in crossing the ravine, it was mostly wet mud that was the problem, not really a deep water or hard to cross areas.

Other Thoughts:

Matt (owner/operator/maintenance/etc) is clearly working hard on maintaining and constructing the course. I think his plans are pretty clear and are very much needed (tees without pads mostly have boxes waiting for the concrete).

I hate to say anything bad about the course. I think it's clear that this will be the best course in the metroplex. I live near Lorch Park (Coyote and Beaver courses) and I'm used to those excellent courses. This one, once signs and pads are put in throughout, will be even better. I am really looking forward to playing this course again.
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4 11
Experience: 14.7 years 70 played 10 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Not your typical DFW Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 22, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


Well first off its not like your typical courses its has some nice elevation changes, varying shot angles, trees and is very enjoyable


Not much to complain about guess that its not a park but thats kinda of a good thing

Other Thoughts:

This is a private course so you have to get the Okay to come out and to sign a waiver. But it is worth the extra effort and is a real enjoyment. In the midst of putting the rest of the tee pads in. It is pristine, away from pedestrians and a sight to take in. Much shout out to the Jara's for opening this up and letting disc golfers enjoy this little gem.
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